GFQGERMAN FILMS QUARTERLY - DIRECTORS Christian Alvart & Nora Fingscheidt PRODUCERS Jochen Laube & Fabian Maubach of Sommerhaus Filmproduktion ...

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GFQGERMAN FILMS QUARTERLY - DIRECTORS Christian Alvart & Nora Fingscheidt PRODUCERS Jochen Laube & Fabian Maubach of Sommerhaus Filmproduktion ...
GFQ2_19_Druck_ESTA.qxp_Layout 1 30.04.19 16:26 Seite 1

                                                          G E R M A N F I L M S Q U A R T E RLY
  I SSU E 2-2 01 9

                     DIRECTORS Christian Alvart & Nora Fingscheidt
                     PRODUCERS Jochen Laube & Fabian Maubach of Sommerhaus Filmproduktion
                     ACTOR Peter Kurth
GFQGERMAN FILMS QUARTERLY - DIRECTORS Christian Alvart & Nora Fingscheidt PRODUCERS Jochen Laube & Fabian Maubach of Sommerhaus Filmproduktion ...
GFQ2_19_Druck_ESTA.qxp_Layout 1 30.04.19 16:26 Seite 2

    CONTENTS                                                  GFQ 2-2019

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GFQGERMAN FILMS QUARTERLY - DIRECTORS Christian Alvart & Nora Fingscheidt PRODUCERS Jochen Laube & Fabian Maubach of Sommerhaus Filmproduktion ...
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    GFQ 2-2019                                                                                                                                                                               CONTENTS

   IN                                             THIS                                                                           ISSUE
   P O R T R A I TS                                                                                        GRUPPE SPUR – DIE MALER DER ZUKUNFT!
                                                                                                           SPUR – THE PAINTERS OF THE FUTURE!
   UNLEASHING THE DOGS                                                                                     Sabine Zimmer ............................................................................... 34
   A portrait of director Christian Alvart .............................................. 4
                                                                                                           DAS HAUS DER GUTEN GEISTER
   MANY FACES                                                                                              THE HOUSE OF GOOD SPIRITS
   A portrait of director Nora Fingscheidt ............................................ 6                  Marcus Richardt, Lilian Rosa......................................................... 35

   ORIGINALITY IS KEY                                                                                      KENT OZANI – DER STADTSCHREIBER VON ISTANBUL
   A portrait of Sommerhaus Filmproduktion ..................................... 8                         KENT OZANI Dogan Altuner .......................................................... 35
   AGAINST THE GRAIN                                                                                       REAL MEN Hasko Baumann ............................................................ 36
   A portrait of actor Peter Kurth ....................................................... 10
                                                                                                           THINKING LIKE A MOUNTAIN
                                                                                                           Alexander Hick ................................................................................. 36
   NEWS & NOTES ................................................................................ 14
                                                                                                           WALCHENSEE FOREVER
                                                                                                           Janna Ji Wonders ............................................................................ 37
    NEW FEATURES
                                                                                                           WEIL DU NUR EINMAL LEBST – DIE TOTEN HOSEN AUF TOUR
   BAYALA Aina Järvine, Federico Milella ............................................ 19
                                                                                                           DIE TOTEN HOSEN – YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE
                                                                                                           Cordula Kablitz-Post, Paul Dugdale ................................................ 37
   CLEO – IF I COULD TURN BACK TIME Erik Schmitt ..................... 20

   DARKROOM – TÖDLICHE TROPFEN                                                                              NEW SHORTS
   DARKROOM – DROPS OF DEATH Rosa von Praunheim .................. 21
                                                                                                           FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT
   DER FALL COLLINI                                                                                        Nina Fischer, Maroan el Sani ........................................................... 38
   THE COLLINI CASE Marco Kreuzpaintner .................................... 22
   FRAU STERN                                                                                              Sonja Rohleder ................................................................................. 38
   MS. STERN Anatol Schuster .......................................................... 23

   FRITZI – A REVOLUTIONARY TALE                                                                            UPCOMING FILMS
   Ralf Kukula, Matthias Bruhn ......................................................... 24
                                                                                                           DIE BIENE MAJA – DIE GOLDENE KUGEL
   LEIF IN CONCERT – VOL. 2                                                                                Alexs Stadermann, Noel Cleary .................................................... 39
   Christian Klandt ............................................................................. 25
                                                                                                           CORTEX Moritz Bleibtreu ................................................................ 39
   THE LAST BERLINER Gregor Erler ................................................ 26                      DÜNNES BLUT Mehrdad Taheri ....................................................... 39

   NÖ Dietrich Brüggemann .............................................................. 27                FRANKY FIVE STAR Birgit Möller .................................................... 40

   ORAY Mehmet Akif Büyükatalay ....................................................... 28                 DIE HEINZELS – RÜCKKEHR DER HEINZELMÄNNCHEN
                                                                                                           Ute von Münchow-Pohl ................................................................. 40
   ROCCA CHANGES THE WORLD Katja Benrath .............................. 29                                 IGEL LATTE UND DER WASSERSTEIN
                                                                                                           Nina Wels, Regina Welker ............................................................... 40
   Katharina Ludwig ........................................................................... 30         ISI & OSSI Oliver Kienle .................................................................. 41
   UND DER ZUKUNFT ZUGEWANDT                                                                               KATARAKT Alexander Palucki ......................................................... 41
   SEALED LIPS Bernd Böhlich ........................................................ 31
                                                                                                           DAS PERFEKTE GEHEIMNIS
   WAS GEWESEN WÄRE                                                                                        Bora Dagtekin .................................................................................. 41
   WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN Florian Koerner von Gustorf ................. 32
                                                                                                           SCHOKO Sarah Blaßkiewitz ............................................................. 42
    NEW DOCUMENTARIES                                                                              SOMMER MIT BERNHARD (WT)
                                                                                                           Martina Sakova ................................................................................ 42
   DEEPLY MOVED George Inci ........................................................... 33
                                                                                                           STAND UP! Timo Jacobs ................................................................. 42
                                                                                                           Shareholders & Supporters ............................................................ 45
   Hendrik Schäfer .............................................................................. 33

   FORTSCHRITT IM TAL DER AHNUNGSLOSEN                                                                     Film Exporters ................................................................................. 46
   Florian Kunert ................................................................................... 34   Imprint .............................................................................................. 47

GFQGERMAN FILMS QUARTERLY - DIRECTORS Christian Alvart & Nora Fingscheidt PRODUCERS Jochen Laube & Fabian Maubach of Sommerhaus Filmproduktion ...
GFQ2_19_Druck_ESTA.qxp_Layout 1 30.04.19 16:26 Seite 4

    DIRECTOR’S PORTRAIT                                                                                                                GFQ 2-2019

                                                                                                                                                    © Syrreal Entertainment
              ou know you’re onto a good thing          a war with a country when we know it and it’s    internationally popular, entertainment for-

    Y         when the warm-up chat is still
              going great guns 45 minutes in
              and you’ve yet to hit the record
    button! So with apologies and an assurance
    you haven’t missed the best bits, not all of
                                                        people through it’s films.”

                                                        Alvart cites the Iranian film CHILDREN OF
                                                        HEAVEN (MAJID MAJIDI, 1997), in which a
                                                        boy loses his sister’s shoes and then shares
                                                                                                         mats; that people, the characters and thus
                                                                                                         the audience, come first.

