Diskurs Europa: Fokus Schweiz 1 - Wo wir hingehören Discourse Europe: Focus Switzerland 1 - Where We Belong

Diskurs Europa: Fokus Schweiz 1 - Wo wir hingehören Discourse Europe: Focus Switzerland 1 - Where We Belong
Diskurs Europa: Fokus Schweiz 1 – Wo wir hingehören
Discourse Europe: Focus Switzerland 1 – Where We Belong
SWISS FILMS präsentiert sieben ganz unterschiedliche Filme aus unserem Nachbarland. Alle verhandeln sie auf ihre ganz eigene Art die
Zugehörigkeit zu einem Ort, einer Gemeinschaft oder zu einem Gebäude. Sie hinterfragen dieses Zugehörigkeitsgefühl, aber auch dessen
Bedeutung im Leben und in der Gesellschaft. Sie sprechen von konkreten und mentalen Grenzen, die Räume und Menschen voneinander trennen.

SWISS FILMS presents seven very different films from our neighbouring country. All of them negotiate in their very own way the affiliation to a
place, a community or a building. They question this feeling of belonging, but also its significance in life and in society. They speak of concrete and
mental boundaries that separate spaces and people.

                       Swiss Made, Sophie Wietlisbach, Switzerland, 2017, 02:32min,                                 Airport, Michaela Müller, Switzerland / Croatia, 2017, 10:35min,
                       Animation                                                                                    Animation
                       A satirical portrait of Switzerland that avails of aesthetic
                       codes inspired by touristic language. The film sarcastically                                 Airports – the pinnacle of modern society, places where the
                       denounces the absurdity of the attractions that attempt to                                   limits of borders, security and tolerance are constantly
                       satisfy an insatiable public. It addresses current issues and                                tested. While for some the journey starts, for others it
                       opens the way for reflections on the future of the Alpine                                    abruptly ends.
                                                                                                                    Versus, Philbert Aimé Mbabazi Sharangabo , Switzerland / Rwanda,
                       The Meadow, Jela Hasler, Switzerland, 2015, 08:57min, Documentary                            2016, 06:16min, Fiction
                       In a dry, barren landscape, a herd of cattle grazes,                                         Alone in his apartment in a European city, a young man
                       accompanied by dogs, tended to by cowboys. Step by step,                                     plunges into the dark corners of his thoughts.
                       the seemingly peaceful place starts to prove deceptive to
                       the viewer – while the cows end their day as it began.

                       Zufall / Coincidence, Thaïs Odermatt, Switzerland / Germany, 2016,                           Valet Noir / Blackjack, Lora Mure-Ravaud, Switzerland, 2017,
                       05:53min, Documentary                                                                        22:32min, Fiction
                       When does coincidence begin in every human being’s life?                                     Leila, singularly androgynous, works at a casino, a
                       An essayistic reflection on the meaning of coincidence.                                      predominantly male environment. A croupier at night, she
                                                                                                                    returns to her hotel room early in the morning. Camil, who
                                                                                                                    occupies the room next to hers, spends his days alone,
                                                                                                                    disappears at dawn and returns at nightfall. Gradually, a
                                                                                                                    mutual and silent attraction develops.
                       Bonobo, Zoel Aeschbacher, Switzerland / Germany, 2017, 20:00min,
                       Félix, Ana and Seydoux live in the same social housing
                       without knowing each other. The three characters seem
                       linked by one element: The building’s dilapidated elevator,
                       an infernal machine leading them to an inescapable, tragic
Diskurs Europa: Fokus Schweiz 1 - Wo wir hingehören Discourse Europe: Focus Switzerland 1 - Where We Belong
Diskurs Europa: Fokus Schweiz 2 – There and Back Again – Secondos’ Tales
Discourse Europe: Focus Switzerland 2 – There and Back Again – Secondos’ Tales
Als Zeichen einer funktionierenden Integrationspolitik kann man als Beispiel den Helvetismus «Secondo» oder «Seconda» nennen,
der als durchaus positiv konnotierter Sammelbegriff steht für Kinder von Migrant*innen, die in der Schweiz geboren wurden oder
den größten Teil ihres Lebens hier verbracht haben. Fünf Filme von Secondos und Secondas, die in der Schweiz aufgewachsen oder
für das Studium hierhergekommen sind, geben Einblick ins Landesinnere und den Alltag von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund
und Ausblicke auf eine zweite Heimat außerhalb der Schweiz.
As a sign of a functioning integration policy, the Helvetism "Secondo" or "Seconda" can be cited as an example. This is a collective
term with positive connotations for the children of migrants born in Switzerland or who have spent most of their lives here. Five
films by secondos and secondas who grew up in Switzerland or came here for their studies provide an insight into the interior of the
country and the everyday life of people with a migration background and perspectives on a second home outside Switzerland.

                    Kanton Yugoslavia / Little Yugoslavia, Nikola Ilić, Switzerland, 2013,           Man kann nicht alles auf einmal tun, aber alles auf einmal lassen /
                    16:22min, Documentary                                                            You Can't Do Everything at Once, but You Can Leave Everything at
                    A multifaceted portrait of a motley group of people from ex-                     Once, Marie-Elsa Sgualdo, Switzerland, 2013, 15:26min, Fiction
                    Yugoslavia who immigrated to Switzerland. But have they                          Memories of a life, skilfully combined from found footage.
                    truly arrived? As much as they might praise the advantages                       Broken down into chapters, the film reveals family secrets
                    of living here, they have kept their traditions of old and live a                bit by bit and makes them form a seemingly autobiographic
                    life of nostalgia in their own separate canton, LITTLE                           story between fiction and documentary. It all began on a
                    YUGOSLAVIA.                                                                      couch...
                    La Vague / The Wave, Irene Muñoz Martin, Switzerland, 2014,                      Edmund u Knezevcu / Free State of Edmund, Luka Popadić,
                    13:08min, Fiction                                                                Switzerland / Serbia, 2012, 22:44min, Documentary
                    On 20 November 1975 during the World Championships in                            In the 1980s, the Swiss lawyer Edmund Schönenberger
                    Rhythmic Gymnastics in Madrid, the Spanish dictator                              fought together with the Zurich Lawyers’ Collective for a
                    Franco died. On the basis of private and archival photos, the                    better world. Embittered by Swiss "pseudo-democracy",
                    film tells the story of a gymnast who is the mother of the                       he starts a new existence in the Serb province and
                    filmmaker and questions the writing of history, as indeed of                     continues to swim against the current.
                    Spain’s collective memory.
                    Mama Rosa, Dejan Barac, Switzerland, 2019, 19:47min, Documentary

