E Conn - July 2021 - Leigh-on-Mendip

Page created by Wayne Deleon
E Conn - July 2021 - Leigh-on-Mendip
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Issue 276                         July 2021

E Conn - July 2021 - Leigh-on-Mendip

                  Vicar: The Reverend Anthony Dickson
 The Rectory, High Street, Nunney Frome BA11 4LZ Tel: 01373 837337
      Parish Office, The Rectory email: nunney.rectory @gmail.com
            Parish Administrators : Anthea Brooks, Louis Skinner

    Leigh on Mendip and Downhead Parochial Church Council
    Contact email : LeighonMendipandDownheadPCC@gmail.com or
antheabrooks@btinternet.com Telephone: 07815 911084 or 01761 418737
 Churchwardens       Steve Britten  Goldsborough Farm
                     01749 840291   Stoke St Michael BA3 5LD
 Treasurer          Margaret Loten  6 The Old Sawmills
                    01373 812922    Leigh on Mendip BA3 5RQ
 Secretary          Anthea Brooks   Ashville, Monger Lane
                    01761 418737    Radstock BA3 2BP
             Stoke St Michael Parochial Church Council
Contact email :
See also : https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/10959
 Churchwardens Jane Evans             Withybrook
                     01749 840660     Stoke St Michael BA3 5JQ
                     Justine North    West Phippens Farmhouse
                     01749 840412     Stoke St Michael BA3 5JH
 Treasurer          Tim Pearce        18 The Mead
                     01749 841493     Stoke St Michael BA3 5JD
 Secretary          Janet Gilham      Hillside, Withybrook
                    01749 840671      Stoke St Michael BA3 5JQ
    Safeguarding Officer for Leigh on Mendip, Downhead & Stoke St Michael
                     Sue Rodford         Knapp Hill Cottage
                     01373 812766        Leigh on Mendip BA3 5QY

E Conn - July 2021 - Leigh-on-Mendip
The Rectory, High Street, Nunney, Frome BA11 4LZ
                           Tel: 01373 837337
From the Rectory
As we begin-rather stutteringly- to emerge from the restrictions placed upon our
freedoms by the lockdown some are beginning to question aspects of a return to
the former life we enjoyed: a time when, as someone commented - certainly in the
world of work- the ‘urgent seemed relentlessly to push out the important.’ We
have all missed spending time in the company of others dear to us- family,
friends, members of clubs and societies we belong to. An inherent danger of the
‘New normal’ is that we will go on neglecting these relationships, partly because
we have found new ways of filling our time; partly because the pandemic has
encouraged us to be more risk-averse, added to the unselfish notion that self-
preservation safeguards others too.
 At the start of the pandemic, some who knew the war-time addresses of CS Lewis
turned to them again for advice and solace. The style is quite dated now, but they
contain many pearls of wisdom and an appeal to common sense. Here’s a
paraphrase of the opening paragraph of ‘The Weight of Glory’. “If you were to
ask twenty good men what they thought the highest of virtues, nineteen of them
would reply ‘Unselfishness. But if you asked almost any of the great Christians
from of old, the reply would be ‘Love’. You see what has happened? A negative
term has been substituted for a positive…The negative idea of Unselfishness
suggests not primarily the securing of good things for others, but going without
them for ourselves, as if our abstinence and not their happiness was the most
important point… This is not the Christian idea of Love. The New Testament has
lots to say about self-denial, but not about self-denial as an end in itself. We are
told to deny ourselves and take up our crosses to follow Christ; and nearly every
description of what we will ultimately find if we do this contains an appeal to
desire. If there lurks in most modern minds the notion that to desire our own good
and earnestly to hope for the enjoyment of it is a bad thing, then I submit… that
this is no part of the Christian faith. If we consider the unblushing promises of
reward …promised in the Gospels, it would seem our Lord finds our desires not
too strong but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink
and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like a child who wants to go
on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the
offer of a holiday by the sea. We are far too easily pleased”. No exclamation
marks- he pulls no punches- but worth a read!
With every blessing,

Fr Anthony

E Conn - July 2021 - Leigh-on-Mendip
Letter from Bishop Trevor
                     Trevor Willmott, Assistant Bishop, Diocese of Bath and Wells

God’s gift to humankind

The leaves of the trees will be for the healing of the nations. Rev. 22.2

A few days spent recently in the Lakes gave us a much anticipated opportunity to
visit the new RHS garden, Bridgewater, near Manchester. Created in the ruins of
the much overgrown walled garden of a long gone great house, the garden is the
result of co-operation between the RHS and the City Council.

