University of Tasmania Strategic Direction - November 2018 -

Page created by Marjorie Dixon
University of Tasmania Strategic Direction - November 2018 -
University of Tasmania
    Strategic Direction
               November 2018

University of Tasmania Strategic Direction - November 2018 -

Introduction                                         1

Place-based and globally connected                   2

Right-sized and responsive                           5

Regionally networked to provide quality and access   7

People-centred                                       8

What all this means in practice                      10

Embedding action into our strategic processes        12

With thanks                                          13

ii                                                        University of Tasmania
University of Tasmania Strategic Direction - November 2018 -

Conversation and collegiality are at the heart of universities, and
this year we have been having rich discussions around a series of
themes that could guide our future. Space for such conversations
should always be available. Equally, there comes a point when
we need to settle some of those themes, so they can guide our
decisions and our choices. Now is a good moment to summarise
where we are settling as we move from these broad discussions
about identity and direction to detailed planning.
These conversations have shaped a view that our University be
place-based, but globally connected and excellent, and right-sized
and responsive. Also, that it shifts its operating approach from a
hub-and-spoke model to one which is regionally networked and
designed to deliver quality and access to higher education for the
whole state. We have highlighted the importance of a people-
centred approach, of working with each other through the College
model to deliver our mission, and to find simpler ways to operate
so more of our time is spent on what matters.
The following attempts to honour the contribution of hundreds of
members of our community, drawing together the basis of a new
strategic direction for our University community.
It is only a summary and as such will always be at risk of being read
to over or under emphasise a theme, an idea or part of University
life. I hope that where this has occurred it will be read as an
invitation to a conversation. University of Tasmania                                      1
University of Tasmania Strategic Direction - November 2018 -
Place-based and
globally connected

Honouring our first                             Today education, knowledge and creative        Our teaching has huge
                                                productions are critical to future social
people and their ongoing                        and economic wellbeing, and even more
contribution                                    so in a regional island setting with a small   We educate a great proportion of the
Any conversation about place in Tasmania        population. In a world where globalisation     population from teachers and nurses
needs to start with acknowledgement             favours large, globally connected              to engineers and artists. How well we
of the traditional owners and their deep        metropolitan areas, regional economies         equip our students for Tasmania’s future
history with these lands and waters. As         will always have to work harder to find the    will in turn shape how well educated our
a culture whose system of knowledge             distinctive sources of advantage that are      children are, how healthy our community
is structured by place, which at times is       needed to generate wealth, services and        is, how well run our farms are and so on.
talked about in the language of ‘country’,      infrastructure required to support a decent    We don’t just prepare them for careers
there is opportunity to ever deepen our         quality of life here. Regional areas like      but increasingly we support their re-
understanding of what a place-based             Tasmania have to deal with the challenges      skilling, up-skilling, and preparedness to
university is and might be. We can do this      of complex social disadvantage left by the     successfully engage in a global society
through conversations with Aboriginal           disruptive impact of the global economy,       throughout their lives. The more we
Tasmanians and we can celebrate that,           which has seen work and opportunity leave      understand how and what we teach
despite dispossession and invasion, their       the state to locations with lower labour       contributes to Tasmania, the greater the
culture has the strength and depth today        or input costs, and greater economies of       impact we will have.
to make a shaping contribution to our           scale. While for some in Tasmania these
                                                are relatively buoyant times, our task is      As we think about the impact of teaching
future.                                                                                        and learning, we must never lose sight
                                                to look to these considerable long-term
                                                challenges. Our population is ageing. We       of the intrinsic value and excitement of
                                                have poor social and health indicators that    learning and inquiry itself. For all we think
A place where we do things                      are second only to the Northern Territory.     about the many and broad purposes of
for Tasmania and from                           We have challenges with our underlying         education, it should never be reduced to
Tasmania                                        measures of economic competitiveness           a utilitarian or instrumental project.
                                                such as productivity.
Place shapes our mission and how we
                                                Central to our place-based mission is our
deliver it. It starts with Tasmania because
                                                ability to work in partnership with the
                                                                                               Our research and creative
that is our home, but it does not end there.
Being the University of Tasmania makes us       community, industry and government to          expression can shape the
both a University for Tasmania but also one     solve the complex problems underlying          state
where we do things from Tasmania.               these issues and to create a prosperous,
                                                                                               The freedom to expand the frontiers of
                                                inclusive and sustainable future for
We are a university that was founded                                                           knowledge and creative expression should
to serve an entire state and its people,                                                       always be the starting point of universities.
and we remain the only university               We have enormous capacity across a             Such freedom is integral to progressing
specifically for this society. Such societies   generation to do so through our teaching,      knowledge and securing a plural society.
are characterised by the value they place       our research, the creative output we           It is a freedom we can choose to exercise
on education, discovery and creativity          produce and the partnerships we form.          in many ways. Our mission invites us to
as ennobling ends of human life in                                                             choose to focus a significant portion of our
                                                These ideas have long characterised the
themselves. Equally, sustainable social,                                                       inquiry on shaping the future of the state.
                                                University and are held dear by so many of
economic and cultural progress requires         its people. In affirming this direction, we    The ways our research can shape the
ever higher levels of capability and            are building on a cultural DNA that runs       state start with its ability to offer insights
constant discovery to solve the complex         deep in the University.                        and creative productions that change
problems and questions that we face.                                                           our understanding of the nature of
There are always these two parts to our                                                        Tasmania itself. Virtually every part of the
mission and we need to avoid false forced                                                      University can contribute to those new
choices that we need to do one over the                                                        and evolving understandings, from our
other. Our task is to find the way to                                                          historians, sociologists and lawyers to our
do both.                                                                                       economists, climatologists, ecologists and
                                                                                               epidemiologists. Our great strengths in the

