EDIZIUN2020 | ENG - Ski World Cup Alta Badia

Page created by Daryl Romero
EDIZIUN2020 | ENG - Ski World Cup Alta Badia
EDIZIUN 2020   | ENG
EDIZIUN2020 | ENG - Ski World Cup Alta Badia
EDIZIUN2020 | ENG - Ski World Cup Alta Badia

Alpine Ski World Cup Alta Badia
I-39036 LA VILLA (BZ), Str. Planmurin 5
Tel. +39 0471 830 161 - info@skiworldcup.it
Photo: Freddy Planinschek, Alex Moling,
Alessandro Trovati, Jan Andrè Sorarù
and Daniel Taipale
Graphic Concept, Layout & Print:

6     BËGNODÜS                                48 GRAN RISA STYLE

8     THE MYTH OF SPEED                       50 RED BULL ENERGY LOUNGE
      INTERVIEWS                                   HOME OF MAJESTIC MOMENTS

10    FACTS                                   52   LES VILES DI BLIZZARD-TECNICA
                                                   HOME OF LADIN MOMENTS
14    PIONEER OF THE NEW                      57   TICKETS
                                              59   THE GRAN RISA AND ITS SKIS
                                              60 FISI
                                              61   SKI CLUB ALTA BADIA LADINIA
                                              62   ALWAYS READY
32   HALL OF FAME                                  RICCARDO TONETTI
     1985 - 2018
                                              63   FIT THROUGH SPORT
35    SÜDTIROL SKI TROPHY                          IADER FABBRI
                                              64   GABRIEL AND GIGANT
                                              66   CHAMPIONS IN COMPARISON
                                              68 MASTER MPM & GRAN RISA
     HOME OF SKI MOMENTS                      69   THANK YOU EVERYONE!


                                                                                INDEX   5
EDIZIUN2020 | ENG - Ski World Cup Alta Badia
ALTA BADIA EDIZIUN 2020                               GRAN RISA MAGAZINe

                          ...    this year Alta Badia has got a lot of news, or more
                          precisely 3, which I would like to tell you about.
                          First of all, Marcel Hirscher, who has won the race on the
                          Gran Risa several times, has announced the end of his ca-
                          reer. It is a life choice that expresses his attachment to his
                          family and his desire not to put his body at further risk,
                          as he abandons his career without serious injuries on his
                          shoulders. In Alta Badia, Hirscher has demonstrated not
                          only to be a great ski champion, but also to be a kind and
                          sensitive person, thanks to his economic and moral con-
                          tribution given in a difficult moment for our valley, when
                          some families were affected by a landslide.
                          Secondly, the Parallel Giant Slalom (PGS) race continues
                          its development and brings a great technical innovation
                          for organizers and spectators. With the introduction of the
                          qualifications that will allow only the best 32 athletes to
                          participate in the finals at night, even more suspense will
                          be created and a broader programme can be offered to
                          the audience in the finish zone. In addition, this year the
                          PGS will have its own specialty cup and has been officially
                          introduced as a technical discipline at the World Ski Cham-
                          pionships in Cortina.
                          Last but not least, the finish zone is in its second develop-
                          ment phase: this year, a new lounge has been established
                          on the south side. The new lounge boasts a cantilevered
                          terrace on the stands at a height of about 4 meters, so
                          that you can admire the race of the athletes even better.

                          I would like to thank all the staff and volunteers for
                          their effort throughout the year and wish all our visi-
                          tors a lot of sports emotions, fun and a good Christmas
                                                          President ANDY VARALLO

6      BËGNODÜS                                                       BËGNODÜS        7
EDIZIUN2020 | ENG - Ski World Cup Alta Badia
ALTA BADIA EDIZIUN 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                               GRAN RISA MAGAZINe

                                                                                                                                                                                                          it doesn’t allow us to enjoy some experiences to the fullest
                                                                                                                                                                                                          extent as it happened in the past. I cannot say whether it
                                                                     If we paraphrase a                                                                                                                   is good or bad at all; probably, like all complex phenome-

                                                                                                                                                                                                          na, it simply has positive and negative aspects. I love to
                                                                     famous advertisement,                                                                                                                think that the human being is an extraordinary creature
                                                                     we could say “speed is                                                                                                               because he is able to adapt to changing realities, there-

                                                                                                                                                                                                          fore an ever-faster world is just a new challenge. Applying
                                                                     nothing without control”                                                                                                             these concepts to the world of flight, I would say that the
“RUN LIKE THE WIND”,                                                 - is that true?                                                                                                                      pilots have perhaps the advantage to be accustomed to
                                                                                                                                                                                                          the operational need to react to impulses and situations
                                                                                                                                                                                                          quickly: if something unexpected happens, we only have
                                                                                                                                                                                                          few moments to decide what to do. I often realize that I’m
speed is a myth, and whoever is able to be “blazing fast” is                                                                                                                                              applying this type of responsiveness also to my everyday
a bit of a hero. We have talked about this topic with people                                                                                                                                              life, that’s probably the reason why I look at the challenge
who have turned speed into their job – on the snow, in the                                                                                                                                                of an increasingly fast world with confidence and optimism.
air or on the road.
                                                                     Speed: is it an
That’s what they told us:
                                                                     innate talent,                                                  GAETANO FARINA
                                                                     or can you learn it?                               2            COMMANDER OF THE FRECCE TRICOLORI

