Unveiling our new name & logo as we become Community for Positive Aging

Page created by Dan Watkins
News & Activities | July 2021

Unveiling our new name & logo as we
become Community for Positive Aging
   We have some very exciting            value, appreciate and encourage         What is our full list of programming
news to share. It’s no secret that       the important contributions of          now?
Hollywood Senior Center has              older adults in our community           • Community for Positive Aging at
been busy this last year. In addition    and empower people of all ages to         Hollywood Senior Center
to adapting our programming and          achieve happy, healthy aging.           • Community for Positive Aging—
services throughout the pandemic,                                                  Neighborhood Gleaners
our organization has been involved       Why the name “Community for             • Community for Positive Aging—
with program expansion and               Positive Aging”?                          Asian Food Pantry
absorption of The Giving Tree, a not-       We believe this is reflective of     • Community for Positive Aging—
for-profit organization committed        who we are and who we strive to be.       The Morrison, Alder House,
to providing residential services to     We feel positive aging reflects the       Uptown Towers, Fairfield Hotel,
people living in affordable housing      strengths of aging and takes into         Dawson Park, Helen Swindells,
throughout Portland.                     account the health, fulfilment and        Musolf Manor
   To reflect our organizational         independence of older adults.
growth and expanded programming                                                  We have a new logo!
in 2021, we have now officially re-       How will programming change?               We are thrilled to be able to
launched as Community for Positive       Will Hollywood Senior Center stay       offer the same great services under
Aging, an organization that includes     the same?                               the umbrella of the Community
Hollywood Senior Center as one of           The programming will expand to       for Positive Aging and continue to
several core programs operating          include residential services offered    provide a full spectrum of services,
under the refreshed organizational       through the former organization, The    including social, emotional,
name and structure.                      Giving Tree.                            educational and recreational
   The newly named Community                The Hollywood Senior Center          opportunities which are appropriate
for Positive Aging is a caring           programming will remain exactly         to seniors’ unique needs and
and healthy organization that            the same and will continue to           interests.
encourages intergenerational             provide the very same opportunities         We have been working closely
relationships, recognizes the wisdom     for social connection, health and       with a branding company to design
and experience of its elders, and        wellness, independence and life-long    a new logo for our new name that is
demonstrates awareness and respect       learning, as well as remain located     reflective of our mission and vision.
for the aging process. Seniors           in NE Portland while serving clients    Our new logo brings elements of
have access to a full spectrum of        beyond the Hollywood area. The          nature and growth woven into
services, including social, emotional,   name “Hollywood Senior Center” will     the bridge design representing
educational and recreational             be retained as part of the refresh by   connection and communication,
opportunities appropriate to their       becoming “Community for Positive        along with the rising sun symbolising
unique needs and interests. We           Aging at Hollywood Senior Center.”      hope and opportunity. We felt it was
                                                                                                 continued on page 14…

                                                                              Community for Positive Aging
                                                                                 HOLLYWOOD SENIOR CENTER
                                                                              1820 NE 40th Ave., Portland, OR 97212-5308
                                                                                     Facebook @PDXSeniorCenter
                                                                                        Main: 503-288-8303
                                                                                        Fax: 503-288-8305
                                                                                        Gift Shop: ext. 110
                                                                              — Center Hours by Appointment —
                                                                                 Monday–Friday • 8:30am–4:30pm
                                                                                              — Staff —
                                                                                   Amber Kern-Johnson – ext. 102
                                                                                           EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
FOUNDED IN 1973 as a 501c3, Hollywood Senior Center has grown
into an organization of supportive, age-positive people. Our team in-                Douglas Samuels – ext. 112
                                                                                            DEPUTY DIRECTOR
cludes volunteers and full-time employees. We are committed to creating        douglas.samuels@hollywoodseniorcenter.org
an uplifting and vibrant environment for adults 55 and older while pro-                Anne Barrows – ext. 111
viding a channel for intergenerational relationships and learning. Togeth-                  FINANCE MANAGER
er we are a joyful group with big hearts and a passion for what we do.           anne.barrows@hollywoodseniorcenter.org

In 2020 our organization expanded by bringing the services offered                   Kathleen Sillonis – ext. 106
                                                                                  FACILITIES & ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE
by The Giving Tree, another not-for-profit organization, committed to           kathleen.sillonis@hollywoodseniorcenter.org
providing residential services to people living in affordable housing
                                                                                       Megan Doren – ext. 103
throughout Portland, under our management and care. As a result, we               INFORMATION & ASSISTANCE SPECIALIST
are thrilled to announce the new organizational name and structure of            megan.doren@hollywoodseniorcenter.org
the Community for Positive Aging effective July 2021. The Hollywood                    Tatsiana Taran – ext. 101
Senior Center will now be represented as one of the programs operating                        CASE MANAGER
under the Community For Positive Aging. This evolution of our organi-
zation will continue to reflect our core values and focus and expand our            Julie Ann Barowski – ext. 109
                                                                                     VOLUNTEER PROGRAM MANAGER
capacity to serve our community even more. The Community for Positive          julieann.barowski@hollywoodseniorcenter.org
Aging is a caring and healthy organization which encourages intergener-
                                                                                      Michael Murphy – ext. 104
ational relationships, recognizes the wisdom and experience of its elders           CENTER ACTIVITY & EVENT MANAGER
and demonstrates awareness and respect for the aging process. Seniors           michael.murphy@hollywoodseniorcenter.org
have access to a full spectrum of services, including social, emotional,                Travis Small – ext. 113
educational and recreational opportunities appropriate to their unique                     CASE MANAGER /
needs and interests. We value, appreciate and encourage the important               WRAPAROUND SERVICES SPECIALIST
contributions of older adults in our community and empower people of
all ages to achieve happy, healthy aging.                                                Ken Davis – ext. 105
                                                                                           LEAD CASE MANAGER
  THANKS TO EVERYONE who completed and returned either the
                                                                                                Mel Shea
  paper survey from the June newsletter, or the online version from the          ENHANCED RESIDENT SERVICES MANAGER
  eblast. If you didn’t have a chance to complete the survey, but are still
                                                                                           Emily Schnipper
  interested in sharing your input, please reach out to Michael Murphy         ENHANCED RESIDENT SERVICES COORDINATOR
  at 971-341-2130 or michael.murphy@hollywoodseniorcenter.org.
                                                                                          Elizabeth Venable
  The results from the survey will be shared in the August newsletter.         ENHANCED RESIDENT SERVICES COORDINATOR
                                                                                                Judy Lee
                                                                                   OPERATIONS AND PROGRAM MANAGER
 2   Hollywood Senior Center
Neighborhood Gleaners Have Returned
HOLLYWOOD NEIGHBORHOOD                   income seniors in the
GLEANERS is a volunteer-run and          community.
operated program of Hollywood               Please be aware
Senior Center.                           that the season starts
    If you were on the list to receive   out very light, so they
deliveries from the gleaners in          won’t get to very many
2020, you will automatically be          people in the first
registered for the 2021 season.          month. Any deliveries
Please contact us only if: (a) you       that occur will largely
no longer wish to be part of the         be greens. Volunteers
program, (b) you have a change           will continue to do
of address, or (c) you would like        home deliveries on       Thanks to a generous grant from Oregon Health Authority,
                                                                    we have a new van for our food distribution programs.
to register for the program as a         Saturday’s for 2021 at
first-time participant. Email us at      this time. Most people can expect         Saturday if you are scheduled to
gleaners@hollywoodseniorcenter.org       a delivery 1 or 2 Saturdays in a          receive a delivery that week.
or call us at 503-288-8303 if you        month, You will hear from volunteers         We are grateful for the many won-
would like to register for this          either by phone, email or text with       derful volunteers who contribute
program, which brings donated fruits     the Neighborhood Gleaners the             to this important program and look
and vegetables from Hollywood            Wednesday or Thursday prior to            forward to a bountiful season!
Farmers Market vendors to low-

