CUTICON MAHARASHTRA Vir tual 14th -16th January 2022

Page created by Kevin Robinson
CUTICON MAHARASHTRA Vir tual 14th -16th January 2022
Maharashtra Branch
                          (Mumbai Chapter)

Vi r t u a l
14th -16th                                           BROCHURE
January 2022

                                               Registration Charges
                                               Conference + CME Registration
                                               Delegate :
                                               Rs. 2500 + 18 % GST = 2950/-

     MMC                                       P. G. Student :
     points                                    Rs. 1500 + 18% GST = 1770/-
   applied for

CUTICON MAHARASHTRA Vir tual 14th -16th January 2022
We l co m e M e s s a g e                                                          C U T I CO N

Season's Gree ngs from IADVL Maharashtra State Branch,

We are glad to announce the eagerly awaited annual event of IADVL Maharashtra, CUTICON, MAHARASHTRA.

IADVL Maharashtra, one the largest of all IADVL branches having about 1200 strong members is organizing this event
at Mumbai at on Friday, Saturday and Sunday 14th, 15th & 16th January 2022.

On behalf of the Organising Commi ee & Scien fic Commi ee, we humbly invite all the IADVL members from
Maharashtra to a end it. It is a golden opportunity and a proud moment for all the members to meet, show case,
share and learn the enormous wealth of knowledge in Dermatology and its allied sub-speciali es, Aesthe c
Dermatology, Dermato-pathology, Paediatric Dermatology, Therapeu c Dermatology, Trichology, Leprosy and STDs.
Mumbai is not only the interna onally acclaimed financial capital of India but also a tourist and cultural hub, boas ng
Bollywood, global standard infrastructures, malls, shopping n sightseeing avenues, beau ful venues and pleasant
winter weather, making it the perfect choice as the host city.

We expect par cipa on of around 800 delegates from all the parts of Maharashtra. The theme of the conference is
“Evidence based Dermatology”. This year CUTICON includes Pre-Conference CMEs on “Interdisciplinary approach in
Dermatology”, on Friday 14th January 2022. The main conference enriched with interes ng Ora ons and Award
sessions, E posters and Quiz, covering wide range of ever growing horizon of Dermatology, will be on Saturday,
Sunday 15th & 16th January 2022. Post graduates will be given plenty of opportuni es to present their papers and E-
posters. Quiz compe ons are also planned.

We are sure, these precisely planned ac vi es will make this conference a unique and a memorable experience.
Par cipa ng in this event will be a win-win situa on for all the trade exhibi on par cipants, supporters, the organizers
and the Dermatologists from all over the Maharashtra.

Expec ng strong solidarity, an honest commitment and a grand par cipa on from you all to further out cause and
make this conference a grand success.

Awai ng to welcome you at Mumbai.

Thanking you in an cipa on.

Sincerely yours,


Co n fe re n ce Co m m i t t e e                                                         C U T I CO N

                                                    Dr. K E Mukadam
                                                 Organizing Chairperson

                       Dr. Manish Gautam            Dr. Sunil Vartak                Dr. Aseem Sharma
                    Organizing Co -Chairperson Organizing Co -Chairperson          Organizing Secretary

                                      Dr. Shital Poojary         Dr. Manjyot Gautam
                                    Scien fic Chairperson          Scien fic Co-Chair

                                    Execu ve Commi ee

         Dr. K E Mukadam          Dr. Aseem Sharma              Dr. Anil Bokhare                 Dr. Sunil Vartak
             President                 Secretary                    Treasurer                    Vice President

                   Dr. Manish Gautam              Dr. Bhushan Madke                  Dr. Dip Desai
                      Vice President                Joint Secretary                  Joint Secretary

                     I A D V L M a h a ra s h t ra A c a d e m y
                       Dr. Shital Poojary            Dr. Manjyot Gautam              Dr. Adarshlata Singh
                          Chairperson            Convener and Chair Designate        Convener Designate

Dr. Uday Khopkar     Dr. Rashmikant Shah            Dr. Sushil Tahiliani     Dr. Vidyadhar Sardesai       Dr. Vasudha Belgaumkar
     Member                Member                        Member                     Member                        Member

