Decommissioning Plan - Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) Consent Application No.3 - Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project

Page created by Ronnie Carr
Decommissioning Plan - Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) Consent Application No.3 - Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                       Decommissioning Plan –
                                       Kinsale Head Petroleum
                                       Lease (OPL 1)
                                       Consent Application No.3

253993-00-REP-28 | 30 September 2021
Decommissioning Plan - Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) Consent Application No.3 - Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                             Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                              Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                    Consent Application No.3


Glossary of Terms                                                                                  i

1              Introduction                                                                       4
               1.1              Introduction                                                     4
               1.2              Background                                                       4
               1.3              Consent Applications                                             6
               1.4              OPL-1                                                           11
               1.5              Overview of Facilities                                          11
               1.6              Summary of Statutory Background                                 13
               1.7              Methodology                                                     13
               1.8              Overview of Decommissioning Plan                                14
               1.9              Objective of Decommissioning Project                            15

2              Facilities Description                                                           16
               2.1              History of Operations                                           16
               2.2              Inventory of Facilities                                         17

3              Cessation of Production                                                          27
               3.1              Summary                                                         27
               3.2              Technical and Economic Evaluations                              27
               3.3              Other Uses Considered                                           27

4              Decommissioning Options                                                          28
               4.1              Pipelines and Umbilicals                                        28

5              Decommissioning Project Management                                               29
               5.1              Project Management Approach                                     29
               5.2              Organisation                                                    30
               5.3              Resources                                                       30
               5.4              Costs                                                           31
               5.5              Reporting                                                       31

6              Decommissioning Activities and Schedule                                          32
               6.1              Consent Application No. 3 Decommissioning Activities            32
               6.2              Decommissioning Schedule                                        33
               6.3              Materials and Waste Management                                  35
               6.4              Health and Safety                                               35

7              Post-Decommissioning Phase                                                       38
               7.1              Post Decommissioning Status                                     38
               7.2              Post Decommissioning Survey                                     38
               7.3              Decommissioning Close-out Reports                               38

    253993-00-REP-28 | Issue 1 | 30 September 2021 | Arup
Decommissioning Plan - Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) Consent Application No.3 - Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                                           Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                                            Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                                  Consent Application No.3

               7.4              Post Decommissioning Monitoring                                                      38

8              Environmental Assessment                                                                              40
               8.1              Environmental Baseline and Sensitivity                   40
               8.2              Environmental Assessment Methodology and Identification of Potentially
                                Significant Effects                                      40
               8.3              Management of Residual Effects and Conclusions           44
               8.4              Conclusions of the Appropriate Assessment Screening      46

9              Stakeholder Engagement                                                                                47
               9.1              Introduction                                                                         47
               9.2              Stakeholder Engagement Activities                                                    47
               9.3              Further Stakeholder Engagement                                                       48


Table 1: Lease details........................................................................................................................... 11
Table 2: Key National, European and International legislation relevant to the KADP ....................... 13
Table 3: Summary of proposed decommissioning options for the OPL-1 Facilities (Consent
Application No.3) ................................................................................................................................ 14
Table 4: Summary of Development History for the Kinsale Area Fields............................................ 16
Table 5: Pipelines to be decommissioned ............................................................................................ 22
Table 6: Umbilicals to be decommissioned ......................................................................................... 25
Table 7 Estimated rock placement requirements for in situ decommissioning options ...................... 32
Table 8 Estimated vessel timings (days) for pipeline and umbilical decommissioning ...................... 33
Table 9: Summary of potential significant environmental effects for each Consent Application ....... 41
Table 10: Summary of commitments and actions................................................................................ 44

Figure 1: Location of the Kinsale Area fields and facilities ............................................................... 10
Figure 2 Kinsale Area Facilities .......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 3: Overview of the Kinsale Head Facilities .............................................................................. 17
Figure 4 Ballycotton Infrastructure ...................................................................................................... 18
Figure 5: Overview of Southwest Kinsale and Greensand .................................................................. 20
Figure 6: PETRONAS Project Management System for decommissioning projects .......................... 29
Figure 7: Project Team – Execution Phase .......................................................................................... 30
Figure 8: Indicative Project Schedule .................................................................................................. 34

Further Information

Appendix A1: Relevant International Conventions and European Legislation
Appendix A2: Layout Drawings

    253993-00-REP-28 | Issue 1 | 30 September 2021 | Arup
Decommissioning Plan - Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) Consent Application No.3 - Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project

Glossary of Terms
Decommissioning Plan - Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) Consent Application No.3 - Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                                    Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                                     Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                           Consent Application No.3

Glossary of Terms
Term                           Explanation
AA                             Appropriate Assessment
ALARP                          As Low As Reasonably Practicable
AHV                            Anchor Handling Vessel
Buoyancy tank                  An enclosed air-filled section of a boat or ship designed to keep it afloat and
                               prevent it from sinking
Bunkering                      Supply of fuel for use by ships in a seaport
CA                             Comparative Assessment
Cantilever                     Structural element anchored at only one end to a support from which it is
CCS                            Carbon Capture and Storage
Concrete                       A series of concrete blocks usually connected by polypropylene ropes
mattress                       resembling a rectangular mattress, used for the weighting and/or protection of
                               seabed structures including pipelines
CoP                            Cessation of Production: the stage at which, after all economic development
                               opportunities have been pursued, hydrocarbon production ceases.
CRU                            Commission for Regulation of Utilities
CSV                            Construction Support Vessel
DAA                            Dublin Airport Authority
DCCAE                          Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment
DCENR                          Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources
DECC                           Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
DECC(UK)                       Department of Energy & Climate Change (UK)
Decommissioning                Planned shut-down or removal of a building, equipment, plant, offshore
                               installation etc., from operation or usage offshore.
Diesel                         A low viscosity distillate fuel
DSV                            Diving Support Vessel
DTTAS                          Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport
ER                             Environmental Report
EIA                            Environmental Impact Assessment
EPA                            Environmental Protection Agency
FEAS                           Marine Institute’s Fisheries Ecosystems Advisory Services
Flowline                       Pipeline carrying unprocessed oil/gas within the oil or gas field area
Freespan                       A free span on a pipeline is where the seabed sediments have been eroded,
                               or scoured away leaving a void under the pipeline so that the pipeline is no
                               longer supported on the seabed
Grout                          Particularly fluid form of concrete used to fill gaps, generally a mixture of
                               water, cement, and sand
GSRO                           Geoscience Regulatory Office
HES                            Health, Environment and Safety

