FRIDAY 17TH FEBRUARY 2023                       |   VOLUME 4 ISSUE 34 | WWW.POINTVILLE.AG

WAIVER COMPLETE                                                                                    Story on Page 2

The Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre (SLBMC) recently announced that it has received a donation of an electrocardiograph (ECG
or EKG) machine from the Friends of Mount St. John’s Medical Centre (FoMSJMC). The equipment, valued at over EC$15,000.00
is earmarked for the hospital’s outpatient clinic. (L-R): Lawrence Blackman (FoMSJMC Treasurer), Dwayna Derrick (FoMSJMC
President), Ann-Marie Browne-Isaac (SLBMC Departmental Nurse Manager), Evon Challenger (FoMSJMC member), Salma Crump
(SLBMC Marketing & Comms. Manager). Story on page 8

        Local News
 Report on work permits,
fate of Africans complete                    A report compiled by        recommendations in the re-
                                         technicians in the Minis-       port, he did indicate that it
                                         try of Legal Affairs, Public    will be presented to the cab-
                                         Safety and Immigration has      inet next Wednesday before
                                         been completed and is to be     being made public.
                                         presented to the minister to-       One of the concerns
                                         day, Friday 17th February,      raised by the Immigration
                                         2022.                           Department, according to
                                             That was the word of In-    Nicholas, concerned the
                                         formation Minister, Melford     protocols that will be re-
                                         Nicholas as he spoke during     quired to accommodate Do-
                                         Thursday’s      post-Cabinet    minican Republic nationals,
                                         Press Briefing.                 as that country is not a full
                                             The report examined         member of CARICOM.
                                         ways in which the govern-           It is expected that this
                                         ment could implement its        issue will be addressed in
                                         election campaign pledge to     the report.
                                         do away with work permit            Minister Nicholas also
                                         fees for CARICOM nation-        disclosed that the fate of the
                                         als and residents from the      Cameroonians stranded in
                                         Dominican Republic.             Antigua and Barbuda will
                                             While Nicholas did not      be covered in the report.
Information Minister, Melford Nicholas   disclose the details of the                  cont’d on pg 3
Local News

                                                                                                                    PAGE 3

   African man arrested for
masterminding suspected scam
    A group of Africans, ap-                                                                     part of the obligation that
parently scammed by one of                                                                       we gave to the minister of
their own, is desperate to re-                                                                   labour and of immigration,
cover their money.                                                                               to look at both the matter
    Reports indicate that                                                                        relating to the CARICOM
the man allegedly tricked a                                                                      citizens and their work per-
group of about twenty peo-                                                                       mit and to help the cabinet
ple into giving him money                                                                        to define a legal method of
under the pretense that he                                                                       absorbing these persons,
would obtain airline tickets                                                                     given the criteria we had es-
for them on a charter flight                                                                     tablished.
back to Africa.                  by police.                     ed and a civil war raging             “For those [Africans]
    After some time had              On Thursday afternoon,     in Cameroon where some           who want to leave, we will
passed, the man failed to        more than a dozen visibly      of them originated, Infor-       make arrangements for
provide the tickets or issue     worried African men and        mation Minister Melford          them to go back to their
a refund, which roused the       women stood sentry outside     Nicholas says the way for-       home country, or for those
suspicion of his countrymen      St. John’s Police Station.     ward in deciding their fate      who choose to stay, we are
who began to suspect that            It is believed that they   in Antigua and Barbuda will      awaiting the report from the
they may have been duped.        were awaiting an update        be based on the findings of      Ministry of Labour and Im-
    The victims reported         from law enforcement of-       a report that is to be sub-      migration,” Nicholas said.
the man, whose address has       ficers about whether they      mitted to Attorney General            The information minis-
been given as Dickenson          would be able to recoup        and Minister of Labour and       ter added that the principals
Bay, to the Criminal Inves-      their money.                   Immigration, Steadroy Ben-       of Antigua Airways have
tigations Department of the          Meanwhile, a decision      jamin.                           confirmed, “that they will
Royal Police Force of Anti-      on the future of the approx-       “I would expect that that    be prepared to fund the ex-
gua and Barbuda.                 imately 800 Africans who       will be a part of the report     traction aircraft”.
    After an initial investi-    have been stranded in Anti-    that the minister of labour is        When this flight will
gation, the fake business-       gua and Barbuda is pending.    awaiting that will be on his     leave St. John’s for the Af-
man was arrested, however,           With the operations of     desk tomorrow [Friday].          rican continent, however, is
he has not yet been charged      Antigua Airways suspend-           “It was a contingent         unknown.

cont’d from pg 2                 ment was considering sev-      turning to Nigeria where         to remain here may be given
      “They have different       eral scenarios regarding       they boarded their flight to     the opportunity to integrate
security issues, different se-   their continued presence in    Antigua and Barbuda will         into society, obtain work
curity interfaces and other      Antigua and Barbuda.           have the option to do so free    permits and possibly resi-
methods of due diligence             Those desirous of re-      of cost. The others who opt      dency.
and that’s why we submitted
this matter to them for their
consideration,” he stated.
    The objective, Nicholas
emphasised, is to explore
how the Africans who re-
main in Antigua and Bar-
buda can do so lawfully as
they integrate into society.
    Last week, he an-
nounced that the govern-

                                   Local News
      Opposition displeased with
limitations on swearing in attendance
    On Friday morning, the
members of government
and the parliamentary op-
position will be sworn in
and formally commence
their five-year term of na-
tional service in the Parlia-
    Cries of foul surfaced
on Thursday, however,
when both the United Pro-
gressive Party (UPP) and
the independent elected
representative for St. Pe-
ter, Asot Michael, said
they were being limited         liament can accommodate       the people’s participation        post-Cabinet Press Brief-
to inviting only ten family     290 people.                   in the swearing-in cere-          ing, information minister
members, friends or sup-            With eight elected        monies for Members of             and MP for St. John’s City
porters to the swearing in      members of the opposition,    Parliament provides for           East Melford Nicholas
ceremony.                       this means their well-wish-   attendance on a first-come        said he too had been issued
    In his response to the      ers will only occupy 80       first-served basis. It has        with a similar request from
notice from the Clerk to        seats in the House.           always been up to the peo-        the Clerk of the House and
Parliament in which the             The United Progres-       ple, in the spirit of their in-   could not give a reason for
ten invitations to each op-     sive Party, which won six     volvement in the election         the decision being made.
position member of Par-         of the seventeen seats, is-   process, to witness their             “I am not in any bet-
liament were enclosed,          sued their own statement      elected      representatives      ter position to respond. I
Michael said the move to        on Thursday afternoon in      take the oath of office.          am an elected Member of
extend invitations to fam-      which they condemned the           “Accordingly, we note        Parliament as well and I
ily and supporters was un-      move by the Clerk.            the convenient departure          received a package of invi-
precedented in the history          “We have extended         from settled practice – sup-      tations as well.
of Antigua and Barbuda.         open invitations to our       posedly to invite Members             “I imagine based on
    Michael said that he        constituents to attend the    of the Diplomatic Corps to        the interests that will be in
would not honour the            ceremony and therefore        the ceremony and thereby          tomorrow’s proceedings,
Clerk’s request, as he ex-      demand, in the spirit of      limit the space available         that the Parliament offi-
pected as many as sixty of      ‘government of the peo-       for members of the pub-           cials - the Clerk to Parlia-
his supporters to attend.       ple, by the people, for the   lic,” the UPP statement           ment - would ordinarily be
    He further noted that       people,’ that appropriate     continued.                        concerned about ensuring
for the first time in his       arrangements be made to            Ahead of the UPPs            that there is a measure of
long service as a Member        accommodate all those         statement, Kelvin Simon,          order and control.
of Parliament, that invita-     who wish to attend this ex-   the elected representative            “So, I do not know. I
tions had been extended to      tremely important event in    for St. Mary’s South wrote        can’t speak to what went
members of the diplomat-        our parliamentary democ-      to the Clerk to Parliament        into the consideration, but
ic corps to the swearing in     racy,” the UPP defiantly      to request that the limita-       like any other MP, I would
ceremony of Members of          stated.                       tion applied to opposition        have received an allotment
Parliament.                         “In this country, the     MPs be reconsidered.              of persons to attend,” MP
    The gallery at the par-     democratic practice for            At Thursday morning’s        Nicholas explained.

