Democratising the worldwide subscriptions economy - Whitepaper - Subbit 2018

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Democratising the worldwide subscriptions economy - Whitepaper - Subbit 2018

the worldwide

             © Subbit 2018
Democratising the worldwide subscriptions economy - Whitepaper - Subbit 2018
Abstract 03

Introduction 05

Problem Specification 07

Solution 09

Blockchain solution 12

Markets 14

Benefits for Vendors 20

Benefits for Consumers 22

Product 24

Key features 29

SUBBIT ecosystem 32

SBT Token 36

Investment rounds 39

Tokensale 40

Core team 41

Disclaimer 44

Roadmap 46
Democratising the worldwide subscriptions economy - Whitepaper - Subbit 2018
SUBBIT is a new payment
alternative, which allows
consumers to pay for just
about anything on a monthly
subscription basis, rather than
by cash or card.

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Democratising the worldwide subscriptions economy - Whitepaper - Subbit 2018

 SUBBIT is powered by
 smart mobile technology
 and enables any business to
 convert virtually any product
 or service into a subscription

The SUBBIT token is a modular utility token,
developed on the Ethereum blockchain, which
gives users access to exclusive products,
savings and cash-back rewards within the
SUBBIT network.

Our vision is to create a new exciting pattern
of consumption worldwide, which rewards
consumers with better value, and convenient
access to the things they love.

SUBBIT will become the world leader and
market default for B2C subscription payments,
actualising a multi-trillion dollar global market

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Democratising the worldwide subscriptions economy - Whitepaper - Subbit 2018
Subscriptions are fast
becoming the payment method
of choice amongst a millennial
consumer population, which
strongly values access over

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Democratising the worldwide subscriptions economy - Whitepaper - Subbit 2018

 The subscription-based                              The subscriptions model as increased in
 business model is now more                          popularity for two reasons: Firstly, they
                                                     offer consumers a fruitful combination of
 popular than ever, with many                        improved access to a product or service,
 leading consumer brands                             immediate savings and convenience; and for
                                                     businesses they generate recurring revenue
 favouring this approach over                        and improve customer loyalty.
 a traditional single payment
                                                     In fact the model works so well that 90%
 for goods and services.                             of the UK adult population currently have
                                                     an active subscription. This statistic is
$420 Billion was spent on subscriptions in           compounded by an independent research
the US alone in 2015, which was up from              report we commissioned in 2017, which
$215 Billion in 2000 [Credit Suisse] . This          looked at current UK consumer behaviour
huge growth can largely be attributed to             and the demand for consumer subscriptions1
new technology, and more specifically the            .
number of e-commerce and SAAS product
owners, turning to subscriptions to drive
their businesses.

1 An insight into current UK consumer behaviour and the demand potential for democratised consumer

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Democratising the worldwide subscriptions economy - Whitepaper - Subbit 2018
Subscription businesses
have grown 9x faster than
S&P 500 company revenues
[Subscription Economy Index
(SEI) - Zoura], but until now,
this lucrative economy has
been dominated by larger
organisations, and those with
a strong focus on e-commerce,
SaaS tools, and digital
streaming services.

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Democratising the worldwide subscriptions economy - Whitepaper - Subbit 2018
Problem Specification

 As a result, a large percentage                    depend on the customer to either carry
 of the overall consumer                            paper cards or to download a single-purpose,
                                                    proprietary app. These types of loyalty
 economy remains untapped                           schemes seldom offer upfront savings
 and millions of businesses                         or improve on overall convenience for
 worldwide are at risk of being
 left behind.                                       Similar problems exist for other micro and
                                                    SME businesses, and even charities, where
                                                       gaining access to the subscriptions
                                                                           economy is expensive,
The retail gap                                                              time-consuming and
This includes
physical retailers
(e.g. local shops                                                        The trend
and restaurants)                                                          for [online
and other service-                                                         retailers] to
led businesses                                                             take physical
such as gardeners,                                                          stores will
personal trainers or                                                         undoubtedly
independent coffee                                                           accelerate as
shops,                                                                  increased online
                                                          competition and lower rates of
The challenge for high                              sales growth requires them to find a
street businesses, is not only to compete           competitive edge.”
with their online counterparts, but also to         [Mark Charlton - Head of Forecasting and Research
find ways to harness technology to improve          at Colliers]
interactions for their customers.