2                                                                                                             University of Tasmania
University of Tasmania Strategic Direction - November 2018 -
creative arts offer the capacity to generate     are few places where the United Nations         and Antarctica has produced research
the unique perspectives only available           Sustainable Development Goals, which            strengths in oceanography and climate
through the arts and to communicate them         the University has embraced to help             science. Our view of the southern sky has
in compelling ways.                              shape its strategic direction, could be         for years led to a world-class academic
                                                 more important. Our research is vital to        pedigree in astronomy and astrophysics.
While reshaping how we understand
                                                 understand what they could mean for the         The nature of our island and its population
things can be the most powerful form of
                                                 University, Tasmania and the world.             allows the study of population health not
change, where we choose to direct our
                                                                                                 possible anywhere else in the world. We
research attention and energy will also          All the while, we continue to discover the
                                                                                                 are an island whose dependence on the
have an impact.                                  undiscovered in our wild places on land
                                                                                                 sea has given us a rich maritime history. It
                                                 and at sea. Those living things that are new
On the policy front, the research we do                                                          makes us a natural home for the Australian
                                                 to us are reminders of the preciousness of
generates evidence-based, long-term                                                              Maritime College with its national mission
                                                 the place where we live, work and explore.
policy ideas for our tough problems from                                                         and international reach. With its distinctive
                                                 And that sense of wonder in the discovery
housing and transport, to environmental                                                          expertise the College has a vital role to
                                                 itself also reminds us that, whatever good
management and improved public health.                                                           play for Australia as we seek to create a
                                                 it does, great research is always an end
                                                                                                 sovereign naval shipbuilding capability.
On the economic front, we have the               in itself.
capacity to create the knowledge that
will both keep enterprises competitive
across the state and create new jobs             Partnerships are critical                       Place shapes how we deliver
that Tasmania’s future needs. Across the         to our mission                                  our mission
sectors of our economy, enterprises need
to be more productive and competitive in                                                         Being place-based doesn’t just shape our
                                                 As the sole university for Tasmania, we
a global marketplace that works against                                                          mission, it shapes how we deliver it. We
                                                 have a unique ability to work in partnership
regional players.                                                                                have an incredible natural environment
                                                 with government and community to deliver
                                                                                                 close at hand and the possibilities to
Productivity is important, creating jobs         public services like health and education.
                                                                                                 provide a truly immersive experience
is vital. In Australia, enterprises older        Similarly, we can engage in long-term
                                                                                                 for our students. Few other universities
than about five years are on average net         partnerships for economic development
                                                                                                 can offer the opportunity to engage
destroyers of jobs. Most new jobs come           with different levels of government and
                                                                                                 with wilderness and ecosystems like
from growing new enterprises, and these          industry. Equally important can be the way
                                                                                                 our University can. The student learning
jobs are more likely to be well paid if they     we work collaboratively with companies or
                                                                                                 experience can engage with the rich and
rely on the type of skills and knowledge         community organisations. These university
                                                                                                 complex history on our doorstep. Equally,
that come from university-level education.       partnerships should be characterised
                                                                                                 our smaller scale and closeness to local
                                                 by both a commitment to collaborative
                                                                                                 communities should characterise our
Our place-based focus insists that we            work and the essential preservation of a
                                                                                                 University communities as personal and
remember that many of Tasmania’s social          truly evidence-based and independent
                                                                                                 connected. That unique experience we
difficulties are grounded in economic            perspective. To manage any tensions, they
                                                                                                 create for our students should always be
disadvantage. We must, therefore, work           need to be relational and built around a
                                                                                                 at the centre of our concerns.
both to support the creation of quality          shared mission and values, rather than be
jobs and provide the education to make           transactional in nature.
them accessible. As we think about these
social challenges, we have capacity for our
research to discover innovative solutions to     From Tasmania to the world
deliver public and community services and,
critically, to build capability in communities   If part of our place-based mission is to
to lead the solutions themselves.                be the University for Tasmania, we are
                                                 strategically placed in the world to do vital
Our work occurs in an environment of
                                                 things from Tasmania.
extraordinary significance and beauty.
Islands are great reminders that we have         Many of Tasmania’s world-class research
to work with ecosystems not against              strengths are built on our rich history
them. Sustainability is a theme that needs       and remarkable place in the world.
to echo through all that we do. There            Our proximity to the Southern Ocean University of Tasmania                                                                                                           3
University of Tasmania Strategic Direction - November 2018 -
Place-based beyond the                             Our connectivity long pre-dates                       It matters for Tasmania that we have our
                                                   globalisation and should never be reduced             eye firmly on international standards
island and online                                  to it. We are united through values and               because, in many ways, global excellence
We need to consider what place-based               relationships rather than through the                 matters more in regional places than it
means for the important work we do off             value of transactions. Through these                  does in big metropolitan places. Where
the island, especially on our campus in            relationships we can bring the best of                our success is so tied to the world, we and
Sydney and through our partnerships                global understanding to the most remote               our students should always have a global
in China. ‘Place-based’ is an approach             places, and from those places contribute              outlook. It is why it matters so much that
to education rather than something for             the insights that come from the unique                we welcome international students and
Tasmania alone. We can apply it anywhere           vantage point of looking from the edge                academic colleagues to be part of our
we are operating. Critically, it means             rather than the centre.                               community. For whatever opportunity we
attending to the needs of the communities                                                                provide, they give us the opportunity to
                                                   We should always care about our standing
and people we are working with and asking                                                                see the world through a global prism. Being
                                                   in global academic communities. It is part
how does the place we are working in                                                                     part of our community brings long-term
                                                   of the calibration of our competence and
shape what we do? In Sydney, we have a                                                                   relationships that build global networks.
                                                   how we signal to those looking to make
very focused program built around deep                                                                   These help our island to be truly connected
                                                   important contributions here in Tasmania
relationships with the healthcare system.                                                                to the world today. In time, as students
                                                   that they are joining a community of peers
Being place-based in approach is critical                                                                and colleagues – local and international
                                                   of equal standing.
and it is one of the ways we can sustain                                                                 – make their home here or far away, they
being a distinctive contributor in a highly        It is here that rankings have their place.            will retain their bonds and affections for
competitive system.                                For all their imperfections, they are a signal        this place.
                                                   to others and provide us with data that
Equally, what does place-based mean when           invites questions about aspects of our
we are delivering our online offerings?            performance and ensures we are never
Our online courses are an opportunity to           just self-referential in our evaluations.
share with a much wider community the
fruits of what we have learned from our
place-based approach. Indeed, some of our
most successful online offerings, like family
history and the dementia MOOCs, have
arisen from a very strong engagement with
the specifics of our place and they offer
people the opportunity to engage richly
and distinctively with their places.