 MULTNOMAH CO. HELPLINE                          Hollywood Senior Center Equity Statement
                                              Hollywood Senior Center is committed to addressing the social,
       503-988-3646                        cultural, environmental, and economic needs that create barriers that
        24-hour helpline for
                                           impact the wellness of older adults.
    emergency assistance when
                                               Hollywood Senior Center is aware of the disparities that older adults
  our social service office is closed.
                                           of color and other marginalized communities face in accessing vital
                                           services. We are committed to transforming Hollywood Senior Center to
 CFPA Board of Directors 2021
                                           ensure equitable access to our services and serve the unique and diverse
         Lori Frank, President
                                           older population in the area. We are inclusive in our efforts to serve elders
    Linda Anderson, Vice President
        Lois Martin, Secretary             regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity and expression,
        Mary Casey, Treasurer              sexual orientation, religion, zip code, health and ability status, and income.
         Paul Clark, Emeritus                 In September 2020, Hollywood Senior Center formalized the values
           Harvey Garnett                  and principles of our organizational equity plan. We intend to serve more
          Arlene Halvorson                 BIPOC communities, including through The Giving Tree and Asian Food
        Heather Keisler Fornes             Pantry, and more broadly as we expand case management and other
           Mary Lou Soscia                 direct services. HSC believes strongly that all levels of leadership (including
           Kim McCulloch                   staff and board) need to reflect the communities that we serve. We are
              Neal Naigus                  intentionally working to improve representation through our recruitment
          Whitney Yazzolino                strategies for both staff and board members. This is directly tied to the
  HSC Advisory Council 2021                equity work that our organization has invested in over the last few years,
 Welcome new members & officers!           including understanding and implementing inclusive hiring practices. We
                                           recognize that this is a process, and as our organization is expanding we
         Turella Woods, Chair
                                           are committed to building our team to mirror that of our community.
          Jim Rico, Vice Chair
        Lois Martin, Secretary
                                              As we work to bring about these changes at the board and staff level,
  Susan Calvert         Nancy Hawver       we are also working to ensure that volunteers continue to represent our
  Carol Cooper            Teri Knesal      community and that our program offerings are inclusive and responsive.
  Harvey Garnet          Phu Nguyen        We are an organization that needs, encourages, and appreciates everyone
    Tom Getts           Sherri Osburn      involved, and that includes all of you.
   Michael Guy           Peter Sysyn
    Tim Hahn            Steve Whitson
                                                                                           News & Activities • July 2021 3
COVID-19 Vaccines:                      the Covid-19 vaccines are federal,
                                        state, and local governments who are
                                                                                   the vaccine to their communities.
                                                                                   Governments and organizations
What You Need to Know                   able to best serve the needs of their      are trying to break the barrier of
                                        communities.                               mistrust between them and their
by Jad Dargam                                                                      communities by promoting relatable
   On December 11, 2020, the U.S.       WHAT IS THE TRUTH?                         stories instead of hard-to-understand
Food and Drug Administration                The U.S. Food and Drug                 scientific studies.
approved the first emergency            Administration has provided                    Ultimately, the decision of
authorization for a vaccine that        emergency authorization to three           whether or not you want the vaccine
helps in the prevention of Covid-19.    vaccines. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine      is up to you; however, it’s important
Since that date, almost 200 million     is a two-dose vaccine taken 21 days        to use reliable and accurate
Americans have been vaccinated          apart. It had an approximately 95%         information to make this important
with one of the three available         efficacy rate during its clinical trial.   decision. By getting the vaccine, you
vaccines: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna,     The Moderna vaccine is also a two-         are not only protecting yourself but
and Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen.        dose vaccine but take 28 days apart.       also the community as a whole. For
However, vaccine hesitancy has          It also had an approximately 95%           more information on where you can
become a major issue during the         efficacy rate. The final vaccine that      get the vaccine, contact your state’s
Covid-19 pandemic. With the help        has been approved is Johnson &             health department.
of medical experts, healthcare          Johnson’s Janssen vaccine which only
organizations, and federal, state,      needs one dose. It is the only vaccine     WORKS CITED:
and local governments, vaccine          that does not use mRNA technology          Balch, Bridget. “Are They Safe? Which One Is Best?

