Department of Social Protection Sponsor Guidelines for Garda Vetting for Community Employment & Job Initiative

Department of Social Protection

 Sponsor Guidelines for Garda
    Vetting for Community
 Employment & Job Initiative

                        May 2014
Section 1- Introduction to Garda Vetting....................................................................... 2
Section 2 – Glossary of Terminology/Frequently Asked Questions ............................. 3
Section 3 – Department of Social Protection Garda Vetting Policy .............................. 6
3.1 Garda Vetting Eligibility Criteria:.......................................................................... 6
3.2 Residency Abroad .................................................................................................. 7
Section 4 - Recruitment Process .................................................................................... 8
4.1       The Pre-Recruitment Process .......................................................................... 8
4.2       The Selection and Recruitment Process .......................................................... 8
Section 5 - The Garda Vetting Process .......................................................................... 9
5.1       Sponsoring Body Role in Garda Vetting for CE & JI ........................................ 9
5.2 Processing Garda Vetting Applications .............................................................. 10
5.3       Conducting the Disclosure Meeting ............................................................... 10
5.3.1         The Purpose of the Meeting .......................................................................... 11
5.4       Risk Assessment Guidance When Considering a Disclosure Meeting ........ 11
5.4.1         Risk Evaluation ............................................................................................. 12
5.4.3 Requests for Copies of Documents from Participants/Applicants ................... 13
Section 6 - Appeals and Disputes ................................................................................ 14
6.1       Disputes Concerning Information Supplied by GCVU .................................. 14
Section 7 - Data Management ...................................................................................... 14
7.1 - The Data Management Process and Policy ...................................................... 14
7.2 - Eight Principles/Rules of Data Protection (Data Protection Acts 1988 and
2003) ........................................................................................................................... 15


      1. Applicant Approval Letter
      2. (Sample) Invitation to Disclosure Meeting Letter
      3. (Sample) Disclosure Meeting Outcome Form

Section 1- Introduction to Garda Vetting
The Department of Social Protection is committed to ensuring the protection of
children and/or vulnerable adults. Participants who will come into contact with
children and/or vulnerable adults through their work on an employment
programme are subject to Garda vetting. The Garda Central Vetting Unit makes
criminal history vetting disclosures to registered organisations in respect of,
inter alia, prospective employees, volunteers, students on placement and

Garda Vetting is not conducted for individual persons on a personal basis. The
Garda Central Vetting Unit will only conduct Garda Vetting for organisations that
have been registered with the Unit. Therefore the Sponsors of Community
Employment or Job Initiative programmes should access the Garda vetting
service via their affiliated /governing body or through another organisation
registered with the Garda Central Vetting Unit.

Volunteer Ireland and its 21 local affiliate Volunteer Centres are an example of
such registered organisations and in 2014 were contracted by the Department of
Social Protection to provide a Garda Vetting Service to CE/JI Sponsors. If you
would like to avail of the Garda Vetting Service provided by Volunteer Ireland or
your local Volunteer Centre you should contact them directly (see for details). Equally, Sponsors of the CE/JI programme should
feel free to obtain Garda Vetting Services from other organisations registered
with the Garda Central Vetting Unit such as:

      Child Minding Ireland
      Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA)
      Barnardos
      Catholic Youth Care
      City of Dublin Youth Services
      Cara Cheshire
      St Michaels House
      St John of God
      Irish Preschool Playgroup Association (IPPA)
      Football Association of Ireland (FAI)
      Early Childhood Ireland
      Enable Ireland

Section 2 – Glossary of Terminology/Frequently Asked

Term              Explanation

Applicant         An individual who applies to participate on an employment
                  programme that is subject to Garda vetting.

Children          Persons under the age of 18 years, other than a person who
                  is or has been married (The Childcare Act 1991, The
                  Children’s Act 2001).

Vulnerable        “Vulnerable adult” means a person of 18 years and older who
Adult             is suffering from a physical, intellectual or mental
                  impairment, whether through disability, injury, illness or age,
                  which is of such a nature or degree as to render a person –
                       a ward of court
                       to be in residential accommodation
                       to be in sheltered accommodation
                       to require assistance in the conduct of his/her own
                          affairs by a person other than a family member or
                          another who lives with him/her in the same household
                       unable to guard against neglect, abuse or exploitation”
                                        Garda Vetting Bureau Bill 2011
                  In the main the term ‘vulnerable adult’ refers to:
                  Elderly people; and people with disabilities who meet the
                  above definition of a vulnerable adult.