While the Paradise Garden with its pools and flowing water reminded me of the
river of life in the Revelation, it was the therapeutic garden which captured my
imagination. A number of charities working in inner Manchester with people
whose lives are deeply affected by issues of mental health and social deprivation
had approached the RHS to explore the possibility of creating a working garden to
be grown and maintained by the various communities involved. The result is
stunning both visually and mentally.

To aid the development the partners decided to allocate some of their limited
financial resources towards the appointment of a full time occupational
therapeutic gardener. Talking with her and reading the display boards around the
garden we discovered that for many of those involved not only was this their first
experience of gardening but more importantly the physical work and interaction is
giving them a hope and purpose in life in ways that nothing else had been able to

The Revelation speaks of a world transformed and made new by God; the very
stuff of the earth, trees and water, bringing new life to what was tired and old. The
Scriptures remind us that the earth is God’s gift to humankind to be tended and
cherished; to be used for the good of all.

But let the last word be that of the therapeutic gardener “we can care for others;
we can care for the earth. All we need is a vision and the will.”

With my blessing


E Conn - July 2021 - Leigh-on-Mendip
Friends of Leigh Church
                 Registered charity number (England and Wales): 1174913

                                 JULY UPDATE
With an end to the lockdown restrictions finally in sight, we are starting to
plan some exciting events for the autumn and early winter – more news

Right now, we are working hard to re-open the Community Café in the
church. We are awaiting the Church of England’s advice on allowing full
access to the church building before we announce a firm date. However,
we hope to open the doors in July, before the school holidays start.

We intend that the café, now under new management, will be open every
day during the hours when the church is unlocked. It will be manned by
our wonderful volunteers on two to three days a week, serving drinks and
snacks, and there will be a smaller ‘self-service’ range with an honesty box
on other days.

Thanks to Truespeed, there is an excellent, free wi-fi signal inside the
church, which will be available for everyone to use while they enjoy a cup
of tea.

Many thanks to all of you who responded to the café questionnaires we
recently distributed in the school and around the village. We received
some fantastic suggestions and ideas for activities focused around the
café as a village hub. Once we are up and running, we look forward to
developing some of these with the school and the wider village community.

We look forward to welcoming you all to the café very soon.

With best wishes and, as always, our thanks for your support -

The FOLC Team

E Conn - July 2021 - Leigh-on-Mendip
From the Registers
Gerald Vine             Leigh on Mendip Internment of Ashes    4th June

Sheila Vaughan          Leigh on Mendip Internment of Ashes    5th June

Francis John Coleman Marston Bigot Funeral and Burial         17th June

            Sidesmen and Flowers
Leigh on Mendip
                 Sidesmen                     Flowers
 4   July        Brian and Margaret Loten     Sue Mattick
11   July        No service                        -
18   July        No service                   Jan Pattison
25   July        Alastair Weston                   -
 1   August      Caroline Harris              Joan Pattison
Church/Brass Cleaning
July – Margaret Loten and Jackie Longley
August – Caroline Harris and Jane Weston

Stoke St Michael
                 Sidesmen                     Flowers
 4 July       Janet Gilham                   Peter Vicary
11 July       Malcolm Martin                      -
18 July       Justine North                  Irene Webb
25 July       No Service                          -
 1 August     PeterVicary                    Jane Evans
Church Cleaning
July        Jane Evans
August      Cicely Middle

E Conn - July 2021 - Leigh-on-Mendip
Stoke St Michael
                     Village Hall
     Open Day Saturday July 24th.
                11.00am – 3.00pm

Free Refreshments: Come and join us.
              Hot Dogs, Cream Teas,
     It would be nice to see you and our hall is looking great

                    Bookings are now
               being taken for social events.
Free hall hire for village residents booked on open day.
                  Please pop in more info.

