Page created by Felix Horton

DancElite Prodigy
Please read the following in its entirety. It contains all the information you will need to make an
informed decision about auditioning for and dancing with CK DanceWorks’ DancElite Prodigy.

We would like to express the importance of discussing the financial commitment of DancElite as
a family or with spouses BEFORE auditioning to make sure you are aware of all the financial
obligations! Being a DancElite member is both a TIME and MONETARY commitment!
Costumes, competition fees, and tuition add up, and we want to make sure all that are interested
are well informed and make realistic decisions.
See pages 8 & 9 for a quick glance at cost breakdown and due dates.

The following information is the 2014-2015 DancElite Prodigy Audition Information and Company
Contract. This document contains all the information you will need when considering auditioning for and
dancing with DancElite Gems. Please read over carefully, even if you have been a DancElite dancer in
previous years. This packet contains A LOT of NEW and UPDATED information that is important to
understand and comply with. It also contains information on how and when to register for company
classes, scheduled events, and payment breakdowns for the entire year.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to call or email CK DanceWorks ASAP. DO NOT
attempt to talk to staff/teachers during teaching hours! You can also attend the parent informational
meeting on Monday, May 5 @ 7:30pm or Thursday May 15th @ 8pm at CKDW! We highly recommend
everyone attending a meeting...even returning members! Since there are lots of changes happening this
year, it would benefit everyone to be present. We will not go over information in this contract piece by
piece...but will highlight new information and simply answer any questions you have about unclear items.

DancElite Prodigy serves as CK DanceWorks’ focused, talented group of dancers who would like to take
their dance training to the next level. Prodigy consists of leveled dancers who train on average of 3-5 hours
per week...demonstrating skilled technique, advanced movement styles and an unparalleled performance
quality. These dancers attend competition on the regional level and an “in house” conventions and are
expected to be well rounded, poised and extremely focused dancers while adhering to the demands
(monetary and time) expected of Prodigy. Prodigy was created for dancers who are interested in dancing
in the competition circuit while still pursuing other activities and opportunities outside of dance. Prodigy
also requires less financial and time commitment than other DancElite groups.

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Auditions will be held Saturday, May 17th at CK DanceWorks, Inc.
*Rising 5th grade and under are from 4:45-6:45 pm
*Rising 6th grade and up are from 12:30-2:30 pm
*Dancers should arrive at least 20 min early to warm-up, stretch, and receive their audition numbers. No
warmup will be given in audition.
*ALL CURRENT CKDW account balances must be current to be eligible for auditions.
A nice neat appearance (form fitting dance clothes - does not have to be ballet attire, neat hair pulled away
from face, and light, nice makeup) is always recommended. Dancers need to bring all styles of dance shoes
for the audition to be well prepared. Director /judges take former training into consideration! We do
realize that dancers have their strong points, but we need to see everyone try all forms of dance if need be.
There will not be an online dance for dancers to learn prior to auditions this year.
*NEW* There is a $15 CASH audition fee for all students auditioning who turn their audition forms in by
Monday, May 12th. After that date, from Tuesday, May 13th - Saturday, May 17th, the audition fee goes up
to $20 per dancer, no exceptions!
Please fill out the attached audition form (found on the last page of this packet) and submit it with your
CASH audition fee in a sealed envelope into the front office of CKDW. Your dancer will be given an
audition number on the morning of the auditions, and they will wear this number for the entire audition
and should reference that number when viewing results.
Results will be posted on the website on Tuesday, June 3rd @ 10:00am.
This is a closed audition! ABSOLUTELY no spectators allowed in audition room and
television monitors will not be on for viewing!

