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                                                         Covering the campus like a swarm of gnats

           Established L92:                                                                                                                                   The Official Student Newspaper of Georgia Southern University

                                                  Lady Eagles close season with win over ETSU                                                                                           Upcoming
                                                                                                                                              Page 6                                    Super Tuesday
                                                                                                                                                                                        voting takes
                                                                                                                                                   place in 10
                                                                                                                                                                                        states including
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Page 10

                  Rebellion ousts Haitian president

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               Fires rage near the Presidential Palace (left), white building on left, on Sunday, February 29 after President Jean-Bertrand Aristide fled the country overnight. A pro-Aristide supporter (right) hides behind a ban-
               dana in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Thursday, February 26. He was part of a group demonstrating in front of the National Palace. Photos from KRT Campus.

              Aristide resigns, flees Haiti; U.S. Marines head to chaotic capital
              By Nancy San Martin, Trenton Daniel and Martin Merzer                           security team moved into the capital last week to help secure the U.S.              Prime Minister Yvon Neptune said Aristide, Haiti's first democrati-
              KRT Campus                                                                                                                                                      cally elected president in 200 years of independence, signed the letter of
                  PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - U.S.Marines headed to Haiti's chaotic,bul-              "I have ordered the deployment of Marines, as the leading element of        resignation and left Haiti to "prevent bloodshed."
              let-pocked capital Sunday night, the vanguard of a multinational security       an interim international force, to help bring order and stability to Haiti,"        Reading from what he described as the resignation letter, Neptune
              force still being assembled in the wake of a rebellion that ousted President    President Bush said.                                                            quoted Aristide as saying: "The constitution must not be written with the
              Jean-Bertrand Aristide in less than a month.                                        Abandoned by the United States and other foreign governments and            blood of the Haitian people."
                  A transitional government assumed power, without much initial               under pressure from advancing insurgents, Aristide signed a letter of               "If my resignation prevents the shedding of blood, I agree to leave,"
              success.                                                                        resignation early Sunday and flew into exile at 6:15 a.m. on an unmarked        Aristide wrote Sunday.
                  As word spread of Afistide's resignation arid flightto asylums hundreds     white airplane withhis-wife, Mildred, accompanied by^Wack-uniformed                 It didn't work. A ne,w blast of violence rampaged through .a capital
              of residents ignited a new orgy of revenge and opportunism, killing several     security detail.                                                                already fractured and impoverished by turmoil.
              people, looting countless businesses and torching the homes of Aristide             State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said the United States               Angry crowds of Aristide supporters gathered at the presidential
              loyalists.                                                                      "facilitated" Aristide's departure but didn't say how. It was the second such   National Palace and roamed through Port-au-Prince. Bursts of gunfire
                  The Marines, perhaps as few as 100, were expected to land late Sunday       humiliation for Aristide, who was ousted by a military coup in 1991 and
                                                                                              restored to power in 1994 by 20,000 U.S. troops.                                                                                                   See Haiti, Page 8
              at the Port-au-Prince's airport. Fifty members of a Marine anti-terrorist

                                           T2W4                                   Formerly suspended fraternity to return to Georgia Southern
                                                                                  By Sarah Frey                                                 Nine," five fraternities and four sororities that were                ter all fraternity members to vote, before directing
                                                                                                                                                founded when African-Americans were first allowed                     their effort toward the rest of the African-American
                                                                                      The Omega Psi Phi fraternity is returning to              to attend state universities.                                         community.
                                                                                  Georgia Southern after a five-year absence.                       The fraternity is well known for its volunteer                        More information on the fraternity and its
                                                                                      GSU Director of Greek Life Cara Byford explained,         work, especially within the African-American com-                     push for civic involvement can be found online at
                                                                                  "The fraternity was suspended from the campus be-             munity.                                                     
                                                                                  cause of hazing activities. It is being allowed to return         According to the fraternity's website, Omega Psi                      For anyone interested in joining Omega Psi Phi,
                                                                                  now that it has met the terms of the suspension and           Phi is currently working with the National Pan-Hel-                   there will be an information session Tuesday, March
                                                                                  all old members have graduated."                              lenic Council and Unity Campaign 2004 to "increase                    2. This meeting will be held in Russell Union meeting
                                                                                      Omega Psi Phi first came to GSU in 1986. It is an         voter registration, education, and mobilization for the               room 2080 at 6:30 p.m. Attendance of this session,
                                                                                  African-American social fraternity, one of the"Divine         2004 National Election." Their goal is first to regis-                although not required, is strongly recommended.

                                                                                  High ability high school students visit GSU for Scholar's Day
                                                                                  By Luke Hearn                                           same. "I feel confident that she would receive a
                                                                                                                                          good education if she chooses to come here," he       ■   '■■

                                                                                                                                                                                                              ■   .
                                                                                      The level of academic acheivement rose Friday       said. Nunziant said that she is 98 percent sure
                                                                                  and Saturday as 300 high school students with SAT       that GSU will be her new home in the fall.                ----:, ^k

                                                                                  scores above 1200 participated in GSU's Scholar's           This is the second year that GSU has hosted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ■"s nB BiH
                                                                                  Day activities.                                         Scholar's Day events. According to Interim Co-
                                                                                      The weekend event started Friday afternoon          ordinator of High Ability Student Recruitment
                                                                                  with a Student Organization Fair held at the Nes-       Sarah Smith, 300 students, who submitted ap-
                                                                                  smith-Lane building.                                    plications, were invited to this event based on                                %                    ' "' m       ftttH
                                                                                      Representatives from all of the colleges of         their GPA and SAT scores, with the average SAT
                                                                                  GSU and other organizations, such as SOAR,              score averaging close to 1260.
                                                                                  The Student Government Association, and Student             "Things are going smoothly," Smith said. "We
                                                                                  Media, had tables set up with information to give'      got through registration with no problems, and
                                                                                  to interested parents and students.                     that is usually a good sign," she said.
                                                                                      Allison Nunziant of Wheeler High School in              After the Student Organization Fair, the                                                  Teresa Southern/STAFF
        Brian Hancock (left) and Dave (right) of Qualifier play for a             Marietta, Georgia said that she was really pleased      students and their parents had dinner with            Three-hundred high school students visited GSU this past
        packed house at Rockfest 2004 hosted by Champ's last Friday                                                                                                                             weekend for Scholar's Day, a program dedicated to offering
                                                                                  with she had seen so far of GSU. "Everyone is
        night. A total of six bands played six hours of live music at the                                                                                           See Scholars, Page 8        high ability students the opportunity to learn more about
                                                                                  really nice here," she said. Her father, Ed, felt the
        showcase of local acts.                                                                                                                                                                 Georgia Southern.

          Weekday Weather                                                                    Only in America                                  Opinions                                Sports                                               Inside
          Monday                                  Tuesday                                    - Cross-dressing burglar to stand trial
                                                                                               in California
                                                                                                                                              • Amanda Permenter explains
                                                                                                                                                why she's so passionate about
                                                                                                                                                                                       • Softball sweeps doubleheader
                                                                                                                                                                                         against South Carolina State
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Police Beat
                                                                                                                                                language - and talks about the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Crossword                  9
                                                                                             • New bill may bring two times as                  newly formed Linguistics Circle        • Men's basketball upset by The
                                                                                               many toilets to Georgia restrooms                                                         Citadel to close regular season                   Comics                     9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Sports                 6-7
                                                                                             • Glass eye to be featured on man's                                                       • Baseball drops four to                            Opinions                 4
                                                                                               ring in Oklahoma                                                                          Clemson, East Carolina
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Calendar                   2
          Partly                                  Mostly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           News Briefs                2
          Cloudy                                  Cloudy                                                                                          aA                                                                                       Corrections                2
                                                                                                         Page 3                                            Page 4                                    Pages 6-7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  P.O. Box 8001 . Statesboro, GA 30460
Digital Commons@Georgia Southern - Georgia Southern University
2              Monday, March 1,2004

