DIVECHA CENTRE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE - Divecha Centre for Climate ...

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DIVECHA CENTRE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE - Divecha Centre for Climate ...
Vol.6 Issue 1, January - April 2021

Newsletter of the


  Future Earth: Best practices: Deliberating on a way forward

  Connecting crop productivity, residue fires, and air quality: Northern India

  Uttarakhand tragedy: Possible reasons

  Workshop on climate change and remote sensing

                                                                   Indian Institute of Science
DIVECHA CENTRE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE - Divecha Centre for Climate ...
From the Chair
        News and Events:

1.    Cryosphere under warm climate: Effects on water security

2.    Connecting crop productivity, residue fires, and air quality
3.    Uttarakhand Tragedy: Possible reasons

4.    Future Earth best practices: Deliberating on a way forward

5.    Training program on glacier studies and remote sensing

6.    Hindi quiz on environment and climate change

7.    Workshop on campus decarbonization

8.    COVID-19 Vaccines: Basics and FAQ’s

9.    Environmental Issues in relation to developmental disability

10.   Prevention of congenital and acquired heart diseases

11.   Impact of environment in prevention and control of kidney diseases

12.   Measures needed to build fairer and healthier world for survival

      Research Highlights:

13.   Impact of changes in discharge of Amazon on climate of the Atlantic Ocean

14.   How aerosols influence the optical wireless communication links

Editors: S. K. Satheesh, J. Srinivasan and K. Krishnamoorthy

Contact: Chair, Divecha Centre for Climate Change,
          Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru-560012
Tel: +91-80-22933070, Email: chair.dccc@iisc.ac.in
DIVECHA CENTRE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE - Divecha Centre for Climate ...

  For the past couple of months, India is reeling under the second wave of the COVID-19
pandemic with several states under full or partial lock-down to combat the virus. We do
not know when the normalcy will be restored. We are carrying our outreach program
through online platforms. We hope to get out of this grim situation soon.
  The vision of the South Asia Centre of “Future Earth” established under the Divecha
Centre hosts its South Asia office requires solutions-oriented research that responds to
the challenges faced by the society due to global environmental change. The Centre is
striving towards this by synergizing basic and applied research in frontier areas of
emerging societal applications with close interactions with stakeholders. In a remarkable
accomplishment in this directions, researchers of the Centre, jointly with academia have
characterized the impact of suspended particles in the atmosphere on the propagation
of optical communication signals through realistic atmospheres in the context of Free
Space Optical Communication, an emerging field for huge-volume data transfer for
terrestrial, ground to satellite and satellite to satellite communications. The results have
global implications in this emerging field of communication and is an important aspect to
be considered in the climate change perspective and technological advancement for
  The current global secretariat leadership model of Future Earth though allows rapid
global coverage, but suffers from lack of coordination, geographic bias of the current
hubs, and a lack of any direct leadership from the global south, thereby creating
challenges for its maturity and transition into a truly global presence. Currently 4 of the 5
hubs are based in North America and Europe, which collectively represents only 15% of
the global population. Critical decisions that affect the global operation of the organization
are thus made without sufficient diversity of perspectives. In this context, the Divecha
Centre for Climate Change (DCCC) has recently proposed to establish a “Future Earth
Global Secretariat South Asia” in the spirit of enhancing and expanding the vision, reach
and impact around the world. The Centre engages with various climate change national
action plans and recommends various ecologically sustainable development suggestions
to a wide range of ministries throughout India. The Centre engages with national and
international programs, facilities exchange and carries out capacity building and
science–policy outreach activities. Its 18-member Governing Council, which comprises
of ministers, bureaucrats, scientists and NGOs from SAARC countries, Myanmar and the
Indian Ocean Island Countries, ensures that regional priorities are made part of the
strategic development of “Future Earth” activities. The Centre will continue to work
towards this endeavour to promote scientific cooperation between India and the
neighbouring countries in “Future Earth” and related activities.

