Page created by Dave Wheeler

        S T H A PAT YA
NEWSLETTER        LOCKDOWN EXPERIENCE :                     JUL-SEP 2020
                    BEHIND THE SCENES 

              Delhi Technical Campus
                        28, 1, Knowledge Park III,
                      Greater Noida - 201306 (U.P.)

 MANAGEMENT          COVID-19 and Changes in
  Mr.Vipin Sahni     Education
    (Chairman)       In the short run, COVID-19 has
  Hon’ble Justice    had an enormously detrimental
                     impact on education. All over
  Bhanwar Singh      the country and in fact much
(Director General)   of the world, both teachers
                     and students have been caught
 Mrs.Kiran Sahni     unaware       and     unprepared
   (Chairperson)     for this transition to the
                     virtual classroom. Millions of
  Mr.Aman Sahni      students have no laptops, no
                     smartphones, and have lost out
(Vice Chairperson)   on many months already of the
                     education they not only need,
                     but on grounds of equality,
                     deserve. Also missing has been
                     the interaction, the peer-to-peer             Mr. Aman Sahni
                     learnings, the camaraderie and                Vice Chairperson
 SCHOOL OF           the diverse experiences that
                     come with the traditional offline
ARCHITECTURE         education.
                                                           available more widely anyway,
                                                           but engage with that content
Ar Divay Gupta       However, it would be imprudent        and groom themselves into
                     to think that education, the          more effective communicators,
   (Director)        world over, would return to           smarter individuals with astute
                     the old even when it can.
Ar Tanya Gupta       Some changes effected due to
                                                           social skills and strong networks.
                                                           Most importantly, it could well
     (HOD)           COVID-19 are here to stay, on         push students towards being
                     grounds of utility and rationality.   more       self-motivated,    and
                     Educational content that is           empowered with independent
                     made better with the use of           and rational thought and vision
                     technology and doesn’t require
                     interactive deliberation, will
                     replace the regular classroom
                     lecture and be made available
                     for consumption of greater              “The      smallest
                     numbers. A more effective
                     form of classroom teaching              step in the right
                     will evolve, that focuses more          direction ends up
                     on presentations, projects,
                     and review by students, rather          being the biggest
                     than teachers. Universities and
                     colleges thus, would not simply         step of your life.”
EDITORIAL TEAM       be a place where students learn,
  Chief editor       for educational content will be
 Ar. Swati Punyal
 Ar. Richa Singh
    Yash (3-A)
   Ayush (2-B)

                      “The smallest step in the right direction
                      ends up being the biggest step of your

                                                                                 NEWSLETTER 2

  COVID 19 - The New Normal
Today we are confronted with        for this new ‘normal’ of digital
the biggest challenge for our       classes.      Several       informal
generation since the Spanish        initiatives were also required
Flu outbreak in 1918. It has        to mitigate the impact of the
impacted almost all aspects of      pandemic, by communicating
our life and lifestyle, including   with them to keep them
our higher and technical            motivated in these critical
education systems. Education        times. With few initial teething
facilitators were required to       problems,        things      became
innovate and       harness their    smooth, thanks to the inherent
creativity for designing distant    creativity and innovative spirit
online       teaching solutions     embedded with a subject of
ensuring the health and safety      architecture.
of both teachers and students.      Like every adversity, even
Though the collage was closed       this pandemic, also brought
but education had to continue.      along       with      it,    certain
The Department of Architecture      opportunities. It has taught us
at DTC was amongst the first        several life lessons, be it changes
colleges of Architecture in the     in our lifestyles, to prioritizing              Ar. Divay Gupta
region, to offer online platforms   things, or need to curtail our                   Director, SOA
to its students, so that their      carbon foot print, or ways and
education did not suffer in any     means       of     communicating,
way. This transition ofcourse had   engaging and looking after             launched the Salt Satyagraha,
several challenges, considering     each other. All these things will      we too need to look afresh
that architecture teaching and      surely have an impact on the           for a better future of both
learning requires much one on       architecture of the future as well     architecture and its education,
one and hands on approach.          as what and how it is taught.          building upon the learning and
Thus it was important to equip      Like Mahatma Gandhi on                 wisdom gained during these
both the faculty and students       recovering from the Flue,              difficult times.

