E.N. Peirce Middle School Course Selection Meeting 6th and 7th grade Parents January 25, 2022 Dr. Philip Matilla

Page created by Bill Greene
E.N. Peirce Middle School Course Selection Meeting 6th and 7th grade Parents January 25, 2022 Dr. Philip Matilla
E.N. Peirce Middle School
Course Selection Meeting
 6th and 7th grade Parents
   January 25, 2022
    Dr. Philip Matilla
E.N. Peirce Middle School Course Selection Meeting 6th and 7th grade Parents January 25, 2022 Dr. Philip Matilla
Middle School Course Description
                               Guide Distribution

• Will be pushed out on student laptops
• Also available on the WCASD and
  Peirce website

E.N. Peirce Middle School Course Selection Meeting 6th and 7th grade Parents January 25, 2022 Dr. Philip Matilla
Course Selection Timeline

February 1 through February 11    Teacher recommendation window
February 14 through February 25   Student and parent course selection weeks
                                  Course selections may be viewed on the
                                  Parent Portal. All requests to change
March 7 through March 18          course selections and/or recommendations
                                  must be submitted to Ms. DeMarco or Ms.
                                  Behlin during this window.

March 23 Course change deadline Course change deadline - Course level
– Course level waiver           waiver recommendations require
recommendations                 administrative approval beyond this date.
E.N. Peirce Middle School Course Selection Meeting 6th and 7th grade Parents January 25, 2022 Dr. Philip Matilla
February 1st – 11th

➢ Teacher Recommendation Window

➢ Teachers will make recommendations
  for English, Math, Reading/World
  Language, Science (7th grade teachers
  only), and Social Studies (7th grade
  teachers only)
E.N. Peirce Middle School Course Selection Meeting 6th and 7th grade Parents January 25, 2022 Dr. Philip Matilla
Middle School Leveling

➢ Leveling in the core courses of English (6th –
  8th grade), Reading (6th & 7th grade),
  Mathematics (6th – 8th grade), Science and
  Social Studies (8th grade only)
➢ Three different levels designed to challenge
  students based on their learning ability and
➢ Rigor level descriptors closely align to WCASD
  high schools’ rigor levels
E.N. Peirce Middle School Course Selection Meeting 6th and 7th grade Parents January 25, 2022 Dr. Philip Matilla
Middle School Leveling
    Grade Level               Honors         Accelerated Honors
➢ Students who can     ➢ Students who can    ➢ Students who can
  learn at a             learn enriched        learn advanced
  continuous pace        content at a          content at an
➢ Courses provide        challenging pace      accelerated pace
  essential skills &   ➢ Rigorous grade      ➢ Rigorous
  content                level curriculum      curriculum that
  knowledge            ➢ Collaborative,        extends beyond
  aligned to grade       guided, & self-       grade level
  level standards        directed learning   ➢ Collaborative &
➢ Collaborative &        through a variety     self-directed
  guided learning        of instructional      learning through a
  through a variety      activities and        variety of
  of instructional       assessments           instructional
  activities and                               activities and
  assessments                                  assessments
E.N. Peirce Middle School Course Selection Meeting 6th and 7th grade Parents January 25, 2022 Dr. Philip Matilla
Academic Course Recommendation Process for
                6th and 7th Grade Students in 2022-2023

➢ 6th Grade Academic Teachers in the areas of Reading, Math, and
  English will make recommendations for students for 7th Grade.
➢ 7th Grade Academic Teachers in the areas of Math, English, Science,
  Social Studies (History), and World Language (if applicable) will make
  recommendations for students for 8th Grade.
    ➢ For both students/parents going to 7th and 8th grade, these academic
      recommendations will be able to be viewed online beginning February 14th.
    ➢ If students/parents choose to follow these recommendations, then nothing further
      is required.
    ➢ If students/parents would like to change courses from what was recommended, a
      Course Change Form must be submitted to the school counselor.
E.N. Peirce Middle School Course Selection Meeting 6th and 7th grade Parents January 25, 2022 Dr. Philip Matilla
Placement Decisions

