DENVER EXPRESS - Denver Borough, PA

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DENVER EXPRESS - Denver Borough, PA
                              THE DENVER BOROUGH NEWSLETTER

Winter/Spring 2021                           501 Main Street, Denver, PA 17517             Volume 87, Issue 1                           Phone 717-336-2831, Ext.1           

                                                                New Denver Borough Treasurer
                                                                       Karen A. Lund
                                                         On Monday, February 1, 2021, the Borough
                                                         welcomed Karen A. Lund as the new Borough
                                                         Treasurer. In her role as Borough Treasurer, Ms.
                                                         Lund will provide all accounts payable, accounts
                                                         receivable, payroll, record keeping, and reporting
                                                         functions for the Borough including the processing of
                                                         documents and information and the collection,
                                                         disbursement, and accounting of all Borough
                                                         revenues and expenditures. The Borough Treasurer’s
                                                         work is performed in accordance with established
                                                         municipal finance procedures, local ordinances, and
         Barbara A. Artz Retirement                      Pennsylvania statutes governing the responsibilities
                                                         of local government financial operations.
On January 15, 2021, Barbara A. Artz retired from her
position as the Administrative Assistant/Borough         If you have any questions concerning the Borough’s
Treasurer for Denver Borough. Ms. Artz served in         accounts payable and receivable functions, Ms. Lund
that position from June, 1998 through January, 2021,     can be reached at 717-336-2831, Ext. 2 and at
and during that time, oversaw the financial accounts,
disbursements, and payroll for the Borough.

Ms. Artz was integral in the development and
implementation of many of the community programs
started and continuing in the Borough today including
the annual Tree Lighting Ceremony.

Borough Manager Michael Hession stated that
“Barbara Artz has been a tremendous asset to the
Borough for the last 20 plus years. Her commitment
to her work, the staff, and the community has defined
her as a true public servant. Denver Borough is a        Did You Know…
much better place due to her service and I am a better
person for having had the pleasure of working with                    Denver Borough installed and offers to the
her and learning from her during that time. She will                  community two (2) electric vehicle (EV)
be greatly missed.”                                                   charging stations. The EV stations are
                                                                      located in the Borough’s Main Street
                                                                      Parking Lot in Cherry Alley behind the
The Borough wishes Ms. Artz nothing but success          Unruh Insurance Building on Main Street. The EV
and good fortune in the future and thanks her for her    stations were installed using grant funding from the
service to our community.                                department of Environmental Protection (DEP).
DENVER EXPRESS - Denver Borough, PA
2021 Denver Borough Street Sweeping                           2021 Street Improvement Project
                                                          The 2021 Street Improvement Project includes base
                                In 2021, the Borough      repairs to Locust Street from North 3rd Street to North
                                has contracted with       6th Street and the reconstruction and paving of Cherry
                                Central PA Sweepers       Alley from North 4th Street to North 5th Street.
                                for    the    second
                                consecutive year to       The Locust Street component of this project includes
                                provide         street    base repairs of approximately 1,800 square yards of
sweepers and operators to sweep all Denver Borough        Locust Street between North 3rd Street and North 6th
streets totaling 16 road miles (32 lane miles)            Street. The work will include an excavation of these
including all paved alleyways, the Denver Borough         areas to a depth of 10 inches; the installation of
Municipal Building parking lot, and the Denver Fire       PennDOT 2A Aggregate Stone Subbase for a depth
Company parking lot. Listed below is a summary of         of six (6) inches; and the installation of four (4) inches
the street sweeping schedule for 2021:                    of Superpave Asphalt Mixture Binder Course (19.0
                                                          mm). Following the select base repair in 2021, the
                                                          Borough plans to repave Locust Street from North 3rd
       April 26th and April 27th – Odd Side
                                                          Street to North 6th Street in 2022.
       April 28th and April 29th – Even Side
                                                          In 2021, the Borough also will reconstruct and repave
The 2021 Denver Borough Street Sweeping Program           Cherry Alley from North 4th Street to North 5th Street.
is scheduled to begin on Monday, April 26th and           The work will include an excavation of these areas to
Tuesday, April 27th, with the sweeping of the ODD         a depth of 10 inches; the installation of a Geogrid
number side of the streets. On Wednesday, April 28th      material for the width and length of the alley; the
and Thursday, April 29th, the EVEN number side of         installation of PennDOT 2A Aggregate Stone
the streets will be swept. The Public Works               Subbase for a depth of six (6) inches; and the
Department will begin posting the Borough streets         installation of four (4) inches of Superpave Asphalt
with No Parking signs beginning on Thursday, April        Mixture Binder Course (19.0 mm). The alley project
22, 2021.                                                 also will include a line item for soft and yielding
Please note, the 2021 Street Sweeping Program will
be conducted the same way that it was conducted in        The Borough will open the Bids for the 2021 Street
2020. In 2021, the street sweepers will sweep the         Improvement Project on Tuesday, March 23, 2021.
ODD address side of all streets in the Borough on         Borough Council will consider awarding the contract
April 26th and April 27th. On April 28th and April 29th   during their meeting on Monday, March 29, 2021.
the street sweepers will sweep the EVEN address side      The project will be scheduled to begin construction
of all streets in the Borough. Please note this change    on June 14, 2021, and to be substantially complete by
if you will be parking on the streets during the street   August 13, 2021. This Project will be funded by a
sweeping days to avoid causing disruptions to the         combination of Liquid Fuels funding and Borough
street sweeping program and being issued a parking        General Fund revenues.

