What Every Scarlet Knight Should Know - 2021-2022 Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Page created by Glen Payne
What Every Scarlet Knight Should Know - 2021-2022 Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Rutgers University–New Brunswick

What Every
Scarlet Knight
Should Know

                            Rutgers University­–New Brunswick 1
What Every Scarlet Knight Should Know - 2021-2022 Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Table of Contents
Academic Calendar ................................................................................................................................................................. 3

Post-Orientation Checklist ................................................................................................................................................. 4

First Semester Checklist ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

The First-Year Student Experience ................................................................................................................................. 6

The Transfer Student Experience .................................................................................................................................... 7

Academic 101 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Academic Resources .............................................................................................................................................................. 8

Academic Tools .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Class Schedules ........................................................................................................................................................................ 10

Academic School Information .......................................................................................................................................... 11

Campus Resources                                                                                                                                                                            12
                    • Taking Care of Business ............................................................................................................................. 12

                    • Campus Services ............................................................................................................................................. 13

                    • Student Support ............................................................................................................................................. 14

                    • Get Involved ....................................................................................................................................................... 17

Money Matters .......................................................................................................................................................................... 19

Stay Connected And Safe ................................................................................................................................................... 21

Rutgers Lingo ........................................................................................................................................................................... 22

Get Involved ............................................................................................................................................................................... 23

Sights to See ............................................................................................................................................................................. 24

Just Around the Corner ...................................................................................................................................................... 25

A Scarlet Knight’s Guide to Food .................................................................................................................................. 26

Rutgers Bus Guide ................................................................................................................................................................. 28

Bus Stops .................................................................................................................................................................................... 29

The Knight’s Call ..................................................................................................................................................................... 32

Rutgers Fight Song ............................................................................................................................................................... 33

2 The Official Guide for New Scarlet Knights
What Every Scarlet Knight Should Know - 2021-2022 Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Academic Calendar
Fall Semester Begins..................................................................... Wednesday, September 1 (No Class: Mon. 9/6)

Regular Saturday Classes Start.................................................................................................. Saturday, September 4

Changes in Designation of Class Days..................................Wednesday, September 8 (Monday Classes)

                                                                                             Monday, November 29 (Wednesday Classes)

Thanksgiving Recess..........................................................Wednesday, November 24 - Sunday, November 28

Regular Classes End............................................................................................................................ Monday, December 13

Reading Days.......................................................................... Tuesday, December 14 - Wednesday, December 15

Fall Exams Begin..................................................................................................................................Thursday, December 16

Fall Exams End..................................................................................................................................... Thursday, December 23

Winter Session Begins.....................................................................................................................Thursday, December 23

Winter Session Ends....................................................................................................................................... Friday, January 14

Spring Semester Begins......................................................................................................................... Tuesday, January 18

Spring Recess Begins................................................................................................................................. Saturday, March 12

Spring Recess Ends........................................................................................................................................ Sunday, March 20

Regular Classes Ends............................................................................................................................................Monday, May 2

Reading Days.............................................................................................................Tuesday, May 3 - Wednesday, May 4

Spring Exams Begin........................................................................................................................................... Thursday, May 5

Spring Exams End......................................................................................................................................... Wednesday, May 11

University Commencement............................................................................................................................ Sunday, May 15

Summer Session Begins.................................................................................................................................. Tuesday, May 31

Summer Session Ends....................................................................................................................... Wednesday, August 17

Add/Drop: Each semester there is a                                                            Withdrawal: You can drop a class after
designated time frame known as                                                                Add/Drop during the designated time
Add/Drop. During this time you can                                                            period. A “W” does not affect you GPA.
add or drop classes.

For instructional videos about Add/Drop – check out success.rutgers.edu/how-information.
Remember: Be careful to always remain a full-time student (12 credits or more) - it’s
best to strategize with an academic advisor before adding, dropping, or withdrawing.

                                                                                                                       Rutgers University­–New Brunswick 3
What Every Scarlet Knight Should Know - 2021-2022 Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Post-Orientation Checklist
        Submit Post-Orientation Survey
        We want your feedback, so we can make the Orientation experience even better for new Scarlet Knights
        in the future! Keep an eye out for an email with this survey link!

        Complete Academic Planning and Advising Program to select your courses

        Submit Final Transcripts

        Submit Immunization Forms
        If you have not already done so, submit your immunization forms at

        Check Your Rutgers Email Daily
        Get in the habit of checking your email daily. You will be receiving very important information that will
        help prepare you for the start of your semester. This will also be the primary form of communication for
        all official Rutgers correspondence.

        FERPA Waiver
        Review and discuss the FERPA waiver with your family. For more information, visit

        Download the Rutgers App
        Never be out of the loop again! Get bus schedules, campus updates, direct links to helpful resources and
        academic information, and daily menus at your fingertips!

        Order a Parking Permit/Permission
        Planning to commute or have a car on campus? Visit parktran.rutgers.edu.

        Select a Meal Plan
        Whether you are a resident or commuter, visit your MyRutgers Dashboard to choose the best meal plan
        for you.

        Review Student Code of Conduct
        Visit studentconduct.rutgers.edu to understand your responsibilities as a Rutgers student.

        Sign Up For Emergency Notifications and Text Alerts from RUPD at rupd.rutgers.edu/text.php.

        Sign Up For a Campus Mailbox
        Go to myRutgers, then “My Tab,” scroll down and find the Mail/Packages instructions. Commuters can
        sign up to receive mail by emailing mailquestions@ipo.rutgers.edu.

        Complete Online Learning Modules
        Check your email for information on two online learning modules (Not Anymore and Not Anymore for
        Alcohol & Other Drugs) that you need to complete by September 1.

        Waive or Enroll in the Student Health Insurance Plan Before September 21, 2021 and February 8, 2022
        Waive or Enroll at universityhealthplans.com. For waiver/enrollment concerns contact University Health
        Plans directly at 800-437-6448.

4 The Official Guide for New Scarlet Knights
What Every Scarlet Knight Should Know - 2021-2022 Rutgers University-New Brunswick
First Semester Checklist
To help you navigate your first semester, we’ve highlighted a few things we think are important.

