Effect of Tabata Training for Weight Loss in Overweight Middle Age Female of Ahmedabad City: An Experimental Study

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Effect of Tabata Training for Weight Loss in Overweight Middle Age Female of Ahmedabad City: An Experimental Study
International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research
                                                                                         Vol.5; Issue: 4; Oct.-Dec. 2020
                                                                                                      Website: ijshr.com
Original Research Article                                                                               ISSN: 2455-7587

   Effect of Tabata Training for Weight Loss in
Overweight Middle Age Female of Ahmedabad City:
              An Experimental Study
                                   Nishtha Shah1, Alpa Purohit2
            Pursuing MPT in Musculoskeletal Conditions, Ahmedabad Institute of Medical Sciences
           MPT Orthopedic Conditions and Senior Lecturer, Ahmedabad Institute of Medical Sciences
                                         Corresponding Author: Nishtha Shah

ABSTRACT                                                     improvement     in   reducing    the   waist
                                                             circumference and BMI. Future studies should
Aim- This study aims to Investigate the                      be done on larger population and on male and
effect of Tabata training for weight loss in                 female both.
overweight middle age female in Ahmedabad
city- An experimental study.                                 Key Words: Weight loss, Inch loss, BMI, Tabata
Background- Tabata is a High Intensity                       training, Circuit training, overweight, exercise,
Interval Training; consisted of 4 circuits, Each             High intensity Interval training.
circuit has 4 excercises which is performed for
20 seconds each followed by 10 seconds of rest               1. INTRODUCTION
in between each circuit is repeated twice and 1                      Tabata is a high intensity interval
minute break is given between 2 circuits, so                 training, introduced by japanese scientist
the total duration of one circuit is 4 * 4= 16               Izumi tabata in 1996.1 It is an interval
min , and total 4 min rest thus total training
                                                             training protocol which is a cardio workout
period is of 20 min. In Tabata training there
is calorie burn which leads to weight loss.                  for fat loss.2 It consist of circuit training
There are many studies for traditional                       exercises of short bouts of time. Tabata and
method for weight loss but, there is limited                 his colleagues (1996) conducted a study that
research regarding tabata training and weight                compared moderate-intensity continuous
loss in our region. Therefore , need arises to               training at 70% of maximal oxygen
see the effect of tabata training on weight                  consumption (VO2max) for 60 minutes,
loss.                                                        with HIIT conducted at 170% of VO2max.
Methodology- 16 middle aged women , age                      HIIT consisted of eight, 20-second all-out
between 20-45 years with BMI>24.9                            exercise bouts followed by 10 seconds of
kg/m2are included           according      WHO               rest for a total of 4 minutes of exercise. The
classification. Tabata training was given for 20
                                                             study found that HIIT improved aerobic
min/day. Training was given for 14 days and Pre
and Post Intervention data was taken.                        capacity to a similar degree as moderate
Results- The results showed that there is                    intensity continuous training, but also
significant Improvement of tabata on reducing                resulted in a 28% increase in anaerobic
waist circumference and BMI on subjects,                     capacity. Those findings led to the
where p value is
Effect of Tabata Training for Weight Loss in Overweight Middle Age Female of Ahmedabad City: An Experimental Study
Nishtha Shah et.al. Effect of tabata training for weight loss in overweight middle age female of Ahmedabad city:
an experimental study.

                                                                       1             2             3             4
are well-documented, there is limited
research regarding the relative fat loss and                 CIRCUIT       CIRCUIT       CIRCUIT       CIRCUIT

weight loss for tabata training. Therefore,                   JUMPING
the need arises to see the effect of tabata
                                                                            MOUNTAIN      BICYCLE        SQUAT
training on weight loss.                                      PUSH UPS
                                                                            CLIMBERS     CRUNCHES        JUMPS

                                                                                            SIDE          HIGH
                                                               SQUATS        LUNGES
AIM & OBJECTIVES- This study aims                                                          LUNGES        KNEES

to Investigate the effect of Tabata                             HEEL        STANDING
                                                              TOUCHES      ABS TWISTS                  EXTENSION
training for weight loss in overweight
middle age female in Ahmedabad city.-
An experimental study.                                    3. RESULTS
                                                                   Pre intervention mean of waist
OBJECTIVES- 1.To study the effect of                      circumference was 35 inches and after 14
tabata training in weight reduction.2.To                  days of tabata training the mean waist
check the effect of tabata training on                    circumference was 32.8 inches. The p value
waist and height ratio.                                   is
Nishtha Shah et.al. Effect of tabata training for weight loss in overweight middle age female of Ahmedabad city:
an experimental study.