                                                                               S. K. Satheesh

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                  WATER SECURITY
    Divecha Centre for climate change                 comprehensive overview of the H.P
and State Centre on Climate Change                    state’s geographical characteristics and
Himachal Pradesh jointly organized a                  importance of cryosphere for freshwater
webinar on February 1, 2021, to help the              ecosystem services, hydropower, and
officials and policymakers to understand              impacts on mountain community. Prof.
changing cryosphere under a warm                      Satheesh highlighted the significance
climate. Around
           The program    conducted
                  170 officials        online,
                                participated in       of cryosphere studies in the climate
the program.                                          change scenario and also discussed the
                                                      Cryosphere programs of Divecha Centre
     Mr. Kamlesh Kumar Pant, IAS,                     for Climate Change.
Principal Secretary of Government
of Himachal Pradesh, and Prof. S. K.                      Dr. Anil V. Kulkarni, Distinguished
Satheesh, Chair, Divecha Centre for                   Scientist, Divecha Centre for Climate
Climate Change, gave opening remarks.                 Change, delivered a talk on “Water
Mr. Kamlesh Kumar Pant provided a                     Security of Himachal Pradesh Under

Warm Climate”. He described the                       The panelists answered numerous
current status and future changes of                  queries from participants on the societal
the glaciers in Himachal Pradesh. He                  implications of the changing cryosphere.
presented observational and modelled                  Mr. Nishant Thakur, Joint Member
results relating to Himalayan glaciers                Secretary, HIMCOSTE, proposed a vote
and their societal impacts, and the                   of thanks.
lecture followed by panel discussions.

DIVECHA CENTRE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE - Divecha Centre for Climate ...
    Divecha Centre for Climate Change           rice as the principal crops grown under
organized a webinar on “Connecting              the crop rotation system. Agricultural
Crop Productivity, Residue Fires, and           data from India indicates a 25%
Air Quality over Northern India” on 5           increase in the post-monsoon rice crop
Feb 2021. Dr. Hiren Jethva, Universities        production in Punjab during 2002–2016.
Space Research Association, Columbia,           NASA’s A-train satellite sensors detect
Maryland, USAand NASAGoddard Space              a consistent increase in the vegetation
Flight Center, Greenbelt, Marlyland, USA        index (net 21%) and post-harvest
deliberated on agriculture burning and          agricultural fire activity (net ~60%)
air quality over Northern India.                leading to nearly 43% increase in aerosol
                                                loading over the populous Indo-Gangetic
   Northwestern India is known as the           Plain in northern India. The ground-level
“breadbasket” of the country producing          particulate matter (PM2.5) downwind
two-thirds of food grains, with wheat and       over New Delhi shows a concurrent

uptrend of net 60%. The effectiveness           burning. An efficient crop residue
of a robust satellite-based relationship        management system is critically needed
between vegetation index—a proxy for            towards eliminating open field burning to
crop amounts, and post-harvest fires—a          mitigate episodic hazardous air quality
precursor of extreme air pollution              over northern India.
events, has been further demonstrated             Crop residue burning over northwestern
in predicting the seasonal agricultural         India is a serious concern leading to

DIVECHA CENTRE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE - Divecha Centre for Climate ...
poor air quality and affecting the health          Increasing agricultural fire activities
of millions living in one of the most              imply greater availability of crop residue
densely populated regions of the world.            to burn, and the generation of waste
The issue has received a great deal of             is proportional to the crop production
attention after a consistent ranking of            amounts. Dr. Hiren and his team verified
several major cities in the Indo-Gangetic          this hypothesis by quantifying the link
Plain (IGP), including New Delhi, in the           connecting the crop production followed
WHO reports having the poorest air                 by residue fires and air quality measures
quality related to particulate matter. A 15-       using a suite of satellite and ground
year long record (2002–2016) of NASA’s             observations. His study finds that rice
A-train satellite measurements have                production in the northwestern state of
revealed a positive trend in the total fire        Punjab has increased by 25%, and so
activity and resulting aerosol loads over          has the vegetation index (NDVI) with a
IGP. This study investigates the probable          net increase of 21% derived from the
cause of rising agricultural fires and             MODIS sensor onboard Aqua satellite
deteriorating air quality over the region.         during 2002–2016.

