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Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The George-Anne Student Media 1-30-2002 The George-Anne Georgia Southern University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (2002). The George-Anne. 2989. This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The George-Anne by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact
established 1927 Official Student Newspaper of Georgia Southern University GEOR Wednesday Sports: Danna Simpson becomes 15th Eagle to join 1,000 point club Volume 74, No. 52 January 30,2002 Page 6 ON THE INSIDE: Career Services _ Dr. Lee Berger, world-famous offers a wide range r OOTPRINTS OF MAN: anthropologist and GSU of student help By Jenni Ginepri graduate speaks in COB A George-Anne For those students who are hav- ^F By Tim Prizer gamed @ ing trouble deciding on a major or Covering the campus like a profession, Career Services may swarm of gnats "By looking to Africa and recog- have the answer. They offer a va- nizing past and present trends in that riety of opportunities to help stu- I Today's Weatbet continent," paleoanthropologist Dr. Lee Berger said in his lecture at GSU dents during their college experi- ence. Friday, "we can come to understand "Let us help you," said acting and predict what will occur in the assistant director Amy Williams. Partly cloudy rest of the world." with a high of "We have lots of really good ser- A now world-famous vices for all students. We encour- 80° F and a low paleoanthropologist, Dr. Berger of60°F. age freshman to come in early so graduated from GSU in 1989 with a we can start working with them." Bachelor's degree in Anthropology But what many students may before studying at Vanderbilt Uni- not know is all the different areas versity in Nashville, TN and at East Career Services can help college Georgia College. He then received Only in America his PhD at the University of. students in. "I never knew we had a career • Reptile theft is on the rise in New Witwatersrand ("where the white center," said Mike Brown. "Being Hampshire. waters fall") in Johannesburg, South a freshman, you don't know ev- • An Oregon judge rules against a Africa. erything that a school has to offer. one-armed driver. Berger's greatest accomplish- But since I am undeclared, I think • 'Tacky' Mr. Potato Head statue ment to date, and one of the biggest I might go and see what they can is welcomed back to Rhode Island. ever in the world of do to help me." paleoanthropology, was his 1997 FINDING THE FOOTSTEPS OF EARLY MODERN HUMANS: Dr. Lee Roger Berger, a former GSU Williams feels their best re- Page 3 discovery of fossilized footprints student and now world-famous paleoanthropologist spoke in the COB A building Friday about the evolution of source is, "personalized career along Langebaan Lagoon about 60 humankind. He focused on the signifigance of the African continent and his findings of the 117,000 year-old Opinions: _ miles north of Cape Town, South footprints of Homo Sapiens in South Africa. For this accomplishment, he was awarded the first National advising, career choices, intern- ships and to help students find Africa. The footprints, which have Geographic Exploration Award. • Adam Brady visits the jungle jobs. We try to be student centered been determined to be the oldest in the office." that is the Health Center. traces of modern humans (Homo sentation held in the COBA build- ment." The giant continent is com- to so many early forms of life, in- One area that is helpful to stu- • Justin Johnson concludes that Sapiens), have been dated to ap- ing, it was stressed that from the monly considered the birthplace of cluding all of the bipedal homi- dents is career information. It is an •Procrastination is not your proximately 117,000 years ago. beginning of time, Africa has been humankind, but many do not un- nids. Simply, the massive size of friend, my friend.' area that allows students to learn The imprints left by these trav- not only the largest Africa is precisely the reason life more about their specific career C Page 4 elers are distinctively of modern land mass on the Hominids began there, Dr. Berger asserted. through time choice. They offer employee in- humans in that they reveal the big planet, but perhaps the Africa's dominance as one-third of Sports toe, ball, arch and heel clearly on most significant as all the habitable land mass on formation by allowing students to use books, videotapes and files each foot. This distinguishes them well. C ilia Earth is significant mainly be- within the Career Resource Cen- • The Lady Eagles Basketball from the footprints of early bipedal Berger explained tor comparison... cause of its equatorial posi- team rolls over the App. State ter better known as the CRC. hominids found at Laetoli in Tan- that not only is our tion. With plenty of Mountaineers Monday night in "When I was applying for an zania which have been dated to own species a prod- J* land north, south, east Hanner Fieldhouse, 82-61. internship, I was not familiar with over six million years ago. uct of the continent i 5^P f"{i\ and west of the equa- some of the companies. I came to This find has led Berger to be- so large that North IfesSIs "~" tor, Berger stressed, Career Services to learn more lieve that the footprints may be America, South Africa is a sort of can- about what each company had to those of "Eve," who to America and Eu- vas on which innu- offer. Everyone was extremely paleoanthropologists is a hypotheti- rope could all merable life forms are helpful and the company I chose I cal female who lived in Africa be- squeeze into it with splattered brilliantly never would have if I did not use tween 100,000 and 300,000 years room to spare, but throughout its diverse the resources that were available ago. Anthropologists have also that Africa contin- environments. Existing to me through the career center," come to believe that not only were ues to pave the way in Africa are all but one of said Jenny Williams. homo Sapiens (and all other forms for the rest of man- Earth's biosystems, and Graduate school is another area of life) born on the African conti- kind. therefore, more species of life where students can learn more nent, but that each of us have de- The view of than on any other continent. about in Career Services. They scended from one common African Africa from outer space, which derstand how anthropologists ar- "Recent Early Man Discoveries Page 6 have specific software that is de- female, "Eve." served as Dr. Berger's first slide in rived at this conclusion. signed to help students look for In "Recent Early Man Discov- the presentation, is what he calls It is no coincidence, Berger ex- Features eries in Africa," Dr. Berger's pre- the "epitome of human achieve- plained, that Africa would be home See Footprints, Page 10 See Career, Page 5 ' With the late arrival of financial aid checks, there are ways to help save money. GSU Habitat for Humanity chapter holds President Bush warns nation in • Herbal remedies are being found , to cure more health problems. groundbreaking for building of second home his first State of the Union address "9 Page 8 KRT Campus not be finished on our watch, yet it JTUTS WASHINGTON - President Bush must be and it will be waged on our AEntertainment used his first State of the Union ad- watch." dress Tuesday night to paint a grave Enormously popular as he begins , ' National touring act, Better and sobering picture of the potential his second year in office, Bush deliv- '? Than Ezra will rock Legends dangers facing the United States and ered a 48-minute wartime speech to tonight. vowed to fight try to set the • Psychological thriller, "The them head-on. ^""^^""* tone for the ■• Shining,' continues to thrill The presi- "AS WE GATHER coming months American audiences. dent appeared and years, to resolute as he TONIGHT, OUR NATION rally the nation informed the behind him for public there are IS AT WAR, OUR what could be a likely "tens of long and unpre- ECONOMY IS IN thousands" of dictable battle terrorists still at RECESSION AND THE against a differ- large, that they ent kind of en- have fanned out CIVILIZED WORLD emy. around the The presi- FACES UNPRECEDENTED globe, that they dent never men- were found to DANGERS. » tioned Osama have diagrams bin Laden, the of American PRESIDENT BUSH Saudi-born fu- nuclear power ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ gitive who is Allison Bennett/STAFF plants and wa- considered the BREAKINGGROUNDFORHTJMA^ITY:TheGSUchapterofHabitatforHumamtyheldagroundbreaking ter facilities and that they are seeking mastermind of the Sept. 11 attack on Saturday, symbolically marking the building of the organization's second home. weapons of mass destruction. America. But much of his speech "We'll be deliberate, yet time is grew out of that day. By Mathew R. Palmer pleted its first home last year on various organizations, another home not on our side," Bush declared in his "We can't stop short," Bush said. West Jones Street thanks to the help will be built on Van Buren Street, third address to a joint session of "If we stopped now - leaving terror The entire Georgia Southern fam- of 359 students and over 1400 logged near Bill's Dollar Store. Ms. Chris- Congress. "I will not