4. DISCUSSION                                             done on athletes for effect of tabata on
        Here the results shows significant                energy transfer and increasing aerobic
reduction in Body mass Index reduction and                capacity but weight loss was never the
waist     circumference      reduction, The               primary outcome Thus, this study will help
mechanism behind it is : after the HIIT                   to gain knowledge regarding it.
there is removal of lactate and H+,
resynthesis of glycogen and elevation of                  5. CONCLUSION
GH levels which results in post exercise fat                     According to the results of this study
oxidation, which leads to fat loss and thus               tabata    training    shows       significant
weight reduction.³ Tabata improves athletic               improvement in reducing the waist
performance and glucose metabolism and                    circumference and BMI. Future studies
acts as an excellent catalyst for fat burning.            should be done on larger population and on
The      excess      post-exercise     oxygen             male and female both.
consumption            (EPOC)           effect
for Tabata occurs immediately after the                   6. Clinical Significance
workout, so you keep burning calories.                            Nowadays major musculoskeletal
Possible mechanisms underlying the HIIE-                  conditions have risk factor of obesity. Thus,
induced fat loss effect include increased                 for this scenario weight loss training is a
exercise and post exercise fat oxidation and              new era of physiotherapy.-Combining
decreased post exercise appetite. As                      weight loss training with physiotherapy
mentioned, Gaitanos et al. have suggested                 knowledge will help to achieve more
that towards the end of an HIIE session that              positive results and good analysis.-
consists of numerous repeat Journal of                    Moreover apart from traditional weight loss
Obesity 7 sprints (e.g., ten 6-second bouts of            methods tabata will help for weight loss and
maximal sprinting) an inhibition of                       waist circumference reduction in shorter
anaerobic glycogenolysis occurs and ATP                   duration of time and it is not equipment
resynthesis is mainly derived from PCr                    based so will be cost effective.
degradation          and         intramuscular
triacylglycerol stores. That increased venous             7. Limitations- Sample size was very small.
glycerol accompanied HIIE in both trained                 Study was done only on male subjects.
female cyclists and untrained women
supports the notion that acute HIIE                       REFERENCES
progressively results in greater fatty acid               1. Emberts TM., 2013., Relative intensity and
transport. Also Burgomaster et al. and                       energy expenditure of a Tabata workout,
Talanian et al. have shown that 6 to 7                       Journal of sports science and medicine.
sessions of HIIE had marked increases in                  2. Stephen H.Boutcher, Journal of obesity,
whole body and skeletal muscle capacity for               3. Stephen H.Boutcher, High Intensity
fatty acid oxidation. As mentioned                           Intermittent Exercise and Fat Loss, Journal
previously, the EPOC or post exercise                        of obesity, 2010 Nov 24.
response to HIIE does not appear to have
been examined. It is feasible that the                    Authors’ profile:
catecholamines generated by HIIE could
influence post exercise fat metabolism.                                             Dr. Nishtha Shah is
Increased fat oxidation after HIIE may also                                         pursuing    MPT  in
occur as a result of the need to remove                                             Musculoskeletal
lactate and H+ and to resynthesize                                                  conditions.
glycogen. The elevated GH levels
documented after a bout of HIIE may also
contribute to increased energy expenditure
and fat oxidation .There are many studies

                 International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research (www.ijshr.com)                   283
                                    Vol.5; Issue: 4; October-December 2020
Nishtha Shah et.al. Effect of tabata training for weight loss in overweight middle age female of Ahmedabad city:
an experimental study.

                         Dr. Alpa Purohit MPT             How to cite this article: Shah N, Purohit A.
                         in            Orthopedic         Effect of tabata training for weight loss in
                         conditions,        Senior        overweight middle age female of
                         lecturer at Ahmedabad            Ahmedabad city: an experimental study.
                         institute of medical             International Journal of Science &
                         sciences since 13 years.
                                                          Healthcare Research. 2020; 5(4): 281-284.


                 International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research (www.ijshr.com)                   284
                                    Vol.5; Issue: 4; October-December 2020
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