                               Local News                                                           PAGE 5

More drugs seized at VCB Int'l
    Law enforcement of-
ficials have seized more
drugs that were smuggled
past the country’s border.
    On Wednesday, 8lbs of
marijuana were discovered
at the V. C. Bird Interna-
tional Airport’s cargo shed.
    According to police, in
collaboration with customs
officials, the controlled
substance was discovered
during an anti-narcotics
    The marijuana was con-
cealed in vacuum-sealed
packages that were secured
inside a box.
    Authorities say the
cannabis has an estimated        This is just the latest the country’s borders since to date, total more than
value of $48,000.00.         of several drug seizures at the start of the year, which $400,000.00.

                                    Local News
 Wanted Potters man still on the run
    Almost two months          a quantity of alcoholic
after police first made an     beverages, two electri-
appeal for help finding        cal transformers, a water
Potters resident, Darius       pump, an undisclosed sum
Williams, he is still on the   of money and several other
run.                           valuable items.
    A wanted bulletin was          Williams is scheduled
issued by police on 29th       to appear at the St. John’s
December, 2022 for Wil-        Magistrates’ Court on 2nd
liams, who is wanted for       March before Chief Mag-
breaking and entering and      istrate Joanne Walsh to
larceny, among other of-       answer to these crimes,
fences.                        however, it is unlikely he
    Despite the plea from      will appear if he is not ap-
police, Williams, who is in    prehended before then.
his twenties, has managed          Anyone with informa-
to evade the law.              tion about his whereabouts
    Sometime       between     is asked to contact any
30th November and 1st          police station or call the
December, 2022, Wil-           Criminal     Investigations
liams broke into a building    Department on telephone
on Long Street and stole       number 462-3913.

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                                       Local News                                                                      PAGE 7

Counsellor calls for more acceptance
of people living with mental illnesses
    Counsellor Lisa Harris         many years, Antiguans and
says the time is long past         Barbudans have nurtured
due for society to accept          a negative, self-defeating
that individuals affected          culture of stigmatising and
by mental illnesses are a          labelling people who suf-
part of our society.               fer from mental illnesses.
    The creator of Lisa                In her conversation
Harris Ministries told             with Vernon Springer, Har-
Pointe FM’s Pointe On              ris issued a challenge to
De Streetz this week that          all members of society to
a healthy state of mind is         embrace and support those
integral to the wellbeing of       among us who are affected
each individual.                   by mental illnesses.
    Sadly, however, over               “As you mentioned

    Ministry of Education, Sports & Creative Industries
                                                                      mental health, it’s time for   of mental health as a part
     Government Complex, Queen Elizabeth Highway                      us to stop thinking, from      of us.”
                    St. John’s, Antigua                               the moment you hear men-           Harris, who operates
        Tel: 462-0192/462-0193/462-0198/462-0199                      tal, crazy.                    the counselling firm Com-
                Overseas: 268-462-4959/1051                                “We need to stop think-   passionate Couch, added
                    Fax: 268-462-4970                                 ing that,” Harris stated       that it is imperative that
                                                                      during an interview on         caregivers receive training
         OAS Scholarship Application Announcement                     Pointe On De Streetz on        which will equip them to
 The Organization of American States announces its 2023 call          Pointe FM Radio, 99.1          provide the best treatment
 for scholarship applications for undergraduate and graduate          FM.                            to people suffering from
 academic studies and graduate research.                                   “If you think about       mental illnesses.
                                                                      health on a whole, if your         “If we are really deter-
 More information can be obtained through the links listed            mind is not healthy, then      mined and serious about
                                                                      nothing else in your life      helping, we need to up-
     ·    Call for applications for Graduate Studies: https://        makes sense. If your brain     grade ourselves. There are
         www.oas.org/en/scholarships/Academic_Program_                is not functioning in the      workshops, there are so
         OAS_2023.asp                                                 fullest capacity as the way    many programmes online
     ·   Call for applications for Undergraduate                      it should be, then nothing     and they are reasonable,
         Studies:  https://www.oas.org/en/scholarships/               in your life matters.          I am not saying they are
         specaf_2023.asp                                                   “You wouldn’t know        free,” Harris said.
         ·         Scholarship application form for Undergraduate     what is going on, you              “You can do online
         Studies (last two years of a Bachelor’s
                                                                      wouldn’t be able to func-      courses and it will make
         degree):             https://www.oas.org/fms/Announcement.
                                                                      tion to take care of your      you a better person and
     ·   Scholarship application form for Graduate                    skin or to maintain a proper   better equipped because
         Studies: https://www.oas.org/fms/Announcement.               diet, because as you know,     when you sit in a coun-
         aspx?id=1136&Type=1&Lang=Eng                                 the mind controls the body.    selling session, you don’t
                                                                           “So if the mind is not    want to appear to the indi-
 Deadline for submission of applications and accompanying             healthy, then you cannot       vidual like you don’t know,
 documents to the Director of Education, Ministry of Education,       function as a healthy per-     and you need to know. You
 Sports and Creative Industries is Friday 31st March, 2023.           son. So, we need to think      need to equip yourself.”

           Local News
    Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre
receives donation of new ECG machine
    The Sir Lester Bird        in our communities.”       advance the mission of       nation’s hospital—We’ve
Medical Centre (SLB-               “We support the peo-   the hospital,” said Dway-    been supporting them for
MC) recently announced         ple of Antigua & Barbuda   na Derrick, President of     decades and will continue
that it has received a do-     through the work that we   FoMSJMC. “Sir Lester         to do so for many more to
nation of an electrocar-       do raising funds to help   Bird Medical Centre is the   come.

