Diagnose, Pathophysiologie und Behandlung der Katatonie - Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Walther
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Diagnose, Pathophysiologie und Behandlung der Katatonie Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Walther PUK Zürich Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Bern 15.03.2019
Catatonia – a challenge for psychiatry Disease entity Subtype of Frequent only in (presentation, schizophrenia affective disorders course, ?aetiology?) (presentation, course) (not psychoses) 1874 1902 1976 + Autoimmune Syndrome reaction dimension (not genuine psychiatric) 2001 + 2010 + 2013 + 2
§ Entwicklung des Katatonie-Konzeptes § Klinisches Bild § Diagnose der Katatonie § Pathophysiologie § Behandlung 3
Classification changes over time subtype of min. 3 subtypes of endogeneous schizophrenias distinct disease entity psychosis affective non-affective 4
Change in diagnostic criteria of Schizophrenia «…modern criteria underemphasize signs vs. symptoms. The very commonly described sign of odd movements or posture is absent from all diagnostic criteria.» 5 Kendler 2016 JAMA Psychiatry
Motor abnormalities – biomarker for psychosis § Screening in risk states Torticollis § Staging in schizophrenia § Outcome prediction in schizophrenia Gesture- Speech- Mismatch Balance Parkinsonism Clumsiness Parakinesia van Harten, Walther et al. 2017 Neuroscience Biobehavioral Reviews 7
Motorikdomäne im RDoC cortico-cortical Basalganglien cerebello-thalamo-cortical Cuthbert & Insel 2015, Mittal et al.2017, Walther et al. 2019 Psychol Med, Sanislow et al. 2019 Neuron 8
Catatonia - concepts § Motor syndrome § Paralysis of will § Fear syndrome § Immune dysregulation § Medical condition Walther et al. in press Lancet Psychiatry 9
Weygandt 1902
Weygandt 1902
Catatonia symptoms § Pure motor signs — posturing § Movement control — Manierisms — Rituals Internal — Immobility — Stereotypies — Rigor External — Echophenomena — Stereotypies — Catalepsy § Other — Grimacing — Stupor — excitement — Flexibilitas Cerea — Verbigeration § Volitional issues — Nudism — Automatic obedience — Perseveration — Negativism — Staring — Refused food intake — Autonomic instability — withdrawal — Ambitendency — echophenomena Walther & Strik 2012 Neuropsychobiology 13
Motor signs in drug-naive first episode psychosis 20 18.5 18 Prevalence Percentage of patients 16 14 12.5 11.5 12 9.5 10 8 7 6 4.5 3.5 4 2 0 AIMS Hypokinesia Retarded Echo-Phenomena Excited Catatonia Catalepsy Parkinsonism Catatonia Retarded Echo‐ Excited AIMS Mean Hypokinesia Catalepsy Parkinson. catatonia phenomena catatonia (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) F (df = 1) 20.1 9.1 12.2 14.0 10.7 1.76 9.18 Time effect P 0.0001 0.003 0.001 0.0009 0.001 0.186 0.003 F (df = 3) 0.59 1.25 1.69 0.68 0.51 0.19 3.41 Treatment effect P 0.620 0.294 0.172 0.563 0.679 0.904 0.019 Peralta & Cuesta 2010 Movement Disorders 14
Associated symptoms 15
Motorik und nonverbale Kommunikation bei Psychosen § 50-67% benutzen Gesten falsch § Generalisiertes nonverbales Defizit § Verlaufsvorhersage § Reduziertes soziales Funktionsniveau § Stabile Negativsymptomatik § Stört Interaktion mit anderen § Neuronale Veränderungen im Gestennetzwerk Patienten < Kontrollen p(FWE) < .05 Walther et al. 2013 Cortex, 2015 & 2016 Schizophr Bull, Stegmayer...Walther 2018 Schizophr Bull 16
