Curriculum Policy - Halstead Community Primary School
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Halstead Community Primary School Curriculum Policy Date: March 2021 To be reviewed: March 2023
HALSTEAD COMMUNITY PRIMARY SCHOOL Contents Page Introduction 2 Intent 2 Impact 4 Implementation 4 Roles and responsibilities 5 The Wider Curriculum 5 Introduction The curriculum is the totality of pupils’ learning experiences. At Halstead Community Primary School we believe that our curriculum should be broad, balanced and relevant and meet the needs of all children whatever their ability. As a learning community, we will think about when children learn, what children learn and how they learn. We have designed a curriculum around the knowledge that children learn best when teaching and learning activities enthuse, engage and motivate them to learn, and when they foster their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning The taught curriculum is comprised of The National Curriculum and the wider curriculum. We ensure the children have a range of learning experiences that challenge, stimulate and promote thinking and learning. The curriculum meets statutory requirements. Intent We are a fully inclusive school. Our teaching and learning is based upon our motto of ‘Everybody different, everybody equal’. Our curriculum incorporates our key PRIDE values: P: Personal Excellence R: Respect and Friendship I: Inspiration D: Determination and Courage E: Equality CURRICULUM POLICY MARCH 2021 Page |2
Halstead Community Primary School curriculum School Motto Everybody different, everybody equal As a learning community, we will think about when children learn, what children learn and how they learn. We have designed a curriculum around the knowledge that children learn best when teaching and learning activities enthuse, engage and motivate them to learn, and when they foster their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. Our curriculum incorporates our key values: Personal Respect and Determination Inspiration Equality Excellence Friendship and Courage The curriculum is The curriculum is The curriculum is The curriculum is The curriculum is designed for every designed to build on designed for every designed for every designed for every child to gain the culture and child to have a wide child to challenge child to reach their knowledge and experiences of range of experiences themselves through: potential develop their skills. children in the school. and raise their Perseverance This is achieved by The sequence of It promotes working aspirations through Resilience ensuring that all learning is designed so together and planned events. The Confidence children feel valued children build on, encourages the curriculum develops Curiosity and listened to. apply and make children to treat one enquiring minds so Enthusiasm Use of active learning connections with another with respect. that the children learn Reflection provides opportunities previous knowledge. Enrichment activities to think critically. Reasoning for all to achieve The curriculum fosters link to real life and are Use of a growth equally at their level. an excellent attitude purposeful. mindset to learning.
Impact The aims of the curriculum are to: • promote high standards in reading, writing and maths; • allow children to develop a knowledge of themselves in time and space; • enable children to acquire knowledge and skills in science; • enable children to be confident in the use of ICT; • promote spiritual development; promote physical and mental development and an awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle; enable children to be aware of the importance of and participate in the arts and related cultural themes; • enable pupils to develop moral sensibility through carefully taught values • develop the personal and social skills of each child; • provide equality of access and the opportunity for all pupils to make progress; • prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experience of adult life. The curriculum is planned effectively, providing continuity and progression. It promotes an enjoyment of learning and a commitment to learning and achieving. Through the provision of rich and varied activities, we aim to: • encourage the best possible progress and the highest attainment for all pupils; • enable pupils to make connections across different areas of learning; • help pupils to think creatively and solve problems; • develop pupils’ capacity to learn and work independently and collaboratively; • enable pupils to respond positively to opportunities, challenge and responsibility; • enable pupils to acquire and develop a broad range of knowledge, skills and understanding. Implementation We organise learning into termly themes as part of our creative curriculum approach, designed to make learning stimulating, relevant and exciting for all: • the curriculum is taught through a topic based curriculum with discrete subjects where relevant; • a whole school two-year cycle of planning indicates the broad objectives and any links between subjects; • units of work are planned, often over a single term’s duration but, where greater depth of study is required, over a seasonal term. These are called medium term plans and contain the detail of the work to be covered with a progression of learning objectives. The plans indicate how the work will be differentiated and what the pupil outcomes will be; • Short term is carried out in detail for English and Maths using an agreed format; • the children are taught with their classes with some children being withdrawn for small group support; • units of work are planned using the framework of the National Curriculum • the RE scheme of work follows the Kent Agreed Syllabus. • Throughout Early Years and Key Stage 1, we use Read, Write, Inc. to deliver our phonics. • Our English curriculum is taught through a text based approach using the Literacy Tree, supplemented with the school’s own planning. • Our spelling is taught using No-Nonsense Spelling and Sir Linkalot • Scholastic handwriting is used in key stage 1. • Our maths curriculum is taught through a maths mastery approach using White Rose planning. • For our Foundation subjects and some aspects of our English curriculum, we use two year cycles with a topic based curriculum, ProspectUs
HALSTEAD COMMUNITY PRIMARY SCHOOL • For Science we use the Kent Scheme of Work Roles and Responsibilities The Headteacher has the responsibility for the leadership of the curriculum and delegates responsibility, where possible, to key staff: • Subject Leaders are responsible for overseeing the medium term plans and liaising with class teachers over the content and delivery of the units of work for their subjects. They evaluate and monitor standards in those subjects. • class teachers ensure that the curriculum is taught and that the aims and objectives are achieved for their class; the Leadership Team ensures that the progress of each pupil is tracked and that there is appropriate challenge support and intervention; the English and Maths Subject Leaders, at times the same person, ensure subject specific policies are in place. Other Subject Leaders are responsible for overviewing their subjects; the Headteacher will ensure core subject documents are updated as required the Governors monitor the success of the curriculum at full Governing Body meetings through the termly Headteacher’s report. The Wider Curriculum At Halstead we bring learning to life through a host of visits and visitors. In the past year we have welcomed paramedics, fire officers, a post person, representatives from Guide Dogs for the Blind, historians and more into school. Themed days are also a wonderful way to enhance learning such as whole school maths day, Roald Dahl Day, World Book Day, Science week, Poetry Day and Shakespeare week. We have also had various workshops and visits, including opportunities to experience a World War 1 day, dinosaur workshop, explore science through an interactive workshop, participant at a Tudor feast and history through a Viking Day. As well as create a whole school song in a Rocktopus workshop. Visits have included trips to the Godstone Farm, Museum of Kent Life, Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve and Hever Castle, as well as cinema and theatre trips. Through the Sevenoaks Partnership links with Sevenoaks School we have accessed exciting resources to further bring the curriculum to life such as virtual reality headsets and science experiences. Every other year, children in years 5 and 6 take part in a week long activity-based residential visit and gain a great deal from the experience. CURRICULUM POLICY MARCH 2021 Page |5
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