Duisportmagazin 7 A magazine published by duisport Group July 2021
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2 duisportmagazin 7/2021 Content duisportmagazin 7/2021 Content 3 Content 17 8 PORT PORTRAIT Successful semi-annual balance 2021 4 Knauf Interfer shapes the steel supply chain for sustainability and efficiency 32 Succession in the Executive Board of Duisburger Hafen AG 6 Bertschi Group: Setback compensated 36 50,000 workplaces: Resilience in times of crises 8 CULTOUR Floating city: 24 NETWORK 21 art objects from Berlin to Duisburg 40 Joint Venture PSA and duisport 12 SERVICE First Fressnapf block train: China to Duisburg 17 Shipping list & Rail shedule 42 DUISPORT DIGITAL Imprint 53 36 duisport invests in CargoBeamer 20 The port & contacts 54 Port map 55 IN FOCUS “Iron Silk Road” is a success story 24 Innovation driver duisport 30
4 duisportmagazin 7/2021 Port duisportmagazin 7/2021 Port 5 Successful semi- annual balance 2021 duisport reports Growth drivers double-digit growth Rail-based goods traffic with China, as well in container handling. as European connections with Poland and southern Europe, were the main drivers behind this growth. Both the expansion of existing routes and new destinations, e.g. · Total handling volumes slightly Spain, contributed to this. above the level of the previous year. “This is a very plea- © Frank Reinhold · Expansion of handling capacities strengthens market position. sing and positive development. We “Fortunately, a new container terminal will Total handling volumes in the first half of At the half-year mark, container traffic at Duisburger Hafen AG (duisport) is signi- also expect to see go into operation at logport VI at the end of this year, which will further increase the 2021 were 29.5 million tonnes, which is slightly above the previous year‘s result ficantly higher than in the previous year. Container handling in the first half of 2021 strong growth in handling capacities in Duisburg.” (2020: 29.2 million tonnes). The strong growth in the combined trans- was around 2.2 million TEUR, which is 10 percent higher than in the previous year the combined trans- “At this time, the handling of containers, swap bodies and trailers already accounts portation segment over-compensates for the decline in the area of fossil fuels. (2020: 2 million TEUR). portation segment for over 60 percent of the total handling volume at the Port of Duisburg. It means The tonnage growth in combined transpor- tation even grew by 11 percent. Shipping in the second half that the structural transformation in this important growth segment has also been volumes increased by 5 percent and rail successful,” concludes Erich Staake. segment by 14 percent compared to the of the year,” says previous year. Erich Staake.
6 duisportmagazin 7/2021 Port duisportmagazin 7/2021 Port 7 Markus Bangen to become new Chief Dr. Carsten Hinne leaves Deutsche Bahn Executive Officer of Duisburger Hafen AG. to join the largest inland port in Europe. Starting August 1, 2021, he will be respon- Dr. Schulte: “In his previous position at DB sible for managing the largest inland port Cargo, Dr. Carsten Hinne gained extensive in Europe. In addition, Dr. Carsten Hinne expertise in the development of corridors will also be appointed to the Executive to China. I am certain that the Port of Board of Duisburger Hafen AG, starting Duisburg will benefit from this knowledge January 1, 2022. in the future.” Prof. Thomas Schlipköther will remain as Chief Operating Officer (COO), Chief Technical Officer (CTO) and Head of the Dr. Schulte: “We searched Port Authority until the end of 2022. for experienced managers The Presidium recommended to the Supervisory Board that Markus Bangen is with a penchant for inno- appointed to the position of Chief Execu- tive Officer, and that Dr. Carsten Hinne is invited to join the Executive Board. vation. With the addition The decision was unanimously adopted of Markus Bangen and in May at a Supervisory Board meeting in Duisburg‘s city hall. Supervisory Board Dr. Carsten Hinne, the port chairman Dr. Hendrik Schulte: “This is a is well positioned to conti- Succession in the good day for the Port of Duisburg. With Markus Bangen, we were able to acquire a leader who has excellent knowledge of the nue the dynamic growth of Port of Duisburg.” the past few years.” Executive Board of Duisburger Hafen AG CV Markus Bangen Markus Bangen, who was born in 1972, joined the Port of Duisburg in 2000, where he was initially responsible for the Legal Affairs department, and then also for Human Resources as of 2003. In 2008, he joined the Executive Board with responsibility for Legal Affairs, Purchasing, Industrial Logistics, Suprastructure and Terminals. Bangen studied In August 2021, Markus law in Bonn, with a focus on European and transport law. He also completed a legal clerkship in San Francisco. Markus Bangen is married and has two children. Bangen will become the new Chief Executive Officer CV Dr. Carsten Hinne of Duisburger Hafen AG, In his last position as Senior Vice President at DB Cargo AG, Dr. Carsten Hinne, who was and Dr. Carsten Hinne will born in 1975, was responsible for the realignment and organization of the newly created division along the Eurasian corridor with the companies DB Cargo Eurasia, DB Cargo Rus- move into the Executive sia and DB Cargo Transasia. Hinne studied business management at Justus-Liebig-Uni- versität Gießen and he obtained a doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) from Erlangen University in Board. 2007. Hinne is married and has two children.