wait on events camps intact and terror states un- ily - even "their cats" - is invited to volunteer hours. tine Byrd and her mother will be the while dangers gather. I will not stand checked - our sense of security would help build the second GSU Habitat "Our goal of this house is for new owners. by as peril draws closer and closer." be false and temporary." for Humanity-sponsored home, ac- Georgia Southern to be involved - The Statesboro Habitat affiliate Raising his voice, he thundered: Though his speech was over- cording to chapter president Brian from Bryan Saxton (SGA President) as well as the Statesboro High School "The United States of America will whelmingly about war abroad, Bush Yarmon. to the physical plant to a biology Chapter are also building homes that not permit the world's most danger- also addressed his greatest fight at A groundbreaking was held on professor to the P.E. Department," will neighbor the GSU home. States- ous regimes to threaten us with the home - the battle against the reces- 1# Saturday to mark the beginning of Yarmon said. boro High School built their home in world's most destructive weapons. sion. His top priorities, he said, are to Habit's second building of a home in Through corporate sponsorship Our war on terror is well begun, but Statesboro. The organization com- of finances and volunteer labor from See Habitat, Page 9 it is only begun. This campaign may See Address, Page 5 1 ■
Page 2 — Wednesday, January 30, 2002 Police Beat Georgia News Brief Statesboro Police Department GSU Public Safety reported at the ATO House on Olym- pic Boulevard. Georgia House allows faster billboard January 26 • Marcus Steinke, 21, was ar- rested for reckless driving. January 25 • Matthew Butler Turtle, 19, of Savannah, was charged with violation January 28 • Willie Parrish reported that some- changes but keeps distance of the Georgia Controlled Substance one broke into a storage locker in the Associated Press garden club members if they reduced the number of billboards because three • Paul Cruz, 24, was arrested for Act. maintenance room at Watson Hall and ATLANTA - Billboards that the distance minimum. messages could fit on one sign. Stan- driving while license was suspended took several hand tools. change messages could switch faster "I'm telling y'all it's a big deal with dard billboards with one advertisement and no proof of ID. • A case of harassment was re- under a bill passed by the Georgia your garden clubs back home, urban may be placed every 500 feet, so sup- --All Police Beai information is compiled ported at Stratford Hall. by Jenni Gineprt, assistant news editor. House on Monday, but lawmakers and rural," DuBose said. porters said the more tri-fold billboards • Charles Thomas, 23, was ar- shied away from a distance reduction The Garden Club of Georgia is the on highways, the fewer total signs. rested for probationer violation for January 27 Editor's Note: Police Beat appears in that had garden clubs across the state nation's oldest garden club and a serious Other supporters said billboards are the county of Fayette. • Michael Lowell Buckner, 19, of every edition of the George-Anne in an. fuming. political force. The club successfully vital to the economy of small towns Parkwood Apartments, was charged effort to inform the GSU community of the The House voted 98-66 to allow tri- sued the state Department of Transpor- that depend on them to steer traffic off amount and nature of crime. All reports are January 28 with DUI and failure to maintain lane. public information and can be obtained at fold billboards to change messages tation last year to force it to charge sign the interstates to their businesses, • Sheila Lambert, 19, was arrested either the GSU Division of Public Safety or every six seconds, instead of the 10- companies market price for cutting trees Towns along Interstate 75, from Ma- for shoplifting. • A case of simple battery was the Statesboro Police Department. second minimum now. A similar ver- in front of billboards along state roads. con to the Florida line, are especially sion passed the Senate last year. "Us garden clubbers, we vote," said dependent on travelers, said Rep. Rob- Local News Brief But House members would not agree to a portion of the Senate bill that would allow tri-fold billboards every member Rachel Fowler, who came to the Capitol to watch the vote. Sign companies "have the money, but we ert Ray, D-Fort Valley. "It certainly helps people in those towns beside the interstate," Ray said. Essay Contest gets underway this semesterfor grades 5-12 3,000 feet, do wn from the current 5,000 feet. Opponents said the bill would pay attention and we vote," she said. The bill now heads back to the "If it weren't for signs they wouldn't know we had outlet centers. They would Special to the G-A Contest - funded by the Georgia South- year's Contest will go out in January. All clutter highways with more billboards. Senate, which will vote on whether to not know we had motels and restau- The Georgia Southern Essay Con- em Foundation and administered by the entries will be judged by GSU English Rep. DuBose Porter, D-Dublin, agree with the House changes. rants. ... It helps every taxpayer be- test-which is open to all private and Department of Writing and Linguistics - faculty during spring semester, and the warned House members that they Some House members said a dis- cause it helps bring more revenue from public school students in grades 5-12 in -seeks to encourage strong writing skills winning essayists will receive cash prizes would hear from the state's 16,000 tance reduction could possibly decrease people who come into this state." area counties - will get underway this in area middle and secondary school stu- in late April or early May. Last year, 434 semester. First begun in 1985, the annual dents. Entry forms and topics for this students from 19 area schools participated. Bush visiting Atlanta Thursday to discuss education Associated Press Campus News Brief WASHJNGTON-PresidentBush win make his third trip to Atlanta in 11 ing with area teachers. Visits to Winston- Salem, N.C., and Daytona Beach, Fla., are expected Wednesday. Georgia a state he carried easily since taking officejust over a year ago. He last traveled to Atlanta in November to tour Two students robbed at gun point on Knight Drive months Thursday during a three-state tour of the Southeast designed to drum In addition to speaking to the student body Thursday afternoon in the high the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the primary responder to the GSU Public Safety ing on Knight Drive at approxi- any physical injuries during the up support for his foreign and domestic school gymnasium. Bush will deliver a anthrax scare. He also touted his tax cut' OnJan. 26, two male students mately 3:23 a.m. The victims re- incident. The incident is being priorities. "welcome speech" at the AtlantaMarriott proposal there in March and addressed reported that they were robbed at ported that their wallets and cellu- investigated by the University Po- The trip comes on the heels of Tues- Marquis, sources said. soldiers at Fort Stewart, near Savannah, gun point by two black males lar phones were taken by the sus- lice Department criminal investi- day night's State of the Union address, Despite some hot political races in in February. near the Auxiliary Services Build- pects. The victims did not receive gations division. during which Bush is expected to focus Georgia, the guest list would suggest White House press secretary Ari on the post-Afghanistan phase of the Bush didn't pick Atlanta solely to stump Fleischer said the president wants to use SPORTS BONTANICAL GARDEN HEALTH FAIR war against terrorism, his initiatives to for Republicans. Democratic the trip to expand on the priorities he will The mens basketball team will Handmade Paper for Your Val- Zeta Phi Beta sorority is host- protect America from another terrorist Sens. Max Cleland and Zell Miller outline in his State of the Union speech. have a game against Savannah State entine at the Botanical Garden at ing a Health Fair Wed. Feb. "6 strike, and his ideas for boosting the planned to attend the event, and Rep. That address is expected to focus on in the Hanner Fieldhouse on Jan. 30 10 a.m. on Feb. 2. Call ext. 1149 under the Rotunda from 11-2, en- economy. Cynthia McKinney was also invited. the post-Afghanistan phase of the war at 7:30. on campus to sign up. titled a "Healthy Woman is a The Atlanta leg of the two-day trip McKinney complained when she wasn't against terrorism, Bush's initiatives to FINER Woman." All females are will focus on education, congressional invited to an earlier presidential visit to protect America from another terrorist PAGEANT encouraged to attend. sources said, with a visit to Booker T. Georgia. strike, and his ideas for boosting the Woman's basketball game against East Tennessee State in the Hanner Miss Georgia Southern Univer- Washington High School and a meet- This will be Bush's fourth trip to economy. CARRIBBEAN WEEK Fieldhouse on Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. sity Scholarship Pageant is being held Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. in the Russell Union LUNCH SERIES Ballroom. It will showcase 34 young Carribbean