Chautauqua County Fair - 2018 Livestock Exhibitor's Handbook July 16 - 22, 2018

Page created by Felix Kennedy
Chautauqua County Fair - 2018 Livestock Exhibitor's Handbook July 16 - 22, 2018
Chautauqua County Fair

2018 Livestock Exhibitor’s Handbook
         July 16 – 22, 2018
Chautauqua County Fair - 2018 Livestock Exhibitor's Handbook July 16 - 22, 2018
Exhibitors Handbook                                                  2018 Chautauqua County Fair

                                     Table of Contents
Welcome Exhibitors                                                                                 3-4
Schedule of Events                                                                                 5
Herdsman Dinner Pre-Sale Form                                                                      6
Fair Directors/Committees                                                                          7-8
Endowment Fund                                                                                     9
IAFE Code of Ethics                                                                                10-11
Animal Health Requirements                                                                         12-15
Department 2-Dairy Cattle                                                                          16-17
Department 3-Beef Cattle                                                                           18-19
Department 4-Sheep                                                                                 20-21
Department 5-Swine                                                                                 22-23
Department 6-Poultry/Waterfowl                                                                     24-26
Department 8- Harness Racing                                                                       27
Entry Forms                                                                                        29-38
Camping Regulations                                                                                39
Map of Fairgrounds                                                                                 41

                           Daily Gate Admission: $12.00 per ticket Monday-Sunday

                          Children 2 and under get in FREE (ride pass not included)

                    Seniors 62 and older get in ANY DAY for $7.00 (no presale - gate only)

                                             Parking Fee - $5.00

Gates open at 9 AM
Midway Rides are open
Monday - Upon completion of NYS Inspection to 11:00
Tuesday - Thursday - 3:00 to 11:00
Friday - Saturday 1:00 to 11:00
Sunday - 1:00 to 10:00

Exhibitors Handbook                                                       2018 Chautauqua County Fair

                                    Chautauqua County Fair Association
                                               PO Box 191
                                          1089 Central Avenue
                                           Dunkirk, NY 14048
                                        Telephone: 716-366-4752
                                            Fax: 716-366-4771

Dear Livestock Exhibitor:

Please take a few moments and review this important information as it will help you to thoroughly enjoy your fair
experience as you exhibit your livestock!

         Highlights for 2018
    •    Beef Registration Papers must be submitted when making your Open Livestock Entry. Note beef class
    •    Poultry testing will take place on June 25, 2018 Time: 4:30-6:30 pm in the Poultry Barn.
    •    Livestock Exhibitor photo id is $4.00.
    •    All Livestock Exhibitors must be 5 years of age when entering
    •    Please add your email address on the Livestock entry form
    •    Please use a separate check for camping and presale herdsmen dinner tickets if mailed with your livestock
         entry forms.
    •    NEW for 2018: Animal Removal Protocol for Livestock see department rules.

Herdsmen Presale Tickets are available for purchase at a cost of $6.00 per ticket. Please use the enclosed tear
sheet in this publication and a separate check.

Once again, we will be charging the exhibitor’s fee in addition to the class entry fee for the housing of livestock at
the Chautauqua County Fair. This fee will be used to help defray the cost of sawdust, water, electricity, judge’s fees,
waste removal and awards. This fee will be assessed for all Open Class livestock only. The exhibitor fee for each
department is listed on the entry form. The maximum exhibitor fee is $25.00 regardless of how many animals an
exhibitor may bring. This maximum fee is a one-time fee for all departments.

Each exhibitor will be assigned a show number with the exception of Poultry Department Exhibitors. This number
will be used for all open competitive events during the week of fair. Your show number back tag will be available
from your open barn superintendent in the first barn you will exhibit livestock from during the week. Please do not
discard this back tag, you will use it for all your livestock shows. All entries are nonrefundable.

Sawdust will be supplied by the Chautauqua County fair for 2018.

Entry Information
The entry deadline for livestock entries is Sunday, July 1, 2018. Late entries will be accepted until Tuesday, July 10,
2018. There will be a $15.00 fee Per Animal assessed in addition to the regular entry and exhibitor’s fees for all late
entries. Absolutely no late entries will be accepted after Tuesday, July 10, 2018. Postmarks will NOT be accepted for
late entries. On time entries may be mailed or made at the fairground office during regular business hours. Due to
our fair being one week early, it is in your best interest to submit your entries AS SOON as possible. This will allow
the Superintendents time to complete the stalling assignments .

Exhibitors Handbook                                                      2018 Chautauqua County Fair

The hours for Livestock Entry Clerk are as follows:
Saturday, June 23, 10am – 2pm
Sunday, July 1, 10am -3pm {On time entry deadline}
Tuesday, July 10, 10am-3pm {Late Entry deadline}
Contact Information for Livestock Entry Clerk:
Raylene Kwilos
Cell 716-498-8769
Home 716-988-3031

Photo I.D.
All exhibitors are required to have a photo id for daily admission onto the fairgrounds to care for and exhibit their
livestock. The cost is $2.00 per exhibitor to be paid when photo is taken at the museum on the fairgrounds. All 4-H
exhibitors will receive their admission wristbands and parking pass through their 4-H County Program. The Open
Exhibitor photos will be available during the following times:

Saturday, July 7, 10am-2pm
Thursday, July 12, 5pm-7pm
Saturday, July 14, 10am-2pm
Sunday, July 15, 10am-2pm

Little Creek Photography will be the Chautauqua County Fair official photographer this year. If you would like to
have specific photographs taken at the fair contact Abbie Grzegorzewski, her home base will be in the Open Beef
barn or contact her at 716-338-2894.

We would like to express our sincere thank you to all those who completed a survey after the 2017 fair. Your input
was appreciated and helpful! Your survey for 2018 will be included with your premium check and your barn
superintendents will have additional copies if needed. Please remember to cash your premium checks by the date
indicated on your check.

Exhibitors Handbook                                                         2018 Chautauqua County Fair