  COVID 19 - Time to adapt
  “The ability to cope & be flexible when facing change is an important
  surviving skill.”
                                    don’t know when or if the lost         However, it’s also a skill that
                                    jobs will be back, when schools        can be learned.
                                    and offices will reopen, when
                                    we’ll be able to hug parents           Try these tips to cultivate it.
                                    or see faraway friends and
                                    relatives. Many of us don’t            •Accept       the  uncertainty.
                                    know when we’ll be able to pay         Know that there can be many
                                    the rent or the mortgage. Stress       possibilities in unanticipated
                                    and upheaval are coming at us          change
                                    in different ways, and no one
                                    can predict when it will let up.       •Change your thought process
                                    It’s a lot of change to get used
                                    to all at once, and it’s not static.   •Recognize and challenge your
                                    So, going forward, adaptability        negative self-perception
                                    may be our best asset.
                                    Adaptability is the ability to be      •Practice gratitude to form a
        Ar. Tanya Gupta             creative and flexible in the face      positive base to build upon
           HOD, SOA                 of new situations. Most of us
                                    have a tendency to shut down           •Embrace learning
                                    in the face of new things. But
Across the world, humans            change is like a rip current — if
are living through a period         you swim against it, you’ll never
of    extraordinary    change,      reach the shore.
with jobs lost, businesses
closed, graduations canceled,       “Ride change like a wave,
and weddings, moves, and            If you’re in a fall, a rise will
vacations postponed. Familiar       follow.”
routines involving work, school
and weekend recreation have         Adaptability is a crucial skill
been tossed out the window.         during this time of COVID-19.
Moving forward, there’s more        Many believe that adaptability
uncertainty on the horizon. We      is a trait you are born with.


 Breaking the Myth and COVID-19
Mythology lives in ‘myth’,             of acquaintance in different
Science lives in ‘fiction’ and we      whattsapp group and friend
live in ‘logic’                        circle are ‘like minds’. Education
The Great Pandemic of Covid            is career. Family is ‘for granted’
19 has come as a myth breaker          and career is foremost. ‘Work
for old thinking pattern of the        is Worship’ and rest after that.
world population. As an average        For humans Food for thought
middle class citizen of a country,     is as important as Food for
which is confused between              life. Mythology lives in ‘myth’,
Values and Logic primarily by          Science lives in ‘fiction’ and we
foreign influenced education           live in ‘logic’. Development
system, has obviously given us a       is measured by GDP. Citizen
shaken and devastated believe          needs political leadership to
system and a poor ‘lifestyle of        initiate social welfare. Only ‘my’
survival’. The ‘life of limitations’   development matters for my
approach and disconnection             Universe. Science has solutions              Ar. Abhinav GARG
from basic roots of our age old        for everything. Architecture is           Associate professor, SOA
tradition has always forced to         not a correspondence course.
develop an attitude of running         Society will never see ‘dignity’
away from our ‘greater’                of hand work ever after. And the
responsibilities towards society       list goes on…
and environment. The ‘only’
concerned for me and my
family, was a challenge to
face The Great pandemic of
‘Covid 19’. Every moment of
my life has believed (before
Covid) that we have to ‘work’
to ‘live’. We were always taught
that pollution of development
will end life on earth one day.
Birds of same feather flocks
together, so all the battalion

                                       Disappearing Classrooms:
                                       Teaching in Covid Times
                                       issued guidelines to colleges         on online class.Needless to say,
                                       to start online teaching and          the pandemic has transformed
                                       assessment. Changing from             the “centuries-old, chalk–talk
                                       on campus teaching to virtual         “teaching model to one driven by
                                       teaching platform in short notice     technology. Specially while taking
                                       came as a new experience,             studio subjects like Design, new
                                       challenging and self motivating       teaching     methodology        and
                                       for me as well as my colleagues.      techniques (i.e. screen sharing,
                                       Being into Academics and              doodling over pdf file, making
                                       Teaching       profession,       in   time slots for one to one/Group
                                       Architecture, I closely observed      discussion, online briefing, video/
                                       various challenges and problems       audio recording etc.) Adopted in
Ar. Seema Sharma, Asst. Prof.
                                       faced while conducting and            order to provide physical studio
          Ar. Seema Sharma             organizing online classes/ studios    environment to students at home.
       Associate professor, SOA        not only by me but also by my         Now, we all are using various
                                       colleagues. Keeping the students      Virtual Classroom tools like
Ever since the COVID-19                engaged and motivated is not an       Google      Classroom,       Zoom,
pandemic makes the way to our          easy task. That has always been       Skype and Google Meet, to
living spheres, it brought out         the case, and now that they’re        connect with students in a class
many challenges and changes            learning from home and not            like setting online. This allows
in every sector. One of such           even in a physical classroom it       faculty members and students
highly affected sector due to this     becomes a bigger challenge to         to connect through an access
pandemic is the education sector.      have control over online classes.     controlled class website. Faculty
It all started with the temporary      While teaching online, it has been    members upload assignments
closure of colleges around mid         noticed, faces of boredom among       and reading reference materials
of March 2020, as a measure            students. Some of them left the       and students submit the same
to contain the spread of the           mic open when commenting              virtually. Whole team from faculty
novel corona virus. As there is        about your teaching style, or         to teaching assistant is working
uncertainty by when on campus          maybe students are paying             hard to achieve better results
classes will resume, Government        more attention to their game          through this transition of online
                                       consoles rather than to focus         teaching method.