                                        Dr. Chetan Rajput            Dr. Aayush Gupta
                                             Member                       Member

S c i e n t i c Pro g ra m

CME - 14th January, 2022                                                C U T I CO N

TIME                      TOPIC                                          SPEAKER

09.00 am - 09.15 am       Welcome Address

09.15 am - 10.15 am       Session 1 : Dermatology Rheumatology           Chairperson :
                          interface                                      Dr Ashok Shah

09.15 am - 09.30 am       Uncommon manifesta ons of LE                   Dr Vidya Kharkar

09.30 am - 09.45 am       Juvenile dermatomyosi s: New insights and      Dr Vasudha Belgaumkar
                          new treatment strategies

09.45 am - 10.00 am       An algorithmic approach to diagnosis in a      Dr Nilesh Nolkha
                          case of suspected CTD                          (Rheumatologist)

10.00 am - 10.15 am       Biologicals in CTD: My experience              Dr Sunil Kumar Singh

10.15 am - 10.45 am       Session 2 : Keynote address                    Chairperson:
                                                                         Dr N G Nagpur

                          Interdisciplinary collabora on in Medicine:    Dr Avinash Supe
                          from educa on to prac ce

10.45 am - 11.00 am       Break

11.00 am - 12.00 am       Session 3 : Skin & Endocrine system            Chairperson :
                          Maintaining the hormonal balance               Dr. K E Mukadam

11.00 am - 11.15 am       Approach to case of Hirsu sm                   Dr Dipak Kulkarni

11.15 am - 11.30 am       Hormonal treatment of PCOS: Do's & Don'ts      Dr Duru Shah

11.30 am - 12.00 pm       Pediatric endocrinological disorders:          Moderator
                          Case based discussion                          Dr Vishalakshi
                                                                         Dr Anurag Lila,
                                                                         (Pediatric endocrinologist)
                                                                         Dr Vasudha,
                                                                         Dr Rajesh Jadhav,
                                                                         Dr Dipak Kulkarni

S c i e n t i c Pro g ra m

CME - 14th January, 2022                                               C U T I CO N

TIME                      TOPIC                                         SPEAKER

12.00 pm - 12.45 pm       Session 4: Skin and Psyche                    Chairperson : Dr Dipak

12.00 pm - 12.15 pm       Psychodermatotherapy : A primer for the       Dr Henal Shah
                          dermatologist                                 (Psychiatrist)

12.15 - 12.45 pm          Case based Panel Discussion                   Dr Pranaya Bagde
                                                                        Dr Henal Shah
                                                                        Dr Vishalakshi
                                                                        Dr Sa sh Udare
                                                                        Dr Usha Khemani

12.45 pm - 01.45 pm       Lunch

01.45 pm - 02.30 pm       Session 5: Emerging technologies in           Chairperson :
                          Dermatology                                   Dr Sa sh Udare

01.45 pm - 02.00 pm       Introduc on to Ar ficial intelligence in       Dr Somesh Gupta

02.00 pm - 02.30 pm       Harnessing technology for improving pa ent    Dr Somesh & Dr Rupesh
                          care - A round table mee ng                   Ghyar (IIT Bombay)

02.30 pm - 03.15 pm       Session 6 : Emergency Dermatology             Chairperson :
                                                                        Dr Smita Ghate
02.30 pm - 02.50 pm       Dermatologist in the ICU
                          Signs to look out for                         Dr Manas Cha erjee

02.50 pm - 03.10 pm       Suppor ve management in dermatologic          Dr Sagar Shah
                          emergencies                                   (Intensivist)

                          5 min : Q& A

03.15 pm - 03.40 pm       Integrated facial aesthe cs:

                          Collabora on over compe        on             Dr Nivedita Rathore

03.40 pm - 04.10 pm       Session 7: QUIZ Time !!!!                     Dr Sunil Gandhi

04.10 pm - 05.10 pm       Session 8: Dr S L Wadhwa Award Prelims

05.10 pm - 06.30 pm       Session 9: Free Paper Session

S c i e n t i c Pro g ra m

Day 1 - Hall A - 15th January, 2022                                      C U T I CO N
TIME                      TOPIC                                           SPEAKER
08.15 am - 08.30 am       Inaugura on

