Digital Media Kit August 2019 - Scenic

Page created by Yvonne Bennett
Digital Media Kit August 2019 - Scenic
Digital Media Kit
    August 2019
Digital Media Kit August 2019 - Scenic
    Inspired by the sleek contours of a sailing yacht
    and custom-built with an unwavering commitment
    to safety and excellence in design, Scenic Eclipse
    combines a wealth of world-class facilities with
    the opportunity for unrivalled exploration.
    Hand-crafted itineraries are full of rare-moments
    and extraordinary experiences from the sublime
    beauty of the Polar regions, to the magnificent
    Norwegian Fjords, the sun-drenched
    Caribbean and the history and cultures of
    South America and the Mediterranean.
    Scenic Eclipse is the next generation
    in Ocean Cruising.

Digital Media Kit August 2019 - Scenic
Digital Media Kit August 2019 - Scenic

                                                                          CHICAGO   BOSTON

Australian Roots
to Global Reach
Scenic Luxury Cruises and Tours
is an Australian founded company
with more than three decades of
experience creating unforgettable
handcrafted journeys for our guests,
across the world’s most beautiful
stretches of land and water.
From humble beginnings, we began
offering coach tours along Australia’s
Great Ocean Road, before expanding
internationally with land-based tours
in Canada and Africa and identifying
an opportunity in all-inclusive
European river cruising.
Recognised as a leader in our field,
we now take guests from over 35
countries to destinations all around
the world.
Today we have over ten global offices
and over 23 own ships delivering
unparalleled wonder to our guests.
We do this for our leading luxury
brand Scenic and for our sister
brands; Evergreen Cruises and Tours,
Emerald Waterways and Mayflower.
                                         special ways. Which is why we have
                                         developed extraordinary itineraries     Incomparable
                                         that travel to more than 60 countries
Inspired by a                            spanning all seven continents.
                                                                                 From our early beginnings we
                                         We’re forever driven by the belief
Sense of Wonder                          that you should never lose your         have a constant desire to provide
                                                                                 exceptional travel experiences to
                                         sense of wonder, and creating
At Scenic we believe the world is        moments of wonder for our guests in     our guests. And how our guests
an amazing place, with beauty to         incredible places around the world      travel is equally as important as the
be explored on every continent,          is always at the heart of what we do.   destination itself.
the oceans and rivers in-between.        It’s why we started – and why we        Whether it was with our 2-door
And these special destinations           continue to push the boundaries of      coaches, our custom built Space-
deserve to be discovered in truly        luxury travel today.                    Ships with industry-first balcony
Digital Media Kit August 2019 - Scenic



                                                                        SIEM REAP


                                                                                            SYDNEY                 AUCKLAND

suites and more public spaces             First Discovery Yacht™ welcomes a         Association), CATO (Council of
for guests to enjoy, the launch of        new era in luxury expedition travel,      Australian Tour Operators), and is
Emerald Waterways or with the             where industry leading safety and         ATAS (AFTA Travel Accreditation
introduction of Scenic Enrich and         environmental standards combine           Scheme) and ATAP Accredited
Scenic Freechoice excursions,             with state-of-the-art technology          (Australian Tourism Accreditation
we always aim for the best guest          and the six-star experience, to yet       Program). Scenic has been
experience, that will last a lifetime.    again set the benchmark on an             the recipient of national and
                                          international stage.                      international accolades from the
And now the next big leap is the
                                                                                    industry and its partners, as well as
exciting arrival of Scenic Eclipse, due   Scenic is a member of CLIA (Cruise
                                                                                    recognised within the industry for its
to commence her inaugural voyage          Lines International Association),
                                                                                    exemplary product and operations.
on 15 August 2019. The World’s            IATA (International Air Transport
Digital Media Kit August 2019 - Scenic
From Discovery Team leaders to experienced
activity guides, historians, geologists,
ornithologist, marine biologists, naturalists
and leading photographers, the Scenic Eclipse
Discovery Team provides a wealth of knowledge
and experience. Our Discovery Leaders are
experts in their fields. They will share their
insights into the environment, history and
culture of each region and their personal
highlights so you are ready to explore the many
new horizons that await onshore.
Each Discovery Leader is an expert in their
field, providing you first-hand with unrivalled
knowledge and fleet insights on everything
from the environment, history and culture of
each region you visit. Combined decades of rich
experiences and in-depth research will be boiled
down to expert lessons on your surroundings –
there’s simply no better way to experience your
The guests’ journey of discovery will be
enhanced by:
     The Scenic Eclipse is equipped with our
     state-of-the-art Airbus H130-T2 helicopters
     which seat up to six guests*
     Scenic Eclipse’s U-Boat Worx Cruise
     Submarine 7 is capable of diving to a depth
     of 300 metres and offers seating for up to
     six guests.*
     Scenic Eclipse fleet of Zodiacs will take
     guests to the heart of the action.
     Our included tandem kayaks excursions offer
     active explorations through incredible scenery
     and wildlife encounters.                               Scenic Discovery
     Marina                                           Our Scenic Discovery excursions, which take guests
     The specially designed marina for launching       on exploratory guided tours on board Zodiacs, kayaks
     Zodiacs and kayaks, weather permitting.           and e-bikes, allow for a full adventure experience like
                                                       nothing else. These excursions also include snorkelling
                                                       in the lush, clear waters in the Caribbean, hiking across
                                                       the Arctic tundra and kayaking close to breathtaking
                                                       marine life.

*Helicopter and Submarine excursions are extra cost.

Digital Media Kit August 2019 - Scenic
Scenic Enrich                                                Scenic Freechoice
These unique encounters take passengers behind               These activities offer passengers the flexibility to pick
the scenes to enjoy private and special moments              the expert-led shore excursion that suits their taste.
not available to the ordinary traveller. From the            From seeing great works of art and architecture to a
Mediterranean to the Baltics, from the Canadian              behind-the-scenes encounter with local artisans or
Maritimes to South America, the Caribbean and Central        experiencing local culture, each destination offers a
America, these spectacular events offer treasured            wealth of activities.
insights into the cultural, musical and natural highlights
of each destination.

