Design-Aware Parasitic-Aware Simulation Based Automation and Optimization of Highly Linear RF CMOS Power Amplifiers

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Design-Aware Parasitic-Aware Simulation Based Automation and Optimization of Highly Linear RF CMOS Power Amplifiers
Design-Aware Parasitic-Aware Simulation Based Automation
and Optimization of Highly Linear RF CMOS Power Amplifiers
Rana Aly Onsy *, Mohamed El-Nozahi and Hani Ragai

                                         Electronics and Communications Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo 11566, Egypt
                                         * Correspondence:

                                         Abstract: In this paper, a parasitic-design-aware simulation-based design tool is proposed for highly
                                         linear RF power amplifiers. The main aim of the proposed tool is to speed up the design process of RF
                                         power amplifiers. In addition, it provides accurate final designs taking into consideration the effect of
                                         parasitic components of both active and passive devices. The proposed tool relies on the knowledge
                                         of designing highly linear RF power amplifiers. Both the optimization steps and design methodology
                                         are presented in this paper. The proposed tool is verified by designing a highly linear RF power
                                         amplifier at three different frequencies (7 GHz, 10 GHz, and 13 GHz) using 65 nm technology node.
                                         The results show that an OP1 dB higher than 18 dBm, gain/S21 higher than 7 dB, and OIP3 higher
                                         than 24 dBm at 6 dB back-off power can be obtained.

                                         Keywords: automation; optimization; power amplifiers; linearization; efficiency; trade-offs; RF

                                         1. Introduction
                                               Today, for any wireless transceiver, the RF power amplifier (PA) is considered one
                                         of the important building blocks. This is because RF power amplifiers determine the
                                         maximum transmitted power. Designing CMOS RF power amplifiers is challenging due to
Citation: Onsy, R.A.; El-Nozahi, M.;     several factors: First, the different performance specifications of a power amplifier, such
Ragai, H. Design-Aware                   as Gain, output 1 dB compression point (OP1 dB), efficiency, and output linearity are
Parasitic-Aware Simulation Based
                                         dependable on each other. Second, those performance specifications are limited by the
Automation and Optimization of
                                         existing layout parasitic components of both active and passive devices. Finally, it takes
Highly Linear RF CMOS Power
                                         several, time consuming design iterations to account for the electromagnetic interaction
Amplifiers. Electronics 2023, 12, 272.
                                         between the various passive components within the design [1–8].
                                               Design automation could help to reduce this design time and to reach an optimum
                                         design that meets the design targets [9,10]. However, the aforementioned challenges
Academic Editors: Rocco Giofre and       present a limitation even if design automation is used. Design automation approaches that
Gaetano Palumbo                          overcome these challenges (trade-offs, effect of parasitic components, and electromagnetic
Received: 4 December 2022
                                         interactions), while reducing time consuming electromagnetic (EM) simulations and layout
Revised: 29 December 2022                parasitic extraction, are required.
Accepted: 4 January 2023                       The design automation of RF circuits, applied for the optimization of a low noise am-
Published: 5 January 2023                plifier (LNA), was introduced in [11] where a Pareto-optimal front (POF) of EM-simulated
                                         inductors was obtained prior to the optimization. This approach is an offline design method-
                                         ology where the inductor pareto-optimal fronts are independent of the circuit. Another
                                         design automation approach, used for the optimization of a folded cascode operational
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.        transconductance amplifier (OTA), was presented in [12], where a simulation-based circuit
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.       sizing tool with a template-based layout generation tool were shown. The simulated-
This article is an open access article   annealing-based optimization of a class C CMOS RF power amplifier (operating at a
distributed under the terms and          frequency of 900 MHz) was introduced in [13]. The effect of the inductors was taken in
conditions of the Creative Commons
                                         consideration by introducing a compact model including some of the parasitic compo-
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
                                         nents of the inductor. However, simulated-annealing optimization has slow convergence
                                         rates. A simulation-based optimization of RF amplifiers (operating at frequencies less

Electronics 2023, 12, 272.                        
Electronics 2023, 12, 272                                                                                           2 of 17

                            than 10 GHz) was presented in [14], where an online inductor surrogate model was built
                            using machine learning techniques. The main challenge of this approach was that the
                            quality of the surrogate model is not always good, and it depends on the available training
                            data. Evolutionary algorithms were used in the optimization of an LNA in [15], but no
                            inductance modelling was included. Metaheuristics were used in the optimization of an
                            LC voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) and a CMOS current feedback operational amplifier
                            (operating at a frequency of 1.5–2.5 GHz), using 2п inductance modelling [16]. Evolution-
                            ary algorithms were also used in the optimization of an operational amplifier (OPAMP)
                            and an LNA, where the inductance modelling was carried out using linear behavior into
                            performance models [17]. Evolutionary algorithms and simulated-annealing were used
                            in the optimization of single ended LNA and CMOS differential cross coupled oscillator
                            operating at 2.4 GHz frequency [18].
                                  In this paper, a simulation based, design-aware, parasitic-aware optimization tool is
                            introduced for the design of highly linear RF CMOS power amplifiers. The introduced tool
                            overcomes the previously mentioned design challenges by integrating the design experience
                            within the optimization loop to speed up the design process. This design experience has to
                            be programmed once and can be used later for all other designs at different frequencies and
                            using different technology nodes. In addition, parasitic components are estimated such
                            that the outcome of the design tool is close to the final design. The proposed design-aware
                            tool does not require the design space exploration and/or the lengthy global optimization
                            algorithms that were presented in the previous publications [11,14–18]. The tool uses BFGS
                            optimization algorithm, implemented within the virtuoso environment [19], as the core
                            optimizer, and Spectre RF [20] as the simulation engine. The paper is organized as follows:
                            An overview of the proposed design tool and an illustration of the PA architecture adopted
                            in the tool are introduced in Section 2. Section 3 discusses the parasitic modelling approach
                            adapted within the tool. In Section 4, the details of the design-aware optimization and the
                            design flow are explained where the knowledge of the designer is integrated within the
                            tool. Test cases and the results of the optimization are shown in Section 5. A discussion is
                            found in Section 6. Finally, the paper is concluded in Section 7.

