Risk factors for prospective increase in psychological stress during COVID-19 lockdown in a representative sample of adolescents and their parents

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Risk factors for prospective increase in psychological stress during COVID-19 lockdown in a representative sample of adolescents and their parents
BJPsych Open (2021)
                      7, e94, 1–7. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2021.49

                   Risk factors for prospective increase in
                   psychological stress during COVID-19 lockdown
                   in a representative sample of adolescents and
                   their parents
                   Kerstin Paschke, Nicolas Arnaud, Maria Isabella Austermann and Rainer Thomasius

                   Background                                                                   psychological stress. Risk factors for increased psychological
                   COVID-19 lockdown measures imposed extensive restrictions                    stress included sociodemographic (e.g. female parents, severe
                   to public life. Previous studies suggest significant negative                financial worries) and emotion regulation aspects (e.g. non-
                   psychological consequences, but lack longitudinal data on                    acceptance of emotional responses in parents, limited access to
                   population-based samples.                                                    emotion regulation strategies in adolescents), explaining 31% of
                                                                                                the adolescent (Nagelkerke R2 = 0.31) and 29% of the parental
                   Aims                                                                         (Nagelkerke R2 = 0.29) model variance.
                   We aimed to prospectively identify increased psychological
                   stress and associated risk factors in parent–child dyads.                    Conclusions
                                                                                                This study is the first to prospectively show an increase in psy-
                   Method                                                                       chological stress during COVID-19 lockdown in a representative
                   We conducted a prospective, observational online study on                    family sample. Identified demographic and psychosocial risk
                   a representative German sample of 1221 adolescents aged                      factors lead to relevant implications for prevention measures
                   10–17 years and their parents. Psychological stress and psy-                 regarding this important public health issue.
                   chosocial variables were assessed before the pandemic (base-
                   line) and 1 month after the start of lockdown (follow-up), using             Keywords
                   standardised measures. We used multilevel modelling to                       Psychological stress; COVID-19 lockdown; adolescents; parents;
                   estimate changes in psychological stress, and logistic regression            risk factors.
                   to determine demographic and psychosocial risk factors for
                   increased psychological stress.                                              Copyright and usage
                                                                                                © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press
                   Results                                                                      on behalf of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. This is an Open
                   The time of measurement explained 43% of the psychological                   Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative
                   stress variance. Of 731 dyads with complete data, 252 adoles-                Commons Attribution licence (http://creativecommons.org/
                   cents (34.5%, 95% CI 31.0–37.9) and 217 parents (29.7%, 95% CI               licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted re-use, distribu-
                   26.4–33.0) reported a significant increase in psychological stress.          tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work
                   Baseline levels were lower than in dyads without increased                   is properly cited.

