Department of Commerce, St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Irinjalakuda, Thrissur 680121, Kerala, India.

Page created by Margaret Dunn
VISTAS Vol. 7, No. 1, 2018, pp. 99-108                        ISSN: 2319-5770, e-ISSN 2394-1138

                 Silpa M.A., Elizabeth Paul Chakkachamparambil*
   *Department of Commerce, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous) Irinjalakuda,
                                Thrissur 680121, Kerala, India.
         Number of private telecom service providers is increasing day by day. Therefore, BSNL
should focus on strategies to come out with promotional measures so as to equally compete with
the private service providers and to enhance their service activity to satisfy their customers.
Private service providers give variety of facilities to its customers than BSNL provide to its landline
customers. Apart from this most of the customers are of the opinion that the monthly rent charged
by the BSNL from its landline customers is too high. So, it is better to BSNL to reduce its monthly
rent in such a situation in order to prevent customers from switching to other service providers.

       Customer Satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and
services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Customer
satisfaction is important because it provides an aid to business men to manage and
improve their businesses. It is seen as a key performance indicator within a business.
In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer
satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element
of business strategy.

        Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. is an Indian state-owned telecommunications
company headquartered in New Delhi. It was incorporated on 15 th September 2000.It
is the largest provider of fixed telephony and a broadband service with more than 60%
market share, and is the fifth largest mobile telephony provider in India. However, in
recent years, the company’s revenues and market share have plummeted resulting in
heavy losses as a result of intense competition in the Indian telecommunications sector.
BSNL is India’s oldest communication service provider and had a customer base of
93.29 million as of June 2015. BSNL is the only service provider, making focused efforts
& planned initiatives to bridge the rural-urban digital divide in ICT sector. In fact
there is no telecom operator in the country to beat its reach with its wide network
giving services in every nook and corner of the country & operates across India except
New Delhi & Mumbai.

        The customer satisfaction is the main goal of every business organization. In
this competitive business scenario each and every activity starts and ends with the
customer. In the present scenario, the telecommunication is lifeblood for every business
activities. Even in this industry there prevails a stiff competition between the service
providers. In spite of a well-established network and infrastructure supporting, certain
service providers weren’t able to root their footsteps in the market due to lack in
customer service and satisfaction. Due to this their promotional initiatives haven’t
yielded fruitful results. Since there is a marginal difference between the services
100 ● ISSN: 2319-5770                                                   e-ISSN 2394-1138

rendered, there is more possibility for the subscriber to switch from one service
provider to another based on their satisfaction. So it is ve ry essential for the service
provider to study the customers’ satisfaction level to win the hearts of the customers.

       In this study an attempt is made to study the satisfaction of customers towards
landline services provided by BSNL in Irinjalakuda municipality.

   1. To study the customers’ satisfaction towards landline services provided by
      BSNL in Irinjalakuda municipality.

   2. To analyze the factors influencing the customers’ satisfaction with regard to
      BSNL landline services and to identify the most influencing factor.

   3. To study the customers’ awareness regarding various services provided by
      BSNL to landline customers.

      This is a descriptive type of study undertaken to evaluate the satisfaction of
customers towards landline services provided by BSNL in Irinjalakuda municipality.

Sources of Data: Mainly primary data has been used for the purpose of this study. A
well formulated questionnaire has been used for collecting the primary data. Secondary
data has also been used for the study which is collected from various books, journals
and from the internet.

Sample Size and Type of Sampling: The study was conducted among 50 respondents in
Irinjalakuda town. Convenience sampling method has been used for selecting the 50
samples. Tools for Data Analysis: Percentage analysis is one of the tools used for
analyzing the data. Ranking scale is used to find out customers’ preferences towards
various aspects.

Tools for Presentation: Tables, various charts and diagrams like bar graphs has been
used to support the study.

Limitations of the study
   1. The area of study is limited to Irinjalakuda municipality only; hence the results
      may not be true for other geographical areas.

   2. There is the possibility of ambiguous replies for certain questions in the

   3. The data has been collected from the respondents on the basis of their
      experience in respect of BSNL landline for the last one year.

