DBFZ ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2020 - Bioenergy between climate package and bioeconomic strategy - Deutsches ...
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DBFZ ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2020 Bioenergy between climate package and bioeconomic strategy Foto: Андрей Трубицын, Composer/Fotolia.com 16TH/17TH SEPTEMBER, 2020 #DBFZ2020 www.bioenergiekonferenz.de
WEDNESDAY, 16TH SEPTEMBER 2020 OPENING DBFZ ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2020 Welcome to this year‘s DBFZ Annual Conference „Bioenergy between climate package and bioeconomic strategy“. Explore and shape priorities and trans- formation plans with us on the way to a CO2-neutral economy. Contribute your expertise and discuss with us! 08.30 - 09.30 o‘clock Arrival and technical introduction Welcome 09.30 - 09.35 o‘clock Prof. Dr. mont. Michael Nelles (Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum) Welcome 09.35 - 09.40 o‘clock Olaf Schäfer (Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture) ZUKUNFTSMODELL BIOENERGIE – MASSNAHMEN UND KONZEPTE FÜR DEN KLIMASCHUTZ Am 16. und 17. September 2020 findet die nächste DBFZ Jahrestagung statt. Fokus der Veranstaltung ist die Frage, welchen entschei- denden Beitrag „Bioenergie zwischen Klimapaket und Bioökonomiestrategie“ einnehmen kann. Erneuerbare Energieträger und Ressourcen sollen – nach dem Beschluss der #DBFZ2020 Bundesregierung – die Klimagasemissionen deutlich sen- ken und den Weg in eine weitgehend klimaneutrale und kreislauforientierte Wirtschaft ebnen. Ein ambitioniertes Ziel, das nur gelingen kann, wenn viele Maßnahmen und Konzepte gebündelt vorangetrieben werden. Erkunden You can find current und gestalten information SieDBFZ on the mit uns Prioritäten annual conferen- und Transformationspläne auf diesem Weg. Mit der DBFZ Jahrestagung gebence wirand background Politik information Wissenschaft und Verwaltung, on the planned und lectures on our Praxis Raum, event website www.bioenergiekonferenz.de. um mögliche Wege der stofflich-energetischen Nutzung von Biomasse, sowie deren Verläufe und Erfordernisse aufzuklären und vertieft zu diskutieren. Leisten Sie mit uns einen besonderen Beitrag zur Zielerreichung. Please sign in!
WEDNESDAY, 16TH SEPTEMBER 2020 PLENARY DBFZ ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2020 PLENARY SESSION | POLITICAL POINT OF VIEW The new „National Bioeconomy Strategy“ 09.40 - 10.10 o‘clock MinR‘in Andrea Noske (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) MinR Dr. Hans-Jürgen Froese (Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture) Climate Protection Programme 2030 and Climate Protection Act: Role of biomass in the Federal Government‘s climate protection package 10.10 - 10.25 o‘clock MinDirig. Berthold Goeke (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety) The importance of the climate package for the role of bioenergy in the transport sector 10.25 - 10.40 o‘clock Dr. Joachim Hugo (Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure) What do the federal guidelines on the bio-economy mean for Saxony‘s climate and energy policy? 10.40 - 10.55 o‘clock Dr. Gerd Lippold (Saxon State Ministry for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture) PLENARY SESSION | SCIENTIFIC POINT OF VIEW Climate protection and bioeconomy - Growth impulses for Germany as a business location? 11.00 - 11.15 o‘clock Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert (DIW Berlin) Opportunities and necessity of the bio-economy at international level 11.15 - 11.30 o‘clock Prof. PD Dr. Martin Banse (Thünen-Institut für Marktanalyse) Bioenergy and bio-economic issues in the Horizon2020 Green Deal 11.30 - 11.45 o‘clock N.N. (Nationale Kontaktstelle Bioökonomie) Biogas and Biomass-Combustion: Contribution to Climate Protection in China 11.45 - 12.00 o‘clock Prof. Dr. Dong Renjie (China Agricultural University) Round Table 12.00 - 12.30 o‘clock Speakers of the scientific and political pleanry session 12.30 - 13.30 o‘clock Lunch
WEDNESDAY, 16TH SEPTEMBER 2020 SESSION 1 CONTRIBUTION OF BIOENERGY FOR CLIMATE PROTECTION The session „Contribution of bioenergy for climate protection“ deals with the question of what contribution bioenergy can make to climate protection now and in the future. It is important that all components of the supply chains make their contribution: low-emission technologies should convert climate- friendly biomass into energy that must be used in sectors that are difficult to decarbonise. Introduction: Climate gas reduction with smart bioenergy 13.30 - 13.50 o‘clock Prof. Dr. Daniela Thrän (Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH – UFZ / Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum / University Leipzig) The PARIS-Lifestyle – The Role of Biomass for Climate Friendly Lifestyles 13.50 - 14.10 o‘clock Dr. Gerfried Jungmeier (JOANNEUM RESEARCH) Bioenergy in conflict: current and future role in the energy system 14.10 - 14.30 o‘clock Dr. Markus Lauer (MVV Energie AG) Bioenergy research in Brazil 14.30 - 14.50 o‘clock Prof. Dr. Arnaldo Walter (University of Campinas Brazil) 14.50 - 15.20 o‘clock Round Table of Session 1 Poster-Speedpresentation 15.20 - 16.30 o‘clock The annual conference is accompanied by a scientific poster exhibition, which presents current visions, research approaches and presents innovative project results.
