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Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The George-Anne Student Media 4-21-2005 The George-Anne Georgia Southern University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (2005). The George-Anne. 3086. This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The George-Anne by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact
Established 1927 Coveting tl)e campus like a swarm of gnats 1 he Official Student News1 iia Soui rsir Hybrid Cars Hybrid cars are being www.stp.georgiasouthern. marketed as the wave of the future, but are they as good for the environment as they claim to be? Read more about hybrid cars on page 2B to make your own decision. Thursday, April 21,2005 . Volume 78, Number 9 AROUND the HOUSE • Men's and Women's Levon Jones memorial flag football Tennis compete in SoCon championships •Vicent Patry named SoCon Player of the Week tournament kicks off this weekend By Ryan Jordan free entry into "Battle of the State Line NIT" went to, the official website for team paying a $300 fee that would raise more Page 7 in Charlotte, North Carolina. flag football, only to find that Laney Nelms, than $4,800 to donate to both the Jones fam- Sixteen teams will compete in a flag foot- The tournament commemorates Jones, a a former flag football teammate of Jones, had ily and to cover the expenses for putting on ball tournament this weekend in memory of business major and avid flag football enthusi- already posted a message online about arrang- the event. the late GSU student Levon S. Jones Jr. The ast, who was killed during an altercation that ing a benefit flag football game. Holsonback Holsonback stated that everyone is < Amanda Permenter tournament will take took place in New Orleans over the 2004 winter and Reddick decided to team up with Nelms invited to come and watch the games this explains your role in the place 8:30, April 23 break. Two of his ex teammates and friends, on the project. weekend. editorial section... again and 24, at the Club Michael Holsonback and Jay Reddick, decided "I called Laney and told him we wanted "Some of the top flag football teams in Sports Fields at the to find a way to help out the Jones family as to be a part of this," Holsonback said "And be- the southeast are participating in the tour- • DeMarc Campbell speaks RAG All proceeds will well as recognize their friend's memory. tween the three of us it all came together. " nament, so competitively it'll be a very good of leaving go towards the family "Our first thought was to do a scholarship Because the event takes place on campus, tournament." of Levon S.Jones Jr. in his name at Georgia Southern," Holsonback the organizers needed to find a recognized For more information, you can e-mail Page 4 The winning team said. However, after speaking with Jones' on-campus group to sponsor them. Ho\sonbacka\.anthonyholsonback@hotmail. Levon Jones will receive a choice of parents, the organizers decided a flag football "Pi Kappa Phi fraternity volunteered to be com or call (912) 688-0330. Those who want either a free entry into tournament was more appropriate and that the host group; they're the ones that reserve to make a donation to the Levon S. Jones Jr. the USFTL Flag Football Championships in the proceeds could go towards paying for a the fields," Holsonback said. Memorial Fund can send checks to Michael Prof. Mical Whitaker's final Orlando or the Open Flag Football Champion- headstone and funeral expenses. The three organizers then arranged the Holsonback, P.O. Box 8006, Statesboro, directoral performance/Star of ships in New Orleans. Runners up will receive Afterwards, Holsonback and Reddick tournament into 16 competing teams, each Ga, 30460. the Morn- ing', opens at GSU this week Americans getting BSection the wrong idea' on That was no lady, that was a alcohol and health bank robber! By Daniel Yee Associated Press STERLING, Va. - There are bank robbers. There are cross-dressers. A ATLANTA — The government Tuesday suspect being sought apparently fits warned that a few drinks a day may not both descriptions. protect against strokes and heart attacks The Loudoun County Sheriff's after all. Office said Wednesday it is looking for a robber who walked into the Some studies in recent years have touted Washington First Bank on Tues- the health benefits of moderate drinking. day, handed a note to a teller and Some have even said that up to four drinks a File Photo implied he had a weapon. day can significantly reduce the risk of heart On April 22, 2003, a GSU student shows his environmental spirit by proudly displaying Investigators described the sus- his homemade Earth Day shirt.This year's SAGE sponsored Earth Day celebration will offer disease in people 40 and older. pect as a 6-foot-3 man - wearing a But researchers at the Centers for Disease games and prizes to attendees. flowery dress, a dark wig and white gloves. Control and Prevention analyzed data from He was also carrying a purse at the time of the robbery. But the purse was empty on the way out, because despite passing a note to the teller and implying he had a 250,000 Americans who participated in a 2003 telephone survey. They found that the nondrinkers had many more risks for heart disease—such as being overweight, inactive, File Photo GSU students drink at a local bar. Even though moderate drinkers tend to be in better health than non-drinkers, new stud- SAGE sponsors sixth weapon, the robber left without high blood pressure and diabetes — than the iessuggestthat it is because of thesocial in- taking any cash. More OIA on Page 3 moderate drinkers. Based on those results, the agency could not say that moderate drinking actually was a factor in reducing the risk of heart disease. teraction that moderate drinking involves, not because of the alcohol itself. shown that drinking excessively — five or Earth Day celebration more drinks daily — can increase the risk of By Emily Haymans Information booths will be set up in the The findings were published in the May issue of the American Journal of Preventive heart disease. The CDC says nearly one in Rotunda area, giving people an opportunity Medicine. three Americans drinks too much. Why not take time to appreciate the Earth to learn more about what's going with the "The first step to getting the "We're feeling the pendulum has swung The agency said that Americans should under your feet today? environment and the ways they can help. things you want way too far and Americans are getting sort of follow dietary guidelines that limit daily Thursday, April 21 marks the sixth year that SAGE and other environmental groups will out of life is this: Decide the wrong idea" on alcohol, said the study's consumption to two drinks for men and a the Student Alliance for a Green Earth (SAGE) be running the booths. what you lead author, Dr. Tim Naimi of the CDC's single drink for women. has sponsored an Earth Day celebration on The national theme of Earth Day this year is M want." chronic diseases division. "The science Other groups — such as the American campus. The celebration is due to start at 10 "Preparing for Our Children's Future." SAGE - Ben Stein around moderate drinking is very murky." Heart Association — say drinking alcohol a.m., with a special kick-off at 11 featuring an hopes to raise awareness about what really is Moderate drinkers tended to be in better increases the dangers of alcoholism, high acoustic show by the Downright Brothers. happening to the planet right now and how health, better educated, wealthier and more blood pressure, obesity, stroke, breast cancer, Among the highlights are a raffle, a speech by more damage can be prevented. :■ active than their nondrinking counterparts, suicide and accidents. President Grube at noon, a dunking booth and "By 2050, 50 percent of the Earth's species and that likely influenced their lower risk of Dr. Daniel Fisher, a cardiologist with New tons offood. The raffle includes prizes donated will be gone. Our kids will only be able to see heart disease, the study said. York University Medical Center, said the by over 15 businesses and a grand prize Trek some animals that are commonly seen today CDC's findings should also be treated with Mountain Bike 3700 Series. While festivities in the zoo," added White. WeekandWagther "It appears