                                                                                                                                     1.   I would say that speed is only one of the things to
                                                                                                                                     keep under control when flying, along with many others
                                                                                                                                     that ensure maximum safety to the pilot when he flies
                                                                                                                                     for the allotted mission. It is a concept of fundamental
                                                                                                                                     importance for any pilot, but perhaps even more for the
                                                                                                                                     education of the pilots of the Frecce Tricolori: what may
                                                                                                                                     appear to be risky or even reckless is instead the result of
                                                                     Today we live in a world                                        calculation and extreme attention, because nothing is left
                                                                     changing faster and
                                                                                                                                     to chance when flying. One particular thing can help us to
                                                                                                                                     understand how fundamental this concept is for us: in the
                                                                     faster – is it good or bad?                                     National Aerobatic Team the tasks of the Officer in charge
                                                                                                                                     for the flight safety are entrusted to the soloist, the author
                                                                                                                                     of the most extreme manoeuvres during our aerobatic pro-
                                                                                                                                     gramme, who is therefore even more attentive and bound
                                                                                                                                     to that set of technical parameters and safety measures              LUCA DE ALIPRANDINI
                                                                                                                                     that have to be respected during every flight.                       ITALIAN NATIONAL SKI TEAM – WORLD CUP
DIRECTOR OF AUDI ITALIA                                                                                                              2. Speed is something to be learned and respected. When              1. This is an aspect of my performance that I have been
                                                                                                                                     flying, speed is often an ally in order to carry out some ma-        paying particular attention to in recent years. I have often
1. I agree with this famous slogan. It effectively expresses     both, those who manage speed and those who manufa-                  noeuvres with a high energy load, but you have to master it:         proved that I am fast enough to keep up with the best ski-
the restriction that is necessary to make the emotion            cture the tools to reach it. When trying to reach speed,            it is something that you learn to control over the years, if you     ers, but sometimes I have committed some errors after ex-
aroused by speed functional, in order to achieve a goal.         the athlete and the engineer take part in the same race.            have practiced it since you were a young student approach-           cellent moves and changes of direction and this has occa-
Without a specific goal, speed is in fact not a complex          It is a competition that takes place primarily with yourself,       ing the world of flight and not yet a pilot. Once you know it is     sionally affected my final result. Over the years, whilst I’m
technical challenge for a car. Be able to manage the re-         to overcome your physical and mental limits. You have to            a necessary element to properly fly the aircraft, there is still     gaining experience in the Ski World Cup races, I’m trying
action of the car in all conditions is instead an engineering    constantly look for new strategies and to work hard with            something not to be underestimated: you are never good               to stabilize my skiing performance with targeted exercises
challenge that requires the investment of a considerable         total self-denial. When the two protagonists meet and               or experienced enough to lose the maximum concentration              during the athletic training.
amount of human and financial resources in research and          face their challenge together, they produce extraordinary           that is required when performing every single flight manoeu-
development. Audi has worked out solutions such as the           results, in car racing as well as in skiing. The sum of your will   vre. It is something that we of Frecce Tricolori always keep in
                                                                                                                                     mind, taking specific measures to avoid that someone feels
                                                                                                                                                                                                          2.   You can have an innate talent or achieve your speed
four-wheel drive to manage the way power is transferred          and abilities does not follow mathematical rules but turns                                                                               limit through hours and hours of work. Some athletes
                                                                                                                                     too safe and lowers his attention. First of all, the pilots of the
to the ground in all conditions of adherence – from earth        out to be something of a higher value.                                                                                                   reach their full professional maturity at an early age and
                                                                                                                                     Frecce Tricolori have to change their position almost every
to ice, the application of predictive driver assistance syste-                                                                                                                                            manage to obtain great results participating in just few
ms and the continuous improvement of the car suspen-             3. I now reply with a slogan, but of classical origin: ‘cuius       season and are therefore forced to start training anew with
                                                                                                                                     the right frequency.                                                 Ski World Cup races. Others, such as myself, need hours
sion-chassis system. It is a never-ending and meticulous         regio eius religio’. We are children of our time and we are                                                                              of work and many races to gain experience and courage. I
work in terms of technical improvement, in order to find
the right combination of performance and safety to pro-
                                                                 accustomed to innovation and technological evolution, as
                                                                 well as to the speed of change in the economic and social
                                                                                                                                     3. This is basically true. The world and the way we expe-            come from a family that has nothing to do with skiing or
                                                                                                                                                                                                          sport in general, for this reason I have often experienced
                                                                                                                                     rience it are constantly evolving: it is important to always
vide the driver with pure driving pleasure.                      field. To express a negative judgment would mean to deny            adapt to new circumstances and to be ready to face new               something for the first time during my career, and in many
                                                                 the existing world and all the work that has brought us             challenges. This is important in every field of life because         occasions I had to learn new things.
2.    Speed is an innate desire that is achieved by will, in     to present age. The extraordinary potential of digitization         today everything happens faster: the transfer of people or
sport as well as in the development of the tool to achieve it.   and, above all, of artificial intelligence must be interpreted      goods, communication, everything changes and evolves                 3. Everything has pros and cons, but I think that we live in
It requires preparation, concentration and an extraordinary      and controlled, because behind the concept of speed there           non-stop. On one hand it is a phenomenon that makes us               a society in which everyone wants the results immediately:
technical development. And I say it again, I speak about         must always be a goal.                                              grow and opens up new possibilities, but on the other hand           the time to wait no longer exists.

8       THE MYTH OF SPEED                                                                                                                                                                                                                    THE MYTH OF SPEED       9
EDIZIUN2020 | ENG - Ski World Cup Alta Badia
ALTA BADIA EDIZIUN 2020                                                                                      GRAN RISA MAGAZINe

                                                     32 athletes qualified
                                                         for the finals

           10 hours of
         entertainment in
          the finish zone                  3 jumps
                                                                                     PARALLEL GIANT SLALOM

                                                          slope length
                                                            of 330 m                                     1 new hospitality
                                                                                    5 hours of live TV
     60 ski instructors

                                                                                                          prize money of
           average speed                                                                                   120,010 CHF
             16,95 m/s
                                           best time
                                            19,71 sec

                                                                             first qualification
                                                                                race in history
                          300 accredited
                            journalists                                                                  a total of
                                                                61 km/h                                   122 runs

10     FACTS                                                                                                            FACTS   11
EDIZIUN2020 | ENG - Ski World Cup Alta Badia
ALTA BADIA EDIZIUN 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                       GRAN RISA MAGAZINe

                                                                                                                 SAMUEL MOLING

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MANUEL PLONER

                                      HANNES ZINGERLE

                                                                                                                                                                        MATTEO CANINS

SPORTS AT A                                                                                                                      very important season for him: even if he will not achieve
                                                                                                                                 the great success, he will surely make further and decisive

                                                                                                                                 steps forward. Also Samuel Moling from Colfosco in Val
                                                                                                                                 Badia, born in 1998, is a local athlete who comes up with
                                                                 ing about the young Italian skier Hannes Zingerle from          excellent results and approaches to world-class skiing in

                                                                 La Ila. Born in 1995, Hannes is the Italian champion of         a similar way as Hannes: step by step, without overdoing.
                                                                 giant slalom, a title won in March 2019 in Cortina d’Am-        A curiosity: Samuel is part of the Air Force and is the first
                                                                 pezzo. Thanks to this great result and a positive season        Italian athlete to defend the colours of this military corps

                                                                 in the Europa Cup he now counts to the young promises           in skiing. As he has taken part mainly in national races, he     very young, born in 2001. He joined the Italian team at the
                                                                 of international skiing who defend the colours of the Italian   now aims at the Europa Cup. He is still young and has to         end of the second year in the U18 team “Aspiranti”. In the
                                                                 Carabinieri. Hannes has been able to win the Europa Cup         mature in order to become competitive in world-class ra-         last winter season, Manuel was the most interesting young
                                                                 in the giant slalom discipline in Kranjska Gora on a de-        ces, but this shy and determined guy has the right prereq-       Italian: he showed his skills at Gran Premio Italia domina-
BY GABRIELE PEZZAGLIA                                            manding slope like the Podkoren. Now, the Ski World Cup         uisites to come out on top. In the national youth sector,        ting several competitions and demonstrating an impres-
                                                                 awaits him: skiing on the highest level, competing with the     Matteo Canins from San Cassiano plays an important               sive solidity even if he is new to the sport. Manuel is young
                                                                 best athletes, the world champions. As an emerging giant        role. He was born in 1998 as well, but remains in the Italian    but certainly not afraid of the races: his desire to grow is
                                                                 slalom racer, Hannes will be one of the best athletes of the    national youth team at the moment: for the third conse-          without equal, he is a guy with an innate determination
                                                                 Italian national team competing among the giant slalom          cutive year, Matteo, a young guy full of grit, will probably     and enormous talent. He can already boast trophies such

        ome of sports at a competitive level, home of talents,   gates on the snow of his Gran Risa. Hannes Zingerle repre-      have two main cups in which to compete. Matteo, who is           as a silver one won at the European Youth Olympic Festi-
        expression of the champions: this is Alta Badia, which   sents Alta Badia embodying its spirit: his growth is regu-      part of the Italian finance police, will try to participate in   val, which is amazing. Manuel is a very tall but solid guy. At
        today, more than ever, is experiencing another           lar, constant, measured and balanced, without exceptions.       some Europa Cup races, but will also compete in Italian          the moment, he is a promising slalomer, but he certainly
amazing moment thanks to the success of some young               His controlled and calculated path leading to the top is        national races to lower his points and continue to gain ex-      has the skills to become a champion in one more discipline,
local skiers who were able to become part of the Italian         the result of great work, commitment and dedication. In         perience. He is part of a really good team, a youth team         as it often happens today in modern skiing. To sum up,
national ski teams and are about to participate in the ski       the same way, Alta Badia has achieved important goals,          in which the Italian Winter Sports Federation has invested       these all are young guys looking for success, who still have
races of the highest level. Young people grown up on the         reaching a level of world excellence. Hannes is on the right    heavily, sending the young athletes to Ushuaia in Argenti-       a long way to go but just one goal: to become competitive
Ladin slopes, thanks to the effort of highly professional        way to become a skiing champion at a competitive level,         na for a long training session during the summer. Manuel         Ski World Cup racers, dreaming of being the protagonists
but never annoying local trainers. First of all, we are talk-    working towards his goals with commitment. This will be a       Ploner from San Cassiano is also part of this group. Young,      on the Gran Risa. Their Gran Risa. Come on, warriors!