                               Pointe Xpress Weekend Puzzle
diograph (ECG or EKG)
machine from the Friends
of Mount St. John’s Med-
ical Centre (FoMSJMC).
The equipment, valued at
over EC$15,000.00 is ear-
marked for the hospital’s
outpatient clinic.
    An electrocardiogram
records the electrical sig-
nals in the heart. It is one
of the simplest and fastest
tests used to evaluate the
    “The generosity of
FoMSJMC has been a pillar
of SLBMC’s growth-story
over the years,” said Salma
Crump, Head of Market-
ing & Communications at
    “This dedicated chari-
table organization has do-
nated funding for just about
every area of our hospi-
tal—equipment, facilities,
training. All of us at SLB-
MC are so grateful for the
continuous support from
the Friends of MSJMC—
Happy to announce, soon
to be Friends of SLBMC.
This donation increases the
number of ECG machines
at our hospital which will
help improve the expert
care delivered by our team.
They are a true friend; the
positive impact of this do-
nation will be felt by many

                                                 Opinion                                                                     PAGE 9

  End sexual violence against
women in the interest of mankind              raped (1992-1995); in Democratic Re-
By Sir Ronald Sanders
     (The writer is Antigua and Barbuda’s     public of the Congo, more than 200,000
Ambassador to the United States and the       women were raped in a decade of con-
Organization of American States.   He is      flict.   None of this takes account of rapes
also a Senior Fellow at the Institute of      that certainly occurred during conflicts
Commonwealth Studies at the Univer-           in Central and South America.
sity of London and Massey College in               Rape is prohibited, under the Rules
the University of Toronto.  The views ex-     of War, particularly the “Geneva Con-
pressed are entirely his own)                 vention Relative to the Protection of Ci-
     Rape, and other forms of sexual vio-     vilian Persons in Time of War (1949)”,
lence against women in war and conflict,      and its 1977 protocol.   However, this         Sir Ronald Sanders
represent one of the great silences and       prohibition is not a deterrent, since the      subject to physical and/or sexual intimate
suppressed issues in modern-day histo-        governments, that send their soldiers          partner violence in their lives.  Globally
ry.                                           into war, have not made rape, committed        81,000 women and girls were killed in
     Yet, women remain the greatest vic-      during conflicts, a criminal offence.  In-     2020, around 47,000 of them (58 per
tims of war and other forms of conflict       deed, as has happened in the war against       cent) died at the hands of an intimate
in many parts of the world.   Recently,       Ukraine, Russia has described reports of       partner or a family member.  This latter
in Haiti, rape has become a weapon for        rape as lies.                                  figure equates to a woman or girl being
members of the 200 gangs which now                 Wars and conflicts create refugees        killed every 11 minutes in their home. In
control 60 per cent of the Capital, Port-     who are forced into camps with little          58 per cent of all killings, perpetrated by
au-Prince.  Women and girls are deliber-      protection from predators – in some cas-       intimate partners or other family mem-
ately targeted for rapes, torture, kidnap-    es, officials who manage the camps.  In        bers, the victim was a woman or girl.
pings and killings.  Tragic stories have      such vulnerable situations, women again             While these figures are deeply dis-
emerged of schoolgirls being captured,        become victims.                                turbing, the silent acceptance of the situ-
gang raped and becoming pregnant;                  Unacceptable and wrongful as is           ation is worse, condemning all societies
their lives stripped of dignity or choice.    rape of women in wars and their af-            in which such tolerance prevails.
     In the war in Ukraine, rape is also      termath, it is in daily life that violence          Against this background, an interna-
used as a deliberate weapon of terror,        against women, including rape, is most         tional coalition of 2,100 women’s rights
or by soldiers taking advantage of their      despicable and inexcusable.  The situa-        advocates in 128 nations called “Every
position to rape women in the absence         tion cries out for action to end it.  U.N.     Woman”,  is proposing the adoption
of any deterrent.  U.N. findings suggest      figures paint a grim picture.                  of a global treaty to eradicate violence
thar the incidents of rape are underre-            Globally, an estimated 736 million        against women and girls.  It is a treaty
ported in Ukraine.  Similarly, the num-       women—almost one in three—have                 whose creation and adoption should be
ber of rapes, reported in Haiti, are far      been subjected to physical and/or sexu-        fully supported.
less than accounts given by victims, who      al intimate partner violence, or both at            The treaty will not cause violence
either have no means of making an offi-       least once in their life.   More than 640      against women to end overnight, but it
cial report or are too frightened to do so.   million women aged 15 and older have           will be a potent international instrument
     Women have been a target of war          been subjected to intimate partner vio-        that would bind governments to take the
wherever it has occurred.   U.N. statis-      lence.  During the COVID-19 pandem-            necessary legislative, preventative and
tics show that, in Rwanda, up to 500,000      ic, violence against women increased           protective measures to save millions of
women were raped during the 1994              dramatically.                                  women from the killings and violence
genocide, in acts known as ‘genocidal              It is significant that, globally, vio-    that now exist. The urgency for a global
rape’; in Sierra Leone 60,000 women           lence against women disproportionately         treaty is driven by the fact that, although
were raped during the civil war (1991-        affects low- and lower-middle-income           several conventions have been adopted
2002); in Liberia, 40,000 women were          countries and regions. Thirty-seven per        globally, and legal frameworks have
raped and mutilated (1989-2003); in           cent of women aged 15 to 49, living in         been established nationally, violence
Bosnia in Europe, 60,000 women were           “least developed” countries, have been                                   cont’d on pg 10

Guyana slams American Airlines over poor
 treatment of CARICOM prime ministers
    The Guyana govern-                                                                            communicate its displeasure
ment Wednesday criticised                                                                         of this most recent action by
American Airlines for con-                                                                        the airline that has caused
tinuing to “pay scant re-                                                                         “embarrassment not only
gard” to its requests after                                                                       nationally, but also to our
two Caribbean Community                                                                           regional friends”.
(CARICOM) prime minis-                                                                                The ministry said it
ters became the latest high                                                                       “sincerely regrets the incon-
level officials to fall victim                                                                    venience” caused to the two
to the airline’s policy.                                                                          visiting prime ministers,
    In a statement, the Min-                                                                      who were travelling to Mi-
istry of Foreign Affairs said                                                                     ami, en route to The Baha-
the airline had refused to al-                                                                    mas for the 44th Caribbean
low Trinidad and Tobago’s                                                                         Community (CARICOM)
Prime Minister, Dr. Keith        Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley (left) and Dr. Ralph Gonsalves   summit in Nassau.
Rowley and his St. Vincent       during the 2023 International Energy Conference and Expo in          The Foreign Ministry
and the Grenadines col-          Guyana                                                           said the Guyana govern-
league, Dr. Ralph Gonsalves      the carrier had been asked      of check in on departure         ment had previously pro-
to check in through the VIP      formally to accord the nec-     from the VIP Lounge, the         tested against this position
Lounge at the Cheddi Ja-         essary treatment to the two     airline refused to acquiesce     taken by American Airlines
gan International Airport        leaders to no avail.            to the ministry’s request        against its own high and se-
(CJIA).                              “All government proto-      and insisted that the prime      nior government officials,
    Noting that it was not       cols were in place to facili-   ministers leave the lounge       but without success.
taking any blame for the         tate their departure. Despite   to present themselves to the         “They have continued
undignified treatment of the     American Airlines having        check-in counter,” the For-      to pay scant regard to the
visiting Caribbean leaders,      been written to, prior to the   eign Ministry said.              Government’s requests for
the ministry said based on       arrival of the prime minis-          The Foreign Ministry        entitlements to the positions
previous similar experience      ters in Guyana, for them to     said the Guyana govern-          held to be respected,” the
with American Airlines,          be accorded the courtesies      ment intends to formally         ministry said.