that moderate drinkers have caution because the average person inter- attract most people to the events, the point of Proceeds from Earth Day will go to Keep many social and lifestyle characteristics that favor their survival over nondrinkers and few viewed in the phone-based study may not be Earth Day isn't just to have a party. Bulloch Beautiful and the Nature Conservancy. Friday completely forthcoming about their alcohol "[EarthDayisabout]lettingpeopleknowthat The celebration will take place in the Russell of these differences are likely due to alcohol consumption itself," the study said. consumption. He added that a clinical trial is youdon'thavetobeahardcoreenvironmentalist Union Rotunda from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. HIGH needed to fully determine whether alcohol to care about the environment. It's a matter of today. The CDC has long worried about alcohol 84° abuse in the United States. Studies have drinking provides health benefits. logic rather than beliefs," said SAGE President For more information on SAGE or Earth LOW and biology major Brian White. Day, contact Brian White at docb82@yahoo. Isolated 61° Thunderstorms Saturday Dudley named interim chair of the HIGH 77° LOW Department of Literature and Philosophy 54° By Luke Hearn "There is a lot to learn," Dudley said. "The to find out what's working for students and see Thunderstorms chair is responsible for a lot of paperwork, what recommendations students may have for Professor of English David Dudley has been some budget issues and working out the teach- our department." Correction named the interim chair of the Department of ing schedule for the faculty. But overall, I'm In the fall, Hudak will conduct a nation- Literature and Philosophy. very excited." wide search to find a permanent chair for the In the April 20 story about a tu- ition increase at Georgia's public col- Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and So- Dudley noted that starting his new position Department of Literature and Philosophy. leges and universities, The George- cial Sciences Jane Hudak named Dudley to the right before the summer sessions will give him This person would assume the chair's respon- Anne reported that the increase will position after out-going chair Bruce Krajewski some "quiet time" to learn and prepare for the sibilities August 2006. While Dudley will be < take effect for summer classes. took a job at another school. year ahead. eligible to apply, he said he will have a good Instead, students will begin While Dudley said he is a little nervous "I'm excited about what this department idea of whether he will or not by this coming paying the higher tuition in the fall semester of 2005, said Georgia about his new position, he also said he is very can do. I want to see more input from students fall semester. *• University System spokeswoman Ar- excited and honored that he was chosen for both at the undergraduate and graduate levels," "By Fall [2005], I should have a good idea lethia Perry-Johnson, correcting the the position. Dudley said. "I would like to see us do more of the job, and then I'll decide." David Dudley information she earlier provided. (912)-681-5246 • gaeditor@georgii Williams C ox8001 • Statesboro, GA 30460
PAGE 2AI NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 21,2005 THE GEORGE-ANNE 04-14-05 •Bruce Sauers II, 22, of 403 Marvin Avenue, Botanical Garden wine tasting and whirly gigs Statesboro, was charged with pedestrian under the influence. f«!*l •Someone damaged a computer in the Veazey Hall computer lab. iri By Rachel Weeks 04-15-05 •A Southern Pines resident reported receiving What better way to celebrate Earth Day than by visiting the Georgia Southern Botanical harassing phone calls. Gardens? On display now in the gardens is a whirly gig sculpture exhibit created by GSU art •A wallet was taken from the RAC. students under the direction of Assistant Professor of Art Matt toole. Thursday evening from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., the Wine,'Moonlight and Magnolias Annual Wine Tasting and Auction Gala will 04-16-2005 take place in the Botanical Gardens as well. •A gate at the Henderson Library construction The wine tasting is an annual fundraiser to benefit the garden-aid a $20 raffle to win a 7-day:; site was damaged. tapa Valley, San Francisco vacation will^Be drawn during the tastingMwr ticket information' call 871.-1149, Be at the Botanical Gardens tomorrow night as the wine flows and the sculptures 04-17-2005 #'*" urn in the breeze. f" •A Southern Courtyard resident reported be- Sam BorineuV sculpture major who hat been working at the garden for two years said she ing struck by a vehicle in the Southern Courtyard enjoys hearing the whirly gigs as they rotate with the wind.f When it's really windy, they move parking lot. The resident sustained a bruise to the and make creepy creaky sounds so that everywhere you go in the garden you can hear themf right leg, but refused medical treatment. She said the idea developed from the success of last year's bovine display and it also gives the students a place to display their work; When doing projects like these, there really isn't anywhere 04-18-05 to show them to the public," she said, "It's real good exposure for the students' work and people •Geoffrey Christopher Cook, 23, of Chandler cpn buy them too." Road, Statesboro, was charged with being a wanted Scultpture teacher Toole said the display idea originated from the fact that Mr. Bland, who person in Hall County. donated the buildings and land for the garden used to make whirly gigs, and the display is a great •A couch was taken from the Southern Court- collaboration with the Botanical Gardens. "These particular scultures depend upon the wind and yard clubhouse. the Botanical Gardens are a beautiful place to have the exhibition. •A door was reported damaged at the Academic Most of the Whirly Gigs are displayed with their title, the artist and the price. Those on display Success Building. include Kaiten by Matt Took for $1,500, Fish by Wesley Crook for $300, Untitled 3 by Linda Hupman for $350, Chopper by Gregory Pope, Tree by Mitsuo Aiba for $200, Dragon Flight by 04-19-05 Marci Beasley for $250, Swirly Girl by Anna Bustle for$250, Untitled 2 by Christine Powel, Willow, •Lance Wansley Dye, 22, of Bermuda Run, Whirl by Lindsey Treadwell for $200, Ars Longa by Page Burch for $250, Lizzy Daisy by Laura Statesboro, was charged with DUI, laying drag and Lebkisher for $275, Spin Doctor by Keri Albrecht for $250, Good, Clean Fun by Wesy Cook for failure to maintain lane. $250, Untitled 1 by Nate Ogder for $350, and Neon Octopus by Joe Waddell for $300. •Stephen James Hardin, 21, of Chandler Road, Statesboro, was charged with DUI and laying drag. •Several textbooks were taken from a room at Southern Courtyard. Activists push recycling to fight e-waste' By Rachel Konrad the trash. Associated Press Environmentalists are particularly SAN FRANCISCO - When bothered by the recycling and reuse Earth Day dawned in 1970, optimistic policies of cell phone manufacturers environmentalists predicted emerging and distributors and of Apple Com- technologies would help reduce the puter Inc., maker of the iPod digital nation's reliance on coal, oil, insecti- music player. cides and other pollutants. The biggest offenders are cell Mother's Day Special But 35 years later, a big part of the problem appears to be technol- phones, said Dinn, because they pose a hazardous "double whammy" to the ogy itself. environment. We will be open Sunday, May 8, 2005 Tons of computers, monitors, To build them, gold and other metals must be extracted from mines from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. for Mother's Day. televisions and other electronic gizmos in western states, in Peru, Turkey, that contain hazardous chemicals, or "e-waste," may bepoisoningpeopleand Tanzania and other countries. The Chef Roe really loves his mothers, ground water. Activists say the nation's Environmental Protection Agency so we would like to offer moms everywhere to receive biggest environmental problem may ranks hard-rockmining as the nation's AP Photo/John Bazemore be the smallest devices, and this week leading toxic polluter. any entree of their choice, when eating with their family, they're launching campaigns to in- Then, at