                                              4-H Schedule of Events

Main Show Arena                                               Thursday, 7/19
Saturday, 7/14            Official Weigh-In of Swine Market   1:00 pm                    4-H Rabbit Show
                          Animals                             Horse Show Arena
Sunday, 7/15              Official Weigh-In of Lamb, Goat     Tuesday, 7/17
                          and Beef Market Animals             10:00 am                   4-H Horses Arrive
9:00 am                   Beef Weigh-In                       Wednesday, 7/18
1:30 pm                   Beef Alumni Show                    9:00 am                    English/Mini Equine Show
7:15 pm                   General Bar Meeting                 Thursday, 7/19
Monday, 7/16                                                  9:00 am                    4-H Western/Driving Show
8:00 am                   Open Class Market Steer & Beef      Friday, 7/20
                          Breeding Show                       8:30 am                    4-H Dressage Horse Show
10:00 am                  Chautauqua County Born & Bred       1:00 pm                    Mounted Games
                          Steer & Heifer Classes              6:30 pm                    4-H Quad, Drill and Parade Teams
1:00 pm                   Livestock Judging Contest           Saturday, 7/21
3:00 pm                   4-H Swine Show                      9:00 am                    4-H Gymkhana Showmanship &
Tuesday, 7/17                                                                            Show
8:30 am                   4-H Market Steer Showmanship, 4-    Sunday, 7/22
                          H Beef Heifer Showmanship, 4-H      1:00 pm                    4-H County Fair Fun Horse Show
                          Beef Breeding Show, 4-H Market      4-H Building Activities
                          Steer Show                          Saturday, 7/07             4-H Project Evaluation
4:00 pm                   Open Class Market Lamb & Sheep      9:00 am-2:00pm             4-H Clubs will have exhibits
                          Show                                                           evaluated
Wednesday, 7/18                                                                          No booth set up
9:00 am                   Open Class Dairy Show               2:00 pm                    Building Closes
4:00 pm                   4-H & Cloverbud Sheep               Thursday, 7/11
                          Showmanship & Market Lamb           6:00 pm -8:00 pm           Horticulture and Foods Judging
                          Class 4-H Sheep Breeding Show to                               No booth set up
                          follow                              Saturday, 7/14
Thursday, 7/19                                                10:00 am – 6:00 pm         Clubs May Continue to Set up
TBA                       Re-Weigh All Meat Animal Sale                                  Booths
                          Animals                             6:00 pm                    Club Booths Judged
9:00 am                   4-H Dairy Showmanship               Sunday, 7/15               4-H Building Closed
11:00 am                  4-H Dairy Cattle Show               Monday, 7/16
7:00 pm                   4-H Sheep Lead Line                 9:00 am- 8:00 pm           4-H Building Hours
Friday 7/20                                                   10:00 am- 1:00 pm          Presentations in 4-H Building
8:30 am                   4-H & FFA Dairy Judging Contest     Tuesday, 7/17
10:00 am                  FFA Field and Forage Contest        9:00 am -8:00 pm           4-H Building Hours
Noon                      4-H Meat Animal Sale                11:00 am -2:00 pm          Presentations in 4-H Building
Saturday7/21                                                  2:30 pm                    4-H Fashion Revue in 4-H Building
9:00 am                   Holstein Show                       3:00 pm-4:30 pm            Mannequin Modeling in 4-H
3:00 pm                   4-H All Animal Fun Show                                        Building
4:30 pm                   Herdsman Award Ceremony             Wednesday, 7/18
Small Animal Show Arena                                       9:00 am-8:00 pm            4-H Building Hours
Monday 7/16                                                   1:00 pm-3:00 pm            Presentations in 4-H Building
6:00 pm                   Harness & Pack Goat Show            2:00 pm- 3:30 pm           Mannequin Modeling
Tuesday, 7/17                                                 3:30 pm                    4-H Fashion Review in 4-H Building
9:00 am                   4-H Poultry Showmanship, 4-H        Thursday, 7/19
                          Poultry Judging Contest to follow   9:00 am-8:00 pm            4-H Building Hours
6:30 pm                   4-H Dairy Goat Showmanship Clinic   2:00 pm- 3:00 pm           Presentations in 4-H Building
Wednesday, 7/18                                               Friday, 7/20
9:00am                    4-H Dairy Goat and Meat Goat        9:00 am- 8:00 pm           4-H Building Hours
                          Show                                Saturday, 7/21
Saturday, 7/21                                                9:00 am- 8:00 pm           4-H Building Hours
1:00 pm                   4-H Dog Fun Show & Demo             Sunday, 7/22
TBA                       Goat Costume & Halter Show          11:30 am                   Herdsman Dinner
Rabbit & Poultry Barn                                         1:00 pm- 6:00 pm           4-H Building Hours
Monday, 7/16                                                                             No Booth dismantling
10:00 am                  Open Poultry Show                   3:00 pm                    Animal Exhibits Released
10:00 am                  4-H Rabbit Showmanship              Monday, 7/23
Tuesday, 7/17                                                 1:00 pm-6:00 pm            Dismantle Booths
2:00 pm                   4-H Poultry Show

Exhibitors Handbook                                                    2018 Chautauqua County Fair

                                            Herdsmen Dinner
                                             Presale Order Form
If you are interested in attending the 2018 Herdsmen Dinner and would like to prepay, please complete this form
enclosing a separate check and mail along with your entries. Your Herdsmen Dinner tickets will be attached to your
exhibitor packet available from your barn superintendent.

The cost of the dinner is $6.00 per meal.

                                                      Mail to:
                                        Chautauqua County Fair Association
                                            Attn: Livestock Entry Clerk
                                                   P.O. Box 191
                                               Dunkirk, NY 14048

                                            Herdsmen Tickets
                       Please Use a Separate Check to Purchase Pre-Sale Herdsman Tickets

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Contact Number: ________________________________________

Number of tickets requested: _________

Amount Enclosed $__________                         Check #___________

Barn: ___________________________________________________ (Your tickets will be with the Superintendent)
Received By: __________________________________________________________________________________
Ticket Numbers: ___________________
Date: _____________

Exhibitors Handbook                                    2018 Chautauqua County Fair

                          FAIR DIRECTORS - 2017 - 2018
Dan King
Becky Mirek
Donald Crockett
Linda Olsen
Roy (Mooney) Harrington


Mike Daugherty                Anita Ray                        James Tytka Sr.

Jason Merritt                 Matthew Robinson                 Alvin Wilson

Larry Morrison                Steve Schimitt                   David Wilson

Craig Moore                   Pete Skurzewski

James O. Prince               James Tytka Jr.

                                  HONORARY DIRECTORS

Ken Balling                   Henry J. Leworthy                Jeanne Stewart

Leon Beightol                 Henry K. Leworthy                Alberta Oonk

Larry Brown                   Roslin Newton                    Jim Rizzo

Randy Brown                   Ruth Newton                      Thomas White

Leo Cook                      Jack Peacock                     Allen Peterson

James DeJoe                   Opal Sprague

Exhibitors Handbook                                                     2018 Chautauqua County Fair

                  CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY FAIR 2017-2018 COMMITTEES
ADMINISTRATION, FINANCE, AUDIT & INSURANCE: Chairperson-Mooney Harrington, Donald Crockett,
Lon Robinson, Jim Tytka Sr., Becky Butcher-Mirek, Linda Olsen, Jim Tytka Jr.,

ADMISSION, ATTENDANCE, & PASSES: Chairperson-Jim Tytka Sr., Dave Wilson, Jim Tytka Jr., Becky Mirek,
Pete Skurzewski, Jason Merritt, Dan King, Dave Wilson

PLANNING: Chairperson-Mooney Harrington, Don Crockett, Kirk Schneider, Dave Wilson, Becky Butcher-Mirek, ,
Dan King, Pete Skurzewski, Lon Robinson, Larry Morrison, Mike Daugherty

BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, FACILITIES, & EQUIPMENT: Chairperson-Mooney Harrington, Donald Crockett,
Alvin Wilson, Milt Schneider, Kirk Schneider, Mooney Harrington, Lon Robinson, Steve Schmitt, Henry Leworthy, Larry
Morrison, Matt Robinson, Dave Wilson