cont’d from pg 9                           endorsed the concept of a Global Trea-       actionable solution. Women and girls
against women has persisted.  The ex-      ty, recognizing that much more has to        are waiting. They are asking that we do
isting frameworks have failed to deliver   be done to protect women from vio-           better”.   
the strong measures that are clearly re-   lence.  Caribbean governments and civil            Women are restricted to contribut-
quired.                                    society should not hesitate to join in the   ing only 37 percent of global produc-
     In truth, many of the existing Con-   treaty’s promotion.                          tion even though they are 50 per cent
ventions have serious gaps that have            Even with the best will in the world,   of the world’s population.  Yet, a McK-
allowed governments to sidestep their      a global treaty cannot be negotiated,        insey Global Institute report finds that,
responsibilities.  And, even where         agreed and ratified with the swiftness it    by advancing women’s equality, US$12
Conventions have not been strong,          deserves.  It could take years, by which     trillion could be added to global output
some governments have not agreed to        time many more millions of women             by 2025.  The global circulation of that
them.  The global treaty seeks to remedy   – mothers, daughters, sisters – will die     money would make a huge difference to
the obvious weaknesses and gaps in ex-     or be seriously injured as victim of vi-     the economic wellbeing of all countries.
isting Conventions.                        olence.                                            Ending violence against women is
     The government of Costa Rica,              As the advocates of the treaty argue,   in the interest of all mankind.
which has an outstanding record in ad-     “It’s time to come together to outpace             Responses and previous commen-
vocating for human rights, has already     the violence with a concrete, clear and      taries: www.sirroaldsanders.com

                                                                                                                   PAGE 11

   ‘Ant-Man and the Wasp:
Quantumania’ kicks off Marvel’s
next phase but comes up short
By Brian Lowry
    CNN — Ant-Man is a somewhat
ironic choice for a very, very big job:
Kicking off the next phase of Mar-
vel movies. “Ant-Man and the Wasp:
Quintumnia” works on one key level,
establishing Kang the Conqueror as a
truly formidable and worthy villain.
Yet with its plunge into inner space,
“Ant-Man” comes up short in almost
every other way that matters.
    Actually, the rapid descent into the
Quantum Realm, a sprawling universe
within our own, makes this feel as
much like “Guardians of the Galaxy”
as Ant-Man, with a vast assortment         Kathryn Newton as Cassandra “Cassie” Lang and Paul Rudd as Scott Lang/Ant-Man
of strange characters and outlandish,      in “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quintumnia.”
otherworldly and too often murky pro-      recognizable reality. The most identi-    upcoming role in “Creed III,” asking
duction design.                            fiable aspect involves this hidden uni-   a lightweight to go toe-to-toe with a
    With much of the action unfolding      verse chafing under the rule of a being   heavyweight, one that got his start in
on that plane, the movie bears scant       so powerful that its occupants exhibit    the comics sparring with the Fantas-
resemblance to the original “Ant-          a Voldemort-like reluctance to even       tic Four. It’s a point overtly made by
Man,” or even its sequel, which over-      speak his name, that being Kang the       Kang himself, who sneers at Ant-Man,
came its potentially mockable premise      Conqueror, played by Jonathan Ma-         “You’re out of your league.”
with plenty of comedy and a modestly       jors.                                         A global pandemic, obviously, sig-
scaled story.                                  Although he made an appear-           nificantly altered the theatrical play-
    Director Peyton Reed is back for       ance in Marvel’s “Loki” TV series,        ing field for everyone in Hollywood
the third time, and the movie begins       that didn’t prepare audiences for the     after Marvel’s smashing success with
with a similar sense of whimsy, but        Thanos-level threat that Kang rep-        “Avengers: Endgame,” but the studio
similarities to the franchise’s 2015 in-   resents, and Majors invests him with      hasn’t felt quite as much like a big-
troduction pretty much end there.          quiet menace and majesty – a sense of     league player since that climatic event.
    “Quantumania,” by contrast, has a      gravitas that’s no small feat given the       Thanks to its emphasis on Kang,
bad case of gigantism, as Paul Rudd’s      contours of some of the dialogue. If      the third “Ant-Man” has taken a nec-
Ant-Man/Scott Lang is drawn into the       Kang is destined to become the central    essary step toward something bigger,
Quantum Realm along with the Wasp          antagonist as the next batch of movies    with the aforementioned “Guard-
(Evangeline Lilly), her parents (Mi-       again build toward an Avengers-sized      ians” and “The Marvels” sequels still
chelle Pfeiffer and Michael Douglas)       showdown, Majors is the one thing to      to come this year. But it is, at best, a
and Scott’s now-grown daughter Cas-        emerge from “Quantumania” on which        small step, and like much of Marvel’s
sie (Kathryn Newton, a nice addition       anyone could hang their hat.              recent output, only makes “Endgame”
to a family of heroes that keeps grow-         One structural problem, in fact, is   loom that much larger in the rearview
ing through shrinking).                    that Kang’s power and the scope of his    mirror.
    What ensues is an especially           evil plans make the hero-villain pair-        “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quin-
psychedelic trip, with precious little     ing feel like a decided mismatch – to     tumnia” premieres February 17 in US
grounding in anything that resembles       couch it in terms suited to Majors’       theatres. It’s rated PG-13.


