Defence Conference Franco-British Council 2018

Page created by Adam Castillo
Defence Conference Franco-British Council 2018
Franco-British Council

A Review
London, 19-20 September 2018​
Defence Conference Franco-British Council 2018
Franco-British Defence Conference // A Review

                                   Programme                                                  The Franco-British                                Conference Proceedings
                                                                                              Council Defence                                   INTRODUCTIONS. Following a warm welcome from
                                                                                                                                                our host HE Mr. Jean-Pierre Jouyet on Wednesday

                           Wednesday 19 September (1900 – 2130)
                                                                                              Conference                                        evening, the FBC’s Rt Hon Dominic Grieve QC MP
                                                                                                                                                articulated the depth and enduring relevance of the
                                                                                                                                                Franco-British relationship. On Thursday morning
                                  WELCOME ADDRESSES:                                          The seventh edition of the Franco-British         M. Philippe Peirs, speaking on behalf of Baroness
                                                                                                                                                Tessa Blackstone, Chair of the FBC, described the
             HE Mr. Jean-Pierre Jouyet, Ambassadeur de France au Royaume-Uni                  Council Defence Conference was generously         history of the FBC and its commitment to the Defence
                               Rt Hon Dominic Grieve QC MP                                                                                      Conference before introducing our prestigious panel
                                                                                              hosted within the London Residence of the         of speakers. It was clear that, despite short-term
                                    KEYNOTE SPEECHES:                                         French Ambassador to the United Kingdom           political and financial challenges, the appetite for
                                                                                                                                                cooperation remains as strong as ever and that the
                     A new relationship between Defence and Security.                         on 19 and 20 September 2018. Since the            wider community appreciate the importance of events
                    General Sir Nicholas Carter, Chief of the Defence Staff                                                                     facilitated by the FBC.
                                                                                              Lancaster House Treaties in 2010, the
        Monsieur le Général d’Armée François Lecointre, Chef d’Etat-Major des Armées
                                                                                              Franco-British Council (FBC) has regularly        KEYNOTE SPEECHES. The FBC was delighted that
                      Historical Perspective - A hundred years later.                                                                           defence ministers, service chiefs, national armament
    What did the UK and France learn from the First World War about working together?         organised this event which has established        directors and heads of industry were willing to share
                    Colonel Armel Dirou, French Military Attaché, London                                                                        their time to ensure that discussions could not have
                                                                                              itself as a networking platform of reference      been more timely or better informed.
                                         RECEPTION                                            for Franco-British relationships in the defence
                                                                                                                                                Rt Hon Gavin Williamson MP, Secretary of
                            Thursday 20 September (0900 – 1530)                               sector. The conference brings together            State for Defence and Madame Florence Parly,
                                                                                                                                                Ministre des Armées spoke about the historical
                                                                                              representatives from the most senior level of
                                      INTRODUCTION:                                                                                             depth of the Franco-British relationship highlighting
                                                                                              military, government, industry and academia       that, notwithstanding historic incursions into each
    Philippe Peirs, Trustee of the Franco-British Council and Conference Steering Committee                                                     other’s territories, we have been the closest of allies
                                                                                              from both sides of the Channel. Its objectives    for more than a hundred
                                    KEYNOTE SPEECHES:                                         are to forge new relationships and reinforce      years. Both speeches felt
                                                                                                                                                designed to reassure the
                        Ministerial view of the bilateral relationship.                       mutual understanding between the two              audience of the enduring
                  Rt Hon Gavin Williamson MP, Secretary of State for Defence                                                                    political relevance of the
                         Madame Florence Parly, Ministre des Armées                           countries' defence communities. The event is      relationship (shared values
                                                                                                                                                and shared strategic interest)
                                                                                              supported by the UK and French Ministries of
                        The place of the Franco-British relationship in                                                                         and of its current vitality
                          Capability Development and Acquisition.                             Defence and, in 2018, was funded by the UK        (operational commitments,
               Sir Simon Bollom, Chief Executive, Defence Equipment & Support                                                                   particularly in Mali, progress
                         Joël Barre, Délégué Général pour l’Armement                          Ministry of Defence together with generous        on the Combined Joint
                                                                                                                                                Expeditionary Force (CJEF),
                                                                                              commercial sponsorship from MBDA.                                                   Rt Hon Gavin Williamson MP,
                                 The Industrial perspective.                                                                                    industrial programmes
                                                                                                                                                including missiles and mine       Secretary of State for Defence
                        Antoine Bouvier, Chief Executive Officer, MBDA
                                                                                                                                                countermeasures, as well as recent developments in
                                   NETWORKING LUNCH                                                                                             highly sophisticated cooperation on areas including
                                                                                                                                                intelligence, cyber and nuclear). The Ministers each
                               ROUND TABLE DISCUSSIONS:                                                                                         noted continuing progress on the implementation of
                                                                                                                                                the Lancaster House Treaty.
                   Issues of common legal concern for the UK and France.                                                                        Madame Parly’s speech drew
                                                                                                                                                particular recognition for its
     What does Industry’s experience bring to the bilateral relationship and how can the                                                        sharpness and her willingness
    interaction be managed more effectively? What deductions for bilateral cooperation                                                          to describe challenges and
                      can be drawn from the latest national reviews?                                                                            potential divergences (BREXIT,
                                                                                                                                                managing the transatlantic
    How can the UK and France best work together to address the challenges posed by                                                             relationship and facing
                           the new strategic environment?                                                                                       Russia) while expressing her
                                                                                                                                                confidence in the Franco-
     Readiness for Intervention. How can the UK and France coordinate more closely to                                                           British ability to overcome
                           prepare for and to respond to crises?                                                                                them. The overall tone was        Madame Florence Parly,
                                                                                                                                                that of a willingness to pursue Ministre des Armées
                                                                                                                                                cooperation at the highest
                                                                                                                                                level and insistence that it should be reflected at all
                                                                                                                                                levels of their national defence structures.
Defence Conference Franco-British Council 2018
Franco-British Defence Conference // A Review