                    The filmmaker gives us a glimpse into the life of his mother.
                    Rosa is from Croatia and has lived in Switzerland for many
                    years with her husband, who needs nursing. She takes care
                    of everything. Her grown-up children want to move out to
                    escape from the oppressive atmosphere at home. Rosa is left
Diskurs Europa: Fokus Schweiz 1 - Wo wir hingehören Discourse Europe: Focus Switzerland 1 - Where We Belong
Retrospektive: Regisseurinnen in der DDR 1 – Vom Aufbegehren
Retrospective: Female Directors in East Germany (GDR) 1 – On Rebellion
Die Frage, ob Filme von Frauen anders sind, beschäftigt zurzeit viele. Dass sie von denjenigen, die die Filmgeschichte
schreiben, zumeist übersehen wurden, ist indes gewiss. Das gilt auch für die Regisseurinnen aus der DDR. Ihre Filme, die
vergessen, kaum gezeigt oder gar verboten wurden, werden nun endlich erschlossen. Die Geschichte des unabhängigen,
experimentellen Films in der DDR ist hingegen eine andere, die es gleichermaßen beim FILMFEST DRESDEN zu entdecken gilt.

The question of whether women's films are different is currently preoccupying many. It is certain, however, that they have mostly
been overlooked by those who write film history. This also applies to the female directors from the GDR. Their films, which were
forgotten, hardly shown or even banned, are finally being catalogued. The history of independent, experimental film in the GDR, on
the other hand, is a different one, which is equally worth discovering at FILMFEST DRESDEN.

                    Aufbruch / Resurrection, Annelie Thorndike, East Germany (GDR),                 Ramona, Sibylle Schönemann, East Germany (GDR), 1979, 50:00min,
                    1985, 26:00min, Documentary                                                     Fiction
                    In the film, Dresden’s flourishing period, as well as its                       Ramona, a cheeky teenager, believes she has finally found
                    destruction and re-emergence are reconstructed using                            her "procreator", a baker, in a village in Brandenburg. He is
                    historic photographs; a propaganda film in terms of its style,                  sceptical, but he even takes his leather jacket out of the
                    yet which is borne by an honest goal.                                           closet for her. The improvised dialogue accords the film a
                                                                                                    lightness and humour.

                    Marx-Familie / Marx Family, Helke Misselwitz, East Germany (GDR),               Strukturen und Film / Structures and Film, Christine Schlegel, East
                    1988, 06:00min, Documentary                                                     Germany (GDR), 1985, 08:00min, Experimental
                    Helke Misselwitz talks about Karl Marx the person and his                       Everything becomes a surface: Clothes, bodies, even the
                    family from the time in London when he lived in poverty.                        film footage itself. The material from differing actions is
                    Accompanied by: Images from the demolition of a building.                       painted, scratched and re-encoded. The graphic
                    The Kinobox contribution was banned and could only first                        intrusions surround their objects. Anxiety ensues.
                    be screened five years later.

                    David und Goliath / David and Goliath, Sabine Meienreis, East
                    Germany (GDR), 1981, 05:00min, Animation
                    In this gem, David and Goliath act as abstract planes
                    consisting of coloured tissue paper, cavorting with and
                    against each other. Letters start to play madly,
                    accompanied by the sounds of overexcited vocalists.
Diskurs Europa: Fokus Schweiz 1 - Wo wir hingehören Discourse Europe: Focus Switzerland 1 - Where We Belong
Retrospektive: Regisseurinnen in der DDR 2 – Neue Frauen braucht das Land
Retrospective: Female Directors in East German GDR 2 – The Country Needs New Women
Die Frage, ob Filme von Frauen anders sind, beschäftigt zurzeit viele. Dass sie von denjenigen, die die Filmgeschichte schreiben, zumeist
übersehen wurden, ist indes gewiss. Das gilt auch für die Regisseurinnen aus der DDR. Ihre Filme, die vergessen, kaum gezeigt oder gar verboten
wurden, werden nun endlich erschlossen. Die Geschichte des unabhängigen, experimentellen Films in der DDR ist hingegen eine andere, die es
gleichermaßen beim FILMFEST DRESDEN zu entdecken gilt.
.The question of whether women's films are different is currently preoccupying many. It is certain, however, that they have mostly been
 overlooked by those who write film history. This also applies to the female directors from the GDR. Their films, which were forgotten, hardly
 shown or even banned, are finally being catalogued. The history of independent, experimental film in the GDR, on the other hand, is a different
 one, which is equally worth discovering at FILMFEST DRESDEN.
                      Anziehendes / Alluring Attire, Lisette Mahler, East Germany (GDR),                      Dachdeckerfamilie aus Frankfurt/Oder / Roofer Family from
                      1955, 15:00min, Documentary                                                             Frankfurt/Oder, Nina Freudenberg, East Germany (GDR), 1981,
                                                                                                              10:00min, Documentary
                      Fashion was really not one of the strengths of the GDR, yet it
                      was tirelessly advertised. Lisette Mahler describes the                                 Because Erich Honecker was once a roofer, this trade was
                      nightmare of every woman: The dress she has just bought                                 always accorded particular attention. Not only do the pair
                      can suddenly be seen everywhere in the city. Which happens                              of roofers in this Kinobox contribution have a large and
                      when a woman buys "off the peg". .                                                      robust family, but even half of the town beneath them.