       Participate in Welcome Week Events
       Before classes begin, explore the campus and connect with resources for your personal and academic
       success. Full schedule will be available August 1. welcome.rutgers.edu

       Take the Scarlet Knight Challenge
       Attend events, find a home on campus, make friends, calm nerves, and have fun while winning some
       amazing prizes!! nso.rutgers.edu

       Get to Know Your Professors
       Introduce yourself before or after class, go to office hours for extra help, and/or communicate via email.
       Your professors are a key support and resource for your academic success.

       Learn the Rutgers Bus System
       Remember to use the Rutgers App and TransLoc App as you learn the routes. It’s only a matter of time
       before you’re speaking the RU Bus Lingo. Check the back of this booklet for a helpful guide.

       Pay Your Term Bill
       Your due date can be found on your bill. Visit myRutgers to view your bill and learn more about your
       payment options.

       Get Involved!
       Join a club or organization that has shared interests or enhances your academic experience outside
       of the classroom. Attend a campus event(s) to stay connected and meet new people! Get started at
       getINVOLVED.rutgers.edu. Be sure to follow @RUGetInvolved for events!

       Explore Canvas, MyRutgers, and WebReg
       Get familiar with these super helpful tools. You’ll be spending lots of time on them and they will become
       your best friends. See page 9 for more information.

       Register to Vote!
       Check out RUVoting.rutgers.edu for more information.

       Meet with Your Academic Advisor
       Schedule a meeting to review your academic progress and plans. Lay out your next few semesters and
       make a list of classes you can take.

       Register for Your Upcoming Semester Classes
       Once you’ve met with your advisor and are given access to register, choose your classes for the upcoming
       semester. Use Degree Navigator and WebReg to aid the process.

                                                                             Rutgers University­–New Brunswick 5
What Every Scarlet Knight Should Know - 2021-2022 Rutgers University-New Brunswick
The First-Year Student Experience
The chart below helps to highlight some of the differences between high school and college so
you can have a better understanding of Rutgers.

                                  High School                                 College

Academics             Students are given a set curriculum      Students choose which classes they
                      to learn from during the traditional     wish to take and what days/times to
                      time frame of 7:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.        take them.

Grades                Parents/family members receive           Student records, including grades,
                      a report card with their student’s       are protected by FERPA. Parents/
                      grades each semester.                    family members are not privy to
                                                               their student’s grades without their
                                                               written consent.

Textbooks             Textbooks are provided by the high       Students must purchase/rent
                      school and must be returned at the       textbooks for their classes and
                      end of the school year.                  textbooks can be expensive.

Independence          Parents/family members generally         Students living in residence halls
                      establish “house rules” and set          or off-campus apartments are not
                      curfews for their students.              assigned curfews; they can come
                                                               and go based on their schedule.

Attendance            Attendance at each class is              Attendance policies vary and not
                      mandatory and parents/family             every professor will take attendance.
                      members are alerted about                Parents/family members will not
                      attendance and/or tardiness issues.      be notified if students don’t attend

Class Size            High school courses typically have       University class sizes can range from
                      30-40 students per class.                30-300 students per class.

Time                  Time is structured by school officials   Students manage and take
Management            and parents. Students can depend         ownership of their time. Students
& Prioritizing        on teachers or parent/family             must balance their responsibilities
                      members to remind them of their          and set priorities for themselves.
                      responsibilities and to guide them
                      back to their priorities.

6 The Official Guide for New Scarlet Knights
What Every Scarlet Knight Should Know - 2021-2022 Rutgers University-New Brunswick
The Transfer Student Experience
On average, about 1/3 of college students will transfer to another higher education institution
before they complete their college degree. While transfer students are not new to the college
experience, they are new to the Rutgers campus so there are a few things to be aware of as you
transition to Rutgers University.

Asking for Help is the Key to Success: New transfer students hold a major advantage in that
they have a strong understanding of how the college setting works. However, their previous
knowledge should not deter them from seeking assistance when needed. There are a variety
of services at Rutgers that many students coming from other institutions did not previously
have access to, including the Learning Center, Writing and Science labs, Dean of Students, and
academic advisors.

Maintain a Good Balance: Many transfer students also work full or part-time jobs in addition to
attending classes. These students should be mindful when creating their academic schedule to
ensure that they can dedicate adequate time to work and school.

“Transfer Shock” is real. As a transfer student attending a new school, some students may
experience a temporary decline in the GPA during their first or second semester at Rutgers.
Remember to be patient with yourself as you adjust to the academic expectations at Rutgers and
use the resources outlined in this guide.

A Good Amount of Learning Will Happen Outside the Classroom: Students coming from
smaller community colleges and universities may have had limited opportunities to get involved
with organizations and connect with other students. Rutgers has over 700 student organizations
that allow students to explore academic, social, religious and cultural interests. Student
organization involvement is not only a great way to make new friends but this will also provide
students with great leadership experience that can strengthen their resume.

Regardless of Where a Student Started, Rutgers is Their New Home: Transfer students have
an opportunity to make lifelong connections with other students and learn from world class
faculty members during their time at Rutgers. First-year and transfer students face many similar
challenges in making new friends, finding their way around campus, and choosing the right
major. Remember, even if you did not start your college journey at Rutgers, you have a new
identity as a proud Scarlet Knight, now and forevermore!

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What Every Scarlet Knight Should Know - 2021-2022 Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Academic 101
Students find the expectations with academic work different than high school. To help ensure
your success:

      • Develop a study plan that works for you. For academic success, it is expected that
       you study outside of the classroom and review your course materials daily. Unlike high
       school, the time you spend studying for classes may be in the morning, afternoon or
       evening, and even on the weekends.

      • Work on your time management. There will be an opportunity for many different
       experiences inside and outside of the classroom, but there are still only 24 hours in the day.
       Budget your time for studying, activities, social events, and wellness. You may want to
       meet with an Academic Coach at a Learning Center or complete the online module on
       Time Management to prepare for your first semester.