                                                                                                ings, investigated three traffic                                                   Sam Houston in San Antonio filling in       California police
: 02-25-2004                                  02-26-2004
                                                                                                accidents and assisted seven
                                                                                                                                      Lawmakers working                            for Army surgeons who were deployed
   • A fire was reported at Southern              • A cell phone was taken from the             motorists.                            on compromise to                             overseas.                                   investigate possible
                                                                                                                                                                                       During that time, he said he was
     Courtyard.                                     Recreation Activities Center.
                                                                                                                                      immigration plan                             informed his medical college con-           sniper shootings
                                                  • A license plate was taken from a                                                                                               tract would not be renewed in 2004.
   . Three laptop computers were
                                                    vehicle in the Recreation Activi-                                                                                              Anstadt's current contract ends in
     taken from the Hollis Building.                                                                                                                                                                                               HAYWARD, Calif. - The Califor-
                                                    ties Center parking lot.                                                                                                       June, school officials said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               nia Highway Patrol is investigating a
                                                                                                                                                                                       The lawsuit filed Friday seeks to
   • Officers issued one traffic citation,                                                     - All Police Beat information                                                                                                   series of possible sniper shootings on
                                                  • A message board was damaged                                                                                                    have his contract renewed, plus an
     investigated four traffic accidents,                                                   compliled by Luke Heam and Te-                                                                                                     a freeway east of San Francisco over
                                                                                                                                                                                   unspecified sum for punitive damages,
     assisted seven motorists and                   atWinburnHall.                          resa Southern, News Editors.                                                                                                       the past week.
                                                                                                                                                                                   mental anguish and attorney's fees.
     one sick person, and responded                                                                                                                                                                                                On Friday, a motorist was injured
                                                                                                                                                                                       Clay Steadman, the vice president
     to one fire alarm.                           • Officers issued three traffic                                                                                                                                              when the rear left window of her car
                                                                                                                                                                                   of legal affairs for the medical college,
                                                    citations and four traffic warn-                                                                                                                                           exploded around 4:30 p.m. as she was
                                                                                                                                                                                   said Friday he hadn't seen the suit and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               driving westbound on Interstate 580
                                                                                                                                                                                   could not comment on it.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               near the Strobridge Avenue exit in

                                                                                                                                                                                       Steadman said he is familiar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Castro Valley.
                                                                                                                                                                                   with Anstadt's allegations and that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The driver, Barbara Price, 47, of
                                                                                                                                                                                   the medical college has been told
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Alameda, who was able to maintain
                                                                                                                                                                                   by both the Department of Defense
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               control of her PT Cruiser, pulled off
 March 1                                      March 2                                     March 5                                                                                  and the Department of Labor that it
                                                                                                                                                                 Special Photo                                                 the freeway and called for help from
                                                                                                                                                                                   broke no laws.
                                                                                                                                      U.S. Senator Zell Miller.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               a McDonald's restaurant nearby. She
   Last Day to Withdraw without                         Irish Music Festival                                                                                                                                                   suffered minor cuts and scratches from
          Academic Penalty                                     8 p.m.                      Cultural Historian Robert Darnton                                                                                                   the flying glass.
                                                                                                                                          WASHINGTON - President
                All Day                            The eighth annual music festival                        11a.m.                     Bush is having a tough time selling          Despondent man                                   Authorities are investigating five
    Students can withdraw from                     is the largest celebration of St          Renowned cultural historian              his immigrant worker proposal to                                                         other similar incidents that occurred
    classes via WINGS provided they                Patrick's Day in Statesboro and           Robert Darnton from Princeton            congressional conservatives, and one
                                                                                                                                                                                   rescued from top of                         within 90 minutes Monday evening
    have their RAN number, or at the               Bulloch County. Performers in-            University is noted for his studies      compromise floated by three South-           Space Needle                                on the section of the freeway that con-
    Rosenwald Building 2nd floor.                  clude Gabriel Donahue, Eamonn             ofhowwhatpeople read influences          ern lawmakers could attract votes but                                                    nects San Leandro and Dublin, CHP
                                                   O'Rourke, Liz McNicholl and               their political attitudes and activi-    hamper his effort to woo Hispanics.                                                       spokesman Wayne Ziese said Saturday.
      The ABC's of Successful                      Harry O'Donahue. Tickets are              ties. He is also the author of several        It's a dicey political predicament                                                   Bullet holes were found in the pas-
            Interviewing                           $10 for the general public, $8            books. This event is sponsored by        for the president, one that seems likely                                                  senger sides of several vehicles.
                 3 p.m.                            for GSU faculty, staff and senior         CLEC, the Henderson Library,             to push a final vote on key elements                                                          Earlier in the week, police only
    This event is sponsored by Career              citizens; $4 for students. At the         and the History Department. At           of his plan into next year, after the                                                     knew of three such incidents, but
    Services to help students assess               Performing Arts Center.                   the College of Education Audi-           presidential election.                                                                    three more drivers, including Price,
    their skills, find their path and                                                        torium.                                       Rep. Charlie Norwood, R-Ga.,                                                         have since come forward with similar
    build their future. At Career                                                                                                     and Sens. Zell Miller, D-Ga., and Jeff                                                    stories. No serious injuries have been
    Services in Williams Center, 912-          March 3                                     First Annual U.I.C. Spades Classic         Sessions, R-Ala., haven't ruled out                                                       reported.
    681-5197                                                                                               6 p.m.                     supporting Bush's temporary worker                                                            Authorities will inspect all the ve-
                                                                                              This event is sponsored by United       program.                                                                                  hicles and interview the drivers this
                                               Planning Ahead for Graduate
   '9 Years' Photography Exhibit                                                              in Christ. There is a $10 entrance           That support, however, comes with                                                    weekend, Ziese said. They are asking
                 1 p.m.                                                                       fee per team. At Russell Union          the condition that Congress first ap-                                                     the public for any information related
                                                                3 p.m.
    The work of Ansley Simmons will                                                           Room 2047,912-871-6174.                 prove their plan to broaden the power                                                     to the incidents.
                                                  This is one of many events sponsored
    be on display during this exhibit. At         by Career Services.At Career Service                                                state and local police have to arrest
    Gallery 303, Foy Fine Arts Bldg.              Center, 912-681-5197 or http:                                                       suspected illegal residents.                                                         Person in custody;
                                                  //                                                    The sponsors of the measure con-

                                                                                                                                      tendtheyspeakformany conservatives
                                                                                                                                      who believe stronger enforcement of
                                                                                                                                                                                                               spedaiPhoto search warrants
                                                                                                                                                                                        SEATTLE - A reportedly de-             issued in missing
     It was reported in Thursdays edition of The Hiatus that the band Kismick was to perform before the band Life on                   immigration laws must accompany

                                                                                                                                                                                    spondent man who crawled out on
                                                                                                                                       any new plan allowing illegal residents                                                 family case

  Earth. However, Life on Earth played first, followed by Kismick. Also, the pictures on Page 8B of The Hiatus were not                                                             the Space Needle observation deck
  taken by DJ Fox, but were Special Photos. On that same page, the names of both of The Gatherings CDs were misspelled.                in the country to remain as long as
                                                                                                                                       they are working, even for three-year        Friday was rescued by negotiators
  The correct names of the CDs are "Souvenir" and "Sleeping Buildings." We apologize for any misunderstanding.                                                                                                                     TAYLORSVILLE, Miss. - Investi-
                                                                                                                                       stints as Bush is seeking.                   and fire crews.
                                                                                                                                                                                        The man alternately walked             gators searching for a family of three
                                                                                                                                            Federal immigration agents are                                                     who disappeared on Valentines Day
                                                                                                                                       stretched too far, they say, so they         and sat on the outer ring of the
                                                                                                                                                                                    Needle's observation deck - 520            questioned one of their relatives Sat-
             Congratulations to the following WINNERS during                                                                           want to give 650,000 local police of-
                                                                                                                                                                                    feet above the ground - for about          urday and searched his property in
                                                                                                                                       ficers the authority and resources to be
                          Black Awareness Month!                                                                                       the first line of defense against workers    three hours while police negotia-          southern Mississippi.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Earnest Lee Hargon, an adopted
                                                                                                                                       still undocumented after Bush's plan         tors sat on the inner ring, talking
                               Black Awareness Month Table Contest                                                                                                                  to him.                                    cousin of the missing family, was in
           1" Place Winners-Gamma Sigma Sigma for their display on the evolution of Black hair                                         takes effect.                                                                           custody and was being questioned,
                                                                                                                                            Many immigrant advocates say                He finally agreed to put on
                                                                                                                                                                                    a safety harness and the Seattle           said Warren Strain, a state Highway
                                         Black History Quiz Bowl                                                                       that would create an atmosphere of                                                      Patrol spokesman.
           1" Place Winners- MAP, represented by Alvie Coes III, Christian Jones, Bryan Dawson,                                         distrustbetweenHispanics and police,        Fire Department high-angle res-
                                                                                                                                                                                    cue team helped him crawl back                  Authorities also closed off a county
                                 Clinton Stubbs and Jeremy Middlebrooks                                                                 erasing any political advantage Bush
             2hd Place Winners- Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., represented by Rashad Tharpe,                                                                                       along a support beam to safety,           road on both sides of Leaf River Veteri-
                                                                                                                                        might hope to gain.                                                                    nary Services as part of the investiga-
                    Eddie Williams, Latavius Powell, Anthony Ferrell, and LaMarcus Hall                                                                                              police said.
                                                                                                                                                                                        The man, reportedly from               tion. The clinic was given as a residence
                                                                                                                                       Surgeon sues MCG                              Seattle and about 30 years old,           address by Hargon, whose wife is a
                T'han&you to the foffowing Organizations and Individual for your                                                                                                     was taken to Harborview Medi-             veterinarian, Strain said.
                               participation in 'BCacH Awareness Month 2004I
                                                                                                                                       for not renewing                              cal Center for evaluation, police              There has been no trace of Michael
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and Rebecca Hargon and their 4-year-
           NAACP                                                          D.I.M.E.S.                                                   contract while on                             Officer Deanna Nollette said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               old son, James Patrick, since Feb. 14.
           Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity                                     Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity                                                                                     The first call to the Fire Depart-
           Voices in Ministry                                             United Caribbean Association                                 reserve duty                                  ment came at 1:34 p.m., report-           Lawmen reported finding blood and
           Gamma Sigma Sigma Service Sorority                             Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity                                                                                                                    spent bullet casings at the family's
                                                                                                                                                                                     ing that a man was threatening to
           Beta Beta Beta (Tribeta)                                       Student Government Association                                                                                                                       home, but no signs of forced entry.
                                                                          Resident Hall President's Council                               AUGUSTA, Ga. - A heart and                 jump from the observation deck,
           Minority Advisement Program                                                                                                                                                                                              Authorities declined to say wheth-
           Center for Africana Studies                                    Dyversions Dance Team                                        lung surgeon at the Medical College           she said. He was rescued at about
                                                                          Educational Opportunity Programs                                                                                                                      er they were looking for bodies or for
           Eagle Entertainment                                                                                                         of Georgia has filed a federal civil suit     4:30 p.m.
           Ms. Sindi Jones (Johnson Hall)                                 University Housing                                                                                             The man apparently managed             other evidence.
                                                                                                                                       against the school for not continuing
           Ms. Ericka Brayboy                                             Mr. Reggie Brown                                                                                           to squeeze through approximately
                                                                                                                                       his contract while he was on Army
           Mr. Brandon Jones                                              Mr. Justan Mosely                                                                                          5-inch gaps in horizontal wire
           Ms. Minneka Robinson                                           Mr. Wole Ogunlana                                            Reserve duty.
                                                                          Black Awareness Month Committee                                  Dr. Mark Anstadt, who also serves         safety fencing that rings the deck,             - All News Briefs compiled from
           The Russell Union Staff
                                                                                                                                       as a lieutenant colonel in the Army           Nollette said.                               wire reports by Luke Hearn and Teresa
                                                                                                                                       Reserve's 4005th U.S. Army Hospital,              The landmark, on the Seattle             Southern, News Editors.
                                                                                                                                       went on active duty before the Iraq            Center grounds, was built for the
                                                                           (Experience the CufturellU                                  war. He spent three months at Fort             1962 Seattle World's Fair.
                                                                                    Your Student Activity Fees At Work!