8 duisportmagazin 7/2021 Port duisportmagazin 7/2021 Port 9 Resilience in times of crises More than 50,000 workplaces depend on the Port of Duisburg. “15 percent of all workplaces in Duisburg of Duisburg has been able to maintain and can be attributed to duisport. Every year, expand its positive growth over the last The duisport Group has been certified they create almost EUR 1.9 billion in value few years. as an “Excellent Training Company” for the city - and this figure continues to for the fifth time. increase,” explains Erich Staake, Chief Exe- “The study results that have just been pub- cutive Officer of the duisport Group. lished offer impressive proof of how quickly the Port of Duisburg has grown in the last The Port of Duisburg (duisport) has long few years. The facts speak for themselves. I been one of the largest employers in the would like to thank our duisport team, our Rhine-Ruhr region. duisport is not just long-standing customers, the more than Europe‘s biggest hinterland hub and 100 new investors over the last 20 years, central logistics hub, but has also been and the many service providers that are responsible for major developments in the associated with the port,” says duisport region for decades. duisport regularly per- Chief Executive Officer Erich Staake. forms detailed analyses of the impact of the world’s largest inland port on the labor The numbers in detail market and the business character of the Based on the current study results, a total city of Duisburg and the region. of 51,580 (2018: 46,510) employees can be directly or indirectly attributed to the Port The results of the latest study by the well- of Duisburg. In the year 1998, this figure known market research institute Regiono- was around 19,000. mica GmbH from Berlin show how the Port
10 duisportmagazin 7/2021 Port duisportmagazin 7/2021 Port 11 New study confirms: The Port of Duisburg continues to be one of In Duisburg alone, 26,760 workplaces can be attributed to the Port of Duisburg. This And all signs point to continued growth in the future. Projects such as logport VI and the major employers in corresponds to approximately 15 percent others will create up to 1,000 additional of all workplaces in the city, and represents direct workplaces in the foreseeable future. an absolute increase of 12 percent since 2018. A long-term comparison with the the metropolitan region. late 1990s confirms a 150 percent increase in employment. “50,000 employees depen- Value creation in the Port of Duisburg has also been very impressive. Based on the dent on the port - that was The logport concept current results, the port generated EUR 3.6 billion in 2021 (2018: EUR 3.1 billion). a personal goal which I is a guarantor for the Of this figure, almost EUR 1.9 billion is attributed to the city of Duisburg - a hig- announced a few years ago. her-than-average rate of growth. structural transformation I am very thankful that we Particularly in times of crisis, the Port of were able to achieve it,” and workplaces. Duisburg has been a valuable constant and also an important innovation driver for the future. The persistent business efforts by says Erich Staake. the port have paid off, not least in particu- larly challenging times. On-going projects duisport creates were and are carried through to comple- tion, new collaborations and partnerships are initiated, and the stage has been set for EUR 3.6 billion in the coming years. value every year. About Regionomica - To prepare the study, the market research institute Regionomica conducted extensive company surveys and used this data to perform simulation and impact calculations. Technical discussions and interviews with selected companies and relevant stakeholders also delivered supple- mentary qualitative assessments.
12 duisportmagazin 7/2021 Network duisportmagazin 7/2021 Network 13 Joint Venture PSA and duisport PSA and duisport team PSA Northeast Asia Supply Chain Pte Ltd up to invest in multimo- (“PSA”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of global ports group PSA International, has dal logistics facilities in inked an agreement with the German multimodal logistics company Duisburger Asia and enhance Euro- Hafen AG (“duisport”), trimodal logistics pe-Asia connectivity. hub and Europe‘s largest hinterland hub, to form a joint venture company Multimodal Investments Pte Ltd (“MIPL”) headquar- tered in Singapore. The joint venture will invest in multimodal logistics facilities in © PSA Asia, enhancing connectivity and trade flows between Europe and Asia. Through MIPL, duisport will take a stake in Drawing on the combined supply chain digital solutions for product redistribution The “Sino-Singapore PSA’s current investments in China’s mul- expertise of PSA and duisport, MIPL will and returns, enhancing the overall supply (Chongqing) Connectivity timodal logistics facilities i.e. the Sino Sin- develop value-adding services for custo- chain resilience between inland and sea and Distribution Centre” is a joint project in the scope gapore Chongqing DC Multimodal Logistics mers in Europe and Asia, providing them terminals.” of the new joint venture. (“SSCDC”) in Chongqing, and the China with efficient multimodal, logistics and duisport is participating United International Rail Co. (“CUIRC”) rail digital services through Chongqing and the “Our joint venture with PSA is a milestone here, for example, in the terminal network. CUIRC rail terminal network. in the history of the Port of Duisburg. It current investments of PSA strengthens our market position in Asia in the development of this multimodal logistics facility Tan Chong Meng, Group CEO, PSA Interna- and deepens our ties with one of the fas- in Chongqing. tional, said, “This partnership with duisport test growing regions in the global economy. is a groundbreaking opportunity to collabo- Our participation in this authoritative net- rate more strongly with global customers work opens up new opportunities for Euro- seeking direct access to both land-locked pean companies, in particular in markets and maritime markets in Asia. We look for- that were previously closed to them. The ward to working with supply chain service combination of efficient rail infrastructure providers to develop more physical and and innovative digital services associated
14 duisportmagazin 7/2021 Network duisportmagazin 7/2021 Network 15 Trade Corridor. SSCDC is a key joint venture 3 questions for... with the joint venture is, in my opinion, unprecedented anywhere in the world. For under the Chongqing Connectivity Initia- our customers and partners, this coope- tive - Singapore’s third Government-to-Go- ration offers completely new perspectives vernment project with China - developing - and entrepreneurial opportunities. Mul- timodal Investments will become one of a 33 hectare multimodal distribution hub connected to Yuzui Rail Terminal, located in ...Sascha Treppte, Head of the decisive growth drivers for rail freight Chongqing’s Liangjiang New Area. CUIRC Business Development and transport between Europe and Asia,” said has a network of 13 railway terminals Erich Staake, CEO, duisport. across China, with its newest terminal Strategy at duisport located in Qinzhou, a key node for rail-sea Chongqing is the largest multimodal logi- multimodal services along the ILSTC. stics hub in Western China, linked by trans- port services along the International Land Sea Trade Corridor (“ILSTC”) and China-Euro Technical contribution on the topic: transport by sea. What is duisport doing Improving Europe-Asia connectivity: Joint to ensure that transport by rail retains its venture with PSA Northeast Asia Supply appeal in the long term? Chain Pte Ltd, a fully owned subsidiary of the global port group PSA International The attractiveness of the product is defined (PSA). quite simply by price and