Database instructions csv-Upload Residue monitoring Fruit, vegetables, potatoes Sample related data

Page created by Adrian Mcdaniel
Database instructions csv-Upload Residue monitoring Fruit, vegetables, potatoes Sample related data
Database instructions
Residue monitoring
Fruit, vegetables, potatoes
Sample related data

                              Version: 21.03.2023
                                 Status: • release
Database instructions csv-Upload Residue monitoring Fruit, vegetables, potatoes Sample related data

1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 3

2 Style sheet csv-file .................................................................................... 3

3 File content ............................................................................................... 3

4 Annex ........................................................................................................ 8

4.1     Productnumber-Codes ...................................................................................... 8

                                                                                                 Version: 21.03.2023
                                        Database instructions                                       Status: • release
                            Residue monitoring Fruit, vegetables, potatoes                               Page 2 of 12
                                        Sample related data
Database instructions csv-Upload Residue monitoring Fruit, vegetables, potatoes Sample related data
1 Introduction
Possibilities to enter sample related data for the residue monitoring:

     Manually in the software platform
     Upload to the software platform via csv-file

On the other hand, sample data already entered in the database can also be exported to an Excel file.

2 Style sheet csv-file
To upload sample related data, a style sheet can be downloaded from the database website under the
menu item “support”. The following points must be taken into account when editing the style sheet:

     The style sheet is based on an Excel file. The table elements QS-ID, Standortnummer (location num-
     ber) and Proben-ID (sample-ID) must be formatted as “text” (right mouse button: function "Format
     cells", select property "text"), otherwise errors may occure during data import.
     During the entering and editing of data, the file can be saved in Excel-format (ending “.xls” behind
     the filename). The final file for the upload has to be saved in csv-format (ending “.csv” behind the
     All columns of the style sheet must be maintained for uploading, even though they are not (must
     not) be filled. The headings and the order of the columns must also be maintained as in the
     style sheet.

3 File content
The style sheet contains mandatory fields which must be filled in. There are also free text-fields for
addi-tional entries. The file does also contain information fields which have to be left blank for the up-
load. Entries are made in these fields during the download, when the concerning information have been
entered in the database.

For each sampled location, a separate line must be entered. Each product must be analysed using the
test method specified in the QS control plan, if it is a mandatory sample. Optional/additional methods can
be entered.

Tab. 1: Overview sample related data in csv-style sheet

 Spalte       Bezeichnung          Erläuterung

 A            Proben-ID            Mandatory field:
              Sample-ID            The first part of the sample-ID is the QS location number of the location
              (e.g.:               where the sample was taken. The second part (8-digit alphanumeric
              GH00000XXX-          number) can be created individually but has to be distinct and is
              42924639)            checked during the upload. If nothing is entered in this field, the second
                                   part of the ID is created by the database.

                                                                                           Version: 21.03.2023
                                        Database instructions                                 Status: • release
                            Residue monitoring Fruit, vegetables, potatoes                         Page 3 of 12
                                        Sample related data
B   Probenarten              Mandatory field:
    Type of sample           There are 4 different types of samples. A regular sample corresponds to
    e.g.: 2)                 the QS control plan.
                             1 = Regular sample
                             2 = Voluntary sample
                             3 = Release sample
                             4 = Pre-harvest sample
                             5 = Follow-up sample

C   QS-Standortnummer        Free text-field:
    QS location number       This field must contain the location number of the sampled location. A
    (e.g.: GH00000XXX)       plausibility check is carried out during upload.