                            2. The Proposed Design Tool for RF Power Amplifiers
                                  The core of the introduced design tool is made up of four main parts; the web interface,
                            the CAD RF circuit simulator, the Parasitic Model Generator, and the Optimizer. Figure 1
                            shows a simplified diagram of the core of the introduced design tool. The user enters the
                            required performance specifications of the RF power amplifier to the web interface. The
                            web interface is developed using PHP, HTML, CSS, and Java scripting. The communication
                            between the web interface and the RF circuit simulator (cadence-virtuoso) is established
                            through shell scripting and ocean scripting. The CAD RF Circuit Simulator (cadence-
                            virtuoso) is updated by the required performance specifications from the web interface.
                            Then, it invokes the cadence built-in optimizer, which updates the netlist of the adopted
                            highly linear RF power amplifier schematic. Multi-objective optimization is carried out
                            by the hybridization of design-aware optimization flow and the BFGS optimization algo-
                            rithm [21,22], which is employed in cadence built-in optimizer. The BFGS algorithm is used
                            for finding the best values of the design parameters that can meet the required constraints.
                            The parasitic models are priorly constructed within the parasitic model generator and
                            their values are updated by the optimizer. The new values are included in the updated
                            netlist. The optimization process continues till reaching the best achieved design point.
                            The resulting design parameters are then returned to the user along with the achieved
                            performance. The highly linear PA architecture, adopted as an application for the proposed
                            tool, is explained below.
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                                  Figure 1. The core of the design tool.
                                    Figure 1. The core of the design tool.
                                  The Adopted Highly Linear PA Architecture
                                     The Adopted
                                     The  Adopted Highly Linear          PA
                                                                         PA Architecture
                                        Figure 2a Highly
                                                    shows Linear
                                                               the highly      Architecture
                                                                                linear power efficient RF CMOS power amplifier archi-
                                           Figure  2a
                                                    2a shows
                                                        shows      the
                                  tecture adopted by the introduced tool.highly
                                                                          highly    linear
                                                                                     linear  power     efficient
                                                                                             architectureefficient   RF RFCMOS
                                                                                                                 is based    CMOS    power
                                                                                                                             on achieving      amplifier
                                                                                                                                                 high        architec-
                                                                                                                                                       linearity archi-
                                       using adopted by   the   introduced
                                                          by the introduced
                                               parallel cascoded                 tool.
                                                                         configuration   The  architecture
                                                                                      tool. The
                                                                                             (PCC)architecture    is  based
                                                                                                        topologyisintroduced   on  achieving
                                                                                                                          based on achieving      high   linearity
                                                                                                                                                                2b by
                                                                                                                                                      high linearity
                                                                                                                                          in [23]. Figure
                                     by using
                                  shows      parallel
                                           the PCC    cascoded
                                                 parallel     cascoded
                                                      amplifier       configuration
                                                                       topology            (PCC)     topology
                                                                                      that improves          topologyintroduced
                                                                                                                   linearity introducedin
                                                                                                                                of RF power[23].  Figure
                                                                                                                                               in [23].     2b  shows
                                                                                                                                                     amplifiers      2b
                                     the  PCC   amplifier
                                     shows transconductance
                                  through     the PCC amplifiertopology       that    improves
                                                                           topology that
                                                                        linearization.              the
                                                                                            Theimproves   linearity
                                                                                                   topologythe            of RF
                                                                                                                    is made       power
                                                                                                                                up of RF     amplifiers
                                                                                                                                           twopower          through
                                  nected   cascode
                                     through                 linearization.
                                                transconductance     The common   The topology
                                                                            linearization.sourceThe   istopology
                                                                                                    (CS) made       up of
                                                                                                           amplifier,       two
                                                                                                                         is used
                                                                                                                            made  parallel-connected
                                                                                                                                                twobranch,    cascode
                                     nected      The
                                           to cascode  common
                                              operate as              source
                                                              a class-AB
                                                         branches.       Thepower(CS)
                                                                                common  amplifier,
                                                                                         amplifier     used
                                                                                             sourcecarrying    in   the   main
                                                                                                                      most ofused
                                                                                                         (CS) amplifier,         branch,     is
                                                                                                                                  the consumed   biased
                                                                                                                                          in the main      to operate
                                                                                                                                                           branch,    is
                                     as athe
                                  while    class-AB   power
                                               auxiliary          amplifier
                                                           amplifier      is    carrying
                                                                             biased     to   most ofasthe
                                                                                           operate         a    consumed
                                                                                                              class    B        current.
                                                                                                                          amplifier.          while the auxiliary
                                     biased to operate as a class-AB power amplifier carrying most of the consumed current.
                                     amplifier isis biased
                                  linearization      achieved    to by
                                                                         choosing as atheclass  B amplifier.
                                                                                            biasing     voltages       Transconductance
                                                                                                                       andBsizes                   linearization
                                                                                                                                                      and aux- is
                                                                                                                                     of the Transconductance
                                     while the auxiliary       amplifier      is biased     to operate      as a class         amplifier.
                                  iliary  common by choosing
                                                     source          the biasing
                                                                  amplifiers      suchvoltages
                                                                                         that       and    sizes of the of     main and       auxiliary arecommon
                                     linearization   is achieved        by choosing        thethe    non-linearities
                                                                                                biasing      voltages and both   sizes branches
                                                                                                                                           of the main       par-aux-
                                  tially      amplifiers
                                         cancelled           such
                                                     outsource       that
                                                            when amplifiers the   non-linearities
                                                                      added together.         If thethe of  both
                                                                                                       biasing       branches      are
                                                                                                                     and sizingofofboth  partially
                                                                                                                                         bothbranches cancelled
                                                                                                                                                 branchesare        out
                                     iliary  common                                    such that           non-linearities
                                  chosen     added   together.       If the   biasing     and  sizing     of  both     branches       are   chosen    such    that  the
                                     tially such  that the
                                             cancelled    outnth-order
                                                                 when added    transconductances
                                                                                      together. If theof        the main
                                                                                                            biasing       andandsizingauxiliary
                                                                                                                                           of bothamplifiers,
                                                                                                                                                      branches are
                                     nth-order   transconductances            of   the  main   and     auxiliary       amplifiers,      G          and    G             ,
                                                     that ,thehave    almost similar
                                                                    nth-order                magnitudes and
                                                                                    transconductances            of the 180main     andn_main
                                                                                                                              degrees      phase    shift,
                                                                                                                                            auxiliary       n_auxiliary
                                  summation almost  similar     magnitudes         and   180  degrees      phase      shift,  their   summation        at the   output
                                     Gn_main andatGthe   output
                                                     n_auxiliary     node
                                                                 , have      resultssimilar
                                                                           almost       in theirmagnitudes
                                                                                                   partial cancellation.
                                                                                                                      and 180 degrees phase shift, their
                                     node results in their partial cancellation.
                                     summation at the output node results in their partial cancellation.

                                     Figure 2. Cont.                                         (a)
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                                  Figure Figure
                                         2. (a) Highly  linear RF
                                                 2. (a) Highly     power,
                                                                linear RF (b) the idea
                                                                          power,        of the
                                                                                   (b) the  ideaadopted  topology.
                                                                                                 of the adopted topology.