Globally connected
and excellent
While a strong local focus is a starting
point, in today’s world we have to look
to the globe. One of the great strengths
of a geographically remote university is
that we are part of a global community of
scholarship that is remarkably borderless.
Across our disciplines are globally uniting
practices of inquiry and standards for
scholarship. The enterprise of discovery
and learning is a global one. It reminds us
that the project of pushing the boundaries
of understanding and creativity is a project
of and for all humanity.

                                                Image courtesy Tourism Tasmania and Jason Charles Hill

4                                                                                                                      University of Tasmania
Right-sized and responsive

Challenging the growth                        Regionality: For reasons we will explore         Reaching this surplus will take time and
                                              below, we need to be able to offer place-        to do so we need to be bigger and more
model by allowing mission                     based education across the state and             efficient than we are today. In terms of
to shape our scale and scope                  place-based research that is connected to        being bigger, we need to grow the number
When we have a clear place-based mission,     the needs of our regions.                        of domestic students who study our core
we don’t need to grow indefinitely. Rather,                                                    offerings, both as undergraduates and at
                                              Access: We need to be able to offer higher
we can determine what size and shape                                                           postgraduate level. They are the backbone
                                              education for people with a whole range of
we need to be to sustainably deliver our                                                       of our ability to maintain critical mass
                                              backgrounds. There is not a single model
mission of contributing to Tasmania’s                                                          in our disciplines. Yet year-on-year this
                                              to do so and we need to support multiple
future and making our global contribution                                                      number has been shrinking right across
                                              models, which is why developing our
over the long term.                                                                            the University. Mostly, it is driven by an
                                              University College is so important.
                                                                                               ever-larger number of Tasmanians going
These are questions of breadth,               Such a broad scope is resource intensive.        to Victoria to study. We have been losing
regionality and access, which shape           It requires more people and a wider              about 1% a year for a long time, so that
the size we need to be to deliver             spectrum of skills than in universities with     today more than 1 in 5 leave Tasmania, and
our mission.                                  narrower missions. The physical footprint        in the North and North-West it is 1 in 4.
Breadth: We need to have the staff            of campuses and buildings needed to
                                                                                               We have not succeeded in attracting
to offer the broad range of subjects a        support this mission is considerable
                                                                                               a balancing number of students from
modern society and economy require, and       and costly.
                                                                                               the mainland. This decline is ultimately
at the levels required from pre-degree        The right size is not just the ability to pay    a threat to the character and future of
to postgraduate. Similarly, we are the        our staff and our way each year but also         the University. If we don’t have a critical
principal agent for conducting the research   the ability to save enough each year to          mass of students to support teaching
that the island needs, and we have to be      support our research, teaching and the           and research in particular areas, these
suitably equipped for that task.              broader student and staff experience.            areas will cease to be sustainable and
                                              Here the University of Tasmania has a            they won’t be able to continue, as has
                                              substantial task. We have not in modern          already occurred. As the number of those
                                              times, or even before then, been able            areas increase, our capacity to have the
                                              to produce a model which allows us to            breadth of offerings a university needs
                                              operate in the way we need to, to deliver        to be a generalist institution will be lost.
                                              a consistent process of renewal on our           The decline in core domestic numbers
                                              campuses and keep up to date the cutting-        has largely been masked financially by the
                                              edge facilities required to be a research-       rise in international students, but they
                                              intensive institution. Our existing facilities   will always only be attracted to a limited
                                              were largely built with Commonwealth             part of our offering. The sustainability of
                                              funds more than a generation ago.                the rest depends on us restoring those
                                                                                               numbers in core subjects.
                                              If not for the nationally unique
                                              Commonwealth, State and University               Our state’s population of about 500,000
                                              investment in the Northern                       isn’t big enough to support a university
                                              Transformation, we would be facing the           that operates at the scale and level of
                                              prospect of campus closures in Launceston        excellence that the Tasmanian community
                                              and Burnie – not their renewal. Now we           requires. Today, more than half the
                                              are more confident in the mission we             revenue that funds the University comes
                                              need to deliver, we cannot afford it to be       from outside Tasmania in the form of
                                              dependent on scarce public resources for         international students, mainland students
                                              which there is intense competition across        taught online or in Sydney, and grants
                                              the sector. We have to be able to make           from the Commonwealth and other off-
                                              our own way. Today we barely break even.         island funders.
                                              To be sustainable, we need to generate
                                                                                               Our model of being a university needs
                                              savings of about $30 million a year. That
                                                                                               to adapt to serve the larger number of
                                              sounds a lot but, in reality, it is necessary
                                                                                               international students for educational and
                                              for us to be self-sufficient and deliver our
                                                                                               sustainability reasons. Our international
                                              mission with the sense of confidence and
                                                                                               numbers have risen very rapidly, and we
                                              purpose we require. University of Tasmania                                                                                                            5
Image courtesy Richard Jupe, The Mercury, News Ltd

have work to do to ensure international              but also ensuring that we deepen the         creating a truly distinctive offering that sets
students are welcomed and supported                  capabilities available to the state and      us apart from other Australian universities.
as an essential part of the University. The          ourselves by growing our proportion          On one view, this is an existential
educational significance of international            of postgraduate and research higher          challenge. From another, it is a moment of
students grows as we get a greater                   degree students.                             freedom. What might seem bold or risky to
balance of students from a wider range                                                            others may simply be essential for us. We
                                                     To attract sufficient Tasmanians and
of places. That greater diversity then                                                            can be energised by this, as there is much
                                                     mainland students at every level in a very
reduces the risks of being overexposed to                                                         power in differentiating and optimising
                                                     competitive higher education market, we
specific countries, particularly in turbulent                                                     yourself around your intrinsically valuable
                                                     need to make our place-based identity
geopolitical and economic times.                                                                  mission compared to something that you
                                                     not just our mission but our source of
                                                                                                  are doing only to be competitive.
As we set out to build the right student             competitive advantage. We need to be
profile, we need to focus not just on                bold about being place-based, using this
supporting the breadth of our offering               to shape how we offer our degrees and

6                                                                                                                University of Tasmania
Regionally networked to provide
quality and access