Is Catatonia vanishing? No! 18% Code%Cat% Code%Cat% Code%Cat% DSM+IV%Cat% DSM+IV%Cat% No%Cat% BFCRS%Cat% No%Cat% No%Cat% Sporadic catatonias reduced Familial catatonias are stable Acute admissions 17% Untreated first episode cases 12% Stompe et al. 2002, van der Heijden et al. 2005, Peralta & Cuesta 2001, Peralta et al. 2010
Schwerste Fälle § Maligne Katatonie: § Hyperthermie, Tachykardie, § Massive Katatoniesymptome § Malignes neuroleptisches Syndrom § Nach Exposition zu Antipsychotika (seit 1952) § Hyperthermie, Verwirrtheit, Rhabdomyolyse § Schwerster Rigor, massive Katatoniesymptome 18
Catatonia checklist Observa)on Interview Physical exam Agita'on/Excitement Impulsivity Increased Comba'veness Grimacing Echolalia * Waxy Flexibility Stereotypy Echopraxia * Catalepsy * Psychomotor Mannerism Verbigera'on Rigidity ac)vity Abnormal Posturing * Automa'c Gegenhalten Persevera'on obedience Mitgehen Grasp reflex Stupor Nega'vism Decreased Ambitendency Mu'sm Staring Withdrawal Autonomic abnormality Walther et al. in press Lancet Psychiatry 20
Diagnosekriterien Katatonie DSM-5 ICD-10 3 oder mehr von Katatone Schizophrenie 1. Katalepsie Schizophreniekriterien erfüllt. 2. Flexibilitas cerea >2 Wochen lang 1 oder mehr von 3. Stupor 1. Stupor 4. Agitation 2. Erregung 5. Mutismus 3. Haltungsverharren 6. Negativismus 4. Negativismus 7. Haltungsverharren 5. Rigidität 8. Manierismen 6. Flexibilitas cerea 9. Stereotypien 7. Befehlsautomatismen 10. Grimassieren 11. Echolalie Organische Katatonie 12. Echopraxie 1. Stupor bei normalem Tonus 2. Negativismus Walther & Strik 2016 CNS Spectrums 21
Prevalence rates of catatonia 22 Walther & Strik 2016 CNS Spectrums
Katatonie Prävalenz und Stabilität N = 1094 Peralta & Cuesta 2017 Schizophrenia Bulletin 23
Zusammenfassung Diagnose § Klinische Katatonie-Skalen § Bush Francis Catatonia Rating Scale § Modified Rogers Scale § Northoff Catatonia Rating Scale § DSM-5 - Katatonie bei verschiedenen Erkrankungen § Schizophrenie § Affektive Störungen § Entwicklungsstörungen § Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen § 10-20% der Akutpsychiatrischen Patienten 24
Catatonia brain imaging: a mission impossible? § 3105 hits in PubMed § 345 reviews § 51 studies on psychometrics or treatment § 10 studies on brain imaging § A rare condition? § A matter of consent? 26
Catatonia brain imaging: planning the impossible Who? When? How? § Diagnoses § Acute episode § Functional MRI § Presentations § During treatment § Structural MRI § Courses § After remission § Perfusion MRI 27
Schaltkreise der RDoC Motorik-Domäne cortico-cortical circuit cerebello- thalamo-cortical circuit basal ganglia circuit Walther et al. 2019 Psychol Med; Mittal et al. 2017 Schiz Bull; Garvey & Cuthbert 2017 Schiz Bull 28
Ruheperfusion bei Katatonie 15 Sz-Cat 27 SZ-Noncat 41 HControls Walther 2017a Schizophrenia Bulletin 29
Ruheperfusion bei Katatonie – Strasbourger Kohorte 20 Sz-Catatonia 9 SZ-Cataphasia 27 HControls Foucher et al. 2018 Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 30
Decreased GABAA-receptor density in catatonia healthy control Catatonia patient psychiatric control Northoff et al. 1999 JNNP 31