                                                                                                         “The JACK RYAN series”, he continues,
                                                                                                         “shows there is more than just Tom Clancy’s
    them anyway, here we go...                          his so they can alternate going to school. “It   own views. Because the serial format allows
                                                        showed me how emotions get transported,          for expansion and explanation, we get to know
    Coming off the phenomenally successful              how hostile images can be dismantled,” he        the characters and are not so quick to con-
    DOGS OF BERLIN, Christian Alvart is happier         explains, “that entertainment can do so much     demn. And this is what DOGS OF BERLIN
    to talk about film rather than his own ones.        more than just entertain: just how powerful it   [his police series for Netflix] meant to
    “The greatest artistic strength of the me-          can be.”                                         me. The figures are looked at with love and
    dium,” he believes, “is its ability to convey em-                                                    empathy. The world building was all about
    pathy to the audience, which reflects it back.      And this is what marks Christian Alvart, who     tension, but I soon realized there had to be
    It gives us the power to walk a mile in some-       made a debut splash with the horror thriller     feeling as well.” And feeling there is.
    one else’s shoes. It can show us how life is for    ANTIBODIES in 2004, as a consummate
    others, it can make people smarter and wiser.       filmmaker, his ability to convey the bigger,     The core idea of DOGS OF BERLIN was a cop
    And, yes, it can even make it harder to start       perhaps the biggest picture of all, within       with a former rightwing background who

GFQGERMAN FILMS QUARTERLY - DIRECTORS Christian Alvart & Nora Fingscheidt PRODUCERS Jochen Laube & Fabian Maubach of Sommerhaus Filmproduktion ...
GFQ2_19_Druck_ESTA.qxp_Layout 1 30.04.19 16:26 Seite 5

    GFQ 2-2019                                                                                                            DIRECTOR’S PORTRAIT

    misses the fighting and companionship. He’s        tell the story. The highest compliment is             Fully accepting that “the future will be
    a gambler who one day stumbles, by accident,       when people watch a film and are entertained          streaming,” Alvart makes the case for co-exi-
    on a crime scene: Germany’s most famous            and understand it even if they don’t speak the        stence between the streaming networks, the
    footballer, one with a migration background,       actual language! Spielberg is a master of this.       cinema and physical media, and admits it will
    dead and the next day Germany plays Turkey!        Also Luc Besson! My two masters! NIKITA, LE           be a balancing act. “Who controls which ver-
    “He’s the guy on which the whole social-           GRAND BLEU and LEON, they are perfect.”               sion, even whether it will be available? ANTI-
    political-sporting discussion is turning and                                                             BODIES is on Amazon Prime. It was filmed in
    he’s dead!”, Alvart, who has a solid TATORT        And now the dreaded ‘B’-word: backstory!              Cinemascope and they have the squeezed
    background and loves what Germans call             “It’s a curse!”, Alvart avers. “It’s the most un-     version! I didn’t even know till someone wrote
    ‘Krimis’, explains. “Football’s close to a reli-   interesting of everything! Many books and             to me!”
    gion and the city will explode if this gets out!   films function by showing a situation and the
    Plus, the lead guy can place some bets and         backstory is withheld, which we then learn as         “Amazon has new guidelines so many queer
    win big, too!” But then a second cop arrives,      the film plays.” And then, more excitedly: “I         films are no longer available: algorithms tag
    a Turkish-German. He’s “good for the politi-       want to see the film of the backstory if they         them as offensive. Tarantino and Nolan are
    cians,” Alvart continues, “gay and Left-liberal,   consider that more important!” Calming                trying to save 35mm film so there is at least
    so not your classic Turkish cliché!”               down, but just a little: “It also reduces the         one copy in existence, even if it’s their own
                                                       empathy. Rambo in FIRST BLOOD is the way              one at home! You get policing and politiciza-
    The story and characters, both of which            he is because he has experienced this and             tion, like Spielberg changing guns into radios
    originate from Alvart, started as a 160-page       that, it’s obvious. Westerns never had back-          in his reworked E.T.. In DOGS OF BERLIN the
    series bible he wrote “before Netflix’s Eric       story; costume and character is all you need.”        language had to be softened, so the Neo-
    Barmack came asking: ‘Do I have a show?’                                                                 Nazis were made to speak ‘nicely’.”
    I first had to check this was for real! But then   Alvart is currently making DJANGO LIVES!
    I sent him the bible and pilot, pitched it and     with Franco Nero, “and the lack of backstory          “If you want to see DOGS OF BERLIN,” Alvart
    they wanted it. The problem was I was already      is part of the suspense. In the first scene of        continues, you have to subscribe to Netflix
    working on a two-parter with Til Schweiger,        the original he saves a woman from robbers,           because they don’t release physical media.
    had written CUT OFF and was working on             brings her to a village... and then hands her         These companies are very, very powerful and
    DON'T.GET.OUT! – I couldn’t deliver! They just     to Mexican bandits! Only later do we learn he         I understand why some people are resisting,
    told me to come back later. I was scared it        wants the gold and still has a shred of de-           because they love the cinema and see Netflix
    would be dropped, but I kept in touch, pitched     cency. When we get Darth Vader’s or Snake             as wanting to abolish it. But they, the
    again and it all moved so fast, I even had to      Plissken’s backstory they become banal.”              streamers, also face competition for the
    get co-writers in to deliver the scripts. Now                                                            viewer’s time in the form of social media and
    I’m very proud of it, 100% behind it, contro-      Enjoying family life (wife, three sons and a          gaming.”
    versy and all!” He is also unstinting in his       daughter off to university) by a lake outside
    praise for Netflix’s handling of the show:         Berlin, Alvart’s other passions include,              Looking further ahead, in the face of the cur-
    “They did a super marketing job; giant post-       amongst canoeing and reading, writing and             rent superhero deluge, Alvart believes that “in
    ers everywhere, adverts on the trains, the         music. “Cinema became my profession,” he              ten years people will be making their own
    underground, trams, character posters,             says, “but I can imagine the two as careers as        films at home with gaming engines. People
    everything, and really stylish.”                   well. But it’s cinema that I live for, even if hav-   will create their own, open source, universe.
                                                       ing my own production company means tak-              Good luck trying to protect the copyright on
    Coming from a highly religious background          ing care of staff, doing the accounting and           SUPERMAN and BATMAN! That dethrones
    where films were forbidden, it is no surprise      being entrepreneurial.”                               the studios, a monoculture with SFX and CGI
    that Alvart, born 1974 near Frankfurt, went                                                              being replaced by the end-users, who will do
    out of his way to watch as many as possible        Also amongst the current projects in his en-          their own rendering and compete directly
    and so learned first-hand the powerful at-         trepreneurial loop, alongside DJANGO LIVES!,          with Hollywood. And this is why they will again
    traction of genre films for his audience. Such     is a remake of the Spanish thriller LAS ISLAS         need real stories, real actors and characters.”
    is the case with his 2009 science-fiction          MINIMAS. As FREIES LAND, the film ditches
    drama PANDORUM. Not a mainstream suc-              the politics of the Franco era, “which is very                                       Simon Kingsley
    cess by any means, as he admits, but “those        hard to convey to a German audience,” and is
    that love it, love it! Some went and got tattoos   set in 1991 in the state of Mecklenburg-
    and they sent me photos. They want a sequel        Western-Pommerania, and individual fates
    and to do a fundraiser for it: when you get that   following German reunification: “There is de-
    kind of passion it is fantastic!”                  industrialization, West Germans buying
                                                       things up, young women leaving and it turns
    So what is a ‘Christian Alvart’ film, then? “My    out some have been murdered. An East
    taste is very broad but my approach is very        German cop teams with a West German
    detailed,” he explains. “What does the project     colleague. It’s a portrait of the soul of
    need? What does the story need? The most           Germans at this time.”
    important thing is that the camera tells the
    story, it’s the language, the story is told with   With close to 4,000 Blu-rays and DVDs at
    pictures, so it cannot be random. I hate shoot-    home, plus a home cinema set up to kill or die
    ing coverage. I’ve always used storyboards         for, Alvart is, no surprise, a passionate
    and I don’t want coincidence to play any           supporter of the cinema-going experience: “I
    greater role than that, coincidence. The           love it when the curtain opens! The cinema
    viewer must feel the director’s stance as a        must be kept alive! But operators need to un-
    narrator/storyteller.”                             derstand they have to deliver the best sound
                                                       and picture quality and experience, they have
    “The film has to have a voice,” Alvart conti-      to give you a reason to be there. I go a great
    nues, “and tell the story well. The actors must    deal and too often you try finding someone to
    understand that their being positioned is to       complain to if things are not right!”