Awareness Week starts Feb. 4-7. Activities are set up About 280,000 Georgians don't have 911 emergency service The first Hotel and Restaurant woman. Tickets can be purchased at during the week. A talent show is Associated Press to seek funds this session to help these number for your area." Management's Lunch Series will the door of by calling 1-800-GSU- planned for Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. MARSHALLVrLLE, Ga. - When counties develop a joint 911 center. Five The Crawfords live about 90 miles kick off Feb. 1 The price for lunch is WTNS. Tickets are $3 for students, William Crawford thought his wife was counties in Hooks' district, including Ma- south of Atlanta in rural Macon County, $8. All lunches start at noon and faculty and staff with ID and $5 for having a heart attack last week, his first con County, do not have the service. ■-All Campus News Brief information is one of 33 counties in the state without an reservations are excepted a week in the general public. For more infor- reaction was natural he dialed 911. A House bill introduced Monday compiled by Jenni Ginepri, emergency 911 system. advance. For reservations call Larry mation call Janelle Lunsford or Iman He didn't expect a recorded voice to would allow certain state grants to be assistant news editor, They moved to the area two years Stalcup at ext. 5975. Freeman at ext. 7270. tell him, "911 is not a working emergency spent helping local fire departments or fromnearby Houston County, which does have 911. emergency services buy equipment "It was just like I had my hands tied needed for 911. The grants currently can be used only on disaster prepared- Wednesday, February 6 behind me and I couldn't do nothing for my wife," William Crawford said. ness, not emergency response. It took him about 15 minutes and The Association County Commis- three calls to request an ambulance, which sioners of Georgia plans to study the arrived about 15 minutes later. Patricia state's 911 system, and Clint Mueller, CAREER DAZE Crawford, 53, survived the ordeal, al- an associate legislative director, said though doctors aren't sure what hap- the association expects to make rec- pened. She may have had a minor heart ommendations before next year's leg- attack. islative session. The Crawfords are among about WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT 280,000 Georgians without 911. "The whole point of 911 is to give people aquick, easy and memorable num- CAREERS AND JOB SEARCH STRATEGIES ber," said Dr. Arthur Kellermann, chair- Williams Center room 2023 P.O. Box 8001 man of emergency medicine at Emory WITHIN YOUR MAJOR? University Hospital. "It's the step from which everything else follows." Statesboro, GA 30460 How to reach us YOU CAN: The lack of emergency service is mostly blamed on the small popula- tions of the counties and a lack of ADVERTISING: 681-5418 money. Counties are allowed to charge STORY OR PHOTOS: * * Attend a career panel in each $1.50 for every hard-wired telephone 681-5246 in their jurisdiction, but that wouldn't FAX NUMBER: of the five colleges: be enough in Macon County, popula- 486-7113 tion 14,074. E-MAIL TO: -College of Business Administration: Start-up costs would be about 11-1 p.m., COBARoom 1124 $500,000, and annual costs would be It is a desire of The George-Anne another $350,000. With just 6,200 lo- -College of Science and Technology: toprint the news of Georgia South- cal telephone subscribers, the county ern University as accurately as 1-2 p.m., Union Room 2047 would collect only $108,000 from the possible. If you believe that some- fees. The county's operating budget is thing covered is in error, contact -College of Liberal Arts and Social Science: already so tight commissioners delayed the editor at 681-5246 as soon as possible. buying new police cars and road build- 1-2 p.m.,Union Room 2070 ing equipment this year. Liked By Many, -College of Education: State lawmakers also have been re- Cussed By Some... luctant to subsidize local programs, but Read By Them All. 1-2 p.m., Education Building Room 1120 Sen. George Hooks, D-Americus, plans -College of Health and Professional Studies: * * Attend the following workshops: 1-2 p.m., Hollis Room 1118 and 2103 1) Resume Writing 2:15-3:00 p.m. Union Room 2084 DUKES Quality Service at a Reasonable Rate * * Attend an after-hours social in 2) Professional Interviewing Income Tax Service the Williams Center Dining Hall 3:15-4:00 p.m. Union Room 2084 • Specializing in small from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Great 3) Networking for Success and Job Available Free businesses & farms chance to network with Searching Packages Estimates! • Packages include federal & state returns with direct deposit professionals in your field! 4:15-5:00 Union Room 2084 Student (no dependents) $25 • Earned Income Credits' Standard Family $40 Deluxe Family $50 • RAPID REFUND* Standard Business $60 *Some Restrictions Appiy Standard Farm $60 For more information call Career Services at 681-5197 839-2113 Free Pickup and Delivery! • Free Pickup and Delivery!
■■ ■1 warn Wednesday, January 30, 2002 — Page 3 ONLY IN AMERICA... ^m New Hampshire 22 snakes that require high humid- ■—TTTTrnt cSjCKiMjnscuTrs" CM » DieoTTrt:—-^ ity. Many were injured and some O) Co Reptile theft on the were dead when Gamon arrived the next morning. rise The Pet Shop in Rochester has SOMERSWORTH - Leapin' Lizards! Pet store owners say rep- tiles have become a popular target started locking reptile cages since the thefts began six or seven months ago. ! 99* i i 990 j for thieves. . "It's incredible," said owner ! Spicy Chicken S ! Two Chicken Katy LeClerc of Tri-City Tim Jandebeur. "I lost three snakes, Sandwich \ Strip Pack Aquarium bought two bearded bang, bang, bang, and several liz- with purchase of medium Coke8 ,, with purchase of medium Coke8 1 dragons at a reptile expo earlier ards." this month and offered them for Jandebur said the shoplifters 1 p 1 B sale at her shop. A few weeks later, * ";;: suits'!: S:%5'' " seem to work in pairs. In addition the lizards were gone. to the reptile thefts, The Pet Shop Expires 5/31/02 • Limit two per coupon Expires 5/31 /02 • Limit two per coupon LeClerc said a man in his early has lost two kittens and a hedge- to mid 20s entered the store just hog. 526 Fair Road (Highway 67) after 8 p.m. Tuesday and asked to Jandebeur thinks the crimes are Cook lost his left arm below the too "tacky" and banished from Open 'til Midnight on Friday and Saturday buy 12 crickets. While she was busy probably committed by a group of elbow in a meat grinder when he was an England town is being wel- Open 'til 11:00pm Sunday through Thursday rounding up the insects, another people who have taught each other 5 years old. He has driven a truck, comed with open arms. man took the lizards and left the how to steal the animals. aided by the muscular stump of his The 7-foot statue will be a store. left arm, for 20 years in Alaska and main attraction for the opening "I hadn't the faintest idea he had Oregon without an accident. of a $1.3 million addition to the GIFT/ FROM THE MOTHERLAND even taken them," LeClerc said. Pfl Oregon "The issue to me is being able to local Safeway supermarket in FASHION SHOW AND CULTURE NIGHT She discovered the theft at feed- drive my truck and we (couldn't) Belper, England. ing time. LeClerc said she is more Judge rules against even bring that up," he said. "I'll "He's back making news concerned with the welfare of the never write-off truck driving. I want again," Robert Billington, animals than with catching the one-armed driver that back." Blackstone Valley Tourism thieves. The reptiles were about 4 Cook claimed Lambert acted in Council, said in Thursday's The inches long but can grow to be 2 to retaliation for personal confronta- Pawtucket Times. 21/2 feet and require a special ul- COQUILLE - A. Coos County tions between the two men that dated The statue made by Hasbro traviolet bulb and heat lighting. judge dismissed a complaint from a back several years. He sought Inc. is supposed to resemble "I don't think somebody real- one-armed truck driver who has been $181,000 in lost income and $5 mil- William Blackstone, an 18th izes the care behind these things," banned from driving until he agrees lion in punitive damages. century English lawyer and phi- LeClerc said. to wear a prosthesis. The state argued that Lambert was losopher. It was at the Melissa Gamon, owner of Feed- Judge Michael Gillespie ruled that just doing his job by enforcing the Blackstone Valley Tourism ing Time in Dover, also has lost Cook did not have enough evidence law. A federal law requires drivers Council's visitor center before reptiles, including the a Savannah to prove that Barry Lambert, a motor without limbs to wear a prosthesis. it was shipped to Belper, in cen- monitor - a lizard-like animal na- carrier enforcement officer, was act- Federal examiners will not test a one- tral England, where residents tive to Africa - that was stolen in ing with malice when he cited Cook armed person's driving abilities un- weren't fond of the tater. They September. in January 2001 for driving without less he is wearing such a device. complained to the newspaper, Two leopard geckos, worth $80 the prosthesis required under federal Cook said