Regionality, access                             absolute terms, there are people whose         courses that provide professional pathways
                                                circumstances mean that travelling great       across the state and, in each location,
and quality                                     distances or living away from home is          to conduct the research that meets the
As a university for Tasmania and its people,    simply not possible. They need an offering     distinctive needs of that region. We will
part of our distinctive mission is to provide   close enough to home. Online study is          further enhance the equitable nature
a regional and accessible offering. We do       only a partial solution, especially for        of our offering as we offer more of our
that for a state with the most regionally       people whose prior education has not built     courses statewide.
distributed population and with far greater     strong learning skills, and whose success
                                                                                               A way of talking about having our
levels of disadvantage than other states.       is best enabled by face-to-face education.
                                                                                               capability located across the state, rather
A strong university presence in regions         If we are to be a more inclusive state,
                                                                                               than focused in a single location, is in
is important both for their economic and        then it is precisely these populations for
                                                                                               terms of changing from a ‘hub-and-spoke’
social futures, and for the ease of access to   whom education will make the greatest
                                                                                               model to a regionally networked model.
education for regional communities.             difference.
                                                                                               Over time we can further strengthen
For Tasmania’s regions to have levels of        More broadly, there is a basic equity          our networked model by locating key
prosperity and inclusivity comparable to        concern that where there is publicly           professional services regionally as well.
other parts of Australia, they need to be       funded higher education there should be
                                                                                               The Northern Transformation project
producing an equivalent value of exports.       equivalent opportunities to access that
                                                                                               is our vehicle to deliver for the North
This brings wealth into regions. What           education for all citizens, especially given
                                                                                               and North-West this model of regional
enables the trucks made in Burnie to be         the lifetime expansion of opportunity and
                                                                                               and accessible education. It is first and
sold around the world and to beat those         income it provides. Where the distances
                                                                                               foremost a regional social and economic
from lower labour-cost countries is the         to access that education for significant
                                                                                               development effort for which we need
knowledge and skill embodied in their           groups of the population are very much
                                                                                               buildings. It aims to ensure that we create
design and production. To sustain that          greater than for others, then they can’t
                                                                                               access to a broader range of professional
advantage requires the knowledge and skill      meaningfully be said to have equitable
                                                                                               pathway qualifications, a regionally
to advance ahead of competitors around          access. Again, this makes the case for the
                                                                                               focused research effort, quality course
the world.                                      importance of regionally based education
                                                                                               offerings and vibrant campuses, which
                                                in a state and country committed to
Sustaining such advantages is far easier                                                       helps us achieve a critical mass of students
                                                equivalent opportunities for all.
if a university is around the corner rather                                                    in these locations. The last of these
than hundreds of kilometres away. Much          What these regional and access elements        points is critical because in the North and
the same can be said of agriculture: if we      of our mission mean is that we need to         North-West more than 25% of students
can produce higher yields of valuable crops     seek to provide equivalent access to           leave the state for their higher education.
with fewer inputs, and deliver them fresher
to market, the size and value of what is
created can grow. Constantly increasing
those outputs involves solving challenges
on farms, literally on the paddock or in the
hothouse. The nearer you are to being on
hand, the easier that is to do.
Similarly, we have long ago discovered that
changing social conditions from outside
communities – let alone at a distance – is
hard, if not impossible. To tackle complex
embedded social disadvantage is a place-
based project. You need people working in
communities, with communities, in ways
that regional campuses make possible.
For the social and economic futures of
these regions we need a university that is
networked into the communities in each of
the state’s regions.
These geographic presences are critical
to deliver on the value of accessibility. In University of Tasmania                                                                                                           7

