Dear Chenega Invitational Supporter

Page created by Rita Garza
Dear Chenega Invitational Supporter
Dear Chenega Invitational Supporter;
Happy New Year!! When we look back at 2022 and recall a year filled with continued social and political unrest triggered by a
horrific pandemic that has affected each one of us in some measure, we will certainly breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that, with
God’s grace, we’ve managed to come through what appears to be the worst of it. I think the key to keeping one’s sanity is to
embrace routine and find something in your event horizon that gives you a tangible purpose to look forward to.

In that spirit, we are already planning and executing the 17th Annual Chenega Invitational to benefit Vigilant Torch Association
(VTA) ( and the Los Charros Foundation (LCF) ( We always appreciate
an opportunity to give back to those less fortunate and have decided, this year, to extend our philanthropic reach. We will now be
serving both our Nation’s warriors who may be struggling due to their service to our country, as well as the future of America in
an underserved community. The LCF gives back to our nation’s youth who are pursuing careers post high school in many fields
including; agriculture, education, and trades. Many of these fields are quickly dwindling, though they are a crucial part of our
everyday lives. Having lived, worked, and grown up within these underserved communities, the founders of the LCF decided the
best way to support these communities is by assisting youth through academic as well as 4-H and Future Farmers of America
(FFA) animal project scholarships. With a focus on leadership, education, and agriculture, they strive to assist and provide
opportunities to youth who otherwise would not have the same chances as those in larger communities with greater resources.
As you may remember from the last couple of years, VTA is a non-profit organization staffed 100% by volunteers and former
Special Operations Unit members and associates whose sole focus is to provide comfort and relief items for our special
operators who are sick or injured, mentally or physically, because of their service to our Nation. VTA provides much-needed
support to active and former members of the Special Operations community who may or may not have full assistance from other
military support organizations. To do this, VTA provides scholarships, emergency relief funds, family maintenance and resilience
assistance, and mental health and suicide prevention support.

This year’s event is on May 11, 2023, at our home course, Old Hickory Golf Club, in Woodbridge, VA. This year will be particularly
special as we work with multiple benefactors in hopes of making a difference in underserved and always worthy communities
Nationwide. As the date quickly approaches, I am reminded of the liberties and benefits that we all enjoy because of the sacrifices
our servicemen and women make worldwide. I am also fortunate to work closely with many of the youth that LCF has supported
through the years as these kids learn and grow through the huge responsibilities that come with being a part of the agricultural,
educational, and trade communities. I am grateful to see first-hand how this organization has assisted the youth to grow into
hardworking, stand-up citizens, dedicated to helping grow the future of America.
Over the course of 16 years, Chenega Corporation has raised close to $1M supporting this Invitational. This year, we aim to
make it our best year yet and exceed last year’s amount of $103,000. During these stress-filled times, our continued dedication
to helping our national heroes and the future of America should remain strong and on point. This event is a way for us to show
our appreciation and give back to our warriors, our community, our youth, and ultimately, make a difference in the lives of those
who need us most.
Here is how you can support:
      1. Please consider participating in any of the available company sponsorship opportunities. Not only will you be
         contributing to VTA and the LCF, but you will also be promoting your organization to executives, managers, and others
         within the defense industry and community.
      2. Please consider donating an item for our raffle. Last year we gave away fantastic prizes, including restaurant gift
         certificates, sports tickets, Kings Dominion passes, beer/wine tastings, and more.
      3. Please join us for the tournament! We welcome you to bring a team and join us for what will assuredly be a fun day.

So once again, I’m asking you to open your hearts – and your wallets – and give often, give generously, and never forget that
we would not be the Nation that we are today, without the sacrifices that our servicemen and women have made in the name of
our country, as well as through the hard work and dedication that these youth have put into their work to supply our Nation with
education, livestock, produce, and more. We must preserve this declining profession. We look forward to seeing you on May 11th
for what will most certainly be our best tournament to date and welcome your commitment to setting a new fundraising record
for this noble and worthy cause.