                                                                                                    NEWSLETTER 4

  Encompassing Passion to a new skill
  A new learning during lockdown
There was tremendous insight        the recipe gets its name as the
of keeping ourselves happy          form of the dumpling resembles
during Lockdown. In normal          bride’s veil.Dal Ki Dulhan is a
times where we barely had           wholesome meal made by
time to pursue our passion,         boiling wheat dumplings in hot
lockdown gave, me a beautiful       boiling dal.
opportunity of turning my old
hobby into a new Skill i.e.         Finally managed to share this
Cooking the variety of regional     through my Instagram page-
and traditional cuisines and        Inheritedrecipesbykridha
learning their forms and origins.
Sharing few –
                                       “Stay paitent and                 Ar. Chandrakala    Kesarwani,
                                                                               Ar. Chandrakala Kesarwani,
•DAL - Gujiya locally known                                                     Associate professor, SOA
as Pangojhwa irresistible        trust your journey.”              Asst. Prof.
recipe is reminiscent of the
flavours of Uttar Pradesh.
•Wada Pav-Discovered by a
Mumbaikar almost six decades
ago, in Dadar for workers, Vada
pav in no time became one of
the most humble street food of
Mumbai. One food which can
take taste buds to ecstasy and
lead you to Food mediation.
•Dal Ki Dulhan-Taditional
recipe of Bihar- One pot meal,      Vada pao : every        Dal kiki
                                                            Dal   Dulhan
                                                                     Dulhan           Dal
                                                                                          - Gujiyaor Pangojhwa
                                    mubaikars favorite                                 known as Pangojhwa
                                    Vada pao: every
                                    Initiating conversations during the
                                    mubaikars favorite

                                    lockdown: Thoughts to ponder upon
                                     •The unavailability of domestic     “I am a 60-year-old woman and
                                    helps who couldn’t get out           I live alone. It was so difficult to
                                    of their houses to come to           get my daily tasks done during
                                    the society. Flats with elderly      the lockdown because my house
                                    residents suffered the most due      help couldn’t enter the society.”
                                    this.                                 ~ Shahnaz Hussain, resident
                                    •Earlier vegetable and fruit
                                    sellers used to come inside          “I am a doctor and I had to go
                                    the society to sell these things     to work everyday during the
                                    because there isn’t a market         lockdown, but it was so difficult
                                    around the society. There visits     to reach my workplace because
                                    have been completely stopped         of several barriers placed on
                                    since the lockdown. Now, a           the roads near our society.
                                    vegetable seller is available        I had to reroute in order to
                                    right outside of gate number 6       reach my workplace and it was
                                    every day of the week.               exhausting to figure it out.”
      Ar. Samreen Sultan            •All the labourers who were          ~ Javed Sabir, resident
    Associate professor, SOA        working on different sites inside
                                    the society stopped their work       What is the way out?
I decided to roam around my         in the lockdown and have             All is not lost, as a family the
society and map the interesting     resumed it now.                      residents took opportunities to
changes and challenges during       •Due to the lockdown, all cars       connect with nature by:
the lockdown.                       of the residents were parked         Taking a walk in the park –
Some of the common challenges       inside the society 24X7.This         away from the manmade
that all of the residents of the    caused the usual open spaces         playgrounds, engaging with
society faced were                  in the society to cramp up. All      children in nature, observing
•Informal           dependency      the labourers who were working       the natural habitat, recognising
reduced significantly during the    on different sites inside the        the animals we see around.
lockdown. People had to learn       society stopped their work in the    Taking our shoes off and
to adapt themselves to the “new     lockdown and have resumed it         walking on the grass.
normal”.                            now. Spoke to a few residents
                                    around and shared their grief!