08.30 am - 09.15 am       Session 1: Dr S L Wadhwa Award session          Chairperson :
                          (Plenary)                                       Dr Haresh Timbadia

09.15 am - 09.50 am       Session 2: A preamble: : Evidence based         Chairperson :
                          medicine for the clinician                      Dr Dilip Shah

09.15 am - 09.25 am       Finding the best evidence : a primer for the    Dr Dipak Pa l
                          clinician                                       (Asst prof, Community Medicine,

09.25 am - 09.40 am       Decoding evidence for be er pa ent care; A      Dr Biju Vasudevan
                          cri cal appraisal of evidence

09.40 am - 09.45 am       5 min : Q &A

09.50 am - 10.40 am       Session 3: Acne: Newer Insights                 Chairperson :
                          Sponsored by Oaknet healthcare                  Dr Meena Makheja

09.50 am - 10.05 am       Childhood acne                                  Dr Rashmi Sarkar

10.05 am - 10.20 am       Newer therapeu c agents in acne: moving         Dr Vidyadhar Sardesai
                          away from an bio cs

10.20 am - 10.35 am       PRP and PRF for acne scars                      Dr Abhay Talathi

10.35 am - 10.50 am       Postbio cs: A new paradigm in Acne              Dr. Bhumesh Kumar Katakam

10.40 am - 10.50 am       Break

10.50 am - 11.30 am       Session 4: Pediatric Dermatology                Chairperson : Dr S Gwalia

10.50 am - 11.05 am       Pigmentary Mosaicism                            Dr Sunil Tolat

11.05 am - 11.25 am       An overview of pediatric dermatologic           Dr Rajesh Jadhav

                          5 min :Q & A

11.30 pm - 12.00 pm       Session 5: Keynote lecture                      Chairperson :
                                                                          Dr. Suneel Vartak

                          Ethics in Dermatology Prac ce                   Dr Venkatram Mysore

S c i e n t i c Pro g ra m

Day 1 - Hall A - 15th January, 2022                                     C U T I CO N
TIME                       TOPIC                                          SPEAKER

12.00 pm - 12.50 pm      Session 6: Hair Raising Session                 Chairperson : Dr Ni n Nadkarni
                         Sponsored by Abbo

12.00 pm - 12.15 pm      FPA: Challenges in Management                   Dr Rachita Dhurat

12.15 pm - 12.30 pm      Hair Transplant: What's new                     Dr Amit Kerure

12.30 pm - 12.45 pm      Nutri onal supplements in hair loss: A          Dr Sushil Pande
                         review of evidence

12.50 pm - 01.20 pm      Session 7 : Ice Breaker Session                 Chairperson: Dr. Sanjay Pincha
                         To Treat Or Not To Treat : Viewpoints From      Moderator: Dr Swagata Tambe

                         Molluscum contagiosum in children               Dr Jaydev Betkerur,
                         Localised alopecia areata                       Dr Rajesh Kumar,
                         Early MF                                        Dr Shylaja Someshwar

01.20 pm - 02.30 pm      Break

02.30 pm - 04.00 pm      Session 8 : Infec ons

                         Part I : Dermatophytosis                        Chairperson:
                         (Sponsored by SUN Pharma)                       Dr. Milind Deshmukh

02.30 pm - 02.45 pm      SUBA Itraconazole: A cri cal appraisal          Dr Shital Poojary

02.45 pm - 03.00 pm      An fungal combina ons: The science behind it    Dr Manjunath Shenoy

03.00 pm - 03.30 pm      Panel Discussion: The dermatophyte              Moderator: Dr Manjunath Shenoy
                         pandemic: s ll looking for answers              Panelists: Dr Dhananjay Damle ,
                                                                         Dr D G Saple, Dr Shital Poojary,
                                                                         Dr Amit Kelkar

03.30 pm - 04.00 pm      Part II : COVID19 & Dermatology

03.30 pm - 03.45 pm      An overview of cutaneous manifesta ons in       Dr Saurabh Jaiswal
                         COVID 19 infec on

