DANISH PRODUKTSTANDARD JANUAR 2015 - MARCH 2018 Videncenter for Svineproduktion 4 EDITION - Pig Research Centre

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DANISH PRODUKTSTANDARD JANUAR 2015 - MARCH 2018 Videncenter for Svineproduktion 4 EDITION - Pig Research Centre
  MARCH 2018
Videncenter for Svineproduktion

                                  Danish Pig Research Centre
DANISH PRODUKTSTANDARD JANUAR 2015 - MARCH 2018 Videncenter for Svineproduktion 4 EDITION - Pig Research Centre
Cleaning and disinfecting station                                       Obligatory cleaning and disinfection
Cleaning and disinfecting stations are defined in the DANISH            An obligatory washing and disinfection is an exterior and interior
Transportstandard as cleaning stations for the execu¬tion of clea-      disinfection of a vehicle performed by a cleaning equipment/ma-
ning and disinfecting of animal hauliers.                               chine. In addition, hereto, the vehicle’s cargo area is opened, and it
                                                                        is inspected, if the loading equipment as well as rubber boots and
DanBred P/S distributors                                                sacks that contain shavings are clean. Due to certain provisions,
Companies that have entered into an Agreement on Distribution           interior disinfection is not applicable for closed SPF-approved
with SEGES. Agreements on Distribution are entered with several         vehicles.
companies about the purchase and sale of DanBred P/S breeding
material.                                                               Safety wash
                                                                        A safety wash is defined by the DANISH Transportstandard as a
Exporters                                                               combination of a thorough cleaning with soap performed on a
DANISH-approved producers, who are managing exports themsel-            DANISH-approved soap wash station and a DANISH-certified clea-
ves are also exporters and shall be approved as such.                   ning and disinfecting station. For closed SPF-approved vehicles
                                                                        it applies that a safety wash is achieved by a preceding interior
Exterior soap wash                                                      disinfection followed by an obligatory cleaning and disinfection
An exterior soap wash applies to SPF-approved vehicles, only. This      and finally another interior disinfection. In this case, the vehicle is
comprises a combination of an exterior soap wash and preceding          not opened by the personnel of the cleaning station.
cleaning and disinfection on a DANISH-approved cleaning and di-
sinfecting station. SPF-approved vehicles are defined cf. SPF Rules     Soap wash
of transport - 01/01/2017. The SPF Health control (SPF-SuS).            In the DANISH Transportstandard, a soap wash is defined as the
                                                                        washing with soap of animal transports where the loading equip-
Haulier                                                                 ment, shutters and exterior sides/surfaces as well as any interior
Hauliers are defined in the DANISH Transportstandard as transpor-       surfaces are covered with a soapy solution. Reference is made to
ters of live cloven-hoofed animals.                                     “Safety wash” (technical appendix) for closer description of soap
Herds are defined as a collection of domestic animals of the same
species which are used for certain purposes, which is set to a speci-
fic geographical location, and which have an owner in the form of
a legal or physical person (Order (BEK) No. 1426 of 03/12/2015).
In the DANISH Transportstandard, collection centres are referred
to as under the same conditions as herds. These must be approved
by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, Fødevaresty-
relsen, (Order (BEK) no. 20 of 07/01/2016). Specific rules of qua-
rantine do apply for the movement to and from collection centres.

    DANISH TRANSPORT                Contact the DANISH team                PAGE     CONTENTS
    STANDARD                        at:                                       4     Introduction
    is published by                 +45 3339 4053                             6     1. Hauliers, exporters and DanBred P/S distributors
                                    transport@lf.dk                           7     2. Collection centres
    SEGES                                                                     9     3. Cleaning and disinfecting stations
    Danish Agriculture & Food       Photo:                                          4. Soap wash stations
    Council F.m.b.A.                SEGES
    Axeltorv 3
    DK 1609 Copenhagen V            4 EDITION
    +45 3339 4500
    dts.svineproduktion.dk          March 2018