To help support our newly refurbished hall we are looking for an
                  admin /booking enquiry clerk.
   If you would like to be involved, please get in touch. email:
           tataylorwol @outlook.com. 07960295425
E Conn - July 2021 - Leigh-on-Mendip
Leigh on Mendip WI
What a difference a month makes! Despite the recent news that
current restrictions are not being lifted as yet, our group has made
the very best of what we can do together and enjoyed some fine
outdoor weather too!
We’ll continue with our meetings on the zoom and look forward (with or without
many expectations!) to being able to get together in the hall, from August. We are
still, in part, making regular phone calls to some members and organising small
garden meet-ups. Especially for those without access to Zoom and WhatsApp.
Through end of May/June we managed four outdoor gatherings on the Rec Field
in groups of 5-6 and recently held the long-awaited picnic with 22 of our
members present. Hugely enjoyable and so rewarding to catch up together after
such a long time. There’s another in the planning for this month!
Our speaker in June was John Burgess, who along with a photographer friend has
produced beautiful images and evocative words around the breadth and beauty of
Somerset. (They have produced two guide books for those interested: “Somerset
Illustrated” and “Pocket Book of the Country.” www.outandaboutimages.co.uk)
The talk, titled “Beautiful Somerset” took us on a fascinating journey, focussing
on both the natural landscapes and historical aspects of Somerset. From the
heather moors/wooded coombes of Exmoor to the architectural splendour of
Dunster Castle. He showed us extraordinary photographs of the wild red deer and
ponies of Exmoor and the Quantocks and went through some fascinating and
little-known facts and legends across Wells, Cheddar, Glastonbury and the
Somerset Levels. Including the discovery of tracks on the Levels, dating back to
3000 B.C. Known as the “Sweet Track” having been discovered by local man Ray
Coming up this next month we have:
Wafaa Powell on “Food, Facts and Fibs”. She has been a regular with us over the
past few years. Always inspiring and engaging!
Our Tai Chi group has resumed with some new interest. Currently outdoors on the
Rec field whilst the weather holds.
We plan to keep “Lunches at the Bell” going. Obviously large gathering are
restricted so we plan to keep them small and informal just a nice time with friends
for chat and a light lunch!
We also plan to gather at the Rec field on Monday 5th July. It’s “Social Care and
Frontline Workers Day”, so we’ll celebrate out wonderful NHS with a toast, tea
and cake (www.nhsfrontlineday.org)
We still have access to some great speakers via Somerset WI, with a broad range
of talks/courses through “Denman at Home”. These are open to all at just £5 per

session (www.denman.org.uk/whats-on/)
If there are any ladies in the village who’d like to join in and get to know others,
you are very welcome to our zoom talks. No commitment!
Contact Mary on 01373 812415
See more on our blog at https://leighonmendipwi.blogspot.com

        For more information, please ring Graham 01761 232753
              or e-mail: graham@grahamcroft.plus.com
                         LOMCA – July 2021
We hope that finally we will be able to hold the next Active Living Centre indoors
in the Memorial Hall at the usual time of 10.00am on Friday 23 July. We plan to
provide a meal with a quiz beforehand but must wait to see what social distancing
recommendations apply before we know the numbers that can attend. If a meeting
indoors is still not possible, then we will aim to hold the 23 July meeting outside on
the Recreation Field from 10.30am, if the Recreation building is available to
provide the support facilities, and the weather permits. We are still limiting
attendees to our regular ALC members only, as numbers are likely to be restricted,
with booking required by 15 July at the latest. For further details and cost please
contact Graham.
We are planning to meet inside in the Memorial Hall on Tuesday 13 July at 2pm for
Kurling & Cake meeting but numbers are likely to be restricted to just six in total.
Booking for the Kurling meeting is required by Friday 9 July.