      • Set SMART goals. Sign up for one-on-one academic coaching or group workshops at a
       Learning Center at rlc.rutgers.edu to learn more about SMART goals and how you can set,
       meet, and reach your academic and personal goals during your time at Rutgers.

      • “Transfer Shock” is real. As a transfer student attending a new school, some students
       may experience a temporary decline in the GPA during their first or second semester
       at Rutgers. Remember to be patient with yourself as you adjust to the academic
       expectations at Rutgers and use the resources outlined in this guide.

Academic Resources
Aresty Research Center aresty.rutgers.edu          Writing Centers wp.rutgers.edu/writingcenters
Undergraduate research, faculty mentors,           The Writing Centers provide tutoring for
faculty-led and student-led projects, project      students enrolled in Writing Program classes
funding, presentation opportunities.               that helps improve reading and writing and
College Avenue: Milledoler Hall,                   paper revision practice .
520 George Street                                  College Avenue: Plangere Writing Center,
(848) 932-7027                                     510 George Street, 3rd Floor
                                                   Douglass: Douglass Writing Center,
Learning Centers rlc.rutgers.edu                   135 George Street
Individualized academic coaching and               Livingston: The Livingston Writing Center,
writing coaching, study groups, drop-in            Lucy Stone Hall, Rm. B103/106/108
tutoring, academic skills workshops, online
learning modules, study space.
Busch: SERC Building, Rm. 106                         Rutgers has 14 different libraries that
College Avenue: Rutgers Academic Building,            offer thousands of books and specialist
Rm. 1125 West Wing                                    librarians to assist with your research, and
Cook/Douglass: Loree Building, Rm. 124                computers, printers, and study rooms. To
                                                      learn more visit libraries.rutgers.edu.
Livingston: Tillett Hall, Rm. 111

8 The Official Guide for New Scarlet Knights
What Every Scarlet Knight Should Know - 2021-2022 Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Academic Tools
“How-To Videos” – Check out various step-by-step videos about the course scheduling
process and systems like Degree Navigator, WebReg, and Course Schedule Planner. Visit

Course Schedule Planner – Before you register for classes, use the Course Schedule
Planner at sims.rutgers.edu/csp to map out your ideal schedule for the semester, selecting
the courses you plan to take and viewing different automatically generated schedules.
Don’t forget to build in travel time between campuses.

Degree Navigator – This easy-to-use academic tracking system is great for showing your
progress towards your academic program completion, indicating classes completed, in
progress, and not yet started. You’ll want to look over this with your advisor to ensure you
are on track to graduate. Visit nbdn.rutgers.edu for more information.

            Be sure to meet with an academic advisor before registering for
            classes. You want to make sure you stay on track and take the right
            classes in the right order. For most majors, it is recommended to
            take an average of 15 credits each semester.

myRutgers – A one-stop tool that provides information about Rutgers resources. You can
customize the channels to have your email, grades, class registration, library search, and
calendar of university events all in one place. Log-in from any computer to my.rutgers.edu
with your netID and password.

Course Catalog – The university’s catalogs contain degree and major requirements and
academic policies and procedures for each school. They can all be viewed and searched
online at catalogs.rutgers.edu.

Canvas – Many professors post assignments, readings, and topics of discussion here. You
may be asked to submit your assignments through canvas.rutgers.edu and can often view
your grades for a course throughout the semester.

WebReg – Using this tool, you can view which classes are offered for the upcoming
semester and if there are available seats. After meeting with your advisor, use
webreg.rutgers.edu to register for classes.

Penji – Create an account on penjiapp.com and download the Penji app on your mobile
device to access online tutoring, academic coaching, writing support, and other services
from a variety of Rutgers organizations, including the Learning Centers.

                                                                    Rutgers University­–New Brunswick 9
What Every Scarlet Knight Should Know - 2021-2022 Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Class Schedules
When building your schedule, and when planning your commute to and from each class, keep
in mind the class periods for each campus.

Fall 2021 New Class Period Grid

              80min Periods                        55min Periods              180min Periods

      1            9:00-10:20am             1*           9:00-9:55am    1,2        9:00am-12:00pm

      2           11:00am-12:20pm           2*          11:00-11:55am   2,3        11:00am-2:00pm

      3             1:00-2:20pm             3*           1:00-1:55pm    3,4         1:00-4:00pm

     4             3:00-4:20pm              4*           3:00-3:55pm    4,5         3:00-6:00pm

      5            5:00-6:20pm              5*           5:00-5:55pm    5,6         5:00-8:00pm

      6            7:00-8:20pm              6*           7:00-7:55pm    6,7         7:00-10:00pm

      7            9:00-10:20pm             7*          9:00-9:55pm

                          Standard Period Combinations - 2x80min, 2x55min

                        Monday             Tuesday         Wednesday    Thursday         Friday

          1               MTh1                   TF1          W1F4       MTh1             TF1

          2              MTh2                   TF2           W2F3       MTh2             TF2

          3               MW3                   TTh3          MW3        TTh3            W2F3

          4               MW4                   TTh4          MW4        TTh4            W1F4

          5               MW5                   TTh5          MW5        TTh5

          6               MW6                   TTh6          MW6        TTh6

          7               MW7                   TTh7          MW7        TTh7

Courses that need 3x80min or 3x55min periods should indicate the three days and the period
(i.e. MWTh4) in the Time Requirements text box in Course Atlas.

10 The Official Guide for New Scarlet Knights
Academic School Information
Do you have questions about your class schedule? Need to meet with an academic advisor?
Use your school’s contact information below and set up an appointment.

Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
848-932-2722 - undergrad@ejb.rutgers.edu

Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
848-445-6336 - academicservices@pharmacy.rutgers.edu

Mason Gross School of the Arts
848-932-5236 - advisement@mgsa.rutgers.edu

Rutgers Business School
848-445-3600 - firstyears@business.rutgers.edu

School of Arts and Sciences
First Year: 848-932-8888 - firstyears@sas.rutgers.edu
Transfer: 848-445-8886 - transfers@sas.rutgers.edu

School of Communication and Information
848-932-7550 - sciss@comminfo.rutgers.edu

School of Engineering
First Year: firstyear@soe.rutgers.edu
Transfer Students: transfer@soe.rutgers.edu 848-445-2212

School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
First Year: first_year@sebs.rutgers.edu
Transfer: transfers@sebs.rutgers.edu 848-932-3000

School of Management and Labor Relations
Labor Studies and Employment Relations - 848-932-1981 - akhila.naik@rutgers.edu
Human Resource Management - 848-445-5969 - tinkham@smlr.rutgers.edu

School of Nursing
848-932-5757 - advising@sn.rutgers.edu

                                                               Rutgers University­–New Brunswick 11
Campus Resources
     Visit success.rutgers.edu for a searchable list of services, resources, and tools
     available to help you succeed.

Taking Care of Business

Office of Disability Services ods.rutgers.edu
Exam accommodations, note taking services, assistive technology, alternative course materials,
and coordinator for accommodations. This office also partners with the Department of
Transportation Services for accessible parking and transportation.
Livingston: Lucy Stone Hall, A145 - 848-445-6800

One Stop Student Services Center
The “One Stop” is an integrated and coordinated cross-functional service in the areas of financial
aid, student accounts, and registration. Students can contact us with any questions regarding
their FAFSA, offer letters, missing documents, payments, holds, refunds, registration issues,
personal information updates and more. Contact the One Stop
Busch Campus: 65 Davidson Road

Rutgers Student Health
Provides routine and primary care, preventive services, physicals/wellness visits, management
of acute problems and chronic conditions, sexual and reproductive health care, travel medicine,
allergy shots and immunizations.
College Avenue: Hurtado Health Center — 11 Bishop Place
Cook/Douglass: Cook Douglass Health Center — 61 Dudley Road
Livingston: Busch/Livingston Health Center — 110 Hospital Road
Medical Appointments — 848-932-7402, health.rutgers.edu

Student Health Insurance
It is mandatory for full-time and all F&J Rutgers Sponsored VISA students to waive or enroll in the
Student Health Insurance Plan each semester. Visit universityhealthplans.com to complete the
required action each semester before the deadline.
848-932-8285 - info@univhealthplans.com

12 The Official Guide for New Scarlet Knights
Campus Services

Career Exploration and Success careers.rutgers.edu
The Office of Career Exploration and Success (CES) provides opportunities for students to
discover their interests, explore majors and careers, develop their skills, and pursue their post-
graduate goals. CES also provides you with access to the #1 resource for on-and off-campus
employment opportunities, internships, career advising appointments, employer information
sessions, on-campus interviews, events, online tools, and more!
College Avenue: Gateway Transit Village, 106 Somerset Street, 4th Floor
Busch: Busch Student Center - 848-932-7997 - careers@echo.rutgers.edu

Department of Transportation Services (DOTS) rudots.rutgers.edu
DOTS maintains various parking facilities, buses to and from all campuses, and walking and bike
College Avenue: 55 Paul Robeson Blvd - 848-932-7744 - info_dots@ipo.rutgers.edu

Dining Services food.rutgers.edu
Students can purchase meal plans, find dining hall menus, and add funds to RU Express through
Dining Services.
College Avenue: Records Hall - 848-932-8041 - ruexpress@dining.rutgers.edu

Mail Services mds.rutgers.edu
On-campus students are automatically enrolled into our systems to receive Mail and Packages,
Off-campus and commuter students must contact us to set up service. All questions about our
services or items you are expecting should be sent to our email address.
848-932-2143 - mailquestions@ipo.rutgers.edu

Off Campus and Community Assistance ruoffcampus.rutgers.edu
Off Campus and Community Assistance provides off-campus housing assistance & support,
connection with faith-based communities on campus, and local community service.
College Avenue: 39 Union Street - 848-932-5500 - RUoffcampus@echo.rutgers.edu

Office of Information Technology it.rutgers.edu
OIT assists students with university-wide technology services including email, WiFi, NetID
activation, printing, software, and more. A student technology guide, which helps navigate some
of Rutgers’ technology resources, is available for review at techguides.rutgers.edu.
833-OIT-HELP - help@oit.rutgers.edu

                                                                    Rutgers University­–New Brunswick 13
Campus Services

RU ID Card iam-ipo.rutgers.edu
The official RU ID card allows students access to residence halls, rec centers, computer labs, meal
plans, RU Express, and more. Be sure to upload your photo for your RU ID online through your
myRutgers Dashboard.
College Avenue: Records Hall

RU Express food.rutgers.edu/ru-express
The RU Express card is a student’s official debit account that can be used for laundry, dining, and
school supplies. RU Express cards are accepted at over 100 on and off-campus locations.
College Avenue: Records Hall - 848-932-8041 - ruexpress@dining.rutgers.edu

Rutgers University Emergency Services (RUES) ipo.rutgers.edu/publicsafety/emergency-services
Rutgers Emergency Services provides ambulatory and emergency medical services and fire
prevention and response.
848-932-4800 - es@rutgers.edu

Rutgers University Police Department (RUPD) rupd.rutgers.edu
RUPD is a 24/7/365 full-service police department that provides police and security services to all
Rutgers campuses. A few services include safety escorts, crime prevention education, and vehicle
jumpstarts and lockouts.
For emergencies dial 9-1-1
Non-emergency- 732-932-7211

Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance (VPVA) vpva.rutgers.edu
Education and resources on various types of violence and prevention, counseling, advocacy, and
crisis intervention.
If you are ever in crisis, contact the 24/7 advocate at 848-932-1181.
College Avenue: 3 Bartlett Street - 848-932-1181 - vpva@echo.rutgers.edu

Student Support

Alcohol and Other Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) - Recovery Housing health.rutgers.edu
Students support each other’s sobriety while forming meaningful, personal relationships based
around friendship, sobriety, and their college experiences. For more information or to set up an
appointment, contact Lisa Laitman, director of ADAP, at 848-932-7884 or llaitman@rci.rutgers.edu.