Data analysis and interpretation
Table 3.1

Customers’ Usage of BSNL Landline
VISTAS Vol. 6, No. 1 ● 101

     Sl. No.      Year of Usage                    Number          of   Percentage

     1            0-2 years                        0                    Nil

     2            2-4 years                        4                    8%

     3            4-6 years                        8                    16%

     4            6 and above                      38                   76%

                  Total                            50                   100%

                                                                 (Source: Primary data)

The above table shows that most of the customers included in the sample are using
BSNL landline for a period of 6 and above years. No new customers are included in the
sample as percentage of customers who are using BSNL landline for 0-2 years is nil.

Table 3.2

Customers’ response regarding the type of telephone connection

     Sl. No.     Type of telephone connection      Number          of   Percentage

     1           Pre-paid                          9                    18%

     2           Post paid                         41                   82%

                 Total                             50                   100%

                                                        (Source: Primary data)

From the above table it is clear that majority of customers have post paid type of
telephone connection.

Table 3.3

Customers’ response in respect of caller ID facility

     Sl. No.      Caller ID facility               Number          of   Percentage

     1            Having caller ID                 21                   42%

     2            Not having caller ID             29                   58%

                  Total                            50                   100%

                                                         (Source: Primary data)

It is clear from the above table that most of the customers do not have caller ID facility
with their telephone.

Table 3.4

Mode of Payment of telephone bill by the customers
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    Sl. No.      Mode of Payment                  Number         of   Percentage

    1            Counter payment in BSNL Office   24                  48%

    2            In Post Office                   16                  32%

    3            Through Bank Account             1                   2%

    4            Online                           9                   18%

                 Total                            50                  100%

                                                       (Source: Primary data)

The above table makes clear that most of the customers are making the payment of
their telephone bill through the BSNL office directly.

Table 3.5

Technical problem faced by the customers in their landline connection

     Sl. No.      Technical Problem               Number         of   Percentage

     1            Line fault                      10                  38%

     2            Cross talk                      19                  20%

     3            Lack of clarity                 10                  46%

     4            No dialer tone                  23                  18%

     5            Faulty instrument               9                   14%

     6            No technical problem            7                   20%

                                                         (Source: Primary data)

We can understand from the above table that the major technical problem faced by the
customers is the lack of clear voice while making calls.

Table 3.6

Customers’ response regarding voice clarity of calls

     Sl. No.      Lack of Clarity                 Number         of   Percentage

     1            Often                           6                   12%

     2            Sometimes                       20                  40%

     3            Occasionally                    10                  20%

     4            Never                           14                  28%

                  Total                           50                  100%

                                                        (Source: Primary data)
VISTAS Vol. 6, No. 1 ● 103

The above table shows that majority of customers faces the difficulty of voice clarity

Table 3.7

Customers’ response regarding difficulties in the payment of the bill

     Sl. No.    Difficulties                               Number          of   Percentage

     1          Crowd in the counter                       11                   22%

     2          Inconvenient working hours                 1                    2%

     3          Short grace period                         8                    16%

     4          No difficulty                              30                   60%

                Total                                      50                   100%

                                                                    (Source: Primary data)

It is clear from the given table that majority of the customers does not face any kind of
difficulty in the payment of their telephone bill.

Table 3.8

Customers’ response regarding Mode of Communication with the BSNL office
in the event of complaint

     Sl. No.            Mode                     of   Number               of   Percentage
                        Communication                 Respondents

     1                  Directly in the office        9                         18%

     2                  By phone                      41                        82%

                        Total                         50                        100%

                                                                    (Source: Primary data)

The above table shows that the major part of the respondents communicates to the
BSNL office by phone in the event of complaints.

Table 3.9

Customers’ response regarding grievance redressal mechanism by BSNL

     Sl. No.     Frequency      of    grievance       Number               of   Percentage
                 redressal                            Respondents

     1           Immediately                          9                         18%

     2           In reasonable time                   28                        56%

     3           Very slowly                          5                         10%

     4           No complaint                         8                         16%
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                    Total                               50                        100%

                                                                  (Source: Primary data)

From the above table it is clear that the majority of customers are of the opinion that
their complaints are cleared by the BSNL in reasonable time.