hesitancy has been tackled head on,     and has an efficacy rate of 66%. While       Your COVID-19 Vaccine Questions—Answered.”
                                                                                     AAMC News, Association of American Medical
but misinformation and skepticism       these differences in efficacy rates          Colleges, 1 Apr. 2021, www.aamc.org/news-
within the U.S. population, media,      have often led some to be skeptical          insights/are-they-safe-which-one-best-your-
                                        of the Janssen vaccine, public health        covid-19-vaccine-questions- answered. Accessed
and governments has made                                                             5 June 2021.
hesitancy difficult to beat.            officials have stressed that the best
                                                                                   FPM Editors. “Four Reasons for COVID-19 Vaccine
                                        vaccine is the one you can get the           Hesitancy among Health Care Workers, and Ways
WHAT CONTRIBUTES TO VACCINE             fastest. However, if you have any            to Counter Them.” Family Practice Management,
                                                                                     American Academy of Family Physicians, 27
HESITANCY?                              questions or concerns about taking           Apr. 2021, www.aafp.org/journals/fpm/blogs/
    Vaccine hesitancy is often          any of the vaccines, it is important to      inpractice/entry/countering_vaccine_hesitancy.
perpetuated by multiple methods         talk to your physician.                      html. Accessed 5 June 2021.
of mistrust and misinformation.             What are governments and               Kritz, Fran. “’Trusted Messengers, Trusted
                                                                                      Messages’: How to Overcome Vaccine Hesitancy.”
First, mistrust in the officials and    organizations doing to combat                 NPR, 24 Dec. 2020, www.npr.org/sections/
governments who have promoted           vaccine hesitancy?                            health-shots/2020/12/24/948776228/trusted-
the vaccine often contributes to            Governments and organizations             messengers-trusted-messages-how-to-overcome-
                                                                                      vaccine-hesitancy. Accessed 5 June 2021.
vaccine hesitancy. Many people          have begun to find creative ways
believe that due to the short           to connect to communities who
timeframe that these vaccines were      are hesitant to get the vaccine. In            Hollywood Senior Center
produced and the mistaken belief        May 2021, President Biden and Dr.
that mRNA technology is brand new,
these vaccines cannot be trusted.
                                        Anthony Fauci held a “YouTube Town
                                        Hall” which featured prominent
                                                                                        GIFT SHOP
However, the first mRNA studies were
conducted 30 years ago, and the
                                        YouTube influencers. Many state
                                        governments have also begun to
                                                                                      IS NOW OPEN!
technology has continued to improve     hold vaccine lotteries to encourage                  Wednesdays,
since then. Second, conspiracy          more people to get the vaccine.                   Thursdays & Fridays
theories that have been promoted        Besides government agencies,                         10 am–2 pm
on social media have led to some        religious and ethnic organizations
people not taking the vaccine. It’s     have started to work with their                Come visit & see what’s new!
important to note that vaccine          respective populations to promote              Masks and 6-foot distancing
misinformation is often promoted by     the vaccine. Health care workers,                required while in shop.
unreliable sources. The best sources    who have been on the frontline of               Hand sanitizer available.
to get reliable information regarding   the pandemic, have also promoted

 4   Hollywood Senior Center
                From the Desk of Megan Doren, M.S., CIRS-A/D, Information and Assistance Specialist

                     Hi Newsletter Readers,                     according to the size of the building to maintain safety.
                        Things are starting to open back        Masks are required for all patrons at all times.” Find more
                     up as more and more people are             information including listings for upcoming events and
                     vaccinated. Hopefully we can reach the     classes at https://multcolib.org/.
                     goals set by the county and the state          Portland Parks and Recreation is offering Fitness in
                     and be able to have a safe reopening       the Park. Here is the information posted on their Lifelong
                     of more of the spaces and places we        Recreation (formerly Senior Recreation) webpage:
                     have missed.                               “Portland Parks & Recreation’s Fitness in the Park helps
    I hope all of you who can be vaccinated have been           community members achieve their fitness goals while
able to receive your vaccinations by now, but if not, and       adhering to physical distancing recommendations and
you are interested, please contact us and we will do what       connecting to nature in our parks. All fitness levels are
we can to make that happen for you. This newsletter is          welcome. Silver Sneakers and Silver & Fit memberships
going out in July, so maybe by the time you are reading         can be used to attend Fitness in the Park classes.” For
this, one of you will have won one of the state prize           more information, please visit https://www.portland.gov/
incentives for getting vaccinated before June 27!               parks/recreation/fitness-park or contact Monica Nettle at
    I would love to hear from you: What activities are          503-313-3019.
you able to safely enjoy now? What are you still waiting            I hope you are finding ways to connect with each
to find out about in terms of if/when something will            other and the community! Please remember that, along
reopen? Be sure to check out the listing on page 7 for          with the above organizations, Hollywood Senior Center
outdoor walking groups now taking place twice a week            is still offering virtual and telephonic programs for those
on Tuesdays and Saturdays.                                      unable to physically participate in programming outside
    In addition to Hollywood Senior Center, you might           of their home as well as those who prefer to participate
want to contact other centers and community spaces in           from home.
your area to see what they are offering. Some offerings                                      Until next month,
are specific to seniors. If it isn’t clearly stated, be sure                                 Megan
to check with activity organizers to make sure you
understand their COVID-prevention practices and are
comfortable with them before you sign up. Here are a               Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance
couple options I was excited to see:                                   On Wednesday, May 19, Oregon Housing and
    As of June 1, 2021, five of Portland’s public                   Community Services began accepting applications
libraries are offering limited in-person services.                for the Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Per the Multnomah County Library website: “No                         to help qualified renters who have experienced
appointments are necessary for in-building services at             financial hardship due to the coronavirus pandemic,
Capitol Hill, Gresham, Holgate, Kenton, and Midland               and are at risk of homelessness or housing instability,
libraries. Effective June 1, patrons will be admitted to the                  with past due rent and utilities.
libraries on a first-come, first-served basis. Holds pickups                      For more information:
will not require an appointment at these locations. Each              visit https://www.oregonrentalassistance.org
library will have time limits and maximum capacity rules                               or call 211

                        THIS PAGE                              Jean Johnson • Principal Broker
                        SPONSORED BY
                                                                  Johnson House PDX Real Estate, LLC
                              JOHNSON                   Jean is specially trained in helping seniors downsize
                           HOUSE PDX                       and find great housing for their golden years