he will continue train- and after a few weeks outside a to $150, were shoplifted from the law. ing for his commercial pilot's license McDonald's restaurant, the An African Tribute to Womanhood store late last month, Gamon said. Cook had filed a civil-rights law- while he waits for the appeal. He statue was moved to the nearby Acts including She said a woman entered the suit against the state in April. But in doesn't need a prosthesis to fly a town of Alfredon. store and asked to see a snake. While August, another Coos County judge plane. Safeway manager said, Dance, Step Show the clerk was diverted, a man left with the reptiles. "You don't think of those things when they're here in the store," threw out all but a claim of retalia- tion and intentional infliction of emo- tional distress claims against Lam- bert. o Rhode Island Mr. Potato Head "With everything that happened last year, he really became a celebrity, so it will be nice to see him back." The potato statue Poetry and Acting Date: February 12 2002 Place: Russell Union Ballroom Gamon said. His case fell apart Wednesday has since been moved from the welcomed back children's playground and it's Time 7:30 pm The store's biggest loss was a when a key witness failed to back up failed attempt to break in the back final destination may be the Cost $5 in advance his contention that Lambert had been door. The thief gave up before get- vindictive and retaliatory. PAWTUCKET- A Mr. Po- American Adventure theme ting in, but left a door ajar, harming Cook, 43, said he plans to appeal. tato Head statue that was dubbed park outside Belper in Ilkeston. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL
■■■M he oldest continuously published newspaper in Bulloch County Page 4 — Wednesday. January 30. 2002 ( )PTNTONS OUR Procrastination is not your Mend i OPINION the entire house, including the mail. Alas, no. I then entered the hardwood floors because hey, they wonderful world of AOL instant collect dust too. I then moved to the messenger and 15 minutes passed in even good I wasn't doing anything fun or for all the tests I still had to take and remotely close to resembling a HELL YEA. I like what I see. Man, I time. I wasn't out drinking. I can still pass. What was I so worried GSU is famous bathroom and cleaned it from top to the blink of an eye. At that very wasn't out at a club all night. No, I about? The calculator doesn't lie. bottom, toilet and all. moment I became suddenly aware was good damnit. I was good! Problem solved. in its own way After cleaning I was exhausted that I was not studying. I had a mental All I had done was clean my house "That's a little unrealistic," my Having the world famous and around midnight it hit me. I aneurysm and freaked out. I might and attempt to study. How in the subconscious said. ■paleoanthropologist Dr. Lee Berger decided that, well. world could I "You can do it," I told myself and 'Speak on campus last week, we started if I went to sleep ^^-^—^^ —— have been so then I reassured myself of what a thinking. How many other world famous right then and unprepared? good student I really was. This is just or nationally famous people have been woke up at 6 a.m. I THEN REACHED FOR MY BOOKBAG, TOOK "Ah, I'm an a pothole in the road of my success. part of the many generations of GSU in the morning, I idiot," I thought Yeah, just a pothole. alumni? Is GSU just some rural wouldhave plenty OUT MY CALCULATOR AND AVERAGED IN A 25 and a sudden The thing is, this has happened to ■university in southeast Georgia, or has of time to study FOR THE TEST I JUST TOOK AND 100'S FOR peace came me every semester since I've been 'tile school turned out more than one before my test at over me. here and, well, this is my fourth year extremely successful individual? 9:30. ALL THE TESTS I STILL HAD TO TAKE AND "Maybe they'll here. Interesting. I think I may be All research has pointed strongly to Well, sure that put me in a sensing a pattern here. Is anyone HELL YEA. I I I the latter. Even excluding all athletes, ■like New York Yankee catchers and Canadian FootballLeaguepIayers, GSU T ■ his is the story of the academic portion of my college life, summed sounded like a perfectly logical plan. I would have CAN STILL PASS. LIKE WHAT SEE. MAN, remedial GSU reading this in any way remotely like orientation me? I find it hard to think that I'm class or alone here in my procrastination. has provided some of the world's most up in a day and a half. Enjoy. plenty of time to ™™ ~^^~~ something." What's it going to take for us to successful people in particular areas of Around 3:00 p.m. on an average study. I mean, I went start studying and stop academics and entertainment. Monday I decided that it was time to sure reading eight chapters in three fail this test. straight home and sat on the couch. I procrastinating? Maybe we should Even aside from Dr. Berger's study for my test the next day. Sure, and a half hours is conceivable. I went to my 9:30 class and took tried to cheer myself up but nothing all call our parents and ask if we get an incredible accomplishments, GSU has a I'd known about this test for a good Retaining the information.... not so the test. At 10:20 I came out of the worked. There was no sense of "A" average in a class, if we can get lotto beproudofin the worldofacademia. three weeks. Hmmm.. Those three conceivable. classroom. There were no words. My hunger, no desire to watch TV, no ten dollars or something like that. Do Not many people outside ofthe Business weeks flew by really fast for some At 6:00 a.m. the alarm went off. brain was fried. Dead. Sizzle. My room to clean or article of clothing to you think that might work? I'm open department here know, for instance, that reason. At 6:30 the snooze went off. At 7:30 poor little head had been completely wash. I just sat there alone in the for suggestions here, I need help. GSU handed a degree to Dan Cathy, the At 5:00 I decided that studying I woke up to find I had turned the overloaded with words and phrases living room. It was quiet in the house Do you think there are support President of Chick-Fil-A International. could wait, but the current TV snooze off and gone back to bed. At that I just witnessed for the first time. but even more silent was the vacant groups for people who are in as much That's right - our favorite eating program I was watching could not. 8:001 got out of the shower. At 8:20 At that point I felt the sudden urge space in my head where my brain crap as I am? Do you think there is a establishment on campus is governed by At 7:001 decided that it was a good I was dressed and ready to go. At to detain myself from college and once was. I think that at that point I cure for my problem? pne of our very own graduates. Cathy time to go out to dinner. About 9:00 8:301 hopped in my car and drove to voluntarily send myself back to third heard something inside my head go I can see it now began his work with Chick-Fil-A as a I decided that I would clean my room. campus and' went to The George- grade. I remember being glad "sizzle." "Hi, my name is Justin and I, well, jcnee-high nine year-old, singing songs (See what procrastination leads Anne to study. Statesboro is a pretty flat area. Why? "Well, there is always next time," I I'm a procrastinator. I'm ready for customers and doing radio to...productivity in areas like At 8:45 I sat down and read If there had been a cliff nearby I I managed to convince myself after for my ten step program and to be commercials for the Hapeville, GA cleaning.) After cleaning my room, chapter one. At 9:00 I was lured to probably would have jumped off it. 20 minutes more of silence. cured now, thanks." restaurant. He has since become the most I decided that it was high time I did the computer to see if someone had Then came the question of I then reached for my bookbag, Justin Johnson is the editor-in- successful employee the corporation has some laundry and so I did. While my gotten up at the crack of dawn and by questions. "Where had my time took out my calculator and averaged chief of The George-Anne and can be ever seen. clothes were washing I vacuumed the grace of God, had sent me an e- gone?" ina25forthetestljusttookandl00's reached at Staying on the topic of chicken (must be our proximity to Claxton), we find the 1979 'graduate of GSU, Hal a Moddelmog. Moddelmog became the LETTER SUBMISSION POLICY AND Thank you, Voo Doo medicine man Then one of the tribeswomen call you by the master medicine man. creatures) you make your way to a wooden first woman to ever hold the presidency The George-Anne of a fast-food chain. As president of Churchs Chicken '(the second largest welcomes letters to the ADAM back to take basic medical readings: your weight, temperature, pulse, blood pressure, you Quiet wonder follows when for you several will get minutes to meet as this counter that must be the pharmacy. As you hand the medicine woman behind the editor, story submissions fast-food chickenrestaurant in the world), family lineage, and zodiac sign. Once she's great man. Then very quietly and solemnly, counter the small piece of animal hide, and guest columns from Moddelmog has truly become a success people both inside and BRADY satisfied that one of the medicine men can two robed figures enter the room shaking you're