Digital Participant Guide - 23 May 2018 Egmont Palace, Brussels, Belgium Summit Partners - CSR Europe

Digital Participant Guide - 23 May 2018 Egmont Palace, Brussels, Belgium Summit Partners - CSR Europe
Digital Participant Guide
          23 May 2018
 Egmont Palace, Brussels, Belgium

           Summit Partners
Digital Participant Guide - 23 May 2018 Egmont Palace, Brussels, Belgium Summit Partners - CSR Europe
Dear participant,

Welcome to the Brussels SDG Summit 2018, organised together with the European Business Summit and sponsored
by Enel and PwC Belgium. Our inspiration for this Summit stems from SDG 17 (Sustainable Development
Goal): Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development.
We are bringing together 400 participants including business leaders, experts, EU representatives, NGOs and other
stakeholders to discuss how to accelerate collaboration for the SDGs to achieve systemic change. In this digital
agenda, you will find information to guide you through the day. We hope this Summit will provide you with
inspiration, collaboration opportunities and practical examples to achieve the SDGs.

Brussels SDG Summit

In 2017 CSR Europe organised its first conference on the Sustainable Development Goals within the framework of
the annual European Business Summit. Over 300 participants from companies, the European Union and stakeholders
discussed how business transformation and collaboration are the key drivers for change towards an inclusive and fair

CSR Europe engages itself to organise annually – at a fixed moment in time -, within the European Business Summit,
a high-level conference on the Sustainable Development Goals.

This year’s conference will focus on transforming markets through partnerships for the UN Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs). These goals outline an ambitious global agenda for action, but collaboration is essential to create the
systemic changes that are needed in society. Sectorial and multi-stakeholder partnerships can multiply the positive
impact while sharing the costs. Collaboration, however, is easy to say but hard to do. In this conference, we will bring
together different stakeholders that are engaged in business/sector partnerships to drive change. They will tell their
story and share the challenges and success factors of their collaboration. Learn from the leaders, be inspired by good
practices and get engaged in our SDG roundtables

CSR Europe

CSR Europe is the leading European business network for Corporate Social Responsibility. Through its network of 44
corporate members and 41 National CSR organisations, it gathers over 10,000 companies, and acts as a platform for
those businesses looking to enhance sustainable growth and positively contribute to society. In its mission to bring
the sustainability agenda forward, CSR Europe goes beyond European borders and cooperates with CSR
organisations in other regions across the world. CSR Europe builds on its Enterprise 2020 Initiative with the
Sustainable Business Exchange which incubates multi-stakeholder initiatives that tackle the UN 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development.

                                                   Summit Partners
Digital Participant Guide - 23 May 2018 Egmont Palace, Brussels, Belgium Summit Partners - CSR Europe

Programme outline 23 May 2018

  TIME                         AGENDA ITEM                                                SPEAKERS /content
                                         Plenary: Partnerships for the SDGs – EUROPE ROOM
               Welcome Tea & Coffee 8.30– 9.00

9.00-9.05      Welcome                                           •   Hans Daems, Chair of CSR Europe (Hitachi)
9.05 -9.30     Keynotes – setting the scene for business         •   Saori Dubourg, Member of Board of Executive Directors, BASF
               transformation & collaboration                    •   Louis de Bruin, Blockchain Leader Europe, IBM
                                                                 •   Seb Dance, Member of the European Parliament
9.30 – 10.00   White Paper Presentation: Sector                  •   Linda Midgley, Global Expert SDG Reporting, PwC
               Collaboration for SDGs                            •   Ann Mettler, Head of the European Political Strategy Center
10.00          The SDGs around the world                         •   Zuo Ye, China National Nuclear Power Co., Ltd
               Introducing regional perspectives on SDG          •   Masao Seki, Senior Adviser on CSR, Sompo Japan Nipponkoa
               implementation with special focus on the sector       Insurance Inc.
               approach.                                         •   Simon Robert, CSR Director Loto-Quebec, Quebec Business
                                                                     Council on the Environment (CPEQ)
                                                                 •   Mónica Noriega Fernández, CSR Coordinator, CEMEFI ( Mexico)
                                                                 •   Burjis Godrej, Director, Godrej Industries
               Coffee Break 10.45 – 11.15

11.15 –        Accelerating Sector action towards the SDGs       •   Sandra Dante, Vice-President Social Accountability & Prospective
12.45          Industry sectors & leading companies discuss          Total & IPIECA
               their challenges and achievements in              •   Arndt Scheidgen, President, A.I.S.E & Charles-François Gaudefroy,
               addressing the SDGs                                   Global R&D Vice-President Regulatory Affairs, Unilever
                                                                 •   John Edelman, MD, Global Engagement and Corporate
                                                                     Responsibility, Edelman
                                                                 •   Giles Dickson, CEO, WindEurope & Annika Ramsköld, Vice
                                                                     President Corporate Sustainability, Vattenfall
                                                                 •   Kristian Ruby, Secretary General, Eurelectric
                                                                 •   Alice Pedretti, Senior Project Manager, Drive Sustainability CSR
                                                                 •   Peter Freedman, Managing Director, Consumer Goods Forum
                                                                 •   Wim Mijs, CEO, European Banking Federation & Antoni Ballabriga,
                                                                     Global Head for Responsible Business, BBVA
                                                                 •   Marco Mensink, Director General, CEFIC