  Particulate matter (PM) and trace gases          health risk. Dr. Hiren concluded his
emitted from the open field agricultural           talk by highlighting that using the long-
burning have a high potential to alter             term measurements from satellites and
the radiation balance of Earth, trigger            ground sensors, a strong connection
changes in atmospheric chemistry, and              between the increasing crop production
can severely affect local and regional             and thus residue amounts, fire activity,
air quality. The 2014 report of the World          and resulting particulate matter pollution
Health Organization (WHO)1 states that             over the entire breadth of IGP.
7 million deaths-one in eight of total
global deaths were linked to air pollution
in 2012 and confirmed that air pollution is
the world’s largest single environmental

DIVECHA CENTRE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE - Divecha Centre for Climate ...
   Divecha Centre for Climate Change,              Secretary, Town official Language
under Rastrabhasha Samiti, hosted a                Implementation Committee (TOLIC)
Hindi webinar on 10 March 2021. Dr.                proposed a welcome to and introduced
Anil V. Kulkarni, Distinguished Scientist,         the speaker. Around 90 people attended
Divecha Centre for Climate Change, IISc,           the program.
delivered a Hindi talk on” Uttarakhand
Tragedy: Possible reasons”. The special                 Initially, Dr. Kulkarni gave a brief
invitees were from the Town Official               introduction to the state of the Himalayan
Language Implementation Committee.                 cryosphere. He explained the Rishi
Shri. Mohan Choudhury, Member                      Ganga valley’s geographical location

and the events’ sequence, which led                The fissure was expanded and leading
to the loss of human life and damage               to landslide and ice avalanched. The
to the Rishi Ganga and Topovan                     estimates on the volume of the hanging
power projects. Dr. Kulkarni explained             glacier and rockfall also discussed.
the various possible reasons for the               Besides, Dr. Kulkarni also gave estimates
formation of flash flood over glaciated            of existing and potential glacier lakes
terrain and its impacts on the ecosystem           and how further work needed to assess
as a disaster. The available satellite data        risks. Prof. Rajeev Ranjan, Chairperson,
and field investigations suggest forming a         Official Language Unit, IISc, proposed a
deep fissure at the Trishul Peak’s foothill.       vote of thanks.
DIVECHA CENTRE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE - Divecha Centre for Climate ...
                  WAY FORWARD
  The Future Earth South Asia Regional        South Asia, introduced the structure
Office, Divecha Centre for Climate            of Future Earth South Asia Regional
Change, Indian Institute of Science,           Office and its various working group.
organized a webinar on “Best Practices:       Guest speaker, Dr. M.           Rajeevan,
Deliberating on a Way Forward” on 11-         Chair, National Committee, Future
12 Mar 2021.                                  Earth India, and Secretary, Ministry of
                                              Earth Sciences, Government of India,
  The Inaugural session was opened by         discussed the effects of climate change
Prof. S. K. Satheesh, Director, Future        especially on developing and least
Earth South Asia and Chair, Divecha           developed countries. Guest speaker, Dr.
Centre for Climate Change. Dr. Smriti         K. VijayaRaghavan, Principal Scientific
Basnett, Co-director, Future Earth             Advisor to the Government of India,

Attendees of the Future Earth Webinar: First Row: Dr. M. N. Rajeevan, Dr. K.
VijayaRaghavan, Dr. Josh Tewksbury, Mr. Jagadeesh Rao Puppala, Mr. Egam Basar
Second Row: Prof. S. K. Satheesh, Dr. Smriti Basnett, Ms. Kanupriya Harish, Ms.
Priyadarshinee Shrestha, Dr. Paramesh
Third Row: Ms. Ulka Kelkar, Dr. Veena Srinivasan, Dr. Purnima Menon, Dr. Tapas
Chakma, Dr. Ashok Ghosh

argued that sustainability is dependent       pastures community) in India. Mr. Egam
on three components namely availability       Basar, Director, Arunachal Pradesh
of green energy, change in nature of          Horticulture Research and Development
manufacturing and data analysis.              Mission (APHRDM), and Founder of EB-
                                              Project (Egam Basar Project), presented
   Mr. Jagadeesh Rao Puppala, Anchor          a case study of Integrated Springshed
and Curator, Foundation for Ecological        Development        and      Biodiversity
Security (FES), shared his experiences        Conservation at Soi Village (Arunachal
with village commons (forests and             Pradesh). This was followed by panel

