Devon & Cornwall Police - Devon and Cornwall Police

Page created by Stephen Coleman
Official –

Devon & Cornwall Police
Force Business Board
Held on Thursday 18 February 2021 at 10.00am
Via Teams

Jim Nye (T/Deputy Chief Constable) (Chair)               Sandy Brooks (Force Innovation Lead)
Dan Evans (BCU Commander NEW Devon)                      Chelsea Garner (Acting Head of Legal
Jim Pearce (BCU Commander CIOS)                          Services)
Nikki Leaper (BCU Commander South Devon)                 Louise Fenwick (Head of Alliance Information
Jennifer Bristow (Superintendent Local Policing          Management)
Plymouth)                                                Juliet Simmons (Head of Equality & Diversity)
Jane Alford-Mole (Head of Contact Services)              Sarah Baker (Head of Business Accounting)
Jim Gale (Commander Vulnerability & Prevention)          Carey Owen (Head of HR Organisational
Mike West (T/Commander Crime and Justice)                Support)
Gavin Bardsley (T/Head of Performance and Analysis)      Karen James (Head of Alliance, Audit,
Richard Bullock (Head of Alliance Business Change)       Insurance & Strategic Risk Management)
Esther Lee (Alliance Admin Services Manager Specialist   Mark Chivers (Chief Technology Officer)
Support) (joined meeting at minute reference 01/21/09)   Andrew Berry (Police Federation)
Carolyn Sheppard (Strategic Meetings)                    Representative)
                                                         Joseph Cooke (Executive Support Officer)
Delphine Jones (for minute reference 01/21/06)
Steve White (for minute reference 01/21/09)
Charles Coaton (for minute reference 01/21/09)

Ian Drummond-Smith (Commander Contact and                Paul Kessell (Head of Alliance Professional
Resolution)                                              Standards)
Matt Longman (BCU Commander Plymouth                     Laura Haynes (Head of Estates)
Nicky Anderson (Head of Alliance Resourcing &            Lloyd Allen (Head of Fleet Services)
Development)                                             Kate Bendelow (Trades Union
Tanya Croft (Head of Alliance Corporate Comms)           Representative)
Matt Lawler (Commander Alliance Operations)              Paul O’Dwyer (Unison Branch Secretary)
Shirley McDermott (Head of Alliance Admin Services)      Bill Stevens (GMB Representative)

01/21/01      Opening, Declarations of Interest, and Health and Safety
              Obligations [FOIA Open]

Jim Nye opened the meeting, welcoming members and guests. There were no
declarations of interest. Jim Nye gave an overview on how Business Board meetings
would run in the future.

01/21/02      Minutes from previous Business Board meeting [FOIA Open]

The minutes of the previous Business Board meeting held on the 17 December 2020 were
agreed as a true and accurate record.

AGREED Business Board Minutes 18 February 2021
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01/21/03        Action Log [FOIA open unless otherwise stated]
Members received and noted the action log for Devon and Cornwall Business Board for 18
February 2021 as follows: -

       a. Action Log 324 Business Board Development (previous minute reference
          Formal Business Board was discussed at the meeting (minute reference 01/21/01
             Action discharged

       b. Action Log 325 Finance Update (previous minute reference 05/20/60)
          The matter was discussed at the meeting (minute reference 01/21/10 below).
             Action discharged

       c. Action Log 326 Finance Update (previous minute reference 05/20/60)
             Business Board Allocation Budget was remitted to the Business Board
             Discussion Group for further discussion on the 11 January 2021.
             Action discharged

01/21/04        Delivery Plan Progress [FOIA closed s.43.2 Prejudice the
                Commercial Interests of any person including the public authority
                holding it]

01/21/05        Operating Model Update [FOIA closed s.22 Information intended for
                future publication and s.43.2 Prejudice the Commercial Interests of any
                person including the public authority holding it]

Delphine Jones joined the meeting.

01/21/06        2021 Leadership Development Events [FOIA open]
Members received an update on 2021 Leadership Development Events from Delphine

The 2021 suggested leadership event themes were set out in Appendix C within the
report. It was confirmed that 50% of the leadership events would continue to be delivered
virtually post COVID-19. Inspire, Leadership Insights Forum (LIF) and Force Management
Group (FMG) had been used to share the desired culture and leadership required to meet
future challenges and business priorities within the two forces. For FMG and LIF, the
purpose was to develop relations between Executive and Business levels.