AGRICULTURE, JR. AGR., CATTLE, SHEEP, HOGS, POULTRY: Chairperson-Dave Wilson, Kenneth Balling,
Larry Morrison, Jim Prince, Lon Robinson, Matt Robinson

FLORAL HALL, GRANGE, EXTENSION, & HORTICULTURE: Chairperson-Dave Wilson, June Prince, Becky
Butcher-Mirek, Linda Olsen

CARNIVAL, MIDWAY & CONCESSIONS: Chairperson-Jim Leworthy, Alvin Wilson, Ken Balling, Donald
Crockett, Henry Leworthy, Jim Tytka Sr., Deb Kuzma,

FAMILY THEATER: Chairperson-Becky Butcher-Mirek, Linda Olsen, Jim Prince, Anita Ray, Craig Moore, Steve

GRANDSTAND & OTHER ATTRACTIONS: Chairperson-Dave Wilson, Lon Robinson, Jason Merritt, Don
Crockett, Steve Schmitt, Linda Olsen, Becky Butcher-Mirek, Matt Robinson

HORSESHOW & STABLES: Chairperson-Donald Crockett, Jim Tytka Sr., Henry Leworthy, Mooney Harrington,
Bob Ellis, Larry Morrison, Dave Wilson

CAMPGROUNDS: Chairperson-Ken Balling, Lon Robinson, Mooney Harrington, Kirk Schneider, Milt Schneider,
Dan King, Dave Wilson

PROMOTION & PUBLIC RELATIONS: Chairperson-Pete Skurzewski, Becky Butcher-Mirek, Jason Merritt, Craig
Moore, Mike Dougherty, Anita Ray, Mike Daugherty

MEMBERSHIP (IN CORPORATION & BOARD): Chairperson-Linda Olsen, Pete Skurzewski, Jim Prince, Dave

MUSEUM: Chairperson-Lon Robinson, Alberta Oonk, David Wilson, Linda Olsen, Jim Prince, Al Wilson

CONSERVATION: Chairperson-Dave Wilson, Jim Prince, Alvin Wilson, Mooney Harrington, Henry Leworthy

DISASTER, FIREMEN, EMERGENCY, & SECURITY: Chairperson-James Tytka Jr., Ken Balling, Lon Robinson,
Jim Tytka Sr., Julius Leone, Warren Riles, James Gee, Tony Faso, Lt. Jim Quatrone, Ron Hasson, Alan Loeb,

SCHOLARSHIP: Chairperson-Dave Wilson, Ken Balling, Henry Leworthy, Linda Olsen, Larry Morrison

CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: Dan King, Dave Wilson

SOCIAL MEDIA: Matt Robinson, Ethan Johnson, Anita Ray

Exhibitors Handbook                                                     2018 Chautauqua County Fair

        Contribute to the Chautauqua County Fair Endowment Fund
The Chautauqua County Fair Endowment Fund provides for lifelong and perpetual giving to the Fair to support its
charitable purpose of agricultural awareness and education. The endowment is administered by the Northern
Chautauqua Community Foundation to preserve all contributions with only a portion of the earnings on the invested
funds being returned to the Fair each year for improvements at the fairground facilities. Returns on invested funds
are not used for general operating expenses, but held for capital projects that have long-term benefit to the Fair.
The Community Foundation can accept, on behalf of the Fair, many forms of capital contribution from cash to life
insurance proceeds to other types of investments. If you would like to contribute to the Fair’s endowment fund,
please complete and return the following form:


City/State/Zip Code___________________________________________________________________________

( ) Enclosed is a check in the amount of $_____ payable to Chautauqua County Fair Endowment Fund
( ) Please have a representative of the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation contact me to
     discuss an investment contribution.

                                            Mail Completed form to:
                                  Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation
                                           212 Lake Shore Drive West
                                              Dunkirk, NY 14048

        Contribute to the Chautauqua County Fair Scholarship Fund
The Chautauqua County Fair Scholarship Fund each year provides college scholarships to deserving high school
seniors who (A) are attending high school within Chautauqua County and (B) have been accepted into college with
a planned course concentration relevant to agriculture. If you would like to contribute to the Fair’s scholarship
fund, please complete the following form:


City/State/Zip Code__________________________________________________________________________

( ) Enclosed is a check in the amount of $_____ payable to Chautauqua County Fair Scholarship Fund

                                           Mail Completed form to:
                                  Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation
                                           212 Lake Shore Drive West
                                              Dunkirk, NY 14048

Exhibitors Handbook                                                          2018 Chautauqua County Fair

 Exhibitors of animals at livestock shows shall at all times conduct themselves with honesty and good
sportsmanship. Their conduct in this competitive environment shall always reflect the highest standards of honor
and dignity to promote the advancement of agricultural education. This code applies to junior as well as open
class exhibitors who compete in structured classes of competition. This code applies to all livestock offered in any
event at a livestock show. In addition to the “IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics,” fairs and livestock shows
may have rules and regulations which they impose on the local, county, state, provincial and national levels.
 All youth leaders working with junior exhibitors are under an affirmative responsibility to do more than avoid
improper conduct or questionable acts. Their moral values must be so certain and positive that those younger and
more pliable will be influenced by their fine example. Owners, exhibitors, fitters, trainers and absolutely
responsible persons who violate the code of ethics will forfeit premiums, awards and auction proceeds and shall be
prohibited from future exhibition in accordance with the rules adopted by the respective fairs and livestock shows.
Exhibitors who violate this code of ethics demean the integrity of all livestock exhibitors and should be prohibited
from competition at all livestock shows in the United States and Canada.
The following is a list of guidelines for all exhibitors and all livestock in competitive events:
1. All exhibitors must present, upon request of fair and livestock show officials, proof of ownership, length of
ownership and age of all animals entered. Misrepresentation of ownership, age, or any facts relating thereto is
 2. Owners, exhibitors, fitters, trainers, or absolutely responsible persons shall provide animal health certificates
from licensed veterinarians upon request by fair or livestock show officials.
3. Junior exhibitors are expected to care for and groom their animals while at fairs or livestock shows.
 4. Animals shall be presented to show events where they will enter the food chain free of drugs. The act of entering
an animal in a livestock show is the giving of consent by the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer and/or absolutely
responsible person for show management to obtain any specimens of urine, saliva, blood, or other substances from
the animal to be used in testing. Animals not entered in an event, which culminates with the animal entering the
food chain, shall not be administered drugs other than in accordance with applicable federal, state and provincial
statues, regulations and rules. Livestock shall not be exhibited if the drugs administered in accordance with federal,
state and provincial statutes, regulations and rules affect the animal’s performance or appearance at the event. If
the laboratory report on the chemical analysis of saliva, urine, blood, or other sample taken from livestock indicates
the presence of forbidden drugs or medication, this shall be prima facie evidence such substance has been
administered to the animal either internally or externally. It is presumed that the sample of urine, saliva, blood, or
other substance tested (by the approved laboratory to which it is sent) is the one taken from the animal in question.
Its integrity is preserved and all procedures of said collection and preservation transfer to the laboratory and analysis
of the sample are correct and accurate and the report received from the laboratory pertains to the sample taken
from the animal in question and correctly reflects the condition of the animal at the time the sample was taken, with
the burden on the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or absolutely responsible person to prove otherwise at any
hearing in regard to the matter conducted by the fair or livestock show. At any time after an animal arrives on the
fair or livestock show premises, all treatments involving the use of drugs and/or medications shall be administered
by a licensed veterinarian.
 5. Any surgical procedure or injection of any foreign substance or drug or the external application of any substance
(irritant, counterirritant, or similar substance) which could affect the animal’s performance or alter its natural
contour, conformation, or appearance, except external applications of substances to the hoofs or horns of animals