                                       Based on   (1), on
                                               Based   (2),(1),
                                                                           partial  cancellation
                                                                               the partial        of transconductance
                                                                                            cancellation                non-linearities
                                                                                                          of transconductance    non-linearities
                                          in the cancellation    of third-order
                                                 in the cancellation              and fifth-order
                                                                         of third-order            intermodulation
                                                                                           and fifth-order            distortion
                                                                                                           intermodulation       (IMD3 (IMD3
                                  and IMD5)    as wellas
                                         and IMD5)      aswell
                                                            the cancellation    of thirdoforder
                                                                 as the cancellation       thirdharmonic   distortion
                                                                                                 order harmonic       (HD3) [23].
                                                                                                                   distortion  (HD3) [23].
                                                                 3        3_main + G3_auxiliary) + 25 A5 (G
                                                        iDS_3 = 3 A3 (G                                          255_main + G5_auxiliary),
                                                      iDS_3 = 4 A3 G3_main + G3_auxiliary               8     +      A5 G5_main + G5_auxiliary ,                    (1)
                                                                 4                   5                            8
                                                                           iDS_5 = A (G5_main + G5_auxiliary),
                                                                                           5                                                              (2)
                                                                                           5 5                                 
                                                                  1           iDS_5 = A G5_main          25     + G5_auxiliary ,                                    (2)
                                                       iDS_3fo = A3 (G3_main        + G3_auxiliary
                                                                                           8        )+       A5 (G5_main   + G5_auxiliary),               (3)
                                                                  4                                      16
                                                                  1 are                                     25
                                                                        3 the third, fifth-order intermodulation
                                  where iDS_3, iDS_5iDS_3fo
                                                       and iDS_3fo
                                                              = A           G3_main + G3_auxiliary +                  A5 G5_main components         (IMD3
                                                                                                                                         + G5_auxiliary     ,       (3)
                                  and IMD5) of drain current,     4 iDS, and third-order harmonic16distortion (HD3), respectively.
                                         where iDS_3of, inon-linearities
                                  The cancellation         DS_5 and iDS_3foatare         the third,
                                                                                    back-off      powerfifth-order
                                                                                                            results inintermodulation
                                                                                                                         better linearity components
                                                                                                                                               and higher (IMD3
                                  efficiency.   IMD5)     of  drain     current,      iDS  ,  and   third-order       harmonic      distortion      (HD3), respec-
                                            shown The   cancellation
                                                     in Figure    2a, theofmainnon-linearities
                                                                                     and auxiliary    at common
                                                                                                          back-off source
                                                                                                                      power devices
                                                                                                                               results in     better
                                                                                                                                            have       linearity and
                                  DC gatehigher    efficiency.
                                             biasing.   This gives an extra degree of freedom in having different combinations
                                                As shown
                                  of biasing voltages      andin sizes
                                                                  Figure of 2a,
                                                                             both thebranches
                                                                                        main and    toauxiliary
                                                                                                        achieve the common
                                                                                                                        requiredsource      devices have
                                                                                                                                     linearization.      Theseparate
                                         DC gate biasing.
                                  input matching       network  This   gives
                                                                    used    hasanaextraslightdegree     of freedom
                                                                                                 modification       fromin having     differentused
                                                                                                                            the commonly           combinations
                                                                                                                                                          pi-        of
                                         biasing    voltages    and   sizes    of both
                                  matching network, where C3 and C4 are added to be part ofbranches     to  achieve    the  required     linearization.
                                                                                                                            input matching network          The  input
                                  to allow             network
                                             both branches      to used
                                                                    have ahas      a slight
                                                                               single     input modification
                                                                                                  matching network.from theThe commonly
                                                                                                                                   Cascodedused         pi-matching
                                         network,     where
                                  ration is used to overcome   C    and   C
                                                                 3 breakdown4  are  added      to be  part   of the  input   matching
                                                                                         voltage limitations of CMOS devices. The differ-   network    to allow both
                                         branches to have
                                  ential configuration           a single
                                                           reduces           input matching
                                                                       the bond-wire          effect network.       The Cascoded
                                                                                                      of source grounding        [23] configuration
                                                                                                                                         and even-order     is used to
                                         overcome breakdown
                                  intermodulation                       voltage limitations
                                                       distortion components              (e.g., IMD2 of CMOS       devices.
                                                                                                           and IMD4).          The differential
                                                                                                                           Stability    is maintained configuration
                                  the circuit        the bond-wire
                                               by using                   effect ofloops
                                                           negative feedback             source madegrounding       [23] RC
                                                                                                         up of series     andnetworks.
                                                                                                                                even-order       intermodulation
                                                                                                                                              These   nega-
                                  tive feedback    loopcomponents
                                                          components     (e.g.,
                                                                            areIMD2        and IMD4).
                                                                                   optimized                 Stability
                                                                                                   to maintain          is maintained
                                                                                                                    stability  without in      the circuit
                                                                                                                                             causing   a se-by using
                                         negative     feedback      loops    made       up   of  series   RC   networks.
                                  vere gain decrease. C7 and C8 are placed at the gates of the cascode devices of both the    These      negative    feedback     loop
                                         components        are  optimized        to  maintain       stability    without
                                  main and auxiliary amplifiers and optimized to maintain equal VDS swings across the com-   causing      a severe   gain     decrease.
                                         C7 andand
                                  mon source        C8 the
                                                        are common
                                                             placed atgate  the gates
                                                                                   devices   of of
                                                                                                                      despiteof both     the main
                                                                                                                                any change        in and
                                            The output  and   optimized
                                                          matching             to maintain
                                                                         networks                 equal VDSnetworks
                                                                                         are pi-matching          swings across
                                                                                                                              wherethe       common source and
                                                                                                                                         a center-tapped
                                         the common
                                  inductance    is used as gate   devices
                                                              shown            of each
                                                                        in Figure       2a.branch despite any change in input power. The output
                                         matching networks are pi-matching networks where a center-tapped inductance is used as
                                         shown in Figure 2a.
before and after post layout simulations.

                            3.1. Parasitic Modelling for Passive Devices
Electronics 2023, 12, 272         The inductances and capacitances used in the optimization process are               5 of 17the foun

                            process design kit (PDK) devices, their corresponding parasitic components are inclu
                            within the design kit models. The optimization of the physical parameters of passive
                                3. Parasitic Modelling
                            vices  is carried out. The physical parameters of the inductance that are to be optim
                            are the inner        the layout
                                             radius         parasitic
                                                      and the  number components
                                                                         of turns,inwhile
                                                                                     the design
                                                                                                  of thesaves a lot of time
                                                                                                         capacitance     are the len
                                and effort. It results in accurate designs whose performance specifications are the same
                                 width.and after post layout simulations.