DIVECHA CENTRE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE - Divecha Centre for Climate ...
discussions to bridge the gap between             mountains. She emphasized that food
science, policy makers and practice.              security was very crucial in these parts
                                                  irrespective of quality. Ms. Seno Tsuhah,
                                                  a community development worker in
                                                  the North East Network (NEN) spoke
                                                  about the practices of ecological farming
                                                  and sustainable livelihoods in mountain
                                                  regions. She said that bringing in farmers
                                                  from different communities to form a
                                                  network will promote Agro-ecology,
                                                  strengthen biodiversity. She concluded
                                                  her talk by highlighting on the pathways
    On the second day, Ms. Kanupriya              for building resilient future. Mr. Amba
Harish, Executive Director, Jal Bhagirathi        Jamir, Environmental lawyer spoke on
Foundation, Rajasthan, presented a                traditional upland farming systems.
case study in Thar Desert where her               He spoke on the institutional and
NGO implements projects to create water           cultural linkages to traditional farming.
availability for distressed communities in        Resilience building along with long term
Western Rajasthan. Each village has set           sustainability of mountain farming is
up water associations to manage water             important.
storage, consumption, and sanitization.
The project has reached 500 villages,
20000 water harvesting structures have
been revived, 4000 million liters are being
harvested each year. Ms. Priyadarshinee
Shrestha, Team Lead, WWF India,
Kanchendzonga Landscape, deliberated
on the issues of nature conservation and
zero waste management in mountain
states. She highlighted on some
mountain specific challenges faced in
                                                     In Session 3 on “The Air We Breathe;
these states such as plastic strewn across
                                                  The Water We Drink: Health Risks
mountainous terrain. She concluded her
                                                  associated with Air and Water Pollution.”
talk by laying out a road map for future of
                                                  Dr. H. Paramesh, visiting Professor,
Indian Himalayan States.
                                                  Divecha Centre for Climate Change
                                                  spoke about health risks associated with
   In Session 2 on “Sustainable Agro-
                                                  air pollution. He shared recent study data
Ecology in the Indian Himalayan Region
                                                  on health impacts and number of people
(IHR): Experiences, Challenges, and
                                                  affected due to air pollution. According
Solutions.” Ms. Binita Shah, Founder,
                                                  to this study 24,60,000 premature deaths
Supa Agricultural Research Group
                                                  are recorded in India on account of air
(SARG), Uttarakhand, spoke about
                                                  pollution. He detailed the measures to be
the challenges in agricultural systems
                                                  taken to mitigate air pollution. Dr. Ashok
in the mountains. She said that Agro
                                                  Ghosh, Chairman, Bihar State Pollution
Eco-diversity is the major building
                                                  Control Board spoke about Arsenic
blocks of agricultural landscapes in the
DIVECHA CENTRE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE - Divecha Centre for Climate ...
poisoning and health risks associated with            In Session 4 on “Turning Challenges
it. Arsenic exposure is linked to cancer,          into Opportunities: Working the Water-
heart, and developmental problems. He              Energy-Food Nexus.” Dr. Purnima
concluded by listing priorities that need to       Menon, Senior Research Fellow from
be addressed to answer arsenic issues,             International Food Policy Research
from ground to water to food chain to              Institute (IFPRI), New Delhi, discussed
health impacts. Dr. Tapas Chakma,                  the food and nutrition sector’s
Scientist, National Institute for Research         challenges. She highlighted that to
in Tribal Health spoke about Health                handle India’s nutrition challenge, there
Effects of Fluoride Contamination and              is a basic need to formulate a policy that
ways to mitigate Fluorosis. He showed              addresses poverty and social inequality.
that about 66million people in the country         Dr. Veena Srinivasan, Senior Fellow
are at risk. He highlighted the use of             and Director from Centre for Social
Cassia Tora as nutritional supplement              and Environmental Innovation, Ashoka
for aid in reversal of fluorosis.                  Trust for Research in Ecology & The

Environment        (ATREE),    Bengaluru,          sector’s challenges. Ms. Ulka explained
spoke about immense groundwater use                that agriculture accounts for 20-25% of
in agriculture in India. There is a need           total electricity consumption in India.
to treat ground and surface water as an            Next, she highlighted the climate change
integrated resource. Surface water flows           aspects of the challenges being faced in
also get affected by heavy groundwater             the energy sector. She also discussed
abstraction. Ms. Ulka Kelkar, Director,            that agroforestry could help in carbon
Climate Program, World Resources                   sequestration while providing healthy
Institute - India, spoke about the energy          fruits for children having malnutrition.

