Page created by Cindy Bailey
LXV 23              CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                            06/03/16

 ESTATE AND TRUST NOTICES                        Co-Executors: Alan D. Christian-
                                                 son, 22 West Fourth Avenue,
    Notice is hereby given that, in the          Latrobe, PA 15650 and Karin R.
estates of the decedents set forth be-           Slate, 1578 Pine Creek Road,
low, the Register of Wills has granted           Gastonia, NC 28056.
letters testamentary or of administra-           Attorneys: Stanley A. Smith, Es-
tion to the persons named. Notice is             quire, Rhoads & Sinon LLP, At-
also hereby given of the existence of            torneys at Law, One S. Market
the trusts of the deceased settlors              Square, P.O. Box 1146, Harris-
set forth below for whom no personal             burg, PA 17108-1146.
representatives have been appointed
within 90 days of death. All persons
                                              Croftcheck, Andrew M. a/k/a An-
having claims or demands against
said estates or trusts are requested            drew M. Croftcheck, Sr., dec’d.
to make known the same, and all                 Late of Lower Allen Township.
persons indebted to said estates or             Executor: Andrew M. Croftcheck,
trusts are requested to make pay-               Jr. c/o Mark E. Halbruner, Es-
ment, without delay, to the executors           quire, 2109 Market Street, Camp
or administrators or trustees or to             Hill, PA 17011.
their attorneys named below.                    Attorney: Mark E. Halbruner,
                                                Esquire, 2109 Market Street,
      FIRST PUBLICATION                         Camp Hill, PA 17011.
Ammirato, Samuel, dec’d.
  Late of Middlesex Township.                Crompton, John R., dec’d.
  Executrix: Carol Anne Smore, 111              Late of Cumberland County.
  Harrison Dr., New Cumberland,                 Executrix: Ellen M. Crompton,
  PA 17070.                                    5204 Cobblestone Drive, Mechan-
  Attorney: None.                               icsburg, PA 17055.
                                                Attorneys: Elyse E. Rogers, Es-
Ballew, Jacqueline M. a/k/a Jack-               quire, Saidis, Sullivan & Rogers,
   ie M. Ballew, dec’d.                        100 Sterling Parkway, Suite 100,
   Late of Middlesex Township.                 Mechanicsburg, PA 17050.
   Executor: Brian Michael Ballew
   c/o Charles E. Shields, III, Es-
                                              Dence, Laura Elizabeth a/k/a
   quire, 6 Clouser Rd., Mechanics-
   burg, PA 17055.                             Laura E. Dence, dec’d.
   Attorney: Charles E. Shields, III,           Late of West Pennsboro Township.
   Esquire, 6 Clouser Rd., Mechan-              Executor: David M. Dence c/o
   icsburg, PA 17055.                           Robert C. Saidis, Esquire, Saidis,
                                                Sullivan & Rogers, 100 Sterling
Boarman, Patricia Ann, dec’d.                  Parkway, Suite 100, Mechanics-
  Late of Silver Spring Township.              burg, PA 17050.
  Executrix: Karen L. Walker, 609               Attorneys: Robert C. Saidis, Es-
  Mallard Drive, Etters, PA 17319.             quire, Saidis, Sullivan & Rogers,
  Attorneys: Robert M. Walker, Es-              100 Sterling Parkway, Suite 100,
  quire, Law Offices of Robert M.               Mechanicsburg, PA 17050, (717)
  Walker, LLC, 3810 Market Street,              243-6222.
  Suite B, Camp Hill, PA 17011.
                                              Frankhouse, Marlin B., dec’d.
Christianson, Margaret E. a/k/a                  Late of the Township of Hampden.
  Margaret Elizabeth Christian-                  Co-Executors: Ann K. Frank-
  son, dec’d.                                   house, 28 Devonshire Square,
  Late of Upper Allen Township.                 Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 and
LXV 23             CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                          06/03/16

   Andrew Otto, Farmers and Mer-              Connelly, LLP, 134 Sipe Avenue,
   chants Trust Company of Cham-              Hummelstown, PA 17036, (717)
   bersburg, Pennsylvania, 3907               533-3280.
   Market Street, Camp Hill, PA
   17011.                                 Sheaffer, Kathryn B., dec’d.
   Attorneys: Stanley A. Smith, Es-          Late of Cumberland County.
   quire, Rhoads & Sinon LLP, At-            Executrix: Carolyn E. Bair.
   torneys at Law, One S. Market             Attorneys: Tricia D. Naylor, Es-
   Square, P.O. Box 1146, Harris-            quire, Baric Scherer LLC, 19 West
   burg, PA 17108-1146.                      South Street, Carlisle, PA 17013,
                                             (717) 249-6873.
Griffin, Judy M., dec’d.
   Late of the Borough of New Cum-         Stank, Peggy L., dec’d.
   berland.                                  Late of Hampden Township.
   Executrix: Margaret G. McKnight,           Executor: Dauvey J. Hoffman.
   4 Virginia Circle, Mechanicsburg,          Attorneys: Susan H. Confair, Es-
   PA 17050.                                 quire, Reager & Adler, PC, 2331
   Attorney: James M. Bach, Es-               Market Street, Camp Hill, PA
   quire, Attorney-at-Law, 352 S.             17011, (717) 763-1383.
   Sporting Hill Road, Mechanics-
   burg, PA 17050.                         Stone, Jesse H., Jr. a/k/a Jesse H.
                                              Stone, dec’d.
Keys, Lucille V., dec’d.                     Late of New Cumberland Borough.
  Late of East Pennsboro Township.            Executrices: Joann M. Draben-
  Executors: Holly Lynn Harro, 607            stadt, 126 Ewe Road, Mechanics-
  Herrin Lane, Enola, PA 17025 and            burg, PA 17055 and Julie K. Es-
  Kevin Lee Keys, 817 Bosler Ave-             tep, 1001 Fourth Street, New
  nue, Lemoyne, PA 17043.                    Cumberland, PA 17070.
  Attorneys: Gerald J. Shekletski,            Attorneys: David H. Stone, Es-
  Esquire, Stone LaFaver & Shek-              quire, Stone LaFaver & Shek-
  letski, P.O. Box E, New Cumber-             letski, P.O. Box E, New Cumber-
  land, PA 17070.                             land, PA 17070.