Digital Media Kit August 2019 - Scenic
Meet the
Discovery Team

The Scenic Eclipse Discovery Team are experts in their fields and
experienced activity guides, historians, geologists, ornithologist,
marine biologists, naturalists and leading photographers
– all providing a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Jason A Flesher                                  Travis Wadeley                                genre Toward Antarctica, Liz also brings
                                                                                               with her an interest in how literature
Lecturer/Naturalist                              Assistant Expedition Leader                   and art can enliven science and enrich
and Expedition Team Leader                       Nationality: South Africa                     our connections to places. She has had
Nationality: USA                                 Travis was born and raised in the beautiful   work published in The New Yorker, The
                                                 city of Cape Town where his passion for       Atlantic Monthly, Orion, and is a professor
Jason has been committed to all aspects
                                                 the ocean started at a young age on the       of creative writing at Brandeis University.
of experiential and wilderness education
                                                 beaches of South Africa. His adventurous      Liz has worked on expedition ships as a
along with search and rescue for over
                                                 nature led him to the Bahamas where he        naturalist since 1999 and likes to think
35 years. From the top of 23,000 foot
                                                 worked on a private island as a lifeguard     of herself as an “aspiring generalist.”
peaks to exploring the labyrinths 1,500
                                                 and then into cruising with a shore           She finds that the continued study
feet beneath the surface of the earth
                                                 excursions role visiting many popular         of any place, animal, or ecology leads
and kayaking the world’s oceans, Jason’s
                                                 destinations. Amazed by the natural           only to more interesting questions and
professional experience evolved to the
                                                 wonders of the world, a desire to discover    interconnections, and fields to explore.
role of Lead Antarctic Expedition Guide for
2,041 expeditions that focus on climate          and to visit more remote locations took
change and as an experiential facilitator        Travis to Expedition cruising where for the   David Heydon
and wilderness guide educating diverse           last six years he has worked in remarkable
                                                 parts of the world such as Antarctica and     Lecturer/Geologist
groups of all ages and backgrounds in over
twenty countries, on all seven continents.       the Arctic, bringing with him a wealth of     Nationality: Australia
Published in numerous publications for           knowledge as an experienced expedition        Educated as a naturalist but an explorer by
his work, including The New York Times,          team member.                                  desire, David was nominated for the 2016
Readers Digest, Outfitter Magazine, Land                                                       ‘Australian of the Year’ award and received
Rover Magazine, Climbing and the National
Speleological Society magazines to name
                                                 Liz Bradfield                                 the Moore Medal in 2012 for his extensive
                                                                                               environmental and oceanographic studies
a few, Jason has received numerous               Lecturer/Geologist                            of deep-sea environments. In awe of
appreciation awards and citations for his        Nationality: USA                              the wonders of the planet, from the
work with businesses, youth and with the                                                       North Pole where his group was the first
                                                 Liz splits her time between the worlds of
communities he serves. “An adventure is                                                        ever to stand on a summer solstice, to
                                                 biology and literature. At home on Cape
not of the physical, it is of the mind.” This                                                  travelling to Mawson’s Hut in Antarctica,
                                                 Cod, she does fieldwork with whales
personal belief has led Jason to live his life                                                 David has participated in numerous
                                                 and seals and as the author of three
through experience, appreciation,                                                              expedition cruises including the North
                                                 collections of poetry and the mixed
and growth.                                                                                    Pole, North West Passage, Greenland, Far
Digital Media Kit August 2019 - Scenic
East Russia, Antarctica (both Peninsula       Bay of Fundy, Carly Fleet is a natural-born    Florida State University, she worked as a
and Commonwealth Bay), Sub Antarctic          outdoor enthusiast with an affinity for        research assistant to the chairman of the
Islands of Australian and New Zealand,        the ocean. While on the island, she has        Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science
and many other Pacific regions.               operated fishing vessels; worked as a          department. Jennifer spearheaded the
                                              lobster fisher and commercial scuba diver;     evaluation and analysis of structural data
                                              and guided kayak and hiking tours. An avid     in the Appalachian eastern Blue Ridge
Amanda Charland                               adventurer, Carly has had the privilege        for a USGS project during her research
Lecturer/Historian                            of visiting over forty countries around        in graduate school. Her geology research
Nationality: Canada                           the globe. Some of her endeavours have         has taken her from the Sangre de Cristo
                                              included working in the recreational scuba     Mountains of New Mexico to the ancient
Dr Amanda Charland was born and raised        dive industry in the Galapagos Islands and     terrains of the Appalachian range to the
in Canada and developed a love of travel      on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef; teaching    glaciers of Greenland.
and archaeology during a family trip          English in South Korea; studying for a
to Mexico’s Chichen Itza. She received        year in both France and Cuba; and doing
her doctorate in archaeology from the         volunteer work in Uganda and Costa Rica.       Roddy Bray
University of Glasgow and during her          A licenced teacher and experienced guide,      Lecturer/Anthropologist
doctoral research, travelled to Israel        Carly enjoys mentoring, coaching, and
to study the ruins of Crusader-era city                                                      Nationality: UK
                                              instilling a love of nature in her students,
walls. Her interest lies in the interaction   tour guests, and all those she meets           As a guide, writer, lecturer, filmmaker
between different groups of people and        along her travels. When she is not happily     and expedition team-member Roddy
how they alter walls through destruction,     paddling the coast in her kayak, Carly can     has worked in more than 25 countries.
reconstruction, ornamentation, or new         be found working in the tourism industry,      Originally trained as an Anthropologist
construction. Other research highlights       teaching, guiding, or planning her next        in England and at the University of Cape
include exploring the function of             adventure.                                     Town, Physical Anthropology has given
Cyprus’s Frankish castles; surveying and                                                     Roddy an abiding interest in human
excavating Second World War aircraft                                                         evolution and the interface of human
wreckage in Scotland’s Highlands and                                                         nature and behaviour. Bewitched by
Islands; and exploring the history of the                                                    the revolutionary spirit in South Africa,
University of Glasgow’s 19th and 20th                                                           coupled with the beauty and diversity
century architecture. Most recently,                                                              of Cape Town, Roddy was drawn into
Amanda co-authored a book with                                                                      guiding as inquisitive travellers
the American Philosophical                                                                            began to arrive in growing numbers
Society, the oldest learned                                                                            with the fall of apartheid and the
society in the United States.                                                                           election of Nelson Mandela.
The book investigates the life                                                                           Throughout 2010 Roddy was
of a Pennsylvania farm from                                                                               ‘on the road’ with his young
colonial times to the present.                                                                             family using film and audio he
                                                                                                           created a multimedia website
                                                                                                           about inspirational people and
Brandon Kleyn                                                                                              places in Africa, ‘GreatGuides.
Lecturer/Naturalist                                                                                       Org’. This year-long journey led
Nationality: South Africa                                                                                to a book ‘Travelling in Africa
                                                                                                        With Kids’. In 2011 Roddy began
Brandon’s exploration days                                                                             lecturing on ships, initially along
started at a young age when he                                                                        the West Coast of Africa, speaking
was attending an outdoors-based                                                                     on a wide range of issues from
boarding school in the South African                                                              history to conservation, and human
Cape mountain’s in Swellendam. At                                                               evolution to aid and development.
the age of sixteen he started working as                                                     Roddy has also published ‘Recycling
a kayak guide on a nearby river and spent                                                    Adversity: the life of Gerd Ledermann’, an
every school holiday travelling to South                                                     account of a Kindertransport orphan who
Africa’s greatest rivers. Since then he has                                                  lived a remarkable life. Roddy now lives in
worked as a kayak guide in and around
numerous parts of South Africa, obtaining     Jennifer Fought                                Oxford, England, and when he is not at sea
                                                                                             he works as a public speaker presenting
more experience from different rivers and     Lecturer/Geologist                             various talks including ‘An A to Z of the
coastal waters. Brandon’s love for the                                                       English’.
outdoors and nature led him to start his
                                              Nationality: USA
teaching degree, specialising in Geography.   Jennifer has combined her love for
After three years of teaching Brandon         the outdoors and passion for earth             Louis Justin
decided to turn his attention once again to   science into a career in the expedition        Nationality: France
kayaking, guiding and making his passion      industry. She has experience working
                                                                                             After graduating from Europe’s leading
a profession. Brandon is a RYA certified      as a lecturer, guide and zodiac driver in
                                                                                             management school, Louis spent four
zodiac driver and APA qualified lead kayak    the Antarctic, Alaska, Panama Canal,
                                                                                             years in Australia and New Zealand
guide. When not working or travelling, he     Patagonia and northern South America
                                                                                             taking every opportunity to explore these
can be found daily surfing and hiking Cape    regions. Outside of geology, Jennifer is
                                                                                             countries and their neighbours, cultures,
Town’s rugged coast.                          an avid hiker, mountain biker, CrossFit
                                                                                             ancient and modern, deserts, icy and
                                              athlete, and paddle boarder. She is
                                                                                             tropical, volcanoes, extinct and active.
                                              passionate about gaining knowledge
Carly Fleet                                   and a greater understanding of how
                                                                                             While completing his master’s degree, he
Nationality: Canada                                                                          studied the geographical and economic
                                              our planet changes and experiencing
                                                                                             history of Australia, New Zealand and the