                                                    Problem summary
Loyalty is key
                                                    There is no standout product or mechanism
Consumer research points to customer                which enables businesses of any type or size,
loyalty as being a big issue of concern             simple, fast and affordable access to the
amongst many service-driven high street             subscriptions economy.

In response to this issue, some have
introduced loyalty schemes, but the
mechanics of this are often clunky and

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Democratising the worldwide subscriptions economy - Whitepaper - Subbit 2018
SUBBIT is the world’s first
subscription marketplace,
which allows consumers to
pay for just about anything on
a monthly subscription basis,
rather than by cash or card.

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Democratising the worldwide subscriptions economy - Whitepaper - Subbit 2018

                    By using our smart mobile app, users
                    can subscribe to their favourite shops,
                    restaurants, leisure activities and many
                    other popular mainstream products and

                 In practical terms, SUBBIT makes it easier to pay for any
                 product or service consumers might use on a regular basis
                 - and offers many advantages over other payment methods,
                 such as exclusive access, discounts and rewards.

                 SUBBIT is also the most convenient payment alternative
                 around. There’s no need to carry cash or a card, all you need
                 is your smartphone to unlock a smooth and flexible consumer

                 SUBBIT is leading the way for a new and exciting pattern of
                 consumption, which gives consumers convenient access to the
                 things they love.

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Tech meets subscriptions

SUBBIT completely democratises the
subscriptions economy by giving every
business instant access to the subscriptions
economy, right from their smartphone.               89% of UK
We have built a comprehensive end-to-end
digital solution, which makes the entire
process as simple as possible for both
                                                    adults have
businesses and consumers.

This includes an intuitive mobile app, which
                                                    at least
allows users to subscribe to a business in just
a few taps on their smartphone, replacing the
slow and restrictive onboarding process used
                                                    one active
by traditional subscription services.
Total democratisation

This blows the rigid subscriptions economy
wide open, by removing barriers to
entry, and creating brand new markets
and opportunities for retail and other
independent businesses.

SUBBIT disrupts the global consumer
economy by offering a viable and frictionless
(subscription-based) payment alternative to
cash and card.

SUBBIT democratises the global
subscriptions economy by giving every
business instant access to a subscription-
based payment model.

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SUBBIT is a truly crossover
platform, meaning users can
choose to spend either fiat
currency, cryptocurrency, or a
combination of both within the

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Blockchain solution

 At launch, the platform will                       Subbit is the first product to truly expose the
 support a range of popular                         mass consumer market to cryptocurrency
                                                    payments and enable users to access
 tokens and coins, as well as our                   thousands of everyday products and services.
 own proprietary SBT token.                         In doing so, it will democratise the vworldwide
                                                    subscriptions economy across several key
 The SBT token will give users                      global markets.
 exclusive access to premium
                                                    Instead, users subscribe to the product or
 ‘SBT-only’ subscriptions, as                       service they need and pay for it on a monthly
 well as other discounts and                        basis. This subscription model solves two
                                                    huge problems for cryptocurrency spenders.
 rewards.                                           Firstly, slow transaction times are no longer
                                                    an issue. Our smart contracts are designed
                                                    specifically for subscriptions, meaning they
SUBBIT makes cryptocurrency                         can commit a recurring payment for an
spendable at thousands of                           ongoing service and from any payment
mainstream businesses                               method you choose. Because the service
                                                    you receive during a subscription is ongoing,
                                                    the need for an instant transaction to be
                                                    committed to the blockchain is circumvented.