D   Produktionsart           Mandatory field:
    Production scope         In this field, enter the number of the production scope of the sampled loca-
    (e.g.: 82)               tion that is registered in the QS scheme.
                             81 = wholesale fruit, vegetables, potatoes (first-line merchant)
                             82 = wholesale fruit, vegetables, potatoes (trading partner)
                             84 = logistics fruit, vegetables, potatoes
                             85 = preparation/Processing Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes
                             86 = food retail warehouse meat and fruit, vegetables, potatoes
                             801 = agencies fruit, vegetables, potatoes (first-line merchant)
                             802 = agencies fruit, vegetables, potatoes (trading partner
                             4001 = fruit production (outdoor)
                             4002 = fruit production (covered)
                             4003 = fruit production (outdoor) + fruit production (covered)
                             4004 = vegetable production (outdoor)
                             4005 = fruit production (outdoor) + vegetable production (outdoor)
                             4006 = fruit production (covered) + vegetable production (outdoor)
                             4007 = fruit production (outdoor) + fruit production (covered)
                                   + vegetable production (outdoor)
                             4008 = vegetable production (covered)
                             4009 = fruit production (outdoor) + vegetable production (covered)
                             4010 = fruit production (covered) + vegetable production (covered)
                             4011 = fruit production (outdoor) + fruit production (covered)
                                  + vegetable production (covered)
                             4012 = vegetable production (outdoor) + vegetable production (covered)
                             4013 = fruit production (outdoor) + vegetable production (outdoor) +
                                   vegetable production (covered)
                             4014 = fruit production (covered) + vegetable production (outdoor) +
                                    vegetable production (covered)
                             4015 = fruit production (outdoor) + fruit production (covered) +
                                   vegetable production (outdoor) + vegetable production (covered)
                             5001 = food potato production

E   Auftraggebername         Information field:
    QS-ID customer           Field of information for download. During upload leave this field blank.
    (e.g.: Company           (During downloads the name of the costumer is deposited in this field. This
    Schmidt)                 is in general the feed company or the coordinator for agricultural samples)

                                                                                    Version: 21.03.2023
                                   Database instructions                               Status: • release
                       Residue monitoring Fruit, vegetables, potatoes                       Page 4 of 12
                                   Sample related data
F   QS-ID Labor             Mandatory field:
    QS-ID Laboratory        In this free-text the QS-ID of the laboratory is to be deposited, which is
                            commissioned with the analysis of the sample. A plausibility check is car-
                            ried out during upload.

G   Probenehmer             Mandatory field:
    Sampler                 UserID (Login) of the sampler

H   Produkt_Nr.             Mandatory field:
    Product number          The codes of the corresponding product number can be found in Appendix
    (e.g.:                  4.1.

I   Produkt_Name            Information field:
    Product name            Field of information for download. During upload leave this field blank.

J   Sorte                   Free text field:
    Variety                 Enter the variety of the culture as an option here

K   Prüfspektren            Mandatory field:
    Test spectrum           The method code must be specified as:
    (e.g.: 101:113)
                            101 = Mulitmethode GC
                            103 = Phenoxyalkancarbonsäure
                            104 = Maleeinsäurehydrazid - QuPPe-Methode
                            105 = Chlormequat/Mepiquat - QuPPe-Methode
                            107 = Ethephon - QuPPe-Methode
                            108 = Nitrat
                            109 = Amitraz - Einzelmethode
                            110 = Anorganisches Gesamtbromid - QuPPe-Methode
                            112 = Dithiocarbomate
                            113 = Multimethode LC
                            114 = Dithianon
                            115 = Organozinnverbindungen
                            116 = Schwefeldioxid (SO2)
                            117 = Schwermetalle
                            118 = Glyphosat - QuPPe-Methode
                            119 = Quaternäre Ammoniumverbindungen (QAV)
                            120 = Perchlorat - QuPPe-Methode
                            121 = Chlorat - QuPPe-Methode
                            122 = Modifizierte Multimethode
                            123 = Haloxyfop – Einzelmethode
                            124 = Fluazifop-p-butyl - Einzelmethode
                            125 = Fenbutatinoxid - Einzelmethode
                            126 = Morpholin (inkl. Diethanolamin, Triethanolamin) -
                            127 = Phosphonat/Fosetyl - QuPPe-Method
                            128 = Sulfit
                            129 = Chlorid
                            130 = Matrine – Einzelmethode