                      Sie / She, Gitta Nickel, East Germany (GDR), 1971, 30:0min,                             Aktfotografie, z. B. Gundula Schulze / Nude Portraits – Gundula
                      Documentary                                                                             Schulze, Helke Misselwitz, East Germany (GDR), 1983, 12:00min,
                      In the state-owned VEB Treffmodelle textile mill, Gitta
                                                                                                              The photographer Gundula Schulze reflects on stereotypical
                      Nickel asks women about equal opportunities, their plans
                                                                                                              views of nude photography, which she contrasts with
                      for the future and social pressure. They give surprisingly
                                                                                                              counter-models. This is underscored in parallel with
                      frank answers. The camerawork and editing have
                                                                                                              everyday scenes of check-out ladies in a supermarket,
                      something exhilarating about them, inspired by the spirit of
                                                                                                              whose lives are concerned by completely different things.
                      the 1960s.
                                                                                                              Treibhaus / Under Pressure, Christine Schlegel, East Germany (GDR),
                      Meta Morfoss, Monika Anderson, East Germany (GDR), 1979,                                1985, 12:0min, Experimental
                      16:00min, Animation
                                                                                                              Christine Schlegel worked together many times with the
                      Meta Morfoss is a credit to her name. Depending on her
                                                                                                              congenial performer Fine Kwiatkowski, who knows how to
                      mood, she can turn into an angel, an animal or even the
                                                                                                              create connections with the most diverse materials in her
                      other gender. Childhood as a place of freedom. The literary
                                                                                                              disconcerting expressive dances.
                      source is from Peter Hacks.

                      Sieben Rechte des Zuschauers / The Seven Rights of a Viewer, Marion
                      Rasche / Peter Mißbach, East Germany (GDR), 1980, 02:00min,
                      Reverence for the artist, no way! The film mercilessly takes
                      the side of the viewers. Their reactions in the cinema
                      auditorium truly affirms that which is cinema: Crying,
                      laughing and sleeping together...
Diskurs Europa: Fokus Schweiz 1 - Wo wir hingehören Discourse Europe: Focus Switzerland 1 - Where We Belong
Animated 1: How dare you?
Das Animationsprogramm setzt sich mit dem Trauma auseinander, das wir unserem Planeten zugefügt haben und trotz engagierter Initiativen
einer jungen Generation auch weiterhin ungebremst tun. Unser Gastkurator, der Animationskünstler David Buob, beleuchtet das Thema mit
seinen ausgewählten Filmen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven - philosophisch, kapitalismuskritisch, politisch, zornig.

This animation programme deals with the trauma we have inflicted on our planet and continue to do so unabated despite the committed
initiatives of a young generation. Our guest curator, the animation artist David Buob, illuminates the topic with his selected films from various
perspectives - philosophical, critical of capitalism, political, angry.

                    Insect Bite, Grace Nayoon Rhee, USA, 2015, 02:29min, Animation                          Der Apfel / The Apple, Kurt Weiler, East Germany (GDR), 1969, 14:00min,
                                                                                                            The history of knowledge began with the apple that was
                    A tiny bug tries to figure out what it wants to be.                                     nibbled despite it being forbidden. The scientifically minded
                                                                                                            person causes progress continuously, with revolution
                                                                                                            following upon revolution.

                    Instinkt / Instinct, Rao Heidmets, Estonia, 2003, 10:05min, Animation                   Thermostat 6, Maya Av-Ron / Mylène Cominotti / Marion Coudert /
                                                                                                            Sixtine Dano, France, 2018, 04:48min, Animation

                    A film about what happens when the creator loses control over                           Diane cannot ignore the leak coming from the ceiling above
                    their creation and it starts to obey its own will.                                      the family dinner anymore…

                    Totem, Caleb Wood, USA , 2014, 02:09min, Animation                                      Second Hand, Isaac King, Canada, 2012, 07:35min, Animation

                                                                                                            The term "second hand" refers to the ticking hand on a clock; it
                    Caleb Wood is an animation artist and is most interested in the                         also describes re-used items. Would you rather save time? Or
                    dynamism of the mundane and overlooked, as well as of the                               save stuff? This film examines the imbalance and waste
                    abstract, and all things moving. A celebration of animal.                               created by these modern obsessions.

                    Kuhina / Swarming, Joni Männistö, Finland, 2011, 07:18min, Animation                    Ça Mouille ! / It’s Wet !, Alexis Godard / Nan Huang, France, 2018,
                                                                                                            07:20min, Animation

                    A child discovers life in a dead bird and starts to play with it.                       A young woman enjoys everything, in ignorance of the world
                                                                                                            around her, until she reaches the limits of her own self-esteem.

                    Taxonomy, Karen Aqua, USA, 2011, 04:08min, Animation                                    The Pride of Strathmoor, Einar Baldvin, USA / Iceland, 2014, 08:33min,
                    The animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms reside in a state                            A hand-drawn animated film set in the US State of Georgia in
                    of constant flux. Through the metaphor of transformation, this                          1927. Framed around the journals of pastor John Deitman, the
                    film explores the themes of malleability, instability and                               film details Deitman’s persecution of the local black
                    interconnectedness.                                                                     population and chronicles his descent into madness.
Diskurs Europa: Fokus Schweiz 1 - Wo wir hingehören Discourse Europe: Focus Switzerland 1 - Where We Belong
Animated 2: Afterlife
Willkommen, Fremder! Hier gelten ein paar Regeln. Wir werden persönlich. Wir haben keine Angst vor Traurigkeit. Wir sind hier,
um über Dramen zu sprechen, aber wir sind nicht hier, um Euch zu verletzen. Wir werden darüber nachdenken, ob ein Leben nach
den Traumata der Vergangenheit möglich ist und ein Leben mit all unseren Zukunftsängsten!

Welcome, stranger! There are a few rules here. We get personal. We're not afraid of sadness. We're here to talk about drama, but
we're not here to hurt you. We will think about whether life after the traumas of the past is possible as well as a life with all our
fears in the future!