Sponsor           The Sponsoring Body responsible for managing the local
                  CE/JI programme.

Sponsor Garda     An individual nominated by the CE/JI Sponsor Organisation
Vetting Officer   to manage its Garda Vetting process. This nominee will be a
(SGVO)            director/officer of the organisation and not the Supervisor
                  or Assistant Supervisor.

Who is subject      Garda vetting applies to Supervisors, Assistant Supervisors
to Garda Vetting?   and all individuals who apply for, or are already
                    participating on, relevant programmes and who, as part of
                    their respective programme, will have contact with
                    children and/or vulnerable adults.

How long is Garda   Garda vetting, once completed, is relevant for:
Vetting relevant     The programme originally applied for;
for?                 The duration of participation on the programme or for
                       three years, whichever is the shorter;
                     The Sponsoring Body, at their own discretion, can
                       request a participant to be re-vetted at any time during
                       the participants’ tenure on their scheme.

Section 258         The GCVU will not disclose any details of offences to which
(Convictions        Section 258 applies. These are:
before the age       Where an offence was committed when the applicant
of 18 years)           was under 18 years of age;
                     Where more than 3 years have elapsed since the
                       conviction; and
                     Where the applicant did not re-offend within those
                       three years; and
                     Where the offence was of such a type that it was not
                       required to be tried by the Central Criminal Court.
                    When completing the Garda Vetting Application Form, the
                    applicant is not obliged to self-disclose any offences to
                    which Section 258 applies.

                    Note: If the offence is of such a type that it was or could
                    have been tried in the Central Criminal Court, it will remain
                    ‘on record’ and will be disclosed by the GCVU. This
                    includes the more serious range of offences such as
                    murder, attempted murder, rape and sexual assault.

Vetting             Application and Declaration Forms. (Will be provided by
Documents           the registered organisation/ Governing Body).

In all cases Irish and Northern Irish addresses declared by
What countries   the applicant(s) will be checked by the Garda Central
are covered by   Vetting Unit.
Garda vetting?   In some cases, relevant information is available from other
                 countries and in these cases the GCVU will check this.

Registered       The GCVU will only accept applications for Garda vetting
Organisation     from organisations that are registered with them for the
                 purpose of Garda vetting. Therefore the onus is on each
                 Sponsoring Body to link up with a relevant registered,
                 affiliated or Governing Body. These registered, affiliated or
                 Governing Bodies will have their own Authorised
                 Signatory/s. Volunteer Ireland and its affiliate Volunteer
                 Centres are all registered organisations with the Garda
                 Central Vetting Unit and have an Authorised Signatory on

Authorised       An Authorised Signatory is a selected and trained staff
Signatory (AS)   member in the registered organisation who acts as a
                 liaison between the employment programme and the
                 GCVU. Following training by the GCVU, the AS is issued
                 with a registered number for use on all Garda Vetting
                 application forms. Garda Vetting applications will not be
                 processed if submitted to the GCVU by any party other
                 than the registered Authorised Signatory.

Garda Central    The Garda Central Vetting Unit is based in Thurles, Co.
Vetting Unit     Tipperary. Its function is to conduct Garda Vetting and
(GCVU)           issue a Garda Vetting Disclosure to the Registered
                 Organisation which submitted the application(s). Only
                 organisations registered with the Garda Central Vetting
                 Unit may apply for Garda Vetting on behalf of their
                 employees, volunteers or students.

Section 3 – Department of Social Protection Garda Vetting Policy

The Department of Social Protection is committed to best practice in recruitment
and selection procedures for its employment programmes which includes Garda
vetting. Approval to work, or train to work, with children and/or vulnerable
adults is granted upon successful completion of the recruitment and selection
process which includes appropriate vetting checks with the Garda Central
Vetting Unit.

  No individual may work or train with children and/or vulnerable adults
            pending the outcome of the Garda vetting process.

It is recommended that an individual from the Sponsoring Body be nominated to
support the Sponsoring Body to manage the Garda Vetting process, to be called
the ‘Sponsor Garda Vetting Officer’. Participation on relevant employment
programmes is subject to a satisfactory outcome from the Garda Vetting process.
The employment decision, following receipt of information from the GCVU, is a
matter for the Employment Programmes’ Sponsoring Body.

Garda vetting applies to new applicants for relevant posts. Those in current posts
must undergo Garda vetting every three years. (Exceptions to this three year rule
can only be made where the participants’ extension is for three months or under,
i. e. where the Garda Vetting process will take longer than his/her extension.)