                                                                                    Version: 21.03.2023
                                  Database instructions                                Status: • release
                      Residue monitoring Fruit, vegetables, potatoes                        Page 5 of 12
                                  Sample related data
132 = Flufenacet - nach Hydrolyse
                               133 = Nikotin - Einzelmethode
                               136 = Diquat/Paraquat
                               201 = Sondermethode GC
                               213 = Sondermethode LC
                               220 = Zusatz-1-QuPPe-Methode
                               221 = Zusatz-2-QuPPe-Methode
                               222 = Zusatz-3-QuPPe-Methode
                               223 = Zusatz-4-QuPPe-Methode
                               224 = Zusatz-5-QuPPe-Methode

L   Probenahmedatum            Mandatory field:
    Sampling Date              Date of sampling (DD.MM.YYYY).
    (e.g.: 26.09.2007)

M   Probenahmeuhrzeit          Mandatory field:
    Time of sampling           Time of sampling (hh:mm)
    (e.g.: 09:00)

N   Probemenge                 Mandatory field:
    Value of sampling          Indication of the volume of sample in kg.
    (z.B. 2,00)

O   Einheit                    Mandatory field:
    Probemenge                 Currently, the indication is only possible in kg, only.
    Unit sample volume

P   Herkunftsstaat             Mandatory field:
    Sate of origin             The code number of the country from which the sample originates must be
    (e.g.: 276)                stored here (ISO 3166 country code).
                               276   =   Germany
                               528   =   Netherlands
                               056   =   Belgium
                               040   =   Austria
                               250   =   France
                               Further country codes can be found at:

Q   Bundesland_ID              If the country of origin of the product is Germany, the code number of the
    Federal State ID           federal state must be entered in this field.
    (z.B. 09)                  01   =   Schleswig-Holstein
                               02   =   Hamburg
                               03   =   Niedersachsen
                               04   =   Bremen
                               05   =   Nordrhein-Westfalen
                               06   =   Hessen
                               07   =   Rheinland-Pfalz
                               08   =   Baden-Württemberg
                               09   =   Bayern
                               10   =   Saarland
                               11   =   Berlin
                               12   =   Brandenburg
                               13   =   Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
                               14   =   Sachsen
                                                                                         Version: 21.03.2023
                                     Database instructions                                  Status: • release
                         Residue monitoring Fruit, vegetables, potatoes                          Page 6 of 12
                                     Sample related data
15 = Sachsen-Anhalt
                              16 = Thüringen

R   Bundeslandname            Information field:
    Name of federal state     Field of information for download. During upload leave this field blank.
    (e.g.: Sachsen)

S   Bestimmungsstaat          The code number of the country to which the product is to be delivered
    State of determina-       must be entered here (ISO 3166 country code).
    tion                      276     =   Germany
    (e.g.: France)            528     =   Netherlands
                              056     =   Belgium
                              040     =   Austria
                              250     =   France
                              Further country codes can be found at:

T   Ort der Probennahme       In this field, enter the QS site number of the sample location. A plausibility
    Location of sampling      check is carried out during upload.

    (e.g.: 1234)

U   Probeort                  Enter the corresponding code for the sample
    Place of sampling         location:
    (e.g.: 2)                 1   =   Field
                              2   =   Inventory
                              3   =   Goods receipt
                              4   =   Goods issue

V   Erzeuger                  The QS location number of the producer location must be entered here. A
    Producer                  plausibility check is carried out during upload.
    (e.g.: 2345)

W   Inverkehrbringer          The QS location number of the distributor must be entered here. A plausi-
    Distributor               bility check is carried out during upload.