Hailing from the beautiful island of Grand    the natural wonders Earth has to offer.
                                                                                             South-West Pacific Ocean. Louis then
Manan in eastern Canada’s spectacular         While pursuing her master’s degree at
Digital Media Kit August 2019 - Scenic
joined the expedition cruising industry and
now shares his knowledge of geography
                                               Uli Erfurth
and the history of exploration. His interest   Marine Biologist
for the natural world also enables him         Nationality: Germany
to discuss subjects such as geophysics,        Uli has been working on expedition cruise
navigation, weather, volcanoes, and            ships since 1994. The biology graduate had
related sciences. Lecturer and expedition      a truly life-changing experience during
leader, originally from Normandy and now       his time as a field scientist researching
based in England, Louis organises voyages      on the diving behavior of Galapagos fur
and leads itineraries to the world’s           seals when he lived in a tent next to a large
most secluded wildernesses and                 rookery for half a year. Several hundred
cultural jewels.                               days in Antarctica also provided intimate
                                               wildlife encounters which he considers a
Sarah Hrdlicka                                 huge privilege. Uli is also a scuba diving
                                               instructor trainee with over 3,500 dives
Kayak Guide                                    logged across almost all oceans of the
Nationality: Canada                            world. In 2015 Uli decided to become an
Sarah has always loved the outdoors, but       oceanic nomad with no terrestrial home
she didn’t consider a career outside until     but lots of opportunities for adventures
she found herself taking a break from an       and passionate topside and underwater
urban planning desk job to run a               photography. Presently he lives on
ship-based yoga program in Antarctica.         expedition cruise ships for up to 200 days
Inspired by the exceptional wilderness         per year.
experiences the icy continent offers, she
decided to continue down this unexpected
path. This led her to kayak guiding, and
                                               Adam Jenkins
                                                                                               great outdoors. His multi-disciplinary
on many great paddling adventures              Biologist                                       background is known for creating unique
around the world, from Patagonia to            Nationality: USA                                expedition experiences, with his love for
Newfoundland, Canada. Now based in             After attending the University of               storytelling keeping those whiling to listen
Nova Scotia’s LaHave Islands, Sarah owns       Washington, Adam embarked on a                  in awe. In 2013, Seb joined the Shackleton
her own paddling business and is a Paddle      single-handed voyage down the Pacific           Epic Expedition, a re-enactment of
Canada Instructor for sea kayaking and         Coast aboard Saint Brendan, his 27-foot         the celebrated 830-mile boat journey
stand-up paddle boarding, as well as a         sloop. On this voyage, he explored the          undertaken by Sir Ernest Shackleton
500hr Advanced Yoga Instructor. When           Sea of Cortez, transited the Panama             aboard the James Caird lifeboat from
she is not paddling or teaching yoga, you      Canal, circumnavigated the Caribbean            Elephant Island to South Georgia. With
can find her swimming, sailing or surfing      Sea and explored the eastern seaboard           unparalleled knowledge and experience
depending on the sea state.                    from Florida to Nova Scotia. During             of exploring the Antarctic Peninsula, the
                                               this four-year voyage, Adam made a              Northwest Passage, Svalbard, Iceland,
                                                                                               Greenland, the Arabian Peninsula,
Scott Mccormack                                living as a professional sailor, sailing as
                                                                                               Patagonia, Europe, and the Pacific islands
                                               master aboard various vessels in the
Naturalist Guide                               Caribbean Sea and lived aboard his boat in      spanning from Rapanui to Australia, he is
Nationality: Canada                            Guatemala and Belize for a year.                an incredible well-travelled guide.
Scott McCormack is a wilderness guide,         For over 20 years Adam worked with NOAA
paddling instructor and outdoor educator       National Marine Fisheries Service and the       Baldur Thorvaldsson
from Nova Scotia, Canada. Scott has            US Antarctic Program as a field biologist,      Polar Guide
more than 20 years of extensive paddle         expedition leader and science project
guiding experience from Newfoundland           manager supporting marine mammal and
                                                                                               Nationality: Iceland
and Labrador to British Columbia, and          ecosystem researchers in the Antarctica,        Baldur is Icelandic and has been a marine
from Antarctica to the Norwegian Arctic.       and the coastal waters of the Eastern           naturalist and Polar guide since gaining
He holds a Master of Environmental             Pacific from Alaska to Cape Horn. Adam          an MSc degree in Ecotourism in Scotland
Studies (MES) from York University; a          holds NOAA Master diver and dive master         in 2012. He has over 40 voyages in the
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) in Outdoor       certifications. When not at sea on an           Antarctic, Falkland Islands, South
and Experiential Education from Queens         expedition vessel, Adam owns a yacht
University, and a B.A from Dalhousie                                                           Georgia, Svalbard, Greenland, Iceland
                                               delivery company Yachtlogic and can be          and Norway on top of various remote
University. His research explores human/       found delivering a yacht as a professional
nature relationships, ecological identity,                                                     islands and archipelagos to his name. He
                                               sailor, see his web site at     loves working on whale-watching boats
and how expeditions that employ
indigenous technology can mediate                                                              but only found wat his true love when he
a deeper understanding of a place. A           Seb Coulthard                                   started working on expedition ships with
certified canoe, paddleboard and sea                                                           the change and challenges, they present.
                                               Historian/Zodiac Driver/Naturalist              As a graduate of Ecotourism, he strongly
kayak instructor with Paddle Canada with
an easy-going attitude, Scott delivers         Nationality: UK                                 believes in sustainable, ethical wildlife
safe, fun and educational trips for all        Seb is an accomplished sailor, engineer         tourism as a powerful tool in helping
populations and skill levels.                  and expedition guide with 18 years’             people become conservation minded and
                                               military experience in the Royal Navy.          appreciate wild places and wildlife.
                                               After re-inventing himself from helicopter
                                               engineer to polar historian, he now works
                                               aboard luxury ships and mega-yachts
                                               engaging, inspiring and activating
                                               people to connect with nature and the
Peter Damisch                                   the sub-Antarctic islands, as a naturalist
                                                and zodiac driver. Islands have featured
                                                                                                  Nicole Golightly
Historian/Naturalist                            largely in Keith’s life, including a year spent   Zodiac Driver/General Naturalist
Nationality: USA                                on Raoul Island in the Kermadec group,            Nationality: Australia
Peter has pursued many passions, and            a total of over three years on Macquarie          Nicole grew up in the far north east
exploring polar, tropical, temperate and        Island, six months on South Georgia and           of Australia and with the passion for
desert regions have all yielded many            two months on the Antipodes Islands, as           adventure and learning about the world
close, personal interactions while learning     well as over three years cumulatively at          around her, working on a cruise ship
more about intriguing people, their             Scott Base in Antarctica.                         seemed to suite her perfectly. She started
unusual history as well as unique cultural/     Keith is currently based on Lord Howe             working in the expedition cruising industry
social traditions at exciting and remote        Island after ten years living in Tasmania.        in 2014 and she has traveled from the far
locations spanning this beautiful planet.       He is part of a project team aiming to            south to the far north to the exciting
Globally, Peter has 1.8+ Million Km at sea,     eradicate rats and mice from Lord Howe to         Polar Regions of the world, through the
100+ polar and 150+ other expeditions,          protect seabirds and endemic land birds           always-breath taking Russian far east to
including remote operations at Elephant,        from rodent predation.                            the head-hunting villages of Papua New
Gough, Franz Joseph, Kvitoya, Matua,                                                              Guinea.
Novaya Zemlya, Palmerston, Pitcairn,
Seguam, Aldabra and Tristan da Cunha.           Larisa Sosnovskaia
He has transited the Northwest Passage,         Nationality: Russian                              Adriaan Oliver
completed multiple circumnavigations and        Larisa was born and raised in                     Naturalist/Zodiac Driver
sailed on Captain Cook’s Endeavour square       St. Petersburg, Russia, and started guiding       Nationality: South Africa
rigged replica. As Expedition Leader and        in her hometown at the age of 12. She won
International Team Member, Peter has had                                                          Adriaan has had a passion for adventure
                                                a scholarship in the Biological Faculty
the privilege of guiding and working with                                                         from a young age, finishing his Pilot’s
                                                at St. Petersburg Youth Academy of Art,
fascinating people in seven continents                                                            Licence at 19 years old and working as an
                                                graduated St. Petersburg State university
while visiting isolated villages, white water                                                     Abseiling Instructor off the world’s highest
                                                in Public Relations, and has lived and
rafting, glacier and orangutan trekking,                                                          natural abseil on Table Mountain in Cape
                                                worked in six continents. In 2010 she
para sailing, zip lining or operating along                                                       Town, South Africa. From swimming with
                                                sailed to Antarctica on board an expedition
active volcanoes.                                                                                 dolphins and sharks and sharing the
                                                vessel. In 2016 as a new challenge she
                                                                                                  ocean with huge Southern right whales
                                                sailed a 65ft yacht as First Mate for more
                                                                                                  while surfing, he knew he wanted to work
                                                than a year, but Antarctica was calling,
Keith Springer                                  and in 2018 she joined a new expedition
                                                                                                  on the ocean and find out what else there
Naturalist                                                                                        is to explore. Adriaan made his move to
                                                team. Since 2013 she has been living in
                                                                                                  expedition cruise ships travelling to the
Nationality: New Zealand                        Mexico, Yukatan Peninsula, implementing
                                                                                                  most remote places on earth, hoping to
                                                ecotourism with environmental protection.
Keith is a New Zealander with a passion                                                           share once in a lifetime experiences and
                                                She studied and researched tropical
for the outdoors and islands – interests                                                          memories with people who have a shared
                                                waters and marine life diversity. Larisa
which have taken him to widespread                                                                dream of travelling to the far ends of
                                                worked and lived in different indigenous
locations around the Southern                                                                     the earth.
                                                communities in Mexico, establishing
Hemisphere. Keith has had a varied
                                                ecotourism and preventing possible
career including 20 years as a forest and
                                                hazards for local.
national park ranger with the New Zealand
Department of Conservation, work in
Antarctica with Antarctica New Zealand
and on expedition ships to Antarctica and