12      ALTA BADIA                                                                                                                                                                                 HOME OF SPORTS AT A COMPETITIVE LEVEL, HOME OF TALENTS     13
EDIZIUN2020 | ENG - Ski World Cup Alta Badia


        he traditional giant slalom race on the Gran Risa has        and not on another slope. The qualified athletes will then
        been enriched by a parallel giant slalom competition         compete again in the round of 32. The last 16 athletes will fi-
        in the last years. This year, an important innovation        nally compete head-to-head in a straight elimination round
concerns this second Ski World Cup race in Alta Badia. In            until the winner will emerge. “This is the final format, but the
addition to the event at night, a completely new qualifica-          jury can decide to hold a single qualification run in case of
tion race will take place in the afternoon. As a result, Alta        bad weather or, if necessary, move the race out of the Gran
Badia becomes a pioneer also in the discipline of parallel           Risa”. The manager of the Italian technical disciplines Ro-
skiing, a sport at which the International Ski Federation            berto Lorenzi is satisfied with this new format as well. The
looks with confidence. Thanks to the race in Alta Badia, this        coach of the Italian team tells us: “Finally we have taken one
discipline now follows a well-defined path, a clear line. “In        direction, so that the parallel will be appreciated more and
recent years we have done several experiments and organi-            will no longer be known as a discipline with always changing
zed parallels closer to the slalom and others closer to the          rules. In this way, once the rules have been established, we
giant slalom discipline – says Markus Waldner of the FIS –           can begin to work specifically on it and improve our techni-
now the direction taken is the one of the PGS, the parallel          cal and tactical skills. I mean, let’s look to the future.” Alta
giant slalom”. For the first time, this year – and this is the big   Badia looks at the Italian athletes with confidence, in first
news – everyone can participate in the finals of the parallel,       place in the giant slalom discipline (the last time an Italian
thanks to the qualification race. Waldner says: “If we want          athlete stood on the podium was three years ago thanks to
the parallel to become definitely an Alpine Skiing discipline        Florian Eisath), but also in the parallel giant slalom. Lorenzi
to all intents and purposes, carried out regularly in World          continues: “As usual, the Gran Risa is the ideal setting for
Cups and in the Olympics, it is necessary to standardize the         a big show. It offers tradition with the legendary giant sla-
race and let everybody participate. This is an important rea-        lom race, innovation with the parallel giant slalom race and
son for the introduction of the qualifications.” The races will      an absolute novelty with the qualification race. I’m curious
take place on the legendary Gran Risa with two qualifica-            about how we’re going to be able to get around the qualifi-        Innichen - San Candido
tion runs that will promote 32 athletes. Another innovation          cation sessions of the parallel”. And we want to add... Italian        Tel. 0474 913 261
is that the qualification race will be held on the race track        athletes, give your best!                                             Fax 0474 913 665
EDIZIUN2020 | ENG - Ski World Cup Alta Badia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 GRAN RISA MAGAZINe


                                                                                                                  ALTA BADIA &
                                                                                                                                                                                  and the Leitner company in 1946 with the construction of It-
                                                                                                                                                                                  aly’s first chairlift, the Col Alto. To this day, we share a close
                                                                                                                                                                                  business relationship. We have learned a lot from each other.”

                                                                                                                                                                                  The numerous ropeways it has built in Alta Badia in recent
                                                                                                                                                                                  years bear witness to their fruitful collaboration. Andy Varal-
                                                                                                                                                                                  lo has been the chairman of the consortium for 15 years, all
                                                                                                                                                                                  the while working closely with LEITNER ropeways. Varallo
                                                                                                                  ROPEWAYS:                                                       notes that finding the best solution for every ropeway required
                                                                                                                                                                                  teamwork. And their partnership goes beyond ropeways: “In
                                                                                                                  THE STORY OF                                                    addition to being our primary supplier of ropeways, LEITNER
                                                                                                                                                                                  ropeways also actively supports us during the men’s World

                                                                                                                  A LASTING                                                       Cup races in Alta Badia on the legendary Gran Risa giant sla-
                                                                                                                                                                                  lom slope.”

                                                                                                                  PARTNERSHIP                                                     The video concludes with an emotional appeal. “We must nev-
                                                                                                                                                                                  er forget to thank Mother Nature for the Dolomites, a back-
                                                                                                                                                                                  drop that is truly one of a kind in this world. We look forward
                                                                                                                                                                                  to continued investments in the ropeway sector with the
                                                                                                                                                                                  utmost respect for the nature that surrounds us.”
                                                                                                                  Looking back on 73 years of close partnership between the       In its series of short films, LEITNER ropeways gives a platform
                   INNOVATIVE       TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES.       INNOVATIVE.                                                                                                       to its employees, its customers and to all those who share their
                                                                                                                  ropeway manufacturer LEITNER ropeways and Alta Badia,
Un    unico fornitore
 Ropeways,    groomingper equipment
                           impianti a fune, battipista e sistemi
                                       and snow-making           di innevamento
                                                            machines,  from                     www.leitner.com
                                                                                      www.leitner-ropeways.com    Andy Varallo comments: “We have achieved some great             personal stories with LEITNER ropeways. The videos show the
tecnico.   Tutti prodotti
 a single source,         che hanno
                    with much          in comune
                                in common:         l’eccellenza
                                             Technical          tecnica,
                                                         excellence,      il design
                                                                      design                   www.prinoth.com    milestones together that have catapulted us to the top of       emotions underlying LEITNER projects, emphasizing that
       a highgrado
              degreedi of
                          specialization.                                               www.demaclenko.com        the winter sports market.” The joint history of the two com-    ropeways are far more than just lifeless technology. Not only
                                                                                                                  panies has been marked by successful endeavors and plenty       do they move people, they move hearts.
                                                                                                                  of challenges. In an episode of “We move…”, a series of short
                                                                                                                  films produced by LEITNER ropeways, Varallo talks about
                                                                                                                  their eventful, shared past.
                                                                                                                  He offers a heartfelt explanation of what makes their busi-     WATCH THE FULL VIDEO AT:
                                                                                                                  ness relationship so special: “The partnership with Leitner     https://www.leitner-ropeways.com/en/company/
                                                                                                                  was first established between my grandfather Erich Kostner      we-move/andy-varallo-long-lasting-partnership/.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ALTA BADIA & LEITNER    17
EDIZIUN2020 | ENG - Ski World Cup Alta Badia

                                                      The ancient habits and customs of people who inhabit the
                                                      mountains, who consider the mountains to be their home and
                                                      welcome those who visit them as friends. Ladin culture means
                                                      sincere friendliness and hospitality that make every “Bun de“
                                                      come straight from the heart.

                                                                   PHOTO: DANIEL TAIPALE
Each dawn among the peaks of the Dolomites, which this year
celebrate the 10th anniversary of their listing among the UNESCO
World Heritage sites, fills one with joy and leaves breathless.
Enchanted as you stand before the triumph of Nature, rediscover
peacefulness and your inner being.

                              The first branding campaign of the ski area, created for the
                              Winter 2018-2019 season, depicts Alta Badia as a couture
                              dress, to be worn, to be seen, to be admired, to be unforget-
                              table. An iconic and innovative campaign, designed specifically
                              in order to represent the will and the courage to cut new paths
                              that have always been the identifying features of this region.
The silence of the passes closed to traffic. The majesty of a landscape that has
no equal. The whir created by over nine thousand bicycles. The passion of the
cyclists coming from seventy different countries and drawn out of over thirty
thousand applications. The quest for constant renovation while staying true to
one’s self. This is the ambition and unique spirit that pervades the Maratona dles
Dolomites - Enel, the queen of international granfondo bike races, that dedicates    13.06.2020   27.06.2020   05.07.2020
the upcoming edition to ‘l’Ert’, to Art.