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SUBBIT makes the process
of subscribing to services
so simple, that we don’t just
aim to capture a portion of
the existing subscriptions
economy, but instead stimulate
brand new markets and grow
the economy exponentially.

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 Our focus is aimed specifically
 at businesses, which retain a
 physical interaction with their
 customers (such as shops,
 salons and restaurants),
 rather than businesses which
 only sell online.

SUBBIT will facilitate a new pattern of             Whilst our marketing strategy is aimed at
consumption and become the default                  these types of businesses, we fully anticipate
payment method within four key target               other business types and entrepreneurs
markets worth a collective £2 trillion in the       to adopt our evolved subscriptions model
UK alone.                                           and use SUBBIT as a primary driver in their
                                                    business activity.
SMEs/Micro Businesses
SUBBIT is the first and only product to             The list of businesses types within our SME
enable a simple, instant subscription               market continues to grow rapidly and we
transaction at any physical point of sale,          project to have 100,000 active business on
without the need for any hardware other             the platform by the end of our first year’s
than a mobile phone.                                trading.

Simply put, SUBBIT gives every small                Competitors
business instant access to the subscriptions        There are no mmediate competitors in this
economy for no extra cost.                          market which offer an instant subscription
                                                    payment solution. We aim to become the
We will market SUBBIT to local shops, salons        default payment method for any product or
and restaurants, as well as other small and         service, which a consumer purchases on a
independent businesses such as personal             regular basis.
trainers, car washes, domestic cleaners,
sports clubs and health practitioners to name
but a few. These types of businesses are            Our total addressable market for
unique in that they typically offer services        SMEs is worth an estimated annual
that are purchased or consumed at frequent          £1.9tn in the UK alone

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Charities and NGOs                                   The SUBBIT Subscriptions Partnership
                                                     Network (SSPN) ™ will give charities an
SUBBIT will enable every registered charity          unparalleled reach into new markets and
to collect donations instantly and on a secure       define a user experience, which values
digital platform for no extra cost.                  and rewards those who give through our
There are 185,000 registered charities in the
UK alone, many of which do not have their            By using SUBBIT, charities will no longer
own digital collection platform.                     need to request details from potential
                                                     customers on the street. Instead all they
SUBBIT users complete one single                     need to do is show people a unique
onboarding process to gain access to                 SUBBIT QR code, which can be scanned by
thousands of subscription packages in our            anyone using the SUBBIT app to subscribe
marketplace - this includes charities.               instantly. This removes the need for
                                                     paperwork, registration forms and direct
Research tells us that just 7.2% of UK               debit instructions, which carry such a huge
charity donations were made online during            administrative burden for many charities.
2016. Compare this to 19% of total UK
business turnover coming via e-commerce.             This innovative approach to donations will
                                                     revolutionise the charity sector and ensure
We have identified this gap and tailored our         organisations of any size benefit from the
product to resolve issues around outreach            convenience of mobile payments.
and collections, which are faced by charities
in the modern consumer age.

Competitors                                          Our total addressable market for
It is important to consider the difference           charities and NGOs is £75bn in the
between SUBBIT and other donations and               UK alone
‘giving’ digital platforms. Our interest is fixed
firmly on democratising the subscriptions
economy and creating a new pattern of
consumption built around convenient
subscription payments.

That being said, SUBBIT will facilitate a
completely new channel of digital interaction
for the charity sector, and enable frictionless
and non-intrusive donation collections.

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National and global

We will work with carefully selected national
and global chains to increase SUBBIT’s visible
presence in retail hotspots and help establish
market dominance. These will include shops,
salons and restaurants as well as other
physical retail and service-led businesses.