Exhibitors Handbook                                                           2018 Chautauqua County Fair

which affect appearance only and except for surgical procedures performed by duly licensed veterinarian for the
sole purpose of protecting the health of the animal, is prohibited.
6. The use of showing and/or handling practices or devices such as striking animals to cause swelling, using electrical
contrivance, or other similar practices are not acceptable and are prohibited.
 7. Direct criticism or interference with the judge, fair, or livestock show management, other exhibitors, breed
representatives, or show officials before, during, or after the competitive event is prohibited. In the furtherance, of
their official duty, all judges, fair and livestock show management, or other show officials shall be treated with
courtesy, cooperation, and respect and no person shall direct abusive or threatening conduct toward them.
 8. No owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or absolutely responsible person shall conspire with another person or persons
to intentionally violate this code of ethics or knowingly contribute or cooperate with another person or persons
either by affirmative action or inaction to violate this code of ethics. Violation of this rule shall subject such individual
to disciplinary action.
9. The application of this code of ethics provides for absolute responsibility for an animal’s condition by an owner,
exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or participant whether or not he or she was actually instrumental in or had actual knowledge
of the treatment of the animal in contravention of this code of ethics.
10. The act of entering an animal is the giving of consent by the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or absolutely
responsible person to have any disciplinary action taken by the fair or livestock show against such individuals
published in any publication of the International Association of Fairs and Expositions, including Fairs and Expositions
and any special notices to members.
11. The act of entering an animal in a fair or livestock show is the giving of verification by the owner, exhibitor, fitter,
trainer, or absolutely responsible person that he or she has read the IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics and
understands the consequences of and penalties provided for actions prohibited by the code. It is further a consent
that any action which contravenes these rules and is also in violation of federal, state, or provincial statutes,
regulations, or rules may be released to appropriate law enforcement authorities with jurisdiction over such

Exhibitors Handbook                                                         2018 Chautauqua County Fair

                                       ANIMAL HEALTH REQUIREMENTS
Animal Health Requirements For Admission to New York State and County Fairs (Part 351 of NYS Agriculture and
Markets Regulations) NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets/Division of Animal Industry 10B Airline Drive,
Albany, NY 12235 518-457-3502
Contents General Prohibitions and Requirements Certificates of Veterinary Inspection Animal Identification
Rabies Vaccination BVD-PI Testing Cleaning and Disinfection Animal Deaths Kidding and Lambing
Commingling of Sheep and Cattle Commingling of Swine and Poultry Isolation on Returning Home Individual
Species Requirements o Horses o Cattle o Sheep o Goats o Swine o Llamas and Alpacas o Poultry o Deer/Elk o
Miscellaneous Ruminants Exhibitor Prefair Guidelines

General Prohibitions and Requirements
   No person shall bring or have present an animal on the fairgrounds during a fair which is not qualified under NYS
regulations. No person shall present an interstate or intrastate certificate of veterinary inspection that has been
altered by anyone other than the issuing veterinarian. Animals demonstrating clinical signs or other evidence of
infectious, contagious or communicable diseases shall not be allowed on the fairgrounds during a fair.
Representatives of the Commissioner may deny admission to or require removal from the fair premises, or require
the segregation of any animal showing signs of or exposed to any infectious, contagious or communicable disease.
NOTE: The fair board of directors has the authority to reject unworthy or unsightly exhibits for reasons other than
infectious, contagious or communicable disease (Part 350.10). The state veterinarian or animal health inspector will
bring questionable exhibits to the attention of the fair board. All animals presented that originate from a location
other than New York shall meet all New York State importation regulations appropriate to the species in addition to
the fair animal health requirements.

Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (CVI)
 Cattle, sheep, goats, swine, llamas, alpacas, deer, and misc. ruminants, require a valid CVI to enter the fairgrounds.
 The CVI must be issued by a Category 2 accredited veterinarian.
  All animals must be officially identified. ALL MANMADE ID MUST BE RECORDED. Refer to Animal Identification
section below for more information. Only one species is allowed per certificate. The type and duration of
certificate required depends on the origin of the livestock.
New York Origin Livestock: A valid intrastate CVI (AI-61) is required. Each animal must be individually identified
on the CVI (see below). The CVI must be issued on or after May 1 of the current year.
Out of State Origin Livestock: All animals entering New York State must satisfy import health and test requirements
for that species and be accompanied by a valid interstate CVI. The interstate CVI is valid for 30 days from the date
of CVI inspection. During the fair season (July 1 through Labor Day) valid CVI’s can be used multiple times for
entrance into fairs. The initial entrance into a fair must be within 30 days of the date of CVI inspection. In order for
the CVI to be used for a later fair, it must be dated and initialed by a state official noting the location of the initial
fair. A change in health status or eligibility of an animal necessitates the generation of a new CVI.
Questions regarding import requirements should be directed to the Division of Animal Industry at 518-457-3971, or
at the division’s import/export homepage:

Animal Identification
  ALL MANMADE ID MUST BE RECORDED Cattle, sheep, goats, swine, and deer/elk must be identified by USDA
approved official identification. o Cattle and deer/elk must be identified by official ear tag. o Sheep and goats must
be identified by official scrapie identification (see sheep and goat sections below). o Swine must be identified by
official ear tag. The only exception is nursing piglets. Nursing piglets do not have to be individually identified if the
sow is correctly identified on the CVI and the number of piglets in the litter is noted on the CVI. Llamas and alpacas

Exhibitors Handbook                                                        2018 Chautauqua County Fair

must be identified by official ear tag or microchip.      Misc. ruminants must be identified by unique ear tag or
microchip. A complete written description is sufficient identification for horses entering New York accompanied
by a CVI. The description must match the EIA test record. Horse sketches and descriptions should reference color
pattern, hair whorls, chestnuts, scars and other markings as necessary to uniquely identify the horse. Tattoos and
microchips if any should be included. “Bay, no markings” is not an acceptable description for a CVI or EIA test record.
  NOTE: If you are exhibiting animals identified by microchip a working reader must be supplied by the exhibitor.
For questions on animal identification please contact your veterinarian or our office at 518-457-3502.