Beyond the Horizon
The Scenic sixth-star experience
Scenic has always sought to venture beyond the horizon
and for an additional cost passengers can take to the
skies or dive into the crystal clear waters.

Jay Schmidlapp
Helicopter Lead Pilot, Scenic Eclipse
Jay began his aviation career in the 90s as an instructor pilot
before flying news helicopters for NBC in Orlando Florida
and Miami. Since then he has flown for many high-profile
celebrities and business figures combining his two passions of
yachting and helicopters. He shares his insights...
What are your most memorable destinations, wildlife                 Are there any new locations you’ll be experiencing?
and geographical encounters?                                        Personally speaking, we will be visiting many locations new
Having flown corporate aviation and aboard some of the world’s      to me and the ship as a whole since it’s the first in luxury
most iconic yachts, I’ve been very fortunate to see some of the     cruise ships to have helicopters based on board. The polar
most beautiful destinations flying along the coast of Dominican     regions are a big part of Scenic Eclipse’s itinerary so much of
Republic’s “Mona Passage” I’ve seen whales, sharks off the          our training and flight planning has been focused on such a
Florida coast and monkeys on remote islands to name a few.          remote and hostile environment. I’m very much looking forward
                                                                    to experience the sights of Emperor penguins and polar ice in
Describe a typical day on board Scenic Eclipse.                     these regions.
Waking up and walking out on deck is first and foremost to          Where is your dream destination?
enjoy the scenery before the fast-paced day begins. As senior
lead pilot my responsibilities include many duties to a complex     One location on my bucket list is Tahiti or the South Pacific
operation. Establishing our crew rotations, acquiring flight        destinations in general. Many of my previous yachts couldn’t
permits internationally, planning scenic flights to name a few.     break away from the Mediterranean so finding a sandy beach
A typical day starts with gathering flight and passenger details    was tough. Out of all the places I’ve been it would be remiss
from the discovery and operations teams. Once we are given          not to mention Exuma Bahamas. The water in the Southern
the green light, we proceed with pre-flight weather checks,         Bahamas is amazing and warm, just how I like it.
any local flight restrictions and anything else that could impact
our flight.
                                                                    Are there are insider or little known tips you can share
                                                                    with our guests?
What will our guests experience?
                                                                    Fly in the helicopters.
With a ‘Birds Eye View’ each passenger will experience
incredible sights that are nearly impossible to see by any other    How can guests make the most of every part of
method of transportation. Soaring smoothly above Icelandic          their adventure?
geothermal lakes or the Norwegian fjords, passengers are            Gather as much information as they can from the Expedition
welcome to use their cameras or mobile phones. However, each        Leaders on board the ship. Get plenty of rest because the
of the aircraft is equipped with video systems that will capture    extensive list of toys and activities on Scenic Eclipse will most
some of the most breath-taking scenery in some of the most          certainly test your endurance.
remote locations.
Submarine Pilot,
Scenic Eclipse
With an insatiable
hunger for adventure
and discovery, Remy
Izendooren has worked
on 62-passenger ship and
charter yachts, visiting the
Seychelles, Adriatic Sea,
Greenland, Greece, Malta,
Côte d’Azur, Antarctica and
Chile. He shares his deep sea
Tell us about your role as Senior
Submarine Operations Officer
From selecting dive sites and organizing permits, to rinsing
the sub with fresh water after a long day of diving, I am
responsible for all aspects of the submarine operations on
board Scenic Eclipse. The real highlight for me is sharing
the subsea wonders of the world with our guests. Volcanic
pinnacles, sheer walls, majestic wrecks, a wide diversity
of marine life and beautiful reefs all lie waiting to be
Where is your favourite dive location and why?
The world has a myriad of spectacular dive sites waiting
for us to explore, from sunken wrecks and vibrant tropical
reefs to a sea floor teeming with life in Antarctica.
My personal wish list includes diving the
  Strýtan Hydrothermal Field in Eyjafjörður, Northern
  Half Moon Cay Wall, south-east of Lighthouse Reef
   atoll in Belize
  Wreck of HMHS Britannic, sister ship of the infamous
   Titanic, in the Aegean Sea
How do you describe the experience of going in a
submarine to a guest?
Diving with our submarine is an ‘out of this world’
What is the best guest feedback you have ever
I have had the honour to be a part of many people’s
first-ever experience of being underwater. To me it’s all
about people and their genuine reactions and emotions.
The best feedback is not always given verbally. I will never
forget the lady that fell asleep during the ascent after an
incredible dive to the Antarctic seafloor. After I woke her
at the surface she told me that she got so relaxed from the
serene setting and exploring the dream-like, underwater
world that she dozed off.
What’s the biggest challenge in piloting a submarine
in a range of different oceans and climates?
Modern submersibles are without doubt the safest way
to dive into the heart of our oceans. Our seven-person
submarine will be taking guests to the furthest reaches
of remote regions and therefore safety is paramount. In
ensuring safety with no compromise, above all else we had
to establish self-sufficiency in our contingency plans.