Increased competition and market dilution
within the e-commerce sector has seen a
recent resurgence in high street business.
In 2016 only 7.2% of individual UK charity
donations were made online

SUBBIT is perfectly positioned to not just
capitalise on this existing industry trend,
but also to act as a primary facilitator for
companies wishing to embark on this channel

Our pioneering Access as a Service (AAAS)™
and SUBBIT Subscriptions Partnership
Network (SSPN)™ products, will offer huge
value in this market and give larger chains
access to streams of revenue linked directly
to our evolved subscriptions model.

There are no established digital subscriptions
provider amongst physical retail and service-
led businesses in this market. Some chains
(such as Starbucks or Nandos) offer customer
loyalty schemes, via either a proprietary app
or a paper card.

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Social influencers                                   This means lesser known influencers, despite
                                                     having a loyal core (or indie) following, are
Social influencers are non-celebrities with          unable to meet the demand for their content
wide followings, who promote brands and              simply because they cannot afford to. This
products on popular social media platforms.          creates a monopolistic effect in the industry
These include digital content creators,              where the established influencers continue to
bloggers, vloggers, gamers, podcasters,              grow through existing monetisation channels.
artists and other online personalities.
                                                     SUBBIT democratises the social influencer
This is a very lucrative market said to be           market by allowing anyone to create their
worth in excess of $5 billion globally, but most     own subscription package as way to generate
of this money is generated by advertising and        an income through their following.
sponsorship deals for the influencers with the
widest followings. A general rule of thumb is        Each social influencer (or vendor) is given
that brands will not consider sponsoring or          their own unique SUBBIT QR code, which
advertising with an influencer with less than        they can share with followers to enable them
100,000 followers.                                   to subscribe. This non-intrusive mechanism
                                                     offers an improved user experience when
                                                     compared to traditional revenue generating

                                                     Our total addressable market for
                                                     social influencers globally is in excess
                                                     of $5bn annually

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methods in this market (such as disruptive          of incentives based on their own consumer
video advertising).                                 lifestyle. The incentive will be provided by
                                                    one of our partners in our Subscriptions
By subscribing to a social influencer, users        Partnership Network (SSPN) ™.
can expect access to more, or improved
content as a reward for their loyalty.              So for example, a £10 subscription
                                                    to your favourite social influencer,
The SUBBIT Subscriptions Partnership                not only ensures they can bring
Network (SSPN) ™ will also give social              you more of the content you enjoy,
influencers an opportunity to partner with          but also gives you a free coffee at
popular brands to incentivise their followers,      your favourite local coffee shop.
regardless of the size of their network.

Patreon is a competitor in this market, which
allows content creators to get paid by a
running a membership business their fans.
Patreon have collected 150 million on behalf
of content creators in 2017, and take a 5%
cut giving them a revenue of $7.5 million.

We believe SUBBIT will eclipse this
performance significantly. SUBBIT’s
marketplace includes a diverse portfolio of
products meaning users will be onboarded
through a variety of markets giving us reach
to a far larger user base. SSPN ™ will also
change the landscape for social influencers
and expose the market to endless partnership
and loyalty incentivised opportunities.

Let’s explore Patreon’s model and explain
how SUBBIT aims to eclipse this. Patreon
lean on social influencers themselves to
incentivise ‘fans’ by creating exclusive or
behind-the-scenes content. This not only
increases the workload for the influencer, but
also doesn’t give the ‘fan’ a choice about how
they are rewarded for their loyalty.

By comparison, social influencers using
SUBBIT can offer their subscribers a choice

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Benefits for
We have designed a simple
onboarding process for
vendors which is not only
free, but also takes just a few
minutes to set up.

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Benefits for Vendors

 Once registered, vendors
 can set up their own
 subscription packages in the
 SUBBIT marketplace, and
 start collecting subscription
 payments right away.