Given that we don’t have the capital to           Putting our people at                           Where a university serves a society, as
renew our physical infrastructure, it is                                                          we do, it matters that we ensure the
only through Commonwealth and State
                                                  the centre                                      breadth of that society is present in
funding that we can provide it. Before we         Universities are purposeful communities         our University. It creates an inclusive
received that support, the question the           committed to a mission and the growth           culture and community that has within
University faced was the viability of our         and flourishing of the people who are a         it the myriad of perspectives needed
Launceston campus. Unless the Northern            part of them, both staff and students.          to understand what serving our society
Transformation project is a success, that                                                         really means. Diversity is pivotal to good
question will arise again, so it is critical we   Keeping that focus is not easy in the           decision-making and rigour in our inquiry.
get this right.                                   contemporary world. There are the               Our diversity expresses the priority we
                                                  challenges of operating at a very large         give to these values. And our diversity
Importantly, the Northern Transformation          scale with the need for some standardised       makes it clear our priorities need attention.
project is not a standalone effort. It is a       process; the financial pressures of limited     We have demonstrated that diversity
one-off opportunity to deploy the pillars of      funding in a competitive sector; the pull       can be improved. We need to create it
our university-wide mission (‘place-based’,       of transactional rather than relational         everywhere and more substantially.
‘right-sized’ and ‘regionality, access and        models; and language from the world of
quality’) in the North and North-West of          profit-maximising public companies.             Development-focused: As a community
the state.                                                                                        focused on education, professional
                                                  To ensure we keep a people focus, we are        development and growth should be
Our regional presence is important for            developing a clear People Strategy. Part of     integral to how we operate. Importantly,
access, but this alone is not enough. There       that focus comes from the very character        that needs to be considered separate from
are two other critical elements                   of the kind of university we want to be:        performance assessment. The evaluative
of our access model.                              values-based, relational, diverse, and          and the developmental are different tasks.
Firstly, we need an offering for students         development-focused.                            Performance assessment is about the
of all ages whose educational experiences         Values-based: To be place-based is to put       alignment between an organisation and
haven’t equipped them for a traditional           at our core a broad set of values about         an individual. It asks, ‘Did someone focus
university pathway or who are looking for         what we are trying to improve. To have          on agreed goals, put their fair share of
the advanced skills needed to progress            integrity, these values that guide what         effort into achieving those goals and bring
in life, but not as part of a full university     we do should characterise how we do             the expected level of skill to the tasks?’
degree. This is where our University              it. In practical terms, that means these        Professional development is a different
College plays an essential role. University       values should play a central role, from         conversation about how someone is going
College provides a distinctive set of             recruitment and promotions through to           career-wise. This includes growing their
offerings for those students. Importantly,        performance management.                         capacity to do excellent work in their
the way the courses are delivered is                                                              current role as well as developing the
designed to enable students to reach a            Relational: To take seriously being a           capabilities to play other roles. Ensuring
standard that, if they want to continue           community, our approach to people should        we have the right frameworks for this
their studies, they can articulate straight       be relational rather than transactional.        approach, and that those in leadership
into the third year of a bachelor degree          In practical terms, that means seeking          roles have the necessary feedback and
program. To achieve that uplift in capability     more secure models of employment that           coaching skills, is part of the People
requires a different pedagogy. This is            embody long-term mutual commitments             Strategy.
critical if we are to sustain both access and     to one another. Where short-term
excellence.                                       employment is needed, it means we must
                                                  examine closely our support for these staff.
Secondly, we need to ensure that we               We have much work to do to move to this
                                                                                                  The College Model: focusing
operate as a single higher education              sort of community. Our rates of fixed-term      outwards and working ‘with’
system with TasTAFE. It is vital to ensure        and casual employment, and the terms we
the University College and TasTAFE have                                                           What we refer to as the College Model and
                                                  employ people on, aren’t consistent with
complementary offerings, that there are                                                           its basic structure began as a project to
                                                  that starting point. We have already begun
clear articulations from TasTAFE courses                                                          organise the University more effectively
                                                  to make changes and our new approach
into the University’s courses, and that our                                                       and efficiently. It recognised that academic
                                                  to strategic planning – which incorporates
University students can readily access                                                            capability is best created through
                                                  multi-year people plans – will map a path
TasTAFE courses that will provide valuable                                                        disciplines, and that the integrating of
                                                  to far greater change.
skills to build on their degrees.                                                                 multiple disciplines together into Schools
                                                  Diverse: A healthy university community         enables us to develop distinctive academic
                                                  will be a diverse one for a range of reasons.   and professional capabilities. That said,