told to return to the waiting room- once again and wait to be summoned by story. outside the GSU be of service, you're sent back out to the gourds and dropping small leaves in a path On an entertainment level, GSU has waiting room. Finding your seat has been from the doorway to your cot. Another horn. community. All copy sub- also produced at least one huge success. taken by yet another girl who just doesn't robed figure enters with a large drum and So, you make your way back out to the' mitted should be typed Not many people know that while look right, you take refuge on a small log sits in the comer of the room, his hands waiting room, once again avoiding the girl- (double-spaced, please), listening to the Garth Brooks hit, "The near the outhouses. ready to play. that just doesn' t look right, and you sit back preferably on Macintosh Dance," they are listening to the original You carefully avoid the stares of the The moment has finally arrived. Dressed down on a straw-filled mat. It seems like an disk in Microsoft Word or poetry and music of our own Tony Arata. others awaiting the Voo Doo treatment as in a ceremonial headpiece and loin-cloth, eternity before you hear the horn's Microsoft Works format. Arata is a national recording artist who your second round of waiting begins. the medicine man enters the room dancing resounding call, and you make your way All submissions must be has a large collection of his own private Though that plant across the room looks about from side to side, chanting loudly back to the small wooden counter. The signed and include a material. He also appeared on the Garth much larger than when you first arrived, it's ,and brandishing an elaborately decorated medicine woman hands you 2 small gourds mailing address and Brooks tribute album not too long before the tribeswoman returns stick. The man in the comer beats the drum filled with white powder, instructs you to' phone number for verifi- Not many of us realize either that to invite you back for what you've been almostuncontrollablyastheVooDoodoctor mix them with water and goat's blood and cation. The editors reserve Julian Stanley, often credited as "the waiting for. continues to jump about yelling out strange drink the elixir twice a day. the right to reject any fatherof gifted education," is also a GSU mm sure some of you-out Running your fingers through the short unrecognizable phrases. He stops and the The whole package only costs you four' submission. There is no graduate. Stanley has been a pioneer in JL there have felt not right from time beard hanging from your chin and drumming halts. Moving in closely he looks beaded necklaces and two shiny stones, but word limit on submis- discovering young geniuses as the to time. wondering exactly how long you were in at you carefully, up and down, left to right. that doesn't include the goat's blood. sions. A writer may re- founder of Talent Search and was the Maybe some extreme coughing, that waiting room, you follow the "What's wrong?" A voice emanates Finally getting home, you stare at the quest to remain anony- winner of the Mensa Education & excessive fever, or drooling nose. Having tribeswoman deeper into the jungle refuge. from beneath the mask. gourds. You feel worse, you skipped your mous. However, it will be Research Foundation's first Lifetime dealt with it long enough, you find your way The drums and chanting grow louder and "I feel tired and achy. My throat hurts classes in hopes of finding out how to get the editor's decision Achievement Award. to the Health Center on Forrest Drive, more louder as you move the giant leaves from and my nose is congested. I think I'm sick." better, and now you've got an itch you're whether or not to print the These individuals, along with name. Submissions are commonly known as "The Voo Doo Hut." your path. "Hmmm." He opens your mouth and not quite sure you had before you went. numerous others who often don't receive run on a space-available As you walk in, the sounds of distant jungle I cannot emphasize the importance of looks at your throat. Mumbling to himself (That girl that just didn' t look right comes to the recognition they deserve, have helped basis. drums and deep, throaty chanting watching your step: you never know what he looks for several minutes, jabbing a mind. I wonder...) place GSU on the map. accompany you to the sign in desk. You could be crawling beneath your feet. small stick in your mouth to keep it open. He I invite you to take' that walk to the Voo check the box for "Illness" - some of you You are instructed by the tribeswoman carefully scribbles some words on apiece of Doo Hut, that adventure to the deepest The 2001 Editorial Staff making a mental note to come back weeks to sit on a small cot crafted from sticks and animal hide and hands it to you. reaches of the jungle. Your cure may await # Covering the campus later to fill out the same form, next time tightly woven vines in a room to the right. "Bring this to the pharmacy down the you. That goat's blood elixir worked like a swarm of gnats Melissa Connors She disappears and the drumming and hall. If you still feel bad after 48 hours, come miracles on my flu. s Sports Editor checking the box next to "Condoms" - and you find a comfy straw-filled bamboo seat as far away as you can from the girl that just chanting abruptly ceases. Hearing a rustling back and see me. You have a cold." from the doorway, you see several Turning around abruptly, he begins to Adam Entertainment Brady is the Arts and Editor of Tire George-Anne Jenni Ginepri The 2001 Editorial Board Assistant News/Sports Editor doesn't look right. Slowly, but surely, tribeswomen carrying a limp body back dance out the door, drummer beating and thanks the wonderful staff of the Voo (though let me heavily emphasize slowly) towards the way you came. However, there fiercely, as tribesmen and witchdoctor leave Doo Hut for their miracle cures. He may be Allison Bennett your name becomes the next up on the small really is no reason to be alarmed. He's the room. Carefully walking back down the reached at Justin Johnson Photo Editor piece of animal hide you scribbled it upon. merely fallen into a healing trance induced pathway, (let me once again warn or jungle Please, no inquiries about the goat. Editor-in-Chief Brooke Minter Features Editor Tim Prizer Managing Editor Adam Brady A & E Editor Amanda Permenter Chloe Rauch News Editor Copy/Assistant Layout Editor I THE GEORGE-ANNE STAFF For 75years, Georgia Southern's Official Student Newspaper NEWS CIRCULATION Chris Brennaman, Shana Bridges, Blaze Supervisors Oilpeppcr, Tiffany Domingos. Erik David Paaowiez, Chris Rhyne Howard, Crystal Lipsey, Mat Palmer, * . Brandon Sparks ADVERTISING/DISTRIBUTION LIFESTYLES SERVICES (ADS) Urkovia Jacobs. Travis Jones, Janis Pit- Advertising Manager man David Brennamart SPORTS Business Manager Stacey Johnson Lit Boorstein, BJ. Corbitt. Nick Fierstos, Bo Fulginiti, Doug Kidd Ad Reps Trent Anthony, Tiffany Domingos, Stacey Johnson, Jennifer Teusaw, PHOTOGRAPHY Candace Westberry. Jackson Westberry LaVene Bell, Allison Bennett. Laura Cox, Tim Deaver. Lindsay Wise PRODUCTION ANDGRAPHICS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS SERVICES (PAGES) News, Editorial Advisor Production Manager i.arry Anderson Adam Drew General Manager WebMaster Bill Neville Segio Waldring
■^HH^ Wednesday, January 30, 2002 — Page 5 CAREER, FROM PAGE 1 GRAND Expanded Service for Dinner colleges that offer the de- grees they specifically want. Handouts are also used in the mock interview would be silly, but after seeing myself on tape, I was glad I did it. There were information that may#lead them to finding a job. Jobs can range from full time and part REOPENING! center. Students are encour- some questions that 1 did not time jobs both on and off cam- Now Featuring an aged to come in and pick up information about resumes, majors and interviews. Students are also encour- know answers to and it showed when I saw myself," said Jill Brown. For those people who do not pus. "1 had a few minutes be- fore class and stopped in just to look around. They have lots Evening Bargain Buffet.., $5.99 tor one lnealcarcl swipe) aged to seek career advising. have anything to wear for an in- of things that I could just pick This is a chance for those stu- dents who may not know ex- actly what they want to major in to come and get ideas about terview, faculty and staff donated suits to help assist students in their job search. "Suits are expensive. We want up and take to read later. I never had any idea that so much work went into graduat- ing outside of classes," said Pizza & what areas they want to study. "After my first year of be- ing undeclared, I went to ca- students to dress professionally. We try and help out as much as possible," said Williams. Frank Clark, Career Services has ex- tended their hours to be more Baked Potato reer services. I took tests like Resume services is what most assessable to students. They the GCIS and FOCUS to help students commonly think is only will be open from 8 a.m. to 7 me realize what areas I was most interested in concentrat- ing," said Elizabeth Fuller. "It was my GSU 1210 teacher that used at Career Services. They have templates set up on com- puters for students to useas well as sample resumes for each ma- p.m. Monday through Thurs- day and Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. located downstairs in the Williams Center. 