the end of their life cycles, Rakesh Amin of CollectiveGood in Tucker sorts through old cell for Free when eating out this Mother's Day. crease awareness about recycling cell many phones end up in landfills, phones and cell phone batteries for phones, music players, handheld gam- where they may leak lead and other recycling on Wednesday.Thirty-five ing consoles and other electronics. heavy metals that could pollute nearby Mothers are special everyday so show them your appreciation Frequently, smaller portable gad- ground water. years after Earth Day began, a big part of the problem appears to be by coming to Chef Roe's for a great dining experience. gets have batteries that are prohibitively Americans have about 500 million technology itself. Tons of comput- expensive to replace. So consumers in obsolete, broken or otherwise unused ers, monitors, televisions and other affluent countries simply toss them in cell phones, and about 130 million electronic gizmos that contain haz- more are added each year — the ardous chemicals, or "e-waste," may equivalent of 65,000 tons of waste, be poisoning people and ground according to the EPA. water. Activists say the nation's big- Less than 2 percent are recycled. gest environmental problem may It's unclear what happens to the be the smallest devices, and this "Why does sex hurt so much?" remaining 98 percent or more of cell phones, said Dinn, whose organization week they're launching campaigns to increase awareness about recy- cling cell phones, music players, is launching a recycling campaign handheld gaming consoles and to coincide with Friday's Earth Day other electronics. activities in Washington, Philadel- phia, Seattle, New Orleans and other contribution to e-waste, said Robin "Why is my period so painful? cities. Activists are asking consumers to download and print postage-paid Schneider, executive director of the Austin, Texas-based Texas Campaign labels and send unused phones to the for the Environment. The group is Atlanta-based recycling organization asking Apple to reduce or eliminate CollectiveGood. The goal is to collect at recycling fees for consumers and build least 1 million cell phones this year. in-store recycling centers. "What is wrong with me?" Environmentalists are encouraged by legislation passed by the European Apple spokesman Steve Dowling said the company would not com- Union, which, starting in July 2006, ment on environmentalists' yearlong will prohibit new cell phones sold in campaign. any EU country from containing lead Apple charges most American We have the answers and several other toxins. Also in July 2006, California will require all cell consumers $30 to recycle unused or broken computers and laptops. And to your questions. phone retailers to have an in-store recycling program. though Apple doesn't have a specific iPod recycling program, a service pro- But cell phone initiatives may not moted by its corporate Web site sells be enough to stem overall e-waste. consumers shipping labels and packag- U.S. consumers retire or replace ing materials for sending equipment roughly 133,000 personal computers The Women's Surgery Center at Statesboro OB/GYN per day, according to research firm to recycling vendors. In January, Apple agreed to help Specialists is a private, outpatient facility dedicated Gartner Inc. According to a study com- missioned by San Jose-based Silicon sponsoran industry initiative launched by eBay Inc. and Intel Corp., that cre- to treating women with problems like: Valley Toxics Coalition, roughly half of all U.S. households have working ated an informational Web site to help motivate Americans to resell, donate but unused consumer electronics • pelvic pain • heavy menstrual bleeding products. or recycle used gadgets. Gateway Inc., Hewlett-Packard Co., International • painful intercourse • endometriosis After a campaign that resulted Business Machines Corp. and Ingram in significant improvements to the Micro Inc. are also participating, as • painful periods • abnormal PAP smears recycling program of Dell Inc., many well as the U.S. Postal Service, which e-waste activists are focusing on in some cases will help deliver PCs to Apple. eBay drop-off locations or recycling Visit us today at Environmentalists planned a news conference Thursday near Apple's centers. The popularity of the iPod and or call 871 -2000 for an appointment. Cupertino headquarters to coincide with the company's annual shareholder iPod Mini — as well as more affordable gadgets such as the pack-of-gum-sized meeting. $99 iPod Shuffle — makes Apple an Our physicians and surgeons are all Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology. CEO Steve Jobs and Apple board obvious target for environmentalists' members, including former Vice Presi- scorn. Apple shipped 5.3 million iPods dent Al Gore Jr., have each received at last quarter, a nearly sevenfold increase Personal. Professional. Caring. Answers! least 400 faxes about the company's from the same period last year.
THE GEORGE- ANNE THURSDAY, APRIL 21,2005 NATIONAL I PAGE 3A Only in America National News Briefs Hundreds flock to Man catches fire Congress urged to pass energy bill before summer stain of Virgin Mary during surgery WASHINGTON - President approaching, gas prices on the minds Many Democrats have criticized CHICAGO — A steady stream of SEATTLE — Seattle police Bush on Wednesday pushed Congress of millions of Americans," he said. the legislation for doing little to reduce the faithful and the curious, many launched an investigation on to pass along-stalled energy bill before "Members of Congress can send an energy use or address the soaring carrying flowers and candles, have Friday to determine how a patient its summer recess, but acknowledged important signal that they are seri- crude oil and gasoline prices. flocked to an expressway under- undergoing emergency heart there is nothing he can do to ease rising ous about solving Americas energy Democrats were expected to try pass for a view of a yellow and surgery caught on fire at a local gas prices in the short-term. problems by getting a bill to my desk to strip the Alaska refuge provision white salt stain on hospital. "I wish I could simply wave a magic before the summer recess." from the bill and include measures a concrete wall The male patient, who was not wand and lower gas prices tomorrow," Although the House bill is focused aimed at getting automakers to boost that some believe identified, Bush said. in the long term on diversifying the automobile fuel economy. is an image of the went up Bush spoke as the House began nation's energy supply and increasing The Democratic National Com- Virgin Mary. inflames Police have pa- considering a broad energy bill that in- production, it is unlikely to provide mittee on Wednesday accused the after alco- trolled the emer- cludes $8.1 billion in tax breaks, mostly immediate relief from prices at the Bush administration of using high gas hol poured gency turnoff area on his for energy companies, and would open pump, which the Energy Department prices to push its energy bill through Associated Press under the Ken- Washington skin was the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in says are likely to remain well above $2 Congress while giving the appearance Sen. Pete Domenici leaves a Illinois nedy Expressway ignited by Alaska to oil development. a gallon through the busy summer of doing something to halt rising prices meeting concerning the energy since Monday as a surgical instrument. "The summer travel season is fast driving season. at the pump. bill Tuesday. hundreds of people have walked The patient died after the sur- down to see the image and the gery but that was due to heart fail- growing memorial of flowers and ure and not the fire, said Dr. Robert candles that surround it. "We believe it's a miracle,"said Caplan, medical quality director of Judge to accept kill and drew pictures of a girl in a Virginia Mason. school hallway with a gun. ElbiaTello, 42. "We have faith, and Caplan said fires are known to Moussaouis guilty plea The girl, who was not identified, TWO LOCATIONS we can see her face." occur in operating rooms although was in custody undergoing a 30-day they were extremely rare. WASHINGTON - A federal psychiatric evaluation. *szsss. Statesboro Mall Main Street Village judge plans