John “JC” Campagna
Dear Chenega Invitational Supporter
Hosted by Chenega MIOS to Support
              Vigilant Torch Association (VTA) and Los Charros Foundation (LCF)

              Sponsorship Prospectus
                                                                                   VTA 501(c)3 - EIN: 30-0579038
May 11, 2023 | Old Hickory Golf Club, Woodbridge, VA                               LCF 501(c)3 - EIN: 47-4181377

           DI A MON D - [S o l d O u t]
           Includes: Two teams of four (including cart and green fees, breakfast, lunch, beverages,
           & gift bag for each golfer), banner placed at the clubhouse (sponsor must provide
           banner), signage placed prominently at three holes, logo placed on Invitational website
           and in the program, shout out on social media for sponsorship, opportunity to include
           promotional item in each golfer gift bag

           P L AT I N U M - [S o l d O u t]
           Includes: Two teams of four (including cart and green fees, breakfast, lunch, beverages,
           & gift bag for each golfer), banner placed at the clubhouse (sponsor must provide
           banner), signage placed prominently at two holes, logo placed on Invitational website
           and in the program, shout out on social media for sponsorship, opportunity to include
           promotional item in each golfer gift bag

           G OL D - [S o l d O u t]
           Includes: Team of four (including cart and green fees, breakfast, lunch, beverages, & gift
           bag for each golfer), banner placed at the clubhouse (sponsor must provide banner),
           signage placed prominently at two holes, logo placed on Invitational website and in the
           program, shout out on social media for sponsorship, opportunity to include promotional
           item in each golfer gift bag

           S I LV E R - $ 2 ,0 0 0
           Includes: Registration for two golfers (including cart and green fees, breakfast, lunch,
           beverages, & gift bag for each golfer), banner placed at the clubhouse (sponsor must
           provide banner), signage placed prominently at one hole, logo placed on Invitational
           website and in the program, shout out on social media for sponsorship, opportunity to
           include promotional item in each golfer gift bag

        For questions or more information, please contact: TALIA.MAGLIOCCAAMAYA@CHENEGA.COM –
                     703.646.4972 | To register, please go to
Dear Chenega Invitational Supporter
Hosted by Chenega MIOS to Support
              Vigilant Torch Association (VTA) and Los Charros Foundation (LCF)

              Sponsorship Prospectus
                                                                                     VTA 501(c)3 - EIN: 30-0579038
May 11, 2023 | Old Hickory Golf Club, Woodbridge, VA                                 LCF 501(c)3 - EIN: 47-4181377

               L i m i t e d Sp o n s o r s h i p O p p o r t u n i t i e s

           T I T L E - [ Re s e r ve d]
           Includes: Banner placed at the clubhouse (sponsor must provide banner). Logo
           showcased on the front page of our website and will be the only sponsor logo displayed
           on the live scoring app during tournament play. Logo also placed in program, shout out
           on social media for sponsorship, and opportunity to include promotional item in each
           golfer gift bag

           S C R AT C H OF F T IC K E T - $ 4 ,0 0 0
           Includes: Team of four (including cart and green fees, breakfast, lunch, beverages, &
           gift bag for each golfer), logo placed on all scratch off tickets and scratch off signage,
           logo placed on Invitational website and in the program, shout out on social media
           for sponsorship, opportunity to include promotional item in each golfer gift bag. The
           scratch-off tickets will give participants the chance to win one of five exciting prizes with
           a grand prize of a Stay and Play package. This package is valued at $4,400 and includes
           two days of golf and an overnight on-site stay for four players at one of five Dormie
           Network courses

           HOLE-IN-ONE - [ Re s er ved by p revi o u s s p o n s o r]
           Includes: Team of four (including cart and green fees, breakfast, lunch, beverages, &
           gift bag for each golfer), title sponsor for Hole-In-One competition hosted at two holes,
           signage at competition hole, logo placed on Invitational website and in the program,
           shout out on social media for sponsorship, opportunity to include promotional item in
           each golfer gift bag

        For questions or more information, please contact: TALIA.MAGLIOCCAAMAYA@CHENEGA.COM –
                     703.646.4972 | To register, please go to
Hosted by Chenega MIOS to Support
              Vigilant Torch Association (VTA) and Los Charros Foundation (LCF)

              Sponsorship Prospectus
                                                                                      VTA 501(c)3 - EIN: 30-0579038
May 11, 2023 | Old Hickory Golf Club, Woodbridge, VA                                  LCF 501(c)3 - EIN: 47-4181377