                                        General Sir                                          The two National
                                        Nicholas Carter,                                     Armaments Directors
                                        Chief of Defence                                     (NADs), Sir Simon              RECEPTION AND
                                        Staff and Monsieur                                   Bollom, Chief Executive        NETWORKING LUNCH.
                                        le Général                                           Officer of Defence
                                        d’Armée François                                     Equipment & Support            A reception provided by the French Embassy,
                                        Lecointre, Chef                                      and Joël Barre,                following Wednesday evening’s speeches,
                                        d'Etat-Major des                                     Délégué Général pour           was complemented by an extended lunch
                                        Armées. We were                                      l’Armement, noted the          break on Thursday. Feedback following the
                                        honoured to have                                     value of the conference        conference highlighted the importance and
                                        the two most senior                                  not only in bringing           value that participants attribute to these
                                        uniformed officers     Sir Simon Bollom              them together for a            networking opportunities.
                                        of French and          bilateral meeting but also in facilitating meetings
                                        British armed forces   with key representatives of Defence Industry. They
General Sir Nicholas Carter            share their views on    each outlined the strategic context of planning and
the health of the bilateral defence relationship, setting      resourcing defence acquisition. They acknowledged
the tone for the discussions ahead. Général Lecointre          that while BREXIT will inevitably change the UK’s
spoke about the “brotherhood in arms”, shared values           relationship with Europe
and respect that grew out of mutual experiences in             collectively, the core
the First World War and subsequent conflicts. General          reasons for the bilateral
Carter described the London-Paris link as vital to             relationship between
defence. It was felt that there was clear enthusiasm           France and the UK will
                               and commitment in their         remain unchanged.
                               analysis of progress            Their contribution was
                               that has been made in           commended for their
                               exchange programme and          frankness as both spoke
                               transition from concept         openly and realistically
                               to operational readiness        about the status of
                               for the CJEF. Exchanges         current programmes,          Joël Barre
                               of deputy commanders            noting not only challenges
                               at divisional level, the        but also significant progress with key programmes
                               recent deployment of UK         nearing maturity.
                               Chinook Helicopters in
Monsieur le Général d’Armée    direct support of French                                     Antoine Bouvier, Chief
François Lecointre             forces in the Sahel and                                      Executive of MBDA and
the deployment of French troops in eFP operations                                           conference sponsor,
led by the UK provide tangible evidence of mutual                                           concluded the keynote
confidence. The European Intervention Initiative                                            speeches by presenting
(EI2) and cooperation on humanitarian operations                                            his thoughts on the
seem to be areas where the strength of the Franco-                                          industrial view of the
British military relationship will continue to underpin                                     bilateral relationship.
international operations conducted either bilaterally or                                    In stating how easy it
as part of a wider partnership.                                                             would be to overlook
                                                                                            the benefits and merits
                                                               Antoine Bouvier             of the Lancaster House
                                                               Treaty, he emphasised the importance of the mutual       HISTORICAL
                                                               dependency reflected in the Inter-Governmental           PERSPECTIVE.
                                                               Agreement (IGA) and the imperative of holding true
                                                               to the long-term vision. He urged political leadership   Marking the 2018 Centenary
                                                               to take the decisions necessary to support industrial    of the Armistice, Colonel
                                                               specialisation. He described development and             Armel Dirou, French Military
                                                               enlargement of centres of excellence as the crucial      Attaché and King’s College
                                                               next-step, that would keep European defence industry     London Research Fellow,
                                                               ahead of their competitors. He offered the success of    presented a thought-provoking
                                                               the MBDA model as an asset and exemplar of what          reflection of France and Britain’s
                                                               can be achieved when both industry and government        collaboration during the First
                                                               agencies commit to a shared objective.                   World War.