                     Balcony, Dávid Dell'Edera, Hungary, 2016, 06:18min, Animation                    Dom / Home, Agnieszka Borowa, Poland, 2015, 14:22min, Animation

                     Another unbearably hot dog day on the estate. The still air is                   Home is a place. A family. A history. Relationships. A memory
                     so thick you could cut it with a knife. Some game or other is                    that forms a person. This is a story about a girl coming back
                     being played to kill the time. Shadows wander and sweat                          home. This visit brings a storm of chaotic, difficult
                     flows. For crying out loud!                                                      memories. In order to leave this place for good, she must
                                                                                                      confront her past.

                     Les Journaux de Lipsett / Lipsett Diaries, Théodore Ushev, Canada,               5 Ans Après la Guerre / Five Years After the War, Samuel Albaric /
                     2010, 14:03min, Animation                                                        Martin Wiklund / Ulysse Lefort, France, 2017, 16:39min, Animation /
                     The film depicts the maelstrom of anguish that tormented
                                                                                                      How does one grow up between an absent Iraqi father and a
                     Arthur Lipsett, a Canadian experimental filmmaker who
                                                                                                      pervasive Jewish mother? Tossed around by the great
                     died at the age of 49. His descent into depression and
                                                                                                      upheavals of the modern times, Tim tries as hard as he can
                     madness is explored through a series of images and sounds
                                                                                                      to find his place in the world.
                     taken from Lipsett’s own work.

                                                                                                      Icebergs, Eirini Vianelli, USA / Greece, 2017, 09:00min, Animation
                     Žltá / Yellow, Ivana Šebestová, Slovakia, 2017, 06:45min, Animation

                                                                                                      Based on the book "Scenes" by the award-winning
                     The metaphoric story of the young opera singer Viola.
                                                                                                      screenwriter Efthymis Filippou (THE KILLING OF A SACRED
                     Scared of everything yellow, sunny and spontaneous, she
                                                                                                      DEAR), ICEBERGS is an existential, dark comedy consisting of
                     hides herself in sad, violet shadows. Will she find her way to
                                                                                                      14 short vignettes, ranging from the mundane to the absurd.

                     Oskolok / The Shrapnel, Dmitry Ivanov, Russia, 2016, 04:10min,

                     A soldier who was wounded in war returned home where
                     his mother was waiting for him.
Diskurs Europa: Fokus Schweiz 1 - Wo wir hingehören Discourse Europe: Focus Switzerland 1 - Where We Belong
Fokus Québec: Singularité Plurielle
Focus Québec: Singularité Plurielle
Québec ist ein Land der Möglichkeiten. Ein fruchtbarer Ort voller Geschichten. Diese bemerkenswerten, komplexen,
gleichsam universellen Filme erzählen von der Provinz eines Landes (nah oder fern) und seiner Bewohner*innen.
Quebec is a land of opportunity. A fertile place full of stories. These remarkable, complex, yet universal films tell of the
province of a country (near or far) and its inhabitants.

                   Altiplano, Malena Szlam, Canada / Argentina / Chile, 2018, 15:30min,        Cherche Femme Forte / Strong Woman Wanted, Marilyn Cooke,
                   Experimental                                                                Canada, 2019, 15:30min, Fiction, German Premiere
                   Artist and filmmaker Malena Szlam upends properties of                      Nadège lacks the confidence to get what she wants from
                   light, time, form and colour to create a daring reinvention of              life... until the day she discovers a new passion that awakens
                   the landscape study, one that transforms the geological                     the beast inside her.
                   universe of the Andes Mountains into a space both ancient
                   and wholly alien.

                   Jarvik, Emilie Mannering, Canada, 2019, 19:30min, Fiction, German           Terres Fantômes / Ghost Lands, Félix Lamarche, Canada, 2019,
                   Premiere                                                                    19:19min, Experimental, German Premiere
                   As the summer nears its end, Léa desperately needs some                     In the 1970s, a new planning policy forced residents of
                   room to breathe. However, her brother’s mechanical heart                    several villages in the interior of Gaspésie to leave their
                   constantly reminds her that life hangs by a thread.                         homes and move to the coast. Félix Lamarche explores
                                                                                               the consequences of this brutal, disturbing event.

                   Les Évaporés / The Evaporated People, Yann-Manuel Hernandez,
                   Canada, 2019, 17:38min, Fiction
                   On 1 August 2008, Marc B. was seen for the last time near
                   Dorwin Falls in Rawdon. He vanished without leaving a
                   trace, like thousands of others around the world. They are
                   called "Johatsu", the Evaporated.
Diskurs Europa: Fokus Schweiz 1 - Wo wir hingehören Discourse Europe: Focus Switzerland 1 - Where We Belong
Balkan Shorts: Home Is Where I Dance And Drink Rakija

Auf dem Balkan haben die Menschen ein ganz besonderes Verhältnis zu "ihrer" Musik. Es ist mehr als nur Blasmusik und
Dudelsack. Sie gehört zum Leben dazu, ob man sie nun mag oder nicht. Tradition trifft auf neue Lebensformen, Brauch auf
Moderne. Doch eins steht fest: Kein Volksfest ohne Kolo. Und erst recht nicht ohne Rakija.

People in the Balkans have a very special relationship to "their" music. It is more than just brass music and bagpipes. It is part
of life, whether you like it or not. Tradition meets new ways of life, custom meets modernity. But one thing is certain: no folk
festival without Kolo. And certainly not without rakija.

                    Halo, München / Hallo, Munich, Krsto Papić, Yugoslavia , 1968,                  O Noapte in Tokorika / A Night in Tokoriki, Roxana Stroe, Romania,
                    13:00min, Documentary                                                           2016, 18:00min, Fiction
                    Routine life in the Dalmatian hinterland changes with the                      It is Geanina’s 18th birthday and the whole village is there.
                    arrival of returning guest workers and the things they bring                   The neon palm is lit up and the DJ is wearing his golden
                    along: Cars, radios and new ways of life.                                      shirt. Alin and his friends ride up in style and take over the
                                                                                                   dance floor. But Alin seems to have something on his mind.