quality. Together with our partners in Europe and Asia, we ABOUT PSA INTERNATIONAL duisport is establishing a joint venture as duisport are continuously working to PSA International (PSA) is a leading port group and trusted partner to cargo stake- (MIPL) with the global port group PSA increase the quality of the product “China holders. With flagship operations in Singapore and Antwerp, PSA’s global network International to invest in multimodal train”. But Quality has multiple dimensi- encompasses over 50 locations in 26 countries around the world. The Group’s logistics facilities in Asia – an important ons: Running time (How long is the train en portfolio comprises 60 deepsea, rail and inland terminals, as well as affiliated building block for improving efficiency and route?), reliability (Are all departures car- businesses in distriparks, warehouses and marine services. Drawing on the deep flexibility between Europe and China along ried out as announced? Is the running time expertise and experience from a diverse global team, PSA actively collaborates with the New Silk Road. stable?) and safety (Are products damaged its customers and partners to deliver world-class port services alongside, develop or even stolen when in transit?). innovative cargo solutions and co-create an Internet of Logistics. As the partner of The duisport Group is doing pioneering choice in the global supply chain, PSA is “The World‘s Port of Call”. work in rail transport between Europe and Asia and promoting the expansion of Dealing with all these issues Visit us at www.globalpsa.com. infrastructures. The long-term focus lies on realizing new sales markets and value simultaneously is a challenge; chains for the customers of the Port of Duisburg here in Europe. especially given the complexity 01 of the supply chain. Between Europe and Asia, rail as a mode of transport has gained a portion of the Trains traverse different climates and market share of the otherwise dominant multiple countries, different railways are maritime vessel transport. However, this involved for the traction of the trains, is also due to the inadequate capacity of
16 duisportmagazin 7/2021 Network duisportmagazin 7/2021 Network 17 there are 2 switches between normal and wide gage, customs formalities have to be 02 First Fressnapf block train: China adhered to, etc. Trade between China and Europe is cur- rently unbalanced: Many empty cont- Nevertheless, one issue can be clearly ainers are piling up at the logistics hubs emphasized in its importance: the exch- – including Duisburg. What can be done in to Duisburg ange of information. We are gradually Europe to enable exports to Asia pick up? improving the quality of the China train product by working with our partners We as duisport can do two things, and to ensure that the right information is these are issues we are working on with available to the relevant parties at the right determination. First, we are educating Products such as scratching time and in the right language. The CUIRC people about the “China train” product posts or dog accessories terminal network is an example of how we and trying to lower the entry barriers. We Fressnapf Group has were unpacked at the are achieving this. For example, we want to are engaging our customers and partners import warehouse of the expand the exchange of data between the in discussions about the product, thereby put a train from China Fressnapf Group. start and end points of the China trains. For trying to generate more volume from West this purpose, it is very helpful to “sit at the to East. Secondly, we are continuously loo- to Duisburg on the same table” on both sides. king at supply chains. Positive effects can also be achieved by bundling volumes in a rails for its customers © dws Werbeagentur GmbH targeted way and optimizing the design of for the first time. supply chains. (Fressnapf) In times of the Corona pan- 03 demic, retailers attach particularly great importance to the availability of goods. duisport actively promotes the expansion Especially when, as recently, many freight of value chains. The entire network can and transport routes by land, water or benefit from this. What future plans does air are congested or even blocked - as the joint venture hold? recently in the Suez Canal, for example. The Fressnapf Group was also affected by The joint venture is allowing us to strengt- the accident involving the freighter “Ever hen our market position in China and Asia. Given”. As a result, franchise partners, sto- Together with PSA, we have created a tool res and customers had to wait for Cat trees, we can use to jointly implement projects. leashes, etc., in some cases much longer A balanced assessment of the interests than planned. The Fressnapf Group reacted of both sides is particularly important. To to this at short notice and for the first time put it simply, when it comes to optimizing put a 42-container-long train from the and expanding the supply chains between Chinese province of Linyi on the rails to its Europe and Asia, both sides are pulling import warehouse in the port of Duisburg. together – in the same direction, of course. The new block train was initiated by duisport agency GmbH, a subsidiary of the duisport Group. As operator, Far East Land Bridge Ltd. (FELB) supported the implemen- tation. The costs for the entire project are in the six-digit range. “For us, a custo-
18 duisportmagazin 7/2021 Network duisportmagazin 7/2021 Network 19 About the Fressnapf Group: many, the majority of the stores are ope- The Fressnapf Group is the European rated by independent franchise partners, market leader for pet supplies. Since the while in other European countries they are opening of the first “Freßnapf” specialty operated as company-owned stores. The store in 1990 in Erkelenz (NRW), founder group generates annual sales of more than Torsten Toeller has remained the compa- 2.5 billion euros. In addition, the Fressnapf ny‘s owner. Group sponsors various non-profit animal reloaded twice and passed through China, welfare projects and is constantly expan- Russia, Belarus, Poland and finally Germany ding its social commitment under the “Tie- on its journey. risch engagiert” initiative. With the vision “Happier Pets. Happier People.” the Fress- Less CO2 emissions, more napf Group sees itself as a channel-inde- environmentally friendly pendent, customer-centric retail company The logistics project of the Fressnapf Group that creates an ecosystem around pets. The and duisport further supports the realiza- product range currently includes 16 brands tion of environmentally friendly transport in all price categories available exclusively solutions. The rail route saves a total of at Fressnapf l Maxi Zoo. The company‘s 75% of the CO² footprint of the sea route; The company headquarters are in Krefeld, mission is: “We connect products, services, furthermore, only 11,000 instead of 22,000 with further offices in Düsseldorf, Venlo services as well as animal lovers and their kilometers are covered on the sea route. (NL) and the ten national subsidiaries. animals in a unique way, around the clock Shifting containers from truck to rail will Today, around 1,700 Fressnapf and Maxi and everywhere, making the coexistence further reduce congestion in and around Zoo stores in eleven countries and almost of humans and animals easier, better and © dws Werbeagentur GmbH the seaports involved in the east-west 15,000 employees from over 50 nations happier!” container trade. As international regulators belong to the group of companies. In Ger- have set strict environmental regulations to curb greenhouse gas emissions, the A total of 42 containers, mer-oriented and, in particular, sustain- issue of sustainability plays a significant 24 days by rail: The able solution” says Fressnapf founder and role in the supply