Rabies Vaccination
  Rabies vaccination is required for all species for which there is a USDA licensed vaccine available (cattle, horses,
sheep, dog, cat, ferret) and that are 4 months of age or older on the date of admission to the fair.
  Vaccine must have been administered within the past 12 months. The exception is Imrab LA vaccine used in sheep
which protects for 3 years after the second annual vaccination (consult your veterinarian). The rabies vaccination
requirement must be met on the day of admission even if the animal was previously admitted to a fair when too
young to vaccinate. NOTE: Individual fairs can require animals for which there is no approved rabies vaccine to be
vaccinated for rabies. The requirements outlined above would apply.
The fair is responsible for notifying exhibitors. The New York State Fair requires rabies vaccination for all livestock
species entering the grounds.
Acceptable Proof of Rabies Vaccination Acceptable proof of rabies vaccination must include a signed written
statement from the veterinarian administering the vaccine or a valid certificate of veterinary inspection that has the
vaccination listed and is signed by the Category 2 accredited veterinarian. Acceptable proof of rabies vaccination
must include the name of the product used, the date of administration and the duration of immunity if longer than
one year. If the statement of rabies vaccination is included on an EIA test record, it must be signed separately in
addition to the required EIA test record signature.         NOTE: Rabies titers are not acceptable proof of rabies
protection and cannot be used to meet entry requirements. Acceptable proof of vaccination for dogs is a valid
vaccination certificate or a copy of the dog license that contains the rabies vaccination information.
BVD-PI Testing All cattle, llamas and alpacas exhibited at NY county fairs or the State Fair must be negative to an
approved test appropriate to detect Bovine Viral Diarrhea persistent infection (BVD-PI). The testing veterinarian is
responsible to make sure the proper test is conducted. This is a once in a lifetime test that must be reported on the
required certificate of veterinary inspection. The issuing veterinarian is responsible for verifying the validity of the
test, the identification of the animal and recording the test date on the CVI. If a previous test is not verifiable the
test must be repeated.
Cleaning and Disinfection All buildings on the fairgrounds housing animals must be cleaned and disinfected prior
to the opening of the fair and between groups of animals when housing is rotated (Section 50.2 of Agriculture and
Market regulations).
Animal Deaths Occasionally animal deaths occur at a fair. If a death occurs it must be reported to the state
veterinarian in charge as soon as possible for review. The animal must be promptly removed from the public exhibit
area to a secure location and held for the veterinarian prior to disposal.
Calving, Kidding, and Lambing Due to the concern about the spread of diseases, any cattle, sheep, or goats that
are exhibited at a county fair that have recently given birth or have a vaginal discharge, will be ordered removed
along with their offspring, unless the animals are part of a birthing demonstration.
Commingling of Sheep and Cattle Due to the potential spread of malignant catarrhal fever from sheep to cattle, it
is strongly recommended that cattle be kept separate from sheep.
Commingling of Swine and Poultry Due to the potential spread of influenza viruses it is recommended that swine
and poultry be housed in separate locations.

Exhibitors Handbook                                                       2018 Chautauqua County Fair

Isolation on Returning Home The owner or custodian shall keep show animals biologically separate from the herd
or flock for a period of at least two weeks after returning to the premises of origin. If any illness is noted in the
exhibition animals the owner should contact their veterinarian immediately.

Individual Species Requirements
Horses Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) is not required for New York origin horses. CVI is required for
imported horses. Negative Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) test is required for all horses 6 months of age or older.
The horse must be accompanied by a valid negative EIA test record. The test must have been conducted during the
current or previous calendar years for New York origin horses. For imported horses, the test must be conducted
within 12 months of entry.       The EIA test certificate must include a complete description of the horse. Rabies
vaccination is required for all horses 4 months of age or older (see above). A valid GoPass equine passport can be
used as an entry document. If interested in the GoPass contact your veterinarian. More information is available at
GlobalVetLink :
Cattle Certificate of Veterinary Inspection with animals properly identified (see Animal Identification section
above). Rabies vaccination is required for all cattle 4 months of age or older (see above). All cattle must be must
be negative to an approved test appropriate to detect Bovine Viral Diarrhea persistent infection (BVD-PI). The date
and results of the testing must be noted on the certificate of veterinary inspection. All cattle must be vaccinated
against bovine respiratory disease complex including bovine respiratory syncytial virus, bovine virus diarrhea,
infectious bovine rhinotracheitis and parainfluenza with a product administered in a manner and time frame
adequate to confer protective immunity for these diseases for the duration of the fair.
Sheep Certificate of Veterinary Inspection with animals individually identified with USDA approved individual
scrapie program identification. Identification must be one of the following: 1) USDA approved tags or 2) a legible
USDA approved flock tattoo and individual animal ID number or 3) electronic ID if the sheep is enrolled in the Scrapie
Flock Certification Program. For information on scrapie ID, contact USDA at 518-858-1424. Rabies vaccination is
required for all sheep 4 months of age or older (see above). The CVI must contain a written statement from the
issuing Category 2 accredited veterinarian that the flock of origin was inspected after May 1 of the current year and
no evidence of contagious, infectious or communicable diseases was found. If evidence of soremouth (contagious
ecthyma) is found on any sheep, the entire exhibit including the affected animals shall immediately be removed
from the fair premises with the holding pens cleaned and disinfected immediately after removal.
Goats Certificate of Veterinary Inspection with animals individually identified with USDA approved individual
scrapie program identification. Identification must be one of the following: 1) USDA approved tags or 2) a legible
registration tattoo or 3) a legible USDA approved herd tattoo and individual animal ID number or 4) electronic ID if
the goat is enrolled in the Scrapie Flock Certification Program and/or the electronic ID is recorded on the goat’s
registration paper. For information on scrapie ID, contact USDA at 518-858-1424. The CVI must contain a written
statement from the issuing Category 2 accredited veterinarian that the herd of origin was inspected after May 1 of
the current year and no evidence of contagious, infectious or communicable diseases was found. If evidence of
soremouth (contagious ecthyma) is found on any goat, the entire exhibit including the affected animals shall
immediately be removed from the fair premises with the holding pens cleaned and disinfected immediately after
Swine Certificate of Veterinary Inspection with animals properly identified (see Animal Identification section
Llamas and Alpacas Certificate of Veterinary Inspection with animals properly identified (see Animal Identification
section above). All llamas and alpacas must be negative to an approved test appropriate to detect Bovine Viral
Diarrhea persistent infection (BVD-PI). The date and results of the testing must be noted on the certificate of
veterinary inspection.