253993-00-REP-28 | Issue 1 | 30 September 2021                                                                              Page i
Decommissioning Plan - Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) Consent Application No.3 - Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                                    Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                                     Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                           Consent Application No.3

Term                           Explanation
HFCs                           Hydrofluorocarbons
HWM                            High Water Mark
HLV                            Heavy-Lift Vessel
IALA                           International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse
IMO                            International Maritime Organisation
In situ                        In the original place.
Interconnector                 Structure which enables energy to flow between networks, refers to
                               international connections between electricity and natural gas networks
IOSEA                          Irish Offshore Strategic Environmental Assessment
IWDG                           Irish Whale and Dolphin Group
Jacket                         The structure comprising the “legs” of the offshore platform connected
                               together by horizontal and diagonal trusses and usually made of welded
                               tubular steel. The jacket is typically secured to the seabed by piles
KA                             Kinsale Alpha platform
KADP                           Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
KB                             Kinsale Bravo platform
KPIs                           Key Performance Indicators
km                             Kilometre: 1,000m, equivalent to 0.54 nautical miles
LPP                            Layer Polypropylene
Manifold                       A pipe or chamber branching into several openings.
MARPOL                         The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
MRCC                           Marine Rescue Co-ordination Centres
Natura 2000 sites              Natura 2000 is a network of nature protection areas in the territory of the
                               European Union. It is made up of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and
                               Special Protection Areas (SPAs) designated respectively under the Habitats
                               Directive and Birds Directive.
NIS                            Natura Impact Statement
nm                             Nautical Mile (1852m = 1 minute of latitude = 1/60 degree of latitude)
NPWS                           National Parks and Wildlife Service
NUI                            Normally Unmanned Installation: an installation with minimal facilities which is
                               not permanently crewed and is controlled from a remote location (e.g. other
                               platform or shore)
OGUK                           Oil & Gas UK
OSPAR                          Oslo and Paris Convention
P&A                            Plug and Abandon (wells)
PAD                            Petroleum Affairs Division of the Department of Communications, Climate
                               Action and Environment
PEP                            Project Execution Plan
PETRONAS                       Petroliam Nasional Berhad
PLEM                           Pipeline End Manifold

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Decommissioning Plan - Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) Consent Application No.3 - Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                                   Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                                    Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                          Consent Application No.3

Term                           Explanation
PSV                            Platform Supply Vessel
PUDAC                          Permit to Use or Discharge Added Chemicals
ROV                            Remotely Operated Vehicle: a small, unmanned submersible used for
                               inspection and the carrying out of some activities such as valve manipulation
SAC                            Special Area of Conservation: established under the Habitats Directive
Seafastening                   Action of fastening/securing cargoes on ship with the aim of preventing them
                               from movement while the ship is in transit
Semi-submersible               A floating mobile drilling rig supported on a number of pontoons, and typically
rig                            anchored to the seabed while on station
SFPA                           Sea Fisheries Protection Authority
Shears                         Cutting instrument in which two blades move past each other
SPA                            Special Protection Area: established under the Birds Directive
Subsea manifold                Large metal piece of equipment made up of pipes and valves, designed to
                               transfer oil or gas
SWK                            South West Kinsale
TEG                            Triethylene Glycol
Tie-backs                      Link between a satellite field and an existing production facility
Topsides                       The collective name for the many drilling, processing, accommodation and
                               other modules which when connected together make up the upper section of
                               the platform which rests on the jacket
Umbilical                      Cable and/or hose which supplies required electrical power and chemicals for
                               subsea well control
WDC                            Western Drill Centre
Wet Gas                        Any gas with a small amount of liquid present

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Decommissioning Plan - Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) Consent Application No.3 - Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project

Section 1
Decommissioning Plan - Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) Consent Application No.3 - Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                            Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                             Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                   Consent Application No.3

1                   Introduction

1.1                 Introduction
PSE Kinsale Energy Limited (Kinsale Energy) is progressing with the decommissioning1 of the Kinsale Area
gas fields and facilities (incorporating the Kinsale Head gas fields and facilities and the Seven Heads gas field
and facilities), which have come to the end of their productive life. Gas production from the wells ceased on 5
July 2020. The decommissioning of the entirety of the Kinsale Area gasfields and facilities is collectively
referred to as the Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project (KADP).

The entire KADP plan consists of:

•      Facilities preparation: disconnect and degas process plant and pipelines (all pipelines displaced with
•      Wells: plug and abandon all platform and subsea wells and removal of any surface component of these
       wells, including wellhead structures and platform conductors.
•      Platform topsides: complete removal in accordance with OSPAR Decision 98/3.
•      Subsea structures: (e.g. manifolds, wellhead protection structures): full removal in accordance with
       OSPAR Decision 98/3, including the removal of connecting spool pieces, umbilical jumpers and
       associated protection materials.

•      Platform jackets: complete removal in accordance with OSPAR Decision 98/3.
•      Offshore pipelines and umbilicals: rock cover of freespans and pipeline ends.
•      Export pipeline (offshore and onshore section): fill onshore section with grout and rock cover of freespans
       in offshore section.
•      Decommissioning the Inch Onshore Terminal (full removal and reinstatement to agricultural use, as per
       the terms of the site planning permission, Cork County Council planning reference 2929/76).

1.2                 Background
Pursuant to section 13 of the Petroleum and Other Minerals Development Act 1960 as amended (1960 Act), a
petroleum lease was granted in respect of the Kinsale Head gas fields and facilities in May 1970 (Offshore
Petroleum Lease No. 1 (“OPL-1”)). The Kinsale Head Plan of Development was submitted and agreed with
the then Minister for Communications, Climate Action & Environment (as he then was, now the Minister for the
Environment, Climate and Communications) (the “Minister”). This was in respect of the Kinsale Head gas
fields and facilities pursuant to the terms of the OPL-1.

A petroleum lease was granted in respect of the Seven Heads gas field and facilities in November 2002
pursuant to Section 13 of the 1960 Act (“Seven Heads Petroleum Lease”). The Seven Heads Field Plan of
Development (“Seven Heads Plan of Development”) was submitted and agreed with the then Minister in
respect of the Seven Heads gas field and facilities in accordance with the terms of the Seven Heads
Petroleum Lease.