    A Training on “Glacier studies and          Indian students and three from foreign
Remote sensing” was organized by                universities. Since the program organized
Divecha Centre for Climate Change,              online, we selected 230 applicants
Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru,         for the training, depending upon their
from March 16 to 26, 2021. The DST-             educational qualification and research
Centre for Excellence in Climate Change         interest.
funded the program.
                                                   The participants were from all parts
 The program received an overwhelming           of India. Prof. S.K Satheesh, Chair,
response from the student community.            Divecha Centre for Climate Change,
We received 265 applications from               inaugurated the program. He described

the importance of glaciological training        various aspects of glacier studies. These
to create high-quality human resources.         specially designed practicals at Divecha
He thanked the glaciology team for              Centre for Climate Change provide
organizing the program consistently for         basic scientific idea behind glaciological
almost a decade.                                research. Prof. J. Srinivasan and Dr. Anil
                                                V. Kulkarni, Distinguished Scientists at
  The training covered numerous topics          DCCC, delivered the lectures. Students
such as climate change, remote sensing,         and project associates conducted the
glaciology, remote sensing applications         practicals.
for snow monitoring, glacier studies, and
mass balance. Besides, recent issues
such as the Flash flood in Rishi Ganga
valley also discussed. Highlights of
the training were hands-on training on
      The Divecha Centre for Climate              Karnataka also participated.
Change, IISc, along with the Official
Language Unit of IISc, conducted the                  The online quiz generated a lot of
first online Hindi quiz on the topic,             interest amongst TOLIC members from
“Environment and Climate Change”. The             across Public Sector Units (PSUs), banks
online event was for the Town Official            and the student community. In all over
Language Implementation Unit members              180 participants registered for the quiz,
(TOLIC) members from TOLIC 1 and 2,               with over 100 participants logging on to
TOLIC PSUs and TOLIC banks and was                participate in the online. The quiz was
held on 18 March 2021. Students from              conducted in Hindi, by Prof. J. Srinivasan,
a few colleges from across the state of           Distinguished Scientist, Divecha Centre

for Climate Change, IISc.                         were shared equally by college students
                                                  and TOLIC members.
    The participants of the environment
and climate change quiz were very                      Thanks to the efforts of Prof. J.
enthusiastic and knowledgeable, with the          Srinivasan, Ms. V. Thilagam (Official
participants answering every question             Language Unit, IISc) and Prof. R.
that the quiz master had on the subject.          Ranjan, Chairperson Official Language
Various questions from the causes                 Unit, IISc, the online quiz was a grand
for the sea level rise to causes for the          success. Prof. S. K. Sateesh, Chairman,
melting Artic ice were answered by the            Divecha Centre for Climate Change was
participants. Official Language Unit, IISc        the guest of honor for the event, and he
was gracious to announce a cash prize of          congratulated and announced the names
Rs.500/- for every correct answer. There          of the prize winners.
were 25 questions in all, and the prizes

     The Global Alliance of Universities         global challenge of climate change.
on Climate (GAUC) was launched in
January 2019 at the Annual Meeting                  A campus decarbonization workshop
of the World Economic Forum in                   was hosted online by GAUC and
Davos, Switzerland. The GAUC now                 University of Tokyo on 11 March
has 13 member institutions from nine             2021 During this workshop Prof. S.K.
countries. The GAUC is intended to               Satheesh, Chairman, DCCC discussed
provide a mechanism for exchange and             the plans at Indian Institute of Science to
cooperation, specifically to lead efforts        reduce the carbon emissions on campus.
from global higher education to examine          He showed that carbon emissions at IISc
the technical, social, psychological,            campus was around 5 tonnes per capita
institutional and economic issues of             and indicated that the use of solar power
climate change and how practical action          and electrical vehicles will be used to
can be implemented. The member                   reduce the carbon footprint.
institutions of the GAUC are committed
to the initiation and support of actions
which are required to respond to the