By using SUBBIT vendors, will instantly gain
access to the benefits of a subscription-based
business model, including:

  • Customer loyalty

  • Recurring sales

  • Predictable income

  • Better cash flow

  • Improved ledgers

  • No cash handling

SUBBIT also gives these additional benefits to

  • No paperwork

  • Direct in-app messaging to customers

  • Broadcast in-app messaging
    to customers

  • Promotional incentives for customers

  • Exposure to thousands of users
    in our SUBBIT marketplace

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Benefits for
We have also designed a
simple onboarding process for
consumers which is not only
free, but also takes just a few
minutes to set up.

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Benefits for Consumers

 Once registered, users will
 gain instant access to our
 subscriptions marketplace, and
 can subscribe to any package
 they choose right away.

By using SUBBIT, users will instantly gain the
benefits of subscriptions including :

  • Convenience

  • Better value and upfront savings

  • No need to carry cash

  • Access to rewards and promotions

SUBBIT also gives these additional benefits to

  • Register once to access thousands
    of subscription packages

  • Message vendor directly via app

  • Build up your SUBBIT
    score for rewards

  • Spend cryptocurrency with any
    vendor in our marketplace

  • Powered by blockchain technology,
    SUBBIT gives buyers the ultimate
    in simplicity and choice

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Not only is SUBBIT the single
most innovative and user-
centric payment alternative
around - it’s also really easy to

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Our intuitive ‘dual’ consumer
and vendor mobile app
product simplifies the whole
entire subscription payment

                                    Quick signup

                                    Onboarding only takes a minute, with
                                    Facebook and Google account integration, or
                                    simple email registration

               All payments accepted

             SUBBIT accepts all major credit and debit
          cards, Apple Pay. Google Pay, Paypal, Bitcoin,
                      SBT and major cryptocurrencies.

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                             SUBBIT Code Scan ™

                        Find any subscription or vendor in our
                   marketplace instantly using our built-in code

                                          SUBB-it! ™

                                                   You’re now ready to start SUBB-ing ™
                                              subscribe to the things you love in just a few

                          Manage your account

                  Monitor outgoings and build up your SUBBIT
                   score to earn exclusive savings and rewards

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                                    Voucher system

                                    Our simple voucher system turns your
                                    smartphone into a powerful EPOS device
                                    to track your subscription usage at vendor

                     Talk to your vendor

               Our in-app messaging system creates a
          unique communication channel between you
                                    and your vendor

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                                        Exclusive offers

                Get access to exclusive subscriptions from the
               biggest vendors, that aren’t available outside of
                                      the SUBBIT marketplace

                                          Cryptocurrency support

                                          Our in-app wallet and spot exchange allow you
                                          to pay in cryptocurrency at real-time exchange

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Key features
SUBBIT revolutionises point
of sale interactions, creating
a near frictionless end-to-end
experience throughout every
consumer journey.

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Key features

 The SUBBIT revolution is
 driven by our patent-pending
 Subscription Management
 System ™ with powerful built-
 in features, creating a full
 mobile EPOS and enhanced
 digital loyalty solution for
 businesses of all types and

Virtual marketplace

Subbit provides a virtual marketplace, which        that Subbit is designed to enable small
allows third party sellers to sell subscription-    businesses (and individuals) to access the
based products or services.                         subscriptions economy, many of which do not
                                                    have their own online presence.
Unlike other ecommerce or marketplace
solutions, we only support subscription             Subbit marketplace does away with a need
products, making Subbit the first marketplace       for vendors to have their own website (or
of its kind.                                        app), hosting, payment gateway, technology
                                                    and development, marketing and legal
By creating a marketplace we offer sellers a        solutions.
trusted and secure platform to list and sell
subscription products. Subbit are leading           For Subbit, our vision is not only to pioneer
the way for a democratised subscriptions            the subscription marketplace, but for it to
economy and will become synonymous with             be the main driver in the evolution of the
B2C subscriptions in the same way that ‘Just        subscriptions economy. Our operational
Eat’ have become synonymous with takeaway           roadmap already includes key feature
food in the UK.                                     enhancements, which will increase the
                                                    revenue opportunities for vendors and
The reason marketplaces are attractive for          deliver even more value and convenience for
sellers, and especially to smaller sellers, is      users.
that they can attract more online traffic.
This allows sellers to expose their products
to far more potential subscribers, than they
could by listing them on their own individual
websites. It is also important to remember

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Key features

                  Agnostic Payments

                  SUBBIT accepts all mainstream fiat payment methods. These
                  include all major Credit and Debit cards, Paypal, Apple Pay (for
                  iOS devices) and Google Pay (for Android devices).