GFQGERMAN FILMS QUARTERLY - DIRECTORS Christian Alvart & Nora Fingscheidt PRODUCERS Jochen Laube & Fabian Maubach of Sommerhaus Filmproduktion ...
GFQ2_19_Druck_ESTA.qxp_Layout 1 30.04.19 16:26 Seite 6

    DIRECTOR’S PORTRAIT                                  GFQ 2-2019

                                                                 © Philip Leutert

                             MANY FACES

GFQGERMAN FILMS QUARTERLY - DIRECTORS Christian Alvart & Nora Fingscheidt PRODUCERS Jochen Laube & Fabian Maubach of Sommerhaus Filmproduktion ...
GFQ2_19_Druck_ESTA.qxp_Layout 1 30.04.19 16:27 Seite 7

    GFQ 2-2019                                                                                                         DIRECTOR’S PORTRAIT

                  f course, the phrase is strictly     biggest in Europe, so they say. She was a         environment, who repeatedly explode the

    O             correct: SYSTEM CRASHER, an
                  energy-charged drama about a
                  wild and furious nine-year-old
    girl, is Nora Fingscheidt’s feature film debut.
    At this year’s Berlinale in February, her
                                                       board member, organized youth projects as
                                                       well, and was a committed member of the
                                                       European network NISI MASA. And as if all
                                                       this was not yet enough, in parallel she
                                                       completed one-and-a-half years training
                                                                                                         existing inadequate, all too rigid models of
                                                                                                         supervision. Children like blond Benni, who
                                                                                                         scream, strike out, the ones we need to fear
                                                                                                         for; ones who still simply long for a parent’s
                                                                                                         love. Nora Fingscheidt researched for five
    movie received one of the main awards,             as an acting coach in Sigrid Andersson’s          years in residential groups, schools, offices
    the Silver Bear. But the idea that someone         TANKSTELLE. Fingscheidt: “Sigrid is a really      and children’s psychiatry units before making
    arrived fresh from film school to present her      special woman, from whom I have learned a         her first long feature film. Until what she had
    very first effort would be quite wrong in this     lot. I am very, very grateful to her.” It was a   experienced there affected her too much:
    context. For the 35-year-old director, who         matter of familiarizing herself with role work,   “My picture of the world became extremely
    was born in Brunswick in Lower Saxony and          scene analysis and acting. Only afterwards        dismal.”
    lives in Hamburg, has many                                                                                        Her SYSTEM CRASHER screen-
    faces. And her actual first, full-                                                                                play was refined and improved
    length film had already been pre-                                                                                 during the writing with assistance
    sented, too. It was all pretty laid                                                                               from acclaimed authors and di-
    back.                                                                                                             rectors like Christoph Fromm,
                                                                                                                      Bernd Lange, Thomas Schadt and
    OHNE DIESE WELT (2017) obser-                                                                                     Hans-Christian Schmid. Again,
    ved a group of former colonizing                                                                                  there were prizes and awards for
    Mennonites in Argentina –                                                                                         the screenplay. Nora Fingscheidt
    women, men and children living in                                                                                 describes the true significance of
    a strict conservative community                                                                                   those screenplay awards in retro-
    of faith and rejecting modernity,                                                                                 spect: “They watch your back,
    the descendants of Germans who                                                                                    financially, for the pre-production
    emigrated there 500 years ago.                                                                                    stage, and lend the project a kind
    Observation is meant literally, for                                                                               of certificate of quality. A kind of
    the film’s tempo is slow but its                                                                                  autonomy that grows from that is
    optical impression striking. A very                                                                               very helpful, too.”
    special two-hour documentary
    film, which Nora Fingscheidt al-                                                                                 SYSTEM CRASHER had its world
    lowed herself the appropriate                                                                                    premiere at the 2019 Berlinale
    length of time to make. There                                                                                    and triggered some powerful
    were prizes for that work, too, and                                                                              reactions – positive as well as
    OHNE DIESE WELT was shown in                                                                                     critical. “Ultimately, it’s a good
    cinemas in Switzerland.                                                                                          balance: we put extreme amounts
                                                                                                                     of energy into this film and now
    “Film has always been a medium                                                                                   it’s being received with suitable
    that really fascinates me,” Nora                                                                                 energy, as well.” In Germany it will
    Fingscheidt says in conversation                                                                                 be released in cinemas this Sep-
    with GFQ. As a child, Jean-                                                                                      tember, but it will also be shown
    Jacques Annaud’s THE BEAR was                                                                                    internationally. “It’s a dream,”
    a first moving, as well as influen-                                                                              Nora Fingscheidt enthuses now
    tial and at the same time shock-                                                                                 that a number of weeks have
    ing cinema experience. “Later, I                                                                                 passed. “The Berlinale was like a
    always wanted to make films. But                                                                                 tornado for me. I wasn’t sure what
    because I come from a family that                                                                                it actually means when a film
    had never produced any artistic                                                                                  breaks free, developing a life of its
    professionals before, first of all I                                                                             own, stimulating reactions and
    had to sort out a kind of alibi.”                  did Nora Fingscheidt apply to study direction     comments that can be wounding, shocking
                                                       at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in          or even make you incredibly happy. But the
    After her school days, during which she al-        Ludwigsburg, where she was accepted and           nicest thing was experiencing those reactions
    ready spent a year in Argentina as well as         graduated successfully in 2017.                   together with the team, the actors and produ-
    gaining work experience at the Brunswick                                                             cers, the sound mixers and composers, the
    Theater, Nora Fingscheidt moved to Berlin          Seen from outside, this may have been an          costume designer and the casting director –
    in 2003. There, she registered at the Freie        extraordinary path and one could even call it     simply everyone.”
    Universität to study Latin American Studies,       a detour. But for Nora Fingscheidt it was
    Journalism and Law. It would have been             exactly the right way. Because she would like     And then, finally, to celebrate with them.
    tempting to get into the “film bubble” right       “to try out as many genres, forms and narra-
    from the start, but in the end, she believes       tive languages as possible. After all, I myself                                   Andreas Körner
    she also profited considerably from her            love to be overwhelmed in an audiovisual
    “alibi”.                                           sense at the cinema.”