Manotti, James Brinsley, Sr., dec’d.       Wertz, Betty J., dec’d.
  Late of Upper Allen Township.             Late of South Middleton Town-
  Co-Executors: James Brinsley               ship.
                                             Executrix: Barbara Murray c/o
  Manotti, Jr. and Christine Eliza-
                                             Stephen D. Tiley, Esquire, 5 South
  beth Mullin, 2729 Rosegarden
                                             Hanover Street, Carlisle, PA
  Blvd., Mechanicsburg, PA 17055.
  Attorney: Michael C. Giordano,
                                             Attorneys: Frey and Tiley.
  Esquire, Attorney & Counselor at
  Law, 221 W. Main Street, Mechan-
  icsburg, PA 17055.                            SECOND PUBLICATION
                                           Enck, Robert Edwin a/k/a Robert
Morris, Shawn F., dec’d.                    E. Enck, dec’d.
  Late of Camp Hill.                        Late of Mechancisburg Borough.
  Executrix: Kathleen J. Griffey,            Executor: Michael E. Enck c/o
  807 Wilhelm Road, Harrisburg, PA           Mark C. Duffie, Esquire, Johnson,
  17111.                                    Duffie, Stewart & Weidner, 301
  Attorneys: Gary L. James, Es-              Market Street, P.O. Box 109, Le-
  quire, James, Smith, Dietterick &          moyne, PA 17043.
LXV 23             CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                             06/03/16

   Attorneys: Mark C. Duffie, Es-               Market Street, Camp Hill, PA
   quire, Johnson, Duffie, Stewart &            17011, (717) 763-1383.
   Weidner, 301 Market Street, P.O.
   Box 109, Lemoyne, PA 17043.               Showers, Raymond Richard, dec’d.
                                               Late of Camp Hill.
Freedman, Donald B., dec’d.                   Administrator: Richard William
   Late of Lemoyne Borough.                   Showers, 203 Hathaway Park,
   Co-Executors: Sondra K. Freed-              Lebanon, PA 17042.
   man and Samuel P. Freedman c/o              Attorney: None.
   Peter G. Howland, Esquire, Wix,
   Wenger & Weidner, 508 North               Shriver, Theresa B., dec’d.
   Second Street, P.O. Box 845, Har-           Late of Hampden Township.
                                               Co-Executors: Mary Theresa
   risburg, PA 17108-0845.
                                               Shriver and Robert R. Church.
   Attorneys: Peter G. Howland, Es-
                                               Attorneys: Keefer Wood Allen &
   quire, Wix, Wenger & Weidner,               Rahal, LLP, P.O. Box 11963, Har-
   508 North Second Street, P.O. Box           risburg, PA 17108-1963.
   845, Harrisburg, PA 17108-0845,
   (717) 234-4182.
                                                   THIRD PUBLICATION
Glant, Doris B., dec’d.                     Carpenter, Robert E., dec’d.
   Late of Hampden Township.                  Late of Dickinson Township.
   Executor: John M. Glant, III, 2800          Executor: Delbert J. Carpenter
   South Lewis Blvd., Sioux City, IA           c/o Roger B. Irwin, Esquire, Salz-
                                               mann Hughes PC, 354 Alexander
                                               Spring Road, Suite 1, Carlisle, PA
   Attorneys: John D. Killian, Es-
   quire, Killian & Gephart, LLP, 218
                                               Attorneys: Salzmann Hughes, P.C.
   Pine Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101.
                                             DiSilvestro, Geraldine, dec’d.
Karper, David E., dec’d.                       Late of East Pennsboro Township.
  Late of Carlisle Borough.                    Executrix: Nancy Winslow.
  Executors: Alan D. Karper and                 Attorneys: Bangs Law Office, LLC,
  Jane L. Kingsborough c/o George               429 South 18th Street, Camp Hill,
  F. Douglas, III, Esquire, Salzmann            PA 17011.
  Hughes PC, 354 Alexander Spring
  Road, Suite 1, Carlisle, PA 17015          Kennedy, Iris J., dec’d.
  Attorneys: Salzmann Hughes, P.C.             Late of Camp Hill.
                                               Executor: Scott Kennedy, 202
Mellott, Dennis L., dec’d.                    Center Street, Enola, PA 17025.
  Late of North Middleton Township.            Attorney: David J. Lenox, Esquire,
  Administratrix: Brandy Lynn                  8 Tristan Drive, Suite 3, Dillsburg,
  Mellott-Arnold, 1011 S. Humes                PA 17019.
  Street, Enola, PA 17025.
  Attorneys: Gerald J. Shekletski,           Peters, Betty Jane, dec’d.
  Esquire, Stone LaFaver & Shek-                Late of East Pennsboro Township.
  letski, P.O. Box E, New Cumber-               Executor: George N. Peters, 6932
  land, PA 17070.                               Wertzville Rd., Enola, PA 17025.
                                                Attorney: None.
Sheffer, Douglas G., dec’d.
  Late of Upper Allen Township.             Plush, Claudine Ann, dec’d.
  Administrator: Nathan Sheffer.               Late of Camp Hill Borough.
  Attorneys: Susan H. Confair, Es-              Executor: Ronald Plush, 232 Toth
  quire, Reager & Adler, PC