Given the range of national development opportunities, especially at Chief Officer and
Superintendent levels, frequency of the events had reduced over the years. The LIF were
paused and refocused on critical needs for digital leadership with a 3 days programme
spanning over 2020-2021. With an FMG-led format and a wider range of external guests,
FMG had seen increased attendance and positive feedback.

AGREED Business Board Minutes 18 February 2021
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The delivery of those leadership events, after a short delay due to lock down, had moved to
an online delivery. Early feedback had been very positive. Greater digital capabilities were
required to increase 2-way engagement especially with larger events. At present only the
basic version of Teams has been released, and Teams Live has not been released in force
due to concern of external sharing of content. There was a tension between what Learning
& Development (L&D) function required to enable effective virtual training and events,
versus the desire of the ICT team to use existing technology and their capacity to procure
and roll out other technologies. The matter would be discussed as part of the People ICT
Working Group.

The virtual delivery enabled reaching a greater breath of external guests as well as
increase attendance across the 3 counties. The virtual Inspire events were recorded and
therefore easier to cascade across teams. All materials were added within a few days to
the Leadership website for leaders to share. The virtual FMG events had not been
recorded to date to allow for honest insights from guests and open discussions among the
attendees to challenge their leadership approach. For LIF, it would depend on the topics or

In 2021 events scheduled up to the end of July were being planned as virtual events. For
the Inspire events when they were virtual, they would be delivered over two dates to allow
for abstraction. Although a desire to have more frequent shorter events was voiced there
was currently no capacity to do so as shorter events required as much resources as longer

The Board agreed:

       1. To support the 2021 suggested leadership event themes as outlined in
          Appendix C of the report.
       2. The desire for 50% of the leadership events would be delivered virtually post
       3. The request for prioritisation of investment and ICT resources for greater digital
          platforms to support effective virtual delivery would need to be explored further.
          An offline conversation to take place.
          For action by:           Delphine Jones/Jim Nye
          Action discharged

Delphine Jones left the meeting

01/21/07     Pathfinder – Deferred Caution [FOIA open]

Members received and noted a briefing paper on Pathfinder – Deferred Caution from Jim
Gale. A paper had been presented to Joint Leadership Board (JLB) on the 25 November
2020 updating the Board on the progress of Pathfinder and deferred charge and deferred
caution provision. The paper outlined the current full time equivalent (FTE) in the Pathfinder
team, how deferred charge was helping to reduce reoffending, and the initial results of a
University of Cambridge report that showed that whilst deferred caution had several benefits,
reducing reoffending was not one of them.

Three recommendations were made to JLB. Those were the continuation of deferred
charge, with increased focus on increasing its use; further scoping of a harm assessment
algorithm (known as HART); and continuation of deferred cautions, under a streamlined
AGREED Business Board Minutes 18 February 2021
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model. It was not anticipated that a decision to cease deferred cautions would be made at
that point. Further discussion with Pathfinder practitioners and management had led to the
suggestion of an alternative approach being adopted, with a clear supporting rationale. It
was confirmed that the paper had been discussed at Business Board Discussion Group.
The Board felt the JLB decision on the 25 November 2020 be paused pending an
improved evidence base relating to deferred caution. For a review of progress to be
returned to Business Board on 22 April 2021.
For action by:              Jim Gale

01/21/08      Agency Staff Investigators [FOIA open]

Members received and noted a briefing paper on Agency Staff Investigators presented by
Mike West. There were currently 35 agency Staff Investigators employed by the Force.
The funding for those posts had been streamlined and evolved to a situation where
agency contracts were reviewed and renewed on a 6-month basis. It meant if the financial
situation dictated there was an option to renew contracts. In the summer the Investigation
Support Group (ISG) came into existence. Funding was sought for ISG into 2021/2022
providing an opportunity to rationalise the way agency Staff Investigators were treated
from a Finance/HR perspective and to reflect the Operational Model within the Crime
Command. The paper had been reviewed and discussed within the Crime and Criminal
Justice Senior Management Team and the geographical Detective Superintendents who
had agreed with the recommendations. Mike West to provide clarity in relation to process
to Jim Nye offline.
For action by:              Mike West
Action discharged

The Board agreed:

      1. To set up a cost centre for the continuation of the Investigation Support Group
         into 2021/2022 and for all other Agency Staff Investigators outside of Major
         Operations to sit within the remit of the Deputy Commander for Crime.

