Particle Charging in Combined Corona-Electrostatic Fields

Particle Charging in Combined
                            Corona-Electrostatic Fields
    Laurentiu-Marius Dumitran1, Octavian Blejan1, Petru Notingher1, Adrian Samuila2, Lucian Dascalescu2

                                         Laboratory of Electrotechnical Materials,
         Politehnica University of Bucharest, Splaiul Independentei nr. 313, 060042 sector 6, Bucharest, Romania
                        Electronics and Electrostatics Research Unit, LAII-ESIP, UPRES-EA 1219
                University Institute of Technology, 4 avenue de Varsovie, 16021 Angoulême Cedex, France

    Abstract – The association of several ionizing and non-             The physical model of the corona field is rather well
ionizing electrodes generate combined corona-electrostatic          established [8] and can be easily solved for simple two-
fields, characterized by space charge zones of well-defined         electrode configurations like wire-plane or point-plane, using
extensions. In a previous paper, the authors presented an           various techniques, such as finite-differences [9], finite
effective numerical method for the computation of such fields.      element [10-13], the combined method of finite element and
The aim of the present work is to show how these results can be
                                                                    the method of characteristics [14], and the charge simulation
employed for estimating the charge acquired by insulating and
                                                                    method [15]. The formulation of the mathematical model is
conducting particles when passing through the space charge
zones generated by various corona-electrostatic electrode           less easy to handle for the combined corona-electrostatic
geometries. The study is done under several assumptions that        fields, generated by ionising electrodes associated with non-
authorize the use of Pauthenier’s formula: diffusion charging       ionising electrodes at the same or a different potential. Such
can be neglected, the applied electric field is quasi-uniform in    configurations, designated as “dual electrodes” [5, 7], are
the vicinity of particles, and particle speed is low compared to    characterized by the existence of singular points where the
that of air ions. The charging model takes into account the         electric field is zero. Very few algorithms are able to provide
computed spatial distribution of the electric field and charge      a solution to this problem [16, 17].
density. The computations were performed for various values of          In a recent paper [18], conformal mapping was employed
the geometrical parameters of the electrode system and of the       to transform the geometrical domain into one easily tractable
particle transit time through the corona discharge zone. The        by classical numerical methods. The aim of the present work
results can be used for the design of the electrode system of any   is to show how these results can be employed for estimating
electrostatic process employing corona discharge fields.
                                                                    the charge acquired by insulating and conducting particles
   Index Terms : Computational electrostatics, Particle charging,   when passing through the space charge zones generated by
Corona discharge                                                    various corona-electrostatic electrode geometries.

                       I. INTRODUCTION                                            II. CORONA FIELD COMPUTATION

    Corona charging of particulate matter is a physical                 In drum-type electrostatic separators, a “dual electrode”
mechanism frequently employed in electrostatic processes            connected to a negative high-voltage supply is facing a roll
such as dust precipitation, electrostatic painting, powder          electrode connected to the ground (Fig 1, a). The roll radius
coating, and separation of granular mixtures [1,2]. In many         being significantly larger than the inter-electrode spacing and
situations, non-ionizing electrodes are associated with the         the characteristic dimensions of the other electrodes, the most
corona (ionizing) electrode, in order to increase the efficiency    simple electrode geometry that could model this situation of
of the charging or enhance the electric forces exerted on the       practical interest is the three-electrode system consisting of a
particles. The electric field generated by any such electrode       wire, a cylinder, and a plate, shown in Fig. 1,b. The wire and
arrangement has been referred to as corona-electrostatic [3],       the cylinder are parallel to each other and connected to the
and has been the object of several experimental studies [4, 5].     same high voltage potential compose a “wire-type dual
    The physical phenomena associated with corona charging          electrode”. The small radius wire is the ionizing electrode.
and particle motion in electric fields affected by the presence     The ionic charge injected at the wire surface is repelled by
of space charge have been thoroughly studied [6, 7].                the large radius cylinder (the non-ionizing electrode) and
However, none of the mathematical models elaborated for             collected by the grounded plate electrode, normal to the plane
this purpose are capable of simulating the distortion of the        defined by the axes of the other two electrodes.
electric field due to the presence of the ionic space charge.