                    Paparuda, Lucia Lupu, Moldova, 2016, 15:00min, Fiction                          Rakijada, Nikola Ilić, Switzerland / Serbia, 2016, 19:00min,
                    In a village hit by drought, Dumitru starts a quest for water.                 On the schnapps Olympics within the Serbian soul. An
                    Ioana, the girl who accompanies him on this pursuit, is a                      exhilarating film from a village of resistance fighters.
                    silent witness to the baseness of people they meet on their

                    Deep Violet, Iglika Triffonova, Bulgaria, 2008, 06:38min,                       Boban i Marko Marković Orkestar: Sljivovica, Gerry Bassin, Serbia,
                    Documentary                                                                     2011, 03:24min, music video
                    In front of the microphone in a bar on the outskirts of Sofia,
                    Dessy, a singer who cannot see and never could, tells a story                  Sljivovica, flashy cars, BBQ meat and brass – it doesn’t get
                    of happiness, fear, hope, dreams and her unbiased vision of                    more cliché than this. A music video by one of the most
                    the world around us.                                                           successful orchestras from the Balkans. Get up, drink and
Diskurs Europa: Fokus Schweiz 1 - Wo wir hingehören Discourse Europe: Focus Switzerland 1 - Where We Belong
Happiness Machine
Gutes tun, vielleicht sogar die Welt zum Guten zu verändern: Diesen idealistischen Versuch unternimmt das Projekt "Happiness Machine“. Es
besteht aus 10 eigenwilligen, skurrilen, spielerischen, politischen, vor allem aber musikalischen Kurzfilmen – allesamt von Regisseurinnen
geschaffen. Alles kreist in ihrem Filmen um die Frage: Wie wollen wir leben? Wie können wir eine gerechtere Gesellschaft schaffen?

Doing good, maybe even changing the world for the better: This idealistic attempt is being made by the Happiness Machine project. It consists of
10 idiosyncratic, bizarre, playful, political, but above all musical short films - all created by women directors. Everything in their films revolves
around the question: How do we want to live? How can we create a fairer society?

                    Die Flunder / The Flounder, Elizabeth Hobbs, UK / Austria, 2019,                           Generator/Operator, Andrea Schneider, Switzerland / Austria, 2019,
                    06:31min, Animation                                                                        06:00min, Animation
                    A fisherman and his wife live in a hovel. One day the fisherman                            Translating the ideas of cooperation, trust, sharing and
                    catches an enchanted fish. The man tells his wife of the strange                           solidarity into separate working microcosms that run in an
                    incident, and they decide to ask the fish to use its powers and                            endless loop.
                    improve their circumstances.

                    Hierarchy Glitch, Vessela Dantcheva, Bulgaria / Austria, 2019, 06:25min,                   The Happiness Machine, Ana Nedeljković, Serbia / Austria, 2019,
                    Animation,                                                                                 07:00min, Animation

                    Visual patterns are tied up in hierarchical behaviour that                                 A simulation of a non-existent video game concerned with the
                    restrains the full potential and mobility of each individual                               business practices of a company which at first sight seems
                    element until the matrix collapses.                                                        ideal.

                                                                                                               Lickalike, Rebecca Blöcher, Germany, 2019, 08:00min, Animation /
                    Music Box, Joanna Kożuch, Slovakia / Austria, 2019, 05:30min,                              Experimental
                                                                                                               Someone disappears from the scene and a tree is upside down.
                    Acrobats are trying to create a perfect pyramid from human                                 In search of the roots, people are torn from their usual order
                    bodies. One of them hurts his arm and the pyramid tumbles                                  and reassembled. While connections are made in the dark,
                    down. The ringmaster has three possibilities for solving the                               elsewhere a woman tries on the primordial soup and ends up
                    situation.                                                                                 in a system of people circling around themselves.

                    Pantopos, Eni Brandner, Austria / Slovakia, 2019, 08:00min, Animation                      Vermessung der Distanz / Measuring the Distance, Susi Jirkuff, Austria,
                                                                                                               2019, 07:00min, Animation
                    Starting out in a seemingly old-fashioned world of grandeur
                                                                                                               Exploring urban edges as they correspond with the marginality
                    and glamour, PANTOPOS takes us on a journey of discovery to a
                                                                                                               of the social groups who inhabit them.
                    surreal and peculiar place of new and abstract ideas, where
                    nothing is as it used to be.
                    Bloomers, Samantha Moore, UK / Austria / Sweden, 2019, 09:35min,
                    Animation / Documentary                                                                    Suggestion of Least Resistance, Michelle Kranot / Uri Kranot, Denmark /
                                                                                                               Austria, 2019, 05:25min, Animation
                    Animated fabric brings the story of a lingerie factory in Manchester to
                    life. Silk, cotton and lace go under the camera, as the workers recount                    “Riot: by definition a violent disruption of the existing order.” A
                    the history of Headen & Quarmby, the UK garment manufacturing                              dazzling, poetic and political audiovisual trip on the notion of
                    industry, and British family traditions of making.                                         the individual versus the historic.
Diskurs Europa: Fokus Schweiz 1 - Wo wir hingehören Discourse Europe: Focus Switzerland 1 - Where We Belong
Seriously, WTF?: Let’s Be Evil!

Wir sind wieder da! Nach unserem letztjährigen Höhenflug in die Sphären filmischer SciFi-Abenteuer begeben wir uns in diesem
Jahr in die tiefsten Abgründe der menschlichen Seele. Wieviel Blut verträgt ein Mensch und was hat ein Haarwuchsmittel mit all
dem zu tun? Und überhaupt, kann man das mit Spargel essen? Es wird hochgradig böse und gemein. Großartig!

We're back! After last year's flight into the spheres of cinematic SciFi adventures, this year we are heading into the deepest
abysses of the human soul. How much blood can a person tolerate and what does hair growth have to do with all of this?
Anyways, can you eat this with asparagus? It will be very evil and mean. Great!