                                                                                           News & Activities • July 2021 5
Get Connected and Stay Active!
     How to Register for and Access Our Classes & Events via ZOOM
 MOST EVENTS REQUIRE ADVANCE REGISTRATION. After registering, you will receive an email confirmation with
 the meeting link. All events utilize Zoom’s Waiting Room feature, so expect a short wait before being admitted.
 HOW TO REGISTER: Find registration links in HSC’s bimonthly email blast (linked at the top of our home page) or
 in our online calendar listings at http://hollywoodseniorcenter.org/events-calendar/.
 GETTING HELP: Please contact Michael Murphy if you need a meeting ID number, or with any questions you may
 have about accessing HSC’s virtual programming. Find his contact information in the box at the bottom of this page.
 JOINING MEETINGS BY PHONE: You can use any of the four U.S. toll-free phone numbers listed below to access
 our Zoom classes by telephone. (No registration required.) To access, simply dial one of the numbers, and when
 prompted, enter the meeting ID number and then push the pound key (#). If asked for a participant number, push #
 again. That’s it; you’re in! You may be placed on hold until the meeting starts. [Please note: These toll-free numbers
 will not work for non–HSC Zoom account events­­—marked with a double asterisk (**) in the newsletter calendar.]
         888-475-4499                833-548-0276               833-548-0282                877-853-5257
                                                              Hollywood Senior Center anticipates
Federal Emergency Broadband Benefit                           August reopening: Limited in-person
Program                                                       programming to be held offsite
    Qualified low-income individuals are now eligible for
a limited time to receive discounted internet through           THE BATHROOM RENOVATION at Hollywood
the Federal Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (see          Senior Center began on Saturday, June 12, and by
www.getemergencybroadband.org).                               the time you read this newsletter, the work will be
    Several local internet service providers are              well underway. While the timing is not ideal, this
participating in the program to offer internet service
                                                              project has been several months in the funding and
with up to a $50 monthly discount applied. If you qualify,
and depending on which internet service provider you
                                                              permitting phases, and this date finally worked with
choose, there may also be an opportunity for you to           the contractor schedule.
purchase a laptop or tablet at a cost of between $10             Our sincere hope is that this project will be
and $50. The EBB program will only be available until         completed by the end of August, so that we can get
funds run out so don’t wait to take advantage of this         back to programming in the center by September
opportunity if you need help with your existing internet      at the latest. We will keep you updated via word-of-
service bill or want to get new service.
                                                              mouth, phone calls, eblasts, social media, and our
    For more information please contact 2-1-1 (211info),
                                                              next newsletter.
3-1-1 (City of Portland’s customer service program), or the
Multnomah County Library (503-988-5123) to learn about           While we wait for the center renovation to be
and access this discount program.                             completed, we are moving ahead, scheduling
                                                              limited in-person programming at offsite locations­—
           NEED TECHNOLOGY HELP?                              both indoor and outdoor. Information about specific
Connect with a Hollywood Senior Center                        classes and whether they are in person or virtual
                                                              will be provided on the HSC virtual events calendar,
Tech Ambassador!                                              announced in our eblasts, and shared through direct
  Schedule a one-on-one appointment with an IT                emails sent to program registrants.
professional. To make an appointment, call Michael              Please be aware that for all indoor in-person
Murphy at 971-341-2130 or email him at                        programs, participants must be fully vaccinated
michael.murphy@hollywoodseniorcenter.org.                     and present their vaccination cards.

 6   Hollywood Senior Center                    HSC VIRTUAL EVENTS CALENDAR: hollywoodseniorcenter.org/events-calendar/
PLEASE NOTE: Unless specifically stated
otherwise, all classes listed in this newsletter
(other than the walking group) remain
virtual until further notice.
                                                                 Mindfulness for Stress Reduction
                                                                 Instructor: Nancy Boros
                                                                 Tuesdays • 9:00–10:00 am
                                                                 Meeting ID: 627 937 526 • Registration Required
                                                                 To register, please send an email to Nancy Boros at
    Join us for a walk in the park!                              mindbodymindfulness@gmail.com.
                                                                 Weekly free mindfulness meditation sessions on Zoom.
                                                                 Learn and practice mindfulness meditation, followed by
                                                                 Q&A about your experience and inquiry to deepen your
                                                                 practice. New and experienced meditators welcome.

                                                                 Arthritis Exercise
                                                                 Instructor: Sandy Morales
                                                                 Wednesdays • 11:00–11:50 am
                                                                 Meeting ID: 823 1525 6295 • Registration Required
                                                                 To register, email Sandy Morales at smorales@email.com.
                                                                 Sandy Morales invites all her students to a weekly class
                                                                 meeting to catch up and check in with each other.

                                                                 Chair Yoga
                                                                 Instructor: Jennifer Cho Kain
                                                                 Thursdays • 9:00–10:00 am • Registration Required
                                                                 To register, contact Michael at 503-288-8303, ext. 104, or
                                                                 by email at michael.murphy@hollywoodseniorcenter.org.
                                                                 Jennifer Cho Kain continues to offer chair yoga sessions to
                                                                 participants every Thursday morning. Designed for ages
Hollywood Senior Center is offering twice                        55 and up, the class features an individual approach to
                                                                 teaching and works to improve balance and breathing.
weekly walking groups!
This informal group meets Tuesdays and Saturdays from            Friday Afternoon Chat
10:30 to 11:45 am. If interested, meet at the northeast corner
                                                                 Fridays • 2:00–3:00 pm
of Grant Park, at the intersection of NE 36th Avenue and
NE Brazee St at approximately 10:30 am. Each meeting will        Meeting ID: 883 9277 3471
have walk leaders to guide the group along the way. This is      Registration Not Required / Drop-in
a great opportunity to reconnect with members of the HSC         (Find the link on the Virtual Events Calendar.)
community, as well as get outside and get some much-             We invite you to join the conversation on Friday afternoons
needed fresh air and exercise. Remember to bring water and       with fellow participants of Hollywood Senior Center. Bring
sun protection on hot days. See you in the park!                 your thoughts and interests to the group!

From HSC Home Page > HSC AT HOME > VIRTUAL EVENTS CALENDAR                                       News & Activities • July 2021 7
Information & Referral
                                                                                                                                                                           Megan Doren
                                                                                                                                                                           503-288-8303, ext. 103
                                                                                                                                                                           Center Activities & Events
                                                                                                                                                                           Michael Murphy
                                  1820 NE 40th Ave., Portland, OR 97212-5308                                                                                               michael.murphy@
                             Open Monday–Friday, 8:30am–4:30pm • by appointment only                                                                                       hollywoodseniorcenter.org

                                                                                     JULY 2021
         Monday                                Tuesday                           Wednesday                            Thursday                                Friday                           Sat/Sun
                                                                                                                                              1                                  2                               3/4
                                                                  CAPTURING TIME                              9:00 Chair Yoga with            1:00 Connecting Through Loss:           SATURDAY, July 3
                                                                  Journaling Your                                Jennifer Cho Kain               A Time for Remembrance               10:30 Walking Group*
                                                                  Journey                                     11:00 Arthritis Exercise with   2:00 Friday Afternoon Chat                Meet at northeast corner of
                                                                                                                 Jacki Gethner                   (drop-in)                              Grant Park at NE 36th & Brazee
                                                                  July 22–October 7                           1:00 VIEWS Conversation:
                                                                                                                 Learning from Grief and Loss
                                                                  A new 12-week course                        3:00 VIEWS Support Group
                                                                  includes writing and
                                                                  creative bookmaking.
                                                                  (See page 12 for details.)

                                                                                                                                                                                        HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!