03.45 pm - 04.00 pm      COVID 19 vaccina on in dermatological           Dr Jay Gupte
                         disorders: updates in guidelines
04.00 pm - 04.30 pm      Quiz Time                                       Dr. Sunil Gandhi

04.30 pm - 05.30 pm      Dr A C Parikh Award Prelims                     Dr. Hari Pathave

S c i e n t i c Pro g ra m

Day 1 - Hall B - 15th January, 2022                                     C U T I CO N

TIME                      TOPIC                                          SPEAKER

08.15 am - 08.30 am       Inaugura on

08.30 am - 09.15 am       Session 1 : Dr S L Wadhwa Award Session

09.15 am - 09.50 am       Session 2 : Free Paper Session                 Chairperson : Dr C M Dambre

09.50 am - 10.40 am       Session 3 : Updates in Psoriasis               Chairperson : Dr Vikrant Saoji

09.50 am - 10.05 am       Psoriasis in children                          Dr Manjyot Gautam

10.05 am - 10.40 am       Panel Discussion :                             Moderator
                          A pendulum shi from Biologicals?               Dr Tahiliani
                          Biologicals vs Small molecules in psoriasis    Panelists
                          and Psoria c arthri s                          Dr Uday Khopkar
                                                                         Dr Biju Vasudevan
                                                                         Dr Kiran Godse

10.40 am -10.50 am        Break

10.50 am -11.30 am        Session 4 : Bullous Disorders                  Chairperson : Dr Anil Bhokhare

10.50 am - 11.10 am       What's new in diagnos cs of immunobullous      Dr Reetu Agarwal

11.10 am - 11.25 am       Low/ ultra low dose rituximab in pemphigus:    Dr Sharmila Pa l
                          recent updates in evidence

                          5 Min : Q & A

11.30 am - 12.00 pm       Session 5 : Keynote Address ( Plenary)

12.00 pm - 12.35 pm       Session 6 : Dermatopathology and               Chairperson: Dr Vijay Zawar

12.00 pm - 12.15 pm       Decoding the lichens:DD of lichenoid           Dr Rajiv Joshi

12.15 pm - 12.30 pm       Dermoscopy pa erns in inflammatory skin         Dr Kinjal Rambhia

                          5 Min : Q & A

S c i e n t i c Pro g ra m

Day 1 - Hall B - 15th January, 2022                                     C U T I CO N

TIME                      TOPIC                                          SPEAKER

12.25 pm - 01.15 pm       Session 7 : Dermatosurgery                     Chairperson : Dr R.G Torsekar

12.35 pm - 12.55 pm       ELR : Choosing the right technique             Dr Savitha

12.55 pm - 01.15 pm       Innova ons in Dermatosurgery                   Dr Aseem Sharma

01.15 pm - 02.30 pm       Break

02.30 pm - 03.15 pm       Session 8 : Clinical Experience vs Evidence    Chairperson : Dr Ganesh
                          Based Approach                                 Dhavalshankh

                          Anecdotal treatments that have worked          Dr Vijay Zawar
                                                                         Dr Adarshlata Singh

03.15 pm - 04.00 pm       Session 9 : Evidence Based Medicine : From     Chairperson : Dr Ratnakar
                          Research To Implementa on                      Kamath

                          An introduc on to systema c reviews and        Dr Sudeep Shah
03.15 pm - 03.30 pm       meta analysis

03.30 pm - 03.45 pm       The flip side of evidence based medicine        Dr Uday Khopkar

03.45 pm - 04.00 pm       Overcoming research to prac ce gaps: An        Dr Laxmisha Chandrashekhar
                          introduc on to implementa on science in

04.00 pm - 04.30 pm       Quiz Time

04.30 pm - 06.30 pm       Free Paper Session

S c i e n t i c Pro g ra m

Day 2 - Hall A - 16th January, 2022                                     C U T I CO N
TIME                      TOPIC                                          SPEAKER
08.00 am - 08.45 am       Free Paper Session                             Chairperson: Dr. Pranit Farande