Divecha Centre for Climate Change                  Vaccines are being developed using
organized a webinar on “COVID-19                   different technologies. Normal vaccine
VACCINES: BASICS AND FAQ’s” by Dr.                 development takes over 8 to 10 years
Paramesh, Visiting Professor, Divecha              by sequential steps. Immunogens
Centre for Climate Change, IISc on 1 Feb           are used to develop viral vaccines. In
2021. Covid-19 virus pandemic is the               order to accelerate Covid19 vaccine
most serious disastrous viral infection for        development all the steps are done
the past century. Vaccines can prevent             in parallel without compromising the
infectious diseases when most people in            usual safety, efficiency and monitoring
the community are vaccinated the spread            mechanism and long term follow up
of the disease is limited. Dr. Paramesh            after marketing. There are 7 methods in
highlighted on the different vaccines              preparing the viral vaccine with variable
used in India and its side effects.                advantage and disadvantages. In India

we produced 2 vaccine Covishield and               which is the most effective and safe.
CoVaxin which have clearance from                  Different vaccination types may be
authorities and used on Covid worriers.            needed for different population groups.
Balancing of cells in a human body                 On 28 May 2020 WHO announced the
is important to attain immunity. There             launch of a coordinated international,
are many COVID-19 vaccines being                   concurrent randomized controlled phase
developed because it is not yet known              III of different vaccine candidates.
Different vaccines require different            receive the complete vaccine course to
storage temperatures, storage, and              get protection as it will limit the spread
transportation methods. The vaccine             of the disease to the close contacts such
vails must be discarded if there is             as family members, co-workers, and
discoloration or the vial is thawed. All        friends. He also laid out the reactions
health care workers are at a higher             or side effects caused by the Covishield
risk of infection of COVID-19 despite           and CoVaxin vaccines. Dr. Paramesh
precautions. Hence these workers along          concluded his talk by emphasizing some
with front line workers were prioritized        important precautionary measures one
for taking the vaccine.                         has to take always to prevent oneself
                                                and others from catching the infection.
Dr. Paramesh advised the participants to

   Dr. Satish Girimaji, Dean Behaviour           of age. It has nearly 100 billion nerve
Sciences,     NIMHANS,       Bengaluru           cells. Even though it is 2% of the body
addressed the members of Divecha                 weight it consumes 20% of total Oxygen.
Centre for Climate Change IISc.,                 The factors which affect the early Neuro
COMHAD and Lakeside Education Trust              developmental disorders are from genetic
on “Environmental Issues in Relation to          variants and environmental pollution from
Developmental Disability: Causes and             toxins, nutritional deficiencies, infections,
Prevention” on 1 January 2021. It was            injury, hypoxia and ischemia, leading to
chaired by Prof. M.S Mahadevaiah,                lifelong impairments in functioning such
Developmental      Neurologist   KIMS            as Intellectual disability; Autism; Specific
Bengaluru.                                       language impairment; Specific Learning
                                                 impairment and Cerebral Palsy.
  The newborn brain weighs 350G and
reaches 1300-1400G in adult. 75%                  The measures to mitigate in prevention
growth occurs at 1 year and 90% at 2yrs          during pre and perinatal period are:-

-      Improve nutritional status of girl        -     Optimum newborn care
child and pregnant woman                         Postnatally:
-      Avoid pregnancy before 18yrs and          -     Regular immunization
after 35yrs                                      -     Proper nutrition from traditional
-      Use of iodized salt and folic acid        -     Providing safe secure, stimulating
supplementation                                  environment
-      Avoid exposure to physical and            -     Early detection and intervention of
chemical teratogenic agents                      developmental delays
-      Care of high-risk pregnancies

  Padmashri Dr. C.N. Manjunath, Director                        The epigenetic changes and
of Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular                 environmental      pollution  including
Sciences and Research, Bengaluru,                       nutrition contribute for the congenital
addressed the members of DCCC IISc.,                    heart defects. SO2, CO2, and Heavy
COMHAD and Lakeside Education Trust                     metals like Lead, and Mercury cause
on 25 February 2021. It was chaired by Dr.              epigenetic changes along with NOX,
A.C Sriram, Chairman Mallige Education                  CO, Pesticides and maternal obesity.
Institutes. The topic was “Environmental                The maternal smoking increases 10-
Issues in the prevention of the Congenital              48% chances of CHD. The incidence of
and Acquired Heart Diseases”.                           CHD is 0.8% more in premature babies.