                                  5                                    6                                  7                                   8                                  9                          10/11
                                      9:00 Mindfulness for Stress           9:00 Senior Health Insurance      9:00 Chair Yoga with                 10:30 Poetry Power! Poetry         SATURDAY, July 10
                                         Reduction**                           Benefits Assistance (SHIBA)       Jennifer Cho Kain                    Writing for Older Adults        10:30 Walking Group*
                                      10:00 Family Caregivers Support       9:00 Foot Care Clinic*            11:00 Arthritis Exercise with        2:00 Friday Afternoon Chat           Meet at northeast corner of
      CENTER CLOSED TODAY                Group                              11:00 Arthritis Exercise with        Jacki Gethner                        (drop-in)                         Grant Park at NE 36th & Brazee
       IN OBSERVANCE OF               10:00 Virtual Coffee Klatsch w/          Sandy Morales                  3:00 VIEWS Support Group
      4TH OF JULY HOLIDAY                Paul Iarrobino** (drop-in)         12:30 Intermediate Tai Chi with
                                      10:30 Walking Group*                     Candace Herrill
                                      11:00 Arthritis Exercise with         2:00 Tai Chi for Beginners with
                                         Jacki Gethner                         Candace Herrill

                              12                                      13                                14                                    15                                 16                         17/18
12:30 Intermediate Tai Chi with       9:00 Mindfulness for Stress           9:00 Senior Health Insurance      9:00 Chair Yoga with                 1:00 Hollywood Senior Center       SATURDAY, July 17
   Candace Herrill                       Reduction**                           Benefits Assistance (SHIBA)       Jennifer Cho Kain                    Virtual “Trivia Hour”           10:30 Walking Group *
12:30 Gordon Neal Herman              9:00 HSC Advisory Council Meeting     9:00 Foot Care Clinic*            11:00 Arthritis Exercise with        2:00 Friday Afternoon Chat           Meet at northeast corner of
   Presents: Leonard Bernstein        10:00 Therapeutic Horticulture        9:30 Cannabis Talk                   Jacki Gethner                        (drop-in)                         Grant Park at NE 36th & Brazee
2:00 Tai Chi for Beginners with       10:30 Walking Group*                  11:00 Arthritis Exercise with     3:00 VIEWS Support Group
   Candace Herrill                    11:00 Arthritis Exercise with            Sandy Morales
                                         Jacki Gethner                      11:00 Book Club (drop-in)
                                                                            12:30 Intermediate Tai Chi with
                                                                               Candace Herrill
                                                                            2:00 Tai Chi for Beginners with
                                                                               Candace Herrill
                              19                                      20                                21                                    22                                 23                         24/25
10:00 Food & Cooking Group            9:00 Mindfulness for Stress           9:00 Senior Health Insurance      9:00 Chair Yoga with                 2:00 Friday Afternoon Chat         SATURDAY, July 24
12:30 Intermediate Tai Chi with          Reduction**                           Benefits Assistance (SHIBA)       Jennifer Cho Kain                    (drop-in)                       10:30 Walking Group*
   Candace Herrill                    10:00 Virtual Coffee Klatsch w/       9:00 Foot Care Clinic*            11:00 Arthritis Exercise with                                             Meet at northeast corner of
2:00 Tai Chi for Beginners with          Paul Iarrobino** (drop-in)         9:30 Gardening for Pollinators       Jacki Gethner                                                          Grant Park at NE 36th & Brazee
   Candace Herrill                    10:30 Walking Group*                  11:00 Arthritis Exercise with     1:00 Capturing Time:
                                      11:00 Arthritis Exercise with            Sandy Morales                     Journaling Your Journey                    COMMUNITY
                                         Jacki Gethner                      12:30 Intermediate Tai Chi with   3:00 VIEWS Support Group                  FOR POSITIVE AGING
                                      1:00 Kalapuyan Tribal History            Candace Herril                                                          SUMMER GET TOGETHER
                                                                            2:00 Tai Chi for Beginners with                                               at Dawson Park
                                                                               Candace Herrill                                                             1:00–3:00 pm

                              26                                      27                                28                                    29                                 30                  31/AUG 1
12:30 Intermediate Tai Chi with       9:00 Mindfulness for Stress           9:00 Senior Health Insurance      9:00 Chair Yoga with                 2:00 Friday Afternoon Chat         SATURDAY, July 31
   Candace Herrill                       Reduction**                           Benefits Assistance (SHIBA)       Jennifer Cho Kain                    (drop-in)                       10:30 Walking Group*
2:00 Tai Chi for Beginners with       10:30 Walking Group*                  9:00 Foot Care Clinic*            11:00 Arthritis Exercise with                                             Meet at northeast corner of
   Candace Herrill                    11:00 Arthritis Exercise with         11:00 Arthritis Exercise with        Jacki Gethner                                                          Grant Park at NE 36th & Brazee
                                         Jacki Gethner                         Sandy Morales                  1:00 Capturing Time:
                                                                            12:30 Intermediate Tai Chi with      Journaling Your Journey
                                                                               Candace Herril                 3:00 VIEWS Support Group
                                                                            1:00 VIEWS Conversation:
                                                                               Engaging with Adult
                                                                            2:00 Tai Chi for Beginners with
                                                                               Candace Herrill

                                                                                                               * = In-person offerings		     ** = Non–HSC Zoom account event
 Senior Law and SHIBA Phone Appointments                                                                       FOOT CARE: Call 503-288-8303 or email staff@hollywoodseniorcenter.org
                                                                                                               to schedule a 45-minute appointment on Wednesdays between 9:00 am
                         To make a phone appointment for Senior Law Project
                                                                                                               and 12:00 pm.
                         Legal Clinic or Senior Health Insurance Benefits
                         Assistance (SHIBA), please call Information & Assistance                              PLEASE NOTE: Several of the classes listed in this calendar are not listed
                         Specialist Megan Doren at 503-288-8303, ext. 103.                                     in the main body of the newsletter because they are closed or full. To add
                                                                                                               your name to any wait list or for more information, send an email to
                                                                                                               michael.murphy@hollywoodseniorcenter.org or call 503-288-8303, ext. 104.

Hollywood Senior Center                                            Gardening for Pollinators
Virtual “Trivia Hour”                                              Presenter: Ian Horvath, Co-founder and
Facilitator(s): Generation Youth                                   President of The Honey Bee Society
                                                                   Tuesday, July 21 • 9:30–10:30 pm
Friday, July 16 • 1:00–2:00 pm
                                                                   Meeting ID: 820 7212 5441
Meeting ID: 889 2582 3163
                                                                   Registration Required
Registration Not Required / Drop-in
                                                                   (Find the link on the Virtual Events Calendar.)
Hollywood Senior Center, in partnership with Generation
                                                                   In this talk we will look at ways to support urban pollinators
Youth, is offering a virtual “trivia hour.” This is a great
                                                                   through gardening and native plant landscaping. With a
opportunity to challenge yourself, while also connecting
                                                                   greater focus on the importance of pollinators in recent
with other members of the community for fun and laughter.
                                                                   years it is critical to understand the pollinators in our
Don’t be intimidated; there is a mix of easy and difficult
                                                                   environment and how best to support them. From planting
questions, and it’s all for fun. There are no winners or losers,
                                                                   a backyard garden to a potted tomato plant, learn how
it’s just a chance to find out what you know, learn new
                                                                   flowers of all types support our pollinators across the city
information, and reconnect with friends or meet new people.
                                                                   and ways to increase forage across your community.
We look forward to seeing you!