Senses Spa
Wellness and relaxation
From thermal loungers that gently heat and purify the
body to 550 square metres (5,920 square feet) of Senses
Spa, Scenic Eclipse boasts a plethora of all-inclusive
indulgent wellness spaces.
  Fully equipped gym
  Yoga and Pilates studio
  Temperature-controlled plunge pools on the Spa,
     Sun and Pool Terraces
  Pool and Spa Terraces with sun beds
  Women’s and men’s saunas and steam rooms
  Signature thermal loungers
  Women’s and men’s relaxation lounges
  Specialist experience showers
Featuring treatments and products from ESPA,
Susanne Kaufmann and John Masters Organics for an
additional cost.
The symbol of our Spa is the Ginkgo leaf, an object
of veneration across cultures. Revered for its beauty,
its resilience and its longevity, the Gingko is a living
fossil, unchanged for more than 200 million years.
This demonstration of resilience, combined with its
antiquity, has granted the tree many symbolic meanings
throughout the world.

Indulgent Havens
& World-Class

Large Luxurious Suites
Scenic Eclipse accommodates 228 guests and 200 in
the Polar regions, and has an almost 1:1 staff-to-guest
ratio. The luxurious vessel boasts 114 spacious and
elegantly appointed suites across five decks, from the
32 square metre (344 square feet) Verandah Suites to
the 247 square metre (2,659 square feet) Two-bedroom
Penthouse Suite. Every indulgent suite includes:
   A private verandah or terrace
   Luxury king size Scenic Slumber Bed
   Separate sleep zone and lounge area
   En-suite bathroom with shower and vanity
   Hypoallergenic air purification system
   Butler service
   In-suite beverage and dining service
 	Mini-bar including Illy coffee and specialty teas,
   re-stocked daily
   HDTV entertainment system and Bose® speakers

Owner’s Penthouse Suites
The Owner’s Penthouse Suite is located at the bow of the
yacht, on Deck 9, and boasts the best views on board.                        Panorama Suites
The suites feature the following exclusive features:                         Located at the front of the yacht, overlooking the bow
 	Spacious 60 square metre (646 square feet) terrace                        on Decks 6 and 8, with spacious curved terraces, the
   with lounge area, sun loungers and private Jacuzzi                        Panorama Suites range in size from 110-115 square
                                                                             metres (1,184-1,238 square feet), with these exclusive
 	In-suite dining with seating for up to eight guests                       features and inclusions:
 	Personalised mini-bar re-stocked daily                                     	Spacious terrace with sun loungers
 	Dual steam shower, therapeutic spa bath, guest                             	Bedroom suite with reading alcove, desk and HDTV
   powder room and VIP amenities
                                                                              	Separate lounge and dining area with a four-seater
 	Complimentary one hour spa treatment per guest                                dining table and cinema-surround HDTV
 	Complimentary laundry service^                                             	Steam shower, full bath, dual vanity and VIP amenities
 	Preferred reservations for dining in specialty                             	Complimentary one hour spa treatment per suite
                                                                              	Complimentary laundry service^
 	Guaranteed preferred choice of shore excursions
                                                                              	Priority dining in specialty restaurants
 	Priority helicopter and submarine reservations
                                                                              	Priority choice of shore excursions
 	VIP embarkation and disembarkation
                                                                              	VIP embarkation and disembarkation
16   NB: Some images are artist’s impressions. ^Limited in remote regions.
Marcelo Affonso
                                                           Hotel Director,
                                                           Scenic Eclipse
                                                           Tell us about your career
                                                           so far – was it something
                                                           you always wanted to
                                                           I’ve got a degree in hotel and
                                                           restaurant administration
                                                           and have been managing and
                                                           training hotel employees for
                                                           the past 28 years, 24 of which
                                                           were on cruise ships. My second
                                                           passion is photography and caring
                                                           for the planet and I firmly believe that
                                                           I was born a natural motivator.
                                                           I was instantly inspired by Scenic Eclipse and
                                                           this is, without a doubt, the most rewarding work of my
                                                           professional career. I’m delighted to be involved.
                                                           What career highlights stand out for you? Describe
                                                           your most memorable destinations and moments.
                                                           As the hotel director, my job is integral to the running of the
                                                           ship. My position as host requires me to exude energy as I
                                                           encourage guests, promote well-being and celebrate special
                                                           moments, all while remaining calm and ensuring I perform
                                                           my duties to a high standard.
                                                           Describe a typical day on board Scenic Eclipse and an
                                                           outline of what your role involves?
                                                           A single day on Scenic Eclipse is rewarding and invigorating.
                                                           My role is to make sure every single guest and member of
                                                           the crew enjoys their time on board, where a connection with
                                                           the elements, the luxury of every suite and the welcoming
                                                           atmosphere make up the key factors of the 6-star experience.
                                                           Tell us what makes Scenic Eclipse such a stand out
                                                           experience? What is particularly unique to this ship?
                                                           The vision of the ship is unique and the philosophy to provide
                                                           the best travel experience, while promoting the protection of
                                                           our planet, is certainly something to devote ourselves to.
                                                           What will our guests experience? How does the
                                                           hospitality/spa/butler team on this ship set itself
                                                           apart from other cruise ships?
                                                           We have been fortunate to find the very best professionals
Spa Suites                                                 for each position, as we seek to inspire in them, the same
                                                           passion to be the very best. Guests will board our ship as
Located on Decks 8 and 9, the opulent Spa Suites feature   customers, and will leave as family members.
the signature double size Philippe Starck designed spa
bath – a special feature exclusive to these suites.        Are there any new locations you’ll be experiencing?
The suites range in size from 50-52 square metres          Where do you expect to be the most remote location?
(538-560 square feet), and feature:                        Antarctica is my favourite place on Earth, and I believe the
 	Double size Philippe Starck designed spa bath           Arctic Circle, South America and the American west coast will
   overlooking the private verandah                        be amazing.

 	Steam shower with oversized head and light therapy      What aspect are you most looking forward to?
 	Dual vanity basins and luxurious amenities              I’m looking forward to connecting with the guests and
 	Separate lounge area with reading chair                 ensuring that they enjoy their experience. I’m also hoping
                                                           to have the opportunity to photograph the beautiful
 	Complimentary one hour spa treatment per suite          destinations we will visit.
 	Complimentary laundry service^
                                                           Where is your dream destination and why?
                                                           The Ocean. I am part of the ocean as much as the ocean is
                                                           part of me.