                                   Inspiring tfope and Vossifafoty
                                   Women's Awareness Month 2004
                                             Events from March l"- March 11th
                                                                        March 9. 21)04
                                                                                                                                                       2004 - 2005 MAP Sponsors
                   March ,1,3094
                   Women: Inspiring Hope and Possibility Panel          Self Defense for Women
                   Discussion                                           9 pm
                   12 pm-1 pm                                           RAC
                                                                        Taught by Drew McKenzie
                                                                                                                                                                 Wiatta Barclay                                   Christopher Kimbrough
                   Russell Union Room 2044
                   Refreshments to be provided
                   Sponsored by: National Organization of Women         March 10. 2004                                                                       Christopher Brown                                        Monique McKenzie
                                                                        Breast Cancer Awareness
                   Mrn-ch 4.2004
                   Sister to Sister
                                                                        Time: TBA
                                                                        Location: TBA                                                                         Jonathan Buckner                                          Andrea S. Milton
                   6 pm                                                 Sponsored by: Gamma Sigma Sigma Service
                   Russell Union Room 2084
                   Dinner will be served
                                                                                                                                                             Clarissa A. Crawford                                          Jared Speaks
                   Sponsored by: the Multicultural Student Center       March It. 1004
                                                                        Investment Education for Women
                                                                        6 pm-7pm                                                                                     Shri Davis                                         Shatareia Stokes
                    "Our Bodies, Our Rights" Panel Discussion           Dr. Sandy Gallemore
                    12pm-l pm                                           Russell Union Rm. 2084
                                                                                                                                                                  LaMarcus Hall                                          Marsha Thomas
                    Russell Union Room 2044

                    Refreshments to be provided                         Sexual Assault Prevention Talks
                    Sponsored by the National Organization of
                                                                        7 pm
                                                                        Russell Union Rm, 2084
                                                                                                                                                                    Dia Harden
                                                                        Presented by: Sordcn Davis of SAP A
                                                                                                                                                               Brandon R.Jones                                     Janine Weaver-Douglas
                                                 Your Student Activity Fees at Work!!!
Digital Commons@Georgia Southern - Georgia Southern University
MM. t                                                                                                                                                 GEORGE-ANNE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Monday, March 1,2004                     3
  o               California
                                              o             Georgia
                                                                                           e                Maine

     Cross-dresser may                          Georgia bill would                         Much-traveled lobster
     serve jail time for                      require more toilets in                       found dead in crate
     prank gone awry                          ' women's restrooms
     OROVILLE - A man who alleg-                  ATLANTA - Put this one in the                PORTLAND - Two cross-country
edly broke into a home and put on            "there-oughta-be-a-law" category. A           trips were apparently just too much
the female resident's wig, clothing          bill introduced in the Georgia House          for a 30-year-old giant lobster named
and makeup was ordered by a Butte            on Wednesday would require twice as           Hercules.
County judge to stand trial on a bur-        many toilets in women's restrooms as              The 14-pound crustacean was
glary charge.                                in men's rooms.                               found dead in his crate Friday at The
    But the 22-year-old suspect,                 The measure would apply only to           Lobster Conservancy in Friendship,
Anthony Robert McClane, said he              government buildings built after July         where he was undergoing rehabilita-
entered the wrong person's house             of this year. But the sponsor hopes           tion in preparation for his release into
and the incident was all part of a           it would" send a message - women              the wild.
prank gone wrong.                            shouldn't have to wait so darn long               Schoolchildren in Port Angeles,
    McClane remains in custody on            to use the bathroom.                         Wash., rescued Hercules from a
$30,000 bail.                                    "Anytime you have toilets or - what      supermarket lobster tank, where he
    The residents said they returned         are them things called? - urinals, you       had a $200 price tag, and shipped
home Feb. 5 to find the suspect, his        know, for the men, you should have            him home to Maine.
"face covered with makeup" and clad in      twice as many for the ladies," said                But things didn't work out as
the woman's wig, blouse, bra and skirt,     Democratic Rep. Tommy Smith of                planned.
asleep on the living-room couch, said       Nicholls.                                          Diane Cowan, a scientist at The
Butte County Sheriffs Deputy David               "It's not good for the females           Lobster Conservancy, said it's likely        man's treasure," Burton said.                    asked that U.S. Magistrate Judge John    obtained a search warrant for Mitra's
Bottom Tuesday.                             that they can't go to the bathroom,"          that Hercules succumbed to the                   Nix had designed some unusual                C. Shabaz close the courtroom and        apartment.
    McClane's defense attorney sought       he added. "And it's not good for the          trauma of long-distance travel, which        pieces, but "I couldn't believe he               seal the transcripts for any testimony       On his computer, officials found a
a dismissal of the burglary charge. He      men because we have to wait on 'em            is often fatal to lobsters.                  wanted to make a ring out of a glass            from Motorola witnesses and from          Motorola wiring harness that, O'Shea
argued there was no intent to enter the     to get out."                                       He also had a tail injury that may      eye. I thought to myself.'We can make           Rajib K.Mitra, a former University of     said, is capable of transmitting radio
victim's home to steal anything.                 Naturally, Smith has three female        have contributed to his death.               a good-looking ring out of this,' even          Wisconsin-Madisongraduate student         frequencies. They also found several
    If convicted, McClane could             co-sponsors for his toilet bill. The               Cowan had planned to let the            though it is the oddest piece we've             charged with two counts of transmit-      computers and papers listing all Madi-
be sentenced to up to six years in          south Georgia legislator pointed out          crack heal, then attach a sonar tag to       ever done."                                     ting communications to a protected        son police radio frequencies.
prison.                                     that women representatives didn't             the lobster and set him free within the          So Nix put together a design team           police computer.
                                            even have a restroom in the House             next week or two so she could track         which included his wife, Diana, and                  Mitra, 25, faces up to 20 years
                                            anteroom until the 1980s.                     his movements.                              master jeweler Grover Snider.                    in prison and a $500,000 fine if
                                                 "This is a serious, serious problem,"         Cowan told friends in an e-mail             Together they designed a ring               convicted. His trial is scheduled to       ■ ■         New Jersey
                                            he said/Tfyou talk to any woman, she'll       Friday "don't be too sad" because the       which incorporated the unusual shape             begin Monday.
 wp           New Jersey
                                            tell you it's a serious problem."            lobster did not die in vain. Hercules        of the artificial eye. Nix said if the eye           Mitra was charged in incidents
                                                The bill now heads to a House            called attention to legislation that         were measured as a gem stone, it would           that happened in Madison the nights
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Diaper-wearing man
     Cape May toll                          committee for consideration.                 would protect large, brood stock             be considered a 45-carat stone.                  of Oct. 3 land Nov. 11.                      charged with child
                                                                                         lobsters like himself, she said, and              The result delighted Burton.
   collector fired over                                                                  he educated people about their im-                "Almost everyone wants to see it
                                                                                                                                                                                           At 7:30 p.m. Oct. 31, police re-
                                                                                                                                                                                       ported an incessant tone overriding
   road-rage incident                                                                    portant role rejuvenating the lobster