    Later on, even the film-linked activities didn’t   Her SYSTEM CRASHER has certainly turned
    really belong to a self-contained system. Nora     out to be overwhelming. Wild, unbridled and
    Fingscheidt was involved in setting up the         radical. A new German film with a universal
    filmArche, a completely self-organized film        touch. Who doesn’t know them or hasn’t
    school for screenplay, direction, cinematog-       heard about them? Children who don’t have
    raphy, cutting/editing and production: the         the good fortune to grow up in a sheltered

GFQGERMAN FILMS QUARTERLY - DIRECTORS Christian Alvart & Nora Fingscheidt PRODUCERS Jochen Laube & Fabian Maubach of Sommerhaus Filmproduktion ...
GFQ2_19_Druck_ESTA.qxp_Layout 1 30.04.19 16:27 Seite 8

    PRODUCERS’ PORTRAIT                                                                                                             GFQ 2-2019

                                                                                                                                                 Fabian Maubach, Jochen Laube (courtesy of Sommerhaus Filmproduktion)

           t was never part of the plan to have     brought an unexpected turn of events when       “Then, after eight years of working for the
        I  three productions shooting at the
           same time,” says Jochen Laube about
           handling three shoots this spring with
    Fabian Maubach, his partner in the Ludwigs-
    burg/Berlin-based production outfit Som-
                                                    Laube was offered the opportunity to set up
                                                    and run the group’s South German pro-
                                                    duction arm out of Ludwigsburg. “This
                                                    meant that Sommerhaus was put on hold
                                                    [until 2015] and I concentrated on building
                                                                                                    UFA group, we felt it was time to stand on
                                                                                                    our own feet again,” Laube continues, point-
                                                                                                    ing out that inviting Jan Mojto’s Beta Cinema
                                                                                                    onboard as a shareholder in Sommerhaus
                                                                                                    Filmproduktion was “the result of a long-
    merhaus Filmproduktion. However, it all         up what was essentially the arthouse unit of    standing collaboration” with Beta who hand-
    started much more modestly 13 years ago         UFA Fiction,” Laube recalls.                    led many of their productions in the past
    after Laube founded the company in his                                                          from THE DAY I WAS NOT BORN to MÜNCH-
    home town of Ludwigsburg in 2006 after          The first project under the UFA umbrella was    HAUSEN and now have the latest films from
    graduating from the Filmakademie Baden-         THE DAY I WAS NOT BORN by Elena von             Sandra Nettelbeck, Burhan Qurbani and
    Württemberg the previous year with his pro-     Saucken and Florian Cossen which also hap-      Caroline Link in its current sales line-up.”
    duction of Neele Leana Vollmar’s URLAUB         pened to be Fabian Maubach’s graduation         And Maubach adds, “It’s good to have a
    VOM LEBEN.                                      film from the Filmakademie as a producer.       strong partner behind us who can draw upon
                                                    “That’s how we came together and then de-       an extensive infrastructure.”
    The first production from the fledgling         cided to keep on working together on future
    company was fellow graduate Christian           projects,” says Maubach. “We were given         Both producers say that it is difficult to see a
    Schwochow’s feature debut NOVEMBER              complete freedom in our choice of projects      common thread running through all of their
    CHILD, which premiered at the Filmfestival      for our portfolio, making films like STATIONS   productions to date: they have tried their
    Max Ophüls Preis in Saarbrücken in 2008,        OF THE CROSS by Dietrich Brüggemann, WE         hand at all kinds of genres – with the excep-
    followed by Niko Apel’s Grimme Prize-           ARE YOUNG. WE ARE STRONG. by Burhan             tion of horror – and have not focused on spe-
    winning documentary SONBOL, and Rouven          Qurbani as well as such documentaries as        cific themes or subject matter. “What
    Rech and Frank Marten’s football documen-       Thorsten Schütte’s EAT THAT QUESTION -          characterizes our films is the fact that we are
    tary HOFFENHEIM – DAS LEBEN IST KEIN            FRANK ZAPPA IN HIS OWN WORDS, which             prepared to take some risks when we embark
    HEIMSPIEL.                                      screened at Sundance in 2016, as well as the    on each project – we are not interested in pro-
                                                    Emmy-nominated three-parter BARON VON           ducing films according to the book – but we
    But then dinner one evening with the            MÜNCHHAUSEN with Jan Josef Liefers in           know that the final result will be a really spe-
    UFA/teamWorx producer Nico Hofmann              the title role.”                                cial kind of film,” Laube explains.

GFQGERMAN FILMS QUARTERLY - DIRECTORS Christian Alvart & Nora Fingscheidt PRODUCERS Jochen Laube & Fabian Maubach of Sommerhaus Filmproduktion ...
GFQ2_19_Druck_ESTA.qxp_Layout 1 30.04.19 16:27 Seite 9

    GFQ 2-2019                                                                                                                                                                       PRODUCERS’ PORTRAIT

                                                      Sebastian Marka’s DEUS IN MACHINA
                                                      (working title) from a screenplay by Erol
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           A FILM BY THOMAS STUBER

                                                      Yesilkaya and starring Friedrich Mücke. “We
                                                      will certainly be remaining faithful to
                                                      our great partnerships in so-called ‘linear                                                                           In the aisles
                                                      television’,” Laube says, pointing out that
                                                      Sommerhaus will be producing episodes of
                                                      the European series DAS NETZ set in the
                                                      world of international football for Germany’s
                                                      Degeto next year.

                                                      Before then, the company is currently mak-
                                                      ing its first foray into producing for the new
                                                      streaming services with a three-parter for
                                                      Netflix: CHRISTMAS WOMEN (working title),
                                                      directed by Samara Radsi from a screenplay
                                                      by Katharina Eyssen, which will be shown to
                                                      subscribers in 200 territories around the
                                                      globe at the end of 2019.

                                                      While Sommerhaus has focused until now
                                                                                                                                                               FRANZ ROGOWSKI                                                                                 SANDRA HÜLLER                                                                               PETER KURTH

                                                      on producing works by German filmmakers,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 WRITTEN BY CLEMENS MEYER, THOMAS STUBER PRODUCERS JOCHEN LAUBE, FABIAN MAUBACH DIRECTED BY THOMAS STUBER GERMAN DISTRIBUTOR ZORRO FILM

                                                      this doesn’t mean that Laube and Maubach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               AFTER THE SHORT STORY “IN THE AISLES” BY CLEMENS MEYER, PUBLISHED IN “ALL THE LIGHTS”