2                                                                                                                           DANISH TRANSPORT STANDARD
DANISH PRODUKTSTANDARD JANUAR 2015 - MARCH 2018 Videncenter for Svineproduktion 4 EDITION - Pig Research Centre
        The DANISH Transport Standard summarizes the require-                SEGES reserves the right at any time to introduce increased
        ments for cleaning and disinfection of vehicles coming from          preparedness out of the consideration to the protection
        abroad with the intention to prevent diseases such as swine          against infection. Increased readiness is communicated on
        fever and foot and mouth disease to enter Denmark.                   dts.svineproduktion.dk as well as email.
        The standard covers the following:
        1. Hauliers, Exporters and DanBred P/S distributors                  Any questions about the understanding of the DANISH
        2. Collection centres                                                Transport Standard’s regulations and any dispute shall be
        3. Cleaning and disinfecting stations                                settled according to Danish law and at the Danish Agricul-

        Modul 1 - Soe
        4. Soap wash stations                                                ture & Food Council’s DBMC Arbitration Tribunal. Rules for
                                                                             the Danish Agriculture & Food Council’s DBMC Arbitration
        Please register by filling in the declaration of accession which     Tribunal with the DANISH Transport Standard can be seen on
        can be accessed on dts.svineproduktion.dk and forward it to          dts.svineproduktion.dk.
        the certification body stated below:
        Baltic Control Certification®                                        The DANISH Transport Standard is owned by
        Knabrostræde 12, 3.th.                                               SEGES, Danish Agriculture & Food Council
        DK 1210 Copenhagen K                                                 CBR-no. 25529529
        Phone: +45 3939 0135                                                 Further information about DANISH Transport Standard:
        It is the business of Baltic Control Certification® to conduct       Danish Agriculture & Food Council F.m.b.A.
        an independent approval of the registered parties in the             Axelborg, Axeltorv 3
        standard. Approved parties are registered at dts.svineproduk-        DK 1609 Copemhagen V
        tion.dk. In addition, Baltic Control Certification® and SEGES        Phone.: +45 3339 4500
        will carry out inspections and monitor that the requirements         Fax: +45 333 94141
        of the standard are complied with.                                   dts.svineproduktion.dk

        It is at all times the individuals’ responsibility to keep updated
        with the new requirements and ensure that the require-
        ments of the DANISH Transport Standard are complied with.
        All parties involved shall be liable separately, and where
        several parties are involved, each party is independently
        liable. The latest version of the DANISH Transport Standard
        and information about new requirements can be found at

DANISH TRANSPORT STANDARD                                                                                                                  33
DANISH PRODUKTSTANDARD JANUAR 2015 - MARCH 2018 Videncenter for Svineproduktion 4 EDITION - Pig Research Centre
1. Hauliers, exporters and DanBred P/S distributors
1.1 Registration to the DANISH Transport Standard                         slaughtering in Denmark for trade in Germany. Haul-
Hauliers, exporters and DanBred P/S distributors can register             iers transporting animals for slaughter at Danish
with the DANISH Transport Standard by submitting a declara-               Crown and Tican Fresh Meat have been QS-certified
tion of accession to Baltic Control Certification®.                       according to their mutual contracts.
Baltic Control Certification® must be supplied with the             1.2.4 to be able to document that there is a procedure for
following information:                                                    compliance with the requirements of the DANISH
• Business                                                                Transport Standard, including that all employees are
• Address                                                                 informed and trained in this procedure.
• CBR no.                                                           1.2.5 that the list of all vehicles, which are of the haulier’s
• Contact name / person                                                   responsibility are kept updated on www.vaskecert.
• Phone number                                                            dk. This includes vehicles which are owned, rented
• E-mail address                                                          or leased by the haulier. If changes are made and
Please register with the following on www.vaskecert.dk                    no later than three weeks after, the list needs to be
• Registration numbers on owned vehicles                                  updated without delay.
• Vehicle’s country of registration                                 1.2.6 that vehicles regularly are delivering GPS-data to
• Type of vehicle (tractor-units, semi-trailer, trucks or                 SEGES’ webserver providing proof of that the vehi-
     trailer)                                                             cles haven’t been driving in areas of risk the previous
• Use of the vehicle (e.g. moving of livestock or trade)                  seven days. Transporters, who transport their own
                                                                          animals, according to the definition “selvkører” of
1.2 General requirements for hauliers, exporters                          the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration,
    and DanBred P/S distributors                                          Fødevarestyrelsen, are excluded for the require-
Hauliers, exporters and DanBred P/S distributors must                     ments for GPS-data.
1.2.1 that vehicles, which have operated domestic routes            * In order to be certified by the German quality safety
       can supply the farmer with transport documenta-              system, QS, Baltic Control Certification® shall be contact-
       tion of having done so. The transport documents              ed by e-mail: cert@balticcontrol.com, phone: + 45 3939
       must be kept for two years.                                  0135. Alternatively, there is a list of QS coordinators on the
1.2.2 that the only collection centres that are used, have          website www.q-s.de.
       joined the DANISH Transport Standard. The list of
       approved centres having joined the Danish Transport          1.3 Special requirements for vehicles arriving
       Standard can be seen on dts.svineproduktion.dk.                  directly from abroad
1.2.3 that the haulier is QS-certified *, if live pigs are trans-   In accordance with section 1.2, hauliers and exporters shall
       ported from certified herds to either Danish herds,          ensure furthermore