  Lessons from a pandemic:
  My learnings during the lockdown
We’ve read enough about how                a balance. Extra hours at work,
tough life has been due to                 tiring commutes, and additional
COVID-19, but what positives can           responsibilities made us ignore
we take from the pandemic and              the little things in life. Now that we
what has the lockdown taught me?           have time, we should cherish these
Pouring my heart out here! As the          moments and ensure that we do
pandemic caused unprecedented              not go back to the previous normal.
havoc and emotional turmoil, it            Here are some recommendations
changed our lives like never before.       from what I did:
For me, the extended lockdown              •Plan your schedule with your
resulted in sleepless nights and           partner and take turns to manage
additional     responsibilities,     as    household chores.
these became my “new normal”.              •Make a timetable that covers
I decided that I won’t let all this        every major activity, and follow it            Ar. Mehak Manrao
impact my emotional and mental             sincerely.                                     Assistant professor, SOA
well-being, and made some lifestyle        •For important meetings, pick
changes. In doing so, I picked some        a distraction-free space to work         Ar. Mehak Manrao, Asst. Prof.
lockdown-friendly activities, which        comfortably
have now become my mantras for             •Take periodic breaks to interact
a healthy and peaceful life. Some          with family members
of my learning I want to share. Find       •Utilize your free time to indulge in
happiness in the simple things of          some fun activities with the family:
life. Ditch the fancy, simple is the       •Binge watch movies or trending
new black, spend time with loved           shows, whenever you get time
ones, take pleasure in the things          •Transform the family hall into a
around you and be a minimalist.            theatre room to make the best of
Within a few days of the lockdown,         your TV viewing experience
I realized how much space my               •You can even shoot some funny
non-essentials were occupying.             Tiktok or challenge videos with
This made me re-evaluate our                                                        •Be patient and enjoy the process
                                           your family                              •Do not pressurize yourself to ace
procurements and be minimalistic.          Do things that make you happy!
Being a minimalist means making                                                     any skill
                                           Growing        up      with   multiple   •Consistency is the key
the best choices for only what is          responsibilities, I missed out
essential. The choices can reflect                                                  •Prioritize your life to do what
                                           on some hobbies. During the              makes you happy
in the food you eat, the clothes you       lockdown, I regained my love
wear, the transport you use, etc.                                                   Take a walk back in time and ask
                                           for dancing and sketching and            yourself: What did you enjoy while
Ask yourself: “Is it useful?” or “Do I     doodling and topography and also
really have to have it?” If the answer                                              growing up? What is the one thing
                                           thinking again some creative ideas       you always wanted to learn? The
or rationale is in favor, it stays. With   for my passion for product design.
every ‘no’, you will find it easier                                                 lockdown is the best time to indulge
                                           This has worked wonders in beating       in your hobbies and pick a new one
to become a minimalist. Be clear           the lockdown stress. It motivates me
about what you want, pen some                                                       if you are yet to figure it out.
                                           further to try something even more       •With zero resources required,
non-negotiable rules for yourself          exciting each day.
and abide by them, shun things                                                      anyone can pick and implement
                                           In doing all these lockdown-friendly     such learnings.
that you can avoid, family always          activities, I have picked up some
comes first. Before the lockdown,                                                   •Cheers to a safer tomorrow and a
                                           invaluable life lessons too:             better you!
all of us were struggling to strike        •Explore your passion

                                           Encompassing Passion to a new skill
                                           A new learning during lockdown
                                           I will break my experience into          I got to live in the pollution
                                           two categories, of which, one            free atmosphere, see clear
                                           will be what I liked and the other       skies and breathe oxygen rich
                                           will be the ones that I didn’t.          air. The sky looked better than
                                           Let’s talk about the good ones           photoshoped background.Now
                                           first. The travel time cut-down          comes the gloomy part. Frankly
                                           was an immense relief. During            I was not prepared for such an
                                           the lockdown the travel time             event. Lockdown, for gradually
                                           got reduced to zero hours from           increasing periods, amounting
                                           exhausting 3 hours per day               to 4 months. With restrictions
                                           approximately. The time earlier          on stepping out of the house,
                                           spent in stress, pollution, noise        meeting with friends and family
                                           & exertion was now spent with            and most of constant fear of
                                           the family (quality time). And           Covid-19 infection.
                                           also after the time immemorial