                                                      don’t have their share of international ex-
    Examples of the kinds of risks the producer       perience. To start with, Laube was one of         up until now,” he notes. “The fact that we
    duo are prepared to enter into with their         European Film Promotion’s Producers on            haven’t been involved in any projects as a
    directors and authors include the fixed shots     the Move in 2015 and Maubach is part of the       minority co-producer is not because we
    in STATIONS OF THE CROSS, the transition          TAP and ACE producers networks.                   wouldn’t be open to such an idea,” Laube
    from black-and-white to color in WE ARE                                                             explains. “Being a reliable partner is key and
    YOUNG. WE ARE STRONG., or updating                Florian Cossen’s COCONUT HERO was shot            we just were so busy in the last couple of
    BERLIN ALEXANDERPLATZ with a black                in English on location for six weeks in 2014      years that we couldn’t say in good faith that
    African refugee as the character of Franz         in northern Ontario with a Canadian co-pro-       we would come onboard given the company’s
    Biberkopf. “As a producer, I don’t find it in-    ducer, Paul Scherzer, while Burhan                present structure.”
    teresting to restrict oneself to one particular   Qurbani’s BERLIN ALEXANDERPLATZ was
    genre and say that you are just a producer of     co-produced with Lemming Films in the             Looking to the future, Maubach says that
    drama or a producer of romantic comedies,”        Netherlands. And the biggest Sommerhaus           Sommerhaus “is growing organically. We
    Maubach suggests. “For me, it all depends         production so far, Caroline Link’s adaptation     don’t want to become a top-heavy structure
    on the story and the other creative element       of Judith Kerr’s semi-autobiographical novel      and have always been project- and quality-
    that have to spark some passion. In any case,     WHEN HITLER STOLE PINK RABBIT, in turn            driven rather than focusing just on quick
    originality is the key for us as producers,” he   attracted production partners from the            growth and a certain level of turnover upper-
    stresses, as shown by the company’s output        Czech Republic and Switzerland. This his-         most in our minds. We appreciate having the
    to date.                                          torical movie, which tells the unforgettable      freedom to make our own choices about the
                                                      story of a Jewish family fleeing from             stories we produce and the freedom to work
    Moreover, with time, really close friendships     Germany in 1933, will be released by Warner       with the right kind of people to achieve these
    have developed between Sommerhaus and             Bros. in Germany this Christmas and is            goals.”
    many authors, directors and crew members:         being distributed worldwide by Beta Cinema.
    “That makes working together so much                                                                “In essence, we try to remain a boutique
    easier when you realize that you speak the        Moreover, this spring saw the producers           operation,” Laube adds. “Admittedly we are
    same ‘language’ and are on the same wave-         going to Hungary’s Mafilm Studios to colla-       now producing much more than we had
    length,” Maubach explains. “And the same          borate with Proton Cinema for the shoot of        imagined would be the case even two years
    goes for my work with Jochen, the fact that       the Netflix Christmas series, and next year       ago, but we will always remain true to our
    we can rely on one another without having to      will see the company embarking on a major         credo that each production should have
    exchange too many words.”                         international production with Florian             something unique and original about it!”
                                                      Cossen’s LAURA DEKKER about the 14-
    Sommerhaus’ focus on producing for the            year-old Dutch girl who sailed single-hand-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Martin Blaney
    cinema invariably involved television as a co-    edly around the globe in 2010-2011.
    producer from the point when the company
    appeared on the scene: “SWR has been a            “Co-producing with foreign partners is be-
    long-standing partner for us on such films        coming more and more important in the art-
    as NOVEMBER CHILD, THE DAY I WAS NOT              house sector because we see that the
    BORN and STATIONS OF THE CROSS, so it             budgets we need for quality production
    only seemed appropriate to make our next          cannot be financed solely out of Germany,”
    step with the TV drama department there for       Maubach suggests, pointing out that the next
    the TATORT episode DER ROTE SCHATTEN              feature project by IN THE AISLES director
    by Dominik Graf.”                                 Thomas Stuber, DIE STILLEN TRABANTEN,
                                                      is also likely to be structured as a European
    This spring then saw the duo teaming up           co-production for 2020. “Naturally, it involves
    again with SWR for a TV film destined             a lot of work when you do a co-production,
    for a Wednesday evening primetime slot,           but it has always been a positive experience

GFQGERMAN FILMS QUARTERLY - DIRECTORS Christian Alvart & Nora Fingscheidt PRODUCERS Jochen Laube & Fabian Maubach of Sommerhaus Filmproduktion ...
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   © Fabian Schellhorn                                                   GFQ 2-2019

                         AGAINST THE GRAIN
                                A P O R T R A I T O F AC TO R P E T E R KU R T H

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    GFQ 2-2019                                                                                                                 ACTOR’S PORTRAIT

        t was only four years ago when Peter

    I   Kurth played his first major role for the
        cinema in A HEAVY HEART. This impres-
        sive yet equally bitter story of a former
    boxer struggling with ALS celebrated its
    world premiere at the Toronto International
    Film Festival in 2015. There, even The Holly-
    wood Reporter fêted the leading actor’s “im-
    pressively muscular performance” before
    Thomas Stuber’s directing debut began its
    victory march around the world. A HEAVY
    HEART was greeted as enthusiastically in
    Moscow as in Palm Springs or Thessaloniki
    – and back home, Kurth received the
    German Screen Actors Award as well as the
    German Film Award.

    However, Kurth’s love for the cinema had al-
    ready been awakened decades before. He was
    born in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in
    1957, and there was a small movie theater in
    his home town, Goldberg, “I went there every
    Sunday at 2:30 pm, whether a storm was
    blowing, it was snowing, or the sun was shin-
    ing,” as he recalls. Were the filial impressions
    gained there influential for his subsequent
    professional career? “It’s impossible to say
    whether I would have become an actor if
    there had been a concert hall in our town in-
    stead. But at that time, I certainly wanted to
    become the Captain of Tenkesberg, no matter
    what,” Kurth says with reference to the
    Hungarian adventure film by Tamás Fejér that
    he saw “what must have been 12 times” back

    After school, he went on directly to study act-
    ing in Rostock, and found his first engage-
    ment in the early 80s at a children’s and
    young people’s theater in Magdeburg, from
    whence, according to Kurth, he worked his
    way “bit by bit, straight to the top”. He was an
    established member of ensembles in Stendal,
    Chemnitz, Leipzig and Hamburg before finally
    arriving at the Maxim-Gorki-Theater in
    Berlin. Then he followed the theater’s artistic
    director, Armin Petras, to the Schauspiel
    Stuttgart, where he received the accolade
    Actor of the Year from theater heute magazine       Stuber, with whom he has since made the              Internationally speaking, he has long since
    in 2014. It was his own choice to make work         Berlinale prize-winning IN THE AISLES as             put out more feelers, aside from BABYLON
    for the camera only a secondary matter              well as a not yet broadcast episode of TATORT.       BERLIN (the third season will have to manage
    throughout those years, which is something                                                               without him, anyway). Last year, he could be
    he “doesn’t regret one little bit”. Especially as   At the same time, the passionate motorcyclist        seen as Botha in SEW THE WINTER TO MY
    he was able to shine nonetheless with a sup-        is enjoying to the full all the new opportuni-       SKIN, an unusual, almost dialogue-free mix-
    porting role in the world success GOOD BYE,         ties and challenges presented away from the          ture of western and biopic by South African
    LENIN! or numerous episodes of the popular          stage in recent years. In the first two seasons      director Jahmil X.T. Qubeka. After a premiere
    series TATORT, for example, and also in             of BABYLON BERLIN, for example, he played            at TIFF, the film represented South Africa
    films by Andreas Dresen, Thomas Arslan or           the slightly dubious Police Commissioner             in the competition for an Oscar®. The next
    Sebastian Schipper.                                 Wolter. This series by Tom Tykwer, Achim von         foreign productions are already waiting this
                                                        Borries and Henk Handloegten also brought            coming summer. His face reveals how much
    Kurth talks about his leading role in A HEAVY       him what has probably been the biggest               he is looking forward to them: “I would really
    HEART as a huge stroke of luck: “That was the       audience of his career. “Recently, in my             like to do something completely different for
    right project at the right time, everything was     favorite pub here in Prenzlauer Berg, I was          once – and in one of these parts I have been
    ideal.” When, as in this case, all the conditions   even spoken to by a bloke from Detroit, who          cast totally against the grain.”
    are perfect – or as he likes to put it: “are        was visiting the city with a friend of his,” Kurth
    healthy” – he says that “the director and my        says in amazement. He grins to think that the                                   Patrick Heidmann
    colleagues will get all I have to give.” And be-    series reaches so many people world-wide.
    sides, he always remains absolutely true to         “He almost fainted because I was just sitting
    his best companions: like Petras, and Thomas        there in the pub.”