Counseling, ADAP and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) health.rutgers.edu/CAPS
Counseling, group therapy, crisis intervention, workshops and educational program, “Let’s Talk”
consultation sessions, campus-based treatment program, alcohol and drug assistance program,
and psychiatric services.
Call 848-932-7884 to make an appointment for any of these services or health.rutgers.edu for
College Avenue: 17 Senior Street, Cook/Douglass: 61 Nichol Avenue
Mental Health Emergency Resources: Text KNIGHTS to National Crisis Text Line at 741-741 or Text
Steve to connect with a counselor of color for help or call NJ Hopeline at 855-654-7635.

14 The Official Guide for New Scarlet Knights
Dean of Students deanofstudents.rutgers.edu
Student advocacy, connection to campus resources, assistance for temporary conditions and
difficulties due to financial, confidential or family-related issues. The office serves as a student
support network when students are having challenges both in and out of the classroom – a place
to get answers when students are unsure where to go for support.
College Avenue: 88 College Avenue - 848-932-2300 or deanofstudents@echo.rutgers.edu

Community Concerns Reporting System dosomething.rutgers.edu
Rutgers is a community that cares. The community concerns reporting system is a simple way to
express concern about a member of the Rutgers community.
Visit dosomething.rutgers.edu to share a concern. You may choose to submit your concern
anonymously. Please note that Do Something is NOT a resource for emergency situations. If
someone believes they are the victim of, or a witness to, an alleged bias incident, a report can be
filed at bias.rutgers.edu.

Health Outreach, Promotion and Education (HOPE) health.rutgers.edu/HOPE
HOPE works to advance health and wellness through community engagement and innovation.
Peer educators facilitate interactive workshops on sexual and reproductive health, alcohol and
other drug use, mental health, nutrition and well-being.
College Avenue: 8 Lafayette Street - 848-932-1965

Interfaith Prayer/Meditation Rooms on Campus
Interfaith prayer and meditation spaces are available on each campus for student use. Please
check out the Multifaith Council for a complete listing of locations - ruoffcampus.rutgers.edu/

Office of Student Affairs Compliance/Title IX nbtitleix.rutgers.edu
This office responds to reports of possible violations of the University’s sexual misconduct policy
and oversees compliance of the Not Anymore modules that are required for all incoming first-
year and transfer students.
College Avenue: 2 Richardson Street - 848-932-8200 - nb.compliance@rutgers.edu

Office of Student Conduct studentconduct.rutgers.edu
Student Conduct assists students in making better choices in their behaviors and aids in the
creation of a safer and more educational environment.
College Avenue: Bishop House - 848-932-9414

Office of Student Legal Services rusls.rutgers.edu
Rutgers University Student Legal Services (RUSLS) provides eligible students with professional
legal advice and assistance, at no cost, by attorneys licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey.
Livingston: 247 Tillett Hall - 848-932-4LAW(4529) - sls@echo.rutgers.edu

Office of Veterans and Military Programs and Services veterans.rutgers.edu
Education benefits, academic advising, financial aid, disability services, rehabilitation counselors,
social work support, town hall meetings.
College Avenue: 14 Lafayette Street — 848-932-VETS(8387)

                                                                      Rutgers University­–New Brunswick 15
Student Support

RU1st ru1.rutgers.edu
Dedicated support and services for first-generation students (first in their family to go to college),
advising, living-learning community, transition and leadership courses.
CAMPUS: 848-932-1599 or ru1st@rutgers.edu

Residence Life ruoncampus.rutgers.edu
Residence Life serves the needs of over 15,500 residents who study and live in around 140
buildings on four campuses in New Brunswick and Piscataway. To support one of the country’s
largest student housing operations, Residence Life builds community through supporting
diversity, providing leadership opportunities, responding to individual and community issues,
offering living-learning and themed experiences, and assisting with room changes. Did you know
that living on campus has been found to improve students’ academic success? Each resident
is assigned their own Resident Assistant (RA) and is supported by a network of 70+ professional
staff, nearly 300 student staff and approximately 350 staff members living in the residence halls.
Busch: 90 Davidson Road: 848-932-4371 - oncampus@echo.rutgers.edu

Rutgers Global - International Student and Scholar Services global.rutgers.edu
ISSS provides services for international students including advice and counsel on US immigration
regulations and compliance, immigration application processing, cross-cultural and transition
programming, international student health insurance information, and other referral and support
College Avenue: 180 College Avenue - 848-932-7015 - isss-students@global.rutgers.edu

Rutgers Student Food Pantry ruoffcampus.rutgers.edu/food
Serving Rutgers students, the pantry provides free, healthy groceries to any student who needs
help affording or accessing food. The food pantry was established to help students who have
difficulty affording enough food to stay focused on their studies and remain healthy. Some
students may need it once or twice and for others it may be a weekly need. All are welcome.
Check website for up to date location information and appointments: foodpantry.rutgers.edu
College Avenue: 39 Union Street- 848-932-5500

16 The Official Guide for New Scarlet Knights
Get Involved

Cultural Center Collaborative culturalcollaborative.rutgers.edu
Creates a welcoming and holistic environment for all members of the community by
encouraging dialogue and challenging traditional notions of diversity and inclusion.

      Asian American Cultural Center (AACC) aacc.rutgers.edu
      Livingston: 49 Joyce Kilmer Avenue - 848-445-8043
      The AACC promotes an educational climate based upon diversity and inclusiveness
      celebrating the contributions of Asian Pacific Islander Desi Americans through a variety of
      programs and supports cross-cultural engagement.

      Center for Latino Arts and Culture (CLAC) clac.rutgers.edu
      College Avenue: 172 College Avenue - 848-932-1263
      The CLAC’s mission is to research, document, interpret, and promote Latino/a, Hispanic,
      Caribbean, and Latin American arts and culture.

      Paul Robeson Cultural Center (PRCC) prcc.rutgers.edu
      Busch: 600 Bartholomew Road - 848-445-3545
      PRCC offers programs, initiatives and services that reflect the robust history, heritage and
      diversity of the African diaspora, functioning as a “home away from home” and community
      hub for students.