12.45 –        Key highlights and main reflections of the        •   Stefan Crets, Executive Director, CSR Europe
13.00          morning
                                                                 •   Lise Kingo, CEO & Executive Director, United Nations Global
               Closing ideas                                         Compact
               Networking Lunch 13.00 – 14.00
                                                                 •   David Grayson, Emeritus Professor of Corporate Responsibility,
14.00 –
               SDG Challenge Roundtables (see topics below)          Cranfield School of Management
                                                                 •   15 roundtable speakers
16.00 –        Closing Keynotes                                  •   Frans Timmermans, first VP of the European Commission
                                                                 •   Comte Etienne Davignon, President CSR Europe, Member of EU
                                                                     SDG Platform

                                                            Summit Partners

15 SDG Challenge Roundtables

The purpose is to bring experts, practitioners and policymakers to discuss a specific SDG related challenge and elaborate
possible collaborative actions that can be taken to tackle the issue.

      •   15 roundtables dedicated to a specific SDG related challenge
      •   Participants choose 1 table and will have 80 minutes to discuss & incubate a solution/ collaborative action for their
      •   Each challenge will be briefly explained by a speaker after which there will be a structured discussion for collaborative

                                 Roundtable sessions – 14.00 – 15.15 (Mirror Gallery)
          Topic                                               Speakers
               Opening words by David Grayson, Emeritus Professor of Corporate Responsibility, Cranfield School of
 1        How to increase the number of people with relevant skills        •   Maria Alexiou, CSR Hellas
          for the future?                                                  •   Jacques Spelkens, Engie
 2        How to empower youth for the SDGs?                               •   Andy Tomkins, Canon
                                                                           •   Rania Soulaki, Hellenic Petroleum
 3        How can companies be engaged in the fight against                •   Nadège Lharaig, FACE
          gender-based violence?                                           •   Margaret Johnston, L’Oréal
                                                                           •   Céline Bonnaire, Kering Foundation
 4        How to strengthen the health workforce?                          •   Ben Davies, Johnson & Johnson
 5        How to integrate migrants & refugees into the workforce?         •   Paula Byrne, CSR Europe
 6        How to reduce food waste across the value chain?                 •   Florence Rossi, Sodexo
                                                                           •   Hélène Castel, Foodwaste Coalition
                                                                           •   Stefania Lallai, Costa Crociere
 7        How to sustainably manage raw material?                          •   Alice Pedretti, Drive Sustainability
                                                                           •   Nobuyoshi Yamasaki, TBM
 8        How to support sustainable natural resource management           •   Giovanna Gregori, Illy
          through collaboration along value chains?
 9        How to promote sustainable energy use?                           •   Christopher Springham, LM Windpower
                                                                           •   Thomas Kjaergaard, GreenNetwork
 10       How to ensure universal access to modern and low-carbon          •   Monica Oviedo, Iberdrola
          forms of energy?                                                 •   Marina Migliorato, ENEL
 11       How to enhance global multi-stakeholder platforms for the        •   Luis Roberto, Grace
          SDGs?                                                            •   Susana Martins, Universidade Europeia
 12       How can collaboration stimulate companies to adopt               •   Dominique Debecker, Solvay
          sustainable practices and increase impact on business and
 13       How to advance international cooperation for circular            •   Bernedine Bos, MVO Nederland
          solutions?                                                       •   Valeria Bracciale, ENEL
 14       How to support and enhance responsible tax behaviour             •   Iker Isusi Apraiz, BBVA
          from companies?
 15       How can the SDGs & digitalisation accelerate sustainable         •   Nadine-Lan Hönighaus, Econsense
          business practice?                                               •   Thorsten Pinkepank, BASF

                                                         Summit Partners

 Mirror Gallery – Roundtables

PEOPLE          1. How to increase the number of people with relevant skills for the future? (CSR Hellas & Engie)
                2. How to empower youth for the SDGs? (Canon & Hellenic Petroleum)
                3. How can companies be engaged in the fight against gender-based violence? (L’Oréal, FACE &
                    Kering Foundation)
                4. How to strengthen the global healthcare workforce and improve health systems? (Johnson &
                5. How to support employment and professional training for refugees and migrants? (CSR
MATERIALS       6. How to reduce food waste across the value chain? ( Sodexo, Costa Crociere, International Food
                    Waste Coalition)
                7. How to sustainably manage raw materials? ( CSR Europe & TBM)
                8. How to support sustainable natural resource management through collaboration along value
                    chains? (Illy)
                9. How to promote sustainable energy use? (LM Windpower & Green Network)
                10. How to ensure universal access to modern and low-carbon forms of energy? (Iberdrola &
MARKETS         11. How to enhance global multi-stakeholder platforms for the SDGs? (GRACE, Universidade
                12. How can collaboration stimulate companies to adopt sustainable practices and increase
                    impact on business and society? (Solvay)
                13. How to advance international cooperation for circular solutions? (MVO Nederland & Enel)
                14. How to support and enhance responsible tax behaviour from companies? (BBVA & CSR
                15. How can the SDGs & digitalisation accelerate sustainable business practice? (Econsense &

                                               Summit Partners
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