                            3.2. 3.1. Parasitic
                                  Parasitic     Modelling for
                                              Modelling   forPassive
                                     The inductances and capacitances used in the optimization process are the foundry
                                  The modelling of the parasitic capacitances arising from transistor layout and it
                                process design kit (PDK) devices, their corresponding parasitic components are included
                                within thewhen
                                                    kit models. at gigahertz
                                                                 The           frequencies
                                                                      optimization            is carried
                                                                                   of the physical         out and
                                                                                                    parameters         included in
                                                                                                                 of passive
                            schematic    tocarried
                                devices is  be taken
                                                   out. in
                                                        Theconsideration   during
                                                            physical parameters     optimization.
                                                                                of the inductance that are to be optimized
                                are the inner
                                  Figure      radius and
                                           3 shows    thethe number of turns, MOSFET
                                                           parasitic-aware    while thosemodel
                                                                                          of the capacitance are the
                                                                                                   used within       length
                                                                                                                   the  proposed
                                and  width.
                            Using S-parameter simulations of the parasitic extracted view of the PDK transistor ta
                            in consideration        parasitic
                                3.2. Parasitic Modelling        components
                                                           for Active Devices arising from its interconnects, the impedance
                            ues seenThe  from   its three
                                           modelling         terminals
                                                         of the  parasitic are  plotted with
                                                                            capacitances    arisingrespect   to frequency.
                                                                                                     from transistor          Thus,
                                                                                                                      layout and   its the ex
                                interconnects ofwhen
                                                 Cgs, operating
                                                         Cgd, andat Cds      resulting
                                                                      gigahertz            fromisthe
                                                                                   frequencies          layout
                                                                                                    carried      are included
                                                                                                            out and  estimated.     These va
                                                                                                                               in the
                                schematic   to be  taken  in consideration    during   optimization.
                            are calculated at different values of channel width. Figure 4 shows the excess capacita
                                      Figure 3 shows the parasitic-aware MOSFET model used within the proposed tool.
                            of Cgs, Cgd, and Cds versus the width of the transistor. As depicted, as the width o
                                Using S-parameter simulations of the parasitic extracted view of the PDK transistor taking
                            transistor    increases,
                                in consideration         those
                                                    parasitic    capacitances
                                                              components     arisingincrease     linearly. Polynomial
                                                                                      from its interconnects,  the impedanceexpressions
                                                                                                                              values        of
                            parasitic   capacitances
                                seen from                  as functions
                                             its three terminals             of the
                                                                    are plotted       number
                                                                                   with  respectoftofingers    of the
                                                                                                       frequency.      transistor
                                                                                                                    Thus, the excess are obta
                            using   least-mean  of Cgs,  Cgd, and
                                                     squares        Cds resulting
                                                                curve-fitting        from the Equations
                                                                                   method.      layout are estimated.   These values
                                                                                                              (4)–(6) show    the resulting
                                are  calculated  at different  values of channel   width.   Figure  4 shows  the excess
                            pressions of the parasitic capacitances after taking the number of multipliers (M) of t     capacitances
                                of Cgs, Cgd, and Cds versus the width of the transistor. As depicted, as the width of the
                            sistor  in consideration.
                                transistor  increases, those capacitances increase linearly. Polynomial expressions of the
                                parasitic capacitances as functions of the number of fingers of the transistor are obtained
                                                                   Cgs (in fF) = (1.1 N + 1.5) ∗ M
                                using least-mean squares curve-fitting method. Equations (4)–(6) show the resulting
                                expressions of the parasitic capacitances after taking the number of multipliers (M) of
                                transistor in consideration.       Cgd (in fF) = (1.1 N + 0.4) ∗ M

                                                                       ds (in
                                                                          fF) =fF)
                                                                                (1.1= N + 1.5)N∗+M1.69) ∗ M
                                                                                      (1.59                                     (4)

                                                       Cgd (in and
                            where N is the number of fingers   fF) = M
                                                                             + 0.4) ∗M
                                                                                 number                     (5)
                                                                                        of multipliers of transistors.
                                                         Cds (in fF) = (1.59 N + 1.69) ∗ M
                            finger width is fixed to 2 µ m.                                                                     (6)
                                where N is the number of fingers and M is the number of multipliers of transistors. The
                                finger width is fixed to 2 µm.

                                Figure 3. Parasitic-aware transistor model.
                            Figure 3. Parasitic-aware transistor model.
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                                   Figure 4. Cgs, Cgd, and Cds versus the number of fingers of RF transistor (N).
                                  Figure 4. Cgs, Cgd, and Cds versus the number of fingers of RF transistor (N).
                                    4. Design- Aware Optimization and the Proposed Design Flow
                                         DesignAware      Optimization
                                                  Trade-Offs                  and Analysis
                                                                and Sensitivity    the Proposed Design Flow
                                  4.1. Design   Trade-Offs
                                          The key    component and Sensitivity    Analysis design-aware optimization is to combine the
                                                                     of the proposed
                                         The keyofcomponent
                                                     the designer   of along   with the optimization.
                                                                        the proposed      design-aware For       the power is
                                                                                                            optimization      amplifier   shown
                                                                                                                                 to combine    thein
                                    Figure 2a, almost
                                  knowledge                all the design
                                                 of the designer      alongparameters       are affecting all
                                                                               with the optimization.       Forthetheperformance
                                                                                                                      power amplifierspecifications.
                                     Figure specifications
                                              2a, almost all  include   the output
                                                                 the design           1 dB compression
                                                                                parameters    are affecting point   (OP1
                                                                                                               all the    dB), Gain, output
                                                                                                                        performance            third
                                    order   intercept   point   (OIP3)     at the  operating   power,    power     added
                                  tions. Those specifications include the output 1 dB compression point (OP1 dB), Gain,    efficiency   (PAE),  and
                                    input/output      matching.     The    sensitivity  of  each performance        specification
                                  output third order intercept point (OIP3) at the operating power, power added efficiency          to each  design
                                  (PAE),         (width, biasing,
                                            and input/output            capacitances,
                                                                   matching.              and inductances)
                                                                                  The sensitivity                is different. For
                                                                                                      of each performance            the proposed
                                                                                                                                specification    to
                                  each design parameter (width, biasing, capacitances, and inductances) is different. For theto
                                    design-aware     optimization,       those   sensitivities are  identified    and  taken  in  consideration
                                    speed updesign-aware
                                  proposed      the design time.      Trade-offs are
                                                                  optimization,     thosealso understoodare
                                                                                            sensitivities     from   this sensitivity
                                                                                                                 identified  and taken test.
                                                                                                                                           in con-
                                  sideration to speed up the design time. Trade-offs are also understood from this sensitiv-to
                                          Below,   some     examples      showing    the  sensitivity   of the   performance     specifications
                                  ity    various design parameters are discussed and verified with simulations. Table 1 lists
                                    typical  values
                                         Below,  someof the   design parameters
                                                          examples     showing thethat      are used of
                                                                                        sensitivity    forthe
                                                                                                                sensitivity analysis/simulation.
                                                                                                                               specifications to
                                    Figure 5a shows the simulation results of the OIP3 versus the output power for different
                                  the various design parameters are discussed and verified with simulations. Table 1 lists
                                    channel widths of the transistors of the main and auxiliary amplifiers. As depicted, the
                                  typical values of the design parameters that are used for the sensitivity analysis/simula-
                                    OIP3 depends significantly on the width of the channel of both the main and auxiliary
                                  tion. Figure 5a shows the simulation results of the OIP3 versus the output power for dif-
                                    branches. This is because the OIP3 relies on the non-linearities cancellation between these
                                  ferent channel widths of the transistors of the main and auxiliary amplifiers. As depicted,
                                    two branches.
                                  the OIP3 depends significantly on the width of the channel of both the main and auxiliary
                                  branches.    This isofbecause
                                    Table 1. Values                the OIP3
                                                         all the design         relies on
                                                                           parameters      the non-linearities
                                                                                       in Figure  2a.              cancellation between these
                                  two branches.
                                    Design Parameters                                                                     Design Values
                                  Table 1. Values
                                    Length  of all of all the design parameters in Figure 2a.
                                                   transistors                                                       60 nm
                                    Width of M1 and M3                                                               100 µm
                                  Design Parameters                                                          Design Values
                                    Width of M2 and M4                                                               300 µm
                                  Length of all transistors                                                  60 nm
                                                                                    Vm (Main)                             370 mv
                                  Width of M1 and M3                                Va (auxiliary)
                                                                                                             100 µ m      370 mv
                                  Width of M2 and M4                                Vcas (cascode)           300 µ m      1.55 v
                                                                          Vm (Main)Lin                       370 mv       430 pH
                                  Biasing                                 Va (auxiliary)
                                                                                   C1                        370 mv       700 fF
                                     Input Matching Network                        C2
                                                                          Vcas (cascode)                     1.55 v       250 fF
                                                                          Lin      C3 , C4                   430 pH       1 pF
                                                                          C1       Cout                      700 fF       400 fF
                                  Input Matching Network
                                    Output Matching Network               C2       Lout                      250 fF       850 pH
                                                                          C3, C4 L_CT                        1 pF         1 nH