Kalapuyans of the Willamette Valley                                  A COMMUNITY CELEBRATION!
Presenter: Dr. David G. Lewis                                        Community for Positive Aging
Tuesday, July 20 • 1:00–2:30 pm                                      Summer Get Together
Meeting ID: 879 7898 3357 • Registration Required                    WHEN: Friday, July 23 • 1:00-3:00 pm
(Find the link on the Virtual Events Calendar.)
                                                                     WHERE: Dawson Park — 1 N Stanton St., between
                                  This presentation explores         N Williams Ave & N Vancouver Ave
                                  the culture and history of
                                                                     Hollywood Senior Center and The Giving Tree, merging
                                  the Kalapuyans as they
                                                                     as the Community for Positive Aging as of July 1, 2021,
                                  encountered settlers, signed
                                                                     are bringing our community back together to celebrate in
                                  treaties, and were removed to
                                                                     person! Despite the fact that the HSC building will remain
                                  a reservation. They were then
                                                                     closed through August due to the bathroom renovation,
                                  forced to change their culture
                                                                     we recognize the need for a community gathering, so
                                  and faced many challenges
                                                                     we’re planning an outdoor, in-person Summer Get
                                  over the past 160 years.
                                                                     Together in Dawson Park in North Portland.
The Kalapuyans inhabited more than a million acres in the
Willamette and Umpqua valleys for over 14,000 years, but             There will be music, games, activities & announcements,
endured enormous changes to their traditional life-ways              along with summer snacks. This is a great opportunity to
during the past 200 years. The Kalapuyan peoples created             reconnect with others and enjoy some fun in the park.
the amazing fecundity of the Willamette valley by practicing         This is a drop-in event for all members of our
a form of land management or horticulture in which they              community, and there is no need to RSVP. Feel free
annually set fire to the valley, which cleared the land of           to invite others and bring friends along with you. We
excess vegetation, renewed food plants, and deposited                encourage those who are not fully vaccinated to continue
nutrients in the soil, as well as other benefits. They were a        wearing a mask and maintain social distancing.
stable society who harvested the fruits and vegetables of
                                                                     Questions? Email Michael Murphy at michael.murphy@
the valley, and hunted and fished the terrestrial and aquatic
                                                                     hollywoodseniorcenter.org or call 971-341-2130.
animals to provide their primary food sources.

 10   Hollywood Senior Center                       HSC VIRTUAL EVENTS CALENDAR: hollywoodseniorcenter.org/events-calendar/
                        Bi-Weekly                                    VIEWS CONVERSATION
                                                                     Learning from Grief and Loss
Food and Cooking Group                                               1st Thursday • July 1 • 1:00–2:30 pm
Facilitator: Kirsten Darrow                                          Meeting ID: 814 5815 6422
1st & 3rd Mondays • July 19 • 10:00–11:00 am                         Registration Required
(No meeting on Monday, July 5 due to July 4th holiday.)              (Find the link on the Virtual Events Calendar.)
Meeting ID: 933 3895 3293                                            As we age, we experience losses of many types. Grief may
Registration Not Required / Drop-in                                  become a more common experience. Your healing takes as
(Find the link on the Virtual Events Calendar.)                      long as it takes. Learn from others and yourself how to find
A drop-in discussion for anyone who loves food. Learn new            your own unique path through grief.
recipes, share ideas, and have fun with food.

Virtual Coffee Klatsch
Facilitator: Paul Iarrobino                                          Poetry Writing for Older Adults
1st & 3rd Tuesdays • July 6 & 20                                     2nd Friday • July 9 • 10:30 am–12:00 pm
10:00–11:00 am                                                       Meeting ID: 890 1901 0192
Meeting ID: 963 103 0643                                             Registration Required
Registration Not Required / Drop-in                                  (Find the link on the Virtual Events Calendar.)
(Find the link on the Virtual Events Calendar.)                      Hollywood Senior Center is partnering with Poetry Power to
Come together to chat, check in, and share news about                host free guided poetry writing sessions for older adults. This
your week and learn from each other. Newcomers welcome.              open and affirming group is a place for people to express
                                                                     themselves, share their stories, and connect with others.

                         Monthly                                     GORDON NEAL HERMAN PRESENTS
Connecting Through Loss:                                             Leonard Bernstein
A Time for Remembrance                                               2nd Monday, July 12 • 12:30–1:30 pm
                                                                     Meeting ID: 824 4267 5951
Facilitator: Jim Rico
                                                                     Registration Required
1st Friday, July 2 • 1:00–2:00 pm                                    (Find the link on the Virtual Events Calendar.)
Meeting ID: 824 0335 9009 • Registration Required                    With his last-minute replacement
(Find the link on the Virtual Events Calendar.)                      of Bruno Walter conducting the
This casual, once-a-month conversational group is open               New York Philharmonic, Bernstein’s
to anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one.               was propelled into stardom. He
Not meant to be a therapy session, it’s a time for reflection        became well known as a conductor,
and remembrance, a space where people can feel free to               a composer of both classical music
reflect on their losess, celebrate joys as well as sorrows, and      and theater music, and a beloved
share memories of their loved ones in a safe and friendly            music educator. This presentation
environment. There is no pressure or expectation to share;           will explore his career through
participants are free to share or just listen, either way is fine.   recordings and video.
It’s simply about connecting people.
                                                                                    Program listings continued on page 12…

From HSC Home Page > HSC AT HOME > VIRTUAL EVENTS CALENDAR                                      News & Activities • July 2021 11
Monthly Programs, continued
Therapeutic Horticulture                                         Book Club
Presenter: Kasia Bilhartz, Registered Horticultural Therapist    2nd Wednesday, July 14
2nd Tuesday, July 13 • 10:00–11:00 am                            11:00 am–12:00 pm

Meeting ID: 852 8819 8261 • Registration Required                Registration Not Required /
(Find the link on the Virtual Events Calendar.)                  Drop-in
                                                                 Meeting ID: 882 6013 3224
Therapeutic horticulture engages participants’ senses and        (Find the link on the Virtual Events Calendar.)
creativity in the exploration of plants and natural materials
                                                                 Attention all book lovers! Do you have a current book, or
with simple and enjoyable project activites. Group sessions
                                                                 books, you are reading, or one you have recently read that
stimulate memories and cognitive function, and help
                                                                 you would like to talk about? If so, we invite you to join us
increase feelings of well-being and connection to others
                                                                 and share your insights and thoughts on any of them you
while decreasing feelings of isolation. Connecting to nature
                                                                 want to talk about. All genres are open for discussion.
and the seasons is especially beneficial for those whose time
outdoors is limited. All supplies and materials provided.
                                                                 VIEWS CONVERSATION
Cannabis Talks                                                   Engaging with Adult Children
Presenter: Christian Lé, MD, Green Earth Medicine Clinic         4th Wednesday • July 28 • 1:00–2:30 pm
2nd Wednesday, July 14 • 9:30–11:00 am                           Meeting ID: 893 8226 5096 • Registration Required
Meeting ID: 861 3459 2647 • Registration Required                (Find the link on the Virtual Events Calendar.)
(Find the link on the Virtual Events Calendar.)                  Relationships with children change as we age. Examine
Green Earth Medicine monthly cannabis talks are for those        current problems and foster greater understanding between
who are interested in learning more about the medicinal          generations. Be part of a discussion about relationships with
uses of cannabis. The presentation will be followed by Q&A.      adult children. Talk about some of your concerns.