                                                                                                                                      and hold it," Burton said."Oh, there are         their radio frequencies, rendering
                                                                                         population.                                  some prudes who don't want to touch              hand-held radios useless and leav-            PEQUANNOCK - A Paterson
      CAPE MAY - A toll collector                                                             A bill being considered by the          it. They think it's too weird. But I love it.    ing police unable to communicate           man faces child endangerment charges
                                                             iowa                        Maine Legislature's Marine Re-               I wouldn't trade it for a real eye."
 who allegedly shot a paintball gun                                                                                                                                                   with each other.                           after allegedly showing up at a Roman
 at another vehicle in a Garden State                                                    sources Committee would make it                                                                   Three hours after the tone ap-        Catholic school clad in a diaper and
 Parkway road rage incident has been           Stinky trees on                           illegal to transport oversized lobsters                                                      peared, police radio technicians           pink stretch pants.

                                                                                         like Hercules through Maine. Under                                                            switched the department's frequency
 fired from his $44,452-a-year job.           University of Iowa                         Maine law, fishermen who catch such
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     William Rhode III, 53, was wear-
     Jason Glassey, 31, is already fac-                                                                                                                                               to a different channel. After 20 min-      ing an orange jumpsuit and hand-
 ing criminal charges from the Nov.         campus to be removed                         lobsters must toss them back.
                                                                                                                                                     Wisconsin                        utes, the tone followed, Assistant         cuffs when he appeared Tuesday in
 21 incident, in which police said he                                                         Cowan views the legislation as a                                                        U.S. Attorney Tim O'Shea said. The         Superior Court in Morristown. Judge
 fired oh a van that cut him off in              IOWA CITY - Say goodbye to              way to help protect hefty lobsters so                                                        channel was switched again, but the        Salem Vincent Ahto wanted to make
 traffic as Glassey drove home after         the smelly trees.                           they can live to breed.                          Judge won't keep                            tone did not follow until hours later.     sure Rhode understood the charge
                                                                                              Cowan also said Hercules probably
 his shift at the Parkway's Cape May           • The University of Iowa is remov-
                                                                                         would be her last attempt at crustacean
                                                                                                                                         testimony secret in                          At 3:15 a.m., technicians switched         lodged against him.
 toll plaza.                                 ing four Ginkgo trees that have                                                                                                          the channel again, but the tone did            Rhode nodded his head when
     Glassey, who was wearing his toll       caused an offensive stench every            salvation.                                         Madison case                              not follow.                                the judge asked if he understood
taker uniform, fired several times at        fall at the center of campus.                    It's not unusual for emancipated                                                             Police later traced the signals to    the charge. Ahto then ordered him
the van, splattering its side with blue          The university said the trees'          supermarket lobsters to be released              MADISON-Afederal judgepre-                  the residence where Mitra lived at         returned to Morris County jail in
paint pellets, police said.                 malodorous and messy fruit was a             in Maine by well-meaning Good Sa-            paring for a trial next week has refused        the time.                                  lieu of $75,000 bail.
     The driver of the van continued        consideration, but not the principle         maritans, but Cowan has always been          to keep secret any testimony on tech-                On Nov. 11, police experienced            Rhode is scheduled to undergo a
north on the Parkway before alerting        factor, in the decision.                     skeptical of how the lobsters actually       niques possibly used to jam Madison             another disruption. Audio clips of a       psychiatric evaluation on March 12.
state police. Glassey was pulled over            Bob Brooks, a campus architect,         fare in their newfound freedom.              police radio signals and replace them           woman moaning sounded on their                 Police said he showed up at Holy
minutes later and charged with pos-         said two trees already were removed               "It just came out of a cooler, it's     with the sounds of sex acts.                    frequencies 13 times during a nearly       Spirit School at dismissal on Feb. 13
session of a weapon for an unlawful         as part of a major utility project that      going to be in shock," she said. "I said         Motorola Inc., which makes the              three-hour span, according to police       seeking a job application. When his
purpose.                                    began last summer. The other two             "This is a feel-good thing.but the thing's   radio communications equipment                  records. After the signals were again      request was denied.he defecated in the
     During an ensuing investigation,       will be removed this spring because          going to die.'"                              for the Madison Police Department,              traced to the same residence, police       diaper and fled on foot, police said.
the New Jersey Highway Authority            of other maintenance concerns, he

discovered that Glassey had been            said.
giving motorists Garden State                    Dropped mushy fruit from
Parkway promotional pamphlets               the 50-year-old trees, located in                         Okalahoma
that had been altered, with defaced         a courtyard known as the Penta-
photos of Gov. James E. McGreevey           crest, forced some students to find
and Parkway chief Timothy Mc-               creative routes to class. But when a         'Eye' catching jewelry
Donough, officials said.                    student leader asked campus plan-
     Glassey, the son of South Jer-         ners to get rid of the trees in the fall
                                                                                           turns some heads
sey Transportation Authority Vice           of 2002, biology professors pleaded
Chairman Stanley R. Glassey, was            for tolerance.                                   DUNCAN - Al Nix has designed
fired Tuesday by the Highway Au-
thority's board of commissioners,
                                                 "I don't understand getting rid
                                            of wonderful, fascinating trees," said
                                                                                         a lot of jewelry in the last 25 years,
                                                                                         but nothing compares to the project                     Clinique
spokesman Joe Orlando said.
     It was the paintball incident
that prompted the decision, Or-
                                            biologist Diana Horton, who said
                                            Ginkgo biloba trees can live up to
                                            1,500 years and are "living fossils."
                                                                                         Michael Burton handed him - a glass
                                                                                         eye to be refitted into a ring.
                                                                                             Burton has had a glass eye for 35
                                                                                                                                                Bonus Time
lando said.                                      The fruit of the Ginkgo changes         years because of an industrial accident.
     "The bottom line is,he s a toll col-
lector - he represents this authority
                                            from a green to a golden color every
                                            fall, giving off the stench for at least
                                                                                         He had to have the artificial eye refitted
                                                                                         recently, and he didn't want to part
                                                                                                                                            From February 24 until
- and the behavior was just beyond          about a month; Horton said.                  with the old one.                                   March UthatBek!
acceptable terms," said Orlando.                 Whoever chose the trees de-                 So he called on Nix.
     The elder Glassey, reached Tues-       cades ago may not have known                     "To throw it away would be like
day night by The Press of Atlantic          about the mess and odor. Ginkgo              buying a new car and just taking my                              Statesboro Mall
City, said that neither he nor his son      trees may not bear fruit for the first       old car to the dump. I guess it's like                                                                          Your Bonus
would have any comment.                     20 years.                                    they say - one man's trash is another

              /                      TWO LOCATIONS

            ?^s. Statesboro Mall                  Main Street Village
                     764-6924                         871-4962                                                I.N.S.P.I.R.E.                                                                                  Be Part of the
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Digital Commons@Georgia Southern - Georgia Southern University
The oldest continuously published newspaper in Bulloch County                                                                                                                            

            Monday, March 1,2004

    Our Opinion

                                                                                                                                                         Ler Me EXPLAIN
                                                                                                                                                         TD You AGAIN
                                                                                                                                                         HOWJ TriiS WONT

      To vote or not to vote?
                                                                                                                                                         HURT YoUR CKANCeS...