                                                                          Cout     R                         400 fF       2 kΩ
                                     Feedback Stability Loops
                                                                                   C                                      100 fF
                                  Output Matching Network                 Lout                               850 pH
                                     Gate Capacitances                    L_CT C7                            1 nH         365 fF
                                                                                   C8                                     365 fF
                                  Feedback Stability Loops                R                                  2 kΩ
C                                 100 fF
                                                                                             C7                                365 fF
      Electronics 2023, 12, 272              Gate Capacitances                                                                           7 of 17
                                                                                             C8                                365 fF

                                      (a)                                                                  (b)
                                    Figure 5. (a)
                                       Figure      OIP3
                                               5. (a)    versus
                                                      OIP3 versusPout,
                                                                        (b) power addedefficiency
                                                                            power added efficiency  (PAE)
                                                                                                  (PAE)   versus
                                                                                                        versus    Pout
                                                                                                               Pout     for different
                                                                                                                    for different sizes sizes
                                                                                                                                        of    of
                                    main and   auxiliary  amplifiers.
                                       main and auxiliary amplifiers.

                                         It isIt important
                                                  is importantto to note
                                                                  note     that
                                                                         that   thehighest
                                                                              the    highestOIP3
                                                                                                     values are
                                                                                                            are achieved
                                                                                                                  achieved when
                                                                                                                                            sizes are
                                       are  equal     to 300 µm,  yet  the corresponding    PAE   is the worst   as shown
                                   equal to 300 µ m, yet the corresponding PAE is the worst as shown in Figure 5b. The       in  Figure 5b.  The best
                                       best efficiency is achieved when both transistors have sizes equal to 100 µm, while the
                                   efficiency is achieved when both transistors have sizes equal to 100 µ m, while the OIP3
                                       OIP3 shows a peaking around 10 dBm. The dependency of OP1 dB on the width of the
                                   shows    a peaking around 10 dBm. The dependency of OP1 dB on the width of the channel
                                       channel is shown in Figure 6, and as expected the larger the width, the higher the achieved
                                   is shown
                                       OP1 dB.inThose Figure  6, and asindicate
                                                           simulations     expectedthatthe
                                                                                            channel the  width,
                                                                                                      width       the the
                                                                                                             of both   higher
                                                                                                                           mainthe andachieved
                                                                                                                                       auxiliary OP1
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
                                        Those simulations
                                                     determine theindicate
                                                                    OIP3, OP1  that
                                                                                 dB, the
                                                                                      and channel
                                                                                                      There isofalso
                                                                                                                  both   the main
                                                                                                                     a tradeoff       and those
                                                                                                                                  between      8 of 18
                                       performancedetermine    the OIP3,
                                                         parameters           OP1and
                                                                      (efficiency   dB,OP1
                                                                                               efficiency.  There
                                                                                                         Thus,       is also
                                                                                                                reaching   the arequired
                                                                                                                                  tradeoff  between
                                   those  performance
                                       targets                parameters
                                                  could be time   consuming  (efficiency
                                                                                task.     and OP1 dB/OIP3). Thus, reaching the required
                                    design targets could be time consuming task.
                                          Figure 7 shows the dependency of OIP3 on the biasing voltages of both main and
                                    auxiliary amplifiers. As shown, OIP3 at backed off power increases with increasing the
                                    biasing voltage of one of the two amplifiers. However, the best efficiency, as shown in
                                    Figure 8, is achieved when Vm = Va = 370 mv which corresponds to an OIP3 peaking
                                    around 10 dBm output power (as shown in Figure 7). Thus, from Figures 7 and 8, it is
                                    noted that the best non-linearities cancellation provided by the architecture is achieved
                                    for this design when Vm = Va = 370 mv. The OP1 dB is determined by the biasing voltage
                                    of the main amplifier, as shown in Figure 9. From Figures 5−9, it is indicated that the chan-
                                    nel widths of the transistors and their biasing affect the OP1 dB, OIP3, and efficiency, and
                                    there is an optimum set of design parameters that leads to the optimum solution to satisfy
                                    the design requirements. The dependence of OP1 dB on the values of the output matching
                                    network is simulated in Figures 10 and 11. As expected, the output matching network
                                    affects significantly the OP1 dB. This is because the values of those passive components
                                    determine     the optimum impedance for power matching.
                                        Figure 6. OP1 dB versus channel widths of main and auxiliary amplifiers.

                                     Figure 6.Figure
                                               OP1 dB  versus the
                                                     7 shows  channel   widths ofofmain
                                                                  dependency        OIP3and
                                                                                         on auxiliary amplifiers.
                                                                                            the biasing voltages of both main and
                                        auxiliary amplifiers. As shown, OIP3 at backed off power increases with increasing the
                                        biasing voltage of one of the two amplifiers. However, the best efficiency, as shown in
                                        Figure 8, is achieved when Vm = Va = 370 mv which corresponds to an OIP3 peaking
                                        around 10 dBm output power (as shown in Figure 7). Thus, from Figures 7 and 8, it is noted
                                        that the best non-linearities cancellation provided by the architecture is achieved for this
                                        design when Vm = Va = 370 mv. The OP1 dB is determined by the biasing voltage of the
                                        main amplifier, as shown in Figure 9. From Figures 5–9, it is indicated that the channel
Electronics 2023, 12, 272                                                                                                    8 of 17

                                    widths of the transistors and their biasing affect the OP1 dB, OIP3, and efficiency, and there
                                    is an optimum set of design parameters that leads to the optimum solution to satisfy the
                                 Figure      requirements.
                                         6. OP1             The dependence
                                                dB versus channel             of OP1
                                                                    widths of main   anddBauxiliary
                                                                                           on the values of the output matching
                                    network is simulated in Figures 10 and 11. As expected, the output matching network
                                    affects significantly the OP1 dB. This is because the values of those passive components
                                  Figure 6. OP1 dB versus channel widths of main and auxiliary amplifiers.
                                    determine the optimum impedance for power matching.

                                 Figure 7. OIP3 versus Pout for different biasing voltages of main and auxiliary amplifiers.
                                    Figure 7. OIP3 versus Pout for different biasing voltages of main and auxiliary amplifiers.

                                  Figure 7. OIP3 versus Pout for different biasing voltages of main and auxiliary amplifiers.

Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW                                                                                                     9 of 18

                                    Figure 8. PAE versus Pout for different biasing voltages of main and auxiliary amplifiers.
                                 Figure 8. PAE versus Pout for different biasing voltages of main and auxiliary amplifiers.