                  We partner with Stripe, to process all payments in Subbit.
                  Stripe is an American-based company, which operates in over
                  25 countries around the world. Stripe offer a secure, end-to-
                  end payments solution and support all major cards, as well as
                  Paypal and bitcoin.

                  We are strongly focused on data security and GDPR
                  compliance, which was one of the reasons we chose to
                  partner with Stripe. Stripe provide seamless, secure payment
                  processing, which means we never need to store your any
                  customer payment details on our servers. This automatically
                  ensures we achieve PCI DSS compliance and makes no
                  compromise on security for our users.

                  SUBBIT will also accept cryptocurrency payments, as outlined
                  in our delivery roadmap. This includes our own SBT token.
                  Vendors will be able to choose how they wish to be paid for
                  their subscription products and services. They can choose to
                  be paid in fiat currency, cryptocurrency, or a combination of

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We have designed and built
a beautiful suite of intuitive
mobile and web apps, which
makes the subscription
process as simple as possible
for both businesses and
consumers. We call this the
Subbit Ecosystem.

                                 subbit-whitepaper-v1.7   32
SUBBIT ecosystem

 The Subbit Ecosystem
 combines the convenience
 of mobile app technology,
 with the value of subscription
 payments, and has been
 intelligently crafted to release
 the full potential of business-
 to-consumer subscriptions for

We have created:

  • A beautifully intuitive app for
    consumers (Android/iOS)

  • A beautifully intuitive app for
    vendors (Android/iOS)

  • A powerful, easy-to-use
    administrator web app for vendors

  • A social subscriptions feed
    website for consumers

These four abstracted components are
complimented by our SBT token, which acts
as the de-facto, in-app currency for rewarding
loyal vendors and users.

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This diagram shows
                                                                                                                                                  how the SUBBIT
                                                                                                                                                  ecosystem works:


                                Users can deposit into the subbit            Users can set up for recurring
                                 digital wallet using fiat, Bitcoin,           payments to be taken from
                                  Ethereum, SBT and all other                    the normal gateways
                                     major crypto’s via a spot                          system.
                                         exchange system.

Users are rewarded           Or deposits made in fiat or crypto can
  in SBT for using           be held in SBT token where users are
 their SBT balance            rewarded in SBT for each purchase
      to pay for                  and can benefit from token
    subscripE                           growth system.

                                   Deposits made in fiat crypto
                                    can be held in fiat to avoid                                                  Subbit want to be acEe part in
                                         market volaE.                                                           the ongoing success of the SBT
                                                                                                                   token and protocol, so will
                                                                                                                 purchase them from the market
                                                                                                                   constantly to contribute to
                                                                                                                        natural demand.

                      Vendors are rewarded with SBT                                     Vendors are only ever paid out
                      token bonus payouts when they                                    in fiat or SBT, regardless of how
                     choose to receive payment in SBT.                                   their products were paid for.