8                                                                                                                University of Tasmania
we can do more of other things. The only
                                                                                                 way in which we can get resources to do
                                                                                                 the activity we really need is to stop doing
                                                                                                 the activities that are wasting our time and
                                                                                                 effort and are not adding value to our core
                                                                                                 Central to that task is working through
                                                                                                 our processes to figure out how we can
                                                                                                 make all of them work with many fewer
                                                                                                 steps and fewer requirements. Picking
                                                                                                 up the lead from other universities, like
                                                                                                 St Andrews in the United Kingdom, we
                                                                                                 are taking a Lean approach that focuses
                                                                                                 on eliminating waste in all its forms
                                                                                                 (duplication; asking for information we
                                                                                                 don’t use; waiting; double and triple
                                                                                                 handling; error that leads to things being
                                                                                                 redone etc). As we take waste out, some
                                                                                                 roles will change because there will be
                                                                                                 tasks that don’t need doing, freeing people
affirming the importance of the Disciplines,     and capabilities to work with Colleges to       up to focus on tasks that makes use of their
Schools and Institutes remains important.        enable our mission to be successful. The        skills. Over time as some people’s roles
                                                 first key here is the ‘with’. It is not about   evolve, there will not be a need to find new
We also have been building on that
                                                 Divisions doing things ‘to’ the College or      people to do the tasks they once did. In
structure to devolve authority to create a
                                                 even ‘for’ the Colleges any more than it is     time, our staff profile will evolve to better
more empowered and agile organisation
                                                 about Colleges going it alone. The second       support our need to work efficiently and
that is outwardly oriented towards
                                                 key idea here is that what should organise      operate sustainably.
delivering our mission. The rationale for
                                                 us is not the internal agenda of a College
this is we should devolve authority to those                                                     A team has been put in place to guide and
                                                 or Division but the external perspective of
best positioned to pursue our mission,                                                           focus our effort. They will work actively
                                                 what we are trying to achieve for Tasmania
and that we will move far more quickly if                                                        with those involved in core processes
                                                 and the World.
decisions can be taken at the most local                                                         to identify together any waste and to
level possible.                                  For this model to work, we need to invest       support them to implement changes
                                                 in our academic leaders, so they can lead       that will reduce that waste. The key
We need frontline leadership in our
                                                 strategy development, look after our            here is working with those who know
Schools, Institutes and Disciplines for
                                                 people, enable successful change and            current processes well, for they are also
pursuing our various objectives – from
                                                 deepen our partnerships. We will need to        best placed to identify how they can
improving fisheries management to
                                                 bolster our regional leadership. We have        be improved. Respecting this in-house
seeking law reform – while retaining
                                                 heard that clearly from our campuses            knowledge is central to the Lean approach.
the scope and scale we need to tackle
                                                 and community on Cradle Coast and               While the team can address core university
whatever big questions we choose to
                                                 in Launceston, particularly at a time of        processes, there is much we can all do
ask. Equally, we need to recognise the
                                                 significant investment in the regions and       to get time back by embracing the Lean
importance of collaboration across
                                                 our place-based and equity missions.            model in our daily work lives. We need
Colleges and the University in answering
many of these questions. For example,                                                            to spot the time-wasting things we can
the greatest determinant of improving                                                            control and change them. Likewise,
health or educational outcomes might be          Focusing on the things and                      whenever we see unnecessarily elaborate
reduced poverty; the best way to create          activities that add value                       processes being designed, we should be
start-ups may be through commercialising                                                         comfortable pointing out that ‘that’s not
engineering solutions; or a town’s               We have a big agenda ahead of us.               very lean’ and suggesting a simpler way.
economic future might be best shaped by          Focusing on what will really make a
the creative arts.                               difference and freeing up people’s time to
                                                 focus on our priorities is imperative. That’s
In this model, our Divisions play a vital role   partly where the simplification agenda is
as partners who bring distinctive expertise      key. We have to do less of some things, so University of Tasmania                                                                                                          9
What all this means
in practice