to accept a guilty plea Superintendent Harvey Hilburgh 764-6924 871-4962 from Zacarias Moussaoui, the only Boy suspended for person in the United States charged declined to comment, except to say the school took appropriate action wearing makeup Man tries to put car in connection with,the Sept. 11 ter- after students reported overhearing rorist attacks. SAN BERNARDINO — A ninth- but of its misery' U.S. District Judge Leonie the alleged threats. Washingtonville is 54 miles grade student has accused officials at a Southern California high school LAUDERDALE — A man with car Brinkema has scheduled a hearing northwest of New York City. of discrimination for suspending trouble is in trouble after shooting Friday in U.S. District Court in him for wearing lipstick and eye five rounds into the hood of his Alexandria, Va. **&"* : makeup. Chrysler. James Herndon, 16, said the five- John McGivney, 64, shot his Bush signs big rewrite 1994 LeBaron with a 380-caliber day suspension \ imposed last semiau- Teen girl accused of of bankruptcy law week by ad- ministrators at tomatic, Broward terrorist threats WASHINGTON - President Bush signed the biggest rewrite of TJ tl San Bernardi- no's Pacific High School was unfair be- ^ said. County sheriff's deputies WASHINGTONVILLE, N.Y. — A 14-year-old girl is facing felony charges of making terrorist U.S. bankruptcy law in a quarter century on Wednesday, making it harder for debt-ridden Americans HEALTH California cause females are allowed to wear cosmetics on campus. Florida When the prop- erty manager at his apartment threats after authorities said she talked about shooting students at her school. Police said the ninth-grader at to wipe out their obligations. "Bankruptcy should always be a last resort in our legal system," SERVICES Herndon says his black lipstick complex asked what he was doing, Bush said. and red eye makeup express the McGivney said, "I'm putting my car Washingtonville High School was "If someone does not pay his or Wiccan religious beliefs he shares with his mother, a priestess in the out of its misery." He was arrested Friday on a mis- arrested Thursday She allegedly threatened to mark her debts the rest of society ends up paying them." Quality • Caring • Convenient pagan faith. demeanor charge of discharging a the sixth anniversary of the Colum- The suspension violates his con- firearm in public. He posted $100 stitutional right to free expression, bail Saturday. bine school shootings on April 20 with an attack on her classmates. - All News Briefs compiled u he contends. Herndon plans to McGivney said the car has been from wire reports by Morgan Police said she made a list of wear the makeup when he returns to school this week. giving him trouble for years and had "outlived its usefulness." names of students she wanted to Marsh. B —■—— GET CARDED AT PIZZA HUT. GSTJ Student Media Website Georgia Southern University STUDENT Todd A. Riley ^GKraSCMN # 9013623333 Issued: 06/14/04 Birthdale 02/22/84 OfltsraMsneap throats it-nail Start StelMtaA-2 VMiCT ttas WSSSMFIITIttftia Welcome to Listen Live to George-Anne Student Media 91.9 WVGS pointed by Gocrfr Rifiectw Covering the campus like a swarm of gnats EXAM CRAM SPECIAL Student Beds Atwi We're Backfor Academic Year 2004-2005. New features are being added 2 Large l-Topping pizzas and an order to the sie, including Ml service Associated Press updates 24/7. Or you ■ FuoStufi . can Mi to our radio station, VWGS, for Cat* News Network at trie top of each hour. 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PAGE 4 I OPINIONS THURSDAY, APRIL 21,2005 THE GEORGE-ANNE Our Opinion -ST> IBUNS Surprise: Drinking still bad for health Big news:The CDC says drinking is bad for your health. Wait, so you're saying that blacking out, puking uncontrol- lably and admitting a secret obsession with David Hasselhoff is unhealthy? We had no idea. All these studies come out telling us to eat margarine, stay away from McDonald's and drink red wine every day. Then anotherstudyis released saying exactly the opposite. So what's a confused consumer to do? How about this: ignore them all. You know that you don't feel good after consuming a tub of "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" or three Big Macs, so just don't. Do you really need a bunch of overpaid scientists with nothing to do telling you that? Also, is it really going to stop you from doing that harmful activity? When was the last time you heard someone at the bar say, "Hey, get me a gin and tonic, I'm trying to lower my cholesterol." As far as we've seen, Burger King is still flourish- ing despite all the bad publicity about fast food. And Food Services are still using enough buttertofill the Great Lakes.. .all of them. Science is making new discoveries every day, so until they tell us that Cheetos are the fountain of life, we don't plan on listening. If you really want to live a long, full life, all you need to do is walka little bit, laugh a whole lot and have a ridiculous amount Look in the mirror, Rightie You say The George-Anne is overrun with left- otherwise conservative columnists. At the beginning of life insurance—because you know that as long as you're wing propaganda? of last semester, the section was booming. I thought paying for it, you won't ever end up needing it. I agree completely. we were well on our way to justifying the complete Meanwhile, we will be following our own advice and ignor- Every few months or so these complaints start removal of ads from page five, and that we'd finally ing the latest studies. Besides, is life really worth living without pouring in, and I usually have no problem re-explain- begin to feature a full spread of balanced opinions ing the premise ofa newspaper's editorial section. But, in the center of our paper. liquor and French fries? after five years of having to say the same thing over Then, without warning, our newly acquired Now, if you'll excuse us, we're going to go shorten—or is it and over again to the same people, I'm getting a little conservative writers started disappearing. Without lengthen—our life expectancy with a few beers. worn out. Good thing I retire in a week. so much as an e-mailed explanation, people we were In my two years as editor-in-chief, I have written extremely glad to have contributing - like Josh Moran, Letters to the Editor countless columns and editorials literally begging who wrote several pieces for the budding op-ed page conservatives to contribute to our editorial section. - stopped sending us content. Asian/Pacific Culture coverage lacking When I started in this position, we had just one page I was disappointed, and on top of that I was left for opinions - our editorial page on four. Back then with this blank page I'd pestered the whole staff I have read your news article on Asian/Pa- ing the festival (last paragraph in the second we received few politically charged letters, and if endlessly to obtain. I struggled - and continue to Amanda Permenter cific cultural week in April 18, Monday, issue column). editor-in-chief they were political, they almost always came from struggle - to fill page five with "wire" editorials and of The George-Anne (Page 2). You mentioned about all others groups and liberals. I wanted to change that. cartoons that might be of interest to our conservative I cannot hide my disappointment on your tables (Chinese, Japanese, In anticipation of more participation from the readers. But, I can't always find that. Even the wire coverage. Being the faculty advisor of South Korean and Indonesian). Our exhibit table conservative community, I pushed against our sources are generally more liberal when it comes to Asian Student Association here in Georgia was probably the best one in the festival. We advertising demands (and against no real evidence editorials. Southern campus I was expecting a better had lot ofeye-catchingposters and rare artifacts of incoming conservative content) to create what is It would stand to reason that all the left-wing coverage of our activities during that week. Let in our exhibit table. Also we had a separate known as an op-ed page - a page that would balance passion going into page four would inspire hundreds me point out some of the facts that you have table to serve our sample foods. We actually the views on page four. As ragingly hippie-liberal of