4                                                                                                                DANISH TRANSPORT STANDARD
DANISH PRODUKTSTANDARD JANUAR 2015 - MARCH 2018 Videncenter for Svineproduktion 4 EDITION - Pig Research Centre
1.3.1 that vehicles are cleaned and disinfected at the                    into any risk areas for diseases such as e.g. swine fe-
               DANISH Transport Standard certified cleaning and                   ver and foot-and-mouth disease. However, this does
               disinfecting station, cf. list of certified cleaning and           not apply, if a safety wash is performed followed
               disinfecting stations at dts.svineproduktion.dk.                   by 12-hours quarantine. An overview over any risk
        1.3.2 that, upon arrival to a DANISH-certified cleaning and               areas can be retrieved from dts.svineproduktion.dk.
               disinfecting station the vehicle has been cleaned
               according to the requirements stipulated by the             1.4 Inspections
               authorities. Vehicles that, upon arrival to a DAN-          SEGES collects data from the authorities’ database on
               ISH-certified cleaning and disinfecting station have        movements of pigs and SEGES’ cleaning and disinfecting
               not been cleaned according to the requirements              database in order to perform, based here upon, analyses
               stipulated by the authorities will be rejected and          and inspections. In addition, random inspections may be
               returned for re-washing.                                    performed by sampling selected vehicles.
        1.3.3 that any equipment such as boots and driving                 Further inspections will be performed by Baltic Control
               boards are clean prior to arrival to a DANISH-cer-          Certification® by means of announced or unannounced
               tified cleaning and disinfection station. Non-intact        inspections at the haulier and exporter where documen-
               and dirty equipment will be discarded by the                tation for the compliance with these requirements will be
               personnel of the cleaning and disinfecting station.         reviewed. Furthermore, inspections will be performed by
        1.3.4 that the vehicles carry a valid cleaning certificate         means of video surveillance at DANISH-certified cleaning
               from one of the DANISH Transport Sstandard                  and disinfecting stations and by random inspections in the
               certified, cleaning and disinfecting stations. Cleaning     collection centres.
               certificates shall be kept for two years. The cleaning      The DANISH-certification period lasts three years based
               certificate must contain the following information:         on an annual risk-based audit, which can be carried out by
              •		Registration number of the vehicle                        remote audit or by visiting the haulier, exporter or DanBred
              •		Time stamp of approved cleaning and disinfection          P/S distributor.
              •		Name of the used disinfectant                             Failure to comply with the requirements may result in
              •		Cleaning certificate number                               follow-up inspections and requirements to submit docu¬-
        1.3.5 that, at any time, the vehicle complies with the quar-       mentation. Both cause a fee to be covered by the haulier,
               antine which is stated at tjekvogn.dk and on the            exporter or DanBred P/S distributor, cf. tariffs set out by
               vehicle’s latest valid cleaning certificate, regardless     dts.svineproduktion.dk.
               the cause for this quarantine. Recommended times
               of quarantine can be retrieved on dts.svineproduk-          1.5 Penalties
               tion.dk.                                                    If hauliers, exporters or DanBred P/S distributors cannot
               Quarantine rules comprise, but are not limited to:          • supply any valid cleaning certificate and thereby
               a) that there must always be a minimum of a                      demonstrate that the vehicle is cleaned and disinfect-
               48-hours quarantine prior to moving between                      ed, cf. section. 1.3.1 and 1.3.4
               Danish herds whenever animals are off-loaded. If            • demonstrate that the requirement for 48-hours of
               the vehicle’s latest valid cleaning certificate is green,        quarantine is observed, cf. section 1.3.5 and 1.3.6,
               moving from a Danish herd to a collection centre,           the concerned will be sanctioned.
               slaughterhouse, (Danish Crown exempt) or directly           The following penalty scheme finds application:
               abroad is permitted, however, immediately after             One violation: A SEGES’ representatives summons for a
               cleaning and disinfecting                                   talk.
               b) quarantine is reduced to 12 hours prior to trans-        More than three violations within one year: Being sum-
               port directly abroad after a valid safety wash has          moned to make a statement before the Steering Commit-
               been performed on a DANISH-ap proved cleaning               tee has the following options to act:
               and disinfecting station. However, quarantine               • accept the statement
               remains at 48 hours when animals are transported            • reject the statement
               between Danish herds as well as from Danish herds           A rejection prompts one of the following penalties:
               to collection centres or slaughterhouses. The offer         • elaboration of a plan of action. This must contain a
               of a safety wash is limited to vehicles that are send-           review of how violations may be avoided in the future
               ing GPS-data to SEGES’ webserver                            • the DANISH Transport Standard certificate is with-
               c) transports from DANISH-approved collection                    drawn
               centres directly abroad are exempt from quarantine          Should the haulier, exporter or DanBred P/S distributor
               rules.                                                      fail to comply in any other way with his obligations, cf. the
        1.3.6 that always a minimum of a 48-hours quarantine               DANISH Transport Standard, the DANISH-approval may
               is observed after cleaning and disinfection on a            be withdrawn. After a withdrawal of the DANISH Trans-
               DANISH-approved cleaning and disinfecting station,          port Standard certificate/approval a fee of DKK 10,000 is
               if, within the last seven days a vehicle unit has driven    charged, if re-certification is requested.