➢ Placement of students into appropriate
  courses is an important factor that
  contributes to student success.
➢ Multiple data points: PSSA, student
  performance in class (report card grades), and
  teacher recommendations.
➢ Additional assessment data may be
  considered should any be available for
  individual students.
E.N. Peirce Middle School Course Selection Meeting 6th and 7th grade Parents January 25, 2022 Dr. Philip Matilla
Courses where no student
            selection is necessary
7th   Grade                8th Grade
➢     7th Grade Health     ➢ 8th Grade Health
➢     7th Grade Phys Ed    ➢ 8th Grade Phys Ed
➢     Art 7
➢     Computer Science 7
➢     Energy/Comm. Tech
➢     FCS 7
E.N. Peirce Middle School Course Selection Meeting 6th and 7th grade Parents January 25, 2022 Dr. Philip Matilla
7th Grade Recommendations
 (current 6th grade students)
7th Grade Courses
➢ English 7 Accelerated Honors
➢ English 7 Honors
➢ English 7 Grade Level
7th Grade Courses
➢ Algebra 1 Accelerated Honors
➢ Mathematics 7 Honors
➢ Mathematics 7 Grade Level
➢ Math Plus 7 (2-day class during Unified

7th Grade Courses
➢ No levels in 7th grade
➢ Leveled in 8th grade ONLY (two levels)
Social Studies (History)

7th Grade Courses
➢ No levels in 7th grade
➢ Leveled in 8th grade ONLY (two levels)
Reading OR World Language

➢ 7th grade is students’ last official year to take reading and build
  upon comprehension skills and practice reading strategies.
➢ Students will be recommended for either Reading or a World
➢ If recommended for a World Language, students may still choose
  to take a Reading Class instead.
➢ Reading Courses: Reading Through Time 7 Honors, Reading
  Through Time 7 Grade Level, or Reading Plus 7
➢ World Language: Spanish 1 or French 1
Reading OR World Language

➢ If recommended for Reading:
  ➢ You will see a Reading class listed as part of the schedule
      when you view recommendations (do not select a World
➢ If NOT recommended for Reading:
    ➢ Select either French 1, Spanish 1, or Reading Through Time 7
World Language
➢ Spanish 1 or French 1

➢ High-proficient or advanced in reading
  PSSA in 5th and 6th grades (when test
  scores are available)

➢ Grades of As and Bs in English and
  Reading classes in 6th grade.
➢ Reading Through Time
  Students will apply reading skills and strategies
  developed in this class in all content areas.

➢ Reading Plus
  Provides intense, formal reading intervention by a
  reading specialist. Students who are required to
  take this course will be selected based on need as
  determined by multiple criteria.
8th Grade Recommendations
 (current 7th grade students)
8th Grade Courses
➢ English 8 Accelerated Honors
➢ English 8 Honors
➢ English 8 Grade Level
8th Grade Courses
➢ Geometry 8
➢ Algebra 1- Grade 8
➢ Pre-Algebra 8
➢ Math Plus 8 (2-day class during Unified
8th Grade Courses
➢ Leveled in 8th grade ONLY (two levels)
   ➢ 7th Grade Teachers will complete
➢ Course Options:
   ➢ Science 8 Honors
   ➢ Science 8 Grade Level
Social Studies (History)