Olaplex products cause
hair loss, lawsuit claims
By Tiffany Wertheimer
     BBC — Popular hair
care company, Olaplex,
is being sued by 28 wom-
en who claim its products
cause hair loss, blisters
and other conditions.
     The Olaplex range in-
cludes shampoos, condi-
tioners and treatments that
claim to safely “repair bro-
ken bonds and rejuvenate
     But the lawsuit says
Olaplex uses harmful
chemicals that left the
women’s hair and scalps in
                                Olaplex has released test results it claims prove its hair products are safe
a worse condition.
     Olaplex has released       is offered - at an addition-      one of the legal firms in-        phenyl methylpropional.
test results that it says       al price - as a treatment for     volved in the suit.                   The plaintiffs said they
show the products are safe.     those getting their hair co-           The plaintiffs are col-      carefully considered any
     “We are prepared to        loured.                           lectively seeking $75,000         other factors that may have
vigorously defend our               The company has en-           (£62,200) in damages.             caused the women’s hair
company, our brand, and         joyed massive success                  The lawsuit also claims      loss and scalp conditions,
our products against these      and has been endorsed by          that Olaplex products con-        but found that “the prod-
baseless accusations,” it       celebrities including Kim         tain lilial and panthenol,        ucts alone are to blame”.
said in a statement on In-      Kardashian and Drew Bar-          chemical compounds that               Olaplex has strongly
stagram.                        rymore.                           can lead to hair loss and         denied the allegations, in-
     Olaplex has not re-            The lawsuit, filed last       conditions including “in-         sisting its range does “not
called any of its products      week in a Californian             flamed, blistered, flaking        cause hair loss or hair
in the wake of the lawsuit.     district court, claims the        or scaling skin”.                 breakage”.
     Launched in California     plaintiffs’ hair was left              Lilial was once used             “Independent
in 2014, Olaplex claims         “dry, brittle, frizzy and         as a perfume in cosmetics,        third-party laboratory test
that its products, using pat-   dull”.                            until the European Union          results show that Olaplex
ented chemistry, are scien-         One woman said her            banned it from March              products are safe and effec-
tifically proven to restore     hair became split and bro-        2022 due to its impact on         tive,” the company wrote
damaged hair.                   ken, making it look as if it      fertility.                        on its website, with links
     It is particularly mar-    had been cut using a “weed             Olaplex says it re-          to several studies from in-
keted towards people who        whacker”.                         moved the ingredient from         dustry standard tests.
bleach their hair, and while        Several      photos    of     its products globally, “out           The company’s CEO
it is widely available to the   plaintiffs showing bald           of an abundance of cau-           JuE Wong said on Twitter
public, several products        spots that they claim were        tion”, however the lawsuit        that hair loss was a painful
are only sold to trained        caused by Olaplex have            claims it is still selling the    and emotional topic “how-
hair professionals. In many     been released by the Law          older products that contain       ever for our products this
salons around the world it      Centre of Amy E. Davis,           lilial, also known as butyl-      is not true”.

                                                                                                                                PAGE 13

  Rio’s first all-female samba
school prepares defiant parade
By Eléonore Hughes                                                                                             Patriarchy in Brazil re-
     AP — As Carnival ap-                                                                                 mains persistent. Women are
proaches in Rio de Janeiro,                                                                               the majority of Brazil’s elec-
members of a samba school                                                                                 torate, yet in October con-
perfect a minutely-tuned                                                                                  gressional elections claimed
performance with danc-                                                                                    only 18% of the Lower
ers twirling in blue, red and                                                                             House seats. There’s an even
white skirts and 40 drummers                                                                              smaller proportion of female
pounding the rhythm with                                                                                  senators. In business, wom-
gusto.                                                                                                    en hold leadership positions
     There isn’t a single man                                                                             in 38% of 250 mid-market
in sight. This samba school,                                                                              companies surveyed by con-
in Rio’s Madureira neigh-                                                                                 sultant Grant Thornton. That
bourhood, is the city’s first to   Members of the Turma da Paz de Madureira, or TPM, samba                percentage has climbed from
be run by and for women.           school rehearse in preparation for Rio’s Carnival parade, in Rio       15% in 2015, but remains
     The community-tied mu-        de Janeiro, Brazil, Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023. TPM is the first all-fe-   short of parity.
                                   male samba school in Rio. (AP Photo/Silvia Izquierdo)                       Meanwhile, sexual ha-
sic and dance clubs have al-
ways included women, most               “Here, a woman can ex-        ens of drummers is Gisele           rassment and assault remain
commonly as seamstresses           press her desires, her ideas,      Rosires, 47. She is proud of        widespread in Carnival’s
and dancers. They’ve played        her opinions, which increas-       her big, bulky surdo drum,          street parties. Over the last de-
the schools’ smaller instru-       es self-esteem,” said Rigaud,      but the blowback is strong.         cade, however, women have
ments and Carnival queens          a Black woman who wears                 “Men look me up and            increasingly been standing up
lead processions in elaborate,     beaded earrings and a wide         down, they think I’m not ca-        for their rights and spreading
sequined outfits. But rarely       smile. “It is empowering.”         pable,” she said. A year and a      the message “No means No!”
do women call the shots on              TPM started in 2011 as        half ago, she was playing in        on stickers and pamphlets.
finances, themes or even cos-      a bloco, the name for musi-        Madureira’s park for her first           When women are in the
tumes.                             cal groups that flood streets      show with the school, when a        spotlight for Carnival, they
     “The big samba schools        with parties during the Car-       man took the instrument from        are often sexualized — partic-
are coordinated by men,            nival season. Rigaud decided       her. “He said, ‘You’re a wom-       ularly Black women. During
which means women are used         she wanted to take the wom-        an, get out’”, said Rosires,        its coverage of Carnival each
to receiving orders,” Barbara      en-only group further and          who, not wanting to make a          year, behemoth TV network
Rigaud, a 54-year-old cultural     compete in the city’s samba        fuss, ended up leaving, an-         Globo airs vignettes with the
producer and hairdresser who       leagues. She successfully          noyed.                              so-called Globeleza, meaning
is the head of the new Turma       sought approval from city               Challenges start at the        “Globo beauty,” played by a
da Paz de Madureira samba          councillors and the school         very mention of TPM’s name;         Black actress whose role is
school, or Group of Peace          was inaugurated last Septem-       the acronym is the same in          to promote the spectacle by
from Madureira, known by           ber.                               Portuguese for premenstrual         dancing suggestively while
the initials TPM.                       The school has 320 mem-       syndrome, or PMS. While             virtually nude.
     During a recent rehearsal,    bers, and rehearses in the low-    Carnival’s street bands often            “Being part of this school
the musicians played under         er middle-class neighbour-         employ clever puns, this was        is a way of saying we are to-
a huge red and orange mar-         hood of Madureira in Rio’s         an unintended coincidence           gether. I think women need
quee, offering some protec-        north zone, along with some        that often elicits laughter and     this, Black women in partic-
tion from the sweltering sun,      of the city’s most prestigious     mockery from men. Some              ular,” Margaret Oliveira, a
while older women and a            samba schools, including           call them the Turma de Putas        55-year-old Black housewife
young girl sat in chairs lined     Portela and Império Serrano.       de Madureira, or Group of           who is part of TPM’s group of
against the wall.                       Among the group’s doz-        Whores from Madureira.              dancers, said at the rehearsal.
                                                                                                                        cont’d on pg 14