Esther Lee, Charles Coaton and Steve White joined the meeting.

01/21/09     Operation Advena [FOIA closed s.36 Conduct of public affairs and
             s42 Legal Professional privilege]

01/21/10     Finance Update [FIOA closed s.43(2) Prejudice the Commercial
             Interests of any person including the public authority holding it]

01/21/11     National, Regional and Other Change [FIOA closed s.43.2
             Prejudice the Commercial Interests of any person including the public
             authority holding it]

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01/21/12        Risk Management [FOIA closed s.31 Law Enforcement, s.38 Health
                and Safety, s.42 Legal Professional Privilege s.43 Commercial Interests
                – Prejudice the Commercial Interests of any person including the public
                authority holding it]

01/21/13        HMIC Inspection [FOIA open]

Members received a verbal update from Gavin Bardsley on the HMIC Inspection. The
Force has been notified that it would be inspected as part of a Joint Thematic Inspection in
relation to managing suspects with mental health conditions within the Criminal Justice
system. The Inspection would include interviews with leads, focus groups and a file review
and was scheduled for week commencing 17 May 2021. Themes for the Inspection
included strategic leadership, policies, practices and structure, effective partnerships, risk
assessment, diversion opportunities, staff understanding and decision making.

Outstanding reports that were due to be published (no confirmed date) included; Policing
Response to COVID-19; Disproportionality in relation to the use of Police Powers; Police
Management of Protests.

01/21/14        Policy Update [FOIA open]
Members received a Policy update from Gavin Bardsley on the following matters: -

   •   Records Management Policy
   •   Alliance Production of Forms Procedure
   •   Stalk and Harassment Policy
   •   Operational Procedure Stalking and Harassment

It was confirmed that the Policies had been through the agreed processes with consultation
across both forces prior to agreement by the respective Information Asset Owners.

The policies were for awareness of Board Members and for formal sign-off at a
governance level. It was clarified that the policies would have been approved by the
Business Lead before signing off. Minor changes in policies would remain at Senior
Management Team (ASMT) level. It was recognised the need to understand the process
for audit purposes that a policy sat within Business Board.

The Board agreed:

       1. To sign off the following policies: -

             J-P-011 Joint Records Management Policy
             J-Pr-011 Alliance Production of forms Procedure

             DCP-P-003 Stalking & Harassment Policy, subject to appropriate hyperlinks
             being inserted
             DCP-OPr-001 Stalking & Harassment Operational Procedure

AGREED Business Board Minutes 18 February 2021
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01/21/15     FMS and Future Planning [FOIA open]

Members received a verbal update on the Force Management Statement (FMS) and
Future Planning from Richard Bullock and Gavin Bardsley. It was confirmed that work was
being undertaken to complete the FMS draft which would be circulated for feedback by the
end of March 2021 and then put through governance during April and May 2021.

An outline of future planning was then discussed. Remnants of the Police and Crime
Commissioner plan and FMS were being developed into the Vision activity in terms of
world-class policing and what that meant around future planning. FMS would come back
for wider discussion as part of the planning cycle.

01/21/16     ICT Update [FOIA open]

Members were informed by Mark Chivers that there were no specific updates, but it was
confirmed until Windows 10 upgrade had been completed Skype would continue in the
background for those members of staff who were unable to use MS Teams.

01/21/17     Estates Update [FOIA open]
Members received an Estates Update paper from Laura Haynes for noting.

Date, time and location of next meeting
There being no other business, the meeting concluded at 12.50pm. The next meeting of
Devon and Cornwall Business Board will be held on Thursday 18 March 2021 via Teams.

AGREED Business Board Minutes 18 February 2021
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