               L i m i t e d Sp o n s o r s h i p O p p o r t u n i t i e s

           SPEAKER - $3,500
           Includes: Team of four (including cart and green fees, breakfast, lunch, beverages, &
           gift bag for each golfer), logo placed on speakers to be given away in all golfer gift bags,
           logo placed on Invitational website and in the program, shout out on social media for
           sponsorship, opportunity to include promotional item in each golfer gift bag

           S H I R T - [ Re s e r ve d b y p r e v i o u s s p o n s o r]
           Includes: Team of four (including cart and green fees, breakfast, lunch, beverages, &
           gift bag for each golfer), logo placed on golf shirts to be given to all players, logo placed
           on Invitational website and in the program, shout out on social media for sponsorship,
           opportunity to include promotional item in each golfer gift bag

           IC E C R E A M - [ Re s e r ve d b y p r e v i o u s s p o n s o r]
           Includes: Team of four (including cart and green fees, breakfast, lunch, beverages, &
           gift bag for each golfer), premier signage at the only ice cream stop on course, logo
           placed on the Invitational website and in the program, shout out on social media for

           P U T T I NG C ON T E S T - [Reserved by previous sponsor]
           Includes: Registration for two golfers (including cart and green fees, breakfast, lunch,
           beverages, & gift bag for each golfer), premier signage at the putting green with
           promotional table (sponsor must provide table cloth), logo placed on Invitational
           website and in the program, shout out on social media for sponsorship, opportunity to
           include promotional item in each golfer gift bag

        For questions or more information, please contact: TALIA.MAGLIOCCAAMAYA@CHENEGA.COM –
                     703.646.4972 | To register, please go to
Hosted by Chenega MIOS to Support
              Vigilant Torch Association (VTA) and Los Charros Foundation (LCF)

              Sponsorship Prospectus
                                                                                    VTA 501(c)3 - EIN: 30-0579038
May 11, 2023 | Old Hickory Golf Club, Woodbridge, VA                                LCF 501(c)3 - EIN: 47-4181377

               L i m i t e d Sp o n s o r s h i p O p p o r t u n i t i e s

           C A R T - $ 3 ,0 0 0
           Includes: Registration for two golfers (including cart and green fees, breakfast, lunch,
           beverages, & gift bag for each golfer), logo placed on all player golf carts, logo placed
           on Invitational website and in the program, shout out on social media for sponsorship,
           opportunity to include promotional item in each golfer gift bag

           BA R - $ 3 ,0 0 0
           Includes: Registration for two golfers (including cart and green fees, breakfast, lunch,
           beverages, & gift bag for each golfer), premier signage at the only bar in the clubhouse,
           logo placed on beverage napkins, logo placed on Invitational website and in the
           program, shout out on social media for sponsorship, opportunity to include promotional
           item in each golfer gift bag

           G I V E AWAY BAG - [ Re s e r ve d b y p r e v i o u s s p o n s o r]
           Includes: Logo placed on giveaway bags given to all players, logo placed on Invitational
           website and in the program, shout out on social media for sponsorship, opportunity to
           include promotional item in each golfer gift bag

           ON C O U R S E BE V E R AG E C A R T - $ 2 , 5 0 0
           Includes: Registration for two golfers (including cart and green fees, breakfast, lunch,
           beverages, & gift bag for each golfer), premier signage on the beverage cart that drives
           around the course, logo placed on Invitational website and in the program, shout out on
           social media for sponsorship, opportunity to include promotional item in each golfer gift

        For questions or more information, please contact: TALIA.MAGLIOCCAAMAYA@CHENEGA.COM –
                     703.646.4972 | To register, please go to
Hosted by Chenega MIOS to Support
              Vigilant Torch Association (VTA) and Los Charros Foundation (LCF)

              Sponsorship Prospectus
                                                                                    VTA 501(c)3 - EIN: 30-0579038
May 11, 2023 | Old Hickory Golf Club, Woodbridge, VA                                LCF 501(c)3 - EIN: 47-4181377