Exhibitors Handbook                                                         2018 Chautauqua County Fair

Poultry Poultry (with the exception of doves, pigeons and waterfowl) must be accompanied by 1) results of a
negative pullorum typhoid test conducted within 90 days prior to exhibition OR 2) proof that the birds originated
directly from a US pullorum-typhoid clean flock or equivalent flock. Pullorum qualified by 90 day test must be
identified by official leg band. Proof of NPIP status must be in the form of an NPIP certificate or purchase receipt
containing NPIP certification information. If utilizing a receipt it must be dated within 1 year of the date of admission
to the fair.
Deer/Elk (Cervidae) Certificate of Veterinary Inspection with animals properly identified (see Animal Identification
section above). Originate from a herd classified as accredited or qualified under USDA tuberculosis regulations.
A movement permit obtained from the Division of Animal Industry is required for all deer movements. All CWD and
TB program requirements must be met before a permit will be issued. Questions regarding movement permits
should be directed to the Division of Animal Industry at 518-457-3971.
Miscellaneous Ruminants        Certificate of Veterinary Inspection with animals properly identified (see Animal
Identification section above).
Exhibitor Prefair Guidelines Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Swine, Llamas and Alpacas, Cervids, Misc. Ruminants Review the
animal health requirements booklet including information for your species before your veterinarian arrives to
inspect your animals. If you have any questions ask.         Your veterinarian is responsible for inspecting your animals
and completing the certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI). Call early to avoid the last minute rush when mistakes
are made and there is no time to correct. Make sure official eartags are present on cattle and swine and USDA
approved scrapie ID is in place on sheep and goats. Llamas and alpacas require a microchip or eartag. If a microchip
is utilized make sure the veterinarian confirms the microchip ID or places one. ALL IDENTIFICATION MUST BE
RECORDED. Make sure it is. Review the CVI carefully upon receipt to make sure all the information is correct
including any required test or vaccination information. DO NOT stuff it in an envelope and assume all is well. The
time to correct is before pulling them out at the fair. The CVI is your document and you share responsibility if it is
incorrect. If you are importing livestock from out of state make sure the interstate requirements are met and you
have a valid interstate certificate of veterinary inspection. Poultry Schedule pullorum flock inspection and testing
well ahead of the fair if your flock is participating in the NPIP program. If you’re having your birds tested within 90
days of the fair you must go to a pullorum clinic. Available clinics are listed on the Dept. website. No individual
testing is available if you miss a clinic. Birds qualified by 90 day test must be identified by official leg band. Bring
documentation with you to the fair in the form of a 1) current NPIP certificate, 2) 90 day test chart or 3) purchase
receipt with NPIP certification within 1 year of the date of admission to the fair. Decalendar year. Imported horses
must be accompanied by an interstate certificate of veterinary inspection with a negative EIA test within 12 months.
Rabies vaccination information can be incorporated into the CVI. Drawing or photograph must match the horse.
  Rabies vaccination must be within 1 year of arrival at the fair and be documented by a signed rabies certificate or
a signed statement on the EIA test chart with the required information (see requirements).
MOST IMPORTANT When you are loading your livestock for the trip to the fair take the time to examine them. Makes
sure they are the same animals that are on the paperwork and if they are showing any signs of illness LEAVE THEM

Exhibitors Handbook                                                              2018 Chautauqua County Fair

                                                       Dairy Cattle
                                                    Department 2
                                         Open to Chautauqua County Herds Only
                               Cattle Superintendent: Julie Peterson Cell # 716-397-8129
                                              Entry Deadline: July 1, 2018
                           Dairy Cattle Entry Fees: $4.00 per class (including group classes)
                         Exhibitor Fee: $3.00 per animal maximum $25.00 for all Departments
Arrival:           Sunday, July 15, 2018. Must be in place no later than 12:00 pm
Show:              9:00 am Wednesday, July 18, 2018. The show order will be based on breed.
                   Holsteins will be shown in their entirety, followed by Jersey, Guernsey, Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Lineback
                   and Other Dairy Breeds.
Release:           3:00 pm Sunday, July 22, 2018
General Dairy Rules:
     1.  An official Registration Certificate must be shown on each animal. These will be checked for identification, ownership
         and birth date. Entries in this department will be accepted only from bona fide owners of the cattle. All cattle must be
         owned by the individuals or farms exhibiting same and have been owned for 30 days before the day of the show. Where
         a herd is registered in the names of different members of a family, residing on one farm where the herd is a unit, all
         entries may be considered a single exhibitor. All owners must be listed on the entry form.
     2. All bulls one (1) year old must be ringed.
     3. The production premium will be given in cow classes based on the highest 305 M.E. milk record, except 2-year-old can
         use 90 day projected. Copies of production papers are requested with the entry forms, no later than July 1 if entering
         in a production class. ONLY DHI Official Papers Will Be Accepted.
     4. Youth exhibitors may enter any animal in the Open Class Department. However, when entering in the open class, the
         youth must pay ALL appropriate fees, this includes the exhibitors fee, entry fees, and late fees if applicable.
     5. The management assumes no responsibility in case of damage of stock or other exhibits from any cause; and upon this
         condition only, are exhibits received.
     6. Substitutions within classes of individual animals will be allowed if reported to the Superintendent by 6:00 PM, Sunday
         prior to show.
     7. Stall assignments will be done by the Superintendent. No changes in the barn layout unless approved by the
         Superintendent. Late entries will be accommodated in the best way possible if there is space.
     8. The Superintendent will grant permission only for late arrival or early removal of animals being shown at a competing
         show which conflicts with above times. A letter from the upcoming show must be faxed to the fair office prior to
         receiving permission to leave early. Early removal must only be done after the show is complete. Early removal will
         result in forfeiture of premiums, unless Superintendent has granted permission to release animals. The decision of the
         judge shall be final in all cases, except where error, mistake, fraud, misrepresentation, or collusion, not discovered at
         the time of the award is proven. In such cases, the decision of the Superintendent, or such referee appointed shall be
     9. No exhibitor shall receive more than two premiums in any one class.
     10. All trailers MUST be parked on the track infield during the week of fair and NO trailers can line up for prior to 3PM on
         the Sunday of release. No exceptions.
     11. New: Early Livestock removal must be approved by a vet and department Superintendent. Early Removal cases must
         be reported to the state vet prior to animal leaving the fairgrounds. Premiums will be forfeited and entry fees will not
         be refunded. The Superintendent will have a Form to complete with the exhibitor.
Dairy Protocol
     1. Highly Recommended: All injections should be given to the animal while in the stall. Injections should be given
         discreetly to protect the wholesome image of the dairy industry.
     2. Highly Recommended: All injections should be given in the neck area to meet the Beef Quality Assurance Standards.
     3. Highly Recommended: Exhibitors bring their own teat dip and a permanently identified teat dipper, The Fair will
         continue to provide teat dip and generic teat dippers.
     4. REQUIRED: Spray germicidal disinfectant into each teat cup after detaching unit from the animal. Fair will provide
         sprayer and disinfectant
     5. Parlor Hours: Will be posted by the Superintendent. Bagging times will also be posted at the parlor.