  It is interesting to note that totally breast-        in the virulence pattern of streptococcus
feeding mothers who are on polished rice                germ and introduction of antibiotics.
diet have deficiency of thiamine (B1)
and their infants between 1-6 months                      Heart attacks are increased in younger
developed breathing difficulty from                     age. Sitting more than 6 hours a day
pulmonary hypertension, 97% of them                     decreases life span in man by 20% and
were saved by supplementary thiamine                     in women by 40%. Smoking one cigarette
and mothers were encouraged to use                      reduces your life span by 11 minutes and
thiamine rich food and unpolished                       watching TV for one hour by 22 minutes.
rice.                                                   One can expect good health to all
                                                        with clean air; safe drinking water;
  There is decline in the Rheumatic heart               unadulterated     food    and     tackling
disease from 60’s to 80’s due to steady                 malnutrition with regular skeletal muscle
improvement of living conditions, change                exercises.


     Dr. Ajit K. Huilgol, Director and             temperature increases the internal
Chief Transplant Surgeon, Karnataka                core body temperature, resulting
Nephrology and Transplant Institute,               in dehydration and results in blood
Columbia Asia Hospitals, Bengaluru and             becoming more concentrated. A sudden
Mysore, delivered a talk on the “Impact            increase in body temperature, as in
of environment and climate change in               heatstroke, can cause increased risk of
the prevention and control of kidney               heat-induced inflammatory injury to the
diseases” during World Kidney Day on               kidney. The combination of heat stress
25 March 2021. This talk was organized             and dehydration plays a significant role
by Divecha Centre for Climate change               in the formation of kidney stones. The
and Lakeside education trust.                      neglect of proper hydration, and poor
                                                   sanitary facilities, especially for women
  He argued that an increase in external           in the poor and developing countries, can

lead to recurrent urinary tract infections.        as well as peritoneal dialysis, produces
                                                   vast amounts of waste which contribute
   Recurrent heat and dehydration can              to greenhouse gas emissions and global
eventually result in chronic kidney                warming. Hence, there is a pressing
disease. There has been a large increase           need to address the issues of resource
in chronic kidney disease during the               use and carbon emissions during kidney
past three decades. As global warming              care delivery.
continues unabated, the demand for
kidney dialysis, including hemodialysis

              WORLD FOR SRUVIVAL
  On the occasion of the Earth day on               India. In India, outdoor and indoor
22nd April, 2021, Divecha Centre for                air pollution contributed to over 1.67
Climate Change organized a talk on                  million annual deaths from stroke, heart
“Measures Needed to Build Fairer and                attack, diabetes, lung cancer, chronic
Healthier World for Survival” by Dr.                lung diseases and neonatal diseases
Poornima Prabhakaran, Deputy Director,              in 2019. The progress on air pollution
Centre for Environmental Health, Public             mitigation and control has, however,
Health Foundation of India.                         been limited, India is urbanizing and the
                                                    chronic health conditions associated
  In this talk, Dr.Prabhakaran highlighted          with urban living are on the rise. Air
the gaps in public health infrastructure,           pollution and climate change are closely
healthcare delivery and governance                  linked and both directly and indirectly
in dealing with the present pandemic.               impact human health, highlighting the
India Air pollution is a major contributor          co-benefits of addressing both these
to the       mortality and morbidity in             issues in tandem. Those who interact

with greenspaces enjoy better health                   The theme of the Earth day this year
but many city development projects                  is “Restore our Earth”. Dr. Prabhakaran
often eliminate existing urban green                suggested various ways to mitigate
spaces. Around 20% of deaths were                   environmental pollution and climate
attributable to modifiable environmental            change to ensure that future generations
risk factors, thus pointing to the potential        enjoy better health.
for prevention, intervention, and remedial
action to promote health and prevent

     The Amazon river has a profound               the Atlantic Ocean and the second was
impact on global climate because it                doubling the discharge of Amazon river
discharges around 6600 cubic kilometre             into the Atlantic Ocean.
of water per annum into the Atlantic
Ocean. Global warming will alter the                    Their simulations showed that the
precipitation pattern in South America             discharge of water from the Amazon into
and hence will alter the amount of water           the Atlantic Ocean has a major impact on
discharged into the Atlantic Ocean. How            the location of the tropical rain band in the
will the variations in the discharge of the        tropical Atlantic Ocean during July and
Amazon river alter the regional climate in         August. When the there is no discharge
the Atlantic Ocean?                                of water into the Atlantic the rainfall band
                                                   (called Inter-tropical Convergence zone
 Prof. Vinaychandran and Ravi Nanjundiah           or ITCZ) moves northward in July and
at Divecha Centre for Climate Change               if the discharge is doubled the rainfall
and doctoral student Jahfer Sharif at              band moves southward in August. The
Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic                 movement of this tropical rainband will
Sciences, Indian Institute of Science              lead to changes in rainfall pattern in
examined this issue through simulations            West Africa.
in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model.
They simulated the impact under two                Reference: S. Jahfer, P. N. Vinaychandran
extreme scenarios. The first one was a             and Ravi S. Nanjundiah, Environmental
complete shutdown of the discharge into            Research Letters, 15, May 2020