                   Retch, Keir Siewert, UK, 2018, 04:20min, Fiction                             Bad Hair, Oskar Lehemaa, Estonia , 2019, 14:28min, Fiction

                   Have you ever felt unwell in your own skin? Well, that is                    If you ever thought about getting rid of that awkwardly
                   certainly nothing compared to the protagonist's feelings. So,                looking bald spot on your head, you might wanna
                   here is a little example of what to do if you feel really                    reconsider after this intense journey into the dark alleys of
                   miserable.                                                                   male vanity. Luscious locks come at a price you may not be
                                                                                                prepared to pay.

                   Wild Will, Alan King, Australia, 2019, 12:57min, Fiction                     Altitude, Nicole Scherer, Austria, 2019, 10:58min, Fiction

                   When your friend returns from a space mission and is                         Did you know that certain heights mess with your brain?
                   staring at you in dead silence, we recommend not talking to                  Seriously! Don't go up there if you're not sure about your
                   him. Just leave him be and don't ask stupid questions. This                  mental health because romance might not be the only thing
                   film will let you know why.                                                  that dies up there.

                   Nox Insomnia, Guy Charnaux, Brazil, 2019, 07:54min, Animation,               Asparagus Tips, Sam Bailey, UK, 2019, 04:11min, Fiction
                   German Premiere
                   Imagine the most unimaginable place you'd never go to and                    One finally receives that coveted dinner invitation. Time to
                   you'll still be very far from this disturbing experience we're               make new friends. But what happens when the host burns
                   about to take you through. We just hope nobody has ever                      the starter? Not suitable for vegans!
                   experienced this in their lives.
Regionaler Fokus 1: Mitteldeutsche Filmnacht
Regional Focus 1: Regional Film Night
Regionale Filmschaffende wagen sich in diesem Jahr wieder auf die große Bühne. Sie stellen in einer langen Nacht ihre aktuellen
Arbeiten vor, bringen das Publikum zum Lachen und rühren es zu (Freuden-)Tränen. Im Anschluss entscheiden die Zuschauer*innen
als wohl strengste Jury des Festivals, wer den mit 2.000 Euro dotierten Publikumspreis mit nach Hause nehmen darf.
This year, regional filmmakers are venturing onto the big stage again. During a long night they will present their current works,
make the audience laugh and move them to tears (of joy). Afterwards, the audience, probably the strictest jury of the festival, will
decide who can take home the Audience Award, which is endowed with 2,000 euros.
                    Fantasmia, Luise Fiedler, Germany, 2019, 07:20min, Animation,                    Lychen 92, Constanze Klaue, Germany, 2019, 29:59min, Fiction
                    German Premiere

                    Spasms and cries that echo through the night announce the                        Germany 1992: Mo has to spend the holidays with his family
                    presence of a new being. She says it is going to be a                            on the campground in Brandenburg. The new system and
                    masterpiece.                                                                     the brutal swimming lessons from his father have left their

                    Interstate 8, Anne Thieme, Germany / USA, 2019, 15:00min, Fiction                Das Anrecht auf Zerfall / The Right to Fall Apart, Rika Tarigan,
                                                                                                     Germany / Egypt, 2019, 03:50min, Animation

                    In the southern United States, two young women meet by                           An experimental poetry film that attempts to depict the
                    chance in the back of a police car and, without saying a                         struggles of a body encumbered with depression and
                    word, experience the injustice hovering over them.                               anxiety. It explores how we navigate the heaviness of
                                                                                                     emotional and mental distress.

                                                                                                     Wir sprechen heute noch Deutsch / And We Still Speak German
                    Tithonos & die Göttin der Morgenröte / Tithonos & the Goddess of                 Today, Miguel Ferráez / Clara Winter, Germany / Mexico, 2019,
                    Dawn, Jörg Weidner, Germany, 2019, 13:06min, Animation
                                                                                                     16:16min, Experimental
                    The Goddess of Dawn is cursed to love mortals. She wants                         Based on the integration course "Living in Germany", the
                    one of her lovers – the Trojan prince Tithonos – to stay at her                  project contrasts the values and jokes conveyed in the
                    side forever and he is granted immortality from Zeus.                            lessons with the scenery that dominates the image of
                    Unfortunately, she forgot to ask for eternal youth as well.                      Germany abroad.

                    Der Ruf / The Call, Karl-Friedrich König, Germany, 2019, 21:44min,
                    Fiction, World Premiere
                    Steffen and Ben are missionaries going throughout the
                    godless land of eastern Germany. They are followers of an
                    evangelical denomination and off to make Jesus known in
                    the rural villages. They pair Bible-believing strictness with
                    teenage slang and Christian hip hop.
Regionaler Fokus 2: Von Borna bis Shibuya – Sachsen im Spiegel seines audiovisuellen Erbes
Regional Focus 2: From Borna to Shibuya – Saxony Reflected in its Audio-Visual Heritage
Zusammen mit dem Filmverband Sachsen und der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden
präsentiert das FILMFEST DRESDEN digital wachgeküsste Filmschätze aus den Archiven, eindrucksvolle Zeitdokumente aus 100
Jahren sächsischer Geschichte mit Baumkuchen, Halbstarken, Tanz und frischem Atem.
In collaboration with the Film Association of Saxony and the Saxon State Library - Dresden State and University Library, FILMFEST
DRESDEN presents digitally awoken film treasures from the archives, impressive contemporary documents from 100 years of Saxon
history with ‘Baumkuchen’, beatniks, dance and fresh breath.