    (e.g.: 2345)

X   Ablader                   free text-field
    Discharger                Enter the discharger as an option here.
    (e.g.: 2345)

Y   Artikelnummer             free text-fields
    Article number            Enter the article number as an option here.
    (e.g.: Article 1)

Z   Kulturart                 The type of crop shall be indicated as a code:
    Type of cultivating       1 = Greenhouse
    (e.g.: 2)
                              2 = Greenhouse/cut production

                              3 = Greenhouse/pot production

                              4 = Field grown

                              5 = Field grown/cut production

                              6 = Field grown/pot production
                              10 = Type of cultivation unknown

                                                                                       Version: 21.03.2023
                                    Database instructions                                 Status: • release
                        Residue monitoring Fruit, vegetables, potatoes                         Page 7 of 12
                                    Sample related data
AA     Palettenkennzeich-             free text-field
        nung                           Enter the indification of pallets as an option here.
        Indification of pallets

 AB     Losnummer                      Mandatory field:
        Batch (traceability)           Enter a batch (traceability) number here. This can be, for example, a field
        number                         number, a field description, or GPS data for samples at the production
                                       stage, or a batch number for samples at the wholesale stage.

 AC     Besonderheiten                 free text-field
        Specifics                      Enter the specifics of the sample as an option here

 AD     Bio                            This column is optional. If the sample is an organic sample, please enter an
        Bio                            "x". If nothing is entered in this column, the sample is not an organic prod-

 AE     QS Probe                       This column must be used when differentiating between a QS and a DKHV
        QS sample                      sample for a potato or onion sample at the wholesale stage.
                                       If a potato or onion sample is a DKHV sample AND a QS sample, please
                                       enter an "x" here. If no entry is made in this column in the case of DKHV
                                       samples, then these are pure DKHV samples and not QS samples.

 AF     DKHV Probe                     This column must be used when differentiating between a QS and a DKHV
        DKHV sample                    sample for a potato or onion sample at the wholesale stage.
                                       If a potato or onion sample is a DKHV sample, insert it here according to
                                       the DKHV ripening groups legend. If no entry is made in this column, the
                                       samples are not DKHV samples.

4 Annex
4.1    Productnumber-Codes
Number        Name                                                                      Produktgruppe
   120010     almond                                                                    Nüsse
   130010     apple                                                                     Kernobst
   140010     apricot                                                                   Steinobst
   270050     artichoke                                                                 Fruchtgemüse
   231030     aubergine                                                                 Fruchtgemüse
   163010     avocado                                                                   Exoten
   251080     baby leaf                                                                 Blattgemüse
256990/2      balm / lemon balm                                                         Kräuter
   270080     bamboo shoots                                                             Stängelgemüse
   163020     banana                                                                    Exoten
   256080     basil                                                                     Kräuter
   256090     bay leaves                                                                Kräuter
   300010     beans (dried)                                                             Hülsenfrüchte
   260010     beans (with pods)                                                         Hülsenfrüchte
   260020     beans (without pods)                                                      Hülsenfrüchte
                                                                                        Wurzel- und Knollenge-
      213010 beetroot                                                                   müse
                                                                                        Wurzel- und Knollenge-
   213090     black salsify                                                             müse
   153010     blackberry                                                                Beerenobst
151010/2      blue table grape                                                          Tafeltrauben
   120020     brazil nut                                                                Nüsse
   163090     bread fruit; jackfruit                                                    Exoten
   241010     broccoli                                                                  Kohlgemüse
   242010     Brussels sprouts                                                          Kohlgemüse