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    NEWS & NOTES                                                                                                                         GFQ 2-2019


    & NOTES



                                                                                                                      FFA Industry Tigers 2019 (© Stefan Krempl)


    In four categories, the most successful          ference funding was made available in this       The amount of FFA reference funding is
    producers, distributors, cinemas and short       category for the 70 most successful films of     calculated on the basis of a points system
    film makers of the past cinema year were         the past year.                                   which is based on admissions success in the
    awarded the FFA Industry Tiger 2019 award.                                                        cinema as well as film awards and festival
    In the production sector, a total of 11.2 mil-   A special prize for the Reference Film of the    distinctions. The funds can be used within
    lion euros in reference funds were awarded       Year 2018 went to the family entertainment       three years without the involvement of a
    to the 75 most popular projects of the year.     darling THE LITTLE WITCH, whose box-office       funding committee.
    Munich-based Constantin Film is once again       result was higher than the production costs.
    the industry leader in this category, among      The Hamburg Abaton Cinema is the industry
    others for its audience hits THIS CRAZY          leader in the cinema category for the most
    HEART and HOW ABOUT ADOLF?.                      visitors for German and European films.
                                                     The industry leader in the short film category
    In the distribution sector, the Industry Tiger   is Lukas Marxt for the national and
    went to Warner Bros. Pictures Germany in         international festival success of his films
    Hamburg with a grant of 675,000 euros for        IMPERIAL VALLEY and FISHING IS NOT
    such successful hits as 100 THINGS and ALL       DONE ON TUESDAYS.
    ABOUT ME. A total of 2.9 million euros in re-

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    GFQ 2-2019                                                                                                                             NEWS & NOTES

    2                                                                                                            4                                                    4

                                                                         graphic courtesy of Animation Germany                        Sylvie Testud in EDEN (© Pierre Meursaut)

    2                                                3                                                           4
    GERMAN ANIMATIONS                                GERMAN FILMS AT HOME AND                                    EDEN AT SERIES MANIA
    A HIT ABROAD IN 2018                             ABROAD IN THE FIRST QUARTER
                                                     OF 2019                                                     Dominik Moll’s mini-series EDEN recently
    The box office figures published for the year                                                                had its world premiere in competition at
    2018 on the performance of German films          In 2018 in 75 countries around the world, 406               Series Mania in Lille/France. The six-part se-
    (including German-international co-pro-          German films generated an international box                 ries takes on various aspects of the subject
    ductions) abroad* show a share of 54% for        office of almost 154 million euros and were                 of refugee influx by interweaving five emo-
    animated film. Animation thus underscores        seen by more than 26.5 million cinemagoers.                 tional narratives that make this highly
    its ever-increasing importance for the film      And 2019 got off to a good start with 204                   political issue tangible and was developed
    industry. This extraordinarily good result is    German films already generating an inter-                   jointly with the editorial staff of SWR, ARD
    due among other things to these films, which     national box office of just over 15.5 million               Degeto, ARTE France, and ARTE Deutsch-
    also lead German Film’s hit list for feature     euros in the first quarter of the year. Among               land. From the beginning, the series was
    films abroad: MAYA THE BEE – THE HONEY           the top German titles were NEVER LOOK                       conceived as an international co-production
    GAMES, THE LITTLE VAMPIRE, RICHARD               AWAY (rank 1) which raked in over 2 million                 between Atlantique (Paris), LUPA FILM
    THE STORK and THE SEVENTH DWARF.                 euros in 10 countries, HEILSTÄTTEN (rank 2)                 (Heidelberg, Berlin), and Port Au Prince
    (*The full report can be found on the German     with 1.8 million euros in 8 territories, 100                (Berlin). The project received funding from
    Films website under Publications/Market          THINGS (rank 5) with over 800,000 euros in                  the Franco-German development fund for
    Studies/German Films Abroad 2018.)               7 territories, and TRANSIT (rank 10) with                   series development, as well as production
                                                     almost 500,000 euros in 12 territories. The                 funding from the MFG Baden-Württemberg
    Such successes, however, can only be real-       animation films HAPPY FAMILY (rank 6, in 2                  and the Centre national de Cinématographie
    ized with increasing tendency with inter-        territories), MAYA THE BEE – THE HONEY                      CNC. Boasting an A-list cast of stars like
    national business partners. Since 2017,          GAMES (rank 7, in 6 territories) and MANOU                  Sylvie Testud, Juliane Köhler or Wolfram
    Animation Germany UG, a subsidiary of the        – THE SWIFT (rank 8, in 6 territories) con-                 Koch – EDEN was aired in spring 2019 on
    German Producers Alliance and VTFF, has          tinued their successful run and together                    ARTE. World sales have been assumed by
    therefore been taking on the task of drawing     achieved an additional international box                    Lagardère Studio Distribution, which has al-
    international attention to Germany and its       office of almost 2 million euros from 1                     ready sold rights to Greece and Denmark.
    companies as a business location and sup-        January-31 March 2019.
    porting the establishment of an individual
    network of producers and studios through
    various platforms such as a central website
                                                     On the home front, while the overall market
                                                     share for German films dropped ever so
    (, a newsletter          slightly in 2018 (from 23.9% in 2017 to 23.5%
    and social media activities as well as target-   in 2018), the first quarter of 2019 has seen a
    ed events.                                       homegrown hit leading the overall charts:
                                                     ahead of nine other English-language films
                                                     (from CAPTAIN MARVEL to CREED II –
                                                     ROCKY’S LEGACY), Caroline Link’s ALL
                                                     ABOUT ME has taken cinemagoers by storm
                                                     and has already earned over 26 million euros
                                                     at the German box office in the first three
                                                     months of the year.

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    NEWS & NOTES                                                                                                                                                              GFQ 2-2019

    5                                                                  6                                                                  7

                   German Short Films Cannes Edition (© AG Kurzfilm)             A YEAR ALONG THE GEOSTATIONARY ORBIT (© Felix Dierich)                    BAUHAUS – A NEW ERA (© zero one/Beta Film )