conservatives to write in, eager to engage our col- not mentioned in the article. occupied two tables that day. There was not as I am, I have never been content with a one-sided umnists in some spirited debate. But, astoundingly, (1) In the second paragraph you wrote a single mention about our exhibit table and editorial section, even though it is, believe it or not, that isn't the case. Maybe all the conservatives on there were foods from Japan, China and food in your article. Even Georgia Southern perfectly acceptable in the world of journalism for a campus are under the mistaken impression that we Indonesia. You forgot about the Indian food TV came and Interview me on our exhibits. (I paper's editorial section to lean one way or the other. of The George-Anne are a bunch of elitist snobs on a completely. There were three Indian dishes in am sending a sample picture that is showing a (It's called a stance. All papers have one. We're not power trip who won't print their letters if they take total including a sweet dish. part of our exhibits). supposed to "hide" our position in this section.) the time to write them. (2) In the seventh paragraph you mentioned As you understand, it takes lot of effort So, I went to a lot of effort over my first year as There seems to be an ongoing misconception to about the fashion show. That is the only time from our side to put up a show like that. I executive editor to recruit right-wing, Republican and that effect, no matter how hard we fight it; people you have mentioned the word 'India' in the personally felt that your article discredited our entire article. effort in that regard. Maybe I was expecting See PERMENTER, page 5 Thank you for that. But the group from more well rounded news coverage from The India was the biggest group (nine individuals George-Annel Relationships & Sex in total) and it was quite an impressive show from that group. Nothing was mentioned Aniruddha Mitra, Ph.D. Faculty Advisor about this in the article. South Asian Student Association (SASA) (3) Finally, I cannot believe that you totally missed the Indian Food and exhibits table dur- Breaking up is never easy, but sometimes it can ever give yourself the "it's not the right time to leave" seem impossible. Here's how to stay sweet when excuse. Ifit gets to this point, there is probably nothing Looking for balance in opinions things turn sour. you can do within the relationship to change anyone. From time to time, I write to respond because most of us will not take at face value Relationships don't always last forever. Situations If anything, walking out might even him question his to a single editorial that I have read in The the "truth" according to a divisive, self-ag- change, as can needs, emotions, and people. That's fine own behavior. George-Anne. However, Mondays editorial grandizing liar. if the feeling is mutual, and you're both happy to call Warn someone of your decision to split: Ifyou're page had so many gems that I felt I should not This brings us to Luke Hearn's article, Se- it a day, but what if your other half is so determined going to leave then don't delay, especially when faced discriminate by choosing only one to which I lecting a new pope: holy or political? There are to keep things going that they attempt to manipulate with emotional blackmail. It's not fair on either party to should respond, so here we go. several angles from which I would like to rip your feelings? stick around, but do tell a friend. Especially someone The "Our Opinion" editorial offered no this one apart, but to tie it in with the paper's "I stayed with Chris because I was scared about who is able to be there for the person you're leaving. DeMarc Campbell true surprises, as the paper's editors have no editorial, I will take it from the view of an what he might do if I left," admits Sally. "He would In that situation, it's the best thing you can do. Columnist qualms about not hiding their political lean- opinion journalist. say stuff about not being able to live without me, and I Be clear that it's over: Don't wait for an easy way ings. However, I did find it interesting that Why, oh why, would a responsible news took him seriously. He knew damn well I wanted out, out. Namely, starting a fight, and then escalating it the authors noted the film "Fahrenheit 9/11" editor use the first two paragraphs of an edito- but he wasn't going to let me go easily. As a result, I to the point where you just want to storm out. You as one that offers meaningful incite into our rial to profess his ignorance on a subject, only spent three miserable months living with someone I deserve to be honest to yourself, if not your partner government. After scratching my head for a to proceed with the discussion in an offensive once loved but grew to despise." as well. Tell them it's over. Walking out with little minute, I read on to find that the authors view manner? Referring to the pope as "the geezer Sally wound up in that classic end game where warning can be a little cowardly. It's far better to be Michael Moore as being "more knowledgeable who will head the church" and the Papal Con- she became more concerned for her partner's feelings honest, and and upfront. and less naive" than the general public. clave as a "cutthroat, eye gouging process" is than for her own. By tapping into her fear that he Be strong: The first week is the hardest. They will There is a fundamental problem in cit- unacceptable and offensive to me and countless might do something stupid, Chris had found a way call, they will leave messages, and they use any and ing Michael Moore's work as an alternative other Catholics on campus. It is one thing to to keep Sally in the relationship. But at the same time every trick to get you back. Screen your calls, change to government propaganda: you are asking profess your ignorance on a subject, but it is it turned her feelings against him, which only added you habits, and stay with a friend for a day or two if readers to switch from one form of propa- quite another to prove it so definitively. to the tension between them. you can. And if you aren't emotionally ready to deal ganda to another. Moore's documentary has I find it quite an alarming double standard "Eventually I just couldn't take any more," she with that person, don't feel you owe it to them to so many holes and half-truths that no serious that bleeding hearts are so fervently anti-ma- explained. "I told Chris' best friend I was planning on talk to them. intellectual would ever cite it in an argument. jority. Mr. Hearn would never have referred leaving, and that made me feel better when I did go. It You've made up your mind, and should stay true That would be similar to a conservative citing to a rabbi or a Muslim cleric or any of their meant at least someone was looking out for him." to your convictions, because 95 percent of the time, The Weekly Standard as the honest-to-God, ceremonies in such a manner. Why, then, is it Ladies, don't even let this happen to you, and if you'll hear any and every lie in the book to get you factual truth. Editors: do some real research, acceptable to speak of Catholicism in such a this IS you, then here are a few tips to get you over back. the hump and on the road to freedom! Just remember: There was a reason you left in See OPINIONS, Page 5A Take responsibility for your own feelings: Don't the first place. THE GEORGE-ANNE STAFF For 78 years, Georgia Southern's Official Student Newspaper Letter and Submission Policy The 2004-05 Editorial Board The George-Anne welcomes letters to Amanda Permenter, Editor-in-Chief Staff Writers Photography Advertising & Distribution Services the editor, story submissions and guest Katie Glorieux, Managing Editor Katie Anderson, Hillary Jones, (ADS) columns from people both inside and Jeff Allen, Ashley Bernloehr, Christina Cal- Adam Crisp, Hiatus Managing Editor loway, DeMarc Campbell, Cheryl Frost, Joe Brian O'Connor,Terrence Williams, David outside the GSU community. All copy sub- Marketing Director: LindseyTreadwell Luke Hearn, News Editor Goble, Eric Haugh, Emily Haymans, Krystle Caselli, Chase Lanier, Keir Sims, James Hall, mitted should be 250 words or less, typed, Ad Reps: Banu Akgun,Drew Anthony, Jackson, Heidi King, John Kuranda, Jessica Stephen Garrett, Grayson Hoffman, Jared Siri preferably sent via e-mail in Microsoft Word David Brennaman, Caitlin Carter, The 200405 Editorial Staff Luber, Jenny Miller, Bert Noble, Danielle Angela Parker, Shea Roundtree format to Rachel Weeks, Assistant News Editor Powell, Brian Saxton, Brandee Thomas, Production & Graphics Services All submissions must be signed and in- ChuckThomas, Kenny Cofer, Jason Burke, LaVene Bell-Koepke, Photo Editor Brian Saxton, Russell Bush, Bryan Metcalf, (PAGES) clude a mailing address and phone number Ashley Stevens, A&E Editor Jennifer Maddox, Kristin Miller, Marcy Thorn- for verification. The editors reserve the right Trevor Long & Matt Rapp, Sports Editors ton, Cory Walker, Casey Altman, Britt Davis, Sarah Banks to reject any submission. Submissions are Anne McGuire & Krystle Jackson, Jamie Galvin, Robert Greene, Ryan Jordan, run on a space-available basis. Copy Editors Wendi Barclay, Heidi King The oldest continuously published newspaper in Bulloch County