Leigh Recreation Field
New Open Space We have placed the contract for the fencing around the planned
new play and exercise area, and expect the work to be done soon, as soon as the
contractor can get all the timber! We have also submitted a bid for a grant from the
Halecombe Quarry Community Fund for the funds to build a shelter, which was
requested repeatedly during the consultation exercise.
Bonus Club The winners in June were Marguerite Cockroft and Tim Spurgeon.
They already have their £20.
Keep safe and enjoy the rec.
David Pattison 812570

Leigh on Mendip Memorial Hall Committee
                         Minutes of Meeting held on 7th June
Present G Baker, E Brooks, A Orpwood, R Orpwood, D Pattison, V Taylor, S
Apologies/Absent B Wigmore
Minutes Agreed by committee and signed by chair SV and treasurer DP.
Treasurer’s Report The bill for the plumber who checked the gent’s loo had been
paid. In fact this was really just the call out charge as only a minor readjustment
was needed. We had received the latest Government Restart grant of £8000. SV
gave in an expenses claim for keys being cut and noted she had already given one
to Caroline Harris for the WI. DP felt we should look at spending some of our
Restart money and suggestions for this included more replacement radiator covers
and even considering replacing the flat kitchen roof. However it was likely any
major car park work would take a lot of money anyway, see “Correspondence”
Booking Clerks’ Report. Bookings were gradually being taken some of which
would depend on the relaxation of the Covid rules coming into effect. Late in June
there was a possible children’s party and some LOMCA events and at the start of
July one from the yoga group.
Correspondence SV had only received correspondence by email. This being
connected initially to the new community fund from Halecombe. VT suggested
applying for some gravel for the car park. SV had forwarded this info to the rest
of the committee and it was thought to be a good idea. The application form
required us to state a quantity applying for and SV had emailed Halecombe to ask
if anyone would be able to give us an estimate on this, she had not received a
reply to date. However in the meantime Dave Mattick contacted SV to suggest
looking once again at the possibility of tarmacking the car park (possibly
including some of the Bell’s area with their co-operation). While being aware of
the issues including possible need for planning permission and extensive work for
drainage, the committee felt it was well worth exploring and RO and DP would
try to get some info and quotes with a view to going forward.
1) Car park see above
2) Roof leak did not seem to have re-appeared. Still need to monitor after heavy
rain or could test with a hosepipe. RO to ask son in law if he or anyone he
suggests could replace the stained boarding.
Fund raising See treasurer.
1) VT asked if the Parish Council contingency of £300 reserved for the Hall could
be re-allocated to the Rec field as Hall funds were so much higher than the Rec’s.
Committee happy to agree.
2) SV announced she had decided to retire from the committee after 20 years as
chair and secretary, the July meeting would be her last. Candidates for the jobs
would need to be approached in person but it was agreed more committee
members were needed anyway and SV said she would put a request for these on
the Village Facebook page, Parish magazine and anywhere else thought
Date of next meeting Wed 30th June (July meeting!) in the Hall at 8pm, due to
holidays booked