1 Hamburgers & Hot Dogs encouraged us to visit the jor. Students can drop off their "We would definitely like CRC." resume with a cover letter for to see more students. There are An interview is another op- critiquing and have it back within lots of students that say they X portunity that is available to 48 hours. To thosegraduating stu- did not know we offer that re- H students. Alumni and graduat- dents who want to become a part source. But we do have a good ing students can register in the career office to set up an on- of the resume referrals, they have hundreds of employers every mix of students who utilize the facility," said Williams. Including full selections from our tasty salad bar! campus interview with em- year that search their database. They encourage students to ployers. Students looking for jobs can join them in their Career Fair Videotaped mock inter- also take advantage of job-re- that will be Feb. 28. This gives views a*re another type of in- lated resources by list serves, job students the chance to network terviewing that can take place. search resources and web job list- with employers and give com- This gives students a chance to ings. They have books, guides, panies their resumes. They are see themselves on tape and be brochures, magazines and direc- expecting anywhere from 75 evaluated by others. tories for every major. This gives to 90 companies to be in atten- "At first I thought doing a students a chance to get contact dance. ADDRESS, FROM PAGE 1 defeat terrorism, to protect the down to business. corporate disclosure. nation from further attack and to re- Vice President Dick Cheney sat The official Democratic Party vive the economy. behind him, a development notable response to Bush's address reflected "As we gather tonight, our nation only because the two men have been the public's broad bipartisan support is at war, our economy is in recession kept apart during much of the time for the war. House of Representa- and the civilized world faces unprec- since the Sept. 11 attacks. Interior tives Minority Leader Richard A. edented dangers," Bush said. "Yet Secretary Gale Norton was absent, to Gephardt of Missouri assured the the state of our union has never been ensure that one Cabinet member president and the nation that the coun- stronger." would preserve the line of presiden- try speaks with one voice against Echoing President John F. tial succession should disaster strike terrorism. Located in The Russell Union Kennedy's call to patriotic service, the Capitol. "Like generations that came be- Bush also called on Americans to Bush said the intelligence gath- fore us, we will pay any price and Now open for breakfast, lunch and dinner buffet. give something back to their nation. ered since the war began in Afghani- bear any burden to make sure that He asked citizens to commit at least stan pointed to the rough road ahead. this proud nation wins the first war of (Sorry—no menu service for dinner.) two years or 4,000 hours of their "Our discoveries in Afghanistan the 21st century," Gephardt said, lives to commu- echoing nity service. Kennedy's inau- "If you aren't gural address. sure how to help, "THROUGH THE GATHERING MOMENTUM OF Since Sept. 11, he I've got a good said, "there's place to start," he MILLIONS OF ACTS OF SERVICE AND DECENCY been no daylight said. "To sustain AND KINDNESS, I KNOW WE CAN OVERCOME between us in this and extend the war on terrorism. » best that has EVIL WITH GREATER GOOD. We've met al- emerged in most every single America, I invite - PRESIDENT BUSH week and built a you to join the bipartisan con- new USA Free- ™",~^^— sensus that is dom Corps." confirmed our worst fears, and helping America win this war." The US A Freedom Corps, he said, showed us the true scope of the task But Gephardt noted growing par- will respond to crises at home, re- ahead," he said. "We have found tisan divisions over domestic issues, build communities and extend diagrams of American nuclear power intensified in this election year when "American compassion throughout plants and public water facilities, control of both houses of Congress is ' the world." To help fortify the nation detailed instructions for making up for grabs. The House Democratic against further terrorist attacks, he chemical weapons, surveillance maps leader said Democrats would not asked for retired doctors and nurses of American cities and thorough de- necessarily side with Bush on such to mobilize in emergencies and for scriptions of landmarks in America issues as tax cuts, Social Security, volunteers to help fire and police and throughout the world." Medicare, overhauling campaign-fi- departments. Bush emphasized that he expects nance laws and the bankruptcy of The president said the new volun- other nations to join the United States Enron. teer organization would seek to re- in the battle against terrorism. He "I refuse to accept that while we cruit 200,000 people. He also said he warned that "some governments will stand shoulder to shoulder on the , would double the size of the Peace be timid in the face of terror. And war, we should stand toe to toe on the Corps, currently 7,000 strong, and make no mistake: If they do not act, economy," Gephardt said. expand its work to more Islamic na- America will." The president is calling for $190 tions. With the nation in recession and billion over 10 years to subsidize "This time of adversity offers a Bush presiding over the first federal prescription drug costs for senior citi- unique moment of opportunity, a budget deficit in four years, he did zens. Most of that would not take moment we must seize to change our not offer the usual list of spending effect for another three years, when ' culture," Bush said. "Through the proposals that mark most State of the his budget planners expect deficits to gathering momentum of millions of Union speeches. end. acts of service and decency and kind- The administration is proposing a In the meantime, Bush proposes a K less, I know we can overcome evil huge increase in defense spending - first step of spending $77 billion over with greater good." $48 billion in the fiscal year that 10 years to help 3 million low-in- Bush made clear that the war that begins Oct. 1 - for a total Pentagon come senior citizens pay for pre- i seemed so straightforward in Af- budget of $379 billion. If Congress scription drugs through Medicare. ghanistan is about to get more com- approves, the increase would be the Joining first lady Laura Bush to plicated. largest in two decades. Bush noted watch the speech were interim Af- , He warned of three regimes in that the war on terrorism is costing ghan leader Hamid Karzai, who met particular - North Korea, Iraq and $30 million a day. with Bush at the White House on tan - that he said must be stopped Bush also is asking for $37.7 bil- Monday, and Teamsters Union Presi- ! from developing weapons of mass lion for homeland security; almost dent James Hoffa Jr., who supports destruction that could be dissemi- double the current budget for that the president's efforts to open the nated to terrorists. post-Sept. 11 program. He said he Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to "States like these and their terror- would focus these efforts on four key oil drilling. ls t allies constitute an axis of evil, areas: bioterrorism, emergency re- Also present was Hermis arming to threaten the peace of the sponse, airport and border security, Moutardier, a Miami-based flight world," he said. and improved intelligence. attendant for American Airlines who It was Bush's first speech to a In an effort to boost the economy, spotted alleged attempted "shoe Joint session of Congress since he the president pushed Congress to pass bomber" Richard Reid on Flight 63 Wed to calm the nation nine days tax breaks for businesses and extra on Dec. 22 and restrained him with 1 a fter the attacks on the World Trade relief for the unemployed "in the help from others on board. Higher academic standards are good for everyone. What a child learns today could have a major effect tomorrow. Not just on him or her, but on the rest of Center and the Pentagon. Bush's first same spirit of cooperation we have Sgt. 1st Class Ronnie Raikes of s the world. Your world. Since 1992, we've worked to raise academic standards. Because quite simply, Peech to Congress was to unveil his applied in our war on terrorism." Chesterfield, Va., was beside the first i ^get last year. smarter kids make smarter adults. For more information, call 1-800-38-BE-SMART or visit Bush addressed the mushroom- lady. Raikes, whose right hand wore Bush walked into the House of ing Enron debacle delicately. He a brace, was wounded in an explo- ie Business Roundtabie • U.S. Department of Education « Achieve Representatives chamber to loud ap- chose not to point fingers, but to call sion in Afghanistan near the Taliban nerican Federation of Teachers • National Alliance of Business ational Education Association • National-Governors' Association Education {Excellence Partnership Plause and cheers, but quickly got for stricter accounting practices and stronghold of Kandahar.