                                    The pleasures of the table will accompany you on a magic tour
                                    made of ancient recipes of the Ladin culture as well as of the
                                    gourmet delicacies typical of the high altitude mountain huts, of
                                    the traditional mountain farmhouses as well as of the modern
                                    and innovatively designed restaurants, all the way up to the two
                                    Michelin-starred restaurants boasting a total of 4 Michelin stars.
                            ALTA BADIA EDIZIUN 2020                                 GRAN RISA MAGAZINe

                            GRAN                      F
                                                           rom the incline and variety of its slope to the magic of
                                                           the Ski World Cup: La Villa is home to the perfect slope
                                                           where you can challenge yourself and experience the
                                                      priceless sensation of being at one with the mountains and
                                                      skiing. This is how you fully embrace an unforgettable ski trip.

                                                      As the ski instructors at the Alta Badia ski schools tell us, there
                                                      are three different types of skiers:
                                                      1 - those who ski
                                                      2 - those who get down the slope
                                                      3 - those who lose altitude

                                                      The Gran Risa is the perfect slope to understand which of
                                                      these categories you belong to. You can’t lie on the Gran Risa,

                                                      because it reveals every attempt at bluffing: if the technique
                                                      supports you, it’ll ensure you experience pure joy while skiing;
                                                      otherwise, you’ll just be trying to get down the slope or will lose
                                                      altitude. Of course, you’ll be doing this in an enchanting set-
                                                      ting - the forests of Alta Badia are a spectacle - but this slope
                                                      is in a class of its own. If you’re not ready for the Gran Risa,
                                                      you’ll feel like a Panda on a Formula 1 circuit.
                                                      There are many marvellous slopes in the Alps: some are longer,
                                                      and others are steeper or more engaging. But the experience
                                                      on the Gran Risa is something else. It encompasses all the es-
                                                      sential ingredients: a varied slope, just the right incline and a
                                                      range of levels of difficulty - and these harmoniously blend to-
                            By Luca Ubaldeschi        gether. There’s nothing to add or remove: it’s perfect the way it
                                                      is. This is its secret, combined with undeniable natural beauty.
                                                      You can go down the Gran Risa a dozen times, but each time
                                                      it’ll be a unique experience: whether its your trajectory or pace
                                                      that changes, it’ll always allow you to discover new sensations.
                                                      Gran Risa was once a “rift” in the mountain (hence the name
                                                      “risa”), which was used to carry logs to the valley; it has been
                                                      transformed into 1 kilometre and 225 metres of pure fun, an ex-
                                                      perience which celebrates passion for skiing because the aware-
                                                      ness that the Ski World Cup plays out right where you are skiing
                                                      accompanies you at every bend and boosts your adrenalin.
                                                      The Gran Risa also demands respect: if you get to know this
                                                      slope and you experience it to the max, you’ll get addicted. And
                                                      it’s a highly enjoyable addiction.
                                                      Alberto Tomba once said in an interview: “Try taking on the
                                                      Gran Risa all in one go, without stopping. At the bottom, your

                                                      legs will be in agony, but you’ll also feel you’ve achieved some-
                                                      thing important”.

                                                      The slope’s exposure and the fact it’s practically always in the
                                                      shade mean that it doesn’t matter at what time of the day
                                                      you choose to tackle it: the pleasure of the challenge remains
                                                      the same.
                                                      There’s no doubt, however, that going early in the morning of-
                                                      fers the best opportunities and rewarding sensations, as you
                                                      follow a sort of ritual dictated by gestures and behaviours
                                                      which are part of an unwritten shared code. It’s something
                                                      that ski enthusiasts notice right away.

                                                      The first wave of skiers set off at around 8:30 am when the
                                                      ski lifts open. At the cable-car, you’ll find the skiing instruc-
                                                      tors waiting for their first apprentices of the day. There might
                                                      be some athletes too, heading up to do some training, and a
                                                      small team of enthusiasts who know how magical those bends
                                                      are when the snow has not yet been trampled on. It might be

                            28                                                           THE GRAN RISA’S SECRET       29
ALTA BADIA EDIZIUN 2020                                                                                                                                                   GRAN RISA MAGAZINe

extremely cold at that time of the day in the dead of winter or                                                                           breath before you take on another steep descent. This is how
staying in bed after a couple of busy days at work may sound                                                                              the Gran Risa envelops you, wins you over, makes you feel like
more appealing, but to be one of the first to put their skis on                                                                           you’re part of the mountain and not an uninvited visitor.
the slope before everyone else has left their prints in the snow                                                                          Someone is behind you. You stop and let them get past, so you
is well worth these small sacrifices.                                                                                                     can have the slope all for yourself. You make the most of that
                                                                                                                                          moment to look up and take it all in: The Dolomites, the trees,
The “Gran Risa” experience already begins during the ascent                                                                               the snow, Nature in its highest expression. What more could
towards Piz La Ila because you can see the width of the bends                                                                             you want? Maybe you should stay there to take in the awe-in-
below you and you start to think about how you’ll tackle them.                                                                            spiring scenery for a little longer, but your passion is urging you
You look at the incline, which you already know by heart: an                                                                              to go on. You’re in the easiest part of the slope, your legs are
average of 36%, with a max of 60%. You can’t wait to be at                                                                                warm, the intensity is increasing and suddenly you reach the
the top.                                                                                                                                  beginning of the longest wall.
You put your skis on and the first section of the slope is like
a training lap. It’s a warm-up because, technically, it’s outside                                                                         You tackle it by taking the bends rather widely. This is the ad-
the actual Gran Risa and it’s where the snowy landscape real-                                                                             vantage of being on the slope at 8:30 am - you get to choose
ly showcases its beauty. However, this section is already steep                                                                           where to turn. You go past where the great slalom starts. It’s
and challenging and when you start your descent, your memo-                                                                               another tight bend, it’s intense, your inside knee still struggles
ry takes you back to the time you were there, standing next                                                                               to ease into the bend, but it’s OK - your shoulders are straight,
to a couple of Swiss athletes of the Ski World Cup, who were                                                                              facing the valley and your skis aren’t hitting one another. Not
inspecting the slope. On that day, they covered the section                                                                               bad. Your confidence increases. You keep going down but and
that leads to the entrance of the competition area curving only                                                                           wonder: where does it stop? You’re not thinking about your
twice - two times, that’s all - while a normal skier, maybe even                                                                          legs which are starting to ache, because the whole experience
a particularly good one, would need to turn at least 20 times.                                                                            is beautiful. Spurring you on is the harmony and the fun - this
                                                                                                                                          is what “taking in the mountains” truly means. You continue
But here comes the fork: on the right, there’s the “Altin”, the 17                                                                        your descent. You’re in control but you pick up a little speed.
red. It’s beautiful, a sequence of soft and spacious harmonious                                                                           At the bottom of the wall, you just have to stop and look up.
slopes... but no, thank you: that’s the slope you’ll do at the end                                                                        You can’t help but feel a little proud. Someone else arrives
                                                                      PHOTO: ALEX MOLING

of the day. You’re there for the 17 black - the sign is drawing you                                                                       making wide drifts around the bends. They take on the wall
towards it, like a magnet. The Gran Risa awaits you.                                                                                      and continue down. As they head past you, you want to shout
Just another few bends... you can feel that the snow is diffe-                                                                            “Noooo!”. Not out of superiority - not at all. It’s more because
rent... it’s harder (the snow is always hard on the Gran Risa).                                                                           you feel it’s a lack of respect towards the mountain to not stop
You’re at the starting gate where the heroes of the Ski World                                                                             for a second to appreciate the intensity of the Gran Risa.
Cup begin their ascent. You enter the gate, but not to mimic                                                                              The final leg is calling you: it’s time to accelerate. The bends
the champions. You know that their competitions are in an-                                                                                get wider and wider, your legs are properly bent, you feel the
other league and that they fly over ice patches you’d barely                                                                              sensation of the skis as they accelerate and, finally, you reach
be able to stay standing on. But taking a moment right there,                                                                             the Holy Grail of skiing: carving.
where the quest for victory begins for the real athletes, allows                                                                          The slope used in the Ski World Cup veers to the left, with