      If you're asking yourself this question, don't think too
              Sure, it's been said that your vote doesn't count, and a
     handful of people can't truly make a difference.
        Well for yourself, and all of the people who have told you
      some derivation of the statement above, here's a fun fact:
        The Georgia House of Representatives voted on a con-
     troversial amendment to the constitution last Thursday that
     would ban gay marriage. The motion fell only three votes
     short of approval.
       The point here has nothing to do with whether or not
     you approve of same sex marriages, but that only three votes
      decided the final outcome of the proposal.
        It could be your vote, or the votes of you and two of your
      friends that turn the tide in this year's presidential primaries                             They have been at a great feast of
      and eventually elections.
        Find your voting location, get your absentee ballot and
      encourage your friends to do the same. This country is built
                                                                                                  languages, and stolen the scraps'
      on the great pillars our forefathers wrote all those years ago,                                Raise your hand if you've ever tried to start an official organization at Georgia
      and should not be forgotten. Just like the freedom of speech                                                  Good. So, the half-dozen or so of you who raised your hands have a special
      and expression we all hold so dearly, we should embrace the                                               understanding of this column's undercurrent. For the rest of you, what you're about
                                                                                                to read might sound like shameless self-promotion or an abuse of my privilege as a columnist. I
      freedom to vote in the same way.                                                          assure you neither accusation would be particularly applicable. For me, the privilege of column
         Many people across the world do not have the opportu-                                  writing simply grants me opportunities to share the views I'm passionate about with others.
                                                                                                     I know it sounds nerdy, but there's nothing I'm more passionate about than language.
      nity to choose a leader like the Constitution bf this country                                  And it isn't for the reasons you might think. Perhaps I should state why I'm so passionate
     grants us all.                                                                             about it before I talk about how much I wish more people shared my passion.
                                                                                                     First of all, language doesn't discriminate. The societies who use it might. But, inherently,
        We fight for such ideals now in Iraq and Afghanistan. The                               language belongs to everyone. Literally. It's a universal human phenomenon we all need. In fact,
                                                                                                we don't have a choice about whether we need it or not, it's so ingrained in us.                              Amanda Permenter
   * first democratically elected president of Haiti just fled after
                                                                                                     And I'm not just talking about the language they teach you in school. No, I'm talking about                        editor-in-chief
      rebels took control of the country.                                                       every day language. I'm talking about the natural rhythms and instincts of language. I'm talk-
         Sitting back and simply ignoring this priviledge like so                               ing about the way you speak, no matter who'you are, when you're not thinking about the way
                                                                                                you're speaking. I'm talking varieties, dialects, lingo, slang, and all the other supposed "flaws"
      many of our age group have in the past years should no                                    in our utterances.
      longer be acceptable.                                                                          I'm talking about every bit of it as equal: Equally fascinating and equally important in the
                                                                                                quest to understand the human mind.
         It doesn't matter if you're a Republican, Democrat or an                                    This is what people known as linguists study. Sure, linguists are just as interested in standard
      Independent. You have the ability to cast your vote for who                               language, since the need for a standard is an interesting social force. But, for the most part, we
                                                                                                want to see language in its natural habitat. There are plenty of people around to enforce the
      you wish to represent the nation you live in, approve the laws                            rules where they're appropriate. Don't mistake us for the grammar police.
      you live under, and fight for the causes you believe in.                                       We linguists get our kicks a different way: By describing the way language is, not prescribing
                                                                                                how it should be.
        If you don't vote, you have no right to complain about any                                   The study of language is finally being recognized properly; not just as an art - which it is - but
      of the differences you may have with your government.                                     also as a science. It deals with neurology and cognition. Certain branches of linguistics even deal
                                                                                                with other, seemingly unrelated fields. Forensic linguistics uses language science to track down
         You could have been part of the three - or the one - that                              or identify criminals. (If you don't believe me, watch CSI a few times. They use that stuff more
      changed the course of history.                                                            than you might think.) Computational linguistics focuses on computers
                                                                                                - more specifically, on improving the interface between humans and
                                                                                                 computers by making artificial language, well... less artificial.                             Everyone can benefit from a better understanding of
                                                                                                     Traditionally, linguists do fieldwork. Fieldwork involves traveling all
                           LETTER AND SUBMISSION POLICY                                                                                                                                language. Interested in business? In this increasingly global
                                                                                                 over the world and recording language, then analyzing it. It's the kind
     The George-Anne welcomes letters to the editor, story submissions and guest columns         of job I only dreamed of growing up. Imagine getting paid to explore                         economy, it's imperative that we strive to understand
 from people both inside and outside the GSU community. All copy submitted should be             the world! Imagine my surprise and joy when I found out such a job                         communication and other cultures. Those in marketing,
 typed, preferably via email or on Macintosh disk in Microsoft Word format. All submissions      really exists!
 must be signed and include a mailing address and phone number for verification. The
                                                                                                                                                                                      advertising, public relations, education or law. need to know
                                                                                                      For the love of these aspects of language, I've spent the past two years
 editors reserve the right to reject any submission. There is no word limit on submissions. A    living as something of a trailblazer. I declared a major that didn't yet          how to use semantics, or meaning, to influence audiences. The
 writer may request to remain anonymous. However, it will be the editor's decision whether       exist. I helped create an organization to coincide with the theretofore                mechanics of language apply to all people in endless ways.
 or not to print the name. Submissions are run on a space-available basis.                       imaginary major. I poured my heart into my course work because I'd
                                                                                                 finally found my niche. But I couldn't seem to get anyone else to share
                                                                                                 the dream.
                                                                                                      This semester a course was slated called"Gullah and Geechee Language and Culture."The'
                   THE GEORGE-ANNE STAFF                                                         object of this course was to study the Gullah and Geechee people off the coast of Georgia and
             For 76 years, Georgia Southern's Official Student Newspaper                         South Carolina - just down the road. It would have involved fun field trips to Sapelo Island,
                                                                                                 giving students a chance to immerse themselves in this intriguing culture during the most
                                                                                                 beautiful time of year in south Georgia.
THE 2003-04 EDITORIAL BOARD                                                                           The class was cancelled because not enough people signed up for it.
                                                                                                      I'm convinced that if more people only knew about the excitement going on in the field of
Amanda Permenter, Editor-in-Chief; Adam Brady, Managing Editor;
                                                                                                 linguistics, more people would at least make a hobby out of it.
Luke Hearn and Teresa Southern, News Editors                                                          Everyone can benefit from a better understanding of language. Interested in business? In
                                                                                                 this increasingly global economy, its imperative that we strive to understand communication
THE 200304 EDITORIAL STAFF                                                                        and other cultures. Those in marketing, advertising, public relations, education or law need to
                                                                                                 know how to use semantics, or meaning, to influence audiences. The mechanics of language
Katie Glorieux, Deputy Managing Editor; Eli Boorstein, Sports Edi-
                                                                                                  apply to all people in endless ways.
tor; LaVene Bell, Photo Editor; Dallas Oliver, Assistant Photo Editor;                                Now, here's the shameless self-promotion part: The Linguistics Circle, aforementioned or-
Jewel Denson, Copy Editor; Erin Nease and V.A. Patrick Slade A&E                                  ganization, meets tonight at 7 p.m. Right now the club is working on getting a website up, but
Editors                                                                                           we have big plans for the future. As it is, folks with doctorate's degrees write all the introductory
                                                                                                  linguistics textbooks out there. These authors might not necessarily remember what it was like
STAFF WRITERS                                    PHOTOGRAPHY                                      to be an undergraduate first exploring the subject. With the guidance of our adviser, we want
                                                                                                  to work on creating an introductory linguistics textbook written from the perspective of young
Rhonda McLeod, Kenny Cofer, Brian                Katie Anderson, Ryan Moore, David                undergraduates. Undoubtedly, this text would eventually bring in funds the organization can
Saxton, B.J. Corbitt, Dennis Hightower,          Caselli, Felicia Emanuel                         use for propagation of its studies.
John Harris, Gabrille Oddman, Erik                                                                    If this sounds like something you might be interested in, stop by 2222E in the Newton
Howard, Jusdson Arnold, Jessica Luber,           ADVERTISING &
                                                                                                  Building tonight. You never know. It just might change your life.
Eric Haugh, Luke Hearn, Cory Cun-                DISTRIBUTION SERVICES (ADS)
                                                                                                      Amanda Permenter is the editor-in-chief of The George-Anne and can be reached atgaeditor@
ningham, Jenny Miller, Natasha Harty,                                                    She borrowed the quote in the headline from Mr. William Shakespeare, with
                                                 Marketing Director: David Brenna-
Brittany Gates, Christina Calloway, Brian
                                                 man                                              much respect.
Lug, Juliet Walls, Jenifer Taylor, Sarah
                                                 Ad Reps: Rachael Patch, Shea Roundtree,
Frey, Maria Folsom, Christopher Fair,
Shelly Clayton, Scott Corwin, Adam
                                                 Angela Parker, Lindsey Tredwell                  Today around the world                                              Today in history
Crisp                                                                                             Bayonna, Spain: Pinzon Day                                          On this day in 1985, the Pentagon accepted the theory that
                                                 PRODUCTION & GRAPHICS
                                                                                                  Engadine, Switzerland: Chalanda Marz/                               atomic war would result in nuclear winter.
                                                 SERVICES (PAGES)
                                                                                                  Coming of Spring                                                    On this day in 1962, K-Mart opened.
                                                 Adam Drew, Garrett Smith, Robert                                                                                     On this day in 1869, postage stamps showing scenes were
                                                                                                  Lanark, Lanarkshire, Scotland: Whupity
                                                 Woofter                                                                                                              issued for the first time.
                                                                                                  Scoorie Day
^^^^^H                                           ■^HH