Dining Philosophy
& Beverages
All-Inclusive Culinary Adventure
With a choice of up to ten dining experiences, ranging from casual to fine
dining and inspired by all four corners of the globe, Scenic Eclipse offers
a multicultural culinary adventure. To immerse our guests further in the
delights of gastronomy through culinary lessons by experts, Scenic Eclipse
features a dedicated on board cooking school.
   The main restaurant featuring Italian, steak and seafood

  Chef’s Table @ Elements
   An exclusive invitation to private dégustation dining

   Asian fusion restaurant and saké bar

   Sushi @ Koko’s
   A wonderfully authentic Japanese experience

  Teppanyaki @ Koko’s
   Private dining with an open Teppanyaki grill

   Contemporary French fine-dining and Champagne bar

  Azure Bar & Café
   Relaxed all-day grazing

  Scenic Épicure
   Learn from the best in our dedicated cooking school

  The Yacht Club
   Poolside grill, buffet and bar

  In-Suite Dining
   Comprehensive 24-hour menu
From farm to table, our dining philosophy is the combination of the freshest
produce with regional influences to authentically complement your journey.
While cruising Europe, the Mediterranean and the Americas, dine al fresco
poolside in the Yacht Club, watch fresh sushi being expertly rolled, or pick
the herbs to accompany your own creations in Scenic Epicure. In the remote
Polar regions at the top and bottom of the world, you’ll be astounded by the
choices available after your day of exploration. From all-day grazing in Azure
Bar & Café, to Asian fusion dining in Koko’s or handmade pasta in Elements,
gastronomic delights will be at the heart of your dining experience.

All-Inclusive Beverages
     Featuring eight spacious bars and lounges, relaxation
     awaits. Sip a glass of France’s finest at the intimate
     Champagne Bar, indulge in an aged single malt at the
     elegant Scenic Lounge or unwind in the Observation
     Lounge with a speciality tea or coffee. Complimentary
     beverages*, from a dry martini to a freshly squeezed
     juice, are part of the Scenic Eclipse signature
     all-inclusive promise.

        Tom Goetter
        Executive Chef, Scenic Eclipse
        Tell us a little about your career so far – it’s an
        unusual role, how did you qualify, and was it
        something you always wanted to do?
        I wanted to do something new and enter in new challenges.
        When I heard about this project and the freedom to bring all
        my ideas to a brand new vessel. How could I say no to this
        What career highlights stand out for you? Describe
        your most memorable destinations and moments.
        I competed in ‘Top Chef’ Germany at beginning of this year,
        which was a very intense and emotional experience. The
        pressure and have to cook for Eckart Witzigman, one of
        Europe’s most well respected chefs in front of millions of
        people, was something special. Finally I could show my
        friends and family, old colleages and general followers and
        friends why I have chosen such a life of by travelling all
        around the globe for the purpose of culinary.
        Describe a typical day on board Scenic Eclipse and
        outline of what your role involves?
        I don’t think there is any day like another one on a ship like
        Scenic Eclipse. The day is full of surprises and challenges
        that’s why I like it so much – not a single day is regular.
        Tell us what makes Scenic Eclipse such a stand out
        experience? What is particularly unique to this ship?
        The Scenic Eclipse is indeed more than special. The tools
        we use the equipment we have, the Items we use and the
        outlets themselves are just incredible. I mean 10 food
        venues for 200 guests and our own Micro Herb Garden.
        What will our guests experience? How does the
        dining team on this Ship set itself apart from other
        cruise ships?
        Guest will experience a much wider and more exclusive
        menu both in variety of dishes and cuisines chosen. My
        team represents more than 14 nations and we try to bring
        all of these to the plate. All our venues are different from
        incredible special from design, chinawear and food.

This includes:
 	Unlimited complimentary beverages*
 	Full in-suite mini-bar re-stocked daily
 	Refillable water bottle for all onshore excursions
 	Still and sparkling water in-suite
 	An extensive range of specialty teas and illy coffees

Are there any new
locations you’ll be
I never been in
Antarctica so I’m
very much looking
forward to grow
Micro greens
amongst the
What aspect are
you most looking
forward to?
I’ve been working in this
project since last year March
and I’m very much looking forward to
seeing all outlets full of people and the energy I am hoping
for. I want to make people happy and my chefs proud. The
Team needs to feel like rock stars because this is what we
really are. To work every day so hard for so many days in
advance is just an outstanding success.
Where is your dream destination and why?
 I don’t really care about nice buildings or fancy shops.
I care most about the culinary aspects of each place so
it doesn’t really matter where we are since every single
corner has its own culinary influences so it’s a never ending
learning and exploring process. When guest go out with me
to local food markets, they usually describe me as a little
kid in a toy store.

& Safety
The Scenic Commitment
Scenic has invested in state-of-the-art technology and
environmentally sustainable systems to ensure we leave
as small a footprint as possible.
Scenic Eclipse’s eco-friendly initiatives include:
  A GPS dynamic positioning system that allows us to
     maintain our location without dropping anchor onto
     sensitive sea beds. Scenic Eclipse uses custom-built
     stabilisers that are 50% larger than those of other
     ships for greater stability
  An Advanced Wastewater Treatment Systems and
     highly efficient engines reduce emissions, noise and
     vibrations, for minimal disturbance to the surrounding
     marine life.
  The Eclipse fleet is fuelled with Marine Gas Oil (MGO),
     which is the highest class of marine fuel, with the
     lowest concentration of sulphur and particulates. It is
     compatible with the strict emission requirements for
     cruising in polar regions.
  All critical system on the vessels have been
     duplicated – wheel house, generators, food
     preparation and storage – to ensure that the unlikely
     failure of any does not impact on the safety of the
     vessel or the enjoyment of guests
  Use of Azipod propulsion system resulting in lowest
     noise levels of any available system. They are also
     12% more efficient than other equivalent systems.
  With a Polar Class 6 rating, forward bow thrusters
     and an electronic Azipod propulsion system, Scenic
     Eclipse is able to safely navigate through polar
  Scenic is a proud member of the International
     Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) and      Safety
     the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators     Scenic Eclipse has been built to ensure the highest
     (AECO) – associations dedicated to managing               international safety standards and this dedication
     responsible, environmentally-friendly and safe            to safety, environmental protection and world-class
     tourism in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.              innovation has allowed Scenic to design the most
                                                               inspiring exciting itineraries possible.
                                                                 Polar Class 6 rating – the highest of any luxury vessel
                                                                 Forward bow thrusters and an electronic Azipod
                                                                  propulsion systems to safely navigate through Arctic
                       a proud member of                          and Antarctic waters
                                                                 Custom-built stabilisers that are 50% larger than
                                                                  other ships and provide greater stability