Figure: The impact of no discharge from the Amazon river on rainfall is shown in the
left figure while the effect of doubling the discharge from Amazon is shown in the right
                               OPTICAL  PREDICT
   The interantional negotiations to limit                          the global warming will depend both on
    The ever-increasing demand for faster                            optical pulses by modifying the turbulent
 internet warming
            demands became
                        may cause    easier
                                         regime  when
                                                    shift it        cumulative
                                                                     fluctuations. emissions    and how ofrapidly
                                                                                    A higher absorption         solar
 from shown
        existing the  global
                  Radio        warmingtechnology
                           Frequency          is linearly           the  emissions
                                                                     radiation       are reduced.
                                                                               by aerosols can lead toIn this
 to       higherto the   cumulative emission
                       bandwidth           light-basedof            the  author has
                                                                     broadening.     shown pulses,
                                                                                    Narrow    that global
                                                                                                             to their
 telecommunication systems like optical                              wider frequency spectra, are more vulnerable
 wireless dioxide.     In a recent
             communication,       wherepaper,       Prof.
                                            more data               depends     upon theeffects
                                                                     to such aerosol       residence    timebroader
                                                                                                  while the    of the
Ashwin       Seshadriwith
 can be transmitted       at Divecha
                              lesser power.  Centre    for
                                                  Optical           greenhouse     gas and
                                                                     pulses are more          the time
                                                                                        resilient. This scale   over
 pulses propagating through the atmosphere                           pulse broadening due to aerosols will reduce
 experience  Change      hasand
                scattering     published
                                  absorptionalossespaper            which   the greenhoues
                                                                     the anticipated            gas is
                                                                                      performance    andreduced.
to   show by
 imparted     thatgasthe    cumulative
                       molecules       and emission
                                               aerosols              set limits on improving the efficiency of
apporach may not work for gases with
 and     intensity    fluctuations      induced       by             terrestrial asSeshadri,
                                                                    Reference:                A. K., Cumulative
                                                                                   well as ground-to-satellite links.
 atmospheric turbulence . Moreover, they are
   smaller toresidence
                an increase  time.    The
                                in their     residence
                                          pulse   widths,            Reference:      K. Sunilkumar,        N. Anand,
of    carbon wavelength
 as different    dioxide is        more than
                              components        travel100
                                                       at           gases
                                                                     S. K. due      to pathK. independence
                                                                             Satheesh,           Krishna Moorthy,   for
 different velocities. This leads to interference                    G. Ilavazhagan, Enhanced optical pulse
years     but many
 (overlapping          otherand
                 of pulses)    greenhouse
                                    sets a maximum gases            abroadening
                                                                        sufficiently    rapid emissions
                                                                                  in free-space                 cycle.
                                                                                                 optical links due to
like    hydroflourocarbons
 limit to the reliable data transfer have  rate.a While
                                                    much            Climate     Dynamics,
                                                                     the radiative              2021, https://doi.
                                                                                   effects of atmospheric    aerosols,
shorter     residence
 the absorption           time. Forlosses
                    and scattering       such can gases,
                                                      be            org/10.1007/s00382-021-05739
                                                                     Optics Express, 2021,
 easily modelled and compensated, it is                              https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.409794
 difficult to model the turbulent fluctuations.

  A recent study using balloon and satellite
observations along with radiative transfer
computations show that, over and above
these losses, aerosol-induced atmospheric
heating leads to an additional broadening in

Figure: Global warming versus cumulative emissions for a basket of hydrofluorocarbons
(HFCs: 125, 134a, 143a, and 32) having mean effective atmospheric lifetime of
approximately 15 years is shown in the right panel for the emissions scenarios in the
left-side panel.

  Fig. Variation in optical pulse broadening factor (ratio of received to input pulse widths) for
   different initial pulse widths and aerosol single scattering albedo (SSA). SSA is a ratio of
           absorption by the aerosol to the sum of absorption and scattering.

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