                                  Figure 8. PAE versus Pout for different biasing voltages of main and auxiliary amplifiers.

                                                   dBversus biasingvoltages
                                                     versus biasing voltagesofof main
                                                                              main andand auxiliary
                                                                                       auxiliary    amplifiers.
Electronics 2023, 12, 272      Figure 9. OP1 dB versus biasing voltages of main and auxiliary amplifiers.                          9 of 17
                                      Figure 9. OP1 dB versus biasing voltages of main and auxiliary amplifiers.

                                    Figure 10.10.
                                       Figure  OP1  dBdBversus
                                                  OP1    versuscenter-tapped   outputinductance.
                                                                center-tapped output   inductance.
                                      Figure 10. OP1 dB versus center-tapped output inductance.
                                                   0-5        5-10
                                                     0-5      15-20
                                                        10-15       15-20

                                       Figure 11. OP1 dB versus Cout and Lout, at L_CT = 700 pH.
                                   Figure 11. OP1 dB versus Cout and Lout, at L_CT = 700 pH.
                                           Figures 12 and 13 show the changes in OP1 dB and S21 versus the value of the cascode
                                     Figure 11. OP1 dB
                                      gate capacitor,      versus
                                                       Cgate.  As Cout    and Lout,
                                                                   depicted,         at L_CT
                                                                               the value        = 700
                                                                                           of Cgate    pH. the OP1 dB. This is because the
                                      voltage      12 and
                                               swings        13drain
                                                        at the   show of the  changesdevices
                                                                         the cascode      in OP1 aredB   and S21
                                                                                                     divided        versus
                                                                                                               equally       the value
                                                                                                                        between           of the cas-
                                                                                                                                   the voltages
                                   code  gate
                                      across    capacitor,
                                              the  drain  andCgate.
                                                     12 and    13  show
                                                                source As    depicted,
                                                                           the  changes
                                                                        terminals         the
                                                                                     of the    value
                                                                                               OP1and dBofcascode
                                                                                                          and   S21affects
                                                                                                                    transistors   OP1
                                                                                                                                         Cgate.     is
                                                                                                                                               the cas-
                                   because   the
                                     code          voltage    swings
                                                  the gain is reduced
                                           gate capacitor,              at
                                                                Cgate. as   the
                                                                          Asthe  drain   of  the
                                                                                 value of this
                                                                              depicted,           cascode
                                                                                            the capacitance   devices
                                                                                                 value of Cgatedecreasesare  divided
                                                                                                                      affects           equally
                                                                                                                               the OP1            be-
                                                                                                                                           dB. This is
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
                                   tween  the
                                      Figures   voltages
                                               14  and  15  across
                                                            show    the
                                                                  the    drain
                                                                      effect  of and  source
                                                                                 changing       terminals
                                                                                             cascode   gate   of the
                                                                                                             biasing  main
                                                                                                                     voltage and
                                                                                                                              on   cascode
                                                                                                                                  OP1   dB    10 of 18
                                     because the voltage swings at the drain of the cascode devices are divided equally                             be-
                                   tors using
                                     tween   Both
                                            the     OP1 However,
                                                 voltages dB across
                                                              and OIP3 theare
                                                                      the     affected
                                                                           drain  is    because
                                                                                   and   sourceas  they
                                                                                                  terminals        onthis
                                                                                                                   the the  non-linear
                                                                                                                        main            output
                                                                                                                               and cascode decreases
                                   (another         of the main
                                              trade-off).         device.
                                                             Figures   14 and 15 show the effect of changing cascode gate biasing
                                      tors using Cgate. However, the gain is reduced as the value of this capacitance decreases
                                    voltage  on trade-off).
                                      (another   OP1 dB and   OIP3. Both
                                                            Figures  14 andOP115dB  andthe
                                                                                  show   OIP3   are affected
                                                                                             effect          because
                                                                                                    of changing       they gate
                                                                                                                  cascode   depend   on
                                    the  non-linear
                                      voltage       output
                                               on OP1       impedance
                                                       dB and   OIP3. Bothof the
                                                                             OP1main   device.
                                                                                   dB and  OIP3 are affected because they depend on
                                      the non-linear output impedance of the mainindevice.
                                          The  sensitivity analysis  is summarized         Table 2, which shows the performance
                                    specifications  and their
                                            The sensitivity    corresponding
                                                            analysis             design parameters
                                                                       is summarized     in Table 2, to   which
                                                                                                       which    they the
                                                                                                              shows    are most   sensi-
                                    tive. Based  on  the above  sensitivity  analysis  and  the understanding    of the  trade-offs
                                      specifications and their corresponding design parameters to which they are most sensi-         be-
                                    tween   the performance
                                      tive. Based             specifications,
                                                   on the above                the proposed
                                                                 sensitivity analysis         design-aware
                                                                                        and the               optimization
                                                                                                  understanding              is created.
                                                                                                                   of the trade-offs  be-
                                      tween the performance specifications, the proposed design-aware optimization is created.

                                       Figure 12. OP1 dB versus Cgate.
                                     Figure 12. OP1 dB versus Cgate.
Figure 12. OP1 dB versus Cgate.
     Electronics 2023, 12, 272                                                                                           10 of 17
                                 Figure 12. OP1 dB versus Cgate.

                                  Figure 13. S21 versus frequency at different values of Cgate.
                                     Figure 13. S21 versus frequency at different values of Cgate.
                                 Figure 13. S21 versus frequency at different values of Cgate.

Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW                                                                                        11 of 18

                                     Figure 14. OP1 dB versus cascode gate biasing voltage.
                                  Figure 14. OP1 dB versus cascode gate biasing voltage.

                                 Figure 14. OP1 dB versus cascode gate biasing voltage.

                                     Figure 15. OIP3 versus Pout at different values of cascode gate biasing voltage.
                                  Figure 15. OIP3 versus Pout at different values of cascode gate biasing voltage.
                                         The sensitivity analysis is summarized in Table 2, which shows the performance
                                    specifications and their
                                  Table 2. Performance       corresponding
                                                        specifications       design
                                                                        and their   parameters todesign
                                                                                  corresponding   whichparameters.
                                                                                                        they are most sensitive.
                                    Based on the above sensitivity analysis and the understanding of the trade-offs between
                                  Performance    Specifications
                                    the performance                          Designdesign-aware
                                                      specifications, the proposed    Parametersoptimization is created.
                                                                                Cout, Lout, and L_CT
                                  OP1 dB
                                                                                Wm, Wa, Vm, Va, and Cgate
                                  OIP3                                          Vm, Va, Wm, and Wa
                                                                                Cout, Lout, and L_CT
                                  Gain (S21)                                    Lin, C1, C2, C3, and C4
                                                                                Wm, Wa, Vm, Va, and Cgate
Electronics 2023, 12, 272                                                                                          11 of 17

                            Table 2. Performance specifications and their corresponding design parameters.