           The COVID-19 pandemic represents a major crisis that threatens                           Initial studies support the notion of the COVID-19 pandemic
           physical and mental health. It places significant psychological                      being perceived as a stressful experience on a population level.8 One
           burden on societies and individuals across the world.1 In the first                  cross-sectional study identified 38% of the Italian general population
           weeks of the pandemic, many countries adopted public measures                        as having experienced significant distress during early lockdown.9
           based on social distancing, to slow down the human-to-human                          Psychosocial conditions of children and their parents have long
           spread of the novel virus. In mid-March 2020, the German                             played a subordinate role in the public debate during the COVID-
           Government legislated the nationwide closure of schools, child care                  19 pandemic.1,10 To the best of our knowledge, no studies are available
           facilities, sports venues and public playgrounds, along with the impos-              that have investigated psychological stress before and during the
           ition of massive contact restrictions (termed ‘lockdown’).2 By that                  COVID-19 pandemic in representative family samples. Although
           time, Europe was the epicentre of the pandemic. By mid-April, 977                    stress increase in populations facing large-scale stressful events
           569 cases and 84 607 COVID-19-associated deaths were reported in                     seems to be self-evident, such an approach is necessary to better
           Europe. The most cases occurred in Spain (n = 172 541), Italy (n =                   understand the effects of an event unpredictable in duration.1,6,10
           162 488) and Germany (n = 127 584). Among these countries, the                       Assessing the subjective appraisal of threatening or challenging
           death rate was lowest in Germany at that time (2.56%, compared                       events in light of available coping resources (individually perceived
           with 12.97% in Italy and 10.46% in Spain).3 Case fatality rates could                stress), rather than life events per se (objective stress), could be
           be shown to positively correlate with fear of the disease.4 Besides                  shown to be superior in terms of predicting health and health-
           fear of death, severe lifestyle transformations, including decreased                 related outcomes.11 Global stress perception thus depends on context-
           social contacts and upended daily structures, were associated with                   ual and personal factors, such as gender; age; educational, economical
           higher depression and anxiety rates in adolescents.5 This is supported               and occupational background;12 emotion regulation capabilities13 and
           by studies from previous virus outbreaks that indicate containment                   parental self-efficacy.14
           measures, such as quarantine, isolation and social distancing, can
           have extensive negative consequences for mental health.6 Moreover,
           the resulting high-density conditions (i.e. household crowding) are                  Aims
           known to be particularly stressful and even traumatising to a signifi-               To better identify those particularly vulnerable and thus in need of
           cant proportion of children and parents.2,6,7                                        future targeted preventive action, this study aimed to assess