    5                                                                  6                                                                  7
    GERMAN SHORT FILMS IN CANNES                                       SHORT GERMAN ANIMATIONS                                            FILMSTIFTUNG-BACKED SERIES IN
                                                                       IN ANNECY                                                          SPRING 2019
    Once again AG Kurzfilm – the German Short
    Film Association – and German Films offer                          In 2019, a line-up of eight German animated                        The development and production of high-end
    German short films and short film makers a                         short films, commissioned films and TV                             series has been a part of the funding port-
    platform during the 72th edition of the Inter-                     series will be presented in the official selec-                    folio of the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW
    national Film Festival in Cannes. As every                         tion of the Festival International du Film                         since 2012. Both Filmstiftung-backed series
    year, some of the most recent short film                           d’Animation in Annecy (10-15 June 2019),                           as well as mini-series are currently making
    productions are available at the Short Film                        which is one of the most important festivals                       a real impact with high-profile appearances,
    Corner for international industry profes-                          for animated film worldwide.                                       festivals and awards: Kilian Riedhof’s
    sionals. The selection German Short Films –                                                                                           GLADBECK, based on the screenplay by Hol-
    Cannes Edition 2019 and Emerging Artists                           With FLOOD by Malte Stein and LIVE A                               ger Karsten Schmidt and produced by Ziegler
    Vol. 4 will be available at the Short Film                         LITTLE by Jenny Jokela (DE/GB) there are                           Film, has been nominated for the BAFTA TV
    Corner and on DVD at the German Pavilion.                          two German animated short films competing                          Award, Lars Kraume’s series BAUHAUS – A
                                                                       for the Cristal d’Annecy in the International                      NEW ERA, which he wrote together with
    Additionally, for the ninth time, the program                      Competition.                                                       Judith Angerbauer, had its world premiere in
    Next Generation Short Tiger celebrates its                                                                                            the Competition of the second CanneSeries
    premiere in Cannes. It features not only film                      A YEAR ALONG THE GEOSTATIONARY ORBIT                               and has since received the award for the Best
    school productions but also the winners of                         by Felix Dierich and MUSTERKENNTNIS by                             Musical Score, and Heinrich Breloer’s two-
    the 2019 Short Tiger Award granted by                              Thorsten Fleisch were selected for the sec-                        parter BRECHT was first shown at the
    Germany’s main federal film funding body                           tion Off-Limits. ALBA’S MEMORY by Andrea                           Berlinale. The third season of the hit series
    FFA. Upon request all films will be available                      Martignoni and Maria Steinmetz (DE/IT), and                        BABYLON BERLIN, which has already been
    on preview DVDs from German Films or                               RED EARTH by Kim Yip Tong (DE/MU) will be                          sold to over 100 territories, is now in post-
    AG Kurzfilm. In cooperation with ARTE, the                         shown in the Perspectives section. NEST by                         production. And the same goes for Barbara
    German Short Film Association invites pro-                         Sonja Rohleder was invited to the section                          Eder’s thriller series WEST OF LIBERTY for
    fessionals from the German and inter-                              Young Audience. RULES OF PLAY by Merlin                            ZDF. Cologne-based Bantry Bay produced
    national short film scene to their annual                          Flügel will be shown in the section Gradua-                        THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE for Vox. Till
    Short Film Lounge. Thus, filmmakers,                               tion Films.                                                        Franzen, Laura Lackmann and Stefan
    festival representatives and buyers are given                                                                                         Bühling were the directors working from
    the opportunity to meet and connect.                               For the thirteenth time, the AG Kurzfilm and                       scripts based on an idea from Richard Kropf.
                                                                       German Films will be present with a booth at                       TNT has recently aired the mockumentary
                                                                       the MIFA (Marché International du Film                             series OTHER PARENTS by Lutz Heineking jr
                                                                       d’Animation), the festival’s film market.                          of the Cologne-based production company
                                                                       Industry professionals can receive informa-                        eitelsonnenschein. Preparations for the
                                                                       tion on the recent developments of German                          shoot of the second season in Cologne are
                                                                       animations in all their peculiarities, modes                       now in full swing. And not to forget another
                                                                       of expression and styles. Furthermore, it                          production from NRW, albeit one without any
                                                                       serves as a contact and information point for                      funding from the Filmstiftung: HOW TO SELL
                                                                       the German and international animation                             DRUGS ONLINE (FAST), produced by Bild-
                                                                       scene. With New German Animations, the                             undtonfabrik for Netflix, also featured in the
                                                                       new edition of the preview DVD of AG Kurz-                         CanneSeries Competition.
                                                                       film and German Films will be presented in
                                                                       Annecy. It introduces recent short German
                                                                       animations to festival representatives,
                                                                       curators and buyers. It is available from the
                                                                       AG Kurzfilm upon request.

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               NEW FILMS                                                                                         GFQ 2-2019

                                                                 14   FEATURES
                                                                 10   DOCUMENTARIES

                                                                 2    SHORT FILMS
                                                                 12   UPCOMING FILMS
                                                                 38   new German productions are presented
                                                                      on the following 24 pages. Please visit
                                                                      our website
                                                                      for more information on German features,
                                                                      documentaries and shorts.
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    GFQ 2-2019                                                                                                                    NEW FEATURES

                                                                                                                                   © Ulysses Films/Fabrique d’Images


              he fairy world of Bayala is a country     But for a dragon feast at Solstice Rock, where     FREDERICO MILELLA works as a freelance

    T         of magic, where various fairy tribes
              live in an abundant flora. Huge
              blossoms and enchanting plants are
    used for housing and food. The fairies have
    been living in harmony with nature – until the
                                                        the bond of fairies and dragons can be re-
                                                        newed, royals of all fairy tribes, including the
                                                        Shadow Fairies, are needed. Princess Surah
                                                        and her companions have to go on an ad-
                                                        venturous journey, which not only leads them
                                                                                                           illustrator and independent filmmaker. He
                                                                                                           joined the team of Fabrique d’Images where
                                                                                                           he directed PERCY’S TIGER TALES, ZIGGY
                                                                                                           AND THE ZOO TRAM and took part in more
                                                                                                           than a dozen other 2D and 3D TV series.
    greedy Shadow Fairy Queen Ophira started            into the distant dragon mountains, but also to     BAYALA is his first film as a co-director while
    pushing for power over all living things…           the dangerous Shadow Queen Ophira. In the          he develops and writes new exciting projects.
                                                        end Surah and her friends save the day and
    Inside the Flower Palace there is intense           the whole of Bayala!                               GENRE 3D Animation, Adventure, Family
    activity in preparation for the coronation of                                                          Entertainment YEAR OF PRODUCTION 2019
    the new queen of the Sun Fairies. The prin-         AINA JÄRVINE began her career in animation         DIRECTORS Aina Järvine, Federico Milella
    cesses Surah and Sera are delighted to see          at A Film Estonia in 2001 and directed numer-      SCREENPLAY Vanessa Walder CINEMA-
    royals of other fairy tribes arrive, but they all   ous animated commercials, several animated         TOGRAPHY Aina Järvine PRODUCER Emely
    bring bad news: the magical plants are dying.       shorts and the TV-series FROG AND                  Christians CO-PRODUCERS Christine Pa-
    The dark power of the Shadow Fairy Queen            FRIENDS. Her main projects since then have         risse, Jean-Marie Musique PRODUCTION
    Ophira is rising. Bayala is in danger. Fairy        been directing four seasons of the popular         COMPANY Ulysses Films, in co-production
    princess Surah is worried. She knows Ophira         German animated TV series BIBI UND TINA            with Studio Rakete, Fabrique d’Images RUN-
    best as she had been forced to live in her dark     and BIBI BLOCKSBERG, as well as being ani-         TIME 85 min LANGUAGE English
    castle for several years. Only with the help of     mation supervisor on the feature film HOCUS
    Ophira’s niece Nuray and her best friend Jaro       POCUS ALI E ATKINS, co-directing the short         SALES
    could she escape and return home.                   film THE GREAT PAINTER, and co-writing the          Global Screen
                                                        feature RUBY AND RAGGIE.                 
    When a dragon egg is found, hope stirs. If the                                               
    magic dragons return, Bayala can be saved.