DANISH TRANSPORT STANDARD                                                                                                                   5
2. Collection Centres
2.1 Requirements for collection centres
2.1.1 Collection centres for cloven-footed animals may
      join the DANISH Transport Standard by submitting a
      completed declaration of accession to Baltic Control
      Certification®, e-mail: cert@balticcontrol.com. The
      declaration of accession can be retrieved on dts.
      Collection centres authorise Baltic Control Certifica-
      tion® to perform audits of hauliers and exporters at
      the collection centres. Baltic Control Certification®
      must be supplied with the following information: :
      • Name of the collection centre
      • Address
      • CBR-no.
      • Contact name / person
      • Phone number
      • E-mail address
      The list of approved centres having joined the Dan-
      ish Transport Standard can be seen on dts.svinepro-
2.1.2 The collection centre is obliged to inform SEGES and     One violation: A SEGES’ representatives summons for a
      Baltic Control Certification® of the date of rejection   talk
      and registration number of any rejected vehicles         More than three violations within one year: Being sum-
      on e-mail: cert@balticcontrol.com and transport@         moned to make a statement before the Steering Commit-
      seges.dk                                                 tee of the DANISH Transport Standard.
2.1.3 Reception and dispatch of live, cloven-hoofed            Consequently, the Steering Committee has the following
      animals to and from the collection centre must be        options to act:
      reported to the authorities’ database on move-           • accept the statement
      ments of pigs within seven days after the transfer       • reject the statement
      has taken place. When reporting, it is important to
      observe that the correct time of transfer and the        A rejection prompts one of the following penalties:
      registration numbers for tractor-units / semi-trailers   • elaboration of a plan of action. This must contain a
      and trucks / trailers, respectively, are indicated.          review of how violations may be avoided in the future.
                                                               • the DANISH Transport Standard certificate is with-
2.2 Penalties                                                      drawn.
Collection centres that do not report the transfers in the
authorities’ database on movements of pigs in accordance       Should the collection centre fail to comply in any other way
with the requirements for reporting, cf. section 2.1.3, may    with its obligations, cf. the DANISH Transport Standard, the
be imposed to pay a penalty and consequently have the          DANISH-approval may be withdrawn. After a withdrawal
DANISH Transport Standard certification confiscated            of the DANISH Transport Standard approval a fee of DKK
according to the following rules:                              10,000 is charged, if re-certification is requested.