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SUBBIT ecosystem

SUBBIT App (for users)                              Vendor Admin Panel

The Subbit App (for Android and Apple) is the       Our powerful administration console is
engine of our marketplace. It gives our users       packed with features to convert any product
instant access to everything they need to           or service into a subscription package within
enjoy subscriptions. The features include our       minutes.
patent-pending Subscription Management
System (SSMS), one-to-one messaging,                Create fully customisable subscription
unlimited payment methods, budgeting tools          packages, add and manage colleague profiles
and a subbit profile.                               for teams, view and manage payments and
                                                    produce reports to monitor performance.
                                                    Vendors can also send and receive messages
SUBBIT Smart EPOS                                   and broadcasts to their subscribers for a
App™ (for vendors)                                  complete end to end ehanced ubscriptions
Our Subbit Smart Epos App™ is turns
any smartphone into a complete mobile               Fully integrated with SUBBIT App and
EPoS, allowing vendors to manage their              SUBBIT Smart EPOS App™.
subscription business from any location.

With a built-in QuickScan function,                 SUBBIT Desktop
transactions are fast and frictionless,
and with in-app messaging vendors                   A full responsive desktop version of the
can broadcast their latest news, offers             Subbit platform, designed to compliment our
and promotions to engage directly with              native mobile apps and encourage sharing
subscribers like never before.                      amongst friends.

                                                    The desktop site allows users to share their
                                                    favourite vendors, packages and promotions
                                                    by text, WhatsApp, email or social media,
                                                    even if the recipient doesn’t yet have Subbit
                                                    APP installed on their device.

                                                    Vendors can share their desktop profile
                                                    with potential new subscribers to showcase
                                                    their subscription packages to a worldwide

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SBT Token
Our SBT Token is far more
than a speculative item. It
gives holders access to a truly
spendable item with genuine
growth benefits.

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SBT Token

 The Subbit ecosystem will
 support our SBT token, which
 will be available as detailed in                   Access to                  Earn SBT cashbacks
                                                    exclusive SBT-only         and rewards for
 our Token sale roadmap.                            subscriptions              good use

SBT will be developed on the public Ethereum
blockchain as an ERC20 token. The Ethereum
blockchain is recognised as an industry
standard for issuing custom digital assets          Vendors use                SBT purchased by
                                                    platform for free          Subbit to increase
and smart contracts. By developing on the           when using SBT             demand
Ethereum ecosystem we will gain utility of
the existing infrastructure, technology and

The token will be redeemable on every
subscription product available in our               Increasing benefits        A marketplace built
                                                    for users who earn         around SBT for
marketplace, and consumers will be rewarded         and stake SBT              easy spending
with a percentage-based discount whenever
they spend it. SBT will also grant consumers
premium access to special deals and exclusive
‘SBT-only’ products within the marketplace.

Our development roadmap also includes our
own distributed SBT protocol coin. The SBT
Coin will offer the same benefits as the SBT
token, but will be a fully developed protocol
and blockchain designed to act as the Bitcoin
of subscriptions..

SBT gives holders access to a truly
spendable asset with genuine growth

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       Private sale                   Pre-sale                     Main sale
 (check website for dates)    (check website for dates)     (check website for dates)
Token Cap: 3.1 Billion SBT   Token Cap: 1.86 Billion SBT   Token Cap: 7.44 Billion SBT
   Bonus: Undisclosed               Bonus: 25%                Bonus: 15%, 10%, 5%

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  We believe that digital tokens
  are more than an asset for
  financial speculation.

The purpose of this token sale is to raise enough capital to
establish a de-facto payment platform in the blockchain space and
become a leading global payment solution.

Start date:                                           Sale supply / Total supply:
As detailed on website                                12.4 Billion SBT / 20 Billion SBT

Project protocol:                                     Token price:
ERC 20 ETH                                            80,000 SBT =1 ETH

You can find our current token price on our website

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Core team
 Our core team are perfectly
 balanced to drive the mission

Alex Davy               Andrew Tayo            Andrei Didenko         Onkar Chiroma
Alex is an accoladed    Andrew is an           Andrei is a seasoned   Onkar is our Chief
digital expert and      experienced tech       Blockchain contract    Technology Officer
UX government           entrepreneur and       specialist (CLO)       and international
consultant (Founder)    regarded blockchain                           solutions architect
                        consultant (Founder)                          (CTO)