                    Odol-Werbespots / Odol Commercials, West Germany (FRG), 1960,                  Privataufnahmen von Auslandskonzertreisen der Dresdner
                    01:55min, promotional film                                                     Staatskapelle (Kompilation) / Private Recordings of Foreign Concert
                                                                                                   Trips by the Dresden State Orchestra (Compilation), East Germany
                    Three slightly psychedelic commercials for popular Odol                        (GDR), 1956, 15:00min, Documentary
                    oral hygiene products. "Throughout the world at first" – but
                    with confidence in the era of space exploration.                               On foreign concert trips, the conductor of the Dresden State
                                                                                                   Orchestra captured much on 8mm footage that was
                                                                                                   radically different to everyday life in the GDR: Soviet
                                                                                                   relations and Western normality.
                    Wachsen uns unsere Kinder über den Kopf? / Are Our Children                    Drehscheibe Dresden (Kompilation) / Dresden Hub (Compilation),
                    Outgrowing Us?, East Germany (GDR), 1962, 05:00min, Audio only                 René Falkner / Marina Kem / Udo Kühn a. o., Germany, 1995,
                                                                                                   12:00min, Documentary
                    A talk by a doctor: Due to the tumultuous advances over the
                    last 50 years, the physical development of young people is                     Overview in the maze of prices: A semi-digital agency
                    racing ahead of their mental and emotional one. This                           provides help – Saxony invites a dictator – sporting descent
                    disharmony is expressed in the term "rowdy".                                   and economic ascent – independent, Barbie, ball: the 7th
                                                                                                   FILMFEST DRESDEN.

                    Dny Zwjazanosće. Wobrazy ze Zjězda Serbow / Unity Days. Footage                450 Jahre Marienberg 1521–1971 / 450 Years of Marienberg 1521 to
                    from Sorb Folk Gathering, East Germany (GDR), 1956, 05:00min,                  1971, Wilfried Gester / Fritz Wagler, East Germany (GDR), 1971,
                    Documentary                                                                    08:00min, Documentary

                    The start of a film report about female Sorbians in July 1956                  "My town… is not a city, but it’s not small either." An
                    rambling through the centre of Bautzen in traditional dress                    amateur camera team presents Marienberg in the Ore
                    and causing a stir.                                                            Mountains during the GDR. At times hymnal, at other times
                                                                                                   honest and roguish.

                    Dokumentacija Ludowych Rejow: Reje z Hochozy / Documentation                   Konditorei und Konzertkaffeehaus Robert Haussmann Borna bei
                    of Folk Dances: Dances in Hochoza, East Germany (GDR), 1959,                   Leipzig / Robert Haussmann Confectionery and Concert Coffeehouse
                    06:19min, Documentary                                                          in Borna near Leipzig, German Reich, 1926, 05:14min, promotional

                    An ethnological documentation on an ethereal cultural                          The Haussmann Confectionery – an institution at the gates
                    heritage: An older Sorbian lady performs a folk dance from                     of Leipzig. The tinted film presents the pyramid cake
                    the region between the wood pile and the watchdog.                             production, cultivated concert amusements and, last but
                                                                                                   not least, the "Bornaer Zwiebel" chocolate speciality.
Experimente: Störfall im Kraftwerk der Gefühle
Experiments: Malfunction in the Powerhouse of Feelings
Der Schwerpunkt des diesjährigen Experimente-Programms liegt auf Found-Footage-Filmen. Es sind Collagen, Mash-ups oder Remixe, die aus
vergessenen oder verloren geglaubten Filmen bestehen. Die Bilder werden zu neuem Leben erweckt und in einen neuen poetischen
Zusammenhang gebracht, sie schaffen ekstatische Wahrheiten und surreale Zeitbilder. Sie bringen uns zum Lachen und verführen uns zum
This year's experimental programme focuses on found footage films. These are collages, mash-ups or remixes consisting of forgotten or lost films.
The images are brought to new life and placed in a new poetic context, creating ecstatic truths and surreal images of time. They make us laugh
and seduce us to dance.
                       Little Lower Than The Angels, NEOZOON Art Collective, Germany,                          Ekstase, Marion Kellmann, Germany, 2019, 11:27min, Documentary /
                       2019, 13:14min, Documentary / Experimental                                              Experimental
                       The found footage film explores the relationship between                                A montage of scenes from silent films. Based on similar
                       religion and speciesism. The main focus is on the numerous                              settings and gestures, it explores the stereotype of women
                       YouTube representatives of creationism and the idea that                                on the verge of insanity. The film displays the women as
                       man is the undisputed pinnacle of creation.                                             captives in a continuous cycle of symptoms, diagnosis and

                       Leaking Life, Shunsaku Hayashi, Japan, 2019, 14:27min, Animation,                       Everything You Wanted to Know About Sudden Birth* (*But Were
                       Experimental, German Premiere                                                           Afraid to Ask), Scott Calonico, UK / Germany / USA , 2018, 11:10min,
                                                                                                               Documentary / Experimental
                       Thousands of them are packed in a bag. The hand dragging
                       the bag has never been seen from their angle. The track on                              The amazing story of how the Berkeley police department,
                       sand is easily erased by waves. Touching the surface of the                             the Nazi invasion of the Netherlands, an Academy Award
                       sea, they grow a new skin.                                                              winner and Mr. Spock are all connected by SUDDEN BIRTH,
                                                                                                               one of the most unintentionally hilarious and disturbing
                                                                                                               training films.
                       Mensch Maschine Or Putting Parts Together, Adina Camhy, Austria,                        Displacement, Maxime Corbeil-Perron, Canada, 2019, 08:44min,
                       2019, 07:50min, Documentary / Experimental                                              Animation / Experimental, German Premiere
                       A feminist essayistic film as an audio-visual remix: An                                 An expressionist composition that explores illusions, fear
                       experimental collage of sound and image, sketch-like and                                and wonder through flickers of stop-motion animation,
                       associative. Part cultural studies analysis, and part                                   electroacoustic music and analogue video synthesis.
                       subjective stream of thought.