Kinsale Energy submitted, and is now submitting further plans for decommissioning to the Minister for
approval pursuant to Section 13 of the 1960 Act), as addenda to the existing plans of development relevant to
the Kinsale Area and Seven Heads Petroleum Leases.

1   Meaning the removal, part removal or leaving in place of any installation or facility.

    253993-00-REP-28 | Issue 1 | 30 September 2021                                                                 Page 4
Decommissioning Plan - Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) Consent Application No.3 - Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                           Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                            Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                  Consent Application No.3

1.2.1               Previous Applications
To reflect project scheduling requirements and to facilitate studies on the potential for any re-use options for
the Kinsale Area facilities, a two stage consent application process for the Decommissioning Plans was
originally proposed by Kinsale Energy.

Decommissioning Plans covering the first stage (Consent Application no. 1) were submitted on 28th June
2018 covering the following works:

•      Facilities preparation: disconnect and degas process plant and pipelines (all pipelines displaced with
•      Wells: plug and abandon all platform and subsea wells and removal of any surface component of these
       wells, including wellhead structures and platform conductors.
•      Platform topsides: complete removal in accordance with OSPAR Decision 98/3.
•      Subsea structures: (e.g. manifolds, wellhead protection structures): full removal in accordance with
       OSPAR Decision 98/3, including the removal of connecting spool pieces, umbilical jumpers and
       associated protection materials.

Consent Application no. 1 was approved on 26 April 2019.

For Kinsale Head only, a subsequent application (Consent Application no. 2) was submitted on 8th August
2019 to cover the removal of the Kinsale Alpha and Bravo jackets. Consent Application no. 2 was approved
on 26 February 2020.

At the time of the previous consent applications, there were ongoing studies by others which could potentially
have resulted in future re-use of one or more of the subsea pipelines. No future re-use potential has been
identified within the timeframe of the KADP. Therefore, this application (“Kinsale Head Consent Application
no. 3” and “Seven Heads Application no. 2”) is being made in relation to the decommissioning of the
pipelines and associated umbilicals.

In accordance with section 13A of the 1960 Act, an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) was
prepared to accompany Consent Application no. 1. The EIAR was updated, by way of Addendum, for Consent
Application no. 2. The EIAR has again been updated, by way of Addendum, for this application. Any
reference to EIAR shall mean a reference to the entire of the EIAR and these two Addendums, together.

The EIAR provides an assessment of all likely significant environmental impacts of the decommissioning of
the Kinsale Area gas fields to enable the Minister to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment to
determine whether the proposed decommissioning of the offshore and onshore facilities associated with the
Kinsale Area fields would or would not be likely to have significant effects on the environment.

In accordance with regulation 42 of the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011
(as amended) (“the 2011 Regulations”) and Section 13A of the 1960 Act, an Appropriate Assessment
Screening Report (“AA Screening Report”) was prepared to accompany the Consent Application no. 1. The
AA Screening Report was updated for Consent Application no. 2, and is again updated for this consent
application . The AA Screening Report informs the competent authority, the Minister, in carrying out its
screening for Appropriate Assessment as to whether or not the Project is likely to have any significant impacts
on any European sites, either alone or in combination with other plans and projects, taking into account their
conservation objectives in light of the best scientific knowledge in the field.

At the time of Consent Application no. 2, Section 5 of the Dumping at Sea Act 1996, as amended, did not yet
apply to “offshore installations”2.

2Pursuant to Section 1 of the Dumping at Sea Act offshore installations means “any man-made structure,
plant or vessel or parts thereof, whether floating or fixed to the seabed, placed in the sea for the purpose of

    253993-00-REP-28 | Issue 1 | 30 September 2021                                                                Page 5
PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                          Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                           Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                 Consent Application No.3

Under Section 5 of the Dumping at Sea Act 1996, the Environmental Protection Agency (the “Agency”) has
the power to grant a permit that allows the offshore pipelines and umbilicals to remain in situ. Section 5(12)
postponed the legal effect of Section 5, so that the power did not apply to “offshore installations” pending an
order of the Government.

The necessary order of the Government was made on 2 March 2021 within the Dumping At Sea Act 1996
(Section 5(12)) (Commencement) Order 2021 (SI No. 92 of 2021). That Order appointed 1 April 2021 as the
day on which Section 5 came into operation as respects offshore installations. With effect from 1 April 2021,
Section 5 does now apply to offshore installations, including any offshore pipelines and umbilicals that had
been placed in the sea for the purpose of exploitation of gaseous hydrocarbons.

1.2.2             Current Applications
Applications to the Minister under the 1960 Act and the Continental Shelf Act, to leave the pipelines and
umbilicals in situ, are now being made, as outlined in Section 1.3 below. A separate application is being made
to the Agency under the Dumping at Sea Act.
The application to the Minister under the Continental Shelf Act 1968 (as amended) relates only to acts of
construction, alteration or improvement of the existing pipeline and umbilical structures from the outer limit of
the State’s territorial seas, generally 12 nautical miles, to the wells. The application applies to the use of new
engineering materials to preserve the pipelines and umbilicals in-situ. The application does not apply to
leaving the offshore pipelines, umbilicals and any content within to remain in-situ.
The application to the Agency under the Dumping at Sea Act relates only to the parts of the pipeline and
umbilicals within the “maritime area”, so does not extend onshore beyond the line of high water of ordinary or
medium tides. Also, the application to the Agency applies only to the defined act of “dumping”. The deliberate
disposal in the maritime area of an offshore installation, by leaving the offshore pipelines, umbilicals and any
content within to remain in situ, satisfies that definition. The defined act of “dumping” does not apply to the use
of engineering materials to protect the pipelines and umbilicals in situ. The controlled installation of protective
rock berms over pipelines and umbilicals to avoid and/or reduce hazards to fishing, shipping etc. is a
construction activity with an engineering purpose. This use of engineering materials is not an act of disposal,
as the materials are used to fulfil a specific function. The same logic applies with equal force to existing in situ
protection (including protection mattresses).
No application to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage (or the Minister for State with
responsibility for Planning and Local Government to whom relevant functions have been delegated) for lease,
licence, approval or consent under the Foreshore Act 1933 (as amended) is required. The pipeline and
umbilicals on the foreshore are the subject of a foreshore licence granted by the Minister on 14 September
1978, and amended on 27 March 1997. The foreshore licence requires the pipeline to be maintained to avoid
injury to navigation, which requires the use of engineering materials to preserve the pipelines and umbilicals in

1.3               Consent Applications
The facilities to be decommissioned under the various consent applications for the KADP are set out below.

offshore activities”. Offshore activities is defined in Section 1 as meaning “activities carried out in the sea for
the purpose of the exploration, appraisal or exploitation of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons”.