THE GEORGE- ANNE THURSDAY, APRIL 21,2005 PAGE 5ft V LIBg-(£At-5 5£U- 72=>/^V OgUAV SuiCiCe' T— S tri. I f
PAGE6AI NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 21,2005 THE GEORGE-ANNE Regents tell UGA to sever ties with foundation President of university to replace foundation with new group to manage the schools $400 million endowment Associated Press school's $400 million endowment. Wooten said. seven months to sign the agreement prove the agreement. As of Tuesday, 33 of the 34 Uni- The university and the foundation The regents ordered the school in outlining its relationship with the "It's not a desire on our part not versity System schools had submitted SAVANNAH - The Board of signed agreements, Wooten said. were on the verge of parting ways May 2004 to terminate its relation- university. Last month, regents set to cooperate. I don't know what we Regents told University of Geor- an April 12 deadline. can do, other than pass it by execu- The rift between the UGA Foun- 11 months ago following the debate ship with the UGA Foundation, but gia officials that decision was rescinded in Au- On Tuesday, foundation chair- tive committee Wednesday afternoon dation and the regents began in July over Adams' forcing the retirement Wednesday to of long-time athletic director Vince gust. One of the behind-the-scenes woman Lynda Courts faxed a letter and present it to the full board when 2003 soon after Adams declined to sever ties with Dooley, but relations were patched. issues involved in negotiation was to University System Chancellor we meet in May," she said Tuesday. extend Dooley s contract _ a move the school's The regents said the foundation that the foundation owned rights Thomas Meredith, stating that the The Board of Regents has had that angered many loyalists of the fund-raising had failed to meet a deadline for sub- to the University of Georgia name foundation's executive committee operating agreements with some former coach among the foundation foundation, mitting an agreement outlining its — which appears on hundreds of would present the agreement to the university foundations since the members. During the controversy, resurrect- relationship with the university and thousands of diplomas and mer- full foundation board for approval mid-1980s. the foundation threatened to stop Michael Adams ing a rift that the state University System, which is chandise. on May 26. Last year, they asked the foun- paying a portion of Adams's salary. reached a peak almost a year ago. governed by the Board of Regents. The foundation had applied for Several regents said they would dations from all 34 campuses to The regents defused that threat by University president Michael Ad- "We've had ongoing issues and the trademark to all things labeled not wait until May, and Wooten said sign uniform "memorandums of persuading the seven public universi- ams said he would start assembling ongoing conflicts at the University "University of Georgia" in 2003 the deadline was firm. understanding" that would spell out ty foundations that pay salary supple- a new group to replace the the UGA of Georgia related to the coopera- after finding out the school let the Courts told The Atlanta Journal- the main functions of the nonprofit ments to their school presidents to Foundation, which will have 90 days tive association there with the UGA trademark lapse in 1997. Constitution that May is the earliest organizations and their relationships contribute the money instead to the to wrap up its management of the Foundation," regents chairman Joel The UGA Foundation has had that the full board can meet to ap- with the schools. school's general fund. A powerless job but no push to do away with lieutenant governor post By Dick Pettys Associated Press ATLANTA - He's a heartbeat SAVE WITH YOUR BONUSCARD! away from the governor's office if something happens to the state's chief executive, but other than that, Georgia's lieutenant governor fills SP J. a post that has more prestige than power and comes with nice perks AVI REGS but few duties. Technically, he's the presiding of- ficer of the state Senate, but in the new Georgia run by Republicans, Lt. Gov. SEE STORE FOR DETAILS Mark Taylor, a Democrat, has been Maearani Salad, Potato Carolina Pride stripped ofvirtually all the power that Special Photo Salad sr Cole Slaw Chappitt Ham once made the lieutenant governor's Georgia's Lt.Gov. MarkTaylor, who 14-16 ez. Pre-Pack 6 02, bark feared in legislative halls. is technically the presiding officer of IWpfiBTaiBBMi There have been calls over the the state Senate, has been stripped years to abolish the office but they of virtually all the power that once OsearMayer 1140 made the lieutenant governor's bark Heat Boiepa Pimsnta Spread never gained much steam. feared in legislative halls. 802. There's unlikely to be any fresh groundswell now that candidates are lining up for the race to succeed legislators," Hecht said. Taylor next year. Taylor plans to Scott Buchanan, a political scien- seek his party's nomination to be tist at Columbus State University who governor. has researched the subject, said the Is the lieutenant governor's office state switched to an elected lieutenant still needed, relegated as it is to just governor as part of the reforms insti- banging a gavel to open and close tuted by then-Gov. Ellis Arnall. Senate sessions, posing for pictures "The biggest argument was, ifyou SAVE WITH YOUR BONJSCARD* with pages, and presiding over were going to have someone replace Items and Prices Good thru Tuesday, April 26, 2005. Exclusively at BI-LO Senate debate but always subject to the governor, it should be someone having controversial calls on points elected statewide instead of a senator of procedure overturned by the nobody really knew outside their Glazed Yeast majority party? district," he said. Taylor insists it is, as do those Four lieutenant governors have who want to succeed him and several gone on to serve as governor, so the political scientists who closely watch office "carries at least the image of Georgia government. being a likely stepping stone," said Taylor says he's used the position University of Georgia political sci- to raise the profile of issues ranging entist Charles Bullock. Hence, the from protecting the state's HOPE early interest in lining up for next scholarship program to restoring year's election. cuts to education. However, Bullock thinks it will be "The political dynamic may no easy task for the next lieutenant have changed, but everything he governor to regain the powers which was elected to do and what he was Taylor lost when Republicans gained working for, all those things remain control, powers like choosing which the same," said Taylor spokeswoman senators led committees and which Kristi Huller. committees got what bills. Among those who want the of- That's close to having total con- fice, which includes some media trol of which bills ultimately pass attention and the use of the state or fail. car and bodyguard that comes with "A Republican lieutenant gover- the job, none is better known than nor would have a more significant Ralph Reed. role than Mark Taylor has had in "I am confident we can restore the last three years. But, no, I would this office to effectiveness and be not think Eric Johnson would turn a strong advocate for the people of over the power he's enjoyed since the state," said Reed, a Republican