                  Health & Wellness
  Cameroon finds suspected cases of
Marburg virus, an illness similar to Ebola
    Cameroonian authorities                                                                       ployed the COVID-19 teams
detected two suspected cases                                                                      that were there for contact
of Marburg disease on Mon-                                                                        tracing and quickly retro-
day in Olamze, a commune                                                                          fitted them to really help us
on the border with Equatori-                                                                      out.”
al Guinea, the public health                                                                           Equatorial Guinea quar-
delegate for the region, Rob-                                                                     antined more than 200 peo-
ert Mathurin Bidjang, said                                                                        ple and restricted movement
on Tuesday.                                                                                       last week in its Kie-Ntem
    Equatorial Guinea offi-                                                                       province, where the hemor-
cially declared its first out-                                                                    rhagic fever was first detect-
break of the Marburg virus,                                                                       ed.
an illness similar to Ebola,                                                                           Marburg virus is a high-
on Monday.                       A microscopic image of the Marburg virus.                        ly infectious disease that can
    Neighbouring Cameroon        meeting in Cameroon’s capi-      ported nine deaths as well      have a fatality rate of up to
had restricted movement          tal Yaounde.                     as 16 suspected cases of        88%, according to the WHO.
along the border to avoid             Forty-two people who        Marburg virus disease, with     There are no vaccines or an-
contagion following reports      came into contact with the       symptoms including fever,       tiviral treatments approved
of an unknown, deadly hem-       two children have been iden-     fatigue, and blood-stained      to treat it.
orrhagic fever in Equatorial     tified and contact tracing was   vomit and diarrhoea, accord-         “We’re working on a 30-
Guinea last week.                ongoing, he added.               ing to the WHO.                 day response plan where we
    “On the 13th of Feb-              The World Health Orga-           “Surveillance in the       should be able to quantify
ruary, we had two suspect-       nization (WHO) said earlier      field has been intensified,”    what are the exact measures
ed cases. These are two          on Tuesday that it was in-       said George Ameh, WHO’s         and quantify what are the ex-
16-year-old children, a boy      creasing its epidemiological     country representative in       act needs,” Ameh said.
and a girl, who have no pre-     surveillance in Equatorial       Equatorial Guinea.                   He added that the coun-
vious travel history to the      Guinea.                               “Contact tracing, as you   try’s authorities had not re-
affected areas in Equatorial          The small Central Af-       know, is a cornerstone of the   ported any new suspected
Guinea,” Bidjang said at a       rican country has so far re-     response. We have…rede-         cases in the last 48 hours.

cont’d from pg 13                            en the procession is required by parade    I am sure that thanks to their union and
     Making time for oneself in a soci-      protocol to include two men as masters     strength, they will overcome.”
ety that values and expects self-sacrifice   of ceremony.                                    At dusk on the day of TPM’s recent
from women is an act of resistance, Ol-           “It has to be a man for now, until    rehearsal, the group spilled out from the
iveira added.                                it changes, until this machismo ends,”     courtyard, with the sound of their drums
     With rare exception, women who          Rigaud said.                               reverberating up and down the narrow
contributed to samba over time are omit-          As in any power dispute, the school   street leading off Madureira Park.
ted from its history, said Maira de Deus     is going to face problems and oppo-             This year, the school will make its
Brito, who researches samba and the af-      sition, said Paula Dürks Cassol, who       debut in Rio’s lowest-tier samba league.
ro-Brazilian religion Candomblé at the       wrote a paper about women’s rights and     If the women perform well enough, they
University of Brasilia.                      samba in Rio de Janeiro published in the   can climb the ranks for next year’s pa-
     For their first parade, on Feb. 19,     Journal of International Women’s Stud-     rade. Already, Rigaud has her sights on
TPM will honour Iansã, a female deity        ies last year.                             reaching the Sambadrome, where only
and warrior of Candomblé. Carnival is             “Every time women try to create       the top schools compete.
just a few days off, but costumes remain     new methods of resistance, emancipa-            “We’re not here to play around,”
incomplete due to a lack of funds. Their     tion and empowerment, there are going      Rigaud said. “We’re here to fight, to
vision also will fall somewhat short giv-    to be barriers,” Dürks Cassol said. “But   win.”
Regional News

                                                                                                                    PAGE 15

   CARICOM leaders open
annual summit overshadowed
 by unfolding events in Haiti
    CMC — Caribbean                                                                              efforts to deal with the on-
Community (CARICOM)                                                                              going socio-economic and
leaders began their 44th                                                                         political situation in his
regular summit in The Ba-                                                                        country.
hamas on Wednesday night,                                                                            Prime Minister Henry,
overshadowed by the con-                                                                         who succeeded the assas-
tinued deterioration of the                                                                      sinated President Jovenel
situation in the member                                                                          Moïse, as head of the gov-
country of Haiti.                                                                                ernment in July 2020, has
    “The situation in Hai-                                                                       said to deal with this sit-
ti requires our urgent at-                                                                       uation, his administration
tention. The turmoil and         Caricom Chairman Prime Minister Phillip Davis                   is urging the international
suffering there continue to      uation.                         on some fronts, CARICOM         community to participate
worsen. As a near neigh-             “We have learnt that in-    and indeed the wider inter-     in a specialised multina-
bour, The Bahamas is under       action has its own costs and    national community contin-      tional force to help the Hai-
great strain and many other      consequences,” Davis add-       ue to struggle to help Haiti    tian security forces to fight
countries in our region are      ed.                             resolve its multifaceted cri-   against the proliferation of
already heavily impacted,”           Earlier, outgoing CAR-      ses.                            organised crime, the illic-
Bahamas Prime Minister           ICOM chairman and Su-                “We will continue our      it trafficking of arms and
Phillip Davis told the open-     riname’s President, Chan-       efforts to assist all stake-    ammunition, and eradicate
ing ceremony.                    drikapersad Santokhi, said      holders in Haiti to ensure a    the gangs that have held the
    Davis, who is the chair-     Haiti “is in need of our        Haitian-owned resolution to     country hostage.
man of the 15-member re-         concrete, and feasible assis-   the crises,” she said, adding       United Nations Secre-
gional integration grouping,     tance.                          “we will have to show the       tary General, Antonio Gu-
said the region will benefit         “We must support the        resilience and fortitude of     terres reiterated his urgent
“if Haiti is again fully func-   Haitian people. Building        the Haitian people, as we       appeal to member states to
tioning as a state.              on our discussions in the       strive to overcome chal-        understand the urgency of
    “We should learn from        past year, I look forward to    lenges and advance the ini-     acting quickly to support the
the failures of past efforts     how and in what way this        tiatives to improve the lives   solutions chosen by Haitian
to help rather than use these    assistance can be provided.     of all citizens of our Carib-   actors.
disappointments as an ex-        Democracy, free and fair        bean Community.                     So far, Jamaica is the
cuse for inaction. I pray that   elections, rule of law and           “That goal – to create a   only CARICOM country
we can agree on a series of      certainly the protection of     safe, sustainable, prosper-     that has publicly said it is
concrete steps to help move      fundamental human rights        ous and viable community        willing to participate in a
towards a solution for the       are indeed at the core of       for all – has been the guid-    multinational security assis-
Haitian people and the re-       the Caribbean civilization,”    ing principle of our efforts    tance deployment to Haiti.
gion as a whole,” Davis told     Santokhi said, adding “we       over the last 50 years and          The Caribbean lead-
the audience that includ-        must foster and protect         will continue to guide us       ers will over the two days
ed Haitian Prime Minister        these also in the sister na-    over the next 50 and be-        discuss a wide range of is-
Dr. Ariel Henry and Cana-        tion in need”.                  yond,” she added.               sues, ranging from climate
da’s Prime Minister Justin           CARICOM Secretary                Haiti has called on the    change to food security and
Trudeau, who has pledged         General, Dr. Carla Barnett      international community,        the impact of the ongoing
his country’s support in         told the ceremony that even     “especially those countries     coronavirus (COVID-19)
finding a solution to the sit-   as progress is being made       that can help” to support       pandemic.