                             Performance Specifications                      Design Parameters
                                                                             Cout, Lout, and L_CT
                             OP1 dB
                                                                             Wm, Wa, Vm, Va, and Cgate
                             OIP3                                            Vm, Va, Wm, and Wa
                                                                             Cout, Lout, and L_CT
                             Gain (S21)                                      Lin, C1, C2, C3, and C4
                                                                             Wm, Wa, Vm, Va, and Cgate
                                                                             Wm and Wa
                                                                             Vm and Va

                            4.2. The Optimization Flow
                                 The proposed optimization flow used within the tool is presented in Figure 16. The
                            optimization engine uses the BFGS optimization algorithm implemented within the virtu-
                            oso environment. The flow relies on five main steps. Below is the explanation of each step
                            and how it is integrated within the tool:
                            1.   The user enters the frequency of operation and the required specifications (minimum
                                 OP1 dB, minimum OIP3 at 6 dB back off power, minimum OIP3 at 10 dB back-off
                                 power and minimum gain (S21)) to the tool web interface. The minimum value of
                                 OIP3 at 6/10 dB back-off power will determine the efficiency of the power amplifier.
                                 In addition, weights for each targeted design specification are defined.
                            2.   The stability of the amplifier is considered as a hard constraint that needs to be met
                                 regardless of the performance specifications.
                            3.   The initial values of the design parameters need to be defined at the beginning of the
                                 optimization. Table 1 shows typical values for those parameters.
                            4.   Step 1 in Figure 16: the optimization of the input matching network parameters
                                 (C1 , C2 , C3 , C4 , and Lin) is carried out. The input to this step is the frequency and
                                 performance specifications entered by the user. The optimized values are input to
                                 steps 2, 3, 4, and 5.
                            5.   Step 2 in Figure 16: the optimization of the output matching network parameters (Cout,
                                 Lout, and L_CT) is carried out. The input to this step is the frequency, performance
                                 specifications entered by the user, and the optimized parameters from step 1. The
                                 optimized values are input to steps 3, 4, and 5.
                            6.   Step 3 in Figure 16: the optimization of the biasing and sizing of transistors (Vm, Va,
                                 Wm, and Wa) is carried out. The input to this step is the frequency, performance
                                 specifications entered by the user, and the optimized parameters from steps 1 and 2.
                                 At the end of this step, the modelled parasitic capacitances arising from the transistor
                                 layout and its interconnects (Cgs, Cgd, and Cds) are updated corresponding to the
                                 optimized widths of the transistors (Wm and Wa). The optimized values are input to
                                 steps 4 and 5.
                            7.   Step 4 in Figure 16: the optimization of the gate capacitance (C7 and C8 ) and the
                                 cascode gate DC biasing voltage (Vcas) are carried out. The input to this step is
                                 the frequency, performance specifications entered by the user, and the optimized
                                 parameters from steps 1, 2, and 3. The optimized values are input to step 5.
                            8.   Step 5 in Figure 16: it is considered an evaluation point, which determines the next
                                 step in the optimization flow.
                            9.   If all the specifications (OP1 dB, S21, and OIP3) or (OP1 dB and S21) or (OIP3 and S21)
                                 or S21 failed, then the optimization flow is directed to step 1, where the values of the
                                 input matching network parameters are being optimized again, then all the rest of the
                                 steps will follow in succession. It is to be noted that when step 1 is carried out this
                                 time, all the other design parameters have new optimized values that differ from their
                                 previous values when step 1 was visited for the first time.
Electronics 2023, 12, 272                                                                                                                      12 of 17

                                    10.      If (OP1 dB and OIP3) or OP1 dB failed, then the optimization flow is directed to step 2,
                                             then all the rest of the steps (3, 4, and 5) will follow.
                                    11.      If OIP3 failed, the optimization flow is directed to step 3, and then steps 4 and 5
                                             will follow.
                                    12.      The optimization flow stops when the best achieved design point is obtained based
                                             on the pre-defined weighting factors.
                                    13.      The tool will return back to the web interface: the achieved values for all the required
                                             performance specifications, the consumed DC power, PAE at OP1 dB and at 6 dB
   Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW   back-off power, the values of the optimized design parameters, the circuit 13    of 18
                                             a template of the layout of the circuit, and a GDSII file for further modifications.

                                     Figure 16.
                                    Figure  16. The
                                                The proposed

                                    5.5. Automation
                                         Automation and
                                                    and Test
                                                        Test Cases
                                           The proposed
                                          The    proposed design
                                                                                              amplifier  is is
                                                                                                               used forfor
                                                                                                                           automaticsizing. Three
                                                                                                                                        sizing.  Three
                                     test cases  are   applied  at three   different  frequencies   (7, 10,  13   GHz).   The 65
                                    test cases are applied at three different frequencies (7, 10, 13 GHz). The 65 nm technology   nm  technology
                                     node is
                                    node    is used
                                                usedforforthese testtest
                                                            these     cases. Initially,
                                                                          cases.        the user
                                                                                   Initially, thespecifies    the required
                                                                                                  user specifies              performance
                                                                                                                        the required         spec-
                                     ifications:  frequency    of operation,    OP1   dB, Gain,  and   OIP3    at 6 dB
                                    specifications: frequency of operation, OP1 dB, Gain, and OIP3 at 6 dB back off and back  off and  10 dB  back
                                                                                                                                                 10 dB
                                     off power     to the  web  interface.   Weights    for different   performance
                                    back off power to the web interface. Weights for different performance specifications specifications  are  also are
                                    also        by the
                                          defined     byuser.  At the
                                                         the user.   Atend
                                                                                     automatic   sizing,sizing,
                                                                                       the automatic       values values
                                                                                                                     of the different  design pa-
                                                                                                                             of the different   design
                                    parameters, as well as the achieved performance specifications, are displayedoutput.
                                     rameters,    as  well  as the  achieved    performance     specifications,     are  displayed  as           A A
                                                                                                                                         as output.
                                     GDSII    layout   template   for  the adopted    architecture   is also
                                    GDSII layout template for the adopted architecture is also generated.      generated.
                                           Figures 17−21 show the achieved Pout, OIP3, PAE, AM-AM, and AM-PM distortions
                                     and S21 for the three different frequencies (7,10, and 13 GHz). The targeted OP1 dB is
                                     higher than 18 dBm, gain is higher than 7 dB, OIP3 is higher than 24 dBm at 6 dB back-off
                                     power. As depicted from Figures 17−21, the targeted performance specifications are
                                     achieved. Table 3 show the required and achieved performance specifications. Finally,
                                     Figure 22 shows the layout template of the amplifier which is provided by the proposed
Electronics 2023, 12, 272                                                                                        13 of 17

                                          Figures 17–21 show the achieved Pout, OIP3, PAE, AM-AM, and AM-PM distortions
                                      and S21 for the three different frequencies (7,10, and 13 GHz). The targeted OP1 dB 14
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW                                                                                   is of 18
                                     higher than 18 dBm, gain is higher than 7 dB, OIP3 is higher than 24 dBm at 6 dB back-
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW                                                                                   14 of 18
                                      off power. As depicted from Figures 17–21, the targeted performance specifications are
                                     achieved. Table 3 show the required and achieved performance specifications. Finally,
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW                                                                                   14 of 18
                                     Figure 22 shows the layout template of the amplifier which is provided by the proposed
                                     design automation tool. A computer with an Intel core i7 processor with 12 GB RAM is
                                     used to run this tool.

                                 Figure 17. Pout versus Pin at the three test cases.