chain. Learn more about our „Fressnapf train“ has arrived safely at the owner Torsten Toeller. “Because compared new steel warehouse now! Port of Duisburg. to the sea route, 75% less CO2 is emitted. “We are pleased that thanks to our block For more info visit: steel-warehouse.com Accordingly, we are investing equally in train, we were able to guarantee the Fress- sustainability, independence and uncondi- napf Group, a long-standing customer, tional customer focus in the context of our an alternative for transporting important ecosystem.” goods from Asia to Europe at such short notice. The Port of Duisburg is the hub A total of 42 containers, each weighing for Asian transports; around 30 percent around 20 tons, made the journey from of all China trains now pass through the the Chinese region of Linyi to the Fressnapf port with a steadily growing network. As import warehouse at the Port of Duisburg a full-service provider, we develop indi- in mid-April. The containers contain, in vidual solutions for our customers; the particular, cat trees, resting places, dog Fressnapf train is a successful example in accessories, etc. These are all items that this respect,” says Erich Staake, CEO of the Fressnapf logistics needs in order to serve duisport Group. customers online and in the stores as usual, in addition to franchise partners and store employees. The train was on the EXPERIENCE. Inland Navigation Intermodal road for a total of 24 days, was completely INNOVATION. Projects Short Sea PARTNERSHIP. Port Logistics Shipping & Forwarding Haeger & Schmidt Logistics GmbH · Vinckeweg 22 · 47119 Duisburg T +49 203 8003-0 · info@haegerundschmidt.com · www.haegerundschmidt.com RZ_Anzeige_166x112_V0.indd 1 08.04.21 14:34
20 duisportmagazin 7/2021 Digital duisportmagazin 7/2021 Digital 21 duisport invests CargoBeamer: Digitally controlled and flexible in use! The CargoBeamer wagon technology is also fully compatible with typical cranes and in CargoBeamer The fully automatic system of CargoBe- reach stackers used in classic intermodal amer is primarily used for transporting transport. Therefore nearly every existing all kinds of craneable and non-craneable intermodal terminal is able to handle semi-trailers by rail. It consists of spe- CargoBeamer wagons. Customers such as cial railway cars and handling termi- freight forwarders bring their semi-trailers nals. During loading and unloading the to the rail terminal from where they are semi-trailers are driven and parked in the transported to their destination by rail. pallets, which are then shifted horizontally Partnership for shif- duisport has acquired a stake in the rail and fully automatically into the waiting Moving semi-trailers towards rail technology company CargoBeamer AG train. CargoBeamer enables the complete duisport has already started to expand its duisport and CargoBeamer ting the transport of which is based in Leipzig, Germany. Both loading and unloading of a cargo train with world-leading range of inland trimodal are jointly committed to semi-trailers towards using innovative technology companies are jointly committed to shift up to 36 wagons in less than 20 minutes, cargo handling with the first CargoBeamer to shift road freight trans- road freight traffic towards rail thanks to while the process is completely digitalized. trains. “In the future, our customers will rail. innovative logistics concepts. port to rail. “Those who want to relocate transport away from roads have to transfer semi- trailers towards rail. CargoBeamer there- fore offers an excellent solution with its handling technology. It has developed a pioneering concept in environmentally friendly and sustainable mobility solu- tions”, emphasizes Erich Staake, chairman of the Duisburger Hafen AG. “I am glad that our shareholders have approved the investment in addition to the already existing and successful partnership.”
22 duisportmagazin 7/2021 Digital duisportmagazin 7/2021 Digital 23 get even more reliable and climate-friendly “We are very logistics chains - without burdening their vehicle fleet with high investments,” says pleased to further Erich Staake. The CargoBeamer system transport semi-trailers as well as typical strengthen our intermodal units. The capacity of each train is 36 semi-trailers or 45-foot containers. already successful Each semi-trailer can hold up to 26 tons of cargo. strategic coopera- New terminal and improved infrastructure CargoBeamer and duisport are pursuing tion with duisport’s a vision for the future: Together both are working towards digitally automated participation in handling for semi-trailers from road to rail. Combined with robotized warehouses and CargoBeamer. the electromobile distribution of goods on the “last mile”, an efficient European model for a sustainable transport network duisport offers ideal conditions for expan- is to be created in the centre of North ding transport routes far into Asia in the Rhine-Westphalia. A joint terminal project future and, as the largest inland port in based on the CargoBeamer infrastructure Europe, opens up enormous potential for will be an important component of this connections throughout the world. dui- development. As part of this project, the sport shares CargoBeamers vision of drasti- ABOUT CargoBeamer new CBoXX technology from CargoBeamer cally increasing rail freight transport with The CargoBeamer Group is a logistics service provider in the “combined transpor- is to be integrated directly. The high-vo- innovative rail logistics”, explains Robert tation road-rail segment” based in Leipzig, Germany. Thanks to the company‘s lume rail container can be loaded and Osterrieth, chairman of the supervisory technology of rail cars, handling terminals and logistics software nearly all stan- unloaded autonomously in the terminal. board of CargoBeamer AG. dard truck semi-trailers of all build types can use the train – without additional Thus, a high-performance offer for LTL / LCL conversions and reinforcements for the tractor trailer and even without a driver volumes (freight quantities with piece sizes To this day around 30 percent of the and tractor unit. below an entire semi-trailer or container) entire trade between china and Europe can be brought to the market. runs through the port of Duisburg. Every A first route between Kaldenkirchen at the German/Dutch border and Domo- week 50 to 60 trains connect duisport and dossola in northern Italy has been serviced by daily trains since 2015 and is fully around 20 destinations in China. utilized – more than 70,000 truck journeys through Germany and the Alps have been transferred to the environmentally-friendly railroad track to date. In the medi- um-term CargoBeamer will realize a European route-network of high-performing and innovative transhipment facilities at important transport hubs. This will secure sustainable rail-transport for hundreds of thousands of semi-trailers per year – reducing CO2-emissions and relieving environment and society. www.cargobeamer.eu
24 duisportmagazin 7/2021 In Focus duisportmagazin 7/2021 In Focus 25 “Iron Silk Road” is a success story UIC study (Internatio- (gran) More and more containers that are moved onto inland water vessels in the nal Union of Railways Port of Duisburg originated from trains “Union internationale that came from Chinese factories more than 11,000 kilometers away. This is des chemins de fer”): because Duisburg is a major end desti- Perspectives for the nation in the New Silk Road, one of the most ambitious infrastructure projects of new Silk Road. all time. The official name of the project initiated by China is One Belt, One Road. Today, it is often referred to as the new Silk Road, since it is linked to the idea of trans- porting goods between China and Europe by road. Similar to the old Silk Road, which consisted of multiple caravan and shipping routes, the new Silk Road also comprises an entire network of different transport routes on land and water. The project is conside- red a success story. In the Port of Duisburg alone, rail-based freight traffic with China grew by approxi- mately 70 percent during the past financial year. In 2019, an average of 35 to 40 trains traveled between Duisburg and China. But as of the second quarter of 2020, the Port of Duisburg registered an increase to up to At this time, an average of 60 trains travel between Duisburg and China every week. © Frank Reinhold