6                                                                                                         DANISH TRANSPORT STANDARD
3. Cleaning and disinfecting stations
        3.1 Registration to DANISH Transport Standard                     3.2.2 that an exterior and interior* disinfection of the
        Cleaning and disinfecting stations that wish a DANISH                   vehicles is performed, and the cleaning and disin-
        certification for cleaning and disinfecting vehicles coming             fecting station always uses an approved disinfectant
        directly from abroad and have been in contact with live                 in sufficient quantity as prescribed on the product
        cloven-hoofed animals, waste from cloven-hoofed animals                 sheet, cf. list of approved disinfectants on dts.svine-
        or the like may register by submitting a declaration of                 produktion.dk. The tank containing the disinfectant
        accession to the certification body. In addition, a detailed            must maintain a temperature of 20-30° C. The
        description of the station which is desired to be estab-                temperature of the disinfectant must be measured
        lished, including a floor plan, is included, where after Baltic         daily. The temperature is registered on a control
        Control Certification® performs a start-up audit. Baltic                sheet.
        Control Certification® will decide for approval no later than     3.2.3 that the vehicles’ cargo area is opened and inspect-
        8 weeks after receipt of the application and all necessary              ed, if all floors, pushing plates and pushing paddles
        documents. Decision on certification can be renewed once,               are clean.
        if special circumstances apply. Baltic Control Certification®     3.2.4 that it is inspected, if the area where the driver
        shall supply reasons for extending the duration of the                  keeps any equipment, is clean. In addition, it is
        extension, and inform the applicant before the indicated                inspected whether the driver’s and any assistant’s
        deadline has lapsed. If the cleaning and disinfecting station           rubber boots are clean.
        is certified, it will appear on the table for DANISH Trans-       3.2.5 that the driver’s and any assistant’s boots are
        portstandard certified cleaning and disinfecting stations at            cleaned with soap in hot water and disinfected by
        dts.svineproduktion.dk.                                                 the staff of the cleaning and disinfecting station.
                                                                                Thereafter, disinfected boots must, along with an
        The certification is valid for one year and must be renewed             unused disposable overall be placed in a plastic bag
        within 13 months of issue.                                              and closed with strips.
                                                                          3.2.6 that brought along shavings are stored in sealed
        The certification must be obtained again by change of                   bags, which are welded, and that the bags are disin-
        ownership. Whoever takes ownership must no later than                   fected on the platform.
        one week after the change of ownership inform Baltic              3.2.7 that 20% of the vehicles are inspected, whether the
        Control Certification®.                                                 stated mileage is suitable for that particular vehicle.

        3.2 Requirements for cleaning and disinfecting                    * Closed SPF-approved vehicles are not opened for disin-
        stations                                                            fection.
        The cleaning and disinfecting station must ensure
        3.2.1 that all vehicles are washed on the outside with
               water of drinking water quality.