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Defence Conference Franco-British Council 2018
Franco-British Defence Conference // A Review

Round-Table                               ROUND-TABLE 1.                                                 ROUND-TABLE 2.

Discussions                             Issues of common legal concern for the UK
                                        and France.
                                                                                                       What does Industry’s experience bring to the
                                                                                                       bilateral relationship and how can the interaction
                                                                                                                                                                                                Participants also explored
                                                                                                                                                                                                the need for procurement
                                                                                                       be managed more effectively? What deductions for                                         chains to continue to
                                        Introductions by Claire Legras, Directrice des Affaires        bilateral cooperation can be drawn from the latest                                       improve their ability and
The Round-Table discussions             Juridiques du Ministère des Armées, and Isabel                 national reviews?                                                                        willingness to stimulate
                                        Letwin, Director, MOD Legal Advisers, Government
provided the opportunity for            Legal Department set the scene for a frank and open
                                                                                                                                                                                                small and medium sized
                                                                                                                                     Statements by IGA                                          businesses (SMEs) so that
participants to review in detail four   discussion. This session focussed on three areas:                                            François Mestre, Chef                                      they can benefit from the
                                                                                                                                     de Service, Service des                                    innovation offered in these
issues that had been identified                                         Judicialisation, where                                       affaires industrielles                                     areas. The perception
                                                                        there is concern that
by the French and UK MODs as                                            judicialisation diminishes
                                                                                                                                     et d’intelligence              Richard Berthon
                                                                                                                                                                                                of procurement systems
                                                                                                                                     économique, DGA,                                           and process being
relevant to the development of                                          military power and
                                                                                                                                     Richard Berthon,               biased towards large national defence companies was
                                                                        military’s ability to do                                                                    highlighted as impeding access to SMEs. Participants
current policy and work-strands                                         its jobs, particularly with                                  Director Strategic
                                                                                                                                                                    described the merits of French and UK schemes
                                                                        respect to the implications                                  Programmes, and
for further action. Each session                                        of expeditionary and                                         GDA Éric Charpentier,
                                                                                                                                                                    designed at accelerating some procurement cycles
                                                                                                                                                                                                and incorporating
was introduced and moderated by                                         intervention operations.       François Mestre               Adjoint du sous-chef                                       innovation quicker in
                                                                        Interventions contrasted                                     PLAN set the scene                                         defence programmes
authoritative senior speakers: Wing     Claire Legras                   the difference between         for lively and wide-ranging discussion. There was                                        (UK’s rapid capabilities
                                                                        the pace of intervention       interest in the understanding where each nation
Commander Calvin Bailey and             facilitated constitutionally by the French President’s         would be prepared to take risk in the development of
                                                                                                                                                                                                programmes and France’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                instruments now sitting
Capitaine de Frégate Julien Lalanne     prerogative and the perceived “arms race” to increase          capabilities, with recognition that decisions on where                                   under the aegis of the new
                                        scrutiny within the UK Parliament prior to authorisation       not to invest as important as where investment is                                        Agence de l’innovation de
de Saint-Quentin, both members          commitment. Discussions also covered the implications          made. There was agreement that areas such as modern                                      Défense) and confirmed
                                        for serving and former military personnel being subject        unmanned fighter aircraft and missile programmes
of the Franco-British Young             to re-investigation of historical cases. There was             must be collaborative if the UK and France are to make
                                                                                                                                                                                                the appetite to learn and
                                                                                                                                                                                                work together in that field.
Leaders Programme.                      recognition that each nation’s penal codes should be           best use of limited resources and fulfil their sovereignty    Éric Charpentier
                                        developed to protect service personnel;                        and freedom of action objectives.