^^M Wednesday, .Tamiary 30, 2002 - PageiL Eagles slip to Mocs, four- Lady Eagles top App. St 82-61 By Eli Boorstein way tie for first in South Led by a career night from Sarah 'Senior Danna Simpson becomes 15th G-A News Service Chattanooga's Toot Young at 21 points with 13:24 to play. McCully and Petie Spaulding Davis, the Lady Eagle basketball team scored 27 points, including six each had 20 for the Mocs, while cruised to an 82-61 victory over Appalachian State Monday evening at Eagle to join 1000 point club three-pointers, to lead the Mocs past Georgia Southern 103-91 in McCully added 11 assists. Georgia Southern was led by Hanner Fieldhouse. Southern Conference action Kashien Latham with 25 points The 21 -point margin of victory was Monday night in Hanner and 10 rebounds, while Jenkins the second largest of the season for the Fieldhouse. chipped in 20 points. Peterson Eagles, trailing only their 39-point Georgia Southern (11-8, 5-4 finished with 17 points and 12 drubbing of Savannah State on Southern Conference) raced out assists. Latham's effort was the November 27. to a 12-0 lead in the game's first 29"' double-double of his career, After the Mountaineers (6-14, 2-9 three minutes on four straight while Peterson's was his third of SoCon) opened up the game with a 3-0 three-point buckets. Julius the season and fifth of his career. lead, Georgia Southern (9-10, 6-5 Jenkins hit two in a row, followed The loss drops the Eagles into SoCon) shot the tights out, going on a by a trey from Sean Peterson and a four-way tie for first place in the 21-0 run to put them into a lead they one from Kordel Gibson. SoCon's South Division. College would not relinquish. Appalachian State Chattanooga (12-10, 5-4 ) of Charleston and The Citadel was able to gnaw away at the lead at clawed back to take their first lost Monday as well to create the different times in the game, but key lead of the night at 31-30 on a four-team logjam atop the South t shots at the right times helped the Eagles tl Young trey with 5:53 showing in Division. keep the Mountaineers at a safe distance. the first half. Clyde McCully gave Georgia Southern returns to "That's what lost us the game at the Mocs a 48-40 halftime advan- action to on Wednesday against T UTC—not answering runs," said tage on a layup at the buzzer. Savannah State at 7:30 p.m. at b Davis. "This time we answered when • Chattanooga completed wrap- Hanner Fieldhouse. Chattanooga e' they made runs." ping a 25-3 run around the inter- hosts The Citadel at 7:00 p.m. on b Davis, a senior from Springfield, mission to take their biggest lead Saturday. al Georgia, scored a season-high 20 points off6-for-12 shooting, including a3-for- o 5 performance from behind the three- point tine. In addition, she dished out a Bonds honored at New 1c f< career-high seven assists for Georgia ik Southern. "I really felt like my shot was going to go down tonight," said Davis. York baseball dinner Associated Press vv ai li 'It's definitely a confidence booster." another gift," Bonds said at the Senior Danna Simpson also Home run king Barry Bonds was dinner. "I'm looking forward to j i provided an offensive spark with 14 presented with his record fourth Na- the opportunity to play in Yankee F points, good enough to make her the tional League most valuable player Stadium and to hit against Roger a< 15th Eagle to top the 1,000-point award Sunday at the New York Clemens." S plateau. Senior Alie Rousseau and baseball writers' 79th annual dinner. Bonds then turned to Yankees s< sophomore Jessica Everett each pitched Bonds, who set major league manager Joe Torre, another award C( in with 12 and ten points, respectively. records last season with 73 homers, winner seated on the dais, and said. With his 88th victory, Eagle head "Joe. make sure he's pitching in 0 an.863 slugging percentage and 177 coach Rusty Cram moved into second walks, also received the Mel that series." in ai place in the team record books, trailing OttAward for leading the NL in hom- Rivera was presented with the only former coach Drema Greer, whom American League Fireman of the c< ers and player of the year awards bi hereplacedinl996. Cram still has a ways from the New York baseball writers, Year trophy but presented it to to go to challenge that mark, however, as as well as baseball broadcasters. Thomas Von Essen, recently | |w he needs another 75 wins to top Greer. retired New York fire tu Other award winners at the din- For Appalachian State, the offen- commissioner, who was also onj ft ner included new Hall of Fame short- sive output was led by a 13-point night stop Ozzie Smith, Yankees reliever the dais. ile from Aisha Bryant with Michelle Mariano Rivera, Mets catcher "They were an inspiration for Conklin adding a career-high ten points MikePiazza and Cy Young pitching all of us," Rivera said of the New for the shorthanded Mountaineer squad. award winners Roger Clemens and York City fee and rescue personnel. The team was without leading scorer Arizona's Randy Johnson. who lost 343 members at the World Joanie White, who was sick and did not Clemens was presented with his Trade Center on Sept. 11. travel for the game. Jessica Jank record sixth Cy Young by Yankees Also on the dais was former; provided the defensive help, grabbing Tim Deavcr/STAFF Hall of Fame catcher Yogi Berra. New York Mets outfielder Rusty a career-high 11 rebounds. Bonds is scheduled to make his Staub, who received a standing Georgia Southern will try to even CRUISE TO THE TOP: The Lady Eagles topped Appalachian State Monday night in a 21 point margin first career appearance at Yankee ovation for raising more than dlrs up their record when they host East victory, the second largest margin for the season. The night was lead by Sarah Davis, who completed with Stadium on June 7-9 when his San 100 million for the New York Tennessee State on Saturday at 7:00 20 points, Danna Simpson scored 14, enough to make her the 15th Eagle to join the 1000 point club. With Francisco Giants play the Yankees Police and Fire Widow's and p.m. Appalachian State will return the victory, Coach Rusty Cram earned 88 career victories, the second largest in school history. The Lady in an interleague matchup. Children's Benefit Fund, which I home to host Furman on Saturday. Eagles host East Tennessee State on Saturday for their next match. "I'm going to thank baseball for he heads. Rising stars and homefield advantage could Super Bowl security no walk in the park for NFL make it a red, white and blue Olympics Associated Press At this year's Super Bowl, even the Service overseeing the operation. Remember no-fly zones in Iraq? terrorist threatens to kill fans at a stadium with a blimp loaded with Associated Press athletes get in front of crowds , Sheer numbers are in their favor. high rollers will be walking. They now have one near the thousands of darts. Get ready for a red, white and There are 10 more events for a total of energized with patriotic fever and So much in America has changed Superdome, duplicating the measures Such a plot might have seemed blue Olympics. 