                                                                                                           NEWSLETTER 6

   Experience in COVID 19
This pandemic has taught us a          in red dress)”,”Mumma, main big
lot of things which we thought we      hoke mam banunga (Mumma,
couldn’t do! Those who couldn’t        I will be a teacher when I grow
drive, learnt how to drive. Those      up!”. In addition to these fun
who didn’t know finances, learnt       times, we have also spent a lot
how to manage funds, and               of time in the kitchen! Preparing
essentially this dreaded COVID         delicacies which keep the family
time has really kept us on our toes    happy. Binge watching web series
with the work and the household        and movies on the weekends as
chores together! With kids, every      we had nowhere to go. Keeping
single day is a roller coaster ride!   ourselves fit n healthy is one aspect
I have a 3-year-old who has just       which we have really worked on                  Ar. Nidhi Sachdeva
started school this year. But irony    during these tough times. And we
is, the school has started, but at     have learnt to rely more on nature            Assistant professor, SOA
home! Yes, that’s the effect of        as it gives us recipes to maintain
the pandemic. So, the school           our wellbeing. And we tend to
started the online classes for the     appreciate mother nature even
little ones. We had to join Google     more. This was while this time,
Meet sessions to interact with         has given us headaches when
the teachers. Now, good thing is       managing safety, but the blessing
that kids start to get to know the     in disguise has been the time we
teachers. But it comes with a lot of   have been able to spend with
bloopers. Kids, being so inquisitive   our loved ones! Small pleasures
ask hell lot of questions ranging      of life, including going for a cup
from, “Ma’am, hum bahar nahin          of coffee to your favourite café,
aa sakte, aap to hamare ghar aa        going for a haircut, meeting your
sakte ho! (Ma’am we cannot go          friends on long drive etc have
out, you come to our home)”, “Aaj      been surely missed by one and
dono ma’am ne red red pehna            all. And, last but not the least,
hai (Today, both the ma’ams are        “This too, shall pass”Cheers!

                                       Experiencing Work from Home
                                       during Lockdown
                                                                               pollution     was       drastically
                                       possibility of getting a paid long      reduced, images of distant
                                       holiday but the excitement wore         mountain views on social
                                       off as the lockdown extended            media, fresh air feel, commuting
                                       beyond our idea and it no               time reduced to few seconds,
                                       longer seemed as a retreat.             thankfully the expenses were
                                       The initial couple of weeks             also less to accommodate
                                       were really tough as WFH                the reduced salaries, people
                                       requires a certain level of self        were more involvement with
                                       discipline on our part. Also,           their family. Thanks to the
                                       you need to be tech savvy and           unanticipated challenges that
                                       ready to learn new modes of             COVID-19 has thrown at us, an
                                       online working. Teaching from           alternative space has abruptly
           Ar. Charu Jain              home was a unique experience            emerged.
      Associate professor, SOA         altogether. Tantrums of stress
                                       and depression were common.
Many offices asked their               But as the pandemic seemed
employees to work from home            like     unending,       everyone
during the Covid-19 pandemic           started accepting this new
period as it was the only option       normal. Sometimes used to
realistic. People observed varied      feel handicapped in carrying
experiences during that period.        out design discussions, but
There were a rollercoaster of          eventually used to figure out
emotions experienced by all of         ways Students giving excuse
us. Social media was filled with       that connection is weak
comical posts from all over the        Students interrupting during
globe. At the start, most of us        class scribbling on zoom screen
were excited about having a            Thinking on the bright side,

      “Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves
                           the impossible.”


 Student Activity
School       of    Architecture,
with an initiative of reducing
the stress, in the new normal
situation organized student
activity on 8th September 2020.
The activities were designed as
per the batch and year.
The academic and non-
academic activities are planned
for this to enhance the student’s
potential      and     creativity.
Students were encouraged
by categorizing the winners
and giving them e-certificates.
Participating Batches-2nd, 3rd,
4th years.