WEDNESDAY, 16TH SEPTEMBER 2020 SESSION 2 FROM RESIDUAL MATERIAL TO RECYCABLE MATERIAL In the session „From residual material to recyclable material“ the development of residual materials as a C-source will be discussed. In particular the energetic as well as material use is considered from the point of view of emission reduction. The annual conference is accompanied by a scientific poster exhibition, which presents current visions, research approaches and 16.30 - 16.40 o‘clock presents innovative project results Dr. Peter Kornatz (Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum) Combined substantial-energetic utilization of biogenous residues for the production of biogenous silica, rare earth elements and noble 16.40 - 17.00 o‘clock metals as catalytic compounds for emission reduction Dr. Steffi Formann (Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum) Small animals, big potential – insect biomass as future source of high-quality proteins and fats for animal feed and industrial applications 17.00 - 17.20 o‘clock Harald Wedwitschka (Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum) Where to put it? Comprehensive approaches to combined waste and sewage sludge recycling using the example of Paris 17.20 - 17.40 o‘clock Michael Dittrich-Zechendorf (Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum) Current trends in studies on chemical processing of CO2 17.40 - 17.55 o‘clock Prof. Dr. Teresa Grzybek (University of Science and Technology Krakow) 17.55 - 18.30 o‘clock Round Table of Session 2 EVENT LANGUAGE VIRTUAL EVENT CONFERENCE READER The event language of the DBFZ Annual Con- Originally planned as a face-to-face event, the Would you like to recall the lectures after the ference is German. The lectures will be trans- DBFZ Annual Conference 2020 now takes DBFZ annual conference? We provide a confe- lated simultaneously in virtual space into Eng- place in virtual space as a web conference rence reader for you to download. lish and German. with the software Cisco Webex.
THURSDAY, 17TH SEPTEMBER 2020 SESSION 3 VALUE CHAINS IN THE BIOECONOMY In addition to the existing value-added chains for energy supply, the bio-economy opens up a multitude of new fields for a sustainable, cycle-oriented use of biomass. In addition to the further development of established plant technology to expand the product portfolio, it can be assumed that the demand for biomass as a renewable carbon carrier will increase in the foreseeable future, particularly in sectors that are difficult to electrify, such as transport and the chemical industry. Introduction: Biorefineries 09.00 - 09.10 o‘clock Dr. Franziska Müller-Langer (Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum) We create Chemistry by driving smart solutions towards fossil free products 09.10 - 09.30 o‘clock Dr. René Backes (BASF) Combined production of platform chemicals and bioenergy in biogas plants 09.30 - 09.45 o‘clock Maria Braune (Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum) / Dr. Heike Sträuber (Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH – UFZ) Potential Green Gases - VNG‘s commitment along the green value chain 09.45 - 10.00 o‘clock Cornelia Müller-Pagel (VNG AG) Multipurpose fuels methane and hydrogen 10.00 - 10.15 o‘clock Dr. Kati Görsch (Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum) Circular bioenergy negative emission systems 10.15 - 10.30 o‘clock Prof. Dr. Jerry D. Murphy (University College Cork, Ireland) 10.30 - 11.00 o‘clock Round Table of Session 3 11.00 - 12.00 o‘clock Lunch
THURSDAY, 17TH SEPTEMBER 2020 SESSION 4 ECONOMIC STRUCTURE FOR THE FUTURE The biomass-based technologies and processes must be optimally adapted to the requirements of the respective utilisation concept and the regionally available quantities of biogenic resources. Einführung: SmartBiomassHeat 12.00 - 12.10 o‘clock Dr. Volker Lenz (Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum) The role of digitisation in the (bio)energy system transformation 12.10 - 12.30 o‘clock Dr. Jan Siegmeier (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen) Utilisation options for biogas plants after the expiry of the EEG remuneration 12.30 - 12.50 o‘clock Dr. Susanne Theuerl (Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie e.V.) System operation of decentralized bioenergy plants as a component of sustainable climate protection 12.50 - 13.10 o‘clock Daniel Büchner (Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum) Bioenergy research in Canada 13.10 - 13.25 o‘clock Évelyne Thiffault (Université Laval, Canada) 13.25 - 14.00 o‘clock Round Table of Session 4 14.00 - 14.30 o‘clock Coffee break Closing DBFZ Annual Meeting 2020 with a summary and outlook 14.30 - 14.45 o‘clock Prof. Dr. mont. Michael Nelles (Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum) Towards a sustainable bioeconomy: challenges & perspectives 14.45 - 15.00 o‘clock Prof. Dr. Daniela Thrän (Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH – UFZ / Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum / Universität Leipzig) Bioenergy 2050 - Pictures of the future: Statements of the members of the program committee of the 3rd Doctoral Colloquium BIOENERGY 15.00 - 15.30 o‘clock (6 statements á 2 minutes) 15.30 o‘clock Farewell of the participants of the DBFZ annual conference / Opening 3rd Doctoral Colloquium BIOENERGY
Contact persons Organizer Questions regarding content DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH Dr. Elena Angelova +49 (0)341 2434-553 Torgauer Straße 116, D - 04347 Leipzig Elena.Angelova@dbfz.de Telefon: +49 (0)341 2434-112 E-Mail: info@dbfz.de Organizational queries www.dbfz.de Katja Lucke +49 (0)341 2434-119 Joana Klein +49 (0)341 2434-752 veranstaltungen@dbfz.de #DBFZ2020 www.bioenergiekonferenz.de
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