DancElite registration will be held online at
You must register for DancElite classes by Friday, June 6th, or you will forfeit your spot. CKDW
holds early registration at the end of May. Since registration for DancElite classes is not until
June, you will want to register in May for any extra hip hop and/or acro classes you would like to
There is a $25 per student/$40 family registration fee for returning students.
New student registration fee is $35/$50 family.
All DancElite families must have an autodraft account set up with CKDW for tuition and extra

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*CKDW “in house” auditions for current members of DancElite and new dancers joining CKDW
wanting to join DancElite.
*Invitations may be sent from directors to certain dancers at CKDW. Invitations will be sent via email
prior to June 3.
*Students entering the studio after auditions/after the dance year has begun may audition privately for a
Director or staff member.

Auditioning dancers will be placed by director/judges/staff in the appropriate level of group. Placement is
done according to average age, ability and overall look of group...we do not place according to age only!
Different decisions and reasonings are going to be used each year. It is possible for a 7th grader to be
placed in Junior, Teen, or Senior Prodigy. It is possible that all 6th graders except for one could make a
particular group, while the other dancer is in a different group. Previous years’ performances and class
attendance DOES reflect placement levels. The placement of students on teams should not be challenged
as director will place students where they think students will perform the best for themselves and the
company. Please trust that we will place your dancer in the appropriate group for them to maximize their
learning and growth.

Students must be enrolled in all DancElite training and ballet classes during the dance year.
Students must attend all extra rehearsals (most will fall on Friday nights or Saturdays). Remember, in our
efforts to be the best we can be, we must be the most dedicated and persistent dancers possible. Director
will only call rehearsals if ample time can be given so you can clear your schedule. However, as we get
closer to competition season, please know that we will be rehearsing more than usual!
Please also take into consideration your dance schedule when scheduling additional activities within the
year. It is not acceptable to be 20 minutes late to class for 2 months because of softball practice or to
consistently miss for chorus or band practice! Although, the demands of DancElite Prodigy are less
committal than other DE groups leaving options for other activities, you will still be expected to attend
and be on time for all scheduled classes!
Students must attend all competitions and conventions in which DancElite participates. All Prodigy
groups will attend 4 regional competitions and 1 in house (at CKDW) convention. If for some reason a
dancer must miss a competition and be pulled from group numbers for various reasons (weddings, proms,
vacation), that dancer will remain pulled from said dances for the rest of the year. Costume fees,
competition fees, choreo fees or any fees associated with that dance will not be refunded. Dancelite’s 2015
Competition dates will be announced late fall. Most competitions will be held in the Atlanta area but it is
possible for us to travel to neighboring states.
It will also be mandatory for all DancElite Prodigy members (except for Minis) to attend 1 “in house” (at
CKDW) convention at an additional cost of $150. We will also generally participate in 2 – 3 public
performances (including a Christmas parade) per year.

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Each DancElite Prodigy member will attend a company intensive where dancers train in technique and
learn choreography for the new dance year. CKDW will be bringing in guest teachers to work with each
group. Attendance to this intensive is mandatory. Please talk with Director if you have any questions!
         The 2014 DancElite Summer Intensive is July 21-25 (Mon - Fri), Cost is $200 (Minis) and $300
(Petites, Juniors, Teens and Seniors).