he's become president pro tern. It's political consultant who once ran more likely that once you have tasted the Christian Coalition and was power, you want to continue to taste President Bush's southeast regional from that bottle," Bullock said. campaign chairman last year. Johnson, a Republican senator To get there, however, he'd have to from Savannah, gained most of the beat Republican Sen. Casey Cagle of powers which Taylor lost. He leads Gainesville in the primary, and Cagle the "committee on assignments" is counting on 11 years of Senate that now decides committee as- experience to help him win. signments. "I believe I have a unique op- Johnson also decides which bills portunity to bring the state Senate go to what committees and serves as back together," Cagle said. the Senate parliamentarian. When Greg Hecht, a former state sena- senators disagree with a ruling that tor from Jonesboro, is the lone an- Taylor has made during a debate, nounced Democrat, although others the appeal goes to Johnson, who can are considering entering the race. Not overturn it. surprisingly, he, too, thinks the office Johnson says he doesn't necessar- has value as a bully pulpit. ily want to keep all that power All argue that the person next in "If the Senate feels comfortable line of succession to the governor with the abilities and decision-mak- should be someone who has been ing process of the new presiding elected by voters — someone like officer, we may want to ... ease back the lieutenant governor. If nothing into giving powers back to the lieu- else, that alone justifies the office, tenant governor," he said. "It's easier they all contend. to control a legislative body with a Before Georgia created the of- strong hand on the tiller." fice of lieutenant governor in the When asked if his opinion will constitutional revision of 1945, the be different if the next lieutenant man next in line was the president governor is another Democrat, of the Senate, an official elected only Johnson responded: "The lieutenant 34 Statesboro Mall, Northside Dr. East, Statesboro, GA • 489-1465 by members of that chamber. governor will be making his case for "The people of Georgia have a strengthening the office back. The Open til 11 p.m. Sunday-Thursday • 12 a.m. Friday & Saturday right to say who steps in next, not Senate will decide what to do." -■*•
.THE GEORGE- ANNE THURSDAY, APRIL 21,2005 PAGE 7A Tennis teams head for SoCon Eagles overpower Charleston Southern m Tournament Championship Eagles win 22-4, to face Western Carolina on Friday Mens tennis Women's tennis GSU Athletic Media Relations eager for SoCon ready for action in STATESBORO, GA - A big first inning set the tone at J.I. Clements Tourney to begin SoCon Tourney Stadium on Wednesday afternoon. Georgia Southern scored 12 »GSU Athletic Media Relations GSU Athletic Media Relations runs in the opening frame, cruis- ing to a 22-4 win over Charleston The Georgia Southern men's tennis The Georgia Southern women's Southern. team will begin play Thursday in the tennis team will begin their bid for That run total is the most since 'Southern Conference Tournament the Southern Conference Tournament the Eagles (25-11 overall) defeated in Charleston, SC. The Eagles, who Championship Thursday when they East Tennessee State 22-3 on May finished tied for fourth in the league, square off against Western Carolina 17, 2003. •earned the No. 6 seed and will play in a first-round contest. The match A.J. Battisto, making his first a first-round match against Elon at will be played at Farmfield Courts in start, sent the Buccaneers down in noon at the Earle Tennis Center on Charleston, SC. and is slated to begin order to start the game. Six of the ,The Citadel campus. at 12:30 p.m. first seven Eagles scored a run as This will be the second meeting of The Eagles concluded their regular GS sent 17 batters to the plate in the season between the Eagles and the season nearly a week ago, defeating James Hall/STAFF the first inning. Phoenix. They met in Statesboro on Wofford 4-3 on. April 14. That win Pitcher Kyle Harrison gets ready Greg Dowling was 2-for-2 with March 30, and GSU emerged with a gave GSU a 9-12 overall record to go to pitch the ball in yesterday's win four RBI that inning alone while 5-2 victory as they began to build the along with a SoCon mark of 5-5, good against Charleston Southern. David Richardson and Brett Pelfrey momentum they now carry into the enough for a sixth-place finish. drove in two runs each. tournament. All photos by Chase Lanier/STAFF Even more importantly, that win Still recovering from a shoulder GSU enters the tournament on GSU sophomore Stephanie Tyrell attempts a backhand earlier the provides the team with a little momen- injury that sidelined him two weeks, 18th double, had one each. a roll, having won their last three season. tum heading into the tournament, a Battisto (1-0) was limited to four in- Dowling scored four runs and •matches and four of their past seven. factor not overlooked by head coach nings. The sophomore right-hander had three RBI. Pelfrey finished with Included in their most recent losses Amy Bartlett-Bonner. allowed two runs on four hits, strik- four RBI while Wipke had three hits is a pair of 4-3 road defeats that could "The Wofford match was a great ing out two. and drove in three. Jliave easily gone the Eagles' way had confidence boost to the team, espe- GSU wasn't done after that big All but one of the starters had the tennis ball bounced differently. cially since it required contributions first inning, sending 12 to the plate a base hit. Head coach Justin Miles sees from every player on the team," during the sixth. CSU starter Ian Holman (2- plenty of positives about his team's Bartlett-Bonner said. "That sort of The Eagles scored seven runs 4) was charged with 11 runs (six recent performance. teamwork will be absolutely necessary on four hits, four walks and a hit earned) on seven hits through two- "The good thing for our team right in order for us to be successful in the batter. Pelfrey and James Payne each thirds of an inning. now is the amount of confidence that tournament." collected a 2-RBI double. Alan Bontya pitched two score- we are gaining with each passing day Awaiting the Eagles in the first The Eagles finished with 18 hits, less innings. Justin Fyle led the Bucs and, especially, with each win we round will be the Western Carolina eight were doubles and Richardson (20-20) with three hits. get." The fourth-year coach added, Catamounts, who concluded their hit his first triple. This weekend GSU hits the road ^Everyone on the team is in good regular season with a record of 4-15 In fact, Dowling, Pelfrey and Flint for a three-game SoCon series at shape with respect to injuries, and but went winless against 10 conference Wipke registered two doubles apiece Western Carolina. we all seem to be peaking together at opponents. One of Western's losses while Payne and Jason Hurst, who Itkicks off Friday night (April 22) the right time." came to these very Eagles, as GSU hit his Southern Conference-leading with a scheduled 7 p.m. first pitch. The Eagles concluded their regular collected a 7-0 victory in Cullowhee, season with a 6-15 overall record and a N.C. on April 10. During that contest, •5-5 SoCon mark. Their recordis some- what skewed because of the difficulty of their schedule, which included 13 the Eagles were able to sweep both the doubles and singles matches, a fact that . will undoubtedly help them as they try Price named Ben road matches - three against teams ranked in the top 50 by the ITA, and because of the nagging injuries that to visualize a first-round conquest of the Catamounts. Coming into the tournament, Hogan Award finalist GSU Athletic Media Relations plagued the team all season. Bartlett-Bonner sees a good oppor- and The Aggie Invitational. Currently As Miles points out, "We have had tunity for the Eagles. NORMAN, Okla. - Bank of ranked second nationally in stroke the opportunity to learn from our "I like our position in the draw. America, in cooperation with Colonial average at 69.73, he has also tallied mistakes against some of the strong We definitely have the possibility to Country Club, The Friends of Golf three runner-up finishes to go along Competition we played. Playing such a do well in the tournament provided and the