  253993-00-REP-28 | Issue 1 | 30 September 2021                                                                 Page 6
PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                            Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                             Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                   Consent Application No.3

1.3.1               Previous Applications

                    Consent Application no.1 - Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL
This application was submitted to the Minister on 28 June 2018 and Ministerial Consent was received on 26
April 2019 and includes the following:

•      The Kinsale Alpha (KA) and Kinsale Bravo (KB) topsides,
•      All infield subsea infrastructure associated with the OPL-1, including the subsea manifold, PLEMs, valve
       skid, intermediary tee skid, pipeline/umbilical terminations and associated protection materials.

•      All OPL-1 subsea and platform wells including the wellhead structures,
•      3 previously abandoned exploration wells
•      Consent for this application was granted by the Minister on 26th April 2019

                    Consent Application no.1 - Seven Heads Petroleum Lease
This application was submitted to the Minister on 28 June 2018 and Ministerial consent was received on 26
April 2019 and includes for the following facilities under the Seven Heads Petroleum Lease:

•      Five Seven Heads Field subsea development wells including the wellhead structures
•      One previously abandoned exploration well
•      All infield subsea infrastructure associated with the Seven Heads gas field, including the subsea manifold,
       pipeline/umbilical terminations and associated protection materials.

•      Consent for this application was granted by the Minister on 26th April 2019.

                    Consent Application no.2 - Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL
This application was submitted to the Minister on 8 August 2019 and Ministerial consent was received on
26 February 2020 and includes the following facilities under the Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease:

•      The Kinsale Alpha (KA) and Kinsale Bravo (KB) jackets.
•      Consent for this application was granted by the Minister on 26th Feb. 2020.

1.3.2               Current Application

                    Consent Application no.3 - Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL
                    1) (this Decommissioning Plan)
This application seeks consent to decommission the following facilities under the Kinsale Head Petroleum

•      To leave in situ all infield pipelines and umbilicals associated with the Kinsale Head gas fields
•      To leave in situ the 24” export pipeline (offshore and onshore section) and to fill the onshore section with

    253993-00-REP-28 | Issue 1 | 30 September 2021                                                                 Page 7
PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                            Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                             Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                   Consent Application No.3

•      To use engineering materials (Rock Placement) to protect the pipelines and umbilicals in situ
Kinsale Energy is now making two separate applications under the relevant legislation with respect to pipeline
and umbilical decommissioning as follows:

1. Application for approval of an addendum to Kinsale Head Field Plan of
   Development under Section 13 of the 1960 Act
As noted previously, the Kinsale Head gas fields have come to the end of their productive life. Gas production
from the wells ceased on 5 July 2020. Kinsale Energy is applying to the Minister for approval for an addendum
to the Kinsale Head Plan of Development for the decommissioning of certain facilities as set out in this
document. Kinsale Energy has prepared this Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL
1) – Consent Application no. 3 (the “Decommissioning Plan”) which sets out the details for the
decommissioning3 of certain facilities in the Kinsale Head gas fields.

In accordance with section 13A of the 1960 Act, an EIAR accompanies this application. An AA Screening
Report has also been prepared to accompany this application.

2. Application for Consent under Section 5 of the Continental Shelf Act 1968 (as
Pursuant to Section 5(2) of the Continental Shelf Act 1968, as amended, the consent of the Minister is also
sought by Kinsale Energy to alter and improve certain facilities within the area designated pursuant to Article 2
of the Continental Shelf Designated Areas Order 1993 SI 92 of 1993.

The application to the Minister under the Continental Shelf Act 1968 relates only to acts of construction,
alteration or improvement of the existing pipeline and umbilical structures from the outer limit of the State’s
territorial seas, generally 12 nautical miles, to the wells. The application applies to the use of engineering
materials to protect the pipelines and umbilicals in situ. The application does not apply to leaving the offshore
pipelines, umbilicals and any content within to remain in situ.

These, and the related applications, are the final applications being made to decommission the KADP.

1.3.3               Related Applications
A separate application is being submitted to the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications for
the following:

Seven Heads Petroleum Lease – Consent Application no. 2
•      All infield pipelines and umbilicals associated with the Seven Heads gas field
•      The 18” Seven Heads export pipeline and umbilical
As noted above separate applications are also being made to the EPA for consent under Section 5 of the
Dumping at Sea Act 1996 for the leaving in situ of pipelines and umbilicals within the maritime area.

1.3.4               Environmental Assessment
As outlined above in Section [1.2 (Background)], , in accordance with section 13A of the 1960 Act, an EIAR
was prepared to accompany Consent Application no. 1. The EIAR was updated, by way of Addendum, for
Consent Application no. 2. The EIAR has again been updated, by way of Addendum, for this application.

The addendums (253993-00-REP-24 and 253993-00-REP-27) have been produced to reflect the additional
information provided to the Minister on 14th November 2018 and 12th December 2018 during the Consent

3   Meaning the removal, part removal or leaving in place of any installation or facility.

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PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                         Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                          Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                Consent Application No.3

Application No. 1 process and for Consent Application 2, as well as any additional relevant environmental
information which has been published in the interim. Any reference to EIAR shall mean a reference to the
entire of the EIAR and these two Addendums, together. The EIAR should be read in conjunction with the
Decommissioning Plan which have also been submitted as part of this consent application process.

The EIAR has been prepared to identify, describe and assess the likely significant environmental impacts of
the entirety of the proposed decommissioning of the Kinsale Area gas fields and facilities including the
decommissioning of the Inch onshore gas terminal.

As outlined above in Section [1.2 (Background)], in accordance with regulation 42 of the European
Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 (as amended) and Section 13A of the 1960 Act,
an AA Screening Report was prepared to accompany the Consent Application no. 1. The AA Screening
Report was updated for Consent Application no. 2, and is again updated for this consent application. The AA
Screening Report informs the competent authority, the Minister, in carrying out its screening for Appropriate
Assessment as to whether or not the entirety of the proposed decommissioning of the Kinsale Area gas fields
and facilities, including the decommissioning of the Inch onshore gas terminal, is likely to have any significant
impacts on any European sites, either alone or in combination with other plans and projects, taking into
account their conservation objectives and in light of the best scientific knowledge in the field.