26 duisportmagazin 7/2021 In Focus duisportmagazin 7/2021 In Focus 27 60 trains a week. In total, more than 10,000 Asia and Europe will continue to grow. trains traveled on the new Silk Road in At this time, it is two percent - and it is 2020. They transported more than a million likely to increase to four to six percent in containers to 21 countries and 92 cities in the coming years. In the most optimistic Europe. The traffic on the so-called “Iron scenario, a tenth of the volumes could Silk Road” between Asia and Europe has be transported by rail. Most of the goods grown six-fold over the last five years. And transported between China and Germany this rapid growth is expected to continue are still moved by ship. Ocean transports into the foreseeable future. This is also are cheaper but they also take longer and shown by a new study commissioned by are prone to problems, such as the recent the International Union of Railways (UIC), accident in the Suez Canal, which brought which was presented by the Deutsche shipping traffic to a standstill. Because Verkehrszeitung (DVZ) in a webinar. of the higher costs and faster speed, the new Silk Road is mainly used for urgent Expansion of central and products such as spare parts and food southern corridor to Europe products. However, the past year in particular has also shown that the rapid growth in However, as the past few years have volume can quickly lead to bottlenecks. shown, the rapid expansion of infrastruc- In 2020, the year of the coronavirus crisis, ture and the success story were due to rail capacities were often lacking as a lot massive investments by adjoining states, of ocean freight was pushed into the land and in particular Chinese subsidies for © krischerfotografie corridors. Therefore politicians and market freight rates, says Andreas Schwilling, stakeholders are now trying to develop Partner in the Transportation Competence more routes in addition to the northern Center at Roland Berger. Added to these are Growth perspectives: Based corridor, i.e. to expand the central and reduced track charges by Russia for cont- to around ten days with more efficient Expansion of additional corridors on their analysis conducted for UIC, the experts from southern corridor into Europe. ainer trains, which only transit through the processes, e.g. at the borders. Optimizing Experts, operators, loaders and freight consulting company Roland huge country. However, Andreas Schwilling payment processes is another important forwarders still see a lot of potential for Berger forecast a doubling This seems to make sense given the growth expects that China will restrict the subsi- factor. Otherwise the supply chain will get the expansion of additional corridors, the of the freight volume by outlook. The experts from consulting dies in the foreseeable future. blocked very quickly. The time lost due to so-called central and southern corridors. 2025, based on 878,000 TEU company Roland Berger, who prepared the the different track gauges in Russia and But a lot must still happen before this in 2020. By 2030, the trans- port volume could even analysis for UIC, forecast a doubling of the In addition, the tracks still require a lot Western Europe / China also represents a becomes reality. The study authors from triple - to 2.6 million TEU. freight volume by 2025, based on 878,000 of optimization so they can be operated technical problem for the attractiveness of Roland Berger note that both corridors lack TEU in 2020. By 2030, the transport volume efficiently. Thomas Kargl, member of the the rail route. At this time, containers still reliable train and ferry connections. And could even triple - to 2.6 million TEU. In Executive Board at Rail Cargo Austria, have to be transferred at the China-Kazakh- there are no integrators that could offer that case, transport volumes would grow notes the reduction in red tape as a central stan and Belarus-Poland borders. Faster transports on the routes from one source. by more than ten percent every year. At criterion for the continued success of the handling at new rail stations is a major Another player similar to UTLC ERA - a joint the same time, the experts also expect “Iron Silk Road”. For the next two to three issue. venture of the Russian, Kazakh and Belarus that the share of Silk Road transports as a years, the stated objective must be reduced state railway that operates on the north proportion of all container traffic between transit times by another five to six days route - would be desirable, says Yekaterina
28 duisportmagazin 7/2021 In Focus duisportmagazin 7/2021 In Focus 29 TRANS-SIBERIAN Ryabushko from DB Cargo Eurasia. Sandra case scenario, this number could increase ROUTE Géhénot agrees. “It would be good if sui- to 400,000 TEU by 2030. Of this figure, NORTHERN Perm SILK ROAD table companies cooperated despite being 164,000 TEU would probably consist of Jekaterinburg competitors,” says the Director for Freight transports from and to south-east Asia - Moscow Zabaikalsk Transport at UIC. the new boom region on the continent. Irkutsk Astana Duisburg Minsk There is no joint venture at the moment. The main reason for the much lower volu- Warsaw Khorgos Shenyang Ürümqi But Turkey and Iran are already working mes in the south compared to the north Yingkou Peking on intensifying cross-border rail freight. is easy to explain: The largest European Poti Tiflis Almaty Aktau Tianjin Volumes of transported goods have already economies are located in the catchment Xian Jinan Qingdao risen by 65 percent last year, says Özgür area of the northern route. Moreover, the Istanbul Lanzhou SOUTHERN Suzhou Connections Algan from the Turkish state railway TCDD. large Chinese industrial clusters are better SILK ROAD Chengdu to South Korea and Japan Teheran His colleague Ali Abdullahi from the Iranian connected through the northern corridor, Chongqing Shanghai railway authority IRA also notes the activi- says Roland Berger Senior Consultant Xiang Changsha Wuhan Yiwu ties taking place with regard to the western Li. But he also says that the “Iron Silk Road” Neu Delhi Shilong front. For example, a rail connection will only be complete when the southern between Iran and Afghanistan has existed routes have been developed - even just since the beginning of December. to compensate for bottlenecks in the Mumbai northern corridor, as happened in 2020. However, the volumes transported on the southern routes will never be comparable to those on the northern corridor. For the basic scenario, Roland Berger has calcula- ted a volume of 73,000 TEU. In the best- Northern corridor This route links Europe and the Pacific - via Germany, Poland, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China and South Korea. This corridor uses the Trans-Siberian Railway, followed by a ferry connection bet- ween Vladivostok and Japan. Central corridor This route travels from southern Europe through the Caspian Sea into central China. It connects Turkey or (via the Black Sea) Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and China. Southern corridor This is the least developed route and it leads from southern Europe to China through Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakh- stan. A connection to south-east Asia is possible.