                                        James Griffiths
                                        Scenic Eclipse,
                                        The World’s First
                                        Discovery Yacht™
                                        What does it take to be the Captain
                                        of a luxury ocean vessel like Scenic
                                        It takes around 10 years to get the
                                        licences required to command a ship the
                                        size of the Scenic Eclipse. Working in
                                        polar areas requires a very special set of
                                        skills, both my second-in-command and
                                        I hold advanced polar water certification
                                        and have racked up hundreds of days in       Where are you most          excited
                                        high polar latitudes in North and South.     to be sailing to with the Scenic
                                        I have now spent nearly 20 years in the      Eclipse?
                                        industry, worked on 12 different ships,
                                        commanded six of them and visited             Scenic Eclipse is a remarkable ship in
                                        over 105 countries. Scenic Eclipse will      every regard. I’ve worked as Captain on
                                        be a truly demanding ship to operate,        the world’s largest four masted sailing
                                        the complexity of the helicopters,           ship, the MSY Wind Star, which is an
                                        submarine, Zodiacs, and kayaks coupled       excellent warm water ship and the
                                        with her highly advanced technology          MV National Geographic Explorer, which
                                        and the need to offer the ultimate 6-star    is a very good cold water expedition
                                        service means that I and everyone            ship, but Scenic Eclipse will be a ship
                                        else involved in the project must be         that excels in all areas. She will be just
                                        passionate about delivering it.              as at home moored alongside the most
                                                                                     impressive super yachts in the world
                                        What do you think sets Scenic                at Monaco as she will be breaking ice
                                        Eclipse apart from other ships?              less than 900 kilometres from the true
                                                                                     North Pole. I am very excited to take
                                         Scenic Eclipse is heading down
                                                                                     the Scenic Eclipse everywhere, she is
                                        a different path entirely to the
                                                                                     the first cruise ship to truly combine ‘go
                                        competition. In expedition areas, we’ll
                                                                                     anywhere/see everything’ ability coupled
                                        have a crew to passenger ratio of 1:1
                                                                                     with stunning super yacht looks and the
                                        which is an industry first. We are the
                                                                                     most luxurious on board amenities, so I
                                        first cruise ship to house our own
                                                                                     know she will bring an incredible ‘wow’
                                        helicopters and submarine and will
                                                                                     factor wherever she sails.
                                        be the first expedition ship in service
                                        to comply with the latest ‘Safe Return       What do you think will be the
                                        to Port’ regulations that necessitate        highlight of a voyage with Scenic
                                        two independent engine rooms, two            Eclipse for your guests and for
                                        independent bridges and multi-
                                                                                     your crew?
                                        redundancy in provision areas, galleys
                                        and power distribution, as well as            I am genuinely excited to see how
Antarctica & Arctic                     Polar Class 6, which puts the ship’s ice     guests will react to the Scenic Eclipse.
                                        strength above 1A Super – the highest        She is designed to exceed expectations.
Scenic is a proud member of             of the Swedish Ice Classes before you        Everyone will take away something
the International Association of        become an ice breaker.                       different; perhaps a journey to a
                                                                                     shipwreck in our submarine, a flight over
Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO)       The ship is also fitted with a ‘Dynamic
                                                                                     a glacier with one of our highly trained
and AECO (Association of Arctic         Positioning’ system, this allows us to
                                                                                     pilots in a helicopter, maybe watching
Expedition Cruise Operators).           maintain an exact position and heading
                                                                                     the sunrise on the bridge with one of
Both associations are dedicated         automatically by making use of the ship’s
                                                                                     our Deck Officers, or memories of the
to managing responsible,                oversized bow thrusters and Azipods.
                                                                                     excellent dining venues. For my crew, I
                                        This means that we will be able to avoid
environmentally friendly and safe                                                    have been delighted how quick the very
                                        anchoring and reduce damage to the sea
tourism in the Arctic and Antarctica                                                 best people in the industry have been
                                        bed, while ensuring the safest possible
regions. As a member, Scenic                                                         to join me on board the Scenic Eclipse.
                                        approach for our helicopters and Zodiac
Eclipse operations in these sensitive                                                Scenic is not your average multi-national
                                        fleet. To give you an idea of how powerful
                                                                                     faceless company, it really does feel like
environmental areas will be carried     the Scenic Eclipse bow thrusters are, a
                                                                                     a family, so serving our guests on board
out to these strict environmental       normal cruise ship would have around
                                                                                     a ship like the Scenic Eclipse will be a
standards.                              10-20% of total propulsive power
                                                                                     career highlight for many.
                                        assigned to the bow thrusters,
                                        Scenic Eclipse has 50%.


                                                                                                                         502            501
                                                                                                                                                                         602               601
                                                                                                                         504            503
                                                                                                                         506            505                              604               603
                                                                                                                         508            507                              606               605
                                                                                                                         510            509                              608               607
                                                                                                                         512            511                              610               609
                                                                                25                                       515            515                                                611
                                                                                                                         517            517                                                615
                                                                                                                         514            519                              612               617
                                                                                                                         516            521                              614               619
                                                                             24                                          518            523                              616               621
                                                                                                                         520            525                              618               623
                                                                                                                         522            527                              620               625
                         29                                                 23
                                                                                                                         524            529                              622               627
                                                                                                                         526            531                              624               629
       30                                                                                                                528            533                              626               631
                                                                                                                         530            535*                             628               633







27            7                7         27                             7         7                                          7          7                                      7         7


                                                                        21              18

                                                                                                                                        15                                         12


                                                                                     19                                    13           14

                                                                                                                                                                               Deck 06
                                                                                                                            Deck 05

                                                                        Deck 04

             Deck 03

 Deck Plan
     1 Sun Terrace                          7 Elevator                           13 Lumière                       19 Teppanyaki @ Koko’s          25 Boutique Eclipse
     2 Outdoorv Pools                         8 Yoga & Pilates room                14 Azure Bar & Café               20 Sushi & Sake @ Koko’s          26 Theatre
     3 Helicopter hangars                     9 Gym & fitness area                   15 Épicure                        21 Chef’s Table @ Elements        27 Marina entrances
     4 Helipad                                10 Wheelhouse                          16 Observation Lounge & Library   22 Elements                       28 Medical centre
     5 Indoor pool                          11 Vitality Spa                      17 Observation Deck               23 Reception & Discovery Lounge   29 Self-service guest laundry
     6 Yacht Club                           12 Senses Spa                          18 Koko’s                         24 Scenic Lounge                  30 Mud room

Deck 10
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Deck 9
                                                                                                              10                                   Sun Terrace

                                                                                                               9                                  Suites 901-910

                                                                                                               8                                  Suites 801-823
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Deck 8
                                         Indoor &        Yacht             Yacht Club
                                                                                           Gym    Yoga         7                                  Suites 701-725                                                Wheelhouse
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Deck 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Deck 6
                                       Outdoor Pools     Club               Terrace

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Deck 5
                                Vitality Spa    Senses Spa                                                     6                                  Suites 601-633
                            Azure                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Observation Terrace
                                           Lumière      Épicure                                                5                                  Suites 501-535                                                 Observation Lounge   Library Tea Bar
                          Bar & Café

                          Teppanyaki   Koko’s
                                                     Sushi &
                                                     Sake Bar
                                                                              Elements   Main Entrance         4
                                                                                                                                                        Office      Reception
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Theatre                                                               Deck 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Deck 3
                          Submarine                                           Medical
         Marina                                                                           Tender Area          3       Guest Launderette     Mud Room
                          & Zodiacs                                           Centre


             702                  701                                                                    802             801
                                  703                                                                                    803
                                  705                                                                                    805
             704                  707                                                                    804             807                                                                902                 901                                                                1
             706                  709
             708                  711                                                                    806             809
             710                  715                                                                    808             811                                                                904                 903
             712                  717                                                                    810             815
             714                  719                                                                    812             817                                                                906                 905
             716                  721                                                                    814             819                                                                908                 907
             718                  723                                                                    816             821
             720                  725                                                                    818             823                                                                910                 909






                      7         7                                                                          7            7                                                                          7        7                                                                          7

                  8                    9
                                                                                                    3                             3




Scenic Eclipse
Built 2018 | Passengers 200/228 | Suites 114 | Crew 192/176 | Length 168 metres | Gross Tonnage 17,085 | Speed 17 knots

Suite Categories
Deck 5                                                     Deck 6                                                  Deck 7                                                        Deck 8                                                     Deck 9
    DD Grand Deluxe Verandah                    40m2            GP Grand Panorama                         115m2 BD Grand Deluxe Verandah                                  40m2      P     Panorama                             110m2 OT                                           247m2

    DB Deluxe Verandah                          34m2            CD Grand Deluxe Verandah                   40m2        BA Deluxe Verandah                                 34m2      S     Spa                                    52m2 OP Owner’s Penthouse                        195m2

    DA Deluxe Verandah                          34m2            CA Deluxe Verandah                         34m2         B     Verandah                                    32m2     AD Grand Deluxe Verandah                      40m2 SB Spa Suite                                52m2

    D   Verandah                                32m2            C     Verandah                             32m2                                                                    AA Deluxe Verandah                            34m2 SA Spa Suite                                50m2

Suites 901 & 903 and 902 & 904 connect as Two bedroom Penthouse Suite. *Suite 535 modified suite.
                                                                                                                                                                                    A     Verandah                               32m2
The deck plan and suite layout images are an indication only and may vary.