DANISH TRANSPORT STANDARD                                                                                                                 7
3.2.8 that cleaning certificates are printed SEGES’                     station. Vehicles, which upon arrival and accord-
       cleaning database on paper supplied by the Danish                ing to the authorities’ regulations have not been
       Agriculture & Food Council.                                      cleaned satisfactorily, must be rejected and sent for
       Cleaning certificates must include:                              repeated cleaning. Equipment, such as boots and
       • Registration number of the vehicle                             pushing plates must also be clean before arrival.
       • Time stamp of performed cleaning and                           Non-intact and dirty equipment must be discarded
       		disinfection                                                   by the staff on the cleaning and disinfecting station.
       • Cleaning certificate number                                    This is noted in the cleaning database on the certifi-
       • Applied disinfectant                                           cate in question.
       The original must be delivered to the owner or op-        3.2.13 that rejected vehicles are registered in the cleaning
       erator of the vehicle. The cleaning and disinfecting             database and SEGES and Baltic Control Certifica-
       station must keep a copy of the cleaning certificate             tion® are informed without delay.
       for at least one year and for presentation in the         3.2.14 that a self-audit programme, which ensures the com-
       event of an audit by Baltic Control Certification®.              pliance of the requirements of DANISH Transport
3.2.9 that only the personnel of the cleaning and disin-                Standard, is set up with the following information
       fecting station disinfect vehicles that have passed              and procedures:
       successfully a training course in cleaning and disin-            • a list of daily temperature measurements of the
       fecting provided by SEGES.                                          disinfection liquid. The measurements are per-
3.2.10 that on the cleaning and disinfecting station has the               formed with calibrated equipment.
       following available:                                             • a list of authorised personnel
       a) appropriate equipment for cleaning and disinfec-              • a procedure for the training of the staff
       tion of vehicles                                                 • a procedure for supervision to authorisation and
       b) an appropriate sewage plant, for example in                      training
       terms of connectivity to the public waste water                  • a procedure for issuing cleaning certificates
       system                                                           • a procedure for the registration of rejected vehi-
       c) the entire area is built on solid ground providing               cles and equipment
       suitable conditions for effectively cleaning and disin-
       fection of the cleaning and disinfecting station etc.     3.3 Inspection
       d) the possibility to heat up the vehicles, for exam-     The inspection will consist of:
       ple by using warm water or heat guns                      a) An annual audit of the self-inspecting programme of
       e) equipment for online video surveillance of all             the cleaning and disinfecting station
       tracks on the cleaning station. It must be clearly        b) Monitoring of the internal training programme
       indicated, which track is being filmed, the vehicle’s     c) Monitoring of calibration
       registration number must be clearly visible, and the      d) Monitoring of approval of personnel
       time of recording must be visible on every individual     e) Inspection of issued cleaning certificates
       picture, cf. Agreement entered into by Declaration        f) Monitoring of the cleaning database
       of Assent from DANISH Transport Standard-certified        g) Random inspection of vehicles at the cleaning and
       cleaning and disinfecting stations.                           disinfecting station prior to and after the approval of
3.2.11 that vehicles which by means of valid documen-                the personnel.
       tation can prove that they have performed soap            h) Random inspection of vehicles by tests taken by SEGES
       cleaning on a DANISH-approved soap cleaning sta-
       tion within the previous four hours, they are cleaned     3.4 Penalties
       and disinfected as usual in order to complete safety      Baltic Control Certification® may revoke a DANISH Trans-
       cleaning that results in a yellow cleaning certificate.   portstandard certification without notice, if the cleaning
       Reference is made to the technical appendix “Safety       and disinfecting station does not comply with the require-
       cleaning”.                                                ments, cf. section 3.1 and 3.2, or the requirements for
       A yellow certificate may be issued for SPF-approved       certification are change significantly.
       vehicles upon interior disinfection, followed by oblig-   In the event of any other violations according to the obli-
       atory cleaning and disinfection and finally another       gations of this standard, the DANISH Transport Standard
       interior cleaning performed by the driver himself.        certificate may be withdrawn from the cleaning and
3.2.12 that it is inspected whether vehicles are properly        disinfecting station.
       cleaned upon arrival to the cleaning and disinfecting