Community Council for Somerset (CCS),Viney Court, Viney Street,Taunton,TA1 3FB
Tel: 01823 331222 Web: www.somersetagents.org Email: info@somersetrcc.org.uk
July Village Agent News
As Village Agents, we enjoy being able to respond to people’s situation quickly
and efficiently – we pride ourselves on being problem solving solution finders!
This can be from a seemingly simple task of finding someone a gardener to help
reclaim an unruly garden that was causing a mental and physical distress, to being
able to provide someone escaping domestic abuse the basics they need to start
up a new home and keep them safe.
To do this we rely heavily on our Crisis Fund – an unrestricted pot of funds we
manage that we can use to purchase things for people in need. People in crisis.
The Crisis Fund has proved to be an enormously valuable and valued extra “tool
in the bag” for Village Agents to help people facing personal and family crises.
We haven’t ever actively fundraised for the Crisis Fund before, as the donations
we had kept us ticking over, but our team has tripled in size in 3 years in
response to unprecedented demand for our services, and as a result we are
meeting more and more people in need.
The past year has been our most challenging yet, and this time of crisis and
hardship for many in our communities the need is greater than ever, and we
desperately need donations towards the fund which has been almost depleted.
So this month, it is a plea for the #LoveSomerset Crisis Fund.To help people in
Somerset get out of crisis, quickly and with dignity - https://ccslovesomerset.org/
You can donate here: https://localgiving.org/charity/somersetcrisisfund/ or to a
district specific fundMendip: https://localgiving.org/charity/somersetcrisisfund/
We are extremely grateful for the huge £1200 donation we have received from
Whatley Hansons and this money will be ringfenced for communities in Whatley
and the surrounding areas.
We help when others can’t, won’t, or don’t. Some examples of what these grants
have been used for recently are:
 • To buy 2 mattress protectors for a carer who was supporting their loved
one with night time incontinence
 • To support a family with funeral costs after their teenage son died
 • To buy children's clothes for a family who had recently lost Dad to cancer
  • To buy half a tank of oil for a lady with a chronic health condition who was
struggling to heat her home
 • To buy a washing machine for a carer who is struggling to keep up with
washing demands
 • To buy food and drink for a client who had been struggling to get shopping
during the lockdown.
Other ways you could help towards the crisis fund are:
joining our Community Oil Buying Scheme to ensure that you benefit from the
best bulk buying discounts on your heating oil.You can find out more here: https:/
/ccslovesomerset.org/oil/.We receive 50% of the small annual membership fee,
which goes directly into our Crisis Fund!
Shop on Amazon Smile:Visit https://smile.amazon.co.uk/ and select the
Community Council for Somerset as your nominated charity. Every time you
shop on Amazon we receive a small %! You can shop online or via the app as
Get Involved! Could you #LoveSomerset and raise money for us? From
sponsored runs, to bake sales – every single thing you do would directly benefit
the services we can offer people, and help get people out of crisis.Visit our page
and click ‘Fundraise for us!’ https://localgiving.org/charity/somersetcrisisfund/
Thank you for supporting the work we do and directly improving the lives of
people in Somerset. If you have any questions about the Crisis Fund, please do
call 01823 331 222.And if you are struggling please do get in touch via that
number or give me a call.
Nic Edwards
Village Agent for East Mendip

Church Services in the Benefices of
     Stoke St Michael, Leigh on Mendip and
        the United Parish of Postlebury
2 July (Friday)
10.00 Nunney             Holy Communion BCP   Rev A Dickson

4 July – Trinity 5
09.30 Wanstrow           Holy Communion       Rev A Dickson
11.00 Leigh-on-Mendip    All Age Service      Rev A Dickson
18.00 Stoke St Michael   Evensong             Jane Evans

9 July (Friday)
10.00 Nunney             Holy Communion BCP   Rev A Dickson

11 July – Trinity 6
09.30 Stoke St Michael   Holy Communion       Rev A Dickson
11.00 Witham             Family Communion     Rev A Dickson

18 July – Trinity 7
09.30 Nunney             Holy Communion       Rev A Dickson
11.00 Stoke St Michael   Family Communion     Rev A Dickson
18.00 Downhead           Evensong             Rev A Dickson

July 2021
23 July (Friday)
10.00 Nunney             Holy Communion BCP   Rev A Dickson

25 July – Trinity 8
09.30 Leigh-on-Mendip    Holy Communion        Rev A Dickson
11.00 Cloford            Matins               Jonathan Cheal
11.00 Marston            Holy Communion       Rev A Dickson

30 July (Friday)
10.00 Nunney             Holy Communion BCP   Rev A Dickson


1 August – Trinity 9
09.30 Wanstrow           Holy Communion       Rev A Dickson
11.00 Leigh-on-Mendip    All Age Service      Rev A Dickson
18.00 Stoke St Michael   Evensong             Jane Evans