Golf Coaches Association with three other top 10 showings. tough schedule can help you improve, we play our best." She added, "Most of America, has announced Spencer Levin was the low amateur at last but it can also make it difficult to build importantly, we just have to take Levin of New Mexico, UNLV's Ryan summer's U.S. Open Championship •eiomentum." the tournament one match at a time Moore and Georgia Southern's Aron with a tie for 13th place. A second- "Some of the biggest problems for Danie Van Den Heeder awaits a backhand during a match this season. and be careful not to overlook any of Price as finalists for The Ben Hogan team PING All-America selection the team this season were injuries that the dangerous opponents we will be Award. The most prestigious award last season, he competed on the U.S. iiept coming back and either kept play- playing." in men's college golf, The Hogan is World Team Amateur Championship ers out of the lineup or hindered their Fortunately for the coach, the presented annually to the top men's and was named to represent the United ability when they were able to play," team is blessed with a number of NCAA Division I, II or III, NAIA States at this summer's Palmer Cup said Miles when evaluating the impact players capable of making the kind or junior college golfer taking into presented by Monster. of injuries on the team's season. of contributions it will take to stage a account all collegiate and amateur The low amateur at the Masters Luckily, all the players seem to tournament run. competitions during the last 12 with a tie for 13th place finish, Moore be healthy at the moment, and many Leading the way for the Eagles months. was also a finalist for last year's Hogan of them will begin the tournament is senior Charlotte Bruneteaux. She Price, a senior from Sydney, Aus- Award. The senior has won three tour- carrying not only winning streaks, comes into the tournament leading tralia, has won four collegiate events naments this season - the William H. but also the confidence that tends to the squad with her 13 spring victories this season - the Coca-Cola Tourna- Tucker, the John Burns Intercollegiate Accompany success. and 17 overall victories. She is also the ment of Champions, the Ashworth and the Hall of Fame Invitational. The Junior Vincent Patry, who was just hottest player on the team right now, Collegiate Invitational, the Hyatt defending NCAA Champion, Moore named the SoCon Player of the Week holding a three-match winning streak Plantation Club Intercollegiate and won the U.S. Public Links and U.S. *his past Tuesday, leads the way with and collecting five wins in her past the Courtyard by Marriott Intercol- Amateur, as well as the Sahalee Players his four consecutive wins. One of only six outings. Two other players - Kim legiate - and placed in the top 10 in Championship and the Western Ama- two Eagles to play in every match this Wollett and Szilvia Zsakay - share three others. He claimed individual teur. The Puyallup, Wash., native was .season, Patry has posted eight spring the team lead in conference victories titles at last summer's Rice Planters a 2004 first-team PING All-America and 13 overall wins. The 13 wins are with Bruneteaux, as all three Eagles Amateur Championship and the Play- selection and has competed in the a team-best total, and the eight spring collected six wins against SoCon rivals ers Amateur. Price earned medalist Walker Cup and two Palmer Cups victories tie Patry with Lasha Janashia this season. honors at the Western Amateur before presented by Monster. for the team lead. Zsakay has teamed with Ciara advancing to the semifinals of match The three finalists are invited to Janashia is one of a pair of Eagles Finucane throughout the year to play. He also advanced to the round attend The Hogan Award banquet on sporting a three-match winning streak form a particularly effective doubles of 16 at the U.S. Amateur. Saturday, May 14, at Colonial Country x>n the eve of the tournament, the team for GSU. The tandem leads all A junior from Elk Grove, Calif., Club - the Saturdaypriorto the Bank of other being Tom Green. Although Eagle pairings used this season with Levin has claimed three tournaments America Colonial - with the recipient both players have battled recurrent their totals of 13 spring wins and 14 this season - The Topy Cup, The Nelson announced that evening. •injuries during the year, they come overall victories, and enters the tour- into the tournament healthy and full of confidence. GSU sophomore Stephanie Tyrell volleys from the baseline earlier the season. nament having won two of their past three matches. Not to be overlooked, Patry named SoCon Men's • The team's lone senior, Danie Van den Heever, is the final member of the 10+ win quintet. Along with Patry, however, are the other two teams typically deployed by the Eagles. The duos of Wollett/Stephanie Tyrell and Tennis Player of the Week GSU Athletic Media Relations of Davidson. The four consecutive Jie has appeared in every contest this Bruneteaux/Heather Reynolds actu- SPARTANBURG, S.C. - Junior victories have pushed Patry's spring year. The two players have combined ally shared the team lead with five Vincent Patry has been named South- total to eight, which places him in a to form a successful doubles team SoCon triumphs. ern Conference Men's Tennis Player of tie for the team lead. - leading all Eagle pairings with 12 The winner of the Georgia South- the Week for the week ofApril 19. Patry Patry also went undefeated in spring wins, 6 SoCon victories and ern-Western Carolina will advance to led the Eagles to a pair of weekend doubles, teaming with Danie Van den 18 season wins - while also serving the quarterfinal round to do battle with victories, going undefeated in both Heever for two wins that upped their as the team leaders. No. 3 seed East Tennessee State, a team singles and doubles action. SoCon mark to a team-best 6-4. The The winner of the Georgia South- which narrowly escaped Statesboro Patry, who has previously been tandem picked up wins at the No. 1 ern-Elon match will move to tourna- with a 4-3 victory earlier this season. honored as the 2003 Southern Confer- spot against Chattanooga's Fitzgerald ment quarterfinals to face No. 3 seed The quarterfinals are scheduled for ence Freshman of the Year, garnered and Arturo Navarro and Davidson's College of Charleston on Friday. The April 22, with the semi-finals to be Player of the Week accolades for the Russ Burns and Donald Miles. The six tournament semifinals are slated for played April 23 and the final to be second consecutive season. He joins SoCon triumphs are not only part of a Saturday, and the league champion contested on April 24. Eagle tennis teammate Charles-Henri Trottet as team-leading total of 12 captured by »will be crowned Sunday. Eagle tennis fans are encouraged to visit the GSU the second Eagle to earn conference Patry and Van den Heever this spring, fans can follow the action daily on the Lasha Janashia takes a forehand during a doubles play this season. website for updates, news and results plaudits during the 2005 campaign. but they also contribute to the duo's GSU website. during the tournament. Patry continued his recent run 2004-05 season total of 18, which of excellent play, leading the Eagles places them in a tie for the highest Men's Tennis Roster Women's Tennis Roster Charlotte Bruneteaux to two huge conference victories victory total by an Eagles doubles team Diego Flores Record: 9-12,5-5 SoCon over the past five years. Record: 6-15,5-5 SoCon Tom Green Ciara Finucane against Chattanooga and Davidson. Lasha Janashia « First Opponent Lindsey Marsh Now riding a four-match winning Other top performers for the | First Opponent Germano Knorr Heather Reynolds week included Chattanooga's Tim Elon Phoenix Western Carolina Catamounts streak, the Paris, France native posted Vincent Patry Stephanie Tyrell Kutschera, Furman's Allen Simmons 12 noon at Earle Tennis Center, Nathan Tingen 12:30 p.m. at Farmfield Courts, KimberlyWollett straight-set wins at the No. 2 singles Charles-Henri Trottet Szilvia Zsakay position against Ryan Fitzgerald of and Daniel Escobedo of East Ten- > The Citadel campus Charleston, SC Danie Van den Heever Chattanooga and Flav Simihaian nessee State. — >' T
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