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    NEW FEATURES                                                                                                                     GFQ 2-2019

                                                                                                                                   © DETAiLFILM/Janine Marold


              he imaginative Cleo feels a very         IF I COULD TURN BACK TIME is his debut fea-       GENRE Adventure, Coming-of-Age Story,

    T         special kind of affinity for her home
              town of Berlin. But her deepest de-
              sire is to be able to turn back time –
    with the aid of a magic clock which was stolen
    during a robbery in the 1920s and has been
                                                       ture film and was selected as the opening
                                                       film of the Berlinale Generation sidebar. The
                                                       visually surprising film is full of poetry and
                                                       loving attention to detail, taking the audience
                                                       on a very special journey through Berlin. Mar-
                                                                                                         Fantasy, Love Story YEAR OF PRODUCTION
                                                                                                         2019 DIRECTOR Erik Schmitt SCREENPLAY
                                                                                                         Erik Schmitt, Stefanie Ren CINEMATOG-
                                                                                                         RAPHY Johannes Louis CAST Marleen Lohse,
                                                                                                         Jeremy Mockridge, Heiko Pinkowski, Max
    missing ever since. She hopes that the clock       leen Lohse gives a stunning performance as        Mauff, Andrea Sawatzki, Jean Pütz, Fabian
    might help her undo the death of her parents.      the moony Cleo and Max Mauff (VICTORIA,           Busch, Gwendolyn Göbel PRODUCER Fabian
    One day, she meets the adventurer Paul who         SENSE 8) and Andrea Sawatzki (THE EXPERI-         Gasmia PRODUCTION COMPANY DETAiL-
    is living on a houseboat and had recently          MENT, THE OTHER BOY, BANDITS) round out           FILM, in co-production with ZDF Das kleine
    bought a treasure map at an auction. Cleo is       the cast.                                         Fernsehspiel RUNTIME 99 min LANGUAGE
    bursting with tension – might the map lead to                                                        German FESTIVALS Berlinale 2019
    the treasure she is dreaming of? Cleo and          ERIK SCHMITT studied Communications in
    Paul set off together on an adventurous trip       Munich, Melbourne and Berlin. After exten-        SALES
    through the pulsating city. They meet crazy        sive travels around the world and his first       Global Screen
    characters, lovable figures, Berlin myths and      cinematographic work experience, he found-
    urban legends. When they arrive in Berlin’s        ed Kamerapferd together with Stephan    
    dark underground at the end of their quest,        Müller. His films include: HOW TO FLY HIGH
    Cleo is confronted by the most important           (short, 2009), SOLARTAXI – AROUND THE
    question of all: should she want to turn back      WORLD WITH THE SUN (doc, 2010), NOW
    time in the first place?                           FOLLOWS (short, 2010), MY MIND WANDERS
                                                       (short, 2012), RHINO FULL THROTTLE (short,
    Director Erik Schmitt’s short films have been      2013), TELEKOMMANDO (short, 2014), FOR-
    shown at more than 100 international film          EVER (short, 2014), and his feature debut
    festivals and taken over 100 awards. CLEO –        CLEO – IF I COULD TURN BACK TIME (2019).

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    GFQ 2-2019                                                                                                                NEW FEATURES

                                                                                                                             © Rosa von Praunheim Filmproduktion


        n his new film DARKROOM, cult director        ROSA VON PRAUNHEIM took on his artist’s           GENRE Biopic, Drama, Love Story, Psycho

    I   Rosa von Praunheim deals with a true
        criminal case from a few years ago. The
        result is one of his most thrilling films.

    Lars, a male nurse from Saarbrücken, moves
                                                      name in 1964, in reference to the pink triangle
                                                      homosexuals were forced to wear in the Nazi
                                                      concentration camps. A prolific filmmaker, a
                                                      selection of his films includes: IT’S NOT THE
                                                      HOMOSEXUAL WHO IS PERVERSE, BUT THE
                                                                                                        Thriller YEAR OF PRODUCTION 2019 DIREC-
                                                                                                        TOR Rosa von Praunheim SCREENPLAY Rosa
                                                                                                        von Praunheim CINEMATOGRAPHY Lorenz
                                                                                                        Haarmann CAST Bozidar Kocevski, Heiner
                                                                                                        Bomhard, Katy Karrenbauer PRODUCER
    with his lover Roland to Berlin. They renovate    SITUATION IN WHICH HE LIVES (1970), ARMY          Rosa von Praunheim PRODUCTION COM-
    an apartment with the intention of finally liv-   OF LOVERS (1971-1976), A VIRUS KNOWS NO           PANY Rosa von Praunheim Filmproduktion
    ing together. Their happiness seems almost        MORALS (1985), I AM MY OWN WOMAN                  RUNTIME 89 min LANGUAGE German
    complete. What Roland doesn’t know: while         (1992), TRANSSEXUAL MENACE (1996), GAY
    secretly checking out Berlin’s night life, Lars   COURAGE (1998), THE EINSTEIN OF SEX               SALES
    is experimenting with a deadly poison.            (1999), FASSBINDER’S WOMEN (2001),                MissingFILMS
                                                      QUEENS DON’T LIE (2001), COWS KNOCKED-  
                                                      UP BY FOG (2002), TWO MOTHERS – THE     
                                                      SEARCH BEGAN IN RIGA (2007), NEW YORK
                                                      MEMORIES (2010), DIE JUNGS VOM BAHN-
                                                      HOF ZOO (2011), and DARKROOM (2019),
                                                      among others.

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    NEW FEATURES                                                                                                                  GFQ 2-2019

                                                                                                                                   © Constantin Film Verleih


               murder. A murderer. No motive.        Courtroom drama meets political thriller in      GENRE Drama, History, Thriller YEAR OF

    A          A young lawyer. A spectacular
               murder case. A legal scandal
               stretching back to Nazi Germany.

    For over 30 years, Fabrizio Collini has worked
                                                     this outstanding adaptation of the inter-
                                                     national bestselling novel by Ferdinand von
                                                     Schirach (Crime, Guilt). Elyas M’Barek (SUCK
                                                     ME SHAKESPEER, THIS CRAZY HEART),
                                                     Alexandra Maria Lara (THE BAADER MEIN-
                                                                                                      PRODUCTION 2019 DIRECTOR Marco Kreuz-
                                                                                                      paintner SCREENPLAY Christian Zübert,
                                                                                                      Robert Gold, Jens-Frederik Otto CINEMATOG-
                                                                                                      RAPHY Jakub Bejnarowicz CAST Elyas
                                                                                                      M’Barek, Franco Nero, Alexandra Maria Lara,
    diligently for a German carmaker before          HOF COMPLEX, CONTROL, RUSH) and Franco           Heiner Lauterbach, Pia Stutzenstein, Jannis
    going and killing a man, seemingly on a whim.    Nero (CAMELOT, DJANGO UNCHAINED, JOHN            Niewöhner, Rainer Bock, Peter Prager PRO-
    It’s a nightmare for lawyer Caspar Leinen,       WICK: CHAPTER 2) star in the lead roles.         DUCERS Christoph Müller, Kerstin Schmid-
    who takes over his case as a court-assigned      Marco Kreuzpaintner directs the explosive,       bauer, Marcel Hartges, Martin Moszkowicz
    lawyer: The victim, respected industrialist      spellbinding murder trial masterfully, testing   CO-PRODUCER Stefan Gärtner PRODUCTION
    Jean-Baptiste Meyer, was Leinen’s long-time      the bounds between morality and justice.         COMPANY Constantin Film Produktion, in co-
    friend and mentor and is the grandfather of                                                       production with SevenPictures Film RUN-
    his high-school sweetheart Johanna. Every-       MARCO KREUZPAINTNER studied Art History          TIME 124 min LANGUAGE German
    thing in this spectacular case seems to be       before working as an assistant to Edgar Reitz
    working against the inexperienced lawyer:        and Peter Lilienthal. In 2009 he founded the     SALES
    Caspar is personally involved, has a client      production company Summerstorm Enter-            Global Screen
    who won’t talk to him, and an opponent who       tainment. Active as a writer, producer and
    seems far superior in legendary prosecutor       director, his films include: BREAKING LOOSE
    Professor Richard Mattinger. When he de-         (2003), SUMMER STORM (2004), TRADE
    cides to tackle the case anyway, he starts       (2007), KRABAT (2008), COMING IN (2014), the
    uncovering one of the greatest legal scandals    series BEAT (2018), and THE COLLINI CASE
    ever, stretching back to World War II. But how   (2019).
    much is he willing to sacrifice to expose the

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