6 August (Friday)
10.00 Nunney             Holy Communion BCP   Rev A Dickson

Stoke St Michael Primary School and Little Roots Pre-School
The children are very excited to be raising money in aid of the Children’s Hospice
by taking part in a Rainbow Run at school. Each child will be encouraged to
complete 1 km whilst dressed in brightly coloured or rainbow clothing.
Owls class have recently been on an educational visit to Carymoor Environmental
Trust and plans are continuing to make the school site more of a haven for the
local wildlife, and consequently a great educational resource! Extending the
environmental theme, Owls class have been studying the artist Andy Goldsworthy
and have been using recycled materials to produce their own works of art.
Oaks class are continuing to explore the topic of the Ancient Greeks, particularly
in relation to the upcoming Olympics. They have also been having lots of fun
investigating gravity through experiments.
Acorns class have also been experimenting with 3D shapes as well as enjoying
yoga classes and continuing to explore their pirate theme.
Finally, the PTA have been busy organising the summer fair with a little bit of a
difference. Due to Covid restrictions this year there will be a Summer Street Trail,
with lots of stalls dotted around the village. It’s taking place on the 3rd July
between 11-3 pm and for more information please e-mail the PTA at
stokepta@yahoo.com or refer to the many posters now displayed around the

Schools’ lightbulbs moment
10 church schools in Bath and Wells are undergoing major works to upgrade their
lighting system as part of a commitment to reducing their carbon footprint. In the
first year alone it’s estimated the move will save the schools a combined 45.93
kilowatts and around £18,963.
Stephen Bamford, Headteacher of Kilmersdon School, one of the schools
involved, said: “It demonstrates that as a school and as a diocese, we are
determined to reduce our carbon footprint and help the environment and
community in every way we can.”

July in the Garden
July the month for barbecues and pottering in the garden late into the
evening at the end of a long warm day.
As you potter deadhead bedding and perennial plants to encourage new
blooms and check supports in case of bad weather.
Cut back hardy geraniums and delphiniums after the first flush of flowers
to encourage new growth and flowers.
After flowering divide clumps of bearded iris so they gave time to form
roots and flower buds for next year.
Take cuttings from your favourite tender plants for overwintering indoors.
Shrub and border perennial cuttings can also taken.
Check for clematis wilt. Symptoms include wilting leaves and black
discolouration on the leaves and stems. Cut out all affected material and
dispose of it, do not add to the compost bin.
Watch for scarlet lily beetles remove and squash and check for the sticky
brown larvae on the undersides of the leaves.
Look after your aphid eaters - ladybirds, overflies and lacewings feast on
greenfly and blackly so itʼs worth protecting them.
Regularly pinch out side shoots on cordon tomatoes. Remove any leaves
below the lowest ripening fruit truss to improve air circulation and prevent
diseases. Feed with tomato fertiliser once a week, more often if leaves
look pale and yellow.
Pinch out the growing tips of squash and courgettes to encourage
branching and pick courgettes when young to encourage more fruit.
Earth up potato plants as they grow or use grass clippings as a mulch to
stop tubers near the surface from tuning green. If growing in bags,
gradually add more compost until the bag is full.
Use a natural pest control to reduce numbers of slugs and prevent
damage to your crops.
Look for black fly on broad beans and remove any affected tips.
Check for cabbage white butterfly eggs on the undersides of brassicas
and squash any found.
Remove any spent or damaged foliage on and around vegetable plants to
keep them healthy and clear weeds regularly.
Pick runner beans regularly to encourage more pods and prevent them
becoming stringy.
Check gooseberry bushes for sawfly larvae, they can strip the leaves in a
matter of days, jet them off with water or remove by hand.
To create more plants for next year peg down strawberry runners, if not
required remove the runners completely.
Prune the fruiting stems of blackcurrant bushes after harvesting.
Raspberries are shallow rooted so water generously in dry weather.
In the greenhouse water first thing in the morning or in the evening to
reduce water loss through evaporation. Damp down the floor on hot days
to deter red spider mites and increase humidity. Open doors and vents
daily to provide adequate ventilation. Use blinds or apply shade paint to
prevent overheating
July is the ideal time to sow in the greenhouse or indoors springs and
summer flowering perennials such as aquilegia, delphinium, scabiosa,
echinacea, hardy geranium and for winter containers violasg.
Turn the content of your compost bin every month to keep it well aerated.
Make your last sowing of peas outdoors now so that they develop before
the first frosts.
In time for autumn harvest make your last direct sowing of beetroot.
Direct sow perpetual spinach for autumn and winter cropping.
Buy and chervil parsley, coriander seeds to sow next month and grow
under glass for winter.
Make sure you have enough salad leaf seeds keep you going through the
rest of summer and autumn.
Plant out winter vegetables such as cauliflowers, cabbages, kale and leeks
Taken from Thompson & Morganʼs “What to do in the Garden this month