Exhibitors Handbook                                                        2018 Chautauqua County Fair

    SECTION A- HOLSTEIN                     SECTION C- GUERNSEY                  SECTION E- BROWN SWISS
    SECTION B- JERSEY                       SECTION D- AYRSHIRE                  SECTION F- LINEBACKS
                                                                                 SECTION G- OTHER BREEDS
Class Numbers
     1. Junior Calf- born between 3/1/18 and 5/1/18
     2. Intermediate Heifer Calf- born between 12/1/17 and 2/28/18
     3. Senior Calf- born between 9/1/17 and 11/30/17
     4. Summer Yearling- born between 6/1/17 and 8/31/17
     5. Junior Yearling (not in milk)- born between 3/1/17 and 5/31/17
     6. Intermediate Senior Yearling (not in milk)- born between 12/1/16 and 2/28/17
     7. Senior Yearling- born between 9/1/16 and 11/30/16
                  Champion and Reserve Champion Junior Female
     8. Junior Best 3 Females- All bred and 1 owned by exhibitor
     9. Junior 2-year-old (in milk)- born between 3/1/16 and 8/31/16
     10. Senior 2-year old (in milk)- born between 9/1/15 and 2/28/15
     11. Junior 3-year old (in milk)- born between 3/1/15 and 8/31/15
     12. Senior 3-year old (in milk)- born between 9/1/14 and 2/28/15
     13. 4 year Old (in milk)- born between 9/1/13 and 8/31/14
     14. 5 year old (in milk)- born between 9/1/12 and 8/31/13
     15. Aged Cow- born before 9/1/12
     16. 100,000 Pound Cow- Proof of actual production must be presented show day. Official DHI Papers Only.
     17. Dry 3 and 4 year Old Cow- born between 9/1/13 and 8/31/15
     18. Dry Aged Cow- Born before 9/1/12
                  Champion and Reserve Champion Senior Female
                  Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Female
     19. Senior Best 3 Females- All bred and 1 owned by exhibitor
     20. Dairy Herd- All owned by exhibitor, consists of 4 cows that have calved at least once.
     21. Dam and Daughter
     22. Produce of Dam- Any two animals any age, either sex, progeny of one dam.

Premiums for Section A- Holstein
Classes # 1-15 and 30-33
          1st- $20.00     2nd-$17.00        3rd-$14.00        4th-$11.00         5th-$9.00        6th-$7.00
Classes # 16-25
          1st- $35.00     2nd-$30.00        3rd-$24.00        4th-$19.00         5th-$19.00       6th-$11.00
Premiums for Sections B-G
Classes # 1-15 and 30-33
          1st-$12.00      2nd-$10.00        3rd-$8.00         4th-$6.00          5th-$4.00        6th-$2.00
Classes #16-25
          1st-22.00       2nd-$18.00        3rd-$15.00        4th-$11.00         5th-$9.00        6th-$6.00

Grand Champion Females from each section (breed) will be asked to come into the ring to compete for the title of
Supreme Champion.
Best Udder Awards will be awarded in classes listed 16-23. The Premiums are $11.00 and $6.00
A Production Award will be awarded in classes listed 16-23. The Premium is $11.00
Supreme Champion. The Premium is $50.00
Chautauqua County Breeders will present a rotating trophy to the winning Best 3 Females Bred and Owned by exhibitor
of the Holstein breed.
Herdsman Awards:
         1st-$10.00        2nd-$5.00          3rd-$3.00

Exhibitors Handbook                                                              2018 Chautauqua County Fair

                                                      BEEF CATTLE
                                               Department 3
                            Superintendent: Debbie Grzegorzewski Cell 716-338-2892

                                           Entry Deadline: July 1, 2018
                         Beef Cattle Entry Fees: $4.00 per class (including group classes)
                         Exhibitor Fee: $3.00 per animal maximum $25.00 for all Departments
Arrival:           Sunday, July 15, 2018. Must be in place no later than 12:00 pm
Show:              8:00 am Monday, July 26, 2018
Release:           3:00 pm Sunday, July 22, 2018
General Cattle Rules:
    1. An official Registration Certificate must be shown on each animal except for Section G and Section H. A copy of the
         registration papers must be included with your entry form. These will be checked for identification, ownership and
         birth date. All cattle shown in group classes must be registered or will be shown in the Crossbred Division. Entries in
         this department will be accepted only from bona fide owners of the cattle. All cattle must be owned by the individuals
         or farms exhibiting same and have been owned for 30 days before the day of the show. Where a herd is registered in
         the names of different members of a family, residing on one farm where the herd is a unit, all entries may be considered
         a single exhibitor. All owners must be listed on the entry form.
    2. All breeds in Section F will show together. However, in the event there is enough of a particular breed to warrant a
         breed show, breed classes will be created at that time. This will be at the discretion of the Cattle Superintendent. All
         breeds will show under the same rules, classes and premiums.
    3. If there are 2 or less exhibitors in any breed or less than 10 animals in that same registered breed regardless of the
         number of exhibitors, that breed will show in Section F- Other Registered Breeds/AOB at the discretion of show
    4. All bulls one (1) year old must be ringed.
    5. Youth exhibitors may enter any animal in the Open Class Department. However, when entering in the open class, the
         youth must pay ALL appropriate fees, this includes the exhibitors fee, entry fees, and late fees if applicable.
    6. The management assumes no responsibility in case of damage of stock or other exhibits from any cause; and upon this
         condition only, are exhibits received.
    7. Substitutions within classes of individual animals will be allowed if reported to the Superintendent by 6:00 PM, Sunday
         prior to show.
    8. Stall assignments will be done by the Superintendent. No changes in the barn layout unless approved by the
         Superintendent. Late entries will be accommodated in the best way possible if there is space.
    9. The Superintendent will grant permission only for late arrival or early removal of animals being shown at a competing
         show which conflicts with above times. A letter from the upcoming show must be faxed to the fair office prior to
         receiving permission to leave early. Early removal must only be done after the show is complete. Early removal will
         result in forfeiture of premiums, unless Superintendent has granted permission to release animals. The decision of the
         judge shall be final in all cases, except where error, mistake, fraud, misrepresentation, or collusion, not discovered at
         the time of the award is proven. In such cases, the decision of the Superintendent, or such referee appointed shall be
    10. No exhibitor shall receive more than two premiums in any one class.
    11. All trailers MUST be parked on the track infield during the week of fair and NO trailers can line up prior to 3PM on the
         Sunday of release. No eceptions.
    12. New: Early Livestock removal must be approved by a vet and department Superintendent. Early Removal cases must
         be reported to the state vet prior to animal leaving the fairgrounds. Premiums will be forfeited and entry fees will not
         be refunded. The Superintendent will have a Form to complete with the exhibitor.

Exhibitors Handbook                                                       2018 Chautauqua County Fair

         Section A- Aberdeen Angus                                      Section F-Other Registered Beef Breeds/AOB
         Section B- Hereford                                            Section G-Crossbred
         Section C- Maine Anjou                                         Section H- Market Steers
         Section D-Shorthorn and Shorthorn Plus                         Section X- Market Heifers
         Section E- Simmental

Class Numbers:
1. Junior Heifers- Born after 1/1/18 and over four months of age.
2. Senior Heifers- Born between 9/1/17 and 12/31/17
3. Late Summer Yearling Heifer- Born between 7/1/17 and 8/31/17
4. Spring Yearling Heifer- Born between 1/1/17 and 4/30/17
5. Senior Yearling Heifer- Born between 9/1/16 and 12/31/16
6. Champion Heifer
7. Reserve Champion Heifer
8. Cow and Calf- Calf born in 2018
9. Champion Cow and Calf
10. Reserve Champion Cow and Calf
11. Supreme Female
12. Junior Bulls- Born after 1/1/2018 and over four months of age.
13. Senior Bulls- Born between 9/1/17 and 12/31/17
14. Champion Bull
15. Reserve Champion Bull
16. Grand Champion Bull
17. Reserve Champion Bull
18. Breeder’s Special- 2 head, any age, either sex, shown in classes 1-15, bred and owned or co-owned by Exhibitor. No
     Steers in Breeders Special.
19. Produce of Dam- 2 head, any age, either sex, progeny of one dam.
20. Get-of-Sire- 3 animals by one sire, both sexes represented, shown in above classes.
*All Breeds MUST Have a Minimum of 6 Head to Have a Breed Show Otherwise They Will Show in AOB Division.
*All AOB Breeds Will Show Together, Unless There are Enough of a Particular Breed to Warrant a Breed Show.
*Animals Must Be Registered With Their National Breed Association With the Exception of Crossbreds, Steers and
Market Heifers. Any Animal Not Having a Legible Tattoo is Ineligible to Compete.