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Paschke et al

           prospective levels and potential risk factors of psychological stress in             Questionnaire (Fragebogen zur Selbstwirksamkeit in der Erzie-
           adolescents and their parents, from the general population in                        hung).14 Adolescents’ and parents’ emotion regulation problems
           Germany. We relied on standardised, longitudinal subjective                          were assessed by the short form of the Difficulties in Emotion Regu-
           ratings of psychological stress before and during the COVID-19                       lation Scale,16 a standardised 18-item tool organized into six sub-
           pandemic, and expected that (a) a relevant proportion of adoles-                     scales (non-acceptance of emotional responses, lack of emotional
           cents and/or parents will report an increase in psychological stress                 clarity, difficulties engaging in goal-directed behaviour under
           during COVID-19 lockdown compared with pre-COVID-19 pan-                             unpleasant emotions, impulse control difficulties, limited access to
           demic baseline measures; and (b) increases in psychological stress                   emotion regulation strategies and [lack of] emotional awareness).
           can be predicted by a prespecified set of sociodemographic vari-                     Behavioural avoidance was measured with the four-item Procrastin-
           ables, such as gender and financial worries, as well as potentially                  ation Questionnaire for Students (Prokrastinationsfragebogen für
           modifiable family-related and stress coping-associated factors,                      Studierende).17 This questionnaire was initially validated in
           such as emotional dysregulation and behavioural avoidance (i.e.                      German university students via online questionnaire. Because of
           procrastination).                                                                    the simple item structure with a five-point Likert-scale response
                                                                                                ((almost) never to (almost) always) and its relation to study assign-
                                                                                                ments (e.g. ‘I put off starting tasks until the last moment’), it has
                                              Method                                            been frequently applied to high school students in clinical settings.
                                                                                                This is supported by an excellent internal consistency for the present
           Participants and procedure                                                           adolescent sample (Cronbach’s α = 0.90). Moreover, during follow-
           A representative sample of 1221 German adolescents aged between                      up, parents and adolescents were asked whether they mainly stayed
           10 and 17 years, and 1221 respective parents, were included in this                  at home during COVID-19 lockdown.
           observational study, using an online battery of questionnaires (N =                       The change in psychological stress from baseline to follow-up
           2242). Of those, 824 parent–child dyads (67.5%) consented to join                    measurement was the primary outcome assessed by the Perceived
           the follow-up measurement (n = 1648). Representativity was                           Stress Scale (PSS-4).11 This four-item instrument has been validated
           assured in terms of proportions of gender, age and region of resi-                   in large international samples,12 including adolescents,18,19 and was
           dence by using a random sampling method from the well-established                    applied at baseline and follow-up. Participants rated how frequently
           German market research and opinion polling company forsa                             they have appraised their life as unpredictable, uncontrollable and
           Gesellschaft für Sozialforschung und statistische Analysen mbH                       overloading within the previous month. Likert-scale responses
           (for details see the study by Paschke et al,15 and Supplementary                     were summed up to a score of 0–16, with higher scores indicating
           Methods and Supplementary Fig. 1 in Supplementary Appendix 1,                        higher general stress. A score of ≥ 8 could be referred to as
           available at https://doi.org/10.1192/bjo.2021.49). The baseline data                 elevated.20
           was collected as part of a large online survey on psychological
           stress and media usage in families on a population basis, and supple-
                                                                                                Statistical analysis
           mented by follow-up measurements at approximately half-year
           intervals. The first interim results of an ongoing longitudinal study                Absolute and relative frequencies were computed together with
           are presented here. The observational period was set between 13                      95% confidence intervals for categorial variables, and mean values
           and 27 September 2019 for baseline, and between 20 and 30 April                      with s.d. for metric variables. Sociodemographic and psychological
           2020 for the first follow-up assessment, 1 month after the start of                  characteristics of the baseline and the follow-up adolescent and par-
           the German COVID-19 lockdown.                                                        ental sample were compared with χ2- and t-tests for categorial/
                The authors assert that all procedures contributing to this work                metric variables, to account for the sample attrition. Equivalence
           comply with the ethical standards of the relevant national and                       testing was performed to compare mean baseline PSS-4 scores
           institutional committees on human experimentation and with the                       with the literature by calculating two one-sided tests (TOST; for a
           Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2008. All procedures                     detailed description refer to the Supplementary Methods in
           involving humans were approved by the Local Psychological Ethics                     Supplementary Appendix 1). To investigate the potential change
           Committee of the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf                         of mean PSS-4 scores, paired-sample t-tests were computed. Effect
           (ethical approval number LPEK-0145). Informed consent was                            sizes were calculated by Cohen’s d for repeated measures (drm).
           obtained from all participants.                                                           Pearson correlation tests were used for PSS-4 values of parents
                                                                                                and adolescents at baseline and follow-up. Correlation values were
                                                                                                statistically evaluated using a z-test and Cohen’s q for effect size
           Measures and outcome                                                                 estimation.
           We collected sociodemographic data on gender, age, place of resi-                         PSS-4 values of adolescents and corresponding parents were
           dence, educational and first-generation migration background,                        estimated in a multilevel model, with the measurement time point
           parental partnership status and the number of underaged children                     as an independent variable. Random effects were accounted for by
           in the household at baseline. Occupation (‘Which of the following                    considering participants and their nesting within parent–child
           descriptions of your occupation most closely applies to you?’ –                      dyads. To reveal the effect of between-group variance resulting
           example answers: ‘not employed’, ‘job-seeking’ versus ‘part-time                     from measurements before and during the COVID-19 pandemic,
           employed’, ‘fully employed’), school attendance (‘What are you cur-                  the intraclass correlation coefficient was calculated.
           rently doing? Are you still in school, are you in training, are you                       Based on the individual’s change in psychological stress, the
           employed or what else do you do?’) and financial worries (‘Which                     samples of adolescents and parents were each divided into two
           of the following statements about your financial situation applies                   groups: group 1 showed an increase in psychological stress by >3
           most to you?’ – ‘I often worry about paying my bills’, ’ I/my                        points (1 s.d.) and group 2 showed no increase in psychological
           child often have to do without something because I have to limit                     stress. The sociodemographic characteristics and total scores of
           myself financially’ versus ‘I have enough money for everything I                     the psychological measures for these groups were compared by
           need’, ‘I have enough money to save something each month’)                           χ2- and t-tests (categorial/metric variables) and multivariate analysis
           were measured by single items. Moreover, confidence in parenting                     of variance (psychometric variables), with separate post hoc Scheffé
           was assessed with the validated nine-item Parental Self-efficacy                     tests for adolescents and parents. Effect sizes were computed with