Students are responsible for all competition and convention fees. Competition fees are $40 per dance per
dancer for group dances. Solo, Duet, and trio fees will be variably higher (dependent upon competition).
Example - Jessica has 4 group dances she will compete at a competition, so she will owe $160 for the
Members are responsible for $100 company fee due at time of registration that includes company awards,
rhinestones, company jewelry, alterations, and prop fees for the year.
Members will have to purchase a warm-up jacket/outfit for the 2014-2015 year. As a rule, dancers must
wear these jackets onstage when accepting awards during awards ceremonies! We will use the same
jackets from last year, so only new members or members wanting to replace their old one will have to
purchase the jacket. These will be available for sizing and purchase the week of summer intensive and are
estimated at $110. Other custom items made specifically for DancElite will be available for purchase but
will not be mandatory!
Members must purchase all shoes, tights, and accessories for each dance (this will be announced later in
the year).
Each DancElite Prodigy Group is guaranteed the following dances:
         Minis - 1 jazz competition dance, 1 tap recital dance, 1 ballet recital dance
         Petite Prodigy - 1 jazz competition dance, 1 tap competition dance, 1 ballet recital dance
         Junior, Teen, and Senior Prodigy - 1 jazz competition dance, 1 lyrical/contemporary competition
         dance, 1 tap competition dance, 1 ballet recital dance
Members will be responsible for the purchase of all costumes for their DancElite dances. Costume costs
are $125 per costume.
         Minis - $300 - 1 comp costume, $75 tap costume, $100 ballet costume
         PP - $350 - 2 competition costumes, $100 ballet costume
         Junior, Teen, and Senior Prodigy - $475 - 3 competition costumes, $100 ballet costume
Some company members choose to take additional dance classes at the studio and these classes will
require additional costume purchases at $75 per costume due Dec 15th. Notice - because of no recital fee
being charged, there are no free tickets or coupon codes given at time of recital ticket purchasing. You are
responsible for purchasing tickets for any CKDW show that your dancer participates in.

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Tuition includes all DancElite training classes during the week, extra rehearsals on the weekends and
during the week when scheduled.
         Minis $125 (2.25 hrs) - 1 hour choreo class, 45 min ballet class, 30 tap min class
         Petite Prodigy $145 (2.75 hrs) - 1 hour choreo class, 1 hour min ballet class, 45 min tap class
         Junior Prodigy $160 (3.5 hrs) - 1 hour choreo/tech class, 45 min choreo/tech ballet class,
         45 min tap class, 1 hour ballet class
         Teen Prodigy $180 (3.75 hrs) - 1 hour choreo/tech class, 45 min choreo/tech class, 1 hour
         ballet class, 1 hour tap class
         Senior Prodigy $185 (4 hrs) - 1 hour choreo/tech class, 1 hour choreo/tech class, 1 hour
         ballet class, 1 hour tap class
All company tuition MUST be paid using our Automatic Debit System. Tuition will be drafted from
accounts on the 1st of each month. We will also debit EXTRAS (competition fees, costume fees, etc.) on
the 15th of each month if not paid prior to due date (meaning, if your balance is paid before the 15th of the
month, the card on file will not be charged). Drafts must be setup with a debit card or a credit card (Visa,
MasterCard, Discover and AMEX) at time of registration. We use JackRabbit online registration in
which each dance family has a “parent portal” where they can log into their account to pay fees, change
types of payment on file, and manage your account. You can choose to pay for the year in full by August 1
and receive 10% of yearly tuition (this offer is good for GEMS ONLY). Again, the deadline for paying in
full is AUG 1st! If you choose to pay in full, you will STILL need to give us a CC# for all extra fees that
are due during the year - THIS IS MANDATORY. Paid in full tuition is Non- Refundable in its entirety
(i.e. - if you pay in full for an acro class that you drop mid year - you will not receive a refund or credit for
this dropped class)!

CK DanceWorks will begin using a demerit system as the basis for its disciplinary action and policy. This
system is an objective way to monitor and track student behavior in hopes to intervene early and to
provide support and resources to help students make positive choices.The demerit system is designed to
strengthen the values of our teams as well as respect and reverence for one another, their teachers, and
their studio. When a student’s behavior contradicts the core values and rules of CK DanceWorks, the
student will receive demerits. Please see pages 10-12 for this full listing of rules. This list will be read and
reviewed by studio director with all groups of CK DanceWorks Prodigy on the first day of summer
intensive and Prodigy members are required to print out, sign and return with parent’s signature on the
next day of intensive.