A challenging agenda lies     We have a real opportunity to show how        Taking a mission or a vision and making it
                              our University can bring tangible benefit     real is a challenge, and it will require us to
ahead if we wish to achieve   to a whole state and provide an exemplar      change the ways we think about and do
the strategic opportunities   for the world. There is only one place in     things. Specifically, there are a number of
outlined above.               Australia, perhaps one of only a few places   high-level practical imperatives that help
                              in the world, where a university can work     focus us in practice. These are:
                              together with government, business, other
                                                                            • Create and deliver across the regions
                              agencies and community to deliver a new
                                                                              a distinctive and differentiated core
                              model of higher education, embedded
                                                                              offering and student experience to
                              deeply in its place.
                                                                              retain Tasmanian students in the
                                                                              state and attract students from
We could summarise our role   We can do this because of our privileged
                                                                              the mainland.
as the following:             role as the only university here, the
                                                                            • Produce distinctive research and
                              wonderfully distinctive nature and scale
                                                                              creative output, which make important
                              of our island-based state, and the enduring
                                                                              contributions to the future wellbeing of
                              commitment and depth of talent of
‘We are a place-based         our people.
                                                                              Tasmania and the world.
University with a mission                                                   • Increase the volume and diversity of
to improve the state                                                          learning pathways in partnership with
                                                                              TasTAFE, industry, government and local
of Tasmania, and from                                                         communities.
Tasmania contribute                                                         • Grow Tasmanian higher education
to the world.’                                                                participation across the regions.
                                                                            • Diversify and grow our international
                                                                              student markets.
                                                                            • Generate annual savings of $30 million.

10                                                                                          University of Tasmania
In addition, there are some concrete examples of how our strategic direction will be translated in practice:

     Place-based means in                            Right-sized means in                             Regionality, access
     practice that we will:                          practice that we will:                           and quality means in
     • Acknowledge Aboriginal                        • Deliver our core mission within
                                                                                                      practice that we will:
       Tasmanians and ensure their                     five years and generate savings                • Provide a model of statewide
       understanding of place informs                  of $30 million a year;                           access to courses that
       our curriculum, research and                  • Have a truly distinctive place-                  create an excitement and
       practices as a university;                      based ‘only at the University                    increased value in learning
     • Articulate clearly what                         of Tasmania’ offering;                           and that support professional
       measurable outcomes for                       • Stop any further flow of                         pathways;
       Tasmania we will achieve                        Tasmanian students to the                      • Grow our distinctive academic
       working in partnership with                     mainland and attract enough                      offerings to support each
       others in the state and what                    to the state that all our core                   region, starting next year;
       contributions we will make to                   offerings have numbers that                    • Continue to expand the reach
       the nation and the world;                       mean they are economically                       of our offerings through
     • Be clear about how we will                      self-sustaining;                                 models like the one we have
       make a difference through                     • Provide a high-quality                           established on the West
       what we do as a university                      experience to our international                  Coast, especially after the
       whether through the                             students;                                        new campuses in Burnie and
       capabilities we develop,                      • Focus on increasingly                            Launceston are established;
       knowledge we discover, the                      diversifying the origins of our                • Sustain, grow and, where
       cultural products we create,                    international students; and                      needed, create the centres of
       and/or the partnerships                       • Sustain and grow a distinctive,                  research excellence that each
       we form;                                        sizeable and profitable online                   region’s distinctive social and
     • Focus on how we can use our                     offering of our distinctive                      economic futures require;
       distinctive environmental,                      courses for an off-island                      • Strengthen our Schools, such
       social and historical context                   audience.                                        as Education, that are in
       to inform what we teach and                                                                      locations outside Hobart;
       research, and how we do this;                                                                  • Ensure that we give sufficient
     • Ensure that our off-island                                                                       priority to the successful
       offerings are also place-based                                                                   delivery of the Northern
       with a focus on delivering for                                                                   Transformation program;
       their communities;                                                                             • Continue to grow the
     • Make sure we are performing                                                                      University College in both
       at levels commensurate with                                                                      scope of qualifications offered
       the contribution we want to                                                                      and number of students it
       make and people we want to                                                                       reaches; and
       attract; and                                                                                   • Establish clear articulation
     • Be clear on how we measure                                                                       pathways between TasTAFE
       excellence, including the                                                                        and the University of
       place of our ERA ratings and                                                                     Tasmania, and ensure TasTAFE
       discipline rankings.                                                                             and University College
                                                                                                        offerings are complementary. University of Tasmania                                                                                                        11
Embedding action into our strategic

With finite time and resources,   It is vital that we are able to draw together   The Colleges, Schools and Disciplines
                                  themes from across our organisation, so         will be expected to develop SMART
it is important for us to be      that we are all aligned to one plan for the     (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant,
able to plan over longer time     University and a core set of priorities.        timebound) Goals for their strategies,
frames. It is also important      This would include recognising good work        with progress against these reported
to recognise that we cannot       that has already occurred, in developing        quarterly. The Divisions will play a key role
                                  a number of strategies and plans for            in supporting the Colleges, Schools and
do everything and that we         research, student retention, teaching and       Disciplines in the development of these
will need to prioritise around    learning, inclusion, diversity and equity.      SMART Goals, and their plans and activities
a small number of activities,     As we turn our mission into a strategic         will be guided by the strategies of the
staged appropriately, where       plan, we need to focus on what impact           Colleges.
                                  we can make for Tasmania through our
we can make a difference and      teaching, research and partnerships.
                                                                                  All of these strategies should be designed
                                                                                  to work towards long-term goals while
guide people day-to-day.          Our true measures of success lie on a
                                                                                  retaining the agility to respond to the
                                  horizon of more than five years.
                                                                                  unexpected opportunities that can
                                  The five-year Strategic Planning Process        accelerate our progress and manage the
                                  will commence in early 2019. The                risk of an uncertain world.
                                  Colleges, Schools and some Disciplines
                                                                                  These plans will be developed from
                                  will be crafting their own individual plans,
                                                                                  February with presentation to our
                                  outlining how they will contribute to the
                                                                                  University Executive Team (UET) in early
                                  key outcomes for Tasmania, in the context
                                                                                  April. Amendments and redrafting will
                                  of the institutional strategic direction.
                                                                                  occur from April – May, followed by final
                                  Their plans will consist of key strategies,
                                                                                  presentation to University Council.
                                  the initiatives needed to deliver these
                                  strategies (both new and existing) and also
                                  the supporting plans that will enable them
                                  to deliver these strategies.
                                  These supporting plans include the People
                                  Plan, Financial Sustainability Plan, and
                                  Stakeholder Engagement Plan. Key themes
                                  from the Colleges’ long-term Research
                                  Strategies and areas where planning has
                                  been underway for some time will need to
                                  be included in the plans.

12                                                                                               University of Tasmania
With thanks

                                     The Cascading Conversations of these past few months
                                     have informed and shaped the formulation of this strategic
                                     direction. No document can capture all the richness
                                     or diversity of those conversations. While I am sure
                                     conversations will continue, as they should, I hope there is
                                     here a sense of a common ground and a basis upon which
                                     we can work together.
                                     Our task now is to take these ideas and work with them
                                     both individually and institutionally. They will challenge
                                     us to create and adapt to change in ways both obvious
                                     and subtle. Each of us needs to be ready to embrace new
                                     ideas and park old ones that don’t fit with this new way of
                                     working. An important part of having a shared strategic
                                     direction is that it empowers everyone to make the change
                                     whenever they see the opportunity.
                                     Together, we can shape a University driven by a sense of
                                     passion and creativity, made truly unique by both its place
                                     in the globe and the people who belong to it – people
                                     bonded by a shared vision of making a positive difference
                                     to a place we love and a world we care for.
                                     Thank you for helping bring this vision to life.

                                     Kind regards,
                                     Professor Rufus Black
                                     Vice-Chancellor University of Tasmania                                                                  13
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