  253993-00-REP-28 | Issue 1 | 30 September 2021                                                                Page 9
PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                     Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                      Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                            Consent Application No.3

Figure 1: Location of the Kinsale Area fields and facilities

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                                                               Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                     Consent Application No.3

1.4               OPL-1
The Offshore Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease No. 1 (OPL-1), details are summarised in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Lease details

                                 Commencement                          Area            Participants
 Lease                                             Block No.                                                      % Interest
                                 Date                                  (km²)           (* = Operator)

 Offshore                        7 May 1970        48/20, 48/25,       1,003.03        *PSE Kinsale               100%
 Petroleum Lease                                   49/16 & 49/21                       Energy Limited
 No. 1:

1.5               Overview of Facilities
The Kinsale Area contains several natural gas fields as shown in Figure 2 below.

The Kinsale Head, Southwest Kinsale, Greensand and Ballycotton gas fields are all located within the area
leased under Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL-1).

The adjacent gas field, Seven Heads gas field is located within the area leased under Seven Heads
Petroleum Lease.

The Kinsale Head facilities were installed between 1977 and 2003 with gas production commencing in 1978
and seasonal gas storage operations taking place between 2001 and 2017. The fields ceased production on
July 5 2020.

See Section 2 for details of the facilities.

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                                                   Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                         Consent Application No.3

Figure 2 Kinsale Area Facilities

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PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                                  Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                                   Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                         Consent Application No.3

1.6               Summary of Statutory Background
Table 2 below summarises the relevant key National, European and International legislation and the
associated consents and requirements for decommissioning of infrastructure relevant to the KADP.

Details of all relevant International Conventions and European Legislation is included in Appendix A1.
Table 2: Key National, European and International legislation relevant to the KADP

 Relevant Legislation                              Consents / requirements for Decommissioning
 Section 13 of The Petroleum & Other               Application to the Minister is being made pursuant to Section 13
 Minerals Development Act 1960 (as                 for decommissioning.
 Section 5 of The Continental Shelf Act            Application to the Minister is being made for the consent to
 1968 (as amended)                                 “alter/construct/improve” works or structure in ‘or remove any
                                                   object or material from’ the Continental Shelf designated area.
 Section 5 of the Dumping at Sea Act               Application to the Agency is being made for permit that allows
 1996 (as amended)                                 the offshore pipelines and umbilicals to remain in situ
 Part IIA of the Electricity Regulation Act        Section 13D renders the decommissioning of petroleum
 1999 (as amended)                                 infrastructure and the abandoning of any well as a “designated
                                                   petroleum activity”.
                                                   Section 13E requires a safety permit to carry out designated
                                                   petroleum activity.

 Section 3 of the Petroleum                        Kinsale Energy’s current safety permit includes
 (Exploration and Extraction) Safety Act           decommissioning.
 2010 (as amended)                                 Approval of Safety Case received for decommissioning.

 Energy (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act             Minister shall not approve abandonment without consent of
 1995, Section 17                                  Minister of Marine.
 European Communities (Birds and                   Screening to be undertaken by competent authority to determine
 Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 (as            whether actions will affect European site. Screening report to be
 amended)                                          submitted to competent authority.
                                                   Transposes Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and Birds Directive
                                                   (2009/147/EC) into Irish Law.
                                                   Application is accompanied by an AA Screening Report.
 Environmental Impact Assessment                   EIA Screening, and EIA if required, to be undertaken by
 Directive 2011/92/EU amended by                   competent authority.
 Directive 2014/52/EU                              Application is accompanied by an EIAR.
 Decisions 98/3, OSPAR (1998)                      The dumping, and leaving wholly or partly in place, of disused
                                                   offshore installations is prohibited within the OSPAR maritime
 Foreshore Act 1933 (as amended)                   No application to the Minister for Housing, Local Government
                                                   and Heritage (or the Minister for State with responsibility for
                                                   Planning and Local Government to whom relevant functions
                                                   have been delegated) for lease, licence, approval or consent
                                                   under the Foreshore Act 1933 is required. Kinsale Energy is
                                                   entitled to surrender the existing licence, upon payment of a
                                                   specified fee.

1.7               Methodology
This Decommissioning Plan has been prepared in line with the legislation as detailed in Section 1.6, and in
the absence of specific decommissioning guidance documents in Ireland, taking cognisance of the following
guidance documents for decommissioning projects:

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PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                                Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                                 Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                       Consent Application No.3

[1]     PAD (2004). Rules and Procedures Manual for Offshore Petroleum Production Operations Rev 4.4,
        2004, Petroleum Affairs Division, Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources,

[2]     PAD (2011), Rules and Procedures Manual for Offshore Petroleum Exploration and Appraisal, 2011,
        Petroleum Affairs Division, Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, Dublin

[3]     DMNR (1992). Licensing Terms for Offshore Oil And Gas Exploration, Development & Production 1992,
        Department of the Marine and Natural Resources, Dublin

[4]     EPA (2014). Guidance on assessing and costing environmental liabilities 2014.

[5]     DECC (UK) (2011). Decommissioning of Offshore Oil and Gas Installations and Pipelines under the
        Petroleum Act 1998. Version 6, 134pp.

[6]     OGUK (UK) (2013). Long-term degradation of Offshore Structures and Pipelines Decommissioned and
        left in situ. Commissioned by Oil & Gas UK, 41pp.

1.8               Overview of Decommissioning Plan
This Decommissioning Plan details the selected option for the decommissioning of certain facilities within the
Kinsale Head gas fields.

A number of options were initially considered to carry out the decommissioning of the facilities, including the
consideration of alternative uses of the facilities (refer to Section 3.3), as well as a number of different options
to carry out the physical decommissioning (refer to Section 4).

No feasible alternative uses for the facilities have been identified and the different methods to carry out the
decommissioning have been assessed, which resulted in the identification of a number of preferred methods
for the decommissioning of each facility.

The broad scope of work involved in decommissioning the facilities (covered by this Decommissioning Plan) is
the leaving in situ of the pipelines and umbilicals, and rock cover of freespans and remaining in situ protection

Table 3 sets out a summary of the decommissioning alternatives initially considered. Refer to Section 4 of
this Decommissioning Plan for further detail on the alternatives considered.