30 duisportmagazin 7/2021 In Focus duisportmagazin 7/2021 In Focus 31 Pilot project: duisport together with partners is committed to the development and start-up of a hydrogen switcher. Project details - Focus on The insights that are gained would also be reducing diesel emissions made available to other ports and termi- At this time, approximately 2,700 diesel nals. It is a powerful signal for the develop- switchers are still in use in Germany. Many ment of the entire mobility industry and of these were built before the year 1972, the commitment of those involved in the and without emission regulations. This project.” leads to a negative impact on air quality, especially at the locations where they are At duisport, sustainability is part of the used. corporate mission for all business divisions, projects and activities. As a result, duisport The state of North Rhine-Westphalia has combines sustainability with technical taken up this challenge with the prelimi- innovations, ecological transportation nary study conducted by duisport, which is chains and the efficient use of space, and is supported by progres.nrw - program area actively engaged in numerous promotional Low-Emission Mobility, with the objective projects to ensure further progress. © Frank Reinhold of studying the long-term and full-scale conversion to hydrogen-operated locomoti- Innovation driver ves. Besides studying the feasibility of this step, the study will also analyze the requi- “The mobility sector is a rements and possible solutions that must be considered for retrofitting or new builds. The study must also determine whether primary building block for duisport achieving Europe‘s climate existing vehicles should be converted or whether new vehicles would be a prefer- able option. targets. As Europe‘s largest Alexander Garbar, Deputy Head of Corpo- rate Development and Strategy at duisport: hinterland hub, we take our Climate protection: Pilot project with an eye to the future – The “The official funding commitment forms commitment to the large-scale Port of Duisburg (duisport), together with the starting point for a unique study in a Preliminary study for a hydrogen switcher in the DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) and the ZBT (Zentrum für complex application field. Given its practi- cal relevance, we (the Port of Duisburg) reduction of emissions in our the Port of Duisburg. Brennstoffzellen-Technik), is committed to the development and start-up of a hydro- can make a major contribution towards achieving the climate protection targets. industry very seriously. In this gen switcher. A milestone for the long-term prevention of greenhouse emissions and context, we become active at the further development of environmental- ly-friendly transportation. many different levels,” The project will cost EUR 185,000 in total. explains Erich Staake. The funding commitment for 50 percent of the costs has now been officially approved by the Ministry for Innovation, Digitization and Energy for the state of North Rhi- ne-Westphalia.
32 duisportmagazin 7/2021 Portrait duisportmagazin 7/2021 Portrait 33 Knauf Interfer “It is impossible to imagine our world without steel and it makes a valuable contribution to reducing mobility-related CO2 emissions thanks to its characteristic distribution of steel parts for automotive prototype construction. A storage capacity of 48,000 tons allows large requirements to be met as well as the logistically more com- shapes the steel sup- recyclability and, among other applications, plex orders involved in prototype construc- lightweight car construction,” says Dr. René tion, marked by a predominant demand Gissinger, COO/CTO of the Knauf Interfer for special grades, intermediate sizes, and Group. “But an overall consideration must small batches. ply chain for sustaina- also include upstream and downstream production steps and transport. Trimodal Knauf Interfer Automotive Blanks pro- logistics allows us to choose the ideal route duces semi-finished products for industrial for each supplier and each customer.” customers as well as manufacturers and bility and efficiency tier 1 suppliers to the automotive indus- Smallest possible carbon footprint try, which are primarily employed for the The Max Baum Plant is part of Knauf production of structure and crash-related Interfer Stahl Service Center GmbH and parts. These are used in side impact pro- The fully automated specializes in the storage and worldwide tection for electric vehicles, A and B pillars, blanking line commissioned in 2020. At the Port of Duisburg, Knauf Interfer combines state-of-the-art production technology with the advantages of a trimodal logistics hub. On the plant premises at Kiffward in Duisburg-Ruhrort, which since the beginning of the year has also become the location of the company‘s headquar- ters, the Max Baum Plant, a steel service center and Knauf Interfer Automotive Blanks GmbH are working to improve sustainability and efficiency in the steel supply chain. To achieve this, the spe- cialists are relying on logistics, automation and steel – a material that is as contemporary as it is sustainable. © Knauf Interfer
34 duisportmagazin 7/2021 Portrait duisportmagazin 7/2021 Portrait 35 Since 2021, duisport has been the location of the corporate headquarters of Knauf Interfer SE. steels, are processed in the new blanking in Europe with locations and sales offices line. The entire process, from receiving in Germany and abroad, KNAUF INTERFER the raw material to cutting and stacking, has also had its headquarters Duisburg in is fully automated, which is above all a the vicinity of the production facility since quality-improving measure. The results are 2021. The decision was preceded by inten- the minimum tolerances even for ultra- sive planning and exploratory talks throug- high-strength grades. This means that the hout the region. As Dr. Kay Oppat, CBDO of increasingly strict requirements imposed the Knauf Interfer Group, sums up: by lightweight construction and e-mobility can not only be met, but even anticipated. Discontinuously rolled sheet can now also “Duisburg has an excellent inf- be processed in Duisburg. While this is a technically demanding procedure, it allows the production of weight-optimized com- rastructure and is the logistics ponents precisely tailored to customers‘ individual usage requirements. hub for the markets of the © Knauf Interfer Commitment to the Duisburg location future. Duisburg‘s profile fits Duisburg‘s logistical possibilities are what shape it as a location and were not only perfectly with our activities and other vehicle structures. All standard alloys and grades ranging up to ultra-high- steel