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The electric field E affected by the ionic space charge is
                                                                                governed by the following equations:
                                                                                   - the Poisson equation :

                                                                                                          ∆Φ = −      ,                       (1)

                                                                                    where ρ is the ionic space charge density and Φ is the
                                                                                electric potential related to the electric field through :
                                                                                                          E = − gradΦ ;                       (2)

                                                                                   - the charge conservation law :

                                                                                                        ∂ρ       G
                                                                                                           + div j = 0 ,                      (3)
                                                                                        G          G
                                                                                where j = ρ K i E is the corona current density when the
                                                                                diffusion current is neglected. Ki = 2ּ10-4 m2/Vs being the ion
                                                                                mobility [18].
                                                                                    Considering the corona discharge constant and uniform
                                                                                all along the ionizing wire and because L >> r, d or h
                                                                                (Fig. 1, a, b), the electric field and space charge problem has
                                                                                a 2-D symmetry. The 2-D computation domain (Fig. 1, b) has
                                                                                a symmetry axis Oy; this reduces the domain under
                                                                                investigation to the quadrant x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0, denoted by Dxy.
                                                                                The boundary conditions are detailed in [18]. For the
                                                                                electrical potential (Poisson equation (1)), the boundary
                                                                                conditions are of Dirichlet type for the wire and the non-
                                                                                ionizing electrode (Φ = Φ0 where Φ0 is the applied potential)
                                                                                as well as for the grounded collector plate (Φ = 0). On the
                                                                                symmetry axis Oy, a Neumann type condition is imposed
                                                                                (∂Φ/∂x = 0).
                                                                                    For the charge conservation equation, the boundary
                                                                                condition consists in imposing a uniform charge density
                                                                                value all around the wire surface ρ0 [18]. To establish the
     Figure 1. a) Schematic view of the electrodes system used in an
  electrostatic separation; b) simplified 2-D geometry investigated in the      value of ρ0, the Kaptzov hypothesis and Peek formula are
                                 present study.                                 used [18].
                                                                                    The computation method used to find the solution of the
                                                                                system (1) – (3) is detailed in [18]. A conformal mapping
    The physical model is that of the electric field affected by                transforms the computation domain into another one easier to
a permanent flow of ions generated at the surface of a smooth                   solve. In this way the difficulties related to the singularity
cylindrical wire and can be simplified as follows:                              point located on the symmetry axis Oy between the wire and
    • the corona discharge is regarded as only a generator                      high voltage cylinder and also the construction of a suitable
        of monopolar (negative) ions, all phenomena related                     mesh are overcome. In a second step, classic numerical
        to ion generation being neglected;                                      techniques are used to solve the Poisson and charge
                                      G         G     G        G                conservation equations. The complete field-charge solution is
    • the medium is air such that D = ε 0 E , D and E                           obtained using the successive approximations technique [18].
        being the electric displacement and field strength                      Fig. 2 shows the spatial distribution of the electrical potential
        respectively, and ε0 the vacuum permittivity;                           and ionic space charge. The electrostatic cylinder create a
                                                                                zone free of ionic space charge limited by the separating line
   •    the corona discharge is assumed to be steady and                        which starts from singularity point E = 0. The electric field
        uniformly distributed over the wire surface and                         strength and the ionic space charge density at the plate
                                                                                surface depend of the dual cylinder position.

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                                                                                   Fig. 3. Variation of dimensionless space charge density along of the
                                                                                    grounded plate for several distances wire – cylinder. Φ0 = 25 kV,
                                                                                               d = 45 mm, R = 12.5 mm and r = 0.15 mm).