Table 3: Summary of proposed decommissioning options for the OPL-1 Facilities (Consent
Application No.3)

                        Decommissioning Alternatives Initially           Comment
 Pipelines,                   •     Full Removal                              Full removal and partial removal were
 Umbilicals                   •     Partial Removal                           initially considered as alternatives for
 and protection                                                               pipelines, umbilicals and protection
 materials                    •     Leave in situ                             materials. Refer to Appendix E of the EIAR
                                                                              (Comparative Assessment) which
                                                                              considered the safety, environmental,
                                                                              technical, social and cost aspects of the
                                                                              various alternatives and which identified
                                                                              leave in situ as the optimal option.

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PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                            Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                             Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                   Consent Application No.3

1.9                 Objective of Decommissioning Project
The objective of this Decommissioning Plan is to ensure that the decommissioning is undertaken in a safe,
environmentally friendly and cost efficient manner. The Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project will ensure
minimum impact on the environment. The Decommissioning Plan will ensure that the necessary measures are
identified, managed and monitored to lead to successful decommissioning.

The criteria which define the successful decommissioning of the facilities are as follows:

•      Compliance with the Minister’s consent requirements.
•      All decommissioning activities completed safely and with due regard to the environment.
•      All activities undertaken in compliance with laws and regulations.
•      All works carried out in accordance with good oilfield practice.
•      All facilities will be safely decommissioned using standard procedures and appropriately licensed
•      All disposal of wastes, materials and substances will comply with regulatory requirements.
•      All records relating to decommissioning and the disposal or recycling of wastes, materials and substances
       retained throughout the closure process and made available for inspection thereafter through the DECC.
•      Hazards and environmental risks addressed and the Minister satisfied that the Kinsale Area has minimum
       impact on the Environment.
•      An Environmental Management System in place and actively implemented during the decommissioning
•      Residual (post-decommissioning) risks reduced to a satisfactory level.
•      Appropriate funds in place to cover the costs.

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Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project

Section 2
Facilities Description
PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                                     Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                                      Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                            Consent Application No.3

2                 Facilities Description

2.1               History of Operations
The Kinsale Head Gas Field was discovered in 1971 and was brought on-stream in 1978 under a Plan of
Development approved by the then Department of Industry and Commerce. The Kinsale Head field was
developed with two fixed steel platforms (Kinsale Alpha and Kinsale Bravo) with gas exported by pipeline from
Kinsale Alpha to the onshore Inch Terminal. The discovery of the field was the basis for the development of
the natural gas industry in Ireland and Kinsale Head was Ireland’s only source of gas until the installation of an
interconnector pipeline from Scotland in 1993.

Following the Kinsale Head discovery, there was extensive exploration of the Celtic Sea with ~90 wells drilled,
the last was the Midleton well in Block 49/11 drilled by Kinsale Energy in 2015. However, despite the
intensive exploration effort, no other large fields have been discovered, although a number of smaller gas
fields have been commercially exploited as subsea tie-backs to Kinsale Head, including the Seven Heads
field, which was the last development in the area.

The Kinsale Area fields and infrastructure are summarised in Table 4, for information.
Table 4: Summary of Development History for the Kinsale Area Fields

                                          No. of                                 Date/First
 Lease             Field                           Facilities                                      Status (2021)
                                          Wells                                  Production
 OPL-01            Kinsale Head           14       Kinsale Alpha                 1978
                                                        (Manned Platform with                      Wells abandoned;
                                                        production, drilling &                     platform demanned
                                                        7 x Platform Wells
                                                   Kinsale Bravo                 1979
                                                        (Manned Platform with                      Wells abandoned;
                                                        production, drilling &                     platform demanned
                                                        7 x Platform Wells
                   Ballycotton            1        1 x Subsea Well               1991              Shut-In; well
                   Southwest              3        3 x Subsea Wells              1999 – 2001       Wells Abandoned
                   Kinsale *
                   Greensand              1        1 x Subsea Well               2003              Well Abandoned
 Seven             Seven Heads            5        1 x Subsea Manifold           2003
 Heads                                             5 x Subsea Wells                                Shut-in; well

The Seven Heads field was developed by a group led by Ramco Energy in 2003; Ramco’s interest (86.5%)
was subsequently acquired by Marathon in 2006 and is now operated by PSE Seven Heads Limited, a
subsidiary of PSE Kinsale Energy Limited. A separate Decommissioning Plan is being submitted for the
Seven Heads facilities.

The development of the fields involved the installation of a number of pipelines, initially for the export of gas
from the two production platforms and subsequently for the tie-back of various satellite fields, including the last
development, the Seven Heads field in 2003. Subsea electro-hydraulic umbilicals were also installed to allow
control of the satellite gas fields form the platforms.

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PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                         Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                          Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                Consent Application No.3

Details of the pipelines and umbilicals which are the subject of this Consent Application are given in Section
2.2 below. All of the pipelines have been degassed and displaced to seawater as part of the decommissioning
activities under Consent Application 1.

2.2               Inventory of Facilities
The facilities to be decommissioned, relevant to this Decommissioning Plan, are illustrated (Figures 3 to 5)
and summarised in Table 5.

This Decommissioning Plan is only for the pipelines, umbilicals and protection materials associated with the
Kinsale Head Lease.

Layout drawings of all facilities within OPL-1 are included in Appendix A2.

2.2.1             Kinsale Head Development

Figure 3: Overview of the Kinsale Head Facilities

Export pipeline
The main export pipeline from KA to the Inch Terminal consists of a 55.57km, 24” concrete coated pipeline
installed in 1977. The pipeline is mainly surface laid but with some buried sections and rock placement at
strategic locations. The pipeline is buried from 2km seaward of the landfall to the landfall and for the 1.2km
inland from the landfall as far as the Inch Terminal.

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PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                         Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                          Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                Consent Application No.3

The pipeline was displaced to seawater in March 2021 and was subsequently disconnected (cut) at a point
55m from the base of the KA jacket in August 2021.