8                                                                                                           DANISH TRANSPORT STANDARD
4. Soap wash stations
        4.1 Registration to the DANISH Transport Standard                the certification body performs a start-up audit. SEGES will
        A “safetywash” is limited to vehicles that have driven in high   decide for approval no later than 8 weeks after receipt of
        risk areas and that were issued a red cleaning certificate.      the application and all necessary documents. The deadline
        This as a starting point, safety cleaning may be performed       may be extended once, if special conditions apply. SEGES
        whereby the quarantine is reduced from 48 to 12 hours for        shall give reasons for the extension and the length of the
        direct transports abroad. However, a minimum 48-hours            extension, and communicate this to the applicant before
        quarantine applies for transports be¬tween Danish herds,         the indicated deadline.
        or from Danish herds to collection centres or slaughter-
        houses.                                                          If the soap wash station has been approved, it will appear
                                                                         on the list of DANISH approved soap wash stations on dts.
        Soap wash stations that wish to be certified according to        svineproduktion.dk
        DANISH-approved safety cleaning of vehicles that come
        directly from abroad and have been in contact with live          The certification is valid for one year, and the certification
        cloven-hoofed animals, waste from cloven-hoofed animals          must be renewed within 13 months of issue.
        or the like may register by sub¬mitting a declaration of         A new approval must be obtained by transfer of owner-
        accession to SEGES at transport@seges.dk.                        ship. The new owner must, no later than one week after
                                                                         the acquisition, report transfer of ownership to SEGES.
        The application must include a detailed plan and descrip-
        tion of the facility that wants to be established, where after

DANISH TRANSPORT STANDARD                                                                                                                 9
4.2 General requirements for soap wash stations                    4.2.11 that an SPF-approved vehicle, which requires a safe-
Reference is made as related to the technical appendix in                 ty cleaning after complete cleaning and disinfection
a detailed description of the procedure for soap cleaning:                leaves the cleaning and disinfecting station area
“Safety cleaning”.                                                        to perform an interior cleaning and disinfection by
It is the responsibility of the soap wash station to maintain             itself cf. SPF Rules for Transport. Based upon that, a
updated according to this. The soap wash station must be                  yellow certificate may be issued.
DANISH-approved to perform soap wash and must ensure               4.2.12 that cleaning certificates are printed from SEGES’s
4.2.1 that a specially separated lane to perform soap                     cleaning database on paper supplied by the Danish
         cleaning is established (such separation might con-              Agriculture & Food Council.
         sist of a strong plastic or rubber tarpaulin from floor          Cleaning certificates must include:
         to ceiling)                                                      • The registration number of the vehicle
4.2.2 that the vehicle is inspected and approved for soap                 • The date and time for completed safety cleaning
         cleaning, if not it shall be rejected.                           • Name and signature of the person responsible for
4.2.3 that exterior and interior* soap wash is performed                     performing safety cleaning
         of all the vehicle’s surfaces whereupon disinfection is          • Certificate number
         performed according to usual procedure. Soap wash                • Information on which soap has been used
         and obligatory cleaning and disinfection are carried             • Destination/loading place of the vehicle.
         out independently.                                               The original must be handed over to the owner or
4.2.4 that at the soap wash station always an approved                    operator of the vehicle. The soap wash station must
         alkaline soap and disinfectant are used in sufficient            retain a copy of the documentation for a minimum
         quantity as prescribed on the product sheet, cf. list            of 1 year and upon request present documentation
         of approved soaps and disinfectants on dts.svine-                to the certification body.
         produktion.dk.                                            4.2.13 that SPF-approved vehicles, which are entitled to
4.2.5 that there is a sufficient supply of water that has the             a black certificate may have performed an exterior
         quality of drinking water.                                       soap wash, which results in a red cleaning certificate.
4.2.6 the appropriate sewage plant, for example in terms                  Reference is made to the “Technical appendix with
         of connectivity to the public waste water system.                more detailed information on exterior soap wash”
4.2.7 firm ground in the whole area, as to efficiently                    on dts.svineproduktion.dk.
         performing cleaning and disinfecting of the cleaning      4.2.14 All personnel must have participated in and passed
         station, etc. After performing soap cleaning, the                a seminar in safety wash organised by SEGES. Newly
         entire flooring area must be cleaned and disinfected             hired personnel must have participated in a seminar
         with an approved soap and disinfectant, cf. list of              in safety wash prior to their employment, or by the
         approved soaps and disinfectants at dts.svinepro-                time a first safety wash is performed by the employ-
         duktion.dk.                                                      ee in question.
4.2.8 equipment for video surveillance of all tracks in the        4.2.15 that the procedure described in the technical
         cleaning station that can be watched online. It must             appendix “Safety Cleaning” is known and complied
         be clearly marked, which track is filmed and the                 with by the entire staff.
         vehicle registration number must be clearly visible       4.2.16 that, if other vehicles than the ones stated enter
         cf. Agreement entered according to declaration of                the soap wash station’s area, these do not come in
         assent from DANISH Transport Standard-approved                   contact with vehicles covered by the standard.
         safety cleaning stations.                                 4.2.17 that it is inspected that vehicles are properly
4.2.9 that after performed soap cleaning documentation                    cleaned upon arrival at the safety cleaning station.
         is issued whereby first after completed cleaning and             Vehicles, which have not been cleaned satisfactorily
         disinfection a yellow cleaning certificate is printed.           on arrival according to the authorities’ regulations
4.2.10 that no more than four hours may have passed                       must be rejected and sent for repeated cleaning.
         between soap cleaning and cleaning and disinfec-                 Equipment, such as boots and drive boards must
         tion. This combined completes a safety cleaning and              also be clean before arrival. Non-intact and dirty
         a yellow certificate. Reference is made to “Technical            equipment is discarded by the staff on the safety
         appendix regards safety cleaning” on dts.svinepro-               cleaning station, and this is noted in the cleaning
         duktion.dk.                                                      database on the certificate in question.