                                                                      Detention (especially
                                                                      extra-territorial and
                                                                      conflict contexts). The
                                                                      constraints engendered
                                                                      within Articles 2 and 5
                                                                      of European Convention
                                                                      on Human Rights (ECHR)
                                                                      were debated as they
                                                                      highlight extra-territoriality
                                        Isabel Letwin
                                                                      as an exception that has
                                                                      expanded the differences
                                        between criminal courts and the ECHR. There is a view
                                        that specialist personnel, separate from those involved
                                        in kinetic operations, may be required to conduct
                                        detention and questioning;

                                        Automation of weapons systems. Discussion centred
                                        on the difference between a public perception of
                                        Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (UAVs) as autonomous
                                        “killer robots” as opposed to the reality of human
                                        analysis and intervention in the system.

                                        The participants in this round-table session agreed the
                                        importance of establishing a Franco-British legal working
                                        group to tackle the key issues; the need for a legal
                                        working group to complement joint military operations,
                                        and the need to update the Lancaster House Treaty to
                                        reflect the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.                                                                                    Image (left):

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Franco-British Defence Conference // A Review

ROUND-TABLE 3.                                                                                                         ROUND-TABLE 4.

 How can the UK and France best work together to             Recommendations made by the participants in this          Readiness for Intervention. How can the UK and           also that CJEF should be a necessary catalyst for the
 address the challenges posed by the new strategic           round-table session addressed four areas:                 France coordinate more closely to prepare for and        rest of Europe to contribute to our collective security.
 environment?                                                                                                          to respond to crises?                                    As part of this, CJEF was seen as fundamental to EI2
                                                             •   The need for Franco-British cooperation to                                                                     capability reflecting both Britain and France’s leading
                                Alice Guitton, Directrice        be more proactive and practical, looking for          Contre-Amiral Didier Piaton, Adjoint du sous-chef        roles as guarantors of European peace. Looking to
                                Générale des Relations           opportunities and quick-wins in the areas of cyber,   OPS, and AVM Andrew Turner, Assistant Chief of           the future it was recognised that CJEF will enable
                                Internationales et de            automation and an increased focus on a younger        Defence Staff (Operations) opened this discussion        both nations to remain Tier One Defence Security
                                la Stratégie, and Peter          generation of leaders.                                acknowledging the significant progress that both         organisations. The key strength of the CJEF being that
                                Watkins, Director                                                                      nations have already made towards the CJEF.              as both nations may be perceived to have become
                                General Strategy and         •   The need to do more together to advance/invest        They invited comments on “how we are doing”              sub-critical in size, CJEF enables both nations to retain
                                International, provided          in military education.                                in order to define what still needs to be done to        a shared critical mass.
                                authoritative and                                                                      achieve all the stated missions of the CJEF, including
                                insightful introductions     •   The importance of (further) overcoming national       Full Operating Capabilities, by 2020, and also to        The participants in this discussion highlighted the need
                                to this discussion.              sensitivities relating to cyber and intelligence      understand how the CJEF will drive the European          to communicate more effectively the message about
                                They emphasised                  sharing.                                              intervention initiative capability.                      Franco-British engagement (specifically CJEF) under
 commonalities including: shared values, a unique                                                                                                                               the Lancaster House Treaty. They identified the target
 global perspective/ambitions based on our history,          •   The need to explore the case for a treaty to          Discussion recognised that ongoing bilateral             audiences as partner nations (in NATO, the EU and
 responsibilities as nuclear states, seats on United             redefine the UK’s relationship with the EU.           commitments are fully within framework as conceived      other international organisations); the general public;
 Nations Security Council, recognition of importance                                                                   under the Lancaster House Treaty. It was agreed that     and the wider defence community beyond those that
 of multilateralism, and respect for law and rules-based                                                               current challenges, intelligence sharing, C&I system     are immediately involved. It was recommended that
 order. Discussion encompassed European strategic                                                                      are real strategic issues that would endure as CJEF      future development and investment in CJEF should
 autonomy, the nature of Franco-British cooperation, the                                                               progresses towards Full Operating Capabilities in        aim to ensure that, on a collaborative basis, France and
 importance of modernisation/innovation and flexibility,                                                               2020. Contributions noted that although the Lancaster    the UK retain full-spectrum capability. Participants also
 the place of the US alongside the bilateral relationship,                                                             House Treaty is recognised as a huge strategic success   identified the need for leadership (political and military)
 the challenges posed by terrorism and migration, and                                                                  at the intergovernmental level and that it has created   to realise the potential of using CJEF on cooperative
 the need to modernise the rules-based system.                                                                         unity of effort both at strategic and tactical levels,   deployments, to conduct missions such as the suring
                                                                                                                       wider awareness is not as good as it should be. On an    up of elections as well as being held at readiness to
                                                                                                                       international perspective, it was recognised that the    deal with the hardest and most representative missions
                                                                                                                       CJEF must be better understood by partner nations        (particularly mission 9).
                                                                                                                       and allies as a complementary capability to NATO and

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Franco-British Defence Conference // A Review

Participants in the Franco-British Council                                                                     Rt Hon. Dominic Grieve MP
                                                                                                               House of Commons. Franco-British
                                                                                                                                                  Lord Edward Llewellyn
                                                                                                                                                  British Ambassador to France
                                                                                                                                                                                         Mr. Ben Sanders
                                                                                                                                                                                         UK Ministry of Defence