KA to KB pipelines
Two pipelines connect the KA and KB platforms, a 24” concrete coated pipeline (4.96km) and a 12” three
layer polypropylene (PPL) coated pipeline (5.11km). The pipelines were installed in 1977 and 2001
respectively and are both surface laid, with rock having been placed at strategic locations along the 24”

The 24” pipeline was displaced to seawater in February 2021 and the line was subsequently disconnected
(cut) at the base of each platform in May 2021

2.2.2             Ballycotton Subsea Development

Figure 4 Ballycotton Infrastructure

The 12.69km 10” Ballycotton pipeline was installed in 1991, and connects well 48/20-2 to KB and is trenched
and buried throughout most of its length though with some exposed sections, and mattress protection,
particularly at the wellhead end, which is extensively protected. The umbilical (control cable) is trenched
separately to the pipeline and is of similar length (13.00km). There are two infield crossings of the Ballycotton
pipeline close to KB by the Seven Heads pipeline and umbilical, each of which is protected with concrete

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PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                        Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                         Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                               Consent Application No.3

There is a 500m exclusion zone, for other sea users, around the Ballycotton well 48/20-2 (ref S.I. No

The pipeline was displaced to seawater and subsequently disconnected (cut) from the well in October 2020.
The well was isolated pending permanent abandonment. The flowline end spool and PLET (pipeline end
termination valve skid) were removed in August 2021.

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PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                        Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                         Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                               Consent Application No.3

2.2.3             Southwest Kinsale and Greensand Subsea Development

Figure 5: Overview of Southwest Kinsale and Greensand

The Southwest Kinsale (SW Kinsale) development is connected to the KB platform via a 6.96km, 12” pipeline
installed in 1999, which is partially trenched and buried, and rock covered where required trenching depths
could not be reached. Concrete protective mattresses cover both ends of the pipeline, on its approach to the
SW Kinsale valve skid and at its connection with KB. The SW Kinsale valve skid is tied into well 48/25-3 and
an intermediate tee skid which connects the Western Drill Centre (WDC) extension.

The WDC extension is a similar 12” pipeline 1.16km in length installed in 2001, which is rock-covered along its
length. The WDC pipeline terminates at the WDC Pipeline End Manifold (PLEM) and is connected via spool
pieces to the 48/25-4 and 48/25-5 wells.

A subsea well completion (Greensand) in the “A” sand zone of SW Kinsale was installed in 2003 and the
infrastructure is immediately adjacent to that of SW Kinsale. The 7.02km 10” pipeline is rock-covered along its
length to KB with the exception of a short section approaching the Greensand PLEM. Spool pieces connect
the Greensand PLEM to well 48/25-6.

There is an exclusion zone, for other sea users (ref S.I. No. 6/2003), bounded by a line which is 500m at all
points from a straight line joining the SW Kinsale well 48/25-3 and a point at the WDC wells. This results in an
elongated 500m exclusion zone around the Southwest Kinsale, Western Drill Centre and Greensand wells.

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PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                      Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                       Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                             Consent Application No.3

The South West Kinsale, Greensand and Western Drill Centre pipelines were displaced to seawater and
subsequently disconnected from their respective wells in October 2020. The wells were isolated pending
permanent abandonment. All subsea structures related with this infrastructure were removed in August 2021.

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PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                                                                                           Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                                                                    Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) – Consent Application No.3

2.2.4             Summary of OPL-1 Lease Facilities (Consent Application 3)
Tables 5 and Table 6 summarises the OPL-1 facilities to be decommissioned as detailed herein.

Table 5: Pipelines to be decommissioned

Pipeline                  (km)                Description          Year installed   Status         Tie-in spools pieces        Protection materials              Comments

                          Kinsale Head, Southwest Kinsale, Greensand & Ballycotton

Inch Terminal to          1.20km              24″ X60 steel,       1977             Shut-in;       Inch Terminal pipeline      25mm concrete coated
Inch Beach                                    coal-tar epoxy                        displaced to   entry buried with Inlet     section from the vegetation
landfall export                                                                     seawater;      Stop Valve P149 in pit      zone above the beach to
pipeline                                                                                                                       150m from Lowest
                                                                                                                               Astronomical Tide (LAT)

Inch Beach                54.37km             24″, X60 steel,      1977             Shut-in;       50mm concrete coated        Intermittent grout bag            Number of non-critical
landfall to                                   coal-tar epoxy and                    displaced to   tie-in at KA.               supports at 11 locations.         freespans detected.
Kinsale Alpha                                 concrete coated                       seawater;                                  Rock cover totals 5.8km,          Cumulative freespan
export pipeline                                                                     disconnecte                                covering a number of              length 1,822m
                                                                                    d at KA                                    strategic locations.

Kinsale Alpha             4.96km              24″ X52 steel,       1977             Shut-in;       50mm concrete coated        Rock cover totals 96m,            12 non-critical
(KA) to Kinsale                               coal-tar epoxy and                    displaced to   tie-in at KA and KB.        covering a number of              freespans detected.
Bravo (KB)                                    concrete coated                       seawater;                                  strategic locations.              Cumulative freespan
export pipeline                                                                     disconnecte                                                                  length 205m
                                                                                    d at KA and

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                                                                                                Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) – Consent Application No.3

Pipeline                  (km)                Description      Year installed   Status         Tie-in spools pieces        Protection materials              Comments

KA to KB                  5.11km              12″ X52 steel,   2001             Shut-in;       25m spool underneath        No pipeline protection.           8 non-critical
pipeline                                      3LPP coated                       displaced to   each jacket, 40m spool      2 support ramps of grout          freespans detected.
                                                                                seawater       connecting pipeline at KA   bags at KA and KB tie-in          Cumulative freespan
                                                                                               end.                        spools.                           length 188m
                                                                                                                           34 mattresses (6x3x0.15m)
                                                                                                                           used at each tie-in location at
                                                                                                                           KA and KB.

Southwest                 6.96km              12″ X52 steel,   1999              Shut-         36m spool at KB, vertical   Rock cover totals 2.6km.          No freespans
Kinsale pipeline                              3LPP coated                       in;displaced   leg to riser end. Single    4 mattresses (5x3x0.15m) at       identified
                                                                                to seawater;   spool between valve skid    SWK end and 20 mattresses
                                                                                disconnecte    and 48/25-3 tree.           (5x2.2x0.15m) at the KB end.
                                                                                d at well
                                                                                                                           Tie-in spools include 6
                                                                                location and
                                                                                                                           mattresses (5x2.2x0.15m) at
                                                                                                                           KB and 8 mattresses
                                                                                                                           (6x3x0.15m) at SWK.