Table 3.10

Customers’     response    regarding    source                         of       information            on
concessions/offers/schemes provided by BSNL

     Sl.      Source of Information                               No.            of    Percentage
     No.                                                          Respondents

     1        Through BSNL office                                 13                   26%

     2        Through the Advertisements                          20                   40%

     3        Through friends/relatives/neighbours                17                   34%

              Total                                               50                   100%

                                                              (Source: Primary data)

As per the details given in the above table it is clear that most of the respondents know
about the concessions/offers/schemes provided by the BSNL through advertisements.

Likert Scale

Likert scale was developed by Rensis Likert. It is a summated rating scale based on
item analysis. This means that the items making up a likert scale are summed up to
produce a total score. It consists of a number of statements which expresses either
appositive or negative attitude towards the object of interest. It is designed to measure
the intensity with which an attitude is expressed. The respondent is asked to agree or
disagree with each statement. Each response is given a numerical score to reflect its
degree of attitude favourableness.

Table 4.1

Customers’ levels of satisfaction in respect of various factors and ranks
obtained by each factors

                            Highly      Satisfied   Neutral   Dissati       Highly      Total   Mea         Rank
                                                              sfied         Dissati             n
                            Satisfied                                       sfied

                      x     5           4           3         2             1

  Towards     the     f     _           23          21        3             3           50      3.28        5th
  call rate
                      fx    _           92          63        6             3           164

  Towards    the      f     3           29          14        3             1           50      3.6         2nd
  extend of free
  calls               fx    15          116         42        6             1           180
VISTAS Vol. 6, No. 1 ● 105

  Towards      the    f      1             11          21         16        1         50      2.9        7th
  rental plans
                      fx     5             44          63         32        1         145

  Towards      the    f      1             32          10         7         _         50      3.54       3rd
  billing system
                      fx     5             128         30         14        _         177

  Towards      the    f      2             43          4          1         _         50      3.92       1st
  mode           of
  payment             fx     10            172         12         2         _         196

  Towards       the   f      1             19          10         10        10        50      2.82       8th
  voice clarity
                      fx     5             76          30         20        10        141

  Towards      the    f      1             30          14         4         1         50      3.52       4th
                      fx     5             120         42         8         1         176

  Towards     the     f      _             17          22         10        1         50      3.1        6th
  service             fx     _             68          66         20        1         155

From the above table it is clear that the most important factor which makes the
customers satisfied towards the services provided by the BSNL is the mode of payment
of the bill. At the same most of the customers are highly dissatisfied toward the voice

Table 4.2

Customers’ levels of awareness in respect of various services and ranks
obtained by them

                                      Fully      Partially   Not       Total       Mean      Rank
                                      Aware      Aware       Aware

                                 x    3          2           1

    Towards the rental           f    4          34          12        50          1.84      2nd
                                 fx   12         68          12        92

    Towards            the       f    7          30          13        50          1.88      1st
    customer          care
    service                      fx   21         60          13        94

    Towards       the            f    1          14          35        50          1.32      4th
    customer meet
                                 fx   3          28          35        66

    Towards the BSNL             f    6          30          14        50          1.84      2nd
                                 fx   18         60          14        92

    Towards the call             f    3          33          14        50          1.78      3rd
    rate for STD & ISD
                                 fx   9          66          14        89
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The above table shows that most of the customers are well aware about customer care
service provided by the BSNL. Customers’ awareness towards customer meet is very

Weighted Ranking Scale

   Ranking scales are used to tap the preferences between two or more objects or items.
Respondents are asked to give rank 1 for the item which is mostly preferred by them.
And rank 2 is given to 2nd preferred item and so on. The weights are assigned to each
rank. For rank 1, highest weight is given, for rank 2 second highest weight is given and
so on.