The street sweepers also will sweep all paved
alleyways in the Borough, the Municipal Building
parking lot, the Recreation Center and Scout House
Parking lots, and the Denver Fire Company parking
lots. Your cooperation with parking in accordance
with the schedule above will be most appreciated and
will enable the street sweepers to provide a more
thorough result.
DENVER EXPRESS - Denver Borough, PA
2021 Spring Events in Denver Borough
On Saturday, April 3, 2021, the Denver Lions Club will host the Denver Lions Club’s
Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Denver Memorial Park and Playground, 801 Main
Street, Denver, PA. The event is free and starts at 1:00 p.m. Due to the Covid-19
Pandemic, this year’s Denver Lions Egg Hunt will be drive-thru only. Ages 0 to 12
are able to participate. Candy and gifts will be distributed during the event.

               Annual Denver Park Clean-up Project ***VOLUNTEERS NEEDED***

                                   The 2021 Denver Memorial Park Clean-up Day is scheduled for
                                   Saturday, April 10, 2021, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Volunteers from the
                                   Borough will meet at the Denver Memorial Park entrance on Main Street
                                   to fan out to gather sticks, twigs, and trash debris from the Park and to pile
                                   this debris at various locations in the Park to be picked up and either
                                   recycled or disposed of properly. Please take some time out of your busy
                                   spring schedule to volunteer on the clean-up day and help the Park become
                                   one of the best in the region.

On Saturday, April 24, 2021, beginning at 9:00 a.m. the Shade Tree
Commission will hold the 2021 Denver Borough Arbor Day Ceremony
on the public sidewalk located at 20 Main Street, Denver. The Ceremony
will include the reading of the Arbor Day Proclamation by Mayor Rodney
Redcay, and will be followed by the presentation of the Tree City USA
designation by a representative from the Department of Conservation and
Natural Resources. Following the ceremony, volunteers will assist the
Shade Tree Commission with the planting of trees at this location and
other locations on main Street and North 4th Street.

                        The 2021 Chip Leasure 5K Run is scheduled for Saturday, May 1, 2021,
                        beginning at 9:00 a.m. starting at the Cocalico School District Complex on South
                        4th Street. The event will include wave times to allow for smaller groups of
                        runners to begin at different times. The proceeds from the race will be used as a
                        scholarship fund for Cocalico High School Seniors pursuing a trade/vocational

The Denver Fire Company will host a Food Truck Street Fair on Saturday,
May 8, 2021, from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., on Locust Street between North
3rd Street and North 4th Street. The Fire Company will utilize the Fire
Company parking lot and surrounding business parking lots for vehicle