      Social Justice Education and LGBT Communities (SJE) socialjustice.rutgers.edu
      College Avenue: 17 Bartlett Street - 848-445-4141
      SJE promotes a supportive environment for students of all backgrounds, with a focus on
      gender and sexuality, while developing social and educational opportunities for leadership,
      identity, and social justice advocacy.

Douglass Residential College at Rutgers University- New Brunswick douglass.rutgers.edu
Douglass Residential College translates its strong legacy of educating women into the needs of
the 21st century. Our award winning programs and living-learning communities focus on career
and leadership development, women in STEM, research, global studies, public health, the creative
arts and the suite of skills needed to be successful in any role and any setting. Students of any
major can choose to enroll in Douglass and thrive in this diverse community of women scholars.
Douglass: College Hall Suite 104, Douglass Campus - 125 George Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901.
848-932-9500 - discoverdouglass@echo.rutgers.edu

Fraternity and Sorority Affairs (OFSA) greeklife.rutgers.edu
OFSA partners with headquarters, advisors, and students to live up to our values of leadership,
scholarship, service and friendship for life. With over 80 different recognized organizations RU has
one of the largest and most diverse fraternity/sorority communities in the country.
College Avenue: 84 College Avenue - 848-932-7692 - ofsa@echo.rutgers.edu

                                                                    Rutgers University­–New Brunswick 17
Get Involved

Intercollegiate Athletics scarletknights.com
Students have access to Big Ten sporting events, including football, basketball, soccer, and
wrestling. Students can claim free tickets for Football, Basketball and Wrestling via the website or
in person day of game based on availability.
TICKET OFFICE: Rutgers Athletic Center - 83 Rockafeller Road, Livingston Campus - 866-445-4678
- tickets@tickets.scarletknights.com

Multifaith Council ruoffcampus.rutgers.edu/rutgers-university-multi-faith-council
40+ student organizations dedicated to religious and religious-cultural interests, 25+ chaplaincies
serving students’ spiritual needs
College Avenue: Off-Campus Living & Community Partnerships, 39 Union Street

Recreation recreation.rutgers.edu
Recreation’s mission is to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students by providing programs,
services, and facilities to meet the physical, social, recreational, and education needs of the
campus community. There are five recreation centers, 20 acres of outdoor space, a top-rated
intramural program, over 50 club sports, virtual and in person fitness classes, personal training,
and massage therapy. Download RURec2Go App on the App Store or Googleplay.
Busch: 656 Bartholomew Road, College Avenue Gym: 130 College Ave, Livingston: 62 Road 3,
Easton Ave Gym: 30 Easton Ave, Cook/Douglass: 50 Biel Road

Scarlet Connections
This cohort-style program allows incoming students to connect with a Knight Ambassador,
a upper class student leader, to explore all that Rutgers has to offer and connect with other
incoming students. Learn more at nso.rutgers.edu.

Student Center and Activities sca.rutgers.edu
Student Centers and Activities is your one-stop for engagement to make friends, build
relationships, connect with fellow students, create your network, and find your community at
Rutgers. As the center of campus community life, we offer a variety of programs, services, and
community gathering spaces that meet the varied and diverse needs of our community. Each of
our six Student Centers provides a place for students to attend programs, host meetings, meet
friends, study, have a meal, and so much more. We provide impactful leadership experiences
to help students understand their potential and ability to lead. We serve over 500 student
organizations – and their student leaders – through advisement, organizational development, and
support services. Check out some of our upcoming events and opportunities to find community
and make memories outside of the classroom, including signature campus events, daytime and
late-night programming, and more at @rutgersuSCA.
Busch: 604 Bartholomew Road - (848)-445-1300 – sca@echo.rutgers.edu

              Did you know: Our Student Centers have gender neutral
              bathrooms, ablution spaces, and lactation rooms.

18 The Official Guide for New Scarlet Knights
Money Matters
Financing Your Education at Rutgers
Join us at the Knight's Path Presentation - during your asynchronous orientation course - for
more information!

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

•    All students should complete this form every year to determine eligibility for financial
     awards. Students can complete the FAFSA at studentaid.ed.gov/sa/fafsa.

•    Once a student completes the FAFSA, the Rutgers Office of Financial Aid will
     electronically send the student a Financial Aid Offer Letter.

Types of Aid
Students may be awarded the following types of financial aid depending on their eligibility.

     Gift Aid

     •    Grants: Grants are need-based and don’t have to be repaid. Eligibility is determined
		        based on the information provided in the FAFSA.

     •    Scholarships: Scholarships are merit-based and do not require FAFSA completion.
		        Scholarships may be awarded upon university admission or through external
          sources and do not have to be repaid.

Federal Direct Loans
Eligibility for the following loans is determined by the FAFSA. Payments for these loans can
be deferred up to 6 months after the student stops attending school or falls below half-time.

•    Subsidized Loans: These loans are available to undergraduate students who
     demonstrate a financial need. Subsidized loans do not accrue interest while one is
     attending school at least half-time.

•    Unsubsidized Loans: These loans are offered to all students; demonstrated financial
     need is not required and interest accrues on this loan upon initial disbursement.

•    Direct Plus Loans: These loans are available to parents of undergraduate students, to
     graduate students or to professional students. PLUS loans require the completion of a
     separate application. Eligibility for this loan is based off of the borrower’s credit history.

Student Employment

•    Work Study: This need-based program provides part-time jobs at the university
     through Student Employment. A student may be awarded up to $2,000 per academic
     year and will earn this amount in a paycheck.

•    Other Employment: If you are not awarded Federal Work-Study, don’t worry! You can
     still apply for an on-campus job through Rutgers Handshake.

                                                                      Rutgers University­–New Brunswick 19
Payment Methods
Payment can be made via the online term bill at paymybill.rutgers.edu. Cash payments can be
made in person at the Cashiers office with an appointment. Accepted payment methods include:
           • Check
           • Electronic Check (no fee)
           • Credit card (2.7% processing fee), or a Payment plan: paymentplans.rutgers.edu

When the payments on a term bill exceed the balance due the student will receive a refund.