                                                                                                                PHOTO: JAN ANDRÈ SORARÙ
you to get in the zone and it symbolises the main entrance to                                                                             those breathtaking “Gobes dl Giat” (Ladin for “cat humps”)
the slope.                                                                                                                                which lead to the finish line and the rapturous applauses. But
It’s the perfect place to perform your rituals.                                                                                           you can’t go that way; you’re forced to veer right. You pick up
                                                                                                                                          speed, the air is cold, but you can’t feel it. You reach the final
You check your ski boots are securely fastened.                                                                                           hump and you crouch to reach the end of the slope without
You adjust your ski goggles.                                                                                                              pushing.
You firmly grab the poles.                                                                                                                You’ve made it. You remove your skis. Other skiers walk past
You look up - no one is coming.                                                                                                           you as they head to take on what you just completed. You
Perfect.                                                                                                                                  glance at each other; your eyes light up and you exchange a
It’s just the two of you: you and the Gran Risa.                                                                                          knowing look. You’ve never seen each other before, but you
You take a deep breath and... off you go.                                                                                                 recognise one another as members of the same team.
                                                                                                                                          It’s then, when you’ve loosened your boots, that your circula-
You timidly take the first few bends, which allow you to gauge                                                                            tion starts flowing as normal and you remove the snow from
the slope. But seconds later, there’s a change in incline, right                                                                          your skis. It’s right in that moment when you hear someone
there where the slope takes a right turn and presents you with                                                                            say those words that at least one person invariably utters at
its first wall - maybe your favourite part of the whole experi-                                                                           the bottom of the Gran Risa.
ence. You attempt a medium traverse. Your skis aren’t vibra-                                                                              “That was epic! Shall we do it again?”
ting too much - that’s good sign. You lean on the edge of the
                                                                                           PHOTO: ALEX MOLING

slope. No one has been past here yet. Excellent. The bends get
tighter and the pace gets more intense.                                                                                                   Luca Ubaldeschi is a journalist and is currently director of Il Secolo
You’re on a flat surface again, but only for a couple of me-                                                                              XIX. He is the former vice-director of La Stampa, the newspaper
tres that enable you to change direction. It’s one of the magi-                                                                           for which he created the section dedicated to the mountains. He
cal ingredients of the Gran Risa: walls that challenge you to                                                                             skied on Gran Risa for the first time in February 1993 and, since
give your absolute best and spots where you can catch your                                                                                then, has come back to ski in Alta Badia every year.

30      THE GRAN RISA’S SECRET                                                                                                                                                 THE GRAN RISA’S SECRET        31
ALTA BADIA EDIZIUN 2020                                       GRAN RISA MAGAZINe

                                     17.12.2017 - GS    Hirscher Marcel                   AUT
                                     18.12.2017 - PGS   Matts Olsson                      SWE
                                     18.12.2016 - GS    Hirscher Marcel                   AUT
                                     19.12.2016 - PGS   Cyprien Sarrazin                  FRA
                                     20.12.2015 - GS    Hirscher Marcel                   AUT
                                     21.12.2015 - PGS   Kjetil Jansrud                    NOR
                                     20.12.2014 - GS    Hirscher Marcel                   AUT
                                     19.12.2013 - GS    Hirscher Marcel                   AUT
                                     16.12.2012 - GS    Ligety Ted                        USA
                                     19.12.2011 - SL    Hirscher Marcel                   AUT

                                     18.12.2011 - GS    Blardone Massimiliano              ITA
                                     21.12.2010 - GS    Ligety Ted                        USA
                                     21.12.2009 - SL    Herbst Reinfried                  AUT
                                     20.12.2009 - GS    Blardone Massimiliano              ITA
                                     22.12.2008 - SL    Kostelic Ivica                    CRO
                                     21.12.2008 - GS    Albrecht Daniel                   SUI
                                     17.12.2007 - SL    Grange Jean-Baptiste              FRA
                                     16.12.2007 - GS    Palander Kalle                    FIN
                                     18.12.2006 - SL    Larsson Markus                    SWE
                                     17.12.2006 - GS    Palander Kalle                    FIN

                                     18.12.2005         Blardone Massimiliano              ITA
                                     19.12.2004         Grandi Thomas                     CAN
                                     21.12.2003         Simoncelli Davide                  ITA
                                     14.12.2003         Palander Kalle                    FIN
                                     22.12.2002         Miller Bode                       USA
                                     16.12.2001         Covili Frederic                   FRA
                                     19.12.1999         Chenal Joel                       FRA
                                     20.12.1998         Von Grünigen Michael              SUI
GIANT SLALOM 16.12.2018              21.12.1997         Mayer Christian                   AUT
                                     22.12.1996         Von Grünigen Michael              SUI
1. MARCEL HIRSCHER AUT — 2.32.29     17.12.1995         Knaus Hans                        AUT
2. THOMAS FANARA FRA — 2.34.82       22.12.1994         Tomba Alberto                      ITA

3. ALEXIS PINTURAULT FRA — 2.34.98   19.12.1993         Locher Steve                      SUI
                                     13.12.1992         Girardelli Marc                   LUX
                                     15.12.1991         Tomba Alberto                      ITA
PARALLEL GIANT SLALOM 17.12.2018     16.12.1990         Tomba Alberto                      ITA

1. MARCEL HIRSCHER AUT               14.01.1990         Kröll Richard                     AUT
                                     13.12.1987         Tomba Alberto                      ITA
2. FAVROT THIBAUT FRA                15.12.1986         Gaspoz Joel                       SUI
3. ALEXIS PINTURAULT FRA             15.12.1985         Stenmark Ingemar                  SWE

32     HALL OF FAME                                                        HALL OF FAME     33
                                                              award established in 2016. This is the only prize in the
                                                              entire history of the World Cup dedicated to the races
                                                              of a single region.

WORLD CUP                                                     The trophy is awarded to the skier who achieves the

                                                              most points in the four World Cup races – the downhill
                                                              and super-G on the Saslong slope in Val Gardena, plus
                                                              the giant slalom and the parallel giant slalom on the

                                                              Gran Risa in Alta Badia. The trophy offers a cash prize
                                                              of 20,000 euros, a life-size wooden bust of the winner
                                                              to be displayed in the Saslonch hut on Ciampinoi, and

TO SOUTH                                                      the chance to prepare an original dish with a South Ty-
                                                              rolean Michelin starred chef that will then be offered on

                                                              the hut’s menu.
                                                              Taking part in at least one race in Val Gardena and Alta
                                                              Badia is a condition for winning the trophy. The partici-
                                                              pation in the last race, the parallel giant slalom in Alta
                                                              Badia, is mandatory. The winner of the Südtirol Ski Tro-
                                                              phy will be announced at the end of the race. The races
This year once again the Ski World Cup returns to Alta        of year’s edition can also be seen as preliminaries for the
Badia, a long-standing tradition upon which we have           upcoming World Championship event in 2021.
honed our skills year after year, resulting in a flawless     I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those,
event. The World Cup held in Alta Badia is the jewel in the   whose professionalism and dedication each year make
international skiing crown: on December 22nd and 23rd all     the World Cup in Alta Badia such a success and I would
eyes will be on South Tyrol, a unique region where sport,     also like to wish every participant the very best of luck.
alpine skills and nature all co-exist in perfect symbiosis.
The points earned from the races in Alta Badia not only
increase a competitor’s chance of victory in the World                                           Arno Kompatscher
Cup, but also of winning the Südtirol Ski Trophy, a unique             Governor of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano

                                                                                               SÜDTIROL SKI TROPHY    35
ALTA BADIA EDIZIUN 2020                                                              GRAN RISA MAGAZINe