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PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                                                                                       Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                                                                Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) – Consent Application No.3

Pipeline                  (km)                Description      Year installed   Status         Tie-in spools pieces        Protection materials              Comments

Extension                 1.16km              12″ X52 steel,   2001             Shut-in;       2 x 6” spools to WDC        Rock cover along entire           No freespans
pipeline to                                   3LPP coated                       displaced to   48/25-4 and 48/25-5         length.                           identified
Western Drill                                                                   seawater;      trees.                      8 mattresses (5x3x0.15m) at
Centre                                                                          disconnecte    34m long spool between      WDC on PLEM to tree
                                                                                d at well      skids at SWK.               spools.
                                                                                                                           6 mattresses (5x3x0.15m) on
                                                                                                                           spool between skids at SWK.
                                                                                                                           4 mattresses (5x3x0.15m) at
                                                                                                                           SWK on pipeline end.
                                                                                                                           4 mattresses (5x3x0.15m) at
                                                                                                                           WDC on pipeline end.

Greensand                 7.02km              10″ X52 steel,   2003             Shut-in;       Two 10″ spools at KB.       Rock cover along entire           No freespans
pipeline                                      3LPP coated                       displaced to   Two 6″ spools between       length.                           identified
                                                                                seawater;      the Greensand well          10 mattresses (6x3x0.15m)
                                                                                disconnecte    (48/25-6) and PLEM and      at Greensand pipeline end
                                                                                d at well      one 10″ spool connecting    and 13 mattresses at KB
                                                                                location       the PLEM to the             pipeline end.
                                                                                               greensand pipeline.
                                                                                                                           Spools with groutbag support
                                                                                                                           at KB. KB spool protection
                                                                                                                           includes 9 mattresses
                                                                                                                           Well spool protection
                                                                                                                           includes 13 mattresses

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                                                                                                   Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) – Consent Application No.3

Pipeline                  (km)                Description        Year installed   Status          Tie-in spools pieces         Protection materials             Comments

Ballycotton               12.69km             10″ X52 steel,     1991             Shut-in;        30m tie-in spool to 48/20-   44 mattresses used for           8m freespan identified.
pipeline                                      0.5mm FBE coated                    displaced to    2 tree and 20m tie-in        pipeline protection.
                                                                                  seawater;       spool at KB.                 Groutbag support at
                                                                                  disconnecte                                  Ballycotton tree and KB
                                                                                  d at well                                    spools.
                                                                                  location and
                                                                                                                               Grout bag berm 8m long at
                                                                                                                               tee spool. 4 kennel-type
                                                                                                                               protection tunnel for 20m on
                                                                                                                               tree tie-in spool along with 3
                                                                                                                               mattresses (5x3x0.15m).
                                                                                                                               105 mattresses on pipeline
                                                                                                                               end at tree. 9 stabilisation
                                                                                                                               mattresses (2.5x1.5x0.15m)
                                                                                                                               on pipeline end at KB.

Source: Genesis (2011), Xodus (2016c), Anatec (2017), Kinsale Energy’s as-built data

Table 6: Umbilicals to be decommissioned

                                                                  Current Burial Status /
Umbilical                    Diameter              Length                                          Protection materials                           Comments
                                                                  Installation Method

Southwest Kinsale            82mm                  6.96km         Partially trenched.              8 mattresses (6x3x0.15m) at KB end and
umbilical                                                         Laid alongside 12” South West    20 mattresses at the SWK tree end.
                                                                  Kinsale pipeline, sharing the    Grout bags used to support a crossing
                                                                  same protection materials.       with the SWK pipeline near KB.

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                                                                                              Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) – Consent Application No.3

                                                             Current Burial Status /
Umbilical                    Diameter              Length                                     Protection materials                          Comments
                                                             Installation Method

Western drill                82mm                  1.16km    Laid alongside 12” South West    Rock cover along majority of length. 8
centre umbilical                                             Kinsale extension to Western     mattresses (5x3x0.15m) and 6 mattresses
                                                             Drill Centre, sharing the same   (5x2x0.15m) cover the umbilicals to the
                                                             protection materials.            trees. 24 mattresses (6x2x0.15m) cover
                                                                                              the umbilical between the SWK tree and
                                                                                              the pipeline rock placement.

Ballycotton                  98.2mm                13.00km   Trenched                         The Seven Heads pipeline and umbilical        9m freespan identified
umbilical                                                                                     cross over the Ballycotton umbilical.
                                                                                              Crossing includes 3 mattresses
                                                                                              12 mattresses cover the umbilical to the
                                                                                              tree and 3 mattresses cover the umbilical
                                                                                              to KB.

Source: Genesis (2011), Xodus (2016c), Anatec (2017), Kinsale Energy’s as-built data

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Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project

Section 3
Cessation of Production
PSE Kinsale Energy Limited                                                         Kinsale Area Decommissioning Project
                                                          Decommissioning Plan – Kinsale Head Petroleum Lease (OPL 1) –
                                                                                                Consent Application No.3

3                  Cessation of Production

3.1                Summary
The Kinsale Area gas fields were in production since 1978 (Kinsale Head) and gas reserves were exhausted
by 2020.

A cessation of operations permit in accordance with section 8.8 of the PAD Rules & Procedures Manual for
Offshore Petroleum Production Operations was submitted to and consented by DCCAE, with final CoP
occurring on 5th July 2020.

3.2                Technical and Economic Evaluations
Kinsale Energy also separately submitted to the Minister a report detailing the technical and economic
evaluations that supported the CoP timeframe.

3.3                Other Uses Considered
The Kinsale Area facilities (including pipelines and umbilicals) were designed for dry gas production and
processing, and the majority of the facilities are now close to or beyond their original design lives.
Nevertheless, parts of the facilities may have been suitable for re-use, depending on the service, particularly
the main Kinsale and Seven Heads export pipelines..

Three potential re-uses have been considered at a high level. These are hydrocarbon production, carbon
capture and storage (CCS) and offshore wind energy production. An assessment of the alternatives and other
uses are outlined in full at Sections 3.3 and 3.4 of the EIAR.

Following discussions with DECC regarding potential future use of the pipelines, it was the position of the
Department that Consent Application 3 should be submitted on the basis that arrangements are not to be
made to provide for the future use of the pipelines. Kinsale Energy is proceeding with decommissioning on the
basis that none of the pipelines or umbilicals will be re-used.

253993-00-REP-28 | Issue 1 | 30 September 2021                                                                 Page 27
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