               L i m i t e d Sp o n s o r s h i p O p p o r t u n i t i e s

           P R O G R A M - [ Re s e r ve d b y p r e v i o u s s p o n s o r]
           Includes: Registration for two golfers (including cart and green fees, breakfast, lunch,
           beverages, & gift bag for each golfer), banner placed at the clubhouse (sponsor must
           provide banner), signage placed prominently at one hole, logo placed on Invitational
           website and in the program, shout out on social media for sponsorship, opportunity to
           include promotional item in each golfer gift bag

           BL O ODY M A RY BA R - [ Re s e r ve d b y p r e v i o u s s p o n s o r]
           Includes: Registration for two golfers (including cart and green fees, breakfast, lunch,
           beverages, & gift bag for each golfer), premier signage at the Bloody Mary/Mimosa bar
           during registration, logo placed on beverage napkins, logo placed on Invitational website
           and in the program, shout out on social media for sponsorship, opportunity to include
           promotional item in each golfer gift bag

           LU NC H - $ 2 ,0 0 0
           Includes: Premier signage at lunch/snack stand located on turn on golf course, logo placed
           on water bottles at hot dog stand, logo placed on Invitational website and in the program,
           shout out on social media for sponsorship, opportunity to include promotional item in each
           golfer gift bag

           R A F F L E - $ 2 ,0 0 0
           Includes: Logo placed on raffle list sent out to players, Premier signage at raffle table, logo
           placed on screen revealing raffle prize winners in the clubhouse, logo placed on Invitational
           website and in the program, shout out on social media for sponsorship, opportunity to
           include promotional item in each golfer gift bag

        For questions or more information, please contact: TALIA.MAGLIOCCAAMAYA@CHENEGA.COM –
                     703.646.4972 | To register, please go to
Hosted by Chenega MIOS to Support
              Vigilant Torch Association (VTA) and Los Charros Foundation (LCF)

              Sponsorship Prospectus
                                                                                   VTA 501(c)3 - EIN: 30-0579038
May 11, 2023 | Old Hickory Golf Club, Woodbridge, VA                               LCF 501(c)3 - EIN: 47-4181377

               L i m i t e d Sp o n s o r s h i p O p p o r t u n i t i e s

           G OL F BA L L - $ 1 , 5 0 0
           Includes: Logo placed on sleeve of golf balls given in all golfer gift bags, logo placed
           on Invitational website and in the program, shout out on social media for sponsorship,
           opportunity to include promotional item in each golfer gift bag

           DR I V I NG R A NG E - $ 1 , 5 0 0
           Includes: Premier signage at pre-tournament driving range, logo placed on Invitational
           website and in the program, shout out on social media for sponsorship, opportunity to
           include promotional item in each golfer gift bag

           S NAC K - $ 1 , 5 0 0
           Includes: Custom snack items and water bottle with company logo on packaging placed
           in all golfer gift bags, logo placed on Invitational website and in the program, shout out on
           social media for sponsorship, opportunity to include promotional item in each golfer gift bag

           BA R C A R T - $ 1 ,0 0 0
           Includes: Premier signage on fully stocked bar cart featuring high-end products,
           logo placed on Invitational website and in the program, shout out on social media for
           sponsorship, opportunity to include promotional item in each golfer gift bag.

           A DD T H E F L AG - $ 2 0 0
           Includes: Help your fellow golfers in reading the wind direction - add a customized flag with
           your logo to each of your company’s sponsored holes

        For questions or more information, please contact: TALIA.MAGLIOCCAAMAYA@CHENEGA.COM –
                     703.646.4972 | To register, please go to
Hosted by Chenega MIOS to Support
                 Vigilant Torch Association (VTA) and Los Charros Foundation (LCF)

                 Sponsorship Prospectus
                                                                                     VTA 501(c)3 - EIN: 30-0579038
May 11, 2023 | Old Hickory Golf Club, Woodbridge, VA                                 LCF 501(c)3 - EIN: 47-4181377

                                    P r o g r a m Ad ve r t i s i n g

                                                                 I would like to purchase the following
              3 1/4”                                             ad space in the 16th Annual Chenega
                x    Vertical             7” x 4 1/2”            Invitational Program:
              4 1/2”
                                                                       F U L L PAG E
             Q u a r t e r Pa g e        Ha l f Pa g e
                 Horizontal                                                  Color - $250
                                                                             B&W - $200
                 7” x 2 1/4”
                                                                       H A L F PAG E
                                       Full Page with                        Color - $150
                 F u l l Pa g e             Bl e e d                         B&W - $100