08.45 am - 09.30 am       Session 1 : Winning The War On Pruritus        Chairperson : Dr Patodekar
                          (Sponsored by IPCA)

08.45 am - 09.05 am       Newer an histaminics: an objec ve appraisal    Dr Tejas Vishwanath

09.05 am - 09.25 am       Tackling the vulvar itch: DD and management    Dr Sunanda Mahajan

                          5 Min : Q & A

09.30 am - 10.00 am       Session 2 : Dr D J Pa l Award Session          Chairperson : Dr S L Wadhwa

10.00 am - 10.45 am       Session 3 : Dr A C Parikh Award Session        Chairperson : Dr Vinay Goplani

10.45 am - 11.00 am       Session 4 : Dr Arvind Lonkar Award             Chairperson :
                                                                         Dr Manish Gautam

11.00 am - 11.15 am       Break

11.15 am - 11.45 am       Session 5 :Dr Leslie Marquis Ora on            Chairperson :
                                                                         Dr Jaydev Betkerur

                          My journey in ur caria                         Dr Kiran Godse

11.45 pm - 12.30 pm       Session 6 : Aesthe cs                          Chairperson :
                                                                         Dr Narendra Patwardhan

11.45 am - 12.00 pm       Skin Boosters: Tips for best results           Dr Madhuri Agarwal

12.00 pm - 12.15 pm       Periorbital rejuvena on                        Dr Neetu Rajdeo

12.15 pm - 12.30 pm       Vulvar aesthe cs: How much is too much         Dr Nina Madnani

12.30 pm - 01.00 pm       Session 7 : How I manage                       Chairperson :
                                                                         Dr R D Kharkar

12.30 pm - 12.40 pm       Recalcitrant oral erosive LP                   Dr Vikrant Saoji

12.40 pm - 12.50 pm       Livedoid vasculopathy                          Dr Chetan Rajput

12.50 pm - 01.00 pm       Alopecia universalis                           Dr Siddhi Chikhalkar

01.00 pm - 02.00 pm       AGM

S c i e n t i c Pro g ra m

Day 2 - Hall B - 16th January, 2022                                        C U T I CO N

TIME                      TOPIC                                             SPEAKER

08.00 am - 08.45 am       Free Paper Session                                Dr. Gautam Dethe

08.45 am - 09.30 am       Session 1 : Basic skin care in health and         Chairperson :
                          disease                                           Dr. Subodh Sirur
                          (Sponsored by Oaknet Health Care)

08.45 am - 09.00 am       Do face washes ma er? A realis c view             Dr Madhulika Mhatre

09.00 am - 09.15 am       Choosing the right Sunscreen                      Dr Prashant Jadhav

09.15 am -09.30 am        What's new in Moisturisers?                       Dr Pri Shenai

09.30 am - 10.00 am       Session 2 : Dr D J Pa l Award Session

10.00 am - 10.45 am       Session 3 : Dr A C Parikh Award Session

10.45 am - 11.00 am       Session 4 : Dr Arvind Lonkar Award Session

11.00 am - 11.15 am       Break

11.15 am - 11.45 am       Session 5 : Dr Leslie Marquis Ora on

11.45 am - 12.30 pm       Session 6 : STD and HIV session                   Chairperson : Dr. R M Shah

11.45 am - 12.00 pm       Diagnosis of Latent STIs                          Dr D G Saple

12.00 pm - 12.15 pm       Pre-exposure prophylaxis in HIV                   Dr J K Maniar

12.15 pm - 12.30 pm       Child sexual abuse: Clinical and legal aspects    Dr Mahendra Kura

12.30 pm - 01.00 PM       Session 7 : Leprosy                               Chairperson : Dr Jawahar

12.30 pm - 12.45 pm       Nerve biopsy in leprosy                           Dr P N Rao

12.45 pm - 01.00 pm       Drug resistance in leprosy: Current scenario      Dr Vivek Pai

01.00 - 02.00 pm          AGM

 CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT                  Office No. 4, Gr. Floor, Anmol C. H. S., Sakharam Keer Marg,
                                         Parallel to L. J. Road, Mahim, Mumbai 400 016
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