Those involved in the vetting process must operate strictly within the guidelines
set out in these procedures. Accordingly any decision made in relation to the
vetting process must conform to these procedures.

3.1 Garda Vetting Eligibility Criteria:
Individuals who have been prosecuted or convicted in respect of the following
offences are not eligible to participate in posts where Garda Vetting is required:
     The individual has been prosecuted or has a conviction for a sexual
     The individual has been prosecuted, or has a conviction for, an offence
       that relates to the ill treatment or neglect of children or vulnerable adults;
     The individual has been prosecuted, or has a conviction for, the
       ownership, production, possession or distribution of child pornography.

In addition, offences of the following type will be considered on a case-by-case
basis regarding eligibility for programmes requiring Garda Vetting:
     Offences against the person, e.g. assault, harassment, coercion;
     Breaches in trust, e.g. fraud, theft, larceny;
     Offences against property e.g. arson, armed robbery;

 Drug related charges or convictions (particularly relating to possession
     for sale or supply);
    Domestic violence;
    Offences against the State. (Exemptions in place for those released under
     the terms of the Good Friday Agreement).

Individuals precluded from certain posts because of previous offences should be
referred back to the Employment Services/LES/Intreo Office who initiated the
referral in the first instance.

The decision on suitability of an applicant, following receipt of information from
the GCVU, is a matter for the Sponsor. However, where the Sponsor feels they
need to consult with someone on this decision they should contact the
Department of Social Protection.

3.2 Residency Abroad
Individuals who lived outside the island of Ireland for one year or more,
continuously, since the age of 16 years, are required to submit the following
documents to the Sponsoring Body-
    Original Police Certificate/s from the country or countries of residence
     abroad with authentic translation where necessary.
    In the case of the United States of America, only FBI clearance will be
     accepted. State clearance is not sufficient.
    2 recent Irish references from acceptable sources.

(Please note that in relation to residency abroad; Sponsors are advised to be aware
   of HSE policy/regulations regarding international vetting and working with

Where police certificates cannot be supplied, applicants should submit evidence
of efforts to obtain such certificates to the Sponsoring Body. The Sponsor
should copy all international paperwork and return original documents to
the applicant.

Employment decision making on disclosures on foreign police certs must be
treated to the same process as decision on domestic (Garda) disclosures.

Persons who have served their Country abroad in the defence forces cannot be
internationally vetted for those countries. It is recommended to view the
discharge papers of this client category.

An individual cannot work or train with children and/or vulnerable adults
                  unless they have been Garda vetted.

Section 4 - Recruitment Process

4.1    The Pre-Recruitment Process

4.1.1 Vacancy Approval
When a Sponsoring Body needs to fill a CE post the Sponsoring Body must
complete the Schemes Vacancy Form, including the sections relating to Garda

[The requirement for Garda vetting for a post is identified by the Sponsoring
Body when completing the Schemes Vacancy Form at Application or Renewal

4.1.2 What Posts are subject to Garda Vetting?
In line with best practice all posts that provide access to or contact with children
and/or vulnerable adults require Garda vetting.

4.2    The Selection and Recruitment Process

4.2.1 Early Recruitment
Garda Vetting can take 3 months or longer from the date that all correct
paperwork is submitted to the Garda Central Vetting Unit. Selection and
recruitment for programmes and schemes involving Garda Vetting should
commence as early as possible to minimize the effects of delays.

4.2.2 Fair Processing and Prior Notification
All approved CE posts will be advertised on the Department of Social Protection
Jobs Ireland website. If Garda vetting is required it will be stated on the

Section 5 - The Garda Vetting Process

This process refers to the vetting of new and/or the re-vetting of existing
participants and staff for relevant CE and JI posts (including Supervisors and
Assistant Supervisors).

5.1      Sponsoring Body Role in Garda Vetting for CE & JI
       The CE Sponsoring Bodies’ must nominate a Director/Officer of the
        Sponsoring Body to be the Sponsor Garda Vetting Officer to manage the
        Garda vetting process.
       The Sponsoring Body will ensure data management is in accordance with
        Data Protection requirements. All Garda Vetting documentation must be
        kept in a secure and private location in a locked cabinet.
       The Sponsoring Body must determine, on the Schemes Vacancy Form,
        what posts are subject to Garda Vetting.
       The Sponsoring Body must ensure that recruitment of all relevant CE
        Supervisors/Assistant Supervisors and participants on relevant schemes
        includes Garda vetting.
       The Sponsoring Body must ensure that existing CE Supervisors/Assistant
        Supervisors and participants for relevant schemes undergo Garda vetting
        every three years.
       The Department of Social Protection will require written confirmation; by
        means of the ‘Applicant Approval Letter’ from the Sponsoring Body, (See
        appendices – Letter 1) addressed to the relevant Community
        Development Officer, that Garda vetting has been completed prior to the
        participant starting on the scheme.