Voyage Calendar
 Antarctica, South Georgia & the Falkland Islands
 Date               Days        Cruise                                                                  Cruise from    Cruise to        Voyage

 08 Nov 2020          16     Antarctica in Depth                                                        Ushuaia        Ushuaia          D11S

 19 Nov 2020          23     Antarctica, South Georgia & Falkland Islands                               Ushuaia        Ushuaia          D21S

 07 Dec 2020          23     Antarctica, South Georgia & Falkland Islands                               Ushuaia        Ushuaia          D21S

 25 Dec 2020          16     Antarctica in Depth                                                        Ushuaia        Ushuaia          D11S

 05 Jan 2021          16     Antarctica in Depth                                                        Ushuaia        Ushuaia          D11S

 16 Jan 2021          23     Antarctica, South Georgia & Falkland Islands                               Ushuaia        Ushuaia          D21S

 03 Feb 2021          16     Antarctica in Depth                                                        Ushuaia        Ushuaia          D11S

 14 Feb 2021          16     Antarctica in Depth                                                        Ushuaia        Ushuaia          D11S

 25 Feb 2021          16     Antarctica in Depth                                                        Ushuaia        Ushuaia          D11S

 08 Mar 2021          21     Antarctica, South Georgia & Falkland Islands                               Ushuaia        Rio de Janeiro   D31S

 09 Nov 2021          16     Antarctica in Depth                                                        Ushuaia        Ushuaia          D11S

 20 Nov 2021          23     Antarctica, South Georgia & Falkland Islands                               Ushuaia        Ushuaia          D21S

 08 Dec 2021          23     Antarctica, South Georgia & Falkland Islands                               Ushuaia        Ushuaia          D21S

 26 Dec 2021          16     Antarctica in Depth                                                        Ushuaia        Ushuaia          D11S

 06 Jan 2022          16     Antarctica in Depth                                                        Ushuaia        Ushuaia          D11S

 17 Jan 2022          23     Antarctica, South Georgia & Falkland Islands                               Ushuaia        Ushuaia          D21S

 04 Feb 2022          16     Antarctica in Depth                                                        Ushuaia        Ushuaia          D11S

 15 Feb 2022          16     Antarctica in Depth                                                        Ushuaia        Ushuaia          D11S

 26 Feb 2022          16     Antarctica in Depth                                                        Ushuaia        Ushuaia          D11S

 09 Mar 2022          21     Antarctica, South Georgia & Falkland Islands                               Ushuaia        Rio de Janeiro   D31S

 The Arctic & Fjords
 Date               Days        Cruise                                                                  Cruise from    Cruise to        Voyage

 01 Jun 2021          17     Across the Arctic Circle                                                   Amsterdam      Longyearbyen     D41E

 15 Jun 2021          13     Arctic in Depth                                                            Longyearbyen   Longyearbyen     D11N

 25 Jun 2021          13     Arctic in Depth                                                            Longyearbyen   Longyearbyen     D11N

 05 Jul 2021          15     Arctic Adventure                                                           Longyearbyen   Reykjavik        D21N

 18 Jul 2021          10     Iceland Discovery                                                          Reykjavik      Reykjavik         D11I

 26 Jul 2021          10     Iceland Discovery                                                          Reykjavik      Reykjavik         D11I

 03 Aug 2021          16     Arctic Islands                                                             Reykjavik      Longyearbyen     D51N

 16 Aug 2021          15     High Arctic Explorer                                                       Longyearbyen   Bergen           D31N

 08 Sep 2021          21     A Viking Voyage: The Arctic to America                                     Dublin         Boston           D51E

      Solar Eclipse Departure

*This is a preview calendar and subject to change upon the release of full itineraries
Please note the departure dates are the date you leave the UK. See individual itineraries for details
Northern Europe & the Mediterranean
Date          Days     Cruise                                                   Cruise from      Cruise to        Voyage

11 Apr 2021    09    Incredible Iberian Discovery                               Lisbon           Barcelona        D31M

18 Apr 2021    10    Mediterranean Discovery                                    Barcelona        Athens           D41M

26 Apr 2021    10    Aegean Adventure                                           Athens           Athens           D51M

12 May 2021    11    Mediterranean Treasures                                    Venice           Barcelona        D21M

21 May 2021    13    Wonders of Iberia & Western Europe                         Barcelona        Amsterdam        D21E

29 Aug 2021    12    Wild Scotland & the Hebrideans                             Bergen           Dublin           D61N

Grand Voyages
Date          Days     Cruise                                                   Cruise from      Cruise to        Voyage

26 Mar 2021    18    Grand Voyage of Discovery                                  Rio de Janeiro   Lisbon           D30R

The Americas
Date          Days     Cruise                                                   Cruise from      Cruise to        Voyage

03 Sep 2020    17    Wild Alaska & British Columbia                             Nome             Vancouver        D41U

17 Sep 2020    12    West Coast USA Adventure                                   Vancouver        San Diego        D51U

26 Sep 2020    16    Baja to Costa Rica: Whales and Wilderness                  San Diego        Puerto Caldera   D61U

09 Oct 2020    14    Coastal Adventure: Costa Rica to Peru                      Puerto Caldera   Lima             D41C

20 Oct 2020    11    Latin America Delights                                     Lima             Valparaíso       D51S

27 Oct 2020    17    Chilean Fjords & Cape Horn                                 Valparaíso       Ushuaia          D61S

26 Sep 2021    11    East Coast USA Adventure                                   Boston           Nassau           D71U

04 Oct 2021    14    Caribbean Delights                                         Nassau           Cartagena        D51C

14 Oct 2021    13    Panama & Colombia Discovery                                Cartagena        Lima             D31C

24 Oct 2021    21    Peru & Chile Explorer                                      Lima             Ushuaia          D71S

Ultimate Voyages
Date          Days     Cruise                                                   Cruise from      Cruise to        Voyage

27 Oct 2020    28    Ultimate Chilean Fjords, Cape Horn & Antarctica in Depth   Valparaíso       Ushuaia          D62S

11 Apr 2021    17    Ultimate Mediterranean Discovery                           Lisbon           Athens           D32M

01 Jun 2021    27    Ultimate Arctic Circle                                     Amsterdam        Longyearbyen     D42E

25 Jun 2021    25    Ultimate Arctic Islands                                    Longyearbyen     Reykjavik        D12N

26 Jul 2021    24    Ultimate Arctic & Iceland                                  Reykjavik        Longyearbyen      D12I

29 Aug 2021    31    Ultimate Viking Voyage                                     Bergen           Boston           D62N

26 Sep 2021    22    Ultimate America Discovery                                 Boston           Cartagena        D72U

24 Oct 2021    32    Ultimate South America & Antarctica in Depth               Lima             Ushuaia          D72S
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