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                                        Database instructions                                     Status: • release
                            Residue monitoring Fruit, vegetables, potatoes                             Page 8 of 12
                                        Sample related data
02          Calabash (e.g. Calabash)                                       Fruchtgemüse
   231020   capsicum                                                       Fruchtgemüse
   161050   carambola                                                      Exoten
256030/5    caraway leaves                                                 Kräuter
                                                                           Wurzel- und Knollenge-
213020/1    carrot (bulk goods)                                            müse
                                                                           Wurzel- und Knollenge-
  213020    carrot (bunch)                                                 müse
  120030    cashew nut                                                     Nüsse
  212010    cassava (dasheen, eddoe (japanese taro), tannia, manioc)       Exoten
  241020    cauliflower (romanesco)                                        Kohlgemüse
                                                                           Wurzel- und Knollenge-
   213030   celeriac                                                       müse
   270030   celery                                                         Stängelgemüse
256030/2    celery leaves; sorrel                                          Kräuter
   252030   chard                                                          Blattgemüse
   163060   cherimoya; rambutan                                            Exoten
   256010   chervil                                                        Kräuter
   120040   chestnut                                                       Nüsse
   255000   chicory                                                        Blattgemüse
231020/1    chili peppers                                                  Fruchtgemüse
   243010   chinese cabbage (indian (chinese) mustard, pak choi)           Kohlgemüse
   256020   chive                                                          Kräuter
   120050   coconut                                                        Exoten
   251000   coloured lettuce (lollo, leaf-oak, batavia) (greenhouse)       Blattgemüse
1           coloured lettuce (lollo, leaf-oak, batavia) (outdoor)          Blattgemüse
256030/3    coriander                                                      Kräuter
                                                                           Halm- und Körner-
  234001 Corn (popcorn corn)                                               früchte
                                                                           Halm- und Körner-
   234000   Corn (sweet corn)                                              früchte
   232030   courgette                                                      Fruchtgemüse
154010/1    cowberry                                                       Beerenobst
   154020   craneberry                                                     Beerenobst
   232010   cucumber                                                       Fruchtgemüse
   154010   cultivated blueberry                                           Beerenobst
            cultivated fungi (common mushroom, oyster mushroom, shi-
   280010   take)                                                          Kultur-Pilze
   154030   currant (red, black, white)                                    Beerenobst
   161010   date                                                           Exoten
   153020   dewberry (loganberry)                                          Beerenobst
256030/1    dill                                                           Kräuter
   163100   durian                                                         Exoten
   631000   edible flowers                                                 Kräuter
   154080   elderberries (wild rowan berry)                                Sonstiges
   251030   escarole (radiccio, endivie, ...)                              Blattgemüse
   270040   fennel                                                         Stängelgemüse
   161020   fig                                                            Exoten
   251040   garden cress                                                   Blattgemüse
   220010   garlic                                                         Zwiebelgemüse
220010/1    garlic (fresh)                                                 Zwiebelgemüse
   232020   gherkin                                                        Fruchtgemüse
                                                                           Wurzel- und Knollenge-
213040/1 ginger                                                            müse
252020/1 Glassworts                                                        Stängelgemüse
   154040 gooseberry                                                       Beerenobst
                                                                                  Version: 21.03.2023
                                      Database instructions                          Status: • release
                          Residue monitoring Fruit, vegetables, potatoes                  Page 9 of 12
                                      Sample related data
grapefruit (shaddocks, pomelos, sweeties, tangelo, ugli and other
   110010   hybrids)                                                          Zitrusfrüchte
270010/2    green asparagus                                                   Stängelgemüse
151010/1    green table grape                                                 Tafeltrauben
   163070   guava                                                             Exoten
   120060   hazelnut                                                          Nüsse
251020/1    head lettuce (greenhouse)                                         Blattgemüse
   251020   head lettuce (outdoor)                                            Blattgemüse
                                                                              Wurzel- und Knollenge-
   213040   horseradish                                                       müse
251020/3    iceberg lettuce (greenhouse)                                      Blattgemüse
251020/2    iceberg lettuce (outdoor)                                         Blattgemüse
154010/2    josta berry                                                       Beerenobst
   161060   kaki; japanese persimmons                                         Exoten