                  NEW! 12-week Journaling Course, July 22–October 7

  Capturing Time: Journaling Your Journey                        a strong memory-recall component. Over the 12-week
                                                                 course participants use visual art and storytelling as
  Facilitator: Candyce Scott, The Geezer Gallery                 communication tools for expressing to others—facilitators,
  Every Thursday, July 22–October 7 • 1:00–3:00 pm               family and other participants—who they are and what
  Registration Required • To register or for questions,          they have experienced in life. Using writing and art
  please contact Michael Murphy at 971-341-2130 or               elements of their own choosing, participants create a book
  michael.murphy@hollywoodseniorcenter.org.                      that describes a meaningful experience in their life. They
                                                                 create a cover, and the book is then bound; enabling them
  This program will begin at an alternative location
                                                                 to keep the book and share it with others. Since mastery
  (TBD) and move to HSC once the bathroom renovation
                                                                 and social engagement are important factors in the overall
  is completed. It will be held in-person and indoors,
                                                                 health of older adults, accomplishing this through artistic
  so all participants must be vaccinated and show their
  vaccination cards prior to the first meeting.                  and writing mediums makes for a fun and engaging
                                                                 environment. Also, the arts contribute to communicating,
  This program uses an evidence-based therapeutic art            building a sense of identity, and strengthening social
  and writing curriculum developed by The Geezer Gallery         networks in communities. Art programs are a means
  to enhance older adults’ physical and mental health            of qualitatively improving quality of life by offering the
  by engaging them in participatory arts programs with           opportunity for creative expression and self-esteem.

 12   Hollywood Senior Center                       HSC VIRTUAL EVENTS CALENDAR: hollywoodseniorcenter.org/events-calendar/
THIS MONTH longtime Board Member Paul Clark steps down from
his Board Position. Paul was one of the founders of Hollywood Senior
Center back in 1973. We want Paul to know how much we appreciate him
for his guidance and involvement through the years. We are grateful for his
leadership, input and support. His contributions have been essential for the
growth of Hollywood Senior Center and now the Community for Positive
Aging. Paul’s advocacy has been invaluable, and he has made a difference
in the lives of so many. In recognition of his decades of leadership, the
Hollywood Senior Center Board has created its first emeritus position for Paul
Clark. Paul will always be an important part of our family and community. We
                                                                                    Paul Clark, HSC Board Member Emeritus
plan to honor Paul and celebrate his many contributions with a special event
later this year (or in early 2022), when we can all come together in person.
                                                                                            “Volunteering is the
Look for a wonderful article about Paul and his many years of involvement
with Hollywood Senior Center in the July edition of the Hollywood Star.                     ultimate exercise in
                                                                                          democracy. You vote in
HSC Seek                                 local park,welcome the group, and
                                         then lead the walk! Each shift will be
                                                                                         elections once a year, but
Volunteers!                              approximately an hour, and ideally 2            when you volunteer, you
                                         volunteer facilitators will be paired up        vote every day about the
BELOW ARE A FEW of our current           to lead each walk.
volunteer opportunities. Please visit                                                     kind of community you
https://hollywoodseniorcenter.org        Volunteer Drivers                                    want to live in.”
and click on “get involved” and then     Volunteer drivers help Hollywood
on “volunteer” to learn about other      Senior Center with one or more of a                 —Author Unknown
opportunities and to apply!              variety of needs to help provide food,
                                         supplies, or transportation to seniors
Social Media Volunteer                   and others across Portland. Please
Social Media Volunteers help create      contact Julie Ann if you are interested
content and dynamic posts for            in any of these options:
Hollywood Senior Center’s Facebook,
                                         • Transport food deliveries, program
Instagram, and other platforms.
                                           supplies, medical equipment, or
We are looking for volunteers with
                                           other items as needed to buildings
excitement for supporting the mission
                                           or individuals residences in Portland
and work of Hollywood Senior Center
                                           using personal vehicle for one of
and experience with multiple social
                                           these needs.
media platforms including Facebook
and Instagram. Most work can be done     • Get trained as a Ride Connection
remotely, and volunteers spend up to 4     driver and volunteer to transport
hours per week on a flexible schedule.     seniors to various locations on
                                           weekends or evenings for field trips
Walking Group Leaders                      or other small group programs using
We are looking for volunteers to           Ride Connection vans or buses.
help lead an outdoor walking group         (We will connect you with Ride
activity for Hollywood Senior Center       Connection for free training.)
participants in the Hollywood
neighborhood. Meet new people,           Questions? Contact HSC Volunteer
enjoy the outdoors and get your steps    Program Manager at julieann.
                                                                                    A Hollywood Senior Center volunteer gets
in while volunteering! Volunteers        barowski@hollywoodseniorcenter.org         ready to deliver Therapeutic Horticulture
will meet participants at HSC or a       or 503-288-8303, ext. 109.                      materials to class participants.