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Psychological stress in families during COVID‐19

           Cramer’s V (categorial variables) and Cohen’s d (metric variables)                      Table 1     Sociodemographic sample description
           for independent measures.
                                                                                                                                                             Follow-up sample, n (%) or
                Logistic regression analyses were used to determine risk factors                   Variables/categories                                           mean (s.d.; range)
           for increased psychological stress in adolescents and parents during
                                                                                                   Adolescents                                                        824
           COVID-19 lockdown, controlling for potential age and baseline                             Gender
           psychological stress effects. Respectively, the sociodemographic                             Male                                                        442 (53.6)
           and psychological baseline measures, time spent at home during                               Female                                                      382 (46.4)
           COVID-19 lockdown and an increase in psychological stress (yes/                           Age, years                                                    13.06 (2.4; 10–17)
           no) of the corresponding parent/child were simultaneously                                 (Prospective) school-leaving certificatea
                                                                                                        No/low educational degreeb                                    30 (3.8)
           entered into multivariate regression models, with age and PSS-4
                                                                                                        Middle or higher educational degreec                         762 (96.2)
           baseline as covariates after dichotomising. Model reduction was                           High school studentd
           performed by backwards elimination using the Akaike information                              Yes                                                          763 (92.7)
           criterion. Adjusted odds ratios were estimated based on the final                            Noe                                                           60 (7.3)
           model (for further details refer to the Supplementary Methods in                        Parents                                                            824
           Supplementary Appendix 1).                                                                Gender
                All statistical analyses were performed with the software                               Male                                                        405 (49.2)
                                                                                                        Female                                                      419 (50.9)
           package R version 4.0.2 for Windows.21
                                                                                                     Age, years                                                     46.5 (8.0; 28–75)
                                                                                                     Highest educational levelf
                                                                                                        Low educationg                                                73 (8.9)
                                              Results                                                   Middle or high educationh                                    750 (91.1)
           Sample characteristics                                                                       Full-time or part-time employment                            733 (89.0)
                                                                                                        No employment                                                 91 (11.0)
           A comparison between the baseline and follow-up sample, regard-                           Relationship statusi
           ing sociodemographic factors and psychometric responses to                                   Single                                                        63 (7.7)
           account for potential attrition effects, did not reveal any significant                      Partnership                                                  759 (92.3)
           differences (Supplementary Table 1 in Supplementary Appendix 1).                        Parent–child dyad
                                                                                                     Number of underaged children in                                  1.7 (0.83; 1–13)
           Of the 824 dyads that participated in the baseline and the follow-up
           measurements, 731 sufficiently completed the PSS-4 and could be                           Place of residence
           included in the family-based analyses (Supplementary Fig. 1 in                               Urban living                                                 440 (53.4)
           Supplementary Appendix 1).                                                                   Rural living                                                 384 (46.6)
                Table 1 shows the sample characteristics. The adolescent sample                      Financial worriesk
           was 46.4% female. The adolescents’ mean age was 13.06 (s.d. 2.40).                           Yes                                                           33 (4.1)
           The adolescents showed mean PSS-4 values of 5.53 (s.d. 3.02) before                          No                                                           782 (96.0)
                                                                                                     First-generation migration backgroundl
           the pandemic and 6.93 (s.d. 3.14) during COVID-19 lockdown. A
                                                                                                        Yes                                                           36 (4.4)
           paired t-test revealed a clinically significant increase in psycho-                          No                                                           787 (95.6)
           logical stress in adolescents (t(823) = 11.44, P < 0.001, Cohen’s
                                                                                                   a. No answer, n = 32.
           drm = 0.41). The parental sample was 50.9% female. The parents’                         b. No, special school (Förderschulabschluss) or lower school certificate
           mean age was 46.5 (s.d. 8.0). The parents showed mean PSS-4                             (Hauptschulabschluss).
                                                                                                   c. Secondary school certificate (Realschulabschluss) to university entry qualification
           values of 5.33 (s.d. 2.98) before the pandemic and 6.33 (s.d. 2.99)                     (Abitur).
                                                                                                   d. No answer, n = 1.
           during COVID-19 lockdown. Comparable with the adolescents, a                            e. In voluntary service, apprenticeship, national service or job-seeking.
           paired t-test showed a clinically significant increase in psychological                 f. No answer, n = 1.
                                                                                                   g. No or lower school certificate (Hauptschulabschluss).
           stress in the parental sample (t(823) = 9.13, P < 0.001, Cohen’s                        h. Secondary school certificate (Realschulabschluss) to doctor’s degree (PhD).
           drm = 0.32).                                                                            i. No answer, n = 2.
                                                                                                   j. No answer, n = 4.
                The parental PSS-4 baseline value was equivalent to the average                    k. No answer, n = 9.
           score of large samples of 37 451 European participants (mean differ-                    l. No answer, n = 1.