   243020   kale                                                              Kohlgemüse
   162010   kiwi                                                              Exoten
151010/3    kiwi berry                                                        Sonstiges
244000/1    kohlrabi (greenhouse)                                             Kohlgemüse
   244000   kohlrabi (outdoor)                                                Kohlgemüse
243020/1    kohlrabi leaves                                                   Sonstiges
   161040   kumquat                                                           Exoten
251010/1    lamb's lettuce (greenhouse)                                       Blattgemüse
   251010   lamb's lettuce (outdoor)                                          Blattgemüse
   270060   leek                                                              Stängelgemüse
   110030   lemon                                                             Zitrusfrüchte
   300020   lentil (dried)                                                    Hülsenfrüchte
251020/8    lettuce (romaine; outdoor)                                        Blattgemüse
   110040   lime                                                              Zitrusfrüchte
   130050   loquats / japanese medlars                                        Kernobst
256030/4    lovage                                                            Kräuter
   162020   lychee                                                            Exoten
   120070   macadamia                                                         Nüsse
   110050   mandarins (clementine, tangerine and other hybrids)               Zitrusfrüchte
   163030   mango                                                             Exoten
   162030   maracuja; passionfruit (granadilla)                               Exoten
256070/1    marjoram                                                          Kräuter
   130040   medlar                                                            Kernobst
   233010   melon (muskmelon, kiwano)                                         Fruchtgemüse
256080/1    mint                                                              Kräuter
251080/1    mizuna (leaves and sprouts of brassica spp)                       Sonstiges
   154060   mulberry                                                          Beerenobst
01          Musky gourd (e.g. Butternut)                                     Fruchtgemüse
130020/1    nashi pear                                                       Kernobst
   140030   nectarine                                                        Steinobst
   231040   okra                                                             Fruchtgemüse
   161030   olive                                                            Sonstiges
   220020   onion                                                            Zwiebelgemüse
220020/1    onions (silverskin onions)                                       Zwiebelgemüse
   110020   orange                                                           Zitrusfrüchte
256070/2    oregano                                                          Kräuter
   220990   other bulb vegetables                                            Zwiebelgemüse
   153990   other cane fruits                                                Beerenobst
   241990   other cauliflower                                                Kohlgemüse
   280990   other cultiveted fungi                                           Kultur-Pilze
   232990   other curcubits - edible peel                                    Fruchtgemüse
   233990   other curcubits - inedible peel                                  Fruchtgemüse
                                                                                     Version: 21.03.2023
                                      Database instructions                             Status: • release
                          Residue monitoring Fruit, vegetables, potatoes                   Page 10 of 12
                                      Sample related data
256990   other   fresh herbs                                              Kräuter
   242990   other   head cabbages                                            Kohlgemüse
   163990   other   large fruits - inedible peel                             Sonstiges
   243990   other   leafy brassica                                           Kohlgemüse
   260990   other   legumes - fresh                                          Hülsenfrüchte
   300990   other   legumes, dried                                           Hülsenfrüchte
   251990   other   lettuces, other salad varieties incl. brassicaceae       Blattgemüse
   161990   other   mescellaneous fruits - edible peel                       Sonstiges
   120990   other   nuts (shelled/unshelled)                                 Nüsse
                                                                             Wurzel- und Knollenge-
   213990   other root and tuber vegetables except sugar beet                müse
   162990   other small fruits - inedible peel                               Sonstiges
   231990   other solanaceae                                                 Fruchtgemüse
   252990   other spinach and similar leaves                                 Blattgemüse
251080/9    other sprouts and shoots                                         Sonstiges
   270990   other stem vegetables (fresh)                                    Stängelgemüse
   140990   other stone fruits                                               Steinobst
   212990   other tropical root and tuber vegetables                         Sonstiges
   110990   others citrus fruit                                              Zitrusfrüchte
   130990   others pome fruits                                               Kernobst
   154990   others small fruit and berries                                   Sonstiges
   163040   papaya; tamarillo                                                Exoten
   256040   parsley                                                          Kräuter
256040/1    parsley (pot)                                                    Kräuter
                                                                             Wurzel- und Knollenge-
   213070 parsley root                                                       müse
                                                                             Wurzel- und Knollenge-
   213060   parsnip                                                          müse
140030/1    peach                                                            Steinobst