Amy Yu
Amy is our
Relationship Director
with access to key
global markets

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Core team

Michael Bacia               Alex Antonov             Zeki Sever               Ashimi Adefesobi
Michael is a                Alex is our chief        Zeki is our Marketing    Ashimi is our creative
seasoned blockchain         Token and Smart          Strategist with a rich   director with a wealth
and business                Contract programmer      history in Fintech and   of experience in
development expert                                   Blockchain projects      digital startups

                            Amy Storey               Umer Abbas               Ahsan Imtiaz
Jerry Rana                  Amy is our lead          Umer is our Lead         Ahsan is our Lead iOS
Jerry is our Front End      digital designer and     Android Developer        Developer
programmer                  co-creator of the

Sofia Mancin                Philip Filhol            Rodrick Silva            Nikolay Vaklinov
Sofia is our Social         Philip is a specialist   Rodrick is our digital   Nikolay is our
Media Coordinator           Token sale Social        designer                 Blockchain Technical
                            Community Manager                                 Coordinator

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Core team

Our advisors are blockchain experts and key
community influencers

Prof. Simon Choi            Stefan Beyer            Gilhad Amir
Top global Token sale       Experienced             Banking and Fintech
lawyer                      blockchain and smart    Advisor
                            contract auditor

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Please note that any acquisition and use
of tokens is by nature speculative and               You understand and agree that the token is
intrinsically carries significant financial risks,   not a security and does in no way make you a
including, but not limited to, the possible loss     shareholder of our company. Nor does it give
of all value invested in tokens.                     you any right associated to the shareholding
                                                     or the management of any company,
Prior to purchase, carefully consider the            including the application of our project, or
potential risks and, to the extent necessary,        any of our affiliates or subsidiaries.
consult a lawyer, accountant, and/or tax
professional or other advisors to evaluate the       You are solely responsible for seeking legal,
risk entailed. Do not overcommit.                    business, tax, regulatory, accounting and
                                                     financial advice in the jurisdictions relevant
We make no promises nor warranties                   for you when purchasing tokens. You should
whatsoever of possible gains or returns, in          not interpret the contents of this white paper
cash or in any other form. You can potentially       as legal, business, tax, accounting, investment
lose all your contribution. We also do not           or other advice.
guarantee in any way the success or full
execution of our application of project.             You acknowledge and agree that the token
                                                     sale is not an equity, assets, bonds, securities,
Tokens are utility token tied to our                 debenture, collective investment scheme,
application. They are not, and shall not be          derivatives or any other financial instruments
used in any way as, equity, assets, bonds,           or a sale of derivatives whatsoever. You
securities, debenture, collective investment         understand and agree that the token sale
scheme, derivatives or any other financial           is not done under the supervision of any
instruments.                                         regulator. These terms do not represent a
                                                     prospectus for the issuance of an equity,
You understand and agree that the purchase           assets, bonds, securities, debenture,
of tokens is not meant to generate any profit,       collective investment scheme, derivatives or
interest, gain, dividend nor even to maintain        any other financial instruments.
the substance of your contribution. Your
purchase of tokens is hereby only intended           You acknowledge and agree that neither
to allow us to develop the application of            this whitepaper, nor any of the tokens, have
our project in view of executing its vision as       been or will be registered or filed under
mentioned in this white paper.                       the securities laws or regulations of any
                                                     jurisdiction or approved, recommended
You understand and agree that we do not              or disapproved by any securities or other
owe any debt towards you with respect to             regulatory authority nor has any such
tokens and will have no obligation to buy            authority confirmed the accuracy or
you back any tokens you purchased or to              determined the adequacy of this white paper
refund you in any way, nor to ensure you any         and tokens.
advantage or discount whatsoever in relation
to, or in exchange of, tokens you purchased.

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Follow the progression of
SUBBIT Token sale through
our phased delivery roadmap.

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