           ence of 0.1, TOST 90% CI −0.08 to 0.28).14 The adolescent baseline
           score was 1.2 points lower than the PSS-4 total score of a large sample
           of 29 388 British adolescents (mean difference of 1.2, TOST 90% CI                   different trajectories of psychological stress development are visua-
           1.01–1.39).15 A younger British sample showed an equivalent value                    lised in Fig. 1.
           (mean difference of 0.1, TOST 90% CI −0.17 to 0.23).16 Please
           refer to the Supplementary Results in Supplementary Appendix 1                       Adolescents
           for further details.                                                                 A total of 252 adolescents (34.47%, 95% CI 31.03–37.92) reported
                                                                                                an increase in psychological stress from baseline to follow-up.
           Psychological stress before and during the pandemic                                  These adolescents showed significantly lower PSS-4 values before
                                                                                                the pandemic (4.36 v. 6.81, t(609.54) = −12.79, P < 0.001, d = 0.93)
           PSS-4 values of adolescents and their respective parents showed
                                                                                                and significantly higher values during COVID-19 lockdown, com-
           moderate correlations at baseline (r = 0.38, P < 0.001) and slightly
                                                                                                pared with adolescents who did not experience increased stress
           higher (moderate) correlations at follow-up (r = 0.45, P < 0.001;
                                                                                                (9.15 v. 6.22, t(537.48) = 14.46, P < 0.001, d = 1.10), with large
           comparison: z = 3.24, Cohen’s q = 0.17). A multilevel analysis of
                                                                                                effect sizes.
           the PSS-4 values of all participants, taking into account the
           parent–child dyads, revealed an intraclass correlation coefficient
           value of 0.43 (Supplementary Table 2 in Supplementary Appendix                       Parents
           1). This indicates that 43% of the PSS-4 variance is explained by                    A total of 217 parents (29.69%, 95% CI 26.37–33.00) experienced an
           the time of the measurement (follow-up 1 month after start of                        increase in psychological stress during COVID-19 lockdown.
           COVID-19 lockdown versus baseline 7 months earlier). The                             They showed significantly lower PSS-4 values before the pandemic

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Paschke et al

                                                                                                       2.33, 95% CI 1.56–3.49), procrastination (adjusted odds ratio 2.10,
                                                                                                       95% CI 1.27–3.48), limited access to emotion regulation strategies
                                                                                                       (adjusted odds ratio 2.01, 95% CI 1.21–3.35) and mainly staying
                                                                                                       at home during COVID-19 lockdown (adjusted odds ratio 1.65,
                                                                                                       95% CI 1.08–2.50). High emotional awareness served as a protective
                                                                                                       factor for adolescents, with an adjusted odds ratio of 0.47 (95% CI
              Psychological stress (PSS total score)