From HSC Home Page > HSC AT HOME > VIRTUAL EVENTS CALENDAR                              News & Activities • July 2021 13
      Hollywood Senior Center Thanks You!                                           Special Thanks
MANY THANKS to all those who made contributions to the Center, the                     Helen Bernhard’s Bakery
Building Fund, or the Endowment Fund from May 12 to June 8, 2021.                       Brink Communications
Any contributions received after this date will be reported in the next                     Clay Street Table
newsletter. We make every effort to ensure accuracy in recognizing
supporters; please notify us if you discover any errors.
                                                                                             Feed the Mass
                                                                                              Fills Donuts
CENTER DONATIONS            Janice Olive              REGISTRATION                        Fleur de Lis Bakery
Clara Alvarado              Sheila Pastore            Janet Orjala                           The Giving Tree
Marci Edwards               Ann Pederden              Susan Ainge               Grant Park Neighborhood Association–
Catherine Faricy            Diana Rush                                                Neighbor Helping Program
Barbara Fields              Karen Schneider                                                  Grocery Outlet
                                                      State of Oregon–
Tamie Goranson              Jo Senters                                                Hollywood Farmers Market
                                                         Business Oregon
Judith Grant                Arthur Silverman                                               Hollywood Lions
                                                      Umpqua Bank–Sellwood
Elizabeth Kolasky           Peter Sysyn
                                                      Providence Health &         Hollywood Neighborhood Gleaners
Eileen Kovac                Robben Woode
                                                         Services                   Hospice Care of the Northwest
Azzree Lathan               Kathy Zwick
                                                      The Portland Clinic                    Paul Iarrobino
Donald Luey in support of   Amazon Smile
                                                         Foundation                 Metropolitan Family Services
    the restroom remodel    Hollywood Lions Club
Beverly Luzader             Chevron Matching          IN HONOR OF                  Mother & Child Education Center
Sara Morris                    Employee Funds         RON THURSTON               Multnomah County Aging, Disability
                                                                                        and Veterans Services
Phu Nguyen                  Hollywood Ukulele Group   Molly Thurston
                                                                                      Multnomah County Library
                                                                                       New Seasons Grant Park
                  THANK YOU TO ALL of our amazing                                         Oregon Food Bank
                   volunteers and in-kind donors!                                      Oregon Health Authority
                                                                                           Sunshine Division
                                                                                              We Do Better
                                                                                         Whole Foods Market
                     Community for Positive Aging
                     Unveiling …continued from page 1                          Thank you Grant Park New Seasons
important to have a new design that is inclusive, open and positive. We        for donating 600 chai tea gift sets to
believe our new logo builds on our past and positions us for a strong          the Hollywood Senior Center. We’ll
future. We’ll be excited to unveil our new color palette and we can’t wait     be distributing this great donation to
for you to see our new logo at the center and in the greater community.        clients and participants throughout the
   We will have much more to share next month. Thank you for all you
do and for being a part of our organization during this next phase of
                                                                               summer. We greatly appreciate your
our growth. Best wishes to all for a joyous, full and safe summer ahead.       continued support and can’t wait to
I hope see many of you at our Summer Get Together at Dawson Park!              bring back the monthly cooking demo
                                     —Amber Kern-Johnson, Executive Director   when we are able to reopen again.
 14    Hollywood Senior Center
Although our physical doors remain closed, Hollywood             Support our center through planned giving.
Senior Center staff and volunteers are working diligently to     Naming the Hollywood Senior Center as a beneficiary in
provide life-saving and meaningful support to people most        your will, trust, insurance policy, 401K or retirement account
at risk during this pandemic.                                    is an easy way to help us fulfill our commitment to assisting
Services our staff and volunteers provide are necessities        adults over 55 in leading independent, secure, healthy and
with clear and demonstrated outcomes. They include:              fulfilled lives. Leave a lasting legacy by naming us in your
                                                                 estate plans. For more information, contact HSC Director
• improving participants’ health and emotional well-being;
                                                                 Amber Kern-Johnson at 503-288-8303, ext. 102.
• increasing personal independence;
• decreasing social isolation; and                               Thanks to your generosity, social distancing doesn’t
• reducing the public costs of higher levels of care.            have to mean social isolation for seniors in your
Additionally, our volunteer program offers participants          community. Your tax-deductible donation in any amount
opportunities to connect with others, contribute positively      will help us meet increasing demand and continue
to their community, and increase civic participation.            providing nutritional support, companionship, and essential
                                                                 resources to older adults.
There are many ways to participate in our community’s
success!                                                                       T WO WAYS TO D ON ATE
• Renew, or begin, your annual HSC registration.
                                                                        Mail your check or money order directly to:
• Make a one-time gift, or become a sustainer by making a
  recurring monthly gift.
                                                                                 Hollywood Senior Center
• Share our cause with family and friends.                               1820 NE 40th Avenue, Portland, OR 97212
• Volunteer for one of HSC’s digital or phone volunteer
                                                                                   Donate online at:
  roles. Call 503-288-8303 to inquire about current
Your tax-deductible contribution of any amount will help
us meet increasing demand for services, and ensure our
                                                                           We are so grateful for your support.
organization and community survives the pandemic so
we can continue to be here for you and your family in the
                                                                           Every little bit makes a difference!
future.                                                                     HSC Non-profit Tax I.D. No. 23-7291187

YES, I want to make a difference! Here is my contribution to the Hollywood Senior Center.
Name                                                     Phone                           Email
Address                                                          City                           State            Zip
My contribution is for the:      Greatest need           Endowment fund         Building fund           $20 annual registration

   Please charge my credit card. Card type:       Visa           Mastercard
  Account #                                                                  Exp. Date          /           Amount

   Please send me information about including Hollywood Senior Center in my will or estate plan.

   Please designate my contribution:
          “In memory of”		       “In honor of” (check one):
   and send an acknowledgement letter to:
   Address                                                         City                             State        Zip

Clip this form and mail, with check payable to:                                             News & Activities • July 2021 15
Hollywood Senior Center, 1820 NE 40th Ave, Portland, OR 97212
                                                                                                              US POSTAGE
                                                                                                             PORTLAND OR
           1820 NE 40th Ave.                                                                                PERMIT NO. 628
           Portland, OR 97212

Return Service Requested

                                                                                        POETRY POWER!
              Carson & Baker
              Attorneys at Law                                                              FEELINGS
                  503.288.9291                                         Yesterday I felt peace, like a soft quilted blanket
                                                                           draped across my shoulders.
               Located in Hollywood at
      2035 NE 42nd Ave. (NE 42nd at Tillamook St.)                     Yesterday I felt excited. I found out the news that
                                                                           I won.
        General practice, with an emphasis on
        Wills, Estates, Probate and Real Estate                        Yesterday I felt brave, like a bird soaring in a wind
                                                                       Yesterday I felt anticipation, like the crouched
                                                                           body of a soon to pounce kitten.
                                                                       Yesterday I felt confused, a hiker without a trail.
                                                                       Yesterday I felt like going back in time to
                                                                           remember when I was attending my 50th
                                                                           class reunion back in New York.
                                                                           Oh how I wish it would be the summer and
                                                                           2018 all over again.
                                                                       Today I feel weary, like blueberry bunches in
                                                                          the heat of July, too heavy for their own
                                                                       Today I feel anxious to see what the Council will
                                                                          be working on.
                                                                       Today I feel ready to break brush again.
                                                                       Today I feel quiet, like the sky before rain.
                                                                       Today I feel hopeful, like the first line of a poem
                                                                          that captures the moment perfectly.

                                                                     This group poem was written by HSC participants on 6/11/2021.
                                                                      Our next POETRY POWER! session is Friday, July 9 at 10:30 am.

                                    NEWSLETTER ISSUE NO. 571 | JULY 2021
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