Garda vetting once complete will be deemed relevant for:
    The duration of participation on the programme or for three years,
      whichever is the shorter;
    The Sponsoring Body, (the employer) at their discretion, can update
      Garda vetting at any time.
    Where a participant transfers to or applies for another programme that
      requires Garda vetting, it will be necessary to reapply for Garda vetting
      under that new programme.

CE Applicants should only be required to complete and submit Garda Vetting
Application forms under the following circumstances:
    Their eligibility has been checked;
    They have been selected for the post pending a successful outcome from
       Garda vetting
    Or they’re Garda vetting is due for renewal. (Every 3 Years)

5.2 Processing Garda Vetting Applications
Garda Vetting applications will be administrated by the Sponsoring Body or
through its Sponsoring Body’s Sponsor Garda Vetting Officer. The applications
will be processed through an organisation registered with the Garda Vetting

Sponsoring Bodies who are affiliated to, or who are themselves a national
representative organisation for their sector (including national sporting
organisations), e.g. Childcare, Older People, Youth, People with Disabilities,
should obtain Garda vetting information through these national representative
organisations. – e.g. the NYCI, Barnardos, the NCNA or Early Childhood Ireland,
Catholic Youth Care, South Dublin Voluntary Group, GAA etc.

Sponsoring Bodies must notify the Department of Social Protection when the
Garda Vetting process is completed for every applicant. This is done by
completing the ‘Applicant Approval Letter’ from Sponsoring Body confirming
that the Garda Vetting process was completed and a suitable post was offered to
the applicant and forwarding it to the Community Development Officer only.

5.2.1 Offence Information Disclosed:
Where disclosure information regarding an applicant’s offence history is
returned by the GCVU, the Sponsor Garda Vetting Officer, (not the CE Supervisor)
will evaluate the seriousness and relevance of the offence (see 5.4 and 5.4.1) to
decide whether a Disclosure Meeting with the applicant is required.

5.3    Conducting the Disclosure Meeting
Upon receiving disclosures of concern, the Sponsor will invite the applicant to
the meeting using an Invitation to Disclosure Meeting Letter. (See appendices
– (Sample) letter 2)

The meeting should be arranged as soon as possible with the Sponsor Garda
Vetting Officer and another member of the Sponsoring Body in attendance. The
two parties should meet prior to meeting the applicant to review disclosure
information. No disclosure information should be copied or circulated in advance
of a meeting.

An applicant’s identity should be verified at the commencement of a meeting to
discuss disclosures, so as to ensure confidential information is not unwittingly
discussed with the wrong person. Applicants who are under 18 should be
accompanied by the Parent or Guardian who signed Garda Vetting
Parent/Guardian Consent Form.

5.3.1 The Purpose of the Meeting
The purpose of the meeting is to:
     Confirm with the applicant the accuracy of the information supplied by the
     Discuss with the applicant their suitability for the programme given their
       Garda record, and the career implications of this record for this type of
       work considering that employers will also receive Garda Vetting
       information in the future.
     In the case of non-disclosure by the applicant (i.e. the disclosure has been
       made by the Garda Central Vetting Unit only), explore if the client was
       wilful in the omission of the offence information from the Garda Vetting
       Application form.
     Decide if the applicant is suitable for the position or whether they should
       be referred back to DSP Employment Services to undertake an alternative

5.4    Risk Assessment Guidance When Considering a Disclosure Meeting
Risk should be assessed for a specific programme in relation to any offence
history and the individual rated in terms of the risk due to the disclosed offence.
In some cases, the relationship between the offence and the type of programme
will be clear enough to decide easily on the suitability of the applicant for the
programme, examples include:
     Offences concerned with fraud, larceny and theft, etc. are crimes of
       deception, involving breaches of trust and may be a behavioural indicator;
     Offences against the person, e.g. assault, harassment, coercion and
       offences against property e.g. arson, armed robbery and even domestic
       violence indicate degrees of violent behaviour, anger management issues,
     Drug related prosecutions and convictions (specifically possession for
       sale or supply) would cause concern in respect of working in a medical
       environment and/or working with children and vulnerable adults.
     Offences against the State – specifically violent actions against people.