                                                       10                                              Ten out of nineteen predictors and the two covariates (baseline psy-
                                                                                                       chological stress and age) stayed in the logistic regression model
                                                                                                       after backwards elimination for the parents (Supplementary
                                                                                                       Table 6 in Supplementary Appendix 1). The remaining variables
                                                                                                       explained 29% of the final parental model variance (Nagelkerke
                                                                                                       R2 = 0.29). Significant parental risk factors for increased psycho-
                                                                                                       logical stress could be identified, including female gender (adjusted
                                                                                                       odds ratio 1.86, 95% CI 1.29–2.76), partnership status (adjusted
                                                       5                                               odds ratio 2.78, 95% CI 1.10–6.98), urban living (adjusted odds
                                                                                                       ratio 1.45, 95% CI 1.00–2.10), financial worries (adjusted odds ratio
                                                                                                       1.86, 95% CI 1.08–3.19), increased psychological stress of the corre-
                                                                                                       sponding adolescent (adjusted odds ratio 1.59, 95% CI 1.09–2.33),
                                                                                                       procrastination (adjusted odds ratio 1.70, 95% CI 1.00–2.89) and
                                                                                                       non-acceptance of emotional responses (adjusted odds ratio 3.02,
                                                                                                       95% CI 1.78–5.13).
                                                                                                           All adjusted odds ratios are visualised in Fig. 2.

                                                            pre-COVID-19              under lockdown                                Discussion
                                                                     Time of measurement
                                                                                                       To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate psychological
                 Fig. 1 Multilevel analysis: trajectories of psychological stress                      stress within a representative sample of adolescents and their
                 before the COVID-19 pandemic and under lockdown measures. The                         parents during COVID-19 lockdown, compared with pre-
                 individual trajectories of all adolescents and parents are shown,                     COVID-19 conditions, in a longitudinal design. A total of 43% of
                 together with means and 95% confidence intervals of individuals                       the psychological stress variance in the parent–child dyads could
                 belonging to the increased psychological stress group and non-                        be explained by the time of measurement (September 2019 versus
                 increased psychological stress group, in reference to the two                         April 2020). We found that about a third of the adolescents and
                 measurement points. The size of the dots reflects the group size.                     parents showed a significant increase in psychological stress
                 Accordingly, smaller dots represent the increased psychological
                                                                                                       during COVID-19 lockdown. Although increased psychological
                 stress group and larger dots represent the non-increased
                                                                                                       stress seems to be a normal human reaction to the COVID-19 pan-
                 psychological stress group.
                                                                                                       demic,6 this finding appears meaningful from a public health per-
                                                                                                       spective because psychological stress is a major predisposing
                                                                                                       factor for health problems, including (neuro-)psychiatric seque-
           (3.74 v. 6.00, t(546.91) = −11.13, P < 0.001, d = 0.80) and signifi-                        lae.22,23 This is of particular importance in adolescents, given their
           cantly higher values during COVID-19 lockdown (8.33 v. 5.51,                                increased vulnerability to stress and psychopathology in a period
           t(427.98) = 13.41, P < 0.001, d = 1.06), compared with parents who                          of substantial neurobiological and psychological changes.24 The
           did not experience increased stress, again with large effect sizes.                         finding builds on initial cross-sectional studies from Germany,25
               A detailed comparison on sociodemographic and psychological                             Italy9 and China,26,27 showing that about a quarter of German, a
           parameters, including results of the multivariate analyses of vari-                         third of Italian and up to half of Chinese adults reported feelings
           ance and post hoc tests (psychometric variables) between groups                             of mental distress during the initial stage of the COVID-19
           with and without increased psychological stress, can be found in                            pandemic.
           Supplementary Appendix 1 (Supplementary Results and Supple-                                      Interestingly, baseline psychological stress level could be identi-
           mentary Tables 3 and 4).                                                                    fied as a major factor that needs to be considered when investigating
                                                                                                       potential stress increase. Adolescents and parents who experienced
                                                                                                       a significant increase in psychological stress had lower baseline
           Risk factors for increase in psychological stress
                                                                                                       stress levels than those who did not experience increased psycho-
           Adolescents                                                                                 logical stress during COVID-19 lockdown. This might suggest
           Six out of fifteen predictors and the covariate baseline psychological                      that the latter group has better developed stress-coping mechanisms
           stress (covariate age excluded) stayed in the logistic regression                           than those with lower baseline stress.28 On the other hand, albeit
           model after backwards elimination for the adolescents                                       hypothetical at the present stage of research, COVID-19 lockdown
           (Supplementary Table 5 in Supplementary Appendix 1). The                                    consequences, such as school closures and home office implementa-
           remaining variables explained 31% of the final adolescent model                             tion, might actually be stress-reductive among a subsample of ado-
           variance (Nagelkerke R2 = 0.31). Significant adolescent risk factors                        lescents and parents. Correspondingly, family cohesion and better
           for increased psychological stress included financial worries                               family adjustment could be promoted, and school-related problems
           (adjusted odds ratio 2.13, 95% CI 1.29–3.51), increased psycho-                             (like low academic achievement, experiencing social pressure or
           logical stress of the corresponding parent (adjusted odds ratio                             being bullied) might decrease.29