                                Regional News
  Suriname National Party
leaves Coalition government
                                          CMC — The Surina-        general election.
                                      me National Party (NPS)          “As of today, we are
                                      Wednesday left the coali-    withdrawing from the part-
                                      tion government of Pres-     nership of the government
                                      ident      Chandrikapersad   coalition.
                                      Santokhi after two of its        “We leave the coalition
                                      ministers were instructed    and form an autonomous
                                      to submit their resigna-     group in the National As-
                                      tions.                       sembly. We will act as re-
                                          Education, Science &     sponsible DNA members,”
                                      Culture Minister, Marie      NPS chairman, Gregory
                                      Levens and Spatial Plan-     Rusland, told a news con-
                                      ning and the Environment     ference.
                                      Minister, Silvano Tjong-         He said the party made
                                      Ahin have been instructed    the decision to quit the co-
                                      to leave the government as   alition and the government
                                      the NPS also announced it    because President San-
                                      was leaving the coalition    tokhi and Vice President
                                      that included Santokhi’s     Ronnie Brunswijk have
                                      Progressive Reform Party     been making policy deci-
NPS chairman, Gregory Rusland         (VHP) that won the 2020      sions for some time with-
                                                                   out involving the NPS.
                                                                       “After internal deliber-
                                                                   ations in the party, we have
                                                                   come to the conclusion
                                                                   that we do not expect the
                                                                   situation within the current
                                                                   set-up to change to such
                                                                   an extent within the next
                                                                   two years that the NPS can
                                                                   make a respectable con-
                                                                   tribution to shaping and
                                                                   implementing government
                                                                   policy,” said Rusland.
                                                                       “We have never really
                                                                   experienced what we are
                                                                   experiencing now in a co-
                                                                   alition that included the
                                                                   NPS,” he added.
                                                                       With the departure of
                                                                   the NPS, the coalition gov-
                                                                   ernment now has 30 of the
                                                                   51 parliamentary seats.
                                                                       Political commentators
                                                                   said the straw that broke
                                                                               cont’d on pg 17

                                Regional News                                                                      PAGE 17

    Jamaica declares
 states of emergency in
 Clarendon and St. Ann
    CMC — Jamaica has                                                                          enforcement measures to
declared states of public                                                                      protect law-abiding citizens.
emergency (SOEs) in Clar-                                                                           “The government is
endon and St Ann, as well                                                                      committed to taking the ac-
as the Kingston Western                                                                        tions necessary to protect its
police division, following a                                                                   citizens. In free and demo-
surge in criminal activities                                                                   cratic societies like Jamaica,
in these areas.                                                                                focused short-term enforce-
    “The declaration of                                                                        ment measures are justifi-
States of Public Emergen-                                                                      able to save lives.
cy will allow the security                                                                          “The use of the States of
forces to carry out targeted                                                                   Public Emergency in these
operations to disrupt and                                                                      instances is a necessary and
dismantle criminal gangs                                                                       effective response to the
and their networks and pre-                                                                    high level of criminal vio-
vent the occurrence of seri-    Andrew Holness                                                 lence within the identified
ous crimes,” Prime Minister     midnight on February 15.       Clarendon, St. Cather-          areas,” he said.
Andrew Holness said.                “Organised gangs are       ine and specified areas of           Figures released by the
    A statement issued by       the main source and cause      Kingston and St Andrew to       Jamaica Constabulary Force
the Office of the Prime Min-    of violence, leading to fear   deal with the criminal activ-   for the period January 1 to
ister said Holness on the ad-   and terror in some com-        ities in these areas.           February 12, show 20 peo-
vice of the Commissioner of     munities. The Government            Deputy Prime Minister      ple have been murdered in
Police, the Chief of Defence    must protect innocent cit-     and Minister of National        Kingstown West, as com-
Staff, and the Governor         izens from these criminal      Security, Dr. Horace Chang,     pared with 15 for the cor-
General, Sir Patrick Allen,     gangs, and, therefore, must    stressed that extreme crim-     responding period last year,
had indicated these SOEs        act,” Holness said.            inality, as recorded in the     St. Ann 11 as against 9 and
will be for an initial peri-        In December, SOEs          specified areas, requires       Clarendon 15 as against five
od of 14 days, beginning at     were reinstated in St Ann,     equally strong and decisive     last year.

cont’d from pg 16                          as a result, more people will go into    suspected corruption at a company
the camel’s back were recent deci-         poverty given that an adequate social    where he was the chairman.
sions made by the government to            safety net has not yet been set up.          “We were not involved in this de-
phase out the subsidy on fuel, result-         The NPS has also accused the         cision,” said Rusland.
ing in prices increasing significantly     former coalition partners of appoint-        It was only a matter of time that
from Monday.                               ing relatives and friends to top posi-   the NPS would withdraw from the
    The government has also indicat-       tions in government and state-owned      government after 12 of the 17 sub-
ed that the price of diesel will further   companies.                               divisions of the Paramaribo constit-
increase in March and the subsidy on           Rusalnd said last week, a younger    uency, the largest division of the
cooking gas and electricity will also      brother of Brunswijk was appointed       NPS, had made the decision during
be phased out.                             as the chief executive officer of the    an emergency meeting last Friday
    The NPS said that citizens are         Suriname Energy Companies, while         that the party should leave the gov-
not able to absorb the new fees and        he is under criminal investigation for   ernment.