manufacturers and processors on the one hand and the fact that it is situated decisive for the strategic decision to use it as the site of a newly constructed cutting and our corporate identity.” strength steels are processed. These are directly on the most important import rou- line, but also for the relocation of the important building blocks for lightweight tes in the EU on the other hand are factors company headquarters there. As one of the construction, which is in turn required for that reduce the CO2 emissions in logistics leading specialists for steel and aluminum weight-reduced vehicles with lower fuel to the lowest level possible. Even the small consumption and CO2 emissions. amount of waste or technical produc- tion scrap – which is kept low thanks to Both activities (prototype construction and computer-aided processes – can be directly the cutting of shaped blanks) at the Duis- reintroduced into the raw material cycle burg site exploit duisport‘s geographical on the “scrap island” (Schrottinsel) on advantages to optimize the supply chains the opposite side without long transport of their suppliers and customers. Goods are routes. transported by sea, rail or truck. Its location in Europe‘s largest inland port in combina- High degree of automation tion with three rail routes to the plant site Automation is also a big issue in the steel and the convenient motorway connection industry, but at Knauf Interfer Automotive makes the site ideal for procuring input Blanks, it has literally carried especially material over a short distance or for its heavy weight since its start-up in 2020. onward carriage to the final destination. The steel strips wound into coils weigh The site‘s proximity to the major European up to 25 tons and, like large-format flat
36 duisportmagazin 7/2021 Portrait duisportmagazin 7/2021 Portrait 37 financial standpoint,“ explains the globally the dangerous goods container warehouse operating logistics service provider. Growth at the Schwarzheide site (Brandenburg) impulses from Asia and the gradual norma- was doubled. Covid-19 had an accelerating lization expected to result as vaccinations effect on the digital transformation of the progress give Bertschi a confident out- Bertschi Group. The company made its look for 2021. The group of companies is business processes more efficient, safer, represented at logport I in Duisburg-Rhein- and more customer-friendly. Considerable hausen by BertschiTransport GmbH and investments were made to offer customers the DKT Duisburg Kombi-Terminal. Bertschi end-to-end visibility of complex supply Group uses the terminal with two gantry chains that often combine rail, truck, and cranes as a hub for combined transport. ship transport. Due to the pandemic, 2020 was a challenging year for Decline in sales in chemical logistics Positive outlook the Bertschi Group. “Thanks The coronavirus and its rapid worldwide Hans-Jörg Bertschi, Chairman of the to our agility in the market spread had a major impact on the finan- Group‘s Board of Directors, looks to 2021 and to proactive measures, cial year. Due to the imposed lockdowns, with confidence: „We expect the positive the year ended well both from an operational and a the global demand for durable consumer trend from the last quarter of 2020 to con- financial standpoint,” exp- goods decreased. „This was felt in particu- tinue this year. Asia and especially China lains the globally operating lar in the automotive industry, which took a have largely overcome the pandemic and logistics service provider. downright nosedive,“ a press release states. are now driving further growth. Thanks All images in this article are from © Bertschi This led, the source continues, to a decline in demand for chemical precursors, which caused Bertschi to suffer significant drops The bimodal DKT terminal in in sales in its core business of chemical Setback Duisburg-Rheinhausen has logistics. However, from autumn onwards, two gantry cranes and is an demand started to recover, which was important hub for European Bertschi combined transport encouraged by both the end of the first in the seaport hinterland. lockdown and the rapid recovery in Asia. compensated Investments in the future in 2020 In 2020, Bertschi invested considerable funds in the future of the company and in increasing terminal and storage capacity. The container fleet grew by 1,200 to a total of 37,800 units. As a response to the Bertschi Group on the (dü) Due to the pandemic, 2020 was a strong demand, the structural capacity of challenging year for Switzerland‘s Bert- road to success despite schi Group. At 900 million Swiss francs, the Corona pandemic. sales were nine percent lower than in the previous year. Adjusted for currency fluctuations, the decline amounted to five percent. „Thanks to our agility in the market and to proactive measures, the year ended well both from an operational and a
38 duisportmagazin 7/2021 Portrait duisportmagazin 7/2021 Portrait 39 more shipments from road to rail within the growing transport market to Southeast Europe. For this reason, the capacity of the company‘s rail terminal in Ploiesti near In the Port of Rotterdam, Bucharest, which was acquired in 2019, Bertschi operates its own will also be increased. handling terminal in connection with a container warehouse for dangerous Infection protection thanks to digitization goods. Its capacity is to be Bertschi‘s focus is on protecting its 3,100 expanded this year to 2,000 employees working worldwide against tank container slots and Covid 19 infection. „Thanks to the advanced thus more than doubled. digitalization of our work processes, which has allowed a large part of the workforce to In Zhangjiagang, a city in the greater Shanghai area, Bertschi is building a logistics work from their home offices, and the early center for liquid chemical dangerous goods. Three warehouses with a total capacity implementation of protective measures in of 25,000 pallet spaces are currently under construction on the site covering 67,000 the workplace, we were able to offer our square meters. A container warehouse for dangerous goods with a capacity of employees a safe working environment at about 1,000 tank containers is also being added. all times,“ states Group CEO Jan Arnet. to government support measures and the 1,000 tank containers is being built for continuing vaccination of the population the storage of full liquid cargoes. With the in industrialized countries, the global eco- addition of automatic container filling sys- nomy should receive an additional impetus tems and tank container heating stations, starting in mid-2021.