Risk assessment considers the individual, the offence(s) and the specific
outcomes or purpose of the programme. The risk will be assessed by the
relevant Sponsoring Body’s/Sponsor Garda Vetting Officer. In carrying out this
assessment, a number of factors should be considered and documented in
support of a recommendation for an individual to either stay on the current
programme or transfer to a more suitable one.

5.4.1 Risk Evaluation
It is not necessary to hold a disclosure meeting for every minor disclosure. The
following checklist and questions should be taken into consideration in
determining the suitability of a participant to a relevant programme where
Garda information has been returned:
      The seriousness of the offence and its relevance to the safety of children
        or vulnerable adults;
      The length of time since the offence occurred;
      The age of the applicant at the time of the offence;
      Whether the offence was a one-off, or part of a history of offending;
      Whether the applicant’s circumstances have changed, since the offence
        was committed, making re-offending less likely;
      The degree of remorse, or otherwise, expressed by the applicant and their
        motivation to change;
      The sentence imposed in relation to the offence;
      Whether the applicant has undertaken any kind of rehabilitation relating
        to the offence they committed e.g. anger management or participation on
        a drug treatment programme;
      Work history since the offence;
      Protecting the applicant from situations that might cause difficulty, e.g.
        allegations against them;
      The relationship between the offence and the type of training/placement;
      Whether the applicant self-disclosed the offence;
      Whether the offence resulted in a conviction/fine or not.

It is also useful to consider the following questions:
      Does the programme involve one-to-one contact with children or
        vulnerable adults?
      What level of supervision will the individual receive?
      Will the nature of the training/placement present any realistic
        opportunity for the individual to re-offend?
      Does the programme involve direct contact with members of the public?
      Will the applicant be working or training as part of a team or
        unsupervised for periods?

5.4.2 Disclosure Meeting Outcomes
The outcome of the meeting should be agreed, documented and signed by the 3
parties present (Applicant, Sponsor and Sponsor Garda Vetting Officer) using the
‘Disclosure Meeting Outcome Form’. (See appendices - 3 (Sample) Disclosure
Meeting with Applicant Outcome Form). If so decided; the specific reasons for
the client not commencing or continuing on the programme should not be
discussed or disclosed with anybody other than that the applicant does not meet
the eligibility criteria.

 Where the applicant is deemed unsuitable or ineligible, they should be
     referred back to the Department of Social Protection Employment
     Services Officer for guidance and advice;
    The Sponsor Garda Vetting Officer or Sponsoring Body may consult with
     the Department of Social Protection Community Services Manager, if

5.4.3 Requests for Copies of Documents from Participants/Applicants
Occasionally, requests are received from participants/applicants, past and
present, or from unsuccessful applicants, for their original documentation, or
copies of their documentation. The Sponsoring Body will hold all participants
original documentation (except for Garda Vetting information, international
police certificates and references) for three years or for a participant’s duration
on the scheme; whichever is shorter. The paperwork of unsuccessful applicants
(except for international police certificates and references) should be
shredded by the Sponsor Garda Vetting Officer, immediately upon notification by
the Sponsoring Body of an unsuccessful application, or of a termination of a
participant as per data protection requirements. Participants/applicants are
only entitled to copies of their documents upon request. These documents will
be clearly identified as a copy by the Sponsor Garda Vetting Officer.

Section 6 - Appeals and Disputes

6.1      Disputes Concerning Information Supplied by GCVU
Where an applicant disputes the accuracy of the disclosures received from the
GCVU, the applicant must indicate this immediately to the Sponsoring Body. In
this instance the following actions are to be taken:
     A written appeal by the applicant should then be forwarded to the
        authorised signatory of the registered organisation by the Sponsoring
        Body for processing to the GCVU on behalf of the client;
     If the applicant made an error completing the original Garda Vetting
        Application Form, the applicant should complete a new form and submit
        both the original and new form together.
     All documents should be sent to the registered organisation’s authorised

The Authorised Signatory of the relevant registered organisation can take the
following actions:
     Re-submit the original Garda Vetting Application form to the GCVU for a
       re-check with a covering report outlining the basis of the dispute as
       indicated by the applicant.
     In the case of an error on the original form, both forms should be
       submitted with the request for a re-check.