                                                                            AROUND THE WORLD

Nicaragua strips citizenship
from 94 political opponents
     AP — Nicaragua can-                                                                             vember 2021, Nicaraguan
celled the citizenship of                                                                            authorities arrested seven
94 political opponents                                                                               potential opposition presi-
Wednesday,         including                                                                         dential candidates to clear
writers Sergio Ramírez                                                                               the field.
and Gioconda Belli.                                                                                      The government also
     Appeals Court Justice                                                                           has closed hundreds of
Ernesto Rodríguez Mejía                                                                              nongovernmental groups
read a statement that de-                                                                            that Ortega accused of tak-
clared the 94 people to be                                                                           ing foreign funding and
“traitors” and said they                                                                             using it to destabilise his
had lost their Nicaraguan                                                                            government.
citizenship.                                                                                             Peter J. Spiro, an in-
     Mejía said their proper-                                                                        ternational law professor
ties would be confiscated.                                                                           at Temple University, and
     He said those on the                                                                            others say stripping away
list — among them rights        Nicaraguan writer Sergio Ramirez attends a meeting at Cervant-       citizenship in this context
                                es Institute’s headquarters in Madrid, Spain, Sept. 13, 2021.
activist Vilma Núñez, for-                                                                           violates a treaty adopted
                                The Nicaraguan government on Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2023,
mer Sandinista rebel com-       declared 94 opponents and critics “traitors to the homeland”,        in 1961 by countries in the
mander Luis Carrión and         among them Ramirez and fellow author Gioconda Belli, who             United Nations, includ-
journalist Carlos Fernando      were stripped of their nationality and confiscation of their prop-   ing Nicaragua, which sets
Chamorro — were guilty          erties. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez, File)                              clear rules meant to pre-
of “spreading false news”       222 imprisoned political          est book. The 79-year-old          vent statelessness.
and “conspiracy to under-       leaders, priests, students,       writer served as vice pres-            The treaty states that
mine national integrity.”       activists and other dis-          ident during Ortega’s first        governments cannot “de-
     It was not clear what      sidents on a flight to the        government from 1985               prive any person or group
law the declaration was         United States.                    to 1990. But in the mid-           of persons of their nation-
based on. Nicaragua’s con-          Shortly after, Ortega’s       1990s he distanced himself         ality on racial, ethnic, reli-
gress has not yet fully ap-     government voted to strip         from Ortega, along with            gious or political grounds.”
proved a bill that would        the expelled former pris-         other intellectuals and for-           Spiro noted there are
allow the government to         oners of Nicaraguan citi-         mer guerrillas.                    some circumstances when
strip people of their citi-     zenship.                              Thousands have fled            governments can terminate
zenship.                            Analysts, legal experts       into exile since Nicaraguan        citizenship, such as ending
     Most of those named        and human rights groups           security forces violently          nationality for someone
have fled Nicaragua since       call it a political ploy. They    put down mass anti gov-            who acquires citizenship
President Daniel Ortega         contend it also violates in-      ernment protests in 2018.          in another country when
began arresting opponents       ternational law and say           Ortega says the protests           the first nation prohibits
two years ago, and Me-          it is unprecedented — at          were actually an attempted         dual citizenship. But, he
jía said they had been de-      least in the Western Hemi-        coup with foreign backing,         said, ending citizenship is
clared “fugitives.” There       sphere — in terms of scale        aiming for his overthrow           not allowed when it is used
was no mention of what          and impact.                       and encouraging foreign            as a political weapon.
might happen to those               Ramirez announced in          nations to apply sanctions             Spain has offered its
named who are still in Nic-     2021 that he would live           on members of his family           citizenship to the 222 ex-
aragua.                         in Spain, after Ortega’s          and government.                    iles, while the U.S. grant-
     The move comes days        government tried to arrest            In the run-up to Or-           ed the Nicaraguans a two-
after Ortega packed off         him and banned his lat-           tega’s re-election in No-          year temporary protection.

                                                                                                                         PAGE 19
                                                                           AROUND THE WORLD

China, Iran call on Afghanistan
 to end restrictions on women
    AP — China and Iran have urged
mutual neighbour Afghanistan to
end restrictions on women’s work
and education.
    The call came in a joint statement
Thursday issued at the close of a vis-
it to Beijing by Iranian President
Ebrahim Raisi during which the two
sides affirmed close economic and
political ties and their rejection of
Western standards of human rights
and democracy.
    Since taking over Afghanistan in
August 2021, the Taliban has banned
women and girls from universities
and schools after the sixth grade and
forced out those in elected offices
and other prominent positions.
    “The two sides ... called on the      In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, visiting Iranian President Ebrahim
Afghan rulers to form an inclusive       Raisi, right, walks with Chinese President Xi Jinping after reviewing an honour guard
government in which all ethnic           during a welcome ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Tuesday, Feb.
                                         14, 2023. China and Iran have urged mutual neighbour Afghanistan to end restrictions
groups and political groups actually     on women’s work and education. The call came in a joint statement Thursday, Feb.
participate, and cancel all discrimi-    16, 2023, issued at the close of Raisi’s visit to Beijing in which the sides affirmed close
natory measures against women, eth-      economic and political ties and their rejection of Western standards of human rights
nic minorities and other religions,”     and democracy. (Yan Yan/Xinhua via AP, File)
the statement said, adding that the      have faced internationally criticised,        guarding national sovereignty” and
U.S. and its NATO allies “should be      rapid, closed-door trials.                    “resisting unilateralism and bully-
responsible for the current situation        The bulk of the China-Iran joint          ing,” Xi said in a statement carried
in Afghanistan.”                         statement emphasised strong politi-           by Chinese state TV on its website.
    The U.S. had backed Afghani-         cal and economic ties, the quest for              Xi and Raisi attended the signing
stan’s elected government against        peace and justice in the Middle East          of 20 cooperation agreements includ-
the Taliban, but withdrew amid the       and denuclearization in spite of Teh-         ing on trade and tourism, the Chi-
rising costs and dwindling domestic      ran’s alleged drive to produce atomic         nese government announced. Those
support for a government that was        weapons.                                      add to a 25-year strategy agreement
unable to counter a Taliban revival.         In a meeting earlier with Chinese         signed in 2021 to cooperate in devel-
    The call for women’s rights is       leader Xi Jinping, Raisi expressed            oping oil, industry and other fields.
notable coming from Iran’s hardline      support for China’s crackdown on                  China is one of the biggest buy-
Shiite Muslim regime, which has          democracy in Hong Kong and claim              ers of Iranian oil and a major source
been challenged by months of pro-        to self-ruling democratic Taiwan.             of investment.
tests sparked by the death of a young        China and Iran portray them-                  Iran has struggled for years un-
woman in police custody for alleged-     selves, alongside Moscow, as coun-            der trade and financial sanctions
ly violating clothing requirements.      terweights to American power, and             imposed by Washington and other
    The country’s theocracy has ex-      have given tacit, and in Iran’s case,         Western governments. The U.S. gov-
ecuted at least four men since the       material support to Russia’s invasion         ernment cut off Iran’s access to the
demonstrations began in September        of Ukraine.                                   network that connects global banks
over the death of Mahsa Amini. All           “China supports Iran in safe-             in 2018.
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