78 in 15 disciplines. In all, athletes eager to see their countrymen succeed. since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, taken at the World Series, and at a ' outlandish decades ago. Today, it's the With Americans enjoying the will go home with 477 medals. A good showing would be especially and America's biggest sporting event number of sporting events in the direct center of the NFL's thinking. home-field advantage and some If the United States reaches its important to a country that hasn' t fully is no exception. aftermath of Sept. 11. "The point of terrorism is to get on rising stars eager for a world stage, goal of 20 medals, the majority recovered from the Sept. 11 terrorist Security is priority No. 1 in New Workers began erecting the eight- television, to have the event seen by as this could be a goldenWinter Games probably will come from the skiing attacks. Orleans this week. It means the foot-high fences and concrete many as possible," defense analyst John for U.S. athletes. and speedskating entries. Japan enjoyed its status as host limousines that normally overtake a barricades to form a barrier around the Pike said. "If you think how much From the ice where Apolo Anton Half of those medals could come country to win more medals in Nagano Super Bowl city, shuttling the hordes Superdome weeks ago. As a result, the people pay for Super Bowl Ohnoracesandthewomen'shockey in speedskating alone, with the 19- than ever before, and the American of big names and big spenders who closest some cars can get to the commercials, you know it's certainly team should dominate to the slopes year-old Ohno a favorite in any of the team should get a similar boost. infiltrate each year, will be parked on Superdome is about two blocks, and the most watched event there is. If where B ode Miller will be a favorite, four Roller Derby-type short-track That's fine with the International Super Sunday. That includes the guy many fans will have a longer walk. someone is going to pull something, America's athletes should give flag- events he's in. Olympic Committee, which needs the who's throwing the party. A taskforce of state, local and federal what better place?" waving fans plenty to cheer about. "Apolo can medal in every race," excitement of the home team doing "No one drives up to the game," officials has been working on the If any city is up to the security The goal is 20 medals, seven said Fred Benjamin, president of U.S. well to helpjustify the nearly $2billion said NFL vice president Jim Steeg. security plan for months, but part of the challenge, New Orleans is it. This is more than theUnited States has ever Speedskating. price tag of the games. "Paul Tagliabue is walking. If the goal is to make the games look' 'normal.'' the Crescent City's ninth Super Bowl. won at the Winter Olympics. With Ten speedskating medals might be 'The performance of the home commissioner is walking, everybody's The thought of a terrorist attack on On Jan. 1, the city went through chants of "USA,USA"reverberating abitoptimistic, but itreflects an almost team is of vital importance to the spirit walking." the Super Bowl is nothing new. something of a practice run when the through the Wasatch Mountains, it giddy attitudeU.S. officials have about of the games," IOC president Jacques The Super Bowl has been The idea first went mainstream in Sugar Bowl was played. could go even higher. the prospects of a medal haul in Salt Rogge said. designated a National Special Security the mid-70s, when the movie "Black Ahlerich said that game went off Things look so good that even Lake City. The Americans should win more Event, with none other than the Secret Sunday" came out. In that movie, a without a hitch. bobsledders could win a medal for That comes from a renewed medals this time, but forget any in the first time in 46 years, thanks commitment by the USOC to winter cross country, ski j umping or biathlon. mostly to the addition of women in sportsoverthe last decade. U.S. athletes the sport. also have been able to ski the moguls The women's hockey team, unbeaten through 28 games of Eagles picked to win SoCon baseball crown G-A News Service Georgia Southern returns The stage is set as never before. outside Salt Lake City and practice on exhibition play, seems almost certain in both preseason polls. The Bull- Now all they have to do is perform the speedskating oval and bobsled and to win.a gold, and medals await in Georgia Southern has been se- dogs finished second in the regu- pitcher Brett Lewis (9-2, 3.25 when it counts for 17 days in Salt luge runs on a regular basis. figure skating where Michelle Kwan lected to win the Southern Con- lar season last year at 38-24, 20- ERA), shortstop Jemel Spearman Lake City, beginning Feb. 8. "Everybody seems to be peaking is favored and Todd Eldredgc has one ference baseball regular season 10. (.372-0-44), and outfielders Matt "This is our showcase at the right time," USOC president last chance, crown in voting by the league's Both polls agree on the top Herring (.353-12-55) and Chris opportunity," U.S. Olympic Lloyd Ward said. "We like what we Ohno and Miller should provide head coaches and sports informa- seven finishers in the 2002 SoCon Walker (.303-0-25) from last Committee president Sandra see." plenty of excitement, while the United tion directors. race. Georgia Southern and The year's NCAA Regional team. Baldwin said. "We' ve invested a lot While the United States has States has three legitimate contenders The Eagles, winners of the last Citadel are followed in third place The Citadel will feature start- of time and money in having our dominated at the Summer Olympics in snowboarding, too. two regular season crowns, gar- by Western Carolina, then UNC ing pitcher Eric Talbert (8-3,2.06) winter sports do well and we' II have and ranks third overall behind Norway And, of course, Nagano^gold nered all 10 available first place Greensboro, Furman, College of who led the SoCon in ERA in a great legacy with the facilities and the former Soviet Union in winter medalist Jonny Moseley returns to votes in both polls, making them Charleston and East Tennessee 2001 for the second straight sea- afterward. Now we just have to medals, it hasn't done as well recently lead a strong freestyle skiing team that a unanimous selection. Neither State. son. The Bulldogs also have re- watch it pay off." at the Winter Games. is as quotable as it is good, the coaches or the SIDs were al- The coaches poll predicted liever Randy Corn (8-3, 2.50) Many Americans will watch an Take away Eric Heiden's five gold "If I can come down, throw a 360 lowed to vote for their own team Davidson eighth, Appalachian back to spearhead the bullpen. assortment of sports they would medals in 1980, and the United States mute grab up top, ski the middle clean, in the poll. State ninth and a tie for 10th be- Southern Conference teams be- generally ignore to seeifthe nation's is averaging just slightly more than and do the Dinner Roll at the bottom The Eagles, 42-20 overall last tween VMI and Wofford. The gin play on Feb. 2 as Furman , winter athletes can top the 13 medals nine medals a games for the last six with a bute grab, that's the run," year and the Southern Confer- SIDs selected ASU eighth fol- hosts High Point and Wofford en- won at both the 1994 Lillehammer Winter Olympics. Moseley said. "It's over. K.O. punch. ence champion at 21-9, outdis- lowed by Davidson, Wofford and tertains North Carolina A&T. Games and the 1998 Nagano Games. .That figures to change when U.S. Right there." tanced second place The Citadel VMI. League action begins on March 8.
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