Good News
At a recent Zoom committee meeting of the East Mendip Gardening Club
it was agreed that we should restart our monthly meetings in July, the
27th, beginning with a social get together outside courtesy of Lin and
David Thorley in their lovely garden at Park Farm, Oakhill. A chance to
ease back into our meetings and catch up and discover what has been
happening in our gardens over the past 18 months. The 24th August
meeting will also be outside with a visit to Stowberry Park, Wells.
Many have found solace in their gardens during the lock downs if you are
one of those and would like to learn more about gardening new members
are always welcome. Join us on July 27th at 7p.m.and discover who we are,
you will be most welcome. It would assist if you emailed our Chair, Mark
Manley, of your intention markamanley81@googlemail.com
         Leigh on Mendip Allotment Association
The Leigh on Mendip allotments are in the field to the west side of the
Recreation Playing Field. If you live in the parish of Leigh on Mendip and
want to register, or simply discuss having an allotment, please contact :-
Tim Spurgeon, 18, Park Hayes, tel 07813 505830 or e mail

                                  EAR WAX

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     W. J.Trotman Funeral Directors
     (Incorporating Oswald Clarke Funeral Directors of Bruton)

                Ashdene, Cranmore, Shepton Mallet,
                        Somerset BA4 4QQ.
                         Tel (01749) 880271

              A family run business for over four generations
                          Private Chapel of Rest

                     Pre-paid funeral plans available

Owl Babies Preschool
    @ Leigh on Mendip First School
                                   Open daily from 8.45am – 3pm
                                          Term time only
                                        Hourly rate £4.40
                                         Day rate £26.40
                                   Funding available for qualifying
                                        2, 3 and 4 years old
                                       (15 or 30 hours/week)

            For more information on our pre-school visit
               or contact us on 01373 812592

                  New members are always welcome

                    Leigh on Mendip Memorial Hall,

                    Tuesdays 9 .30 am – 11.30 am.

                           (term time only)

               £1.50 for first child and 50p for siblings
               (including refreshments and resources)

If you need any more information contact Laura Martin on 07769292304

Do you need a reliable local
           Al Stewart
                                   Chimney Sweep?
Transition4u Personal Training
                                    Hello, Iʼm Matt Clark. A member of the
- Individual Training Programmes
                                    Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps
- Injury Rehabilitation            :offering:
- Sports massage
                                   •    Chimney sweeping
- Free initial consultation        •    A clean and thorough job
Phone 07889 093179                 •    Certificates for your insurers
www.Transition4upt.co.uk           •    Bird guard fitting
                                   •    Bird nest removal
  Member of REPS; NRPT; FHT
 Independent Herbalife Member                   Chimney Sweeps Somerset
                                                        Tel: 07891 105529

                                           Bridal Hair &
     Basic                                   Make up
Computers                             Experienced hairdresser
                                         and make up artist
Broadband challenges
                                    with home based beauty room
Are you struggling?                        Val Hurle provides a
Software/hardware issues                  friendly, calming and
Inspiration required                   relaxing service for all the
                                       bridal party in the comfort
Contact Ian Tucker
                                       of your own home or venue
01373 813353 or
                                       Tel 01761 436764
07889 767886
                                       or visit www.-valhurle/
basiccomputers59@gmail.com               radstockbeautyandbride.com

Stoke St. Michael
                   Baby and Toddler Group
                Come and join our friendly group!
                When? Wednesdays, during term time
                  Where? Stoke War Memorial Hall
                  What time? 9.30am to 11.30am.
               How much? £1 per family. First visit free!

We provide a large range of toys for babies and toddlers, as well as fun,
weekly activities. Children can enjoy a healthy snack whilst parents can
relax with a cup of tea, all included! Monthly visits from the Children’s
                          Centre and toy library.
     Who? Sarah (sarah77jenkins@yahoo.co.uk) 07398043054 or
       Charlotte (charliecorbett2012@gmail.com 01749 840255)

                 Stoke St Michael Toddler Group

 Little Roots @ Stoke
 Moonshill Road, Stoke St Michael BA3 5LG

 Open term time only:
 Monday – Thursday 9am – 3pm

 Forest School sessions are available.
 We provide childcare for 2 years old +
 We offer 15 and 30 hours funded places for eligible 2 year olds all 3
 and 4 year olds.