Pathophysiologie Katatonie Walther et al. in press Lancet Psychiatry 32
Katatonie bei Maus und Mensch Inflammation und Hypomyelinierung CNP rs2070106 Hagemeyer et al. 2012, Poggi et al. 2016, Janova et al. 2018 33
Katatonie Phänotyp – reversibel? Präventionsmodell Behandlungsmodell Janova et al. 2018 J Clin Invest 34
Pathophysiologie § Prämotorischer Kortex § Frontale weisse Substanz § Inflammation? 35
Treatment of acute catatonia Effect? continue Lorazepam, consider Antispychotic T < 39°C? Lorazepam up to 20 mg/d ECT Antipsychotic Start ECT Antipsychotic ECT Effect? Ungvari et al. 1994, Rosebush et al. 1990, Bush et al. 1996, Fink et al. 2009 37
Treatment of chronic catatonia 18 chronic Catatonia patients Placebo-controlled, randomised, 25" Lorazepam 6mg/d double-blind, crossover - Add- on-trial of Lorazepam 6 mg/d 20" 12 weeks 15" MRS$Score$ § Antipsychotics 10" § Clozapin § Atypical 5" § Haloperidol 0" Baseline" Week"3" Week"6" Baseline" Week"3" Week"6" § ECT Lorazepam" washout" Placebo" No effect on catatonia § Activation therapy § Sport Ungvari et al. 1999, Van der Een et al. 2005, Fink et al. 2009, Suzuki et al. 2005
Antipsychotics and motor symptoms Neuromotor Abnormalities in Psy 100 drug-naive first episode psychosis patients - 4 week antipsychotics tment Response Pattern of Neuromotor Abnormalities in 100 Psychotic Patients 35 Drug-responsive 30 28 Drug-unchanged Drug-emergent 25 Number of Patients 20 15 15 15 13 11 10 8 6 5 3 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 Parkinsonism Dyskinesia Akathisia Catatonia Dystonia Peralta & Cuesta 2010
Verlauf einer malignen Katatonie unter EKT 12 sessions of ECT for severe malignant catatonia 30 25 BFCRS Score 20 15 10 5 0 ECT sessions 40
Zusammenfassung § Diagnose Katatonie sichern – Skalen nutzen § Prophylaxe § Thrombembolien § Druckulzera § Muskelkontrakturen § Dehydratation / Malnutrition § Benzodiazepine bei akuter Katatonie (1. Wahl Lorazepam) § EKT bei fehlendem Ansprechen auf Benzos § Clozapin für chronische Katatonie bei Psychosen 41
Ausblick § Overcoming psychomotor slowing in Psychosis § RCT über 3 Wochen rTMS mit SMA Stimulation § klinische und Imaging-Outcomes § SNF 182469 § An examination of psychomotor disturbance in current and remitted MDD – an RDoC Study § Longitudinale Studie § NIMH R01 MH118741 42
Vielen Dank ! Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Universiteit Antwerpen Psychotherapie Bern Prof. Manuel Morrens Prof. Bernard Sabbe Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Sebastian Walther Prof. Didier Schrijvers Dr. Linda van Diermen Dr. Katharina Stegmayer Dr. Tobias Bracht Maastricht University Dr. Petra Viher Prof. Peter van Harten Dr. Andrea Cantisani Dr. Lea Schäppi Danai Alexaki Northwestern University Prof. Vijay Mittal Dr. Nadja Razavi Prof. Andrea Federspiel Prof. Stewart Shankman Texas A&M University Prof. Jessica Bernard Universitätsklinik für Neurologie Prof. Roger Kalla Prof. Andrew Chan Dr. Robert Hoeppner Dr. Anke Salmen Vanderbilt University Prof. Stephan Heckers Dr. Jo Ellen Wilson Universitätsinstitut für Neuroradiologie Prof. Roland Wiest MPI Göttingen Prof. Hannelore Ehrenreich Bangerter- PD Martin Begemann Rhyner Stiftung 43
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