8th Grade Courses
➢ Leveled in 8th grade ONLY (two levels)
   ➢ 7th Grade Teachers will complete
➢ Course Options:
   ➢ US History (1787-1914) Honors
   ➢ US History (1787-1914) Grade Level
Reading and Writing for Life
      Grade Level or
     World Language
Reading and Writing for Life Grade Level
➢   Apply reading strategies for non-fiction and fiction
➢   Develop critical thinking skills and analysis of text
➢   Develop note-taking techniques to locate essential
➢   Develop inquiry and research skills
➢   Increase vocabulary from reading a variety of genre
    and academic vocabulary from content area subjects
8th grade World Language choices
➢ French 1
➢ Spanish 1
➢ German 1
➢ Italian 1
➢ Latin 1
➢ French 2
➢ Spanish 2
7 th   Grade Schedule
Sample 7th Grade Schedule
             Seven full periods plus lunch
1.   English
2.   American History
3.   Unified Arts
4.   Unified Arts
5.   Lunch
6.   Science
7.   Reading Through Time OR World Language
8.   Math
7th Grade Unified Arts
       UA Period #1                          UA Period #2
      2-Day year long                       6-Day Quarterly
          classes                              Classes
➢ Health                               ➢ Art
➢ P.E.                                 ➢ Computer Science
➢ *Music (Band 7, Chorus 7,            ➢ Family and Consumer
  Orchestra 7 OR Classroom               Sciences
  Music 7)                             ➢ Technology

*Students must choose a music class.
Performing Music
➢ All rising 7th Grade students must select a music class: Classroom
  Music 7 OR a Performing Music-Chorus 7, Band 7, or Orchestra 7

➢ Students in Chorus 7, Band 7, and Orchestra 7 will perform
  individually, in small groups, and in an ensemble.

➢ Students in all music classes will receive a grade.

➢ Students in a performing music class must have an interest in
  improving their singing or playing an instrument.
8 th   Grade Schedule
Sample 8th Grade Schedule
               Seven full periods plus lunch
1.   Unified Arts
2.   Unified Arts
3.   English
4.   Reading and Writing for Life Grade Level or World
5.   Science
6.   Lunch
7.   Math
8.   U.S. History
8th Grade Unified
Arts Course Selection
UA Period 1 (6-day Quarterly Class)
Arts and Humanities        Technology
➢ Choose 2 + 1 Alternate   ➢ Choose 2 + 1 Alternate
➢ Art in 2-D               ➢ Culture, Cuisine,
➢ Art in 3-D                  Connections
➢ Family, Food, Finance    ➢ Transportation
➢ Popular Music               Engineering, and Design
➢ Guitar                   ➢ Sustainable Design
                           ➢ Innovative Coding
                           ➢ Junior Entrepreneur
UA Period 2 (2-day classes)
Option A                       Option B
➢ Health 8 (2 days all year)   ➢ Health 8 (2 days all year)
➢ PE 8 (2 days all year)       ➢ PE 8 (2 days all year)
➢ AND                             AND
➢ Performing Music (2 days     ➢ “Tech Ed Courses” Option
                                  (each class is 2 days for a
   all year)
   ➢ Chorus 8, Band 8, or
                                  ➢ *Teen Impact (Q1)
     Orchestra 8
                                  ➢ *Intro to Internet/Web Design
                                  ➢ *Design for the Real World
                                  ➢ *Digital Media Creator (Q4)
                                  *(order of courses may vary)
8th Grade Unified Arts
         UA Period #1                         UA Period #2
         2-Day classes                  6-Day Quarterly Classes
                                   ➢ Two quarters of these Arts and
➢ Health (yearlong class)            Humanities Electives
➢ P.E. (yearlong class)              ➢ Art in 2-D
➢ Performing Music (yearlong         ➢ Art in 3-D
                                     ➢ Family, Food, Finance
  class) OR “Tech Ed Courses”        ➢ Popular Music
  Option (each class is 2 days for   ➢ Guitar
  a quarter)                       ➢ Two quarters of these Technology
    ➢   Teen Impact                      Electives
    ➢   Intro to Internet/Web Design    ➢    Culture, Cuisine, Connections
    ➢   Design for the Real World       ➢    Transportation Engineering, and
    ➢   Digital Media Creator
                                        ➢    Sustainable Design
                                        ➢    Innovative Coding
                                        ➢    Junior Entrepreneur
8th     Grade Music
                       Performing Music
               Band 8, Chorus 8, and Orchestra 8
➢ These are for people who want to perform with a group and give concerts
  in those groups. They function the same way they did in 6th and 7th grade.
➢ They are elective, meaning they are not required. However, if you have
  been in these groups, we encourage you to stay in them.
➢ Concert Chorale for next year is auditioned at the end of this year and is
  your homeroom for 8th grade. Orchestra, Band, and Chorus students
  can do this.
➢ It may be possible for students to be enrolled in more than one performing
  music in 8th grade.
8th    Grade Music
                      Music Electives
➢ 8th Grade Music Electives - Marking Period Courses that meet 6
  days per cycle
   ➢ Guitar
   ➢ Popular Music
➢ Any student can sign up for one or both of these.
➢ Students can take these courses in addition to Band 8, Chorus 8,
  and Orchestra 8.
   ➢ Example: An 8th Grade Band student can also be enrolled in
      Guitar and Popular Music.
Course Selection
February 14th – 25th
6th Grade Students/Parents         7th Grade Students/Parents
➢ View teacher recommendations     ➢   View teacher recommendations from
    from content area classes          content area classes
                                   ➢   If not recommended for Reading,
➢ If not recommended for               select a World Language or the
    Reading, select a World            Reading and Writing for Life Grade
    Language or Reading Through        Level class
    Time 7 Honors                  ➢   Select a music (Chorus 8, Band 8,
➢ Select a music:                      Orchestra 8)
    ➢ Chorus 7, Band 7,                *Tech Ed Courses Option
        Orchestra 7 or Classroom   ➢   Select 4 Unified Arts classes (and two
        Music 7                        alternates)