                                 Figure 17. Pout versus Pin at the three test cases.
                                     Figure 17. Pout versus Pin at the three test cases.
                                  Figure 17. Pout versus Pin at the three test cases.

                                 Figure 18. OIP3 versus Pout at the three test cases.
                                     Figure 18. OIP3 versus Pout at the three test cases.
                                 Figure 18. OIP3 versus Pout at the three test cases.

                                  Figure 18. OIP3 versus Pout at the three test cases.

                                     Figure 19. PAE versus Pout at the three test cases.
                                 Figure 19. PAE versus Pout at the three test cases.

                                 Figure 19. PAE versus Pout at the three test cases.

                                  Figure 19. PAE versus Pout at the three test cases.
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW                                                                                   15 of 18

Electronics  2023,2023,
       Electronics 12, x12,
                         FOR272PEER REVIEW                                                                                 15 of 18
                                                                                                                     14 of 17

                                         Figure 20. AM-AM and AM-PM distortion versus Pout at the three test cases.

                                     Figure 20. AM-AM and AM-PM distortion versus Pout at the three test cases.
                                        Figure 20. AM-AM and AM-PM distortion versus Pout at the three test cases.
                                     Figure 20. AM-AM and AM-PM distortion versus Pout at the three test cases.

                                        Figure 21.21.
                                                   S21S21 versus
                                                      versus      frequency
                                                             frequency          at the
                                                                       at the three testthree
                                                                                         cases. test cases.
                                     Figure 21. S21 versus frequency at the three test cases.
                                     Figure 21. S21 versus frequency at the three test cases.

                                     Figure 22. Layout of the power amplifier.
                                        Figure 22.22. Layout
                                                   Layout of theofpower
                                                                   the power   amplifier.
                                     Figure 22. Layout of the power amplifier.
Electronics 2023, 12, 272                                                                                                                 15 of 17

                                      Table 3. The required and achieved performance specifications.

                                         Performance Specifications           Required
                                                                                                    7 GHz         10 GHz            13 GHz
                                         OP1 dB                               >18 dBm               19 dBm        18.2 dBm          18.1 dBm
                                         OIP3 at 6 dB back-off power          >24 dBm               26 dBm        25.2 dBm          24.7 dBm
                                         S21                                  >7 dB                 8.7 dB        7.1 dB            7.3 dB
                                         DC Consumed Power                    -                     89.5 mw       89.52 mw          55 mw
                                         PAE at OP1 dB                        -                     27%           22 %              29%
                                         PAE at 6 dB back-off                 -                     22%           9%                15%

                                      6. Discussion
                                           The four main aspects that are used in the comparison of the different approaches of RF
                                      design optimization and automation are: performance evaluators, inductance modelling,
                                      included layout parasitic components and the used optimizers. Table 4 shows a summary
                                      of the recent approaches in the sizing and optimization of RF circuits [9].

                                      Table 4. Summary of the recent approaches in the sizing and optimization of RF circuits.

                                                                                  Layout Included Parasitic
     Work            Performance Evaluator          Inductor Modelling                                                     Optimizer
                  Circuit Simulator and                                                                          Evolutionary
   [15], 2000                                     Not Included                Device and interconnect C and CC
                  Performance Models                                                                             Algorithms
   [13], 2001     Parametric Equations                                        Not Included                       Simulated-Annealing based
                                                  compact model
   [24], 2002     Circuit Simulator               In-the-loop EM simulation   Not Included                       Simulated-Annealing based
   [25], 2004     Performance Models              Linear behavior into PMs    Not specified                      Simulation-based
                                                  EM-based surrogate
   [14], 2012     Circuit Simulator                                           Not Included                       Evolutionary Algorithms
                                                  model built in the loop
                                                                                                                 Evolutionary Algorithms and
   [18], 2016     Circuit Simulator               2-п model                   Other passive components
                                                                                                                 Particle Swarm Optimization
   [11], 2017     Circuit Simulator               Pareto-Optimal Front        Not Included
                                                  (POF) obtained a priori
                                                                              Device and interconnect C, CC,
   [17], 2017     Performance Models              Linear behavior into PMs                                       Evolutionary Algorithm based
                                                                              and R
   [16], 2022     Circuit Simulator               2-п model                   Not Included                       Meta-heuristics algorithms
                                                  Foundry process design
  This Work       Circuit Simulator                                           Device and interconnect C and CC   BFGS algorithm
                                                  kit (PDK) model

                                           The performance evaluation is carried out either by using performance models, para-
                                      metric equations, or circuit simulators. Performance models are inaccurate and must be
                                      varied with the variation of circuit topologies [9]. Circuit simulators are the most accurate
                                      performance evaluators.
                                           The inductance modelling differs from one approach to another, as shown in Table 4. In
                                      the proposed tool, the inductance used is the foundry process design kit (PDK) inductance,
                                      modelling the inductance layout parasitic components with high accuracy. Using the PDK
                                      inductance model allows the optimization of the physical parameters of the inductance,
                                      such as the inner radius and the number of turns to reach the required performance
                                      specifications. This results in good estimation of the results of post layout simulations.
                                           Including layout parasitic components in the optimization process differs from one
                                      approach to another, as shown in Table 4. In the proposed tool, the post layout simulations
                                      of the parasitic extracted view of the transistor along with its interconnects was carried out
Electronics 2023, 12, 272                                                                                                      16 of 17

                                 prior to the optimization process and the resulting parasitic capacitances were included in
                                 the optimization process as functions of the sizes of the transistors.
                                      The optimization process differs according to the optimization algorithm used as
                                 shown in Table 4. The proposed tool uses BFGS optimizer that is employed by cadence-
                                 virtuoso. The BFGS optimizer is used to select the best values of the design parameters that
                                 can achieve the required specifications.

                                  7. Conclusions
                                      A parasitic-design-aware simulation-based design tool was proposed for highly linear
                                 RF power amplifiers within this paper. Both the optimization steps and design method-
                                 ology were explained and they rely on the knowledge of the circuit to obtain the design
                                 parameters. The proposed tool does not need lengthy simulations when compared to the
                                 existing approaches. With parasitic modelling, the design point is close to the final design
                                 after layout. The proposed tool was verified to design a highly linear RF power amplifier
                                 at three different frequencies (7 GHz, 10 GHz, and 13 GHz) using 65 nm technology node.
                                 The results showed that an OP1 dB higher than 18 dBm, gain/S21 higher than 7 dB, and
                                 OIP3 higher than 24 dBm at 6 dB back-off power are obtained.

                                 Author Contributions: Conceptualization, R.A.O. and M.E.-N.; formal analysis, R.A.O.; investigation,
                                 R.A.O.; methodology, R.A.O.; supervision, M.E.-N. and H.R.; validation, R.A.O.; visualization, R.A.O.;
                                 writing—original draft, R.A.O.; writing—review and editing, M.E.-N. All authors have read and
                                 agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
                                  Funding: This research received no external funding.
                                  Data Availability Statement: Some of the data presented in this study are available upon request
                                  from the corresponding author.
                                 Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank engineer Ahmed Samir for his remarkable help
                                 with the software part of the web tool.
                                  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interests.

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