                             5.30 pm

                                       PARTY IN TOWN
                             		WITH DJ MAX BENZONI AND FOR
                             		THE VERY FIRST TIME ON STAGE
                             		  THE MUSIC GROUP „ITALKRYNER“.
                                 A music project directed by Denis Novato which combines
                                 alpine music (Oberkrainer) with the most famous Italian songs.
                                 Don’t miss this spectacle!
                             		 LOCATION: Centre of La Villa

                             7.00 pm   PUBLIC BIB DRAW
                             		        FOR THE GIANT SLALOM
                             		LOCATION: Centre of La Villa

                               WORLD CUP PARTY
                             8.00 pm
                             		IN THE HEATED
                             		FIRE TENT
                             		WITH MUSIC OF THE BAND
                             		LOCATION: Finish Area

36    RACE DAYS HIGHLIGHTS                                                              RACE DAYS HIGHLIGHTS   37
ALTA BADIA EDIZIUN 2020                                                                                                    GRAN RISA MAGAZINe

 10.00 am START OF
 		              THE FIRST RUN

 12.30 pm OVERFLIGHT
                                                                         07.15 am SUN RISA
                                                                         		OPENING OF THE
                                                                         		GONDOLA COL ALT,
 12.35 pm WARM UP
                                                                         		       PIZ SOREGA AND PIZ LA ILA

 1.00 pm                                                                 1.00 pm   WARM UP RACE PARTY
 		SECOND RUN                                                            		OF THE PARALLEL GIANT SLALOM
 		AFTERWARDS: giant slalom prize-giving ceremony                        		IN THE HEATED “FIRE TENT”
 		 directly in the finish zone.

                                                                         3.00 pm   NEW QUALIFICATION FOR THE
 2.00 pm         SEGRA DLA GRAN RISA                                     		        PARALLEL GIANT SLALOM

 4.00 pm                                                                   PARALLEL GIANT
                                                                         6.15 pm
 		MATTY VALENTINO                                                       		SLALOM FINALS
 		LOCATION: Finish area – Hospitality Les Viles di Blizzard – Tecnica     OFFICIAL PRIZE-GIVING CEREMONY
                                                                         		AWARD CEREMONY for the “Südtirol Ski Trophy”

 6.00 pm DC4SKI
 		      PROJECT PRESENTATION BY SKI CLUB LADINIA                        8.00 pm - GIANT RACE PARTY
 		LOCATION: Casa della Cultura La Villa                                 1.00 am LOCATION: Les Viles by Blizzard-Tecnica

38    RACE DAYS HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                    RACE DAYS HIGHLIGHTS   39
racing area
ALTA BADIA EDIZIUN 2020                                                                                        GRAN RISA MAGAZINe

        he temple of skiing, a legendary location      its own peculiar imprinting. Admire the best ath-
        and a lifestyle destination that always        letes in the world competing on the Gran Risa
        comes up with innovation on one hand. A        from the LEITNER ropeways VIP Lounge, the Red
valley of immense silence with majestic peaks, the     Bull Energy Lounge, Les Viles by Blizzard Tecnica
homeland of welcoming people, proud of their lan-      and the brand-new Audi Alta Badia Lounge. Ex-
guage, customs and cuisine like few in the world,      perience emotions, entertainment and action, ac-
with a pioneering and ancient spirit – without         companied by high cuisine, true sporting spirit and
contradictions – on the other hand. Alta Badia is      authentic history. This year, for the first time, you
a place like no other: you can feel its irresistible   can watch the qualifications for the Parallel Giant
lure, its traditions and authenticity in the hos-      Slalom in the early Monday afternoon from all
pitality lounges of the Ski World Cup, located in      lounges. Enjoy the great ski performances to the
unique and particular settings, each of them with      fullest extent - right here, where skiing is at home.

42     HOME OF SKI MOMENTS                                                                                       HOME OF SKI MOMENTS   43
ALTA BADIA EDIZIUN 2020                                                                                                                                                                     GRAN RISA MAGAZINe

LEITNER ropeways                                               The Ghezzi family started their viticultural project at the beginning of the 1990s,
                                                               planting the first Chardonnay and Pinot Noir vineyards in the Marzaghette di Adro

                                                               area. Thus, they gave birth to the same-named agricultural holding. Quadra was
                                                               founded in 2003 as a natural consequence of this experience in the agricultural sec-
                                                               tor. In the following years, the owners acquired more land and the property now con-
                                                               sists of 20 hectares (49 acres) of vineyards.
                                                               The company is being managed by Mario Falcetti since 2008, an agronomist and
                                                               oenologist with considerable experience gained in Trentino, Franciacorta and other
                                                               wine-growing areas (Piedmont, Puglia, Sicily and Tuscany).
                                                               The production philosophy is the result of long experience and focuses on the raw
                                                               materials. In fact, the work of Quadra is based on the careful management of the vi-
                                                               neyards and the harvest that occurs parcel by parcel, on the manual selection of the
                                                               grapes, on the soft pressing – only the first fraction is used for the Franciacorta –, on
                                                               the application of the most natural and least invasive techniques of vinification and
                                                               refinement of wines, on the long aging process on yeasts and, finally, on the avoidan-
                                                               ce of the use of liqueur for the final dosage. During these processes, the raw material

                                                               and its integrity are always put at first place at Franciacorta Quadra. The company’s
                                                               stylistic signature is represented by the Pinot Blanc, a vine that is being relaunched in
                                                               this area. The symbol of this vision is Eretiq, the first and only Franciacorta that, apart
                                                               from the Chardonnay, is based on the combination of Pinot Blanc and Pinot Noir.

                                                               Another demonstration of Quadra’s innovation skills is the “certification” of the first
                                                               Franciacorta and the use of the traditional method according to vegan principles.
                                                               The main idea behind Quadra’s production philosophy can therefore be summed up
                                                               in the motto “FRANCIACORTA BUT DIFFERENT”!

                                                               Starting from the prerequisites mentioned above, Franciacorta Quadra wines are
                                                               obtained by blending only wines of the same vintage and aged for at least 3 years in
                                                               bottle. This concept of vintage wines has been applied to the entire product range
                                                               of the company.
                                                               The Franciacorta Quadra wines are characterized by their remarkable freshness of
                                                               smell and taste, enhanced by the scents that develop after the long-aging process in
                                                               the bottle on yeasts. Lightness and materials outline the company’s style.

                                                               SOME FACTS:
                                                               2003: Quadra was born out of the farm Marzaghette
                                                               2007: marketing launch
                                                               2010: production of bottle no. 1,000,000
                                                               2017: production of bottle no. 2,000,000
                                                               Wine-growing area: 20 ha. (49 acres) (60% Chardonnay, 20% Pinot Blanc and 20% Pinot Noir)
                                                               Marketing and production: 160.000-170.000 bottiglie/anno.