* Closed SPF-approved vehicles are not opened for disin-

10                                                                                                             DANISH TRANSPORT STANDARD
4.2.18 that the vehicle sends GPS-data to SEGES’ webserver        •    Monitoring of calibration
               on a regular basis. This information must comply with      •    Monitoring of approval of personnel
               the requirements determined by SEGES which are a           •    Inspection of issued certificates
               prerequisite for soap wash and consequently safety         •    Monitoring of the cleaning database
               cleaning.                                                  •    Random inspection of soap washed vehicles, ex¬tracting
        4.2.19 that a self-audit programme is set up with the following        tests
               information and procedures:                                •    Random inspection of vehicles at the soap wash station
               • a list of authorised personnel                                before and after the staff’s approval. The inspection may
               • a procedure for internal soap wash of vehicles                involve announced as well as unannounced physical
               • a procedure for the training of the staff                     presence of auditors of the certification body, electronic
               • a procedure for supervising authorization and                 video surveillance as well as extracts from SEGES’s clean-
                  training                                                     ing database.
               • a procedure for issuing of certificates
               • a procedure for the registration of rejected vehicles    4.4 Penalties
                  and equipment                                           The approval body may revoke a DANISH-Transport Standard
               • a list of daily temperature measurements of the dis-     approval without notice, provided that
                  infection liquid. The measurements are performed        • the soap wash station does not meet the required condi-
                  with appropriate equipment.                                 tions, cf. 4.2 and the technical appendix “Safety cleaning”
                                                                              and “External safety cleaning”
        4.3 Inspection                                                    • the conditions for approval change significantly
        There will be an unannounced inspection of the soap wash
        station at least four times a year.                               In the event of any other violations according to the obli-
        The inspection will consist of:                                   gations of this standard, the DANISH Transport Standard
        • Audit of the soap station’s own control program                 approval may be withdrawn from the soap wash station.
        • Monitoring of the internal training program

DANISH TRANSPORT STANDARD                                                                                                                   11
Danish Agriculture & Food Council F.m.b.A.   +45 3339 4500
Axeltorv 3                                   svineproduktion@seges.dk
DK 1609 Copenhagen V                         seges.dk
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