Section H- Market Animal
1. Market Steer- Enter all Market Steers as 3-H-1
2. Market Heifer- Enter all Market Heifers as 3-X-1
*Market Heifers may also show in breed classes.
*All Market Classes will be determined by weights taken on Sunday.
*All Market Class Animals must have been born in 2017.

Division Champion and Reserve Champion
Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Market Steer.

The Premiums for Market Steer Classes listed above:
        1st- $15.00                 2nd-$12.00        3rd-9.00          4th-$8.00         5th-$6.00         6th-$5.00

Herdsman Awards:
        1st-$10.00                   2nd-$5.00        3rd-$3.00

Exhibitors Handbook                                                                 2018 Chautauqua County Fair

                                                           Department 4

                          Sheep Superintendent: Linda Lanphere 962-8417 Cell # 716-499-3491
                                               Entry Deadline: July 1, 2018
                               Sheep Entry Fees: $3.00 per class (including group classes)
                          Exhibitor Fee: $2.00 per animal maximum $25.00 for all Departments
Arrival:            Sunday, July 15, 2018. Must be in place no later than 12:00 pm
Show:               4:00 PM Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Release:            3:00 pm Sunday, July 22, 2018

General Sheep Rules
1.  Please specify the number of 4’ x 5’ pens needed on the Entry Form
2.  Wool breeds need not be shorn. Show blankets must be removed after the Wednesday 4-H evening show.
3.  Each exhibitor shall present a health certificate signed by an accredited veterinarian indicating that his/her flock is free of all
    contagious and infectious diseases and is not under quarantine. All sheep will be inspected and any sheep exhibiting
    evidence of contagious diseases, internal or external parasites, or in generally unthrifty condition will be sent home
4. An official Registration Certificate must be shown on each animal. These will be checked for identification, ownership and
    birth date. Entries in this department will be accepted only from bona fide owners of the sheep. All sheep must be owned
    by the individuals or farms exhibiting same and have been owned for 30 days before the day of the show. Where a flock is
    registered in the names of different members of a family, residing on one farm where the flock is a unit, all entries may be
    considered a single exhibitor. All owners must be listed on the entry form. Registered entries must carry the registration tag
    of their breed association in their ear.
5. Youth exhibitors may enter any animal in the Open Class Department. However, when entering in the open class, the youth
    must pay ALL appropriate fees, this includes the exhibitors fee, entry fees, and late fees if applicable.
6. The management assumes no responsibility in case of damage of stock or other exhibits from any cause; and upon this
    condition only, are exhibits received.
7. Substitutions within classes of individual animals will be allowed if reported to the Superintendent by 6:00 PM, Sunday prior
    to show.
8. Stall assignments will be done by the Superintendent. No changes in the barn layout unless approved by the Superintendent.
    Late entries will be accommodated in the best way possible if there is space. The fair reserves the right to refuse any entries
    due to a lack of facilities. Preference will be given to members of Chautauqua Area Sheep Breeders.
9. The Superintendent will grant permission only for late arrival or early removal of animals being shown at a competing show
    which conflicts with above times. A letter from the upcoming show must be faxed to the fair office prior to receiving
    permission to leave early. Early removal must only be done after the show is complete. Early removal will result in forfeiture
    of premiums, unless Superintendent has granted permission to release animals. The decision of the judge shall be final in all
    cases, except where error, mistake, fraud, misrepresentation, or collusion, not discovered at the time of the award is proven.
    In such cases, the decision of the Superintendent, or such referee appointed shall be final.
10. No exhibitor may have more than two entries in any class. Limit 2 market class animals per exhibitor. No exhibitor shall
    receive more than two premiums in any one class.
11. All trailers MUST be parked on the track infield during the week of fair and NO trailers can line up prior to 3PM on the Sunday
    of release. No Exceptions.
12. New: Early Livestock removal must be approved by a vet and department Superintendent. Early Removal cases must be
    reported to the state vet prior to animal leaving the fairgrounds. Premiums will be forfeited and entry fees will not be
    refunded. The Superintendent will have a Form to complete with the exhibitor.

Exhibitors Handbook                                                          2018 Chautauqua County Fair

MEAT BREEDS (Breeds shown separately)
    A- DORSET                               D- CHEVIOT                   G- SHROPSHIRE
    B- HAMPSHIRE                            E- MONTADALE                 H- SOUTH DOWN
    C- SUFFOLK                              F- TUNIS
WOOL BREEDS (Breeds shown separately)
    I- BORDER LEICESTER                     J- CORRIEDALE                K- OTHER/AOB
Class Numbers
    1. Ram 2 Years and Over                                    12. Spring Ewe Lamb (After 12/31)
    2. Ram One Year and Under Two                              13. Pair of Ewe Lambs
    3. Fall Ram Lamb (9/1 – 12/31)                             14. Champion Ewe
    4. Spring Ram Lamb (after 12/31)                           15. Reserve Champion Ewe
    5. Pair of Ram Lambs                                       16. Pen of Four Lambs(Whethers, Rams or Ewes)
    6. Champion Ram                                            17. Flock
    7. Reserve Champion Ram                                    18. Get of Sire(3 animals, any age, any sex from same ram)
    8. Ewe Two Years and Over                                  19. Breeders Young Flock (1 Ram, 2 Ewe Lambs)
    9. Ewe One year and Under Two
    10. Pair of Yearling Ewes
    11. Fall Ewe Lamb (9/1-12/31)
Class Numbers
    1.. Ewe Two Years and Over                                 4. Flock (Consists of 1 purebred ram, 2 yearling
     2. Ewe One Year and Under Two                                       ewes and 2 lambs)
     3. Ewe Lamb
Class Numbers
     1.. Ewe Two Years and Over                                4. Flock (Consists of 1 purebred ram, 2 yearling
     2. Ewe One Year and Under Two                                       ewes and 2 lambs)
     3. Ewe Lamb
Class Number
    1. Market Lamb
          Enter market lambs as 4-x-1
          Market lambs will be shown by weight and will be broken down into classes according to Saturdays weight.

Class Numbers
    1. Fine Wool – One Fleece                      3. Long Wool – One Fleece
    2. Medium Wool – One Fleece                    4. Colored Fleece- One Fleece

          1st- $13.00            2nd- $11.00        3rd-$9.00         4th-$8.00          5th-$6.00          6th-$5.00

You can also read