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Psychological stress in families during COVID‐19

                                                                                 No stress increase            Stress increase                        Adolescents                       Parents
                                                                                                                                           Odds ratio [95% CI] P-value   Odds ratio [95% CI]   P-value
                                                            Urban living                                                                    e                   e        1.45 [1–2.1]             0.05
                                           Low (prospective) education                                                    Adolescents       e                   e        1.7 [0.86–3.33]          0.13
                                                         Female gender                                                                      e                   e        1.89 [1.29–2.76]         0.001

                                                        Procrastinationa                                                                    2.10 [1.27–3.48]    .004     1.7 [1–2.89]             0.05

                              Non-acceptance of emotional responsesb                                                                        e                   e        3.02 [1.78–5.13]
Paschke et al

           stress, and parents with a low acceptance of emotional responses                     by COVID-19 and lockdown-induced economic changes. This
           were three times as likely to experience increased psychological                     was not the primary aim of the study and is a complex issue, as
           stress. Moreover, procrastination – an avoidance-based, short-                       research shows that youth stress responsiveness is a highly volatile
           term emotion regulation strategy36 – could be identified as a risk                   construct, affected by numerous family-related, developmental and
           factor for adolescent (adjusted odds ratio of 2.10) and parental                     other biopsychosocial aspects.41 Nevertheless, based on prior research,
           increased psychological stress (adjusted odds ratio of 1.70). In con-                we can assume that the COVID-19 pandemic was a significant source
           trast, emotional awareness (the appraisal and recognition of one’s                   of stressors in the current sample, allowing for conclusions on a popu-
           own feelings) could be identified as a potentially modifiable psycho-                lation level.42 Finally, it should be kept in mind that the reported
           logical protective factor against increased psychological stress in                  results are from an ongoing study. Thus, the added value of prospect-
           adolescents (adjusted odds ratio of 0.47). Aside from external                       ive studies by means of multiple measurement points has not yet been
           factors, cognitive appraisal processes determine whether and how                     fully exploited.
           much a situation is perceived as stressful, triggering coping strat-
           egies such as emotion regulation to reduce negative feelings.37
           Considering intraindividual difficulties in emotion regulation can                   Clinical relevance and future research
           help to understand interindividual differences in psychological                      This prospective observational study is the first to report on the
           stress during COVID-19 lockdown measures, thereby providing                          increase in psychological stress in adolescents and their parents,
           potential anchors for prevention approaches at individual and                        as well as associated demographic and psychosocial risk factors in
           family levels. These might include elements of established programs                  a representative German family sample during COVID-19 lock-
           such as mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, dialectical behavioural                 down, compared with pre-COVID-19 conditions. It thus adds
           therapy or acceptance-based behavioural therapy.38 Moreover, activ-                  knowledge to the current evidence base on the psychological
           ity-based interventions, such as yoga, sports, play and creative arts,               impact of this worldwide pandemic. Our findings have several
           have been shown to improve mental health, and might be promising                     implications for clinicians, researchers, policy makers and social
           in providing helpful offers for adolescents to spend time outside the                actors. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, psychological
           home without violating restriction rules.39 Online interventions                     stress and its corresponding threat to mental health should be of
           might be a useful new method to support mental health,20 especially                  greater consideration among public health authorities. Besides pro-
           during a time where personal contacts are limited.                                   tecting the population from the disease, adolescents and their
                                                                                                parents – especially mothers – could benefit from targeted psycho-
                                                                                                logical stress prevention measures. The identification of sociodemo-
           Strengths and limitations                                                            graphic, family-associated and potentially modifiable psychological