Many students express interest in learning and competing solos during the dance year. Students must first
receive prior approval from the director before beginning this process. Performing a solo is a lot of hard
work and requires lots of extra rehearsal time from the individual dancer on their own. Director takes into
consideration maturity level, work ethic, class attendance, and skill level of dancer when deciding if he/she
is optimal for a solo. Once a solo has been approved, choreographer (CKDW or outside choreographer)
must be chosen, dance must be learned (if outside choreographer is chosen then studio rental fee may be
applied), costume selected and ordered, and dance rehearsed throughout the year. Most choreographers

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only will rehearse a few times with a dancer once the solo learned...this is dependent upon choreographer
but most rehearsal time is left up to dancer on their own.
There is also a large monetary commitment that comes with solos. Choreography fees can range from
$300-500, competitions fees from $80-105 per competition, plus possible studio rental fee for outside
choreographers and costume fees. *NEW* Any student wanting to compete a solo must first fill out and
and sign a solo contract with DancElite Director...even if learning the dance from an outside
choreographer. At the time of beginning solo, that contract along with a lump sum including the
choreography fee (CKDW will pay directly to choreographer), $100 estimated solo competition fee per
competition, a $100 estimated costume fee (dancer will pay remainder or receive credit depending on
costume total or may opt to purchase their own) must be paid to CK DanceWorks. Dancer may also not
have an outstanding balance before beginning this process.
Example - Jane would like to compete a solo taught by Mr. George from CKDW and her account is up-
to-date. On the day she begins her solo, she will fill out her contract and turn it in to CKDW along with a
payment of $750 ($350 choreo fee, $100 estimated costume fee, and $300 in estimated competition fees if
planning on doing 3 competitions). We are estimating only 3 competitions since the convention we attend
only allows 10-15 soloists and we have to choose what soloists get to go. Yes, this is a large sum, but we
want to be clear that competing solos is a LARGE EXPENSE and must be paid upfront for the year.
Please understand that this is not more expensive than in the past - we are simply having fees paid upfront.
Accounts must also be current in order for soloists to compete at competitions. If your account is not up-
to-date by the date of a scheduled competition, your dancer(s) will not be allowed to compete their solos
at said competition, and no refund of fees will be given. CKDW can not allow any dancer to participate in
extra dances if accounts is not always current.

Selected members may also be asked to do a small group number/duet/trio by CKDW choreographers.
This may be selected by audition or invitation and will also require a contract along with lump sum of fees
due before beginning dance.
*NEW* Because these dances are EXTRA and not a guaranteed part of your company commitment, the
cost for these extra dances will be have to be paid upfront. A small group contract stating choreo fee
(anywhere from $100-250), $100 estimated costume fee, and $40 competition fee per competition will have
to be filled out, and turned in along with lump sum at the beginning of the choreography weekend.
Accounts must also be current in order for extra small group dancers to compete at competitions. If
account is not up-to-date by the date of a scheduled competition, dancers will not be allowed to compete
their extra dancers at said competition and no refund of fees will be given. CKDW can not allow dancers
to participate in extra dances if balance is not always current.

As stated above in the “small group/duet/trio” section...CKDW will hold master classes throughout the
year taught by guest teachers and choreographers. Prodigy dancers are allowed to sign up for these
classes as they would like.

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Director will be selecting Team Moms (one per group) to assist director and CKDW staff with tasks
associated with costuming, competition, information gathering/giving and various things. Team Moms
will serve as “captain” of their specific Gem group for the year and must be present at all competitions and
other various functions throughout the year.

CKDW does not offer a full dance session in the summer, but we offer a few DancElite Summer Dance
Nights at the studio! These are held on different nights of the week during the summer and are classes
where dancers can come in and work on stretching, leaps and turns, and other technique in tap, jazz, and
lyrical. These classes are not mandatory but are a great way for dancers to keep training over the summer.
No reservations required! Each class will be $10 CASH, payable at the start of the class. Class times will
be emailed out as the summer progresses!

CKDW communicates VERY OFTEN through email. Members can expect to receive emails regarding
practice/performance info, billing related information, and CKDW studio information. Please make sure
that we always have updated email addresses for your family and make sure to check often to stay current.