                                       *See following slides for more
Course Selection Screens
Course Selection Screens
  (example is 7th grade)
Course Selection Screens
  (example is 7th grade)
Course Selection Screens
  (example is 7th grade)
Course Selection Screens
  (example is 8th grade)
Course Selection Screens
(example is 8th grade- continued
     from previous slide)
Course Selection Screens
  (example is 8th grade)
Course Selection Screens
  (example is 8th grade)
Special Education Students &
         the Course Selection Process

➢ Regular Education teachers will make
  recommendations for special education students
  in their classes.

➢ Special Education students will be able to view
  these recommendations on-line.
Special Education Students &
         the Course Selection Process

➢ IEP needs of each student is paramount and may
  exclude Special Education students from taking
  requested Unified Arts classes.

➢ Special Education students should still request
  their preferred Unified Arts Electives.
March 7th – March 18th

➢ Review recommendations on-line
➢ Submit any course change requests by using a
  Course Request Form found in the main office or on
  the Peirce website
➢ A few days after submitting a course change, check
  to see that the changes are reflected online
➢ If after a few days the changes are not reflected
  online, students should see their school counselor
  or Dr. Matilla
Course Waiver Form
March   23rd

Course Level Change Waivers and

       Elective Courses
Course Selection Timeline Recap

February 1 through February 11    Teacher recommendation window
February 14 through February 25   Student and parent course selection weeks
                                  Course selections may be viewed on the
                                  Parent Portal. All requests to change
March 7 through March 18          course selections and/or recommendations
                                  must be submitted to Ms. Behlin or Ms.
                                  DeMarco during this window.

March 23 Course change deadline Course change deadline - Course level
– Course level waiver           waiver recommendations require
recommendations                 administrative approval beyond this date.
Where to view course recommendations
         and make course selections
To view recommendations and select classes,
you MUST use your Parent Portal account.

➢ Access the WCASD Website at http://www.wcasd.net

➢ There you will be able to access the Parent Portal link and get to
  the Parent Portal sign-in page
Parent Portal HELP

Need to Create an Account or Add a Child? Call Ms.
Shanyse Hill (Peirce Attendance Secretary) for assistance
at 484-266-2518 or shill@wcasd.net

Lost User Name or Password?
On Parent Portal parent sign in page, click on “Forgot User
Name or Password.” Enter your email address, the system
will email your credentials so you can log in to the Parent
Who will I contact if I have a question?
Building Scheduler
    Dr. Matilla        Please contact the office if
                       you have any questions!

 6th Grade Counselor
     Ms. DeMarco

7th Grade Counselor
     Ms. Behlin

                       We are here to help you!
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