                 7” x 9 1/2”               8 3/8” x
                                                                       Q UA R T E R PAG E
                                           10 3/4”
                                        PLUS 1/4” MINIMUM                    Color - $75
                                        BLEED ALL AROUND
                                                                             B&W - $50

  Organization                                                     Phone

   Address (Street, Town, State, Zip)                              Email

   Name of Contact Person                             Authorized Signature

               Please send completed ads in JPEG, PDF, EPS, or AI form by April 1st, 2023 to:
      TALIA.MAGLIOCCAAMAYA@CHENEGA.COM | To register, please go to
Hosted by Chenega MIOS to Support
                 Vigilant Torch Association (VTA) and Los Charros Foundation (LCF)

                 Sponsorship Prospectus
                                                                                           VTA 501(c)3 - EIN: 30-0579038
May 11, 2023 | Old Hickory Golf Club, Woodbridge, VA                                       LCF 501(c)3 - EIN: 47-4181377

                                    S p o n s o r s h i p Fo r m

  On behalf of my organization, I would like to select the sponsorship below:

      DIAMOND - [Sold out]                                GIVEAWAY BAG - [Sold]
      PLATINUM - [Sold out]                               ON COURSE BEVERAGE CART - $2,500
      GOLD - [Sold out]                                   PROGRAM - [Sold]
      SILVER - $2,000                                     BLOODY MARY BAR - [Sold]
      TITLE - [Reserved]                                  LUNCH - $2,000
      SCRATCH OFF TICKETS - $4,000                        RAFFLE - $2,000
      HOLE-IN-ONE - [Sold]                                GOLF BALL - $1,500
      SPEAKER - $3,500                                    DRIVING RANGE - $1,500
      SHIRT - [Sold]                                      SNACK - $1,500
      ICE CREAM - [Sold]                                  BAR CART- $1,000
      PUTTING CONTEST - [Sold]                            ADD           THE FLAG - $200/FLAG
      CART - $3,000
                                                TOTAL AMOUNT OF SPONSORSHIP:
      BAR - $3,000

  Organization                                      Phone                         Email

  Address (Street, Town, State, Zip)                                       Date

  Name of Contact Person                             Authorized Signature

  Please mail this form and your payment to:       Please make all checks out to either Vigilant Torch Association or
  Chenega MIOS Attn: Talia Magliocca,              Los Charros Foundation (whichever organization you would like
  10505 Furnace Rd Ste 205 | Lorton, VA 22079      to support). All donations are 100% tax deductible and forms will be
                                                   mailed on a later date.
Hosted by Chenega MIOS to Support
                 Vigilant Torch Association (VTA) and Los Charros Foundation (LCF)

                 Sponsorship Prospectus
                                                                                          VTA 501(c)3 - EIN: 30-0579038
May 11, 2023 | Old Hickory Golf Club, Woodbridge, VA                                      LCF 501(c)3 - EIN: 47-4181377

                                       D o n a t i o n Fo r m

  On behalf of my organization, I would like to select the sponsorship below:

       Mo n e t a r y D o n a t i o n                       Raff le Prize Donation

      Dollar Amount                                     It e m
                                                        Monetary Value
      I will mail my donation
      I would like someone                              It e m
      to pick up my donation                            Monetary Value

                                                        It e m
                                                        Monetary Value

                                                        I will mail my donation
                                                        I would like someone to pick up my donation

  Organization                                      Phone                         Email

  Address (Street, Town, State, Zip)                                      Date

  Name of Contact Person                             Authorized Signature

  Please mail this form and your payment to:       Please make all checks out to either Vigilant Torch Association
  Chenega MIOS Attn: Talia Magliocca,              or Los Charros Foundation (whichever organization you would
  10505 Furnace Rd Ste 205 | Lorton, VA 22079      like to support). All donations are 100% tax deductible (minus the
                                                   cost per golfer) and forms will be mailed on a later date.
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