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Schedule of Payments

Payment Breakdown for 2014-2015:

Average Yearly Cost:
        Minis - $2,035* ($1,250 Tuition, $300 Costumes, $160 Competition Fee, $100 Company
        Fee, $25 Registration Fee, $200 Summer Intensive)
        Petite Prodigy- $2,695* ($1,450 Tuition, $350 Costumes, $320 Competition Fee, $100
        Company Fee, $150 Convention Fee, $25 Registration Fee, $300 Summer Intensive)
        Junior Prodigy - $3,130* ($1,600 Tuition, $475 Costumes, $480 Competition Fee, $100
        Company Fee, $150 Convention Fee, $25 Registration Fee, $300 Summer Intensive)
        Teen Prodigy - $3,330* ($1,800 Tuition, $475 Costumes, $480 Competition Fee, $100
        Company Fee, $150 Convention Fee, $25 Registration Fee, $300 Summer Intensive)
        Senior Prodigy - $3,380* ($1,850 Tuition, $475 Costumes, $480 Competition Fee, $100
        Company Fee, $150 Convention Fee, $25 Registration Fee, $300 Summer Intensive)

*Figures above are with $25 reg fee and not $40 family reg fee. They DO NOT include: Extra
add-on classes such as hip hop and acro, additional solo or extra dance competition fees,
mandatory warm-ups/jacket (due during Summer Intensive), audition fee.

You will be paying registration fee, company fee, first costume payment, and summer intensive on
the displayed dates below. During the months of April and May you will ONLY owe tuition
payments .The remainder of your balance will be due in equal payments from the month of Aug
until March on the 1st (tuition) and 15th (extra fees).

Extra competition fees for solos, duet/trios, and small groups will be due in a lump sum at
beginning of learning these dances so it will already be paid for the year!

   CKDW allows fundraisers over the course of the year to help defer the costs of DancElite!
 Information will be given out during the year about various opportunities but we are excited to
  say that this year we will be forming a Fundraising committee for all of DancElite Gems and
Prodigy. Shortly after audition results are posted, you will receive information about how to sign
    up for this group. Fundraising is optional and therefore only those who are interested in
                       participating in several over the year should inquire.

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                  Payments will be due in the following order:
                                          Before or on Saturday, May 17
                             $15/20 CASH Audition fee/Completed Audition Form

                                                  Friday, June 6
      Registration Fee ($25.00/$40 family), Company Fee ($100.00), Costume Fee Payment #1($200.00)

                                                  Friday, July 5
                           $200.00 (minis) $300 (Petites, Juniors, Teens and Seniors)
                                                Summer Intensive

                                                 August - March
         1st (Tuition) $125 (Minis) $145 (Petite Prodigy) $160 (Junior Prodigy) $180 (Teen) $185 (Senior)
         15th (Extras) - $32.50 (Minis) $77.50 (Petite Prodigy) $113.25 ( Junior , Teen and Senior Prodigy)

                                         April and May (Tuition ONLY)
         1st (Tuition) $125 (Minis) $145 (Petite Prodigy) $160 (Junior Prodigy) $180 (Teen) $185 (Senior)

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          Demerit System and Rules for all DancElite Members

For the 2014-2015 DancElite season, we will be implementing a demerit system. Demerits are
earned/given by breaking standard, pre-set rules set forth by the staff and faculty of CK
DanceWorks, Inc. Demerits are only officially given and recorded by the artistic director but can
be suggested by any member of faculty.

Once a demerit has been given, the student/parent will be notified by email and then recorded in
a log where dancers can check their own demerit sheet with specific offenses. Dancers/parents
will not be allowed to view other dancer’s sheets.

Once 3 demerits have been received, dancers will not be able to perform/dance at the next
upcoming performance...including a recital, showcase, competition, Christmas show, etc. and
any fees associated with said performance are non-refundable.