DENVER EXPRESS - Denver Borough, PA
Denver Skatepark – 2021 Addition                    2021 Utility Billing
                                     The      Cocalico
                                     Alternative Sport    The Borough bills water
                                           Association    and sewer together on a
                                     (CASA)        has    quarterly basis. Listed
                                     submitted     and    below are the dates for the quarters, the dates that the
                                     received approval    bills are mailed, and the due dates for each of the
                                     from     Borough     quarters:
                                     Council         to
                                     complete       the   Billing Quarters           Mailed By:      Due Date:
Denver Skatepark 2021 Addition. The project               1st Qtr. (11/01 – 01/31)   February 15th   March 15th
includes replacing the two (2) concrete ramps built       2nd Qtr. (02/01 – 04/30)   May 15th        June 15th
into the structure and to finish the concrete footprint   3rd Qtr. (05/01 – 07/31)   August 15th     September 15th
of the Skatepark by adding 1,500 square feet of new       4th Qtr. (08/01 – 10/31)   November 15th   December 15th
concrete surface and 300 square feet of new skatepark              Denver Borough Utility Billing E-Bills
features. The total cost for the new footprint and        The Borough of Denver offers water and sewer customers
features is $10,500.00. Arment Concrete will be           in the Borough the opportunity to receive your quarterly
completing the work.                                      water and sewer bills electronically via email. Property
                                                          owners interested in participating in the Borough’s Utility
Borough Council approved an allocation of $5,250.00       E-Bill Program can register for this service at no cost by
for the project contingent upon CASA securing             submitting    an     email     to     the   Borough      at
matching funding for the project from either the and including the following
Denver Recreation Board or through fundraising.           information: Property Owner Name, Address, Telephone
                                                          Number, and Email Address.
Once funding is finalized, it is projected that the
                                                          Upon receipt of the email requesting the E-Bill service, the
project will begin, weather permitting, in March,         Borough will make the adjustment to your account. Please
2021 and should be completed prior to the summer of       note, by registering for paperless billing the Borough no
2021.                                                     longer will mail you a paper copy of your quarterly utility
If you are interested in getting involved with this
project or donating funding to help offset the project                   Utility Bill Payment Options
costs, please contact Tara Erkinger, Vice President,      Denver Borough water and sewer customers have a variety
CASA at          of options available to make utility payments including
__________________________________________                paying in person at the Municipal Building; placing the
         New Business in Denver Borough                   payment in the drop box to the right of the front door of
                                                          the Municipal Building; mailing the payment through the
                                                          U.S. mail; paying at the Ephrata National bank – Denver
The Borough welcomes the following new computer           Branch (before the due date only); and making credit card
and telephone repair and retail business to the Main      payments online (, at the Municipal
Street Business District:                                 Building, or by telephone.

                        Jukon-Tech Services, LLC          The Borough accepts Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. A
                            354 Main Street,              per transaction convenience fee of 2.65% or $2.50
                           Denver, PA 17517               minimum will be charged by the payment processing
                              610-507-6493                company for this service.

                                                          Please note, all credit card payments for utility bills must
                                                          be paid by 7:00 p.m. on the due date. Any credit card
                                                          payments received after 7:00 p.m. on the due date will be
                                                          credited to the next business day and the account will be
                                                          assessed a 10% penalty.
DENVER EXPRESS - Denver Borough, PA
Denver Borough’s Chesapeake Bay Pollutant                      also working to provide better floodplain
          Reduction Plan (CBPRP)                                 connection and a natural native buffer. The
                                                                 Borough also desired to provide opportunities
Denver Borough Council will receive public                       for residents to connect with nature and the
comments on the revised Chesapeake Bay Pollutant                 Park by including some paths access to other
Reduction Plan (CBPRP) required for the 2018-2023                areas of the park. The Borough received a
NPDES Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems                     grant from the Department of Conservation
(MS4) Permit.                                                    and Natural Resources (DCNR) from the
                                                                 Community       Conservation     Partnerships
As per the Borough’s current MS4 Permit, Denver                  Program for the Denver Park Annex –
Borough is required to show a reduction in Sediment              Cocalico Creek Greenway Development
load of 44,148.24 lbs. by the end of the five (5) year           Project.
permit. In order to meet the required reductions of the
Impaired Stream Pollutant Reduction Plan and the          The revised CBPRP is available for review at the
Chesapeake Bay Pollutant Reduction Plan, the              Denver Borough Municipal Building through March
Borough has planned for the following projects            26, 2021. A digital copy also is available at
within the Borough:                              Interested parties may request
                                                          a copy of the revised CBPRP by contacting the
   1. Denver Memorial Park Rain Gardens - The             Borough     at  717-336-2831,       Ext.   5    or
      Borough in conjunction with the creation of
      areas that are ADA compliant for residents
      and visitors, installed four (4) Rain Gardens       Interested parties may submit written comments,
      throughout the Park to capture, filter, and         which must be postmarked no later than Friday,
      infiltrate runoff from the Park. The Rain           March 26, 2021, and shall be addressed to Michael
      Gardens provide education tools for residents       Hession, Borough Manager, Borough of Denver, 501
      to see and observe while also providing             Main Street, Denver, PA 17517. Comments also may
      pollutant reductions in sediment, phosphorus,       be         submitted       electronically      at
      and nitrogen before flowing into the Cocalico The email subject line
      Creek.                                              shall include “Comments – Borough of Denver
   2. Declaration House Riparian Forested
      Buffer – As part of the land development plan       Borough Council also will provide an opportunity for
      for the former Denver House, a riparian buffer      interested parties to provide comments during their
      easement was created along the banks of             regularly scheduled meetings on March 8, 2021 and
      Cocalico Creek in order to provide an               on March 29, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at 501 Main Street,
      opportunity to create a healthy riparian buffer     Denver, PA 17517. All comments will be considered
      to treat runoff from areas of the Borough and       by Borough Council at a public meeting to be held on
      Main Street. The Borough partnered with the         Monday, March 29, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. at 501 Main
      property owner who provided the easement            Street, Denver, PA 17517.
      and volunteers to plant native vegetation to
      create the desired BMP facility.