                                                                       efined, elegant, with little rooms that make you remember                             young pupils of the provincial school for hotel management of
                                                                       the Alpine tradition – such as the delightful Stube, a small                          Brunico and remind you that it is possible to carry out every
                                                                       and secluded architectural jewel with a warm atmosphere                               ambitious project with the involvement of the entire communi-
                                                               – and a service with special attention to all guests. The LEITNER                             ty. But this hospitality area also offers breakfast for early birds,
                                                               ropeways VIP Lounge is the perfect setting for those looking for                              and boasts a cosy wine bar, where you can enjoy an excellent
                                                               a refined ambience far away from the crowd during the Ski World                               glass of South Tyrolean wine, taste the typical speck and lo-
                                                               Cup days. This year, the lounge presents itself with a more con-                              cal cheeses. Moreover, you can discover the Gran Risa Style: a
                                                               temporary design in the colours of wood and with new, precious                                glamorous and trendy area with DJ music and a magnificent
                                                               Faustig chandeliers. Forster steel kitchens from Switzerland,                                 view of the Gran Risa, the ideal location to have a break or a
                                                               which are ecological and sustainable, free of plastic and without                             cocktail. From the terrace of the lounge, guests can enjoy an
                                                               chipboard, enrich the exclusive ambient of the VIP lounge.                                    unparalleled view of the race track from above, surrounded by
                                                               The long Ski World Cup weekend starts on Saturday evening, 21st                               beautiful Dolomite peaks: it is the perfect place to watch the
                                                               December, with the Bollicine Party – open to the public for the                               qualifications for the finals of the Parallel Giant Slalom, which
                                                               first time – to celebrate, with sparkling wines and a lot of fun, the                         take place on Monday, 23rd December. That day, the LEITNER
                                                               beginning of this major event. The most talented chefs will take                              ropeways VIP Lounge will be open already from 3 pm, and will
                                                               turns preparing lunch on Sunday 22nd December and the aperitif                                delight its guests from the early afternoon with appetizers, ca-
                                                               on Monday 23rd December, in order to maintain the traditional                                 napés and a dinner with fish and meat dishes. Refined sur-
The unspoilt and awe-inspiring nature, the Ladin culinary      gastronomic excellence that has always characterized the                                      roundings, exceptional gastronomy, live music, great sports
knowledge with its ancient and deep roots and the pas-         LEITNER ropeways VIP Lounge and, at the same time, Alta                                       and a touch of luxury – spoil yourself and enjoy the Ski World
sion and creativity of the best chefs in the area: over the    Badia. Once again this year, our guests will be served by the                                 Cup to the fullest extent.
years, Alta Badia has become the mecca for haute cuisine
lovers in the entire Alpine area. This is the tradition that
is celebrated in the sophisticated ambience of the LEIT-
NER ropeways VIP Lounge with top-class dishes. Expe-
rience the Ski World Cup in a truly exceptional setting.

44     HOSPITALITY LEITNER ROPEWAYS VIP LOUNGE                                                                                                                                HOSPITALITY LEITNER ROPEWAYS VIP LOUNGE         45
ALTA BADIA EDIZIUN 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           GRAN RISA MAGAZINe

Our                                                                                                                  EXCLUSIVE PARTNER

                                                                                                                      FOR HIGH QUALITY
                                                                                                                                                                                                      THE SCENT                                                       FROM THE MOUNTAINS
                                                                                                                                                                                                      OF THE SEA                                                         TO YOUR PLATE

Culinary                                                                                                                                             MAURIZIO BIDOLI
                                                                                                                                                     RESTAURANT: LA LOCANDA DI NORIS in Peschiera del Garda
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  DANIEL NIEDERKOFLER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  RESTAURANT: ANNONA, Alpine Cuisine in Valle Aurina

                                                                                                                                                     LEITNER ROPEWAYS VIP LOUNGE:                                                 LEITNER ROPEWAYS VIP LOUNGE:
                                                                                                                                                     MONDAY, 23RD DECEMBER, APERITIF IN                                           MONDAY, 23RD DECEMBER, APERITIF IN
                                                                                                                                                     COLLABORATION WITH DANIEL NIEDERKOFLER                                       COLLABORATION WITH MAURIZIO BIDOLI

                                                                                                                           EXCLUSIVE                 ABOUT HIM: The scent of the sea - in its most refined and so-                ABOUT HIM: The young and ambitious perfectionist Daniel Nie-
                                                                                                                                                     phisticated variants. Maurizio Bidoli – who was born in South Tyrol,         derkofler is the chef of the restaurant Annona am Moserhof, a won-
                                                                                                                                                     but has been working on Lake Garda for almost thirty years now –             derful mountain chalet at 1,070 meters above sea level that over-
                                                                                                                                                     is the talented chef of La Locanda di Noris, a refined restaurant im-        looks the endless meadows of Valle Aurina. The menu of the Annona
                                                                                                                                                     mersed in the tranquility of the countryside of Arilico. He developed        restaurant changes according to the season and uses mainly the
                                                                                                                                                     his passion for cooking a long time ago – when he was still a child –,       products of the seven in-house farms– such as meat, milk, cheese,
                                                                                                                                                     baking Christmas cookies with his mother: “we prepared so many of            honey, vegetables and fruit – grown and bred in the high mountains
                                                                                                                                                     them that our kitchen looked like a pastry shop”. Today his specialty is     from 1,000 to 2,000 meters above sea level, following the rhythms
                                                                                                                                                     the fresh fish from our seas, enriched by selected exotic scents. From       and laws of nature. Great emphasis is put on what grows spontane-
                                                                                                                                                     scampi to lobster, from oysters to dentex, Maurizio Bidoli’s cuisine is      ously, from herbs, mushrooms – up to game. The result: an authentic
                                                                                                                                                     the continuous search for balance between the flavours, harmony              and special cuisine of the highest level of quality without half-meas-
                                                                                                                                                     and simplicity, to enhance the taste of fish in all its exquisite nuances.   ures, to make a fascinating, unusual journey through the scents and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  flavours of the truest Alpine cuisine with a 12 or 14-course menu. And
                                                                                                                                                     MUST TRY:                                                                    whoever sets out on this journey has to devote himself completely –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  because the active involvement of all the senses is required.
                                                                                                                                                     Linguine with baby squids of the lagoon of Venice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MUST TRY:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The whole suggested menu composition

                                               SOUTH TYROL                                                               THE MASTER
                                               IN THE HEART                                                              OF OLIVE OIL

GERHARD WIESER**                                                             MARTIN DALSASS*                                                                                                                THE KING                        Hotel Management School
RESTAURANT: TRENKERSTUBE                                                     RESTAURANT: TALVO by DALSASS                                                                                                   OF CAKES
HOTEL CASTEL in Tirolo/Merano                                                in Champfèr, St. Moritz                                                                                                                                                         OF BRUNICO
LEITNER ROPEWAYS VIP LOUNGE:                                                 LEITNER ROPEWAYS VIP LOUNGE:                                              RICKY WIESER
SUNDAY, 22ND DECEMBER, LUNCH IN                                              SUNDAY, 22ND DECEMBER, LUNCH IN                                           PASTRY SHOP: I DOLCI DI RICKY in Pedraces                                      It is a great challenge for the pupils of the hotel manage-
COLLABORATION WITH MARTIN DALSASS*                                           COLLABORATION WITH GERHARD WIESER**                                       LEITNER ROPEWAYS VIP LOUNGE                                                    ment school of Brunico to participate in such a major
                                                                                                                                                       SUNDAY 22ND AND MONDAY 23RD DECEMBER                                           event. Under the supervision of their teachers, the pupils
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      will be able to demonstrate what they have learned during
ABOUT HIM: Two-star awarded chef, passionate ambassador of                   ABOUT HIM: One of the best chefs in Switzerland comes from                ABOUT HIM: A very sweet tradition. In his pastry shop “I Dolci                 their school training and various internships, and at the same
the South Tyrolean traditional recipes and excellent skier. Gerhard          South Tyrol. Martin Dalsass has been managing TALVO by Dal-               di Ricky” in Pedraces, Ricky Wieser, Gerhard’s brother, preserves and          time immerse themselves in the special atmosphere that
Wieser has inherited his love for food and for the secrets of our regional   sass since 2011, a refined restaurant in the picturesque village of       interprets the art of South Tyrolean patisserie, skillfully using pri-
cuisine from his mother when he was very young. Today, he is one of          Champfèr near St. Moritz. Here, in the pleasant atmosphere of an                                                                                         characterizes the Ski World Cup races.
                                                                                                                                                       marily local products, depending on the season. For this reason, he
the most appreciated South Tyrolean chefs. His Alpine-Mediterranean          old Engadine farmhouse, the South Tyrolean chef proposes dishes           reinterprets the classic apple strudel using apricots and bitter al-           The encounters with people, the carefreeness and the positi-
dishes are fresh, light, bound to the Tyrolean tradition, but with accents   with a Mediterranean and creative touch, characterized by ge-             monds during summer, or pears in syrup and chocolate during win-               ve frenetic rhythm of such a big event are rewarding
coming from the south. When he is not cooking, Gerhard Wieser writes         nuine ingredients and original flavours. Martin Dalsass’s secret is       ter. Nevertheless, his effort and creativity always remain the same,           experiences, moments that make the desired profession
cookbooks or enjoys nature – walking in summer and skiing in winter.         certainly the use of the purest and most sought-after olive oil. In       leading to the creation of always new delicacies – from cakes to
His secret? Enthusiasm: “cooking is my life. I feel lucky to be able to      his restaurant you can find from 10 to 15 types of olive oil from all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      become even more special. The pupils will put into practice
                                                                                                                                                       pastries, from croissants to desserts – compositions which are a
combine my job with what is passion and fun to me”.                          over Italy.                                                               feast also for the eyes.                                                       what they have learned, working with Michelin-starred chefs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and offering an excellent service. Thus, they will discover all
MUST TRY:                                                                    MUST TRY:                                                                 MUST TRY:                                                                      the aspects of the profession and make experiences that
BIOLOGICAL YOLK | Potato, buttermilk, Imperial caviar                        Cavatelli, shellfish, squids                                              Chocolate mousse                                                               they won’t forget.