Dancers will receive one demerit for each of the following -

*3 Unexcused Absences in a collective of all classes and extra rehearsals.
!       Unexcused absences are those in which prior notice (not the following day) was not
given to the studio via phone call or email. Examples - Dinner with family, too much homework,
taking a night off after competition, being too tired for dance, having a headache, missing over
half the beginning of a class, leaving class before it is halfway over, or only attending the first 3
out of 4 classes in a day.
!       Excused absences are those in which a doctor’s note has been provided (within 2
days) for an illness or injury, a school event, death in the family, or other instance approved by
director. In all of these instances except illness with a doctor’s note, Artistic Director MUST still

Example A - Jane misses Monday’s dance classes with no notice given to teachers, Tuesday
and Wednesday because of Strep Throat, and then brings a doctor’s note on Thursday: only
one unexcused absence will be recorded for Monday.

Example B - John misses Monday dance because of a concert, comes to class on Tuesday,
only attends 5-7pm dance classes on Wednesday when classes are from 5-9pm with no notice
given to teachers, and has a school play on Thursday night that he notified Ms. Christina about;
two unexcused absences will be recorded, one for Monday and one for missed classes on

*Forgetting any item of dance/costume attire at convention/competition or not being
!        This includes - Any hairpiece (hotbun or costume hairpiece), accessories (socks, not
having extra tights, gloves, etc), jewelry, any appropriate shoes, costume pieces or props that
you are responsible for, not having warmup jacket, not having on the appropriate makeup/
eyelashes and not having a CLEAN, SLICK hair style. Remember, that CKDW normally has
extras of everything...just ask the week prior and not day of competition. Colored nail polish is
not allowed at competition - only french manicures or clear polish. Extra jewelry is also not
allowed at competition - if a dancer has more than one ear piercing, a clear diamond, gold, or
silver stud must be worn. No eccentric colored hair worn at competition - ask director if unsure.

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*Showing up late for any call times. Not following rules for call times.
!       Call times include arriving makeup and hair ready for competition/dress rehearsals/
recitals at a certain time. If you are given a 1.5 hour early call time for competition and arrive 15
min late, that is cause for a demerit (unless in case of emergency). We also ask you to arrive
hair and makeup ready because we are never sure of the dressing room situation at venues.
Mirrors and dressing room space are sometimes limited.

*Not being prepared for class at CKDW.
!       This includes not having appropriate shoes and attire for class. If you forgot tap shoes
for tap class, ask to borrow shoes before class starts. Ballet dress code must be followed - nice,
NEAT buns and hair, black leos, and neat and clean pink tights. Coverups are permitted to and
from class and during warmup at discretion of teacher. No bulky sweatshirts or coverups are to
be worn in regular dance class.

*Failure to carry a positive, supportive attitude when at any CKDW competition, function,
or class.
!      This includes any gossip, negativity, un-sportsmanlike behavior and non-supportiveness
of any CKDW groups and dancers. This also includes any gossip, negativity, un-sportsmanlike
behavior and non-supportiveness of other studios and dancers.

*Failure to be a TEAM PLAYER. Both PARENTS and STUDENTS!
!       This includes bringing team morale down by behavior that creates rumors, disharmony,
or loss of faith with the current members. In addition, but is not limited to, comments regarding
the ability level of teammates, the progress of routines, the status of membership, gossip that is
intended to turn one member against the other, and actions whose intent is to create an
insurrection. This rule applies to dancers, parents and staff. Members need to be supportive and
encouraging, not demeaning.

*Abuse of Social Media
!       Any electronic communication (including, but not limited to: online journaling/blogging,
instant messaging, emailing, photo posting, text messaging, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) that
contains sensitive information about other members, team, or CKDW. Also included are Internet
communications that are of a negative nature including illegal substances, profanity, and
negative behavior. Excessive abuse of this rule could result in expulsion from DancElite
and CKDW.