   3. Streambank Restoration and Riparian
      Forested Buffer in the Cocalico Creek in
      the Denver Park Annex - The proposed
      streambank restoration and riparian buffer
      area is located along the northwest border
      between the Denver Park Annex property and
      the Cocalico Creek that flows towards the
      south past the site. The Borough will regrade
      and restabilize the stream embankment while
DENVER EXPRESS - Denver Borough, PA
Denver Borough Recreation Board Vacancy                 If you are interested in being considered to serve the
                                                           Borough on the Recreation Board, please submit a
The Denver Borough Recreation Board currently has          letter of interest highlighting your recreation and/or
a vacancy for a three (3) year term that expires on        volunteer experience to Michael Hession, Borough
December 31, 2023. The interested applicant must be        Manager, 501 Main Street, Denver, PA, or via email
a Denver Borough resident.                                 at

The Denver Recreation Board is a nine (9) member                Denver Volunteer Garden Club (DVGC)
advisory board to Borough Council providing reports
and recommendations to Borough Council                                         The Denver Volunteer Garden
concerning the provision of park, recreation, and open                         Club is an active volunteer
space programs and facilities in Denver                                        garden club for Denver PA,
Borough. The Recreation Board meets on the third                               whose mission is to beautify
Monday of every month 7:00 p.m. at the Denver                                  and maintain the parks and
Borough Municipal Building.                                                    public areas in the Borough.
                                                                               Please note, to be a member
The Recreation Board’s mission is to provide               you do not need to live in Denver - everyone is
essential park and recreation programs as well as to       welcome.     For more information please contact
promote, coordinate, maintain, and evaluate                Mindi Stoner, DVGC Chairperson, at 717-336-4885.
recreation activities and facilities on an equitable
basis for all ages and interests.

                                     Denver Fire Company 2020 Report

                  During 2020, the Denver Fire Company responded to 174 calls for assistance. These calls
                  included 165 emergencies, 10 working fires and 10 vehicle accidents requiring extrication
                  of victims. The Denver Fire Company also provided mutual aid by assisting 14 other fire
                  departments located in 10 municipalities.

                   The average response time for the Fire Company was 3.9 minutes. That means that a fire
truck was responding to an emergency call in less than four (4) minutes after dispatch by the County 911
center. This is especially important since for most calls, firefighters were not at the station, but had to respond
from home or work. A total of 2,082 firefighters responded to calls with an average response of 12.6
firefighters per call.

In 2020, the volunteer firefighters spent 2,698 hours in training. The Denver Fire Company requires firefighters
to participate in training. There is a weekly training at the fire house and many firefighters also take additional
training for certifications. Please note, the Denver Fire Company is staffed completely by volunteers and relies
on donations and contributions through their annual Fund Drive to pay for operating expenses such as
insurance, maintenance, and equipment.

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