    Fig. 2. a) Equipotential lines in a Oxy plane; b) Lines of equal charge
  density in the Oxy plane. Φ0 = 25 kV, d = 45 mm, h = 40 mm, cylinder
               radius R = 12.5 mm and wire radius r = 0.15.

    When the cylinder is close to the wire the electric field at
the surface of the ionizing wire is lower and, by consequence,
the charge injection is lower too. For small values of h, the
region with ionic charge is very confined (Fig. 3). However,                      Fig. 4. Variation of dimensionless electric field strength along of the
for the large distance x, there are not an important influence                      grounded plate for several distances wire – cylinder. Φ0 = 25 kV,
                                                                                             d = 45 mm, R = 12.5 mm and r = 0.15 mm).
of the cylinder position on the electric field strength (Fig. 4).
    The computations are done for particle-free electric field
domains. The results of such computations remain valid as
long as the size of a particle introduced in the field domain is                    The physical model that will be employed for the study of
small when compared to the inter-electrode spacing.                             the charging process is based on the several assumptions:
Therefore, they can be used in the study of particle charging                       • the particles are insulating spheres of diameter dp, and
phenomena, as shown in the next section of the paper.                                   dielectric permittivity εr; they move in the Ox
                                                                                        direction with an uniform velocity Vp, equal to the
                                                                                        magnitude of the linear velocity of a point on the
  III. CORONA FIELD CHARGING OF INSULATING PARTICLES                                    surface of the roll electrode rotating at the speed
                                                                                        imposed by a given -electrostatic separation process;
     The outcome of several electrostatic processes, including
                                                                                   •     the particles are located at the surface of the
separation, painting or precipitation, strongly depends on the
                                                                                        grounded electrode; if they are insulating, their charge
efficiency of corona charging processes. This justifies the
                                                                                        is not affected by the contact with the metallic
need for the development of a computational method for the
                                                                                        electrode; if they are conducting, they will acquire a
evaluation of the charge acquired by insulating and
                                                                                        charge by electrostatic induction, as shown in section
conducting particles while passing through the corona field
zone generated by electrode systems as the one in Fig. 1.