*Studio Respect
!       We love our new studio, and want you to also...we built it for our dance families! We
expect each dancer to help us keep our new space clean and beautiful by following these rules -
eating only in the lounge (not the dressing room), keeping the dressing room nice and neat by
using cubbies and benches inside the dressing area (not benches in any sitting areas or floor in
bathroom as people have to use these to sit), helping tidy dressing room and dance rooms at
end of the night, alerting staff to spills/toilet paper outages/other messes to clean up, etc.

*Classroom Etiquette

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           A. Show respect for your teacher - Including no talking in classroom when teacher is
              teaching/choreographing/explaining during class, no leaving classroom without prior
              permission (unless previously given permission by certain teacher), no walking into
              other dancer’s classes to observe before your class time, water should be brought into
              class room to cut down on exits from class, no cell phones allowed in classes.
           B. Be on time - if class starts at 4pm, students should arrive early enough to be able to
              walk in, put down bags, prepare for first class and step into class as it is starting.
              There is no excuse for being late. It disrupts other students and the teacher when
              someone arrives late.
           C. Be considerate of students around you. People learn at different rates and in different
              ways. Be patient with others who may not grasp the movement as quickly as you do.
!          D. Wear suitable attire appropriate for each specific dance class. No jewelry is to be
!              worn and hair must be pulled back and neat unless otherwise stated by teacher.
           E. Avoid being a “know it all” and be conscious of how you come across to your dance
              peers & teachers. It is normal to become frustrated in such a demanding sport !from
              time to time...but remember that we are a team and learn\grow together best
              when in a positive environment.
!          F. You are expected to show up for class and pay attention when sitting out of active
!             participation for injury. No books, phones, or homework in class.
!          G. Let the teacher teach. Under no circumstances should you voice an opinion or give
!             opposition in a teacher’s class, unless you are asked to do so. We know it is hard to
!             resist helping the floundering girl next to you, but it is not your place. Let the teacher
!             do the teaching.
!          H. Keep an open mind and please do not complain. Be open to new ideas and
!              possibilities. Try to focus on how your teacher can expand your dance repertoire.

*Costume Care
!      Competition and Recital Costumes cost a lot of YOUR money and the time spent
designing, making, altering, rhinestoning, and organizing them is off the charts. Take care of
your costumes. They should ALWAYS be transported in a garment bag to and from
performances, hung up neatly after used (even during competition), and kept clean and neat
between performances. It is not acceptable for a costume to be wrinkled before taking the
stage! Hairpieces should be stored in a HARD container so as not to break.

*Incorrect Convention Behavior
!      This includes any behavior that misrepresents our dancers and studio: Sitting out during
convention classes, talking during class, not being on time for first class of day (yes, convention
weekends start early) and leaving early before the end of convention. Conventions are a great
learning space for dancers but they have to go in to it with an open heart, mind, and body as to
take everything they can from it!

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Once you have been selected as a DancElite member, if you have read and agree to comply with
                the information in this packet, please sign below and mail to

                                   CK DanceWorks, Inc
                                    82 Seven Hills Blvd,
                                     Dallas, GA 30132.
                                     by June 15th, 2014.
                                        Thank you!

                                     JUNE 5TH 2015.

 _______________________________________________________ ___________________
                           Dancer Signature                 Date

 _______________________________________________________ ___________________
                           Parent Signature                 Date
                                DancElite Audition Form

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  Please fill out the following form and turn into the front office with your $15 CASH audition fee by
 Monday May 12th in a sealed envelope. All forms turned in from Tuesday May 13th - Saturday May 17th
                            must be accompanied by a $20 CASH audition fee.

Dancer’s Name ________________________________________________________________

Age as of audition___________________ Birthdate ___________________________________

School Attending next year_______________________________________________________

Grade Entering ____________ Time of School Dismissal for next year____________________

Parent Name _____________________________ Phone Number _______________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________

Email ________________________________________________________________________

List Training___________________________________________________________________





Are you interested in DancElite Prodigy ONLY?              Yes        No
Are you interested in dancing in any small groups for 2013-2014 and if so list how many? _______
Are you interested in competing a solo? __________________

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You can also read