                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Monday, March 1,2004                      5
Court's moderate streak muddies
outlook on gay marriage vote
                                                                                          Researchers discover new species of dinosaur
                                                                                          By Robert S.Boyd                           the discoveries Thursday.                 School of Mines in Rapid City and Judd     identified it as a theropod, a class of
                                                                                          KRT Campus
By Howard Mintz                                     Proponents of gay marriage are                                                        William Hammer,a dinosaur expert     Case of St. Mary's "College in Moraga,     carnivorous dinosaurs that includes
KRT Campus                                     quick to point out that the court has          WASHINGTON - Scientists have           at Augustana College in Rock Island,      Calif, were searching for marine fossils   the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex as well
                                               its own powerful precedent as the          discovered the fossils of two new spe-     111. was the leader of a six-man team     on James Ross Island, off the Antarctic    as the little velociraptors.believed to be
     For the past two weeks, as thou-
                                               first top court in the nation to outlaw    cies of dinosaurs that lived in Antarc-    working on Antarctica's 13,000-foot-      Peninsula.                                 the ancestors of modern birds.
 sands of gay couples converged on San
                                               bans on interracial marriage in 1948.      tica millions of years ago when it was     high Mount Kirkpatrick, about 400            On Dec. 12 the researchers came             The fossils suggested that the new
 Francisco City Hall to get marriage
                                               However.many experts saythecurrent         a warm, green land similar to today's      miles from the South Pole.                across the jaw, tooth, lower legs and      dinosaur was about 6 feet tall, 30 feet
 licenses, California's Supreme Court
                                               court is very different, and reluctant     Pacific Northwest.                              Struggling against high winds and    foot of a large land creature. They        long and probably a swift runner.
 justices could glance out their office
                                               to buck the state's voters, who in 2000        One creature from this lost world      40-degrees-below-zerocold,Hammer's
 windows across the street and see
                                               passed Proposition 22, which defines       was a 70-million-year-old, two-legged      team dug out the pelvis and leg bones
 the origins of their most politically
                                               marriage in the state as being between     meat-eater, a larger relative of the fe-   of the still-unnamed plant-eater
 charged case in years unfold.
                                               a man and a woman.                         rocious velociraptors in the movie         - a primitive member of the dinosaur
     While the state's high court may
                                                    The only thing experts agree          "Jurassic Park."                           family known as sauropods - from
 have assumed it would inherit the legal
                                               upon is that the case is what state            The other bones came from a            what had been an ancient riverbed. It
 challenge to these same-sex unions,
                                               Supreme Court observers long ago           190-muTion-year-old, four-legged           lived relatively early in the dinosaur
 the case has reached its doorstep as
                                               dubbed a "Crocodile in the bathtub"        vegetarian, an early version of the        age, which lasted from 250 million to
 fast as one of those jubilant couples
                                               the type of                                huge, plant-eating monsters such as        65 million years ago.
 could say, "I do."
                                                    case that poses a legal and politi-   Diplodocus that are familiar to mu-             The bones are encased in rock and
     The court has a history of caution
                                               cal minefield for justices who must be     seum-goers.                                are being shipped to the United States
 and conservatism on social matters.
                                               retained by voters every 12 years.             These relics from the Age of Dino-     for study. Hammer estimated that the
 But a close look at its record reveals a
                                                    "It certainly has tremendous po-      saurs were found at two locations,2,000    creature was 6 to 7 feet tall and 25 to                                                                         Special Photo
 pronounced moderate streak in some
                                               litical implications," said Santa Clara    miles apart, within six days in Decem-     30 feet long.                             Scientistsdiscovernewdinosaurfromthesamefamilyastheapatosaurus,
 relevant cases, including a gay rights
                                               University law Professor Gerald Uel-       ber. The National Science Foundation,           Meanwhile, a separate group led      featured above.
 case last year that muddies the outlook
                                               men, one of the state's leading Su-        which sponsored the research, reported     by James Martin of the South Dakota
 on how the justices might resolve the
legal issues surrounding same-sex             preme Court experts. "I have trouble
 marriage.                                     envisioning this court doing what the
     Opponentsof gay marriage earlier         Massachusetts Supreme Court did."
this week asked the Supreme Court                   In recent years, the seven-mem-
 to put an immediate stop to San              ber court has confronted its share of
Francisco's gay nuptials, and Attorney        inflammatory legal issues, including
General Bill Lockyer plans to urge the        two major cases that touched directly
justices to tackle the volatile issue right   on gay rights. And in some of those
away instead of waiting for the lower         cases, which have run the gamut from
courts to have their say.                     abortion rights to legal protections in
     Now, the justices must decide            the workplace, the court has demon-
whether to take the unusual step of           strated a moderate streak that makes
jumping into the legal fray over gay          forecasting a gay marriage decision
marriage at such an early stage. And          unpredictable.
even if they choose to let legal skir-              On paper, the composition of the
mishing in the lower courts proceed           court leans moderate to conserva-
first, the Supreme Court will, sooner         tive. Six of the seven justices are
or later, be forced to rule on whether        appointees of former Republican
                                              Govs. George Deukmejian and Pete

California's current ban on gay mar-
riage is unconstitutional, as Massachu-       Wilson, although George, appointed
setts' high court recently ruled.             by Wilson, is often a crucial vote in
    Many legal experts say they doubt         the center of the court.
the court will be inclined to tackle gay           The court's recent precedent offers
marriage without some input from              little guidance on how those justices
the lower .courts. But the sentiment          might address the central issue in

isn't universal, even among former            San Francisco's decision to provide
Supreme Court justices. Though the            marriage licenses to gay couples that
Supreme Court usually waits forlower          the state's same-sex marriage ban
court review, over the years it has acted     violates equal protection guarantees.
quickly, particularly in challenges to        State Supreme Courts elsewhere that
ballot propositions or pressing ques-         have addressed gay marriage and

tions like last year's recall election.       civil unions Massachusetts, Hawaii
    Lockyer intends to argue that gay         and Vermont have ruled in favor of
marriage poses a strictly legal and           gay rights advocates.
constitutional question for the court,             Opponents of gay marriage say
the reason Edward Panelli, a former           San Francisco is flouting state law
justice, expects them to accept the           and the will of the state's Legislature
case now.                                     and voters.
    "Whether the political will to step            They argue there is no equal
into something like this is there, I don't    protection argument and that the
know," Panelli said."But if I were a bet-     Supreme Court ought to put a stop
ting man, I'd say that they will probably     to the marriages.
take it. This isn't a situation where they         Jon Davidson, senior counsel
are going to be able to avoid it."            for the Lambda Legal Defense and

    But former Justice Joseph Grodin          Education Fund in Los Angeles, is
believes the court will wait.                 convinced the law is on the side of
    "It's certainly an important issue        allowing gay marriage and he believes
and one of statewide importance, but          the Supreme Court will be influenced
that doesn't necessarily mean the state       by its proximity to the procession of
Supreme Court jumps into it before            gay weddings at City Hall.
any lower court has had a chance," said            Either way, California's highest
Grodin, now a Hastings College of the         court is now caught in the middle of
                                              the escalating gay marriage debate.

Law professor.
    Predictions about what the Repub-              "It's a situation where whatever
lican-dominated Supreme Court will            they do, they are going to get criti-
do whenever it chooses to hear the            cized," Panelli said. "But that comes
case are likewise divided.                    with the territory."