•    Direct Deposit: Fast, free, easy, and secure! Sign up at refunds.rutgers.edu.
•    If you do not wish to sign up for direct deposit, a physical check will be mailed to your
     permanent address.

Know the Details
When the payments on a term bill exceed the balance due the student will receive a refund.

•    Parking: Unpaid parking citations
•    Financial: Unpaid balance on the term bill

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
•    Required for all students receiving federal, state, or university aid.
•    Financial aid recipients must meet and maintain a minimum GPA and completion rate each
     semester to continue qualifying for financial aid.

Dropping/ Withdrawing
•    If you are thinking about withdrawing from any or all of your classes, it is strongly
     recommended you contact the One Stop to discuss how a withdrawal will impact your
     Financial Aid and Term Bill, as well as your academic advisor to discuss how this will impact
     your academic career.

myGuest Portal
•    Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is the federal law that governs the rights
     of students and institutional responsibilities with respect to student records.
•    Students can give parents, guardians or third parties access to view student information
     online and discuss their record with a Rutgers representative.
•    Students can grant access to an authorized user through their myRutgers portal.
•    Additional information can be found at scarlethub.rutgers.edu/myguest-faq or by emailing

Rutgers University recently partnered with Inceptia to expedite the federal verification process for
students and parents. For more information about Inceptia, please visit the Verifications page on

20 The Official Guide for New Scarlet Knights
Stay Connected and Safe
Program these important numbers into your phone, so you have them if you ever need them.

Counseling, ADAP, and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)
Appointments - 848-932-7884
24-Hour Emergency Hotline - 855-515-5700

Residence Life
848-932-4371 oncampus@rutgers.edu

When you don’t know where to look or who to call, ask RU-Info.
Call 732-445-info (4636) or text your question to 732-662-2664. Visit: info.rutgers.edu

Rutgers University Police Department (RUPD)
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-Emergency & Police Escort: 732-932-7211
For Non-Emergencies: Text “RUNB” and your message to 69050

Student Health Services
Medical Appointments - 848-932-7402

Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance Crisis Line
                                                                 If you ever feel unsafe
24/7 Advocate - 848-932-1181
                                                                 walking around campus,
                                                                 call the RUPD
                                                                 non-emergency number
                                                                 for a police escort to your

                                                                    Rutgers University­–New Brunswick 21
Rutgers Lingo
Some letters don’t form words, but they definitely have meanings. Get familiar with common
Rutgers acronyms so you can understand what everyone is saying! For a full list of common
phrases and terms – check out Definition of Terms and Rutgers Lingo
            Acronym         What It Means
                 AACC       Asian American Cultural Center
                  ARC       Allison Road Classroom Building (on Busch)
                  BSC       Busch Student Center
                  CAC       College Avenue Campus
                  CAG       College Avenue Gym
                 CAPS       Counseling, ADAP and Psychiatric Services
                 CASC       College Avenue Student Center
                   CES      Career Exploration and Success
                 CLAC       Center for Latino Arts and Culture
                   CSC      Cook Student Center
                   DM       Dance Marathon
                  DRC       Douglass Residential College
                  DSC       Douglass Student Center
                  LDC       Livingston Dining Commons
                   LSC      Livingston Student Center
                 OFSA       Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs
                 PRCC       Paul Robeson Cultural Center
                  RAC       Rutgers Athletic Center
                 RCSA       Rutgers Commuter Student Association
                 RBHS       Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
                  RBS       Rutgers Business School
                  RHA       Residence Hall Association
                 RUPA       Rutgers University Programming Association
                 RUSA       Rutgers University Student Assembly
                   SAC      Student Activities Center (on College Avenue)
                   SAS      School of Arts and Sciences
       SJE and LGBT         Center for Social Justice Education and LGBT Communities
                    SCI     School of Communication and Information
                 SEBS       School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
                 SERC       Science and Engineering Resource Center (on Busch)
                  SOE       School of Engineering
                 SMLR       School of Management and Labor Relations
                 VPVA       Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance
                WRSU        University Radio Station

22 The Official Guide for New Scarlet Knights
Get Involved
The getINVOLVED platform is an online resource that connects you with involvement
opportunities on campus. Students create a personal profile, discover organizations that match
your interests, or search for upcoming events.

With getINVOLVED you can:

      • Update your profile – get connected with organizations, events, and opportunities that
      speak to your interests

      • Search 700+ student organizations – get involved, make friends, and build your Rutgers

      • Find upcoming events (virtual and in person) – explore all the amazing events and
      opportunities available to you

      • Save or Screenshot your Event Pass

Visit getINVOLVED.rutgers.edu and create or access your profile with your NetID and password.

                                                                  Rutgers University Fight Song

                                                                  R-U Rah Rah
                                                                  R-U Rah Rah!

                                                                  Hoo-Rah Hoo-Rah
                                                                  Rutgers Rah!

                                                                  Up-stream red team
                                                                  Red team up-stream!
                                                                  Rah (woo!) Rah (woo!)
                                                                  Rutgers Rah!

                                                                 Rutgers University­–New Brunswick 23
Sights to See
There are lots of places to check out and explore. Here are just a few of our favorites.

Busch Campus                                     Cook/Douglass Campus
• SHI.com Football Stadium                       • Passion Puddle
• Planetarium                                    • Mason Gross Theatre
• Paul Robeson Cultural Center                   • Cabaret Theatre
• Career Exploration and Success                 • Cook Farm

College Avenue Campus                            Livingston Campus
• Historic Old Queens Lawn                       • Rutgers Cinema
• Career Exploration and Success                 • Rutgers Athletic Center
• New Brunswick Train Station                    • Asian American Cultural Center
•   Downtown New Brunswick                       •   Rutgers Business School
•   Voorhees Mall
•   Center for Latino Arts and Culture
•   Center for Social Justice Education
    and LGBT Communities

    Stop by the Student Activities Center (SAC)
    and ask the Student Activities Business Office
    (SABO) about discounted NJ Transit tickets.

24 The Official Guide for New Scarlet Knights
Just Around the Corner
Why have one when you can have four or five? There are a few things at Rutgers that you
can find on nearly every campus! Familiarize yourself with these resources so you can find
the one nearest to you.