           The study has numerous strengths, including the use of prospective                   risk factors, such as capacity for adaptive coping, provides decision
           data with an assessment just before the pandemic and during                          makers with meaningful insights for public health action.
           COVID-19 lockdown; a large study population representative                                Future studies should focus on the detailed investigation of
           regarding gender (most of the studies available have included a sig-                 factors explaining individual increased psychological stress and
           nificant higher proportion of female respondents), age and region of                 resiliency. Although the present study could not identify adoles-
           living; the data of parent–child dyads; information on potential risk                cents’ age as a significant covariate regarding psychological stress,
           factors before the COVID-19 pandemic and the variety of standar-                     future research should investigate age aspects in more detail by
           dised subjective ratings to collect data on psychological stress and                 including younger children and their parents. Moreover, cross-cul-
           potential psychological risk factors. However, several limitations                   tural studies should enhance knowledge on the comparability of the
           of this study need to be considered.                                                 presented findings. Psychological stress variability during the course
                First, although sample representativity was warranted in terms of               of the pandemic should be investigated by follow-up measurements.
           age, gender and place of residence, representativity in other respects
           might have been reduced because of the data collection procedure. In
                                                                                                   Kerstin Paschke , MD, German Center for Addiction Research in Childhood and
           this respect, the sample only includes households with sufficient                       Adolescence, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany;
           knowledge of the German language, so families with an immigrant                         Nicolas Arnaud, PhD, German Center for Addiction Research in Childhood and
                                                                                                   Adolescence, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany; Maria
           background might not have been properly taken into account. In add-                     Isabella Austermann, MSc, German Center for Addiction Research in Childhood and
           ition, around 5% of German households do not have internet access40                     Adolescence, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany;
           and could not be included in this study. Moreover, although online                      Rainer Thomasius, MD, German Center for Addiction Research in Childhood and
                                                                                                   Adolescence, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
           questionnaires are highly valued for cost-effectiveness in large epi-
                                                                                                   Correspondence: Kerstin Paschke. Email: k.paschke@uke.de
           demiological studies, missing data is a common problem, especially
           when investigating dyads and children. Accordingly, 113 parent–                         First received 20 Sep 2020, final revision 12 Feb 2021, accepted 1 Apr 2021
           child dyads had to be omitted from subsequent analysis, which
           might have decreased representativity. In addition, all participants
           were asked to complete the questionnaire independently, but the
           influence of others cannot be excluded.                                                                        Supplementary material
                Second, although our study revealed a significant increase in
                                                                                                Supplementary material is available online at https://doi.org/10.1192/bjo.2021.49.
           psychological stress in families on a population level, and identified
           risk factors during the first German COVID-19 lockdown, it could
           not explain the individual circumstances that may have preceded                                                        Data availability
           these increases. In fact, we cannot rule out the possibility that                    The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author,
           other factors or unknown third variables during the survey interval                  K.P., upon reasonable request, after all results of the parent–child survey have been published.

           contributed to the variance in the prospective psychological stress
           change. Moreover, we cannot conclude on the individual factors                                                     Acknowledgements
           that actually led to the observed increases in psychological stress,
                                                                                                We thank Dr Peter-Michael Sack for his support on preparing the manuscript, Dr Torsten
           because of the restricted number of items in an online survey,                       Wüstenberg for valuable discussions on the initial data analysis strategies, and Milan
           such as the number of critical life events, family members affected                  Röhricht for his language-editing support.

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Psychological stress in families during COVID‐19

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