 For more information, or to arrange a visit call us 07565 931718 or
 email: kmurphy@educ.somerset.gov.uk

              07876 301615

       Based in Leigh on Mendip and
     operating across the wider locality

       ASHWICK , OAKHILL , BA3 5BG .

            IN ALL AREA'S
          CHAPEL OF REST .

           TEL - 01749 840350

       D HURLE                        Andy Christie
                                            Man & van
                                 Licensed Waste Carrier
                                 Reg. No. CBDU 138947
  COMPETITIVE RATES                           Removals

 Reliable and Trustworthy        Clearances undertaken
                                                Tip runs
    No job too small
                                     Please ring or text
 Telephone 0789 717702
                                               or email

Leigh-on-Mendip Parish Council
                                                           Chairman                                Clerk
                                                        David Mattiick                         Anthea Brooks
                                                        Tel. 01373 812734                    Tel 01761 418737
                                                                                         Email clerklom@gmail.com

Meetings are held on the 3 Monday of every month in the Memorial Hall     rd

                        unless otherwise advised
 - see Parish Noticeboards for details of Agenda, Minutes etc. or visit

                                                                 All parishioners welcome to attend

                                                           LEIGH on MENDIP MEMORIAL HALL
                                                                         (Registered Charity No. 304574)

                                                                         Standard Hiring Rates

                                                     Monday to Friday (until 6.00pm)…………………………………………………….£5.00 per hour

                                                     Monday to Friday (6.00p.m. onwards)……………………………………………£7.00 per hour

                                                     Saturday and Sunday……………………………………..…………………………………£7.00 per hour
      Business Users - At all times £10.00 er hour

                                                     Business Users - At all times………………………………………………………….£10.00 per hour

                                                     Sale or serving of Alcohol………………………………………………………………£10.00 per event

      A coin meter is provided for the electric wall heaters (£1 and £2 coins)

       Hire of the hall includes the use of crockery, cutlery and glasses. These
      items may be hired for outside use. A list of the items, and prices is available

      Booking clerks                                                       Ann & Rog Orpwood 01373 812459
Do you require assistance?

Level 3 support worker
20+ years experience
DBS    Manual handling
            plus more certificates
I can assist children and adults with
personal care, medical
appointments, trips out, shopping
              and much more.
References on request.
Contact Katy Tel: 07477649028

Articles for the next issue to be submitted by the 16th of each month
               E-mail - thevillageconnection@hotmail.com
Post - Janet Gilham, Hillside, Withybrook, Stoke St Michael, BA3 5JQ
                       Your Village contacts are:-
Leigh         Jan Pattison Yew Tree Cottage, Tadhill       01373 812460
Stoke         Janet Gilham Hillside, Withybrook            01749 840671
Downhead      Steve Britten Goldsborough Farm              01749 840291
Advertising Rates
       ¼ page £2 per month or £25 per year
       ½ page £4 per month or £45 per year
       Whole page £8 per month or £85 per year
Non Commercial
       ¼ page 50p per month or £5 per year
       ½ page £1 per month or £10 per ear
       Whole page £2 per month or £20 per year
Payment for adverts to:-
Janet Gilham, Hillside,Withybrook, Stoke St Michael, Radstock BA3 5JQ
Cheques made payable to Stoke and Leigh Magazine
Note from the Editor
When emailing articles or adverts please use black text and grayscale for
all logos and pictures A5 portrait format with 1cm margins 1.5cm bottom
margin. Or A4 landscape same margins two columns with central gutter of
Stoke St Michael Village Website:- www.stokestmichael.org.uk
Leigh on Mendip Village Website:- www.leigh-on-mendip.org.uk

Police Community Support Officers
Russell Ford for Leigh on Mendip and Sheila Thompson for Stoke St Michael
Tel: 101 for non-emergencies 999 for emergencies only

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