•   Dining Halls food.rutgers.edu

•   Health Centers health.rutgers.edu

•   Residence Halls ruoncampus.rutgers.edu

•   Libraries libraries.rutgers.edu

•   Post Offices mds.rutgers.edu

•   Recreation Centers recreation.rutgers.edu

•   Student Centers sca.rutgers.edu

                                                Need a computer or printer? Checkout
                                                oit-nb.rutgers.edu/labs to find out all of
                                                your options, including how many Macs
                                                and PCs each lab has.

                                                                   Rutgers University­–New Brunswick 25
Your Guide to Dining
                •   Meal Plans can range from 50 to 285 meal swipes per semester.
                •   All on-campus first-year students must have at least the 210 plan, and all

      1.        •
                    other on-campus students must have the 120 plan.
                    Within your plan there are 10 swipes specifically for guest swiping, though
                    how many is up to you!

                •   There are four Dining Halls total, one for each campus. To use, enter through
                    the main entrance and present your ID card to use a swipe.

     2.         •
                    Dining Halls are “all-you-can-eat”, and you only need to swipe once per visit!
                    If you don’t have a meal plan, you can still enter the Dining Hall with cash
                    or credit!

                •   If you are too tired or just had a long day, each Dining Hall offers Takeout!
                •   Service hours and menu selections vary at each location.

     3.         •   Portions are limited, but you can always double swipe or use up to one
                    guest swipe.
                •   All Takeout and Dining Hall menus can be found on the Rutgers app!

                •   Dining Halls are able to accommodate any dietary restrictions.

     4.         •
                    This includes any vegetarian, vegan, kosher, halal, and gluten-free diets.
                    If products are not labeled, always ask for a manager to assist you!

                                                               For students with more specific
                                                               needs or severe allergies, find
                                                               out more about the Text to
                                                               Order Program.

26 The Official Guide for New Scarlet Knights
Dining Options
Looking for something to eat? Here’s a list of your dining options by campus. You’re only
one (or maybe two) buses away from your choice of food.

  Busch Campus                                    College Avenue Campus
    • Busch Dining Hall*                            • Brower Commons*
     • Busch Student Center – Gerlanda’s,           • College Avenue Student Center –
       Moe’s Southwest Grill, Harvest Juice            Wendy’s, Gerlanda’s, Subway, King
       Bar*, Szechwan Ichiban, Panera Bread            Pita, Currito’s, Panera Bread
     • Woody’s*                                     • The Yard – Honeygrow, Jersey Mike’s,
                                                       Krispy Pizza, RU Hungry, Scarlet
                                                       Sweets, Starbucks, Surf Taco
  Cook Campus                                       • Academic Building – Café West*
    • Neilson Dining Hall*
     • Cook Student Center – Cook Market          Douglass Campus
       and Café*                                     • Douglass Student Center – Dunkin’
     • INFH – Harvest Juice Bar*                       Donuts, Red Pine Pizza, Ancho Grill
                                                       Douglass Café*
  Livingston Campus
     • Livingston Dining Commons*                 Food Trucks
     • Livingston Student Center –
                                                     • Knight Wagon*
       Dunkin’ Donuts, The Rock Café*,
                                                     • Three Chilies Truck*
                                                     • Starbucks Truck*
     • The Plaza – Qdoba, Starbucks, 16
       Handles, Hoja Asian Fusion, Kilmer’s
       Market*, Henry’s Diner*

                                                                    *Accepts Meal Swipes

  To ensure retail locations that accept
  meal swipes can keep with demand,                   For students in need of food or
  these are limited to three swipes per day.          personal care products, the Rutgers
                                                      Student Food Pantry is dedicated
  Dining Services
                                                      to helping the fight against food
  RU Express Office — 848-932-8041
  Nutritionist — 848-932-5447 or                      insecurity. It is located at 39 Union
  848-932-7222                                        Street on College Avenue campus.
                                                      Learn more about the food pantry
  Follow Rutgers Dining Services                      online at foodpantry.rutgers.edu.
  on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and
  Snapchat at @RutgersDining for media
  items, dining updates, special events,              RU Express acts as the official
  and more.                                           university debit card. To use, swipe
                                                      your ID card at any on-campus
  Interested in healthy options? Ask                  location. It is accepted at some
  about Menus of Change.                              off-campus locations as well! Look
                                                      for the RU Express sign to know for
  Visit food.rutgers.edu for additional               sure. RU Express can also be used at
                                                      vending machines and various laundry
                                                      machines in residence halls!

                                                                  Rutgers University­–New Brunswick 27
Rutgers Bus Guide

               Open the TransLoc app and choose the Transit Systems
               “Rutgers University”.

    2.         Find where you are using the location button and locate the nearest stop
               (e.g., “Livingston Student Center”).

    3.         Choose a route (Blue, Green, Purple, Scarlett, Yellow).

    4.         View a linear sequence of stops on the route.

        ROUTE                                         CAMPUSES                      TRAVEL SPECIFICATIONS*

        BLUE................................................... L and B                     Livingston - Busch

        GREEN................................................ D and L                   Douglass - Livingstone

        ORANGE........................................... CA and L                College Avenue - Livingstone

        PURPLE.............................................CA and B                    College Avenue - Busch

        SCARLETT.........................................CA and D                   College Avenue - Douglass

        YELLOW............................................. D and B                             Douglass - Busch

        WKND1................................C/D > CA > B > L                                      Weekend Bus

        WKND2.............................. C/D > L > B > CA                                       Weekend Bus

        *Notice the names of the routes correspond with where they travel.

        CA - COLLEGE AVENUE                                               THE KNIGHT MOVER

        B - BUSCH                                                         AFTER HOUR SERVICE
                                                                          MONDAY - THURSDAY
        L - LIVINGSTON
                                                                          3:00AM - 5:45AM
        D - DOUGLASS                                                      732-932-RIDE (7433)

       Be courteous!
       Let others off the bus before you get on!

28 The Official Guide for New Scarlet Knights
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