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1 3
   •    the influence of the particles on the spatial                                      Qpc =     π ε0dp2E .                    (7)
        distributions of the electric field and ionic space                                        6
        charge is neglected;
                                                                         By examining the equation (7) it appears that evaluating
   •    a small spherical particle (insulating or conductive)        the charge acquired by a conductive particle in contact with
        placed on the surface of the grounded electrode is           the plate electrode (Fig. 1, b) involves knowing the field
        considered subjected to both a constant electric field       strength at the surface of the plate for each particle position
        and a constant space charge density, equal to the            along the Ox axis.
        values of these physical parameters computed in its
        center. Moreover, as the present study concerns only
        large particle sizes (dp > 1 mm), the contribution of                  V. NUMERICAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
        diffusing charging mechanism is completely
                                                                         Using the charging models above, the insulating and
   With the assumptions above, the equation of particle              conductive particles charge has been computed for various
charging in an electric field E is the one established by            values of the geometrical parameters of the electrode system.
Pauthenier [19]:                                                         Fig. 5 presents the variation of the insulating particle
                                                                     charge and saturation charge as a function of particle
                                               2                     position. The charging process starts when the particle enters
                    dQp  1  Qp               
                        = Qps 1 − s           •             (4)    the ionic space charge zone. The maximum value of the
                     dt  τ  Qp                                     charge is attained in a short distance approximately equal
                                                                   with d. Due to the symmetry of the space charge and field
                                                                     distributions, the insulating particle acquires the charge only
where the characteristic charge time constant is:                    in the first side of the domain Dxy (left side in Fig. 1, b). The
                                                                     maximum charge is attained when the particle crosses the
                                   4ε 0                              symmetry axis Oy.
                             τ =        .                      (5)
                                   ρK i                                  The spatial extension of region in which particle charging
                                                                     takes place is due to the presence of the non-ionizing high-
and Qs represents the maximum charge (saturation charge):            voltage electrode which repels the ionic charge and imposes
                                                                     the limits of the space charge zone (see Fig. 4) [18].
                                                                         The distance between the wire and dual cylinder has a
                     Qps = 3πε 0 d p 2 E                       (6)   crucial influence on the particle charge(5) (Fig. 6). For small
                                            εr + 2                   values of h, charging is not efficient. The proximity of the
                                                                     non-ionizing electrode diminishes the electric field strength
                                                                     at the surface of the wire and hence the density of the space
    To compute the particle charge Qp the equation (4) must          charge generated by corona discharge. This effect becomes
be integrated. For that the charging process is divided in very      negligible for h > 30 mm; the space charge density has a
short time steps. The particles are injected at the surface of       maximum value.
the grounded plate (x = -4d, y = dp/2) and leave the ionized             Fig. 7 shows the charging process for different values of
field zone at (x = 4d, y = dp/2) – see Fig. 1, a. In each particle   particle velocity. When the velocity increases, the residence
position the electric field strength and space charge density        time in the corona region decreases and the acquired particle
are computed and the characteristic charging time τ and              charge is lower.
saturation charge Qs are evaluated.                                      The wire-plate spacing d strongly influences the particle
    While Qp is smaller than saturation charge at a given point      charging process (Fig. 8). For small values of d the ionic
(x, y), the particle continues to accumulate the electric charge;    current at the plate surface is very strong and the particle
if Qp ≥ Qs the charging process is stopped.                          charge is higher. The charging process starts at different
                                                                     moments according to the ionic space charge extension.
                                                                          The increase of the applied voltage intensifies not only
                                                                     the electric field strength at the surface of the grounded
   IV. INDUCTION CHARGING OF CONDUCTING PARTICLES                    electrode, but also the charge injection. As a consequence,
                                                                     the acquired particle charge is higher as shown in Fig. 9.
                                                                         For a given conducting particle in contact with the
    A spherical conducting particle in contact with a metallic
                                                                     grounded plate the acquired charge depends exclusively of
electrode affected by an electric field E will acquire, by
                                                                     the electric field strength. The variation of the metallic
electrostatic induction, an electric charge Qpc given by the
                                                                     particle charge as function of particle position, for various
following formula [20]:
                                                                     wire – cylinder distances is represented in Fig. 10.

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Fig. 5. Particle charge Qp and saturation charge Qs as a function of the          Fig. 8. Charge of insulating particles Qp as a function of the particle position
particle position for dp = 3 mm, εr = 3, Φ0 = 24 kV, Vp = 0.5 m/s, d = 45 mm           for dp = 3 mm, εr = 3, Φ0 = 25 kV, Vp = 0.8 m/s, h = 20 mm, and several
                               and h = 40 mm.                                                                    wire plate distances d.

Fig. 6. Charge of insulating particles Qp as a function of the particle position     Fig. 9. Charge of insulating particles Qp as a function of the particle position
for dp = 3 mm, εr = 3, Φ0 = 25 kV, Vp = 0.8 m/s, d = 45 mm and several wire            for dp = 3 mm, εr = 3, Vp = 0.8 m/s, d = 45 mm, h = 30 mm and several
                             cylinder distance h.                                                            values of the applied voltage.

 Fig. 7. Particle charge Qp as a function of the particle time for several values      Fig. 10. Charge of conducting particles Qpc as a function of the particle
    of particle velocity for dp = 3 mm, εr = 3, Φ0 = 25 kV, d = 45 mm and             position for dp = 3 mm, εr = 3, Vp = 0.8 m/s, d = 45 mm, Φ0 = 25 kV and
                                   h = 40 mm.                                                              several wire cylinder distance.

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