                                                                         KRT Campus
Rosie O'Donnell, right, married longtime girlfriend Kelli Car-
penter, left, on Thursday, February 26, 2004 in San Francisco,

       Quality • Caring • Convenient
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               EQUAL HOUSING
                   Monday, March 1,2004

 Lady Eagles gain steam entering tourney                                                                                                                                             SOUTHERN. CONFERENCE
                                                                                                                                                                                     TOURNAMENT PAIRIINGS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      MEN'S BASKETBALL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         BOX SCORE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 GEORGIA SOUTHERN (65)
By Eli Boorstein                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Olivier 0-1 0-2 0, Bennett 3-10 9-11
                                             "If you look in the dictionary                                                                                                                         WEDNESDAY                               15, Nesbitt 4-13 0-0 11, Williams M0
                                             under 'student-athlete/ their                                                                                                                (4S) Furman vs. (5N) W. Carolina, Noon            2-2 5, Fleming 2-7 1-2 5, Mobley 2-5 0-0
    After a roller coaster ride of a regu-   pictures are in there."                                                                                                                    (3N) Elon vs. (6S) The Citadel, 30 min. later       4, Gibson 3-8 0-0 6, Francois 6-13 2-3 14,
                                                                                                                                                                                       (4N) UNC Greensboro vs. (5S) Wofford, 6 p.m.         Joseph 0-0 0-0 0, Byams 2-5 0-0 4. Totals
lar season, the Lady Eagle basketball                                                                                                                                                                                                       23-7214-20 65.
                                                                                                                                                                                     (3S) Charleston vs. (6N) App State, 30 min. later
team needed a momentum swing in                 - Head coach Rusty Cram on                                                                                                                                                                       THE CITADEL (68)
their favor entering the Southern              the three graduating seniors                                                                                                                         THURSDAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                'Everhart 4-6 8-916, Mombollet 3-7 3-4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            9,Xia2-41-15,Terry 7-122-221,Hammack
Conference Tournament.                                                                                                                                                              (1N) East Tennessee State vs. Furman/WCU, Noon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            5-133-415, Young 0-00-00,Davis 0-20-00,
    They may have gotten just that,          Nicole Newton basket put Georgia                                                                                                          (2S) Davidson vs. Elon/Cltadel, 30 min. later        MillerO-00-00, Thompson 1-20-02. Totals
                                                                                                                                                                                     (IS) Georgia Southern vs. UNCCVWofford, 6 p.m.         22-4617-2068.
as Georgia Southern handled East             Southern (14-13,9-11 SoCon) ahead
                                                                                                                                                                                   (2N) Chattanooga vs. Charleston/ASU, 30 min. later
Tennessee State with ease, winning           6-5. Afterthe Lady Bucs tied the score                                                                                                                                                             Harftime-Citadel 34, GSU 31. Three-
70-55 Saturday evening at Hanner             at 6-6, the Lady Eagles useda 12-4 run                                                                                                                    FRIDAY                               point goals-GSU 5-24 (Nesbitt 3-10, Wil-
Fieldhouse.                                  to build up their largest lead of the                                                                                                          Semifinals - 6 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.               liams 1 -8, Fleming 0-1, Mobley 0-1, Gibson
    With Senior Night festivities tak-       first half at eight. East Tennessee State                                                                                                                                                      Hammack 2-4, Davis 0-1). Rebounds-GSU
ing place before the game, the game          0 3-13,13-7 SoCon) managed to bring                                                                                                                                                            38 (Bennett 7), Citadel 39 (Mombollet 10).
                                                                                                                                                                                              Championship -1 p.m. (ESPN)
belonged to senior Jessica Everett, who      their deficit to within one point on two                                                                                                                                                       Assists-GSU 12 (Williams4), Citadel 6 (Ham-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            mack 5). Total Fouls-GSU 17, Citadel 20.
bid a fond farewell to Hanner with           different occasions. Georgia Southern                                                                                                                     W0MEH                                Fouled Out-Xia, Davis. Technicals-None.
17 points. Everett's night pushed her        was able to keep their opponents at                                                                                                                                                            A-963
                                                                                                                                                                                       WEDNESDAY (at McAlister Field House)
career scoring total to 1,001 points,        bay, however, entering halftime with                                                                                                     (8) Georgia Southern vs. (9) App State, 2:30 p.m.
becoming the 16th Lady Eagle to top          a three-point edge at 33-30.                                                                                                          (7) UNC Greensboro vs. (10) Charleston, 30 min. later
the 1,000-point plateau.                         The second half saw the Lady                                                                                                        (6) W. Carolina vs. (11) Wofford, 30 min. later               WOMEN'S BASKETBALL
    Fellow senior Kristy McCorkle            Eagles' offensive surge overwhelm                                                                                                                                                                         BOX SCORE
                                                                                                                                                                                       THURSDAY (at McAlister Field House)
scored seven in her final game, while        the Lady Bucs, as Georgia Southern
                                                                                                                                                                                       (4) East Tennessee State vs. (5) Elon, 11 a.m.            EASTTENNESSEE STATE (55)
just three weeks after suffering an ACL      escaped on a 15-2 tear in the half's                                                                                                   (1) Chattanooga vs. GSU/App State, 30 min. later             Mayes 7-13 3-317,Trantham 1-60-1 2,
tear, Shawnica Hill came back to start       opening seven minutes.                                                                                                                       (2) Furman vs. UNCG/Charieston, 6 p.m.            Wilhoit 1-6 0-0 3, Banjo 0-2 2^12, Verdell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            7-16 3-3 19, Moring 0-01-21, West 0-0 0-0
the game. Though she missed her only             Georgia Southerns lead remained                                                                                                       (3) Davidson vs. WCU/Wofford, 30 min. later
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            0, Akers 0-2 0-0 0, Ricciardi 1 -2 0-0 2, Lonon
field goal attempt in five minutes, and      in double-digits for the remainder of                                                                                                                                                          2-5 1-2 5, Henderson 0-1 0-00, Gibson 2-5
                                                                                                                                                                                       FRIDAY (at North Charleston Coliseum)
may have reinjured herself, Hill defi-       the night as the Lady Eagles jumped                                                                                                                                                            0-04. Totals 21-5910-15 55.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Semifinals - Noon and 2:30 p.m.                        GEORGIA SOUTHERN (70)
nitely won a great amount of respect         ahead by as much as 18 points mul-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Early 0-5 0-0 0, Everett 8-15 1-3 17,
from head coach Rusty Cram.                  tiple times.                                                                                                                           SATURDAY (at North Charleston Coliseum)                 Hill 0-1 0-0 0, DuBose 2-6 0-0 6, McCorkle
    "To come back from an ACL                    Nicole Newton and Kellie Tiller                                                                                                         Championship - 5 p.m. (ESPN)                       1 -3 5-6 7, Pijeaux 0-0 0-0 0, Wells 3-5 1 -2 8,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Edgerton 0-00-00, Spoon 0-02-22, Newton
tear in three weeks is incredible,"          each contributed to the victory with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            4-84-412, Krellner0-20-00,Melvin 0-00-0
said Cram.                                   12 and 10 points, respectively. Dana                                                                                                                                                           0, Benemon 3-6 2-2 8, Tiller 4-10 0-0 10.
    Everett, Hill and McCorkle also          Benemon grabbed a career-high 11 re-                                                                                                                                                           Totals 25-61 15-19 70.
earned the adulation of the crowd            bounds, as Georgia Southern finished
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Halftime-GSU 33, ETSU 30. Three-
as each received ovations when they          the evening with 47 rebounds. On the                                                                                                                                                          point goals-ETSU 3-15 (Wilhoit 1 -5, Banjo
each exited the game in the second           season, the Lady Eagles finished atop                                                                                                                                                         0-1; Verdell 2-8, Akers 0-1), GSU 5-10 (Du-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bose 2-2, Wells 1-2, Krellner 0-2, Tiller 2-4).
half.                                        the conference in rebounding.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Rebounds-ETSU 31 (Mayes 6), GSU 47
    "They're the epitome of student-             Kiya Verdell scored 19 to lead East                                                                                                                                                       (Benemon 11). Assists-ETSU 11 (Wilhoit
athletes," said Cram about his three         Tennessee State.                                                                                                                                                                              4), GSU 17 (Tiller 5). Total Fouls-ETSU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           20, GSU 20. Fouled Out-None. Techni-
seniors. "If you look in the dictionary          The Lady Eagles will now enter                                                                                                                                                            cals-None. A-808
under 'student-athlete,' their pictures      the SoCon Tournament as the eighth
                                                                                                                                                              LaVene Bell/STAFF
are in there."                               seed. They will play Appalachian State
                                                                                         Jessica Everett (34) closed out her Hanner Fieldhouse career in finefashion,
    East Tennessee State's only lead of      Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. at McAlister
                                                                                         as she scored 17 points and topped the 1,000-point plateau for her career.
the ballgame lasted just over the first      Fieldhouse on the campus of The
                                                                                         The Lady Eagles will now enterthe Southern ConferenceTournament as the
five minutes of the contest before a         Citadel.                                    eighth seed, facing Appalachian State on Wednesday at 2:30 p.m.

Softball cruises in doubleheader sweep of S.C. State
                                                                                         By Eli Boorstein                               seven batters and giving up just three
                                                                                         Nietsroobl                       hits in five innings of action. The ju-
                                                                                             During the offseason, one of the           nior college transfer saw her record
                                                                                         questions asked of the Lady Eagle              grow to 3-1.
                                                                                         softball team was whether the team's               "Our girls did a good job getting
                                                                                         young pitching staff would step up.            runs and taking the pressure off of
                                                                                             After Saturday's doubleheader, it          the pitchers," said head coach Natalie
                                                                                         looks like the staff will be in good           Poole.
                                                                                         shape for a long time to come.                     Game one saw Georgia Southern
                                                                                             Logan Free and Cary Moone                  score early with a run in the first. Af-                                                                                    LaVene Bell/STAFF
                                                                                         combined to allow no runs and just             ter Shanita Black and Aurora Johnson        Chad Fleming was held tojustfive points asGeorgia Southern was upset
                                                                                         five hits as Georgia Southern swept            led off with singles, each advanced 90      by conference cellar-dwellerThe Citadel 68-65 on Saturday. The Eagles,
                                                                                         South Carolina State by a pair of 8-0          feet on an error from Bulldog catcher       who still hold atop seed in the Southern ConferenceTournament, will
                                                                                         outcomes on Saturday at Eagle Field.           Latihma Warrell. Though Black was           face either UNC Greensboro or Wofford on Thursday.
                                                                                                                                        erased when she was picked off steal-

                                                                                                                                                                                    Eagles stumble in late
                                                                                             Both games were called early
                                                                                         due to the eight-run mercy rule, as            ing home, Johnson came around to
                                                                                         Georgia Southern improved to 7-3               score off a Kim Griffin double.