Table 4.3

Ranks given by the customers in respect of the reasons by which customers
still have the landline connection, in this era of cell phones

                              Rank      1         2         3         4            Total        Mean      Rank

                              x         4         3         2         1

   For      broadband         f         17        6         4         23           50           2.34      3rd
   internet connection
                              fx        68        18        8         23           117

   For free calls             f         7         20        17        6            50           2.56      2nd

                              fx        28        60        34        6            128

   Convenience to old         f         22        11        10        7            50           2.96      1st
   family members             fx        88        33        20        7            148

   Cheap means           of   f         4         13        19        14           50           2.14      4th
                              fx        16        39        38        14           107

It is clear from the above table that most of the customers are still having their landline
connection because it is convenient to old age or illiterate family members.

Table 4.4

Customers’ response regarding attracting factors of BSNL landline

                    Rank           1    2    3         4    5    6        7    8         Total     Mean         Rank

                    x              8    7    6         5    4    3        2    1

  Low deposit       f              4    6    6         3    10   4        7    10        50        4.02         6th
                    fx             32   42   36        15   40   12       14   10        201

                    f              22   6    6         9    2    4        _    1         50        6.4          1st
VISTAS Vol. 6, No. 1 ● 107

  Free    calls   fx     176    42   36    45   8     12   _     1     320

  Monthly rent    f      1      4    3     3    7     8    11    13    50       3.12     8th

                  fx     8      28   18    15   28    24   22    13    156

  Call rates      f      _      4    13    11   10    4    4     4     50       4.5      5th

                  fx     _      28   78    55   40    12   8     4     225

  Easy            f      7      9    6     9    10    6    3     _     50       5.28     2nd
                  fx     56     63   36    45   40    18   6     _     264

  Billing         f      6      9    6     8    1     12   7     1     50       4.84     3rd
                  fx     48     63   36    40   4     36   14    1     242

  Voice clarity   f      2      6    3     4    3     6    9     17    50       3.22     7th

                  fx     16     42   18    20   12    18   18    17    161

  Service         f      8      6    7     3    7     6    9     4     50       4.62     4th

                  fx     64     42   42    15   28    18   18    4     231

The above table makes it clear that the first attracting factor of BSNL landline
connection is the free calls permitted by it to its customers. Majority of customers opine
that monthly rent is not an attracting factor to them.

   1. Respondents are not being informed about new schemes and services. Thus,
      BSNL may conduct more campaigns to make them aware of new schemes.

   2. Respondents’ complaints are not being addressed immediately. So BSNL may
      take necessary steps in order to improve the customers’ satisfaction.

   3. More well qualified technicians and linemen may appointed by BSNL.

   4. BSNL may reduce the monthly rent charged by it from its customers.

   5. BSNL may provide variety facilities to the existing subscribers for adding new
      clients to their basket.

      From the study it is identified that the service provided by BSNL is at
satisfactory level to the expectations of a substantial pe rcentage of respondents. But
most of the respondents are not satisfied with the attitude of the staff and responses
to their queries, enquiry about different schemes and services. Therefore, BSNL should
concentrate on improving their staff who response on behalf of them to stay in the
competitive world. Most of the customers say that there not sufficient number of staffs
in BSNL office. It is the reason by which the customers’ complaints are not addressed
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immediately. Moreover, BSNL should appoint well qualified technicians and linemen
in each office.


   1. Kothari. C.R (2004): “Research Methodology Methods & Techniques”, New Age
      International Publishers, New Delhi, 2nd Edition.

   2. Richard I. Levin, David S. Rubin (2004): “Statistics for Management”, Prentice
      Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 7th Edition.

Articles & Journals

   1. Consumer Studies, 1991, Vol. 31

   2. Marketing Science, 1994, Vol.13

   3. Journal of Marketing, July 1994, Vol. 58

   4. International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol.17

   5.   International Journal of Business and Social Science, December 2011, Vol. 2

   6. “EU Financing for Broadband Infrastructure Projects 2014-2020”, Interactive
      Seminar, 26th -27th September 2016, Berlin.





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