   401020   peanuts                                                          Nüsse
   130020   pear                                                             Kernobst
   300030   peas (dried)                                                     Hülsenfrüchte
   260030   peas (with pods)                                                 Hülsenfrüchte
   260040   peas (without pods)                                              Hülsenfrüchte
   120080   pecans                                                           Nüsse
231010/1    physalis/cape gooseberry                                         Fruchtgemüse
   120090   pine nuts                                                        Nüsse
   163080   pineapple                                                        Exoten
   120100   pistachio                                                        Nüsse
   140040   plum (reneclaude, mirabelle)                                     Steinobst
242020/4    pointed cabbage                                                  Kohlgemüse
   163050   pomegranate                                                      Exoten
   211000   potato                                                           Kartoffeln
   999999   preparation
   162040   prickly pear; cactus fruit; pitaya                               Exoten
                                                                             Halm- und Körner-
   500020   Pseudocereals (Amaranth, Buckwheat, Chia seeds, Quinoa)          früchte
03          Pumpkin (giant) (e.g. Hokkaido)                                  Fruchtgemüse
233020/1    Pumpkin (others)                                                 Fruchtgemüse
   252020   purslane (winter purslane (miner’s lettuce), glasswort)          Blattgemüse
   130030   quince                                                           Kernobst
                                                                             Wurzel- und Knollenge-
213080/1    radish (greenhouse)                                              müse
                                                                             Wurzel- und Knollenge-
   213080 radish (outdoor)                                                   müse
256990/3 ramson/ wild garlic/ bear's garlic                                  Kräuter
   153030 raspberry                                                          Beerenobst
                                                                                    Version: 21.03.2023
                                        Database instructions                          Status: • release
                            Residue monitoring Fruit, vegetables, potatoes                Page 11 of 12
                                        Sample related data
242020     red cabbage                                                     Kohlgemüse
   270070     rhubarb                                                         Stängelgemüse
   251060     roman rocket / rucola                                           Blattgemüse
   154050     rose hip                                                        Sonstiges
   256060     rosemary                                                        Kräuter
   256050     sage                                                            Kräuter
256990/1      savory                                                          Kräuter
242020/2      savoy cabbage                                                   Kohlgemüse
    22030     shallots                                                        Zwiebelgemüse
                                                                              Wurzel- und Knollenge-
213080/3      small radish (greenhouse)                                       müse
                                                                              Wurzel- und Knollenge-
213080/2      small radish (outdoor)                                          müse
140020/1      sour cherry                                                     Steinobst
   252010     spinach                                                         Blattgemüse
   220040     spring onion                                                    Zwiebelgemüse
232030/0      Squashes (e.g. Spaghetti squash, Halloween squash, Pattypan
08            squash)                                                         Fruchtgemüse
152000/1      strawberry (greenhouse)                                         Erdbeeren
   152000     strawberry (outdoor)                                            Erdbeeren
   140020     sweet cherry                                                    Steinobst
   212020     sweet potato                                                    Exoten
   256100     tarragon                                                        Kräuter
   256070     thyme                                                           Kräuter
   231010     tomato                                                          Fruchtgemüse
                                                                              Wurzel- und Knollenge-
   213050     topinambur                                                      müse
252010/1      turnip greens                                                   Blattgemüse
   253000     vine leaf                                                       Sonstiges
   120110     walnut                                                          Nüsse
   254000     water cress (water convolvulus, water clovers, water mimosas)   Blattgemüse
   233030     watermelon                                                      Fruchtgemüse
270010/1      white asparagus                                                 Stängelgemüse
242020/3      white cabbage                                                   Kohlgemüse
                                                                              Wurzel- und Knollenge-
    213110 white turnip; turnip; swedes                                       müse
    280020 wild fungi (morels, chanterelle)                                   Kultur-Pilze
    212030 yams                                                               Exoten

QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH

Managing director: Dr. Alexander Hinrichs

Schedestraße 1-3
53113 Bonn

Phone +49 228 35068-0
Fax +49 228 35068-10

Fotos: QS

                                                                                     Version: 21.03.2023
                                       Database instructions                            Status: • release
                           Residue monitoring Fruit, vegetables, potatoes                  Page 12 of 12
                                       Sample related data
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