Results of the re-check by the GCVU will be returned via the Authorised
Signatory of the relevant registered organisation. If, following a re-check, the
applicant still disputes the data, arrangements will be made by the GCVU for
further identification procedures to be implemented e.g., fingerprinting so as to
resolve the dispute. Pending the outcome of a dispute or appeal process the
person may not work on a CE programme where they will come into contact with
children or vulnerable adults. The applicant should temporarily transfer to
another programme or take paid leave until the dispute/appeal process is

Section 7 - Data Management

7.1 - The Data Management Process and Policy
       All information received from the applicant and GCVU will be treated in
        strictest confidence and the rules of Data Protection will apply.
       Security of the data will be of the utmost importance.
       Application Forms must be processed in a secure and private

 The information contained in the forms or the disclosures must not be
     discussed on the telephone or in an open office with anyone, nor should
     any specific information be passed via e-mail.
    When not actively being worked on; all application forms and associated
     documents should be retained in a locked filing cabinet which can only be
     accessed by authorised persons.
    Anyone on the Sponsoring Body handling offence history information
     should be aware of Data Protection requirements.

7.2 - Eight Principles/Rules of Data Protection (Data Protection Acts 1988
and 2003)
The Data Protection Commissioner has identified eight fundamental rules of data
protection and presents them in user friendly format as follows:
   1. Obtain and process information fairly.
   2. Keep only for one or more specified and lawful purposes.
   3. Process only in ways compatible with the purposes for which it was given
   4. Keep it safe and secure.
   5. Keep it accurate and up to date.
   6. Ensure that it is adequate, relevant and not excessive.
   7. Retain it no longer than is necessary for the specified purpose(s).
   8. Give a copy of his/her personal data to any individual on request

Applicant Approval Letter (From Sponsor to DSP)

                                                        Sponsor Name:
                                                        Sponsor Address:
                                                        Project Number:

To:      Name of Community Development Officer
         Address of Community Development Officer


Re:      Applicant Approval Letter for CE/JI Applicant for -
         Applicant Name:

The Garda vetting process, including international vetting, has now been
completed in respect of the above applicant and arising out of that vetting
process, we can confirm that the applicant is to start on the programme on

All Irish and Northern Irish addresses declared by the applicant have been
checked by the Garda Central Vetting Unit and international paperwork noted.
The Garda vetting process was undertaken by the following registered vetting
organisation Name of organisation:

Yours sincerely,

Sponsor Garda Vetting Officer

(Sample) Invitation to Applicant to Disclosure Meeting Letter


To:                Applicant Name:
                   Applicant Address:

From:              Sponsor Name:
                   (Contact Details)

Garda Vetting for:        (Community Employment/JI)

Dear (insert Applicant title and Surname)

I refer to your Garda Vetting Application for (insert position).

As participation is subject to a positive outcome from the Garda Central Vetting Unit,
a meeting has been arranged to discuss information disclosed by the Garda Central
Vetting Unit on (insert date)                  (insert Location)
The meeting will be attended by 2 Sponsor staff/Board members one of which is
the Sponsor Garda Vetting Officer (insert name) and the other (insert name).

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the suitability of the programme for you, or
possibly, alternate supports from DSP Employment Programmes.

Please contact me to confirm your attendance as noted above or to re-arrange your
appointment time.

Please bring to this meeting confirmation of identity in the form of photo identification
e.g. passport or driving licence. Please also bring this letter with you for signing

Yours sincerely,


I understand that this meeting is being attended by the Sponsor’s GV Officer
and an additional Sponsor staff/Board member and that information disclosed
by me or returned by the Garda Central Vetting Unit is being discussed.

Applicant Signature: ___________________________Date: ______________

(Sample) Sponsor Disclosure Meeting Outcome Form
                                                Garda Vetting
Batch Ref.
                                                Ref. No.
Programme                                       Programme
Name:                                           Ref. No.

Attendees at Meeting on (insert date):

Sponsor Name:
Sponsor Garda Vetting Officer Name:
Applicant Name:

Applicant ID Confirmed by Passport /Driving Licence /Other): Yes            No

Applicant Date of Birth Checked:                             Yes            No

Applicant Address on Disclosure Form Confirmed:              Yes            No


Applicant is starting on the CE Scheme   Applicant is NOT starting on the CE Scheme:

  This is a true and accurate account of the meeting between the three parties
      undersigned which took place today, _____/_____/_____ (dd/mm/yyyy)

Applicant Signature:

Sponsor Signature:

Sponsor Garda Vetting
Officer Signature:
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