“ this will create a complete logistics center for handling, filling, and storing liquid che- Investment in China mical products in China, the Group says. As a result of the positive outlook, Bertschi Group will make significant investments Investment in Europe in 2021. Bertschi launched the largest Bertschi is also investing heavily in Europe. single investment in the company‘s history In the Port of Rotterdam, the capacity of a with the construction of a logistics center container warehouse for dangerous goods for liquid chemical dangerous goods in is being more than doubled to accommo- Zhangjiagang, a city located in the greater date a total of 2,000 tank container slots. area of Shanghai. Three warehouses for In Middlesbrough (Northern England), different classes of dangerous goods with Bertschi operates a central warehouse for a total capacity of 25,000 pallet spaces are bulk and packaged plastics imported from currently under construction on the site overseas. The capacity of this facility will be covering 67,000 square meters. To com- significantly increased through the const- plement this, a container warehouse for ruction of an annex on an adjacent plot of dangerous goods with a capacity of about land. Moreover, the company plans to shift
40 duisportmagazin 7/2021 CulTour duisportmagazin 7/2021 CulTour 41 Floating city The barge arrived at the beginning of April at Deutsche Binnenree- (Rhenus/duisport) The Emscher Art Trail the Port of Duisburg. (Emscherkunstweg) is growing: Coope- derei brings sculptures ration partners Urbane Künste Ruhr, © krischerfotografie from Berlin to Duisburg Emschergenossenschaft, and Regionalver- band Ruhr are pleased about a new work of for the Emscher Art art being erected in Duisburg in April 2021. The journey to the future exhibition site “As a Duisburg company with Trail. is part of the artistic concept, while the “Attention, art on board,” was the motto at the end of March for an elaborately staged choice of inland vessel as the means of transport reflects the consideration of a long tradition, we have long © Heinrich Holtgreve / Emscherkunstweg transport setting off from Germany‘s capital and traveling across German ecological issues. At the same time, the objects from buildings that have long since been committed to vitalizing waterways to the Ruhr region: A total of 21 artworks by the artist/architect duo Julius been demolished fit harmoniously into the pontoon, which bears a particularly old the Rhine-Ruhr region on many von Bismarck and Marta Dyachenko found themselves on a pontoon of the Deutsche appearance. The decelerated, sustainable journey is therefore itself also an artistic different levels. Binnenreederei, under the current owners- performance. hip of Rhenus. After arriving at the Port of The “Neustadt” project has created added Duisburg, the installation covered the last “At the request of the artists, we specially value that is a reminder of both the history few miles to the Emscher Art Trail with selected an old pontoon for the journey. of inland waterway transport and the the assistance of duisport, where it will be The sculptures can stand there freely and unique character of our metropolitan area. exhibited under the title “Neustadt” (New exposed. They virtually float above the Especially in these challenging times, this Town) starting at the end of April. water surface and are not enclosed in the sends a particularly positive signal. The dark cargo hold,” reports David Schütz, Pro- Port team warmly welcomes the project,” Residential buildings, churches, swimming ject Manager of Deutsche Binnenreederei. explains duisport spokesperson Thomas pools, power plants, and bunkers: The 1:25 Hüser. scale models weigh up to five tons and “Together with Marta Dyachenko, I spent are made of concrete, plexiglas, wood, and two years designing an urban ensemble of The barge arrived at the Port of Duisburg at stainless steel. Originating from the studio buildings once found in the Ruhr region. the beginning of April. With the support of of Julius von Bismarck, they were loaded They are visions transformed into concrete duisport packing logistics GmbH, a subsi- onto the transport ship in Berlin‘s Borsig- – visions which, in this case, remained diary of the duisport Group, the sculptures hafen by lattice boom crane the day before unfulfilled. We are rebuilding them as the were loaded from the barge onto a truck their departure. From Berlin, the push boat city of a future that did not come to pass, and then transported to their destination: proceeded with the pontoon on its trip to thereby inviting reflection,” explains Ber- Duisburg‘s public park Landschaftspark the port of Duisburg by way of the Mittel- lin-based artist Julius von Bismarck. Duisburg-Nord. The new site-specific work land Canal, the Dortmund-Ems Canal, and of art for the Emscher Art Trail – a coopera- the Rhine-Herne Canal. tive effort of Urbane Künste Ruhr, Emscher- genossenschaft, and Regionalverband Ruhr – is expected to be open to the public by the end of April. There are currently 18 per- manent works of art in public spaces along 21 art objects sailed from the sculpture trail on the Emscher. Berlin to the Ruhr area.
42 duisportmagazin 7/2021 Service duisportmagazin 7/2021 Service 43 Kirkenes Narvik Trondheim Archangelsk Shipping list Bergen Helsinki Oslo Turku St. Petersburg Stockholm LINER CONNECTIONS Status: June 2021 Aalborg Riga Sea-going container transport Glasgow International from Duisburg Shipping Company Terminal Ship type* Kopenhagen Belgium Kaliningrad Antwerp 4 x per week 1 RRT, GWW B Dublin Goole Stettin Danzig Antwerp 3 x per week 5 DeCeTe B Boston Amsterdam Antwerp 5 x per week 7 DeCeTe / DIT / D3T / GWW B Antwerp 2 x per week 4 DeCeTe B Rotterdam London Antwerpen The Netherlands DUISBURG Rotterdam 5 x per week 5 DeCeTe B Rotterdam 6 x per week 7 DeCeTe / DIT / D3T / GWW B Rotterdam 5 x per week 1 RRT, GWW B Rotterdam 5 x per week 4 DeCeTe B Odessa Venedig Sea-going container transport Bordeaux Koper Genua Konstanza International from Duisburg Shipping Company Terminal Ship type* Bilbao Marseille Azerbaijan Baku via Georgien 1 x per week 10 DeCeTe B/S Barcelona Neapel Great Britain Porto Istanbul Hull, London 5 x per week 10 DeCeTe B/S Tilbury 4 x per week 10 DeCeTe B/S Lissabon Izmir Piräus Thamesport 1 x per week 3 DeCeTe B/S Algier Tunis Teesport 1 x per week 3 DeCeTe B/S Algeciras Grangemouth (Scotland) 1 x per week 10 DeCeTe B/S Finnland Casablanca Helsinki 7 x per week 3 DeCeTe B/S Oulu, Kemi, Torino (via Klaipeda) 3 x per week 3 DeCeTe B/S Alexandria via Mäntuluoto 1 x per week 10 DeCeTe B/S via Kotka 2 x per week 10 DeCeTe B/S Georgia Poti 1 x per week 10 DeCeTe B/S
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