                                                                                                                                                                                    loss to The Citadel
                                                                                         on the season.                                     The score remained 1-0 until the
                                                                                             Free led the Lady Eagles in the            bottom of the fourth when the Free
                                                                                         opener.pitching six sparkling innings,         pitched in on offense. With Lindsay
                                                                                         striking out seven and two hits. The           Jones on first, Free took the pitch from
                                                                                                                                                                                    GSU Athletic Media Relations                           another three-pointer. Following a
                                                                                         freshman from Sandpoint, Idaho, who            Jahkesha Abraham out to right-center
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           30-second timeout by The Citadel,
                                                                                         improved to 2-0, also helped herself           for a two-run homer, the first of her
                                                         GSU Athletic Media Relations                                                                                                   CHARLESTON, S.C. - Sopho-                          Francois intercepted the inbounds
                                                                                         out with a two-run home run.                   career.
Senior Kim Griffin was the driving force behind the Lady Eagles'offensive                                                                                                           more guard Dante Terry connected                       pass and converted a lay-up to give
output, as she batted 4-for-6 while driving in five in Georgia Southern's                    Moone was the spark for the                                See Softball, Page 7        on five-of-eight three pointers and                    the Eagles their first lead in over 24
doubleheader sweep of South Carolina State on Saturday.                                  second game of the twinbill, fanning                                                       scored 21 points to help The Citadel                   minutes at 65-64.
                                                                                                                                                                                    defeat Georgia Southern, 68-65, in                       • The Bulldogs responded as fresh-

  Men's tennis                               Baseball drops four to Clemson, East                                                                                                   Southern Conference basketball ac-
                                                                                                                                                                                    tion Saturday afternoon in McAlister
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           man forward J'mel Everhart blocked a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           lay-up by GSU's Frank Bennett, while

                                             Carolina at Keith LeClair Invitational
                                                                                                                                                                                    Field House.                                           Hammack rebounded the block and

  swept in pair                                                                                                                                                                         "This is a great win for our guys
                                                                                                                                                                                    and Max Mombollet in his last game
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           pushed up court for the fast break.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Hammack missed a lay-up, Everhart
                                                                                                                                                                                    in McAlister," The Citadel head coach                  grabbed an offensive rebound and
  ByMattRapp                                 GSU Athletic Media Relations                                                                                                           Pat Dennis exclaimed."Our guys have                    missed a lay-up, before Mombollet
                                               CLEMSON 4, GEORGIA SOUTHERN 0                                                                                                        played extremely hard all year and                     could grab the offensive carom and
      The GSU men's tennis squadgot                                                                                                                                                 they have definitely had their share                   converted the lay-up to give The
                                                 Four Tiger pitchers allowed just
  off to a rocky start for conference                                                                                                                                               of bumps and bruises. It is great to                   Citadel its final advantage at 66-65
                                             three hits as No. 11 Clemson defeated
  matches, losing back to back this                                                                                                                                                 see us win a couple here late."                        with 18 seconds remaining.Terry was'
                                             Georgia Southern 4-0 Saturday after-
  past weekend at Hanner Courts,                                                                                                                                                        The Citadel (6-21, 2-14 SoCon)                     fouled and converted two more free
                                             noon in the first of four games of the
      Facing Appalachian State on                                                                                                                                                   got out of the blocks in a hurry as it                 throws with five seconds remaining
                                             Keith LeClair Invitational played at
  Saturday, things looked fine as                                                                                                                                                   jumped out on a 10-2 run to start the                  to preserve the victory.
                                             Harrington Field.
  the men started off their doubles                                                                                                                                                 game. Senior forward Max Mombol-                           "Their zone forced us to take a
                                                 Jason Berken (1-0) pitched six
  matches strong, winning two out                                                                                                                                                   let started the run as he connected                    bunch of threes and we just didn't
                                             strong innings in his first outing of
  of three.                                                                                                                                                                         on two free throws at 18:23 and                        hit our shots,". GSU head coach Jeff
                                             the season, allowing just two hits,
      Stephen Dubienski and Tom                                                                                                                                                     sophomore guard Kevin Hammack                          Price stated. "They played a tough
                                             no runs, and no walks while striking
  Green battled to an even 5 - 5. Pick-                                                                                                                                             ended it as he connected on a three-                   game and we can't take that away
                                             out seven to earn the victory. Robert
  ing up their game and gaining the                                                                                                                                                 pointer with 16:50 remaining in the                    from them."
  momentum at mid-set, they knew                                                                                                                                                    first half.                                                Joining Terry in double-figures
                                             Walker each pitched a scoreless inning
  the importance of the team's first                                                                                                                                                    Georgia Southern (20-7,11 -5 So-                   scoring for the Bulldogs was Ever-
                                             to close out the game.
  conference match. Already down                                                                                                                                                    Con) responded with their own 10-2                     hart with 16 and Hammack with 15.
                                                 John Carroll (0-2) suffered the
  a match, the guys seemed to kick                                                                                                                                                  run to tie the game at 12 as junior                    Mombollet grabbed 10 rebounds and
                                             loss despite going the distance for
  it up a notch as GSU confidently                                                                                                                                                  forward Jean Francois hit a jumper                     ended with nine points, one tally away
                                             the Eagles, allowing just seven hits,                                                  ,                         LaVene Bell/STAFF
  overpowered their opponent.                                                                                                                                                       at the 11 -.27 mark. The Eagles pushed                 from the double-double.
                                             four runs (two earned), and no walks        The Eagle baseball team suffered mightily over the weekend, managing
      With a late game comeback,                                                                                                                                                    their advantage to 20-14 as sopho-                          Bennett, who scored 15 and
                                             while striking out five.                    just one run on thefirst day of the weather-delayed Keith LeClair Invitational
  Vincent Patry and Danie Van                                                                                                                                                       more guard Elton Nesbitt scored five                   grabbed seven rebounds and Fran-
                                                 The Tigers got on the board in          at East Carolina.
  Den Heever brought the score up                                                                                                                                                   unanswered points.                                     cois who scored 14 led Georgia
                                             the third inning when Garrick Evans
  from a 4-7 hole to a 7-7 tie and on                                                    Brad McCann followed with another              EAST CAROLINA 7, GEORGIA SOUTHERN 1             The Bulldogs rebounded and re-                     Southern offensively. Nesbitt was
                                             laced a double to left-center, plating
  with the win.                                                                          single, and Lou Santangelo sacrificed             Centerfielder Ryan Jones picjced         gained the lead at the half by a score                 the only other Eagle in double-fig-
                                             Herman Demmink who had reached
      The confidence lasted only                                                         the runners over to set up Harvey.             up three hits, including his fourth         of 34-31. The Citadel led a majority                   ures with 11 points.
                                             on a fielding error. Clemson tacked
  through the doubles matches. Fall-                                                         McCann and Evans led the Tigers            homerun of the season, and drove            of the game as they held the lead for                       Georgia Southern enters the
                                             on another run when Travis Storrer
  ing apart in singles, the Eagles got                                                   with two hits apiece, while leadoff bat-       in four runs to lead East Carolina          over 31 minutes. The lead was never                    tournament as the No. 1 seed in the.
                                             grounded out, plating Evans.
  served to a final loss of 3-4.                                                         ter James Payne had two of the Georgia         to a 7-1 non-conference win over            larger than seven points in the second                 South and will play the winner of the
                                                 Clemson added two more runs in
                                                                                         Southern hits. The Eagles picked up            Georgia Southern in first-day action        stanza and Georgia Southern cut the                    first round game between Wofford
                                             the sixth inning on a two-run single
                   See Tennis, Page 7                                                    a single in the first (Greg Dowling),                                                      Bulldogs lead with 1:17 remaining                      and UNC Greensboro. Game time
                                             by Kris Harvey. Storrer led off the                                                                       See Baseball, Page 7
                                                                                         a double in the sixth (Payne) and a                                                        to 64-63 as Nesbitt connected on                       is scheduled for 6 pm.
                                             inning with a single up the middle,
                                                                                         single in the ninth (Payne).
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