                       Elvis: Strung Out / Elvis: Strung Out, Mark Oliver, Canada, 2018,                       Cavalcade, Johann Lurf, Austria, 2019, 04:30min, Animation /
                       04:35min, Experimental                                                                  Experimental
                       Through the use of specially composed music and editing,                                Can we believe our eyes? The short films of Johann Lurf
                       an iconic Las Vegas performance by Elvis Presley is                                     explore the enigmatic territory between the real and the
                       transformed into a nightmarish portrait of a superstar in                               perceived, challenging our senses to comprehend visions
                       the grip of an opioid-fuelled rage. All hail the King!                                  and sounds taken from the environment by means of subtle,
                                                                                                               beautiful trompe l’oeil effects.
GOLDEN TIGER – Highlights aus 10 Jahren SHORT TIGER
GOLDEN TIGER – Highlights from 10 Years of the SHORT TIGER
Originell, eigenständig und kurz – das sind Kriterien für einen erfolgreichen Vorfilm. Seit 2011 verleiht eine Expert*innenjury den FFA-Kurzfilmpreis SHORT TIGER an
Filme unter fünf Minuten, um diese einem großen Kinopublikum zu präsentieren. Wir präsentieren die Premiere des Jubiläumsprogramms mit ausgezeichneten
Highlights aus zehn Jahren.
Original, independent and short - these are the criteria for a successful supporting film. Since 2011, a jury of experts has been awarding the FFA Short Film Award
SHORT TIGER to films under five minutes in order to present them to a large cinema audience. We present the premiere of the anniversary programme with excellent
highlights from ten years.

                   Mission „Junge“ / We Have a Mission, Mirjam Orthen, Germany,                                        Carlotta's Face, Valentin Riedl / Frédéric Schuld, Germany, 2018,
                   2011, 00:50min, Documentary                                                                         05:00min, Animation / Documentary

                   Paul is a social media junkie. Steffi likes this.                                                   As a child, Carlotta did not expect the people around her to have
                                                                                                                       faces. She even did not recognise her own. Years later, she learns
                                                                                                                       about a rare untreatable deficiency in her brain.

                   Fest, Nikita Diakur, Germany, 2018, 03:00min, Animation                                             You and Me, Karsten Krause, Germany, 2009, 03:45min,
                   A suburban block party. Rave, drone, BBQ and ice cream. Then a                                      A woman is walking towards her husband's camera for four
                   stunt. YouTube inspired and simulated.                                                              decades. A love story on narrow gauge film.

                   Wer trägt die Kosten? / Who Will Pay the Bill?, Daniel Nocke,                                       Der Storyteller / The Storyteller, Milan Ruben Kappen, Germany,
                   Germany, 2015, 03:50min, Animation                                                                  2013, o1:10min, Fiction / promotional film
                   Three beastly experts provide deep insights into a highly
                                                                                                                       This film tells the story of a man who can't tell stories.
                   explosive subject: Should whoever has the most to eat also pay
                   the least tax?

                    Brand / Ablaze, Jan Koester / Alexander Lahl, Germany, 2019,                                        Die Santa Maria / The Santa Maria, Erik Schmitt, Germany, 2016,
                    05:15min, Animation / Documentary                                                                   4:35min, Fiction
                                                                                                                        A man who receives a treasure map by accident is now looking for
                    When the mayor of a little village decides to receive some forty
                                                                                                                        the treasure. Whilst searching he has to deal with gangsters, a
                    refugees, a wave of dislike and hatred befalls him and his family.
                                                                                                                        devious widow, a corrupt policeman and a pretty policewoman.

                   Megatrick, Anne Isensee, Germany, 2017, 01:46min, Animation                                         Steffi gefällt das / Steffi Likes This, Philipp Scholz, Germany, 2012,
                                                                                                                       04:35min, Fiction
                   A little metaphor about life.
                                                                                                                       Paul is a social media junkie. Steffi likes this.

                   Olgastraße 18, Jörg Rambaum / Liv Scharbatke, Germany, 2011,                                        Our Wonderful Nature – The Common Chameleon, Tomer Eshed,
                   04:06min, Experimental                                                                              Germany, 2016, 03:32min, Animation

                   The story of a flat and its inhabitants.                                                            The feeding habits of the common chameleon as never seen
Critic’s Finest: Manche mögen’s mysteryös
Critic’s Finest: Some Like It Mysteryous
Immer mehr Filme setzen auf das Dunkle, Magische, Gruselige, Mysteriöse. Das gilt schon lange auch für den Kurzfilm.
Beiträge aus Kroatien, Österreich, Spanien, Kanada und Deutschland zeigen, wie tief auch das Kleinformat unter die
Gänsehaut dringen kann.

More and more films are focusing on the dark, magic, creepy, mysterious. This has long been true for the short film as well.
Contributions from Croatia, Austria, Spain, Canada and Germany show how deeply even the small format can get under the

                   Shutter, Ryan Kjolberg, USA, 2018, 04:03min, Fiction                        Wattläufer / Tide, Dennis Jacobsen, Germany, 2005, 20:00min,
                   When a man’s printer begins printing disturbing images of                   Robert lets a cutter skipper drop him off on a lonely Iceland
                   him in his home, he comes to the chilling realisation that he               in the Wadden Sea mud flats. The next morning his duffel
                   is not alone.                                                               bag has disappeared. Is he not alone on the Iceland?

                   Krampus, Christof Pilsl, Germany, 2016, 18:54min, Fiction                   Allerleirauh / Whisper of the Fur-Cones, Anja Struck, Germany, 2004,
                                                                                               08:00min, Animation / Experimental
                   In three different living rooms, parents and children are                   A girl without legs, a dead deer and a man in a fox mask in a
                   waiting for St Nicholas and Krampus. And before the night is                scene of subtle violence. "What is my child doing? How is my
                   over, the innocent ones will get their reward and the guilty                deer? I will come one more time and then never again."
                   their just punishment.

                   Posledny Autobus / The Last Bus, Martin Snopek / Ivana Laučíková,           Madame Tutli-Putli, Chris Lavis / Maciek Szczerbowski, Canada,
                   Slovakia, 2011, 16:00min, Animation                                         2007, 17:00min, Animation
                   It is the start of the hunting season. The animals of the                   Solitary, exhausted and profoundly melancholic: The
                   forest board a small bus and flee to safety.                                anachronistic Madame Tutli-Putli waits patiently to board a
                                                                                               train, surrounded by a lifetime’s worth of personal
                                                                                               belongings. Is she running away from a bleak past?
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