46      HOSPITALITY LEITNER ROPEWAYS VIP LOUNGE                                                                                                                                                                                                    HOSPITALITY LEITNER ROPEWAYS VIP LOUNGE           47
ALTA BADIA EDIZIUN 2020                                                        GRAN RISA MAGAZINe

                                                             Passion fruit, a touch of ginger and
                                                             cardamom or the fresh taste of lime
                                                             juice? Bonaventura Maschio has de-
                                                             signed four special cocktails with evoc-

                                                             ative names only for the Ski World Cup.

STYLE                                                        HERE THE RECIPES:

                                                                                 GRAN RISA STYLE
                                                             45ml  the barmaster gin
                                                             30ml             lemon
                                                             20         passion fruit
A world made of mountain rocks and precious crystals,
                                                             5ml simple sugar syrup
shining like snowflakes in the sun, which glister among
                                                             Top     Top soda water
silvery surfaces and eternal ice. This is the Gran Risa
Style, a trendy location with a truly glamorous atmo-
sphere, designed by architect and interior designer Kurt
Steurer and his team – who has been partner of the Ski
World Cup for three years now. Located on the first floor    45ml                ron botran reserva 15 years
of the Alpine Ski World Cup’s building and with an amaz-     5ml                                ginger sugar
ing view of the slope, this lounge bar is a special place,   30ml                            fresh lime juice
inspired by the magic of winter and its colours, where       2/3 drop                cardamom bitter drops
you can have fun and listen to DJ music. Here, at the        Top                            Top ginger beer
Gran Risa Style, you absolutely have to taste the re-
fined cocktails by Bonaventura Maschio.
                                                             50ml                 ron botran reserva blanca
                                                             2 spoon                           sugar spoons
                                                             25ml                            fresh lime juice

                                                                                           COL FRATA
                                                             45ml            pueblo viejo blanco 104 tequila
                                                             30ml                            fresh lime juice
                                                             3 spoons                           agave syrup

48    GRAN RISA STYLE                                                                   GRAN RISA STYLE    49
ALTA BADIA EDIZIUN 2020                                                                                                                                     GRAN RISA MAGAZINe


                                                                      hrilling speed, euphoria, incredible energy – and the     by the music of the DJs. The bar serves drinks, sparkling
                                                                      feeling to be right there, in the middle of the action,   wines, energy drinks and the creations of the chefs, which
                                                                      like at the starting gate – to participate in a phe-      can be consumed on the terrace or at the tables and chairs
                                                              nomenal race. The Red Bull Energy Lounge and its large            of the lounge, with a minimal and functional style. But
                                                              terrace overlook the “Mixed & Team Zone”, the area re-            there can’t be a grand finale without the suspense of the
                                                              served for athletes and their coaches – the one and only          qualifications: on Monday 23rd December from 3 pm, you
                                                              in the entire World Cup circuit, located in the immediate         can watch the ski champions competing to qualify for the
                                                              vicinity of the press area. From there, it almost seems like      final race at night of the Parallel Giant Slalom from the
The parterre of the Gran Risa is in turmoil! From here, the   you could capture the emotion when the skiers cross the           Red Bull Energy Lounge – you will feel like you would watch
view over the legendary Gran Risa, perfectly prepared         finish line and look towards the time trial. Snowy slopes,        one of the most memorable car races from the stands or in
for the best skiers in the world, is breathtaking. The        race tracks and resounding asphalt. There are a lot of            the pits. The ski races are, in every case, the demonstration
athletes ski along the slope very fast, but the exciting      similarities between the world of motors and the world of         of the maximum speed and the best talent – Red Bull and
race may seem endless. In these moments everything is         skiing, which can be discovered inside the lounge, where          Banca Popolare dell’Alto Adige, the new partners of this
about thousandths of a second, but sometimes it feels         special blow-ups and videos on maxi screens make you re-          year’s Red Bull Energy Lounge, have always been promot-
like a million years. The Dolomite peaks surrounding the      member amazing sports challenges and create a unique              ers of these values. Enjoy moments of absolute fun and
Gran Risa are majestic, eternal and solemn: and this is       lifestyle environment, while the atmosphere is animated           passion, which you would never want to end.
exactly how some unforgettable moments of the Ski
World Cup can be described, when you feel involved like
never before and get into the heart of the action.

50     HOSPITALITY RED BULL ENERGY LOUNGE                                                                                                          HOSPITALITY RED BULL ENERGY LOUNGE      51
ALTA BADIA EDIZIUN 2020                                                                                                                                               GRAN RISA MAGAZINe


                                                                       he “Les Viles hospitality” area, which is named af-              ry of skiing through furnishings, objects and relics of the past
                                                                       ter the ancient houses of Val Badia, is the new                  in the authentic setting of two wooden houses, for a journey
                                                                       Blizzard-Tecnica location in which Ladin culture, lan-           through a sports adventure made of courage, boldness and
                                                                guage and traditions merge with the world of skiing. The                great perseverance, which is still evolving. The Ladin culture
Bëgnodüs, welcome – this is how guests are greeted in Alta
                                                                wooden construction recalls in its architecture the first build-        can be rediscovered at Les Viles in the typical dishes of the
Badia. In the hospitality area Les Viles di Blizzard-Tecnica,                                                                           local culinary tradition: here, Ladin delicacies will be served
                                                                ings of the valley – which were located around the essential in-
named after the ancient houses of Val Badia, you will really                                                                            during both Ski World Cup days. Moments of celebration and
                                                                frastructure such as the bread oven or the water fountain and
get in touch with the authentic Ladin customs and tradi-        strengthened the sense of solidarity and sociality between the          fun won’t miss either, thanks to the typical music of this area
tions. You will be welcomed in environments characterized       single families. Therefore, Les Viles is the ideal place to im-         – enjoy, for example, the beat of the local band Sax Royal on
by carvings, decorations and costumes that recall the cen-      merse yourself in the local reality and to get to know it at first      Sunday, 22nd December. This year, the hospitality area Les Viles
tenary traditions of the Ladin people, but also their recent    hand. In the “Les Viles hospitality” area you will find references      welcomes its guests already from 3 pm on Monday, 23rd De-
history - which has seen them becoming pioneers in the          to the history of alpine skiing, because the people of this Ladin       cember, in occasion of the qualifications for the Parallel Giant
world of skiing and mountain tourism. You will be delight-      valley have contributed to it with passion, ambition and pio-           Slalom. Immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere of the Ski
ed by simple but exquisite dishes, and that is how Ladin        neering spirit. It is the partner Blizzard-Tecnica to tell the histo-   World Cup. Bun divertimënt a düc (have fun everybody)!
cuisine really is. Moreover, there will be moments to enjoy
the music and feel involved – because when we celebrate in
Alta Badia, we do it seriously. “Vives”, cheers to everybody.

52     HOSPITALITY LES VILES DI BLIZZARD-TECNICA                                                                                                         HOSPITALITY LES VILES DI BLIZZARD-TECNICA   53
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