Participating Batches-
2nd, 3rd, 4th year

Event Coordinator-
Ar. Chandrakala Kesarwani

                                      NEWSLETTER 8

  Future Architect’s in Digitopia
According        to     Vitruvius,
architecture is an imitation of
nature. And to achieve this
skill is something that requires
determination, extreme study,
practical     knowledge       and
something more. Unlike other
fields of study the teaching and
learning process in architecture
is somewhat more, practical
oriented and requires a deal
more of interaction.
However,        the    worldwide
spread of covid-19 has led
to a significant disruption in
these methods of teaching and
learning. and so, goes the story
of the students who treasured
little things like going to class
late and the jokes of the friends
on it, the extra pending works       problem of network because
and the scolding in the studio       of which she might not be able
and of course, slipping away         to attain few classes. “At times I
from the class to go and visit       miss the time we used to have
the cafes. Almost all took these     physical interaction with the
unique way of teaching and           teachers and the students. I
learning a bit too lightly but,      know the time is difficult and,
then there came a virus which        whatever we are being provided
opened the portal to a new           with is more than we could              “Success is
world that none would have           ask for. However, the digital
ever dreamt of. “Classes on
video calls, assignments on
                                     methods can barely compete           getting what you
                                     with what we had before and I
google classroom, even the           am looking forward to the time       want, happiness
guest lectures on the digital        when everything is normal.”
platform” sounded like the best                                           is wanting what
jokes an architecture student        Where, on the one hand
could ever throw.                    where the lockdown led to a
                                                                              you get.”
                                     significant loss of “learning
Kartikey Rawat, a student of         time” for the students. It also
2nd year who lives in Delhi,         has opened the ways in which
has Wi-Fi at home says he is         the students are learning more
able to log in to his classes and    and more about the fact that
follow them easily.                  being and architect means
                                     never saying no to a problem.
“In the beginning it was             The pandemic in its own unique
difficult and had to face a lot of   way has made the students
problems but, the experience         realise that whether it’s about
now is like and unimaginable         designing a residence.
dream.” he further says.
But, for Nishat Ibrahim who has
to come back to her hometown
in Bihar, it has been a difficult
experience. For, one she has
no Wi-Fi at home and has to
rely on her mobile phone’s 4g
signal, a common source of
internet. This comes with the

                   “Your mind is a powerful thing.
     When you will fit it with positive thoughts, your life will start
                               to change. ”


                             Le Corbusier Series
                            Expert Lecture – 2020
                                A talk titled “At the crossroads”   The talk by Ar. Ronnie Tan
                                was organised as part of the Le     addressed urban development
                                Corbusier Series by School of       issues      of     sustainability
                                Architecture at Delhi Technical     and went on to relate it to
                                Campus, Greater Noida on            biodiversity,        community
                                25.09.2020. The speaker for         participation, food security,
                                the lecture was Ar. Ronnie Tan.     integrated development, water
                                The faculty and students of 1st,    pollution, role of culture, etc.
                                2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Year
                                attended the lecture.               The speaker cited many
                                                                    examples in the context of
                                The session started at 12:30        Singapore. He talked about
                                pm with the formal greetings        trans-disciplinary study and
“AT THE CROSSROADS”             to the guest and participants       action plan to overcome
                                by Ar. Amitesh Vijay Mourya,        challenges      and   improve
Speaker                         followed by kind words of Ar.       sustainability.
                                Divay Gupta (Director, SoA).
RONNIE TAN                      The Head of the department
                                Ar. Tanya Gupta introduced
President Singapore Institute   the speaker to the audience.
of Landscape Architects,
 Date – 25th SEPTEMBER
2020 Time – 12:30 -2:00 PM

                                                                                         NEWSLETTER 10

                           Departmental Orientation
                           4th and 5th August 2020
                                                                       about upcoming architectural
                                                                       thesis working and working in
                                                                       the field after completion of the
                                                                       course. The alumni interaction
                                                                       organised for the 2nd, 3rd and
                                                                       4th yr proved to be motivation
                                                                       for the students to look forward
                                                                       for a bright future.

The beginning of the new           interacted with the peers on the
session 2021 was marked            online platform and shared their
by organizing an orientation       experience of the lockdown.
program for the students of 2nd,   For the orientation two expert
3rd, 4th& 5th yr. The objective    lectures were scheduled. First
of the event was multi-fold.       lecture was scheduled on day-
The students after COVID-19        1 by Ar. Sanjay Prakash titled
lockdown      of   5    months     as “Green to Blue – towards
and 2 months of vacation           integrated         architecture”.
required acclimatization and       Second lecture was scheduled
briefing of the online learning    on day-2 by prof. H.B.Singh (Ex.
environment to be followed for     Prof at SPA Delhi). He talked
the new semester. The students


Students Lockdown Gallery

                             NEWSLETTER 12

                Students Lockdown Gallery


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