Defence Conference 2018
                                                                                                                                                  Mr. Mike Maiden                        M. François-Joseph Schichan
                                                                                                               Mme. Alice Guitton                 Industry - SME                         Embassy of France in London
                                                                                                                                                  IPETA Mélanie Malnou-Duviella          Vice-Amiral Henri Schricke
                                                                                                               Air Vice Marshal Bruce Headley     DGA                                    EMA
Wing Commander Andre                 Mr. David Bond                       Capitaine de Frégate Julien de       DJW
Adamson                              Financial Times                      Saint Quentin                                                           Mr. Ciaran Malone                      Cdr. Thomas Secher
UK Ministry of Defence                                                    Franco-British Council Young         Col. Patrice Hugret                UK Ministry of Defence                 UK Ministry of Defence
                                     Col. Chris Borneman                  Leader                               Embassy of France in London
Mr. Chris Allam                      British Embassy, Paris                                                                                       Mr. Jonathan Marcus                    Mr. Kim Sengupta
MBDA                                                                      Mr. Christopher Deacon               Mr. Will Jessett                   BBC                                    The Independent
                                     M. Antoine Bouvier                   Franco-British Council               UK Ministry of Defence
Mr. James Allibone                   MBDA                                                                                                         Ms. Kate Marshall                      Mr. Robert Sroka
MBDA                                                                      ICA Gaël Diaz-de-Tuesta              Mr. William Johnson                Franco-British Council                 UK Ministry of Defence
                                     Captain Xavier Breitel               DGA                                  UK Ministry of Defence
Mr. Stuart Andrew MP                 Royal College of Defence Studies                                                                             M. Olivier Martin                      Mr. Robin Southwell
UK Ministry of Defence                                                    Col. Armel Dirou                     Mr. Paul Johnston                  MBDA                                   NEXTER
                                     Ms. Alison Brettle                   Embassy of France in London          UK Foreign and Commonwealth
Mr. Alasdair Ambroziak               Assistant - Franco-British Council                                        Office                             Mme. Pauline Massart                   Col. Vincent Tassel
THALES UK                                                                 Mr. Mike Duckworth                                                      CEIS                                   UK Ministry of Defence
                                     Mr Jean-Jaques Bridey                NEXTER                               SE Jean-Pierre Jouyet
Mme. Camille Angué                   Assemblée Nationale                                                       Embassy of France in London        Wing Commander Scott Magee             Commissaire en chef Pascale Têtu
Embassy of France in London                                               M. Alexandre Escorcia                                                   Joint Forces Command                   EMA
                                     M. Jean-Christophe Bund              Ministre des Affaires étrangères -   Mr. Francis Kearney
Col. Graeme Armour                   NEXTER                                                                    Rolls-Royce                        IGA Francois Mestre                    IGA Vincent Thomassier
UK Permanent Joint Headquarters                                                                                                                   DGA                                    DGA
                                     Mr. Christian Cambon, Senateur       Ms. Anna-Marie Evans                 Dr. Glenn Kelly
Mr. Simon Atkinson                   Senat                                                                     Rolls-Royce                        Ms. Alexandra Moinier                  Brig. Rob Thomson
                                                                          DE & S
British Embassy, Paris                                                                                                                            Franco-British Council                 British Embassy, Paris
                                     Mr. Alistair Cameron                 Dr. Jonathan Eyal                    Mr. Mark Kenyon
Mme. Julie Augusto                   British Embassy, Paris                                                    Joint Forces Command               Contre-Amiral Luc Pagès                Air Vice Marshal Andrew Turner
DGRIS                                                                                                                                             Embassy of France in London            UK Ministry of Defence
                                     General Sir Nicholas Carter          Mr. Nick Fiorenza                    Mr. Jeremy Kitt
Mr. Selcuk Aydin                     UK Ministry of Defence                                                    UK Ministry of Defence             M. Xavier Paitard                      IGA Jean-Christophe Videau
                                                                          Jane's Defence Weekly
Assistant - Franco-British Council                                                                                                                MBDA                                   DGA
                                     Rear Admiral Simon Charlier          Mrs. Lucy Fisher                     Capitaine de Frégate Philippe
Mr. Eric Bagration-Davidoff          MBDA                                                                                                         Ministre des Armées, Florence          Capitaine de corvette Emmanuel
                                                                          The Times                            Kossowski
Industry - SME                                                                                                                                    Parly                                  Vignet
                                     GDA Eric Charpentier                                                      EMA
                                                                          Dr. Robert Foley                                                        Ministre des Armées                    UK Ministry of Defence
Wing Commander Calvin Bailey         EMA                                  King's College London                Aspirant Myriam Ksas
Franco-British Council Young                                                                                                                      Mr. Philippe Peirs                     Captain (Navy) Philippe Vitel
                                     Mr. Victor Chavez                                                         EMA
Leader                                                                    Mr. Richard Ford                                                        Franco-British Council                 PJHQ
                                     THALES UK                            DE & S                               Général William Kurtz
IGA Joël Barre                                                                                                                                    Contre-Amiral Didier Piaton            Mr. Oliver Waghorn
                                     Capitaine de Vaisseau Fabrice                                             SAFRAN
DGA                                                                       Rt Hon. Mark Francois MP                                                EMA                                    BAE Systems
                                     Coheleach                            House of Commons, Defence            M. Olivier Landour
Mme. Emma Baustert                   EMA                                                                                                          M. Arnaud Poidatz                      Mr. Peter Watkins
                                                                          Committee                            DGRIS
SGDSN                                                                                                                                             MBDA                                   DG S&I, UK Ministry of Defence
                                     Ms. Jenny Collier                    Mr. Simon Funnell                    Mr. Angus Lapsley
M. Olivier-Remy Bel                  Interpreter                                                                                                  Sir Andrew Pulford                     Rt Hon. Gavin Williamson MP
                                                                          UK Ministry of Defence               UK Foreign and Commonwealth
Franco-British Council                                                                                                                            BAE Systems                            Secretary of State for Defence
                                     Ms. Françoise Comte                                                       Office
                                                                          Wing Commander Yves Gagnon
Rt Hon. Richard Benyon MP            Interpreter                                                                                                  Capitaine de Vaisseau Luc Raynal       Mr. Stephen Willmer
                                                                          EMA                                  IPETA Sébastien Le Bouter
NATO Parliamentary Assembly                                                                                                                       Embassy of France in London            UK Ministry of Defence
                                     Mr. David Coyle                                                           DGA
                                                                          Mr. Frank Gardner
M. Philippe Bernard                  British Embassy, Paris                                                                                       M. Stephane Reb                        Col. (Retd) Geoff Wright
                                                                          BBC                                  Col. François-Yves Le Roux
Le Monde                                                                                                                                          MBDA                                   Franco-British Council
                                     Mr. Paul Crawley                                                          EMA
                                                                          Mme. Joëlle Garriaud-Maylam,
Mr. Richard Berthon                  MBDA UK                                                                                                      M. François Revardeaux                 Mrs. Georgina Wright
                                                                          Sénateur                             Général d'armée François
UK Ministry of Defence                                                                                                                            Embassy of France in London            Chatham House
                                     Ms. Dawn Cunningham-Martin
                                                                          Senat                                Lecointre
                                                                                                               EMA                                Lord Peter Ricketts                    Ms. Barbara Wilson
Prof. Sven Biscop                    DE & S                               Mr. Teymouraz Gorjestani
Europe in the World Programme                                                                                                                     House of Lords. Franco-British         Interpreter
                                     Ms. Zoë Daligault
                                                                          Embassy of France in London          Mme. Claire Legras
                                                                                                               Ministère des armées
Sir Simon Bollom                     Interpreter                          Mrs. Anne-Marie Gray de Dax
DE & S                                                                                                                                            M. Nicolas Roche
                                     Prof. Christian de Boissieu
                                                                          Interpreter                          Mrs. Isabel Letwin
                                                                                                                                                  Ministère des Affaires étrangères
                                                                                                               UK Ministry of Defence
Mme. Aurélie Bonal                   Franco-British Council
Embassy of France in London

Defence Conference Franco-British Council 2018
                                                                                       Franco-British Council
                                                                                       c/o The British Library
                                                                                       96 Euston Road,
                                                                                       London, NW1 2DB

                  About the Franco-British Council
The Franco-British Council was founded in 1972 on the joint initiative of
President Georges Pompidou and Prime Minister Edward Heath in the context
of a developing Europe and of an increasingly globalised community. Since
then it has dedicated itself to the promotion of a better mutual understanding
between the UK and France by bringing together leading representatives of the
worlds of defence, science, politics, business, education and culture.

Please visit the Franco-British Council website for further information about future
defence conferences; the Franco-British Young Leaders Programme and Local
Leaders Initiative; and the Entente Cordiale Scholarships; along with other news:

                   Acknowledgements and thanks
Baroness Blackstone, Chair of the Franco-British Council (British Section), and
the Conseil Franco-Britannique would like to extend their warmest thanks to
the speakers and participants of the Franco-British Council Defence Conference
2018; the supporters of the conference for their generosity, including the
Ministry of Defence in the UK and the invaluable sponsorship of MBDA for
this seventh edition; HE Mr. Jean-Pierre Jouyet, Ambassadeur de France au
Royaume-Uni, for hosting the event in 2018; the members of the Steering
Committee; and, of course, the Franco-British Council’s Senior Defence Advisor
Geoff Wright who made our conference possible this year.

                With grateful thanks to our partners

                                                                                       Photographs copyright
                                                                                       Eleonore de Bonneval
Defence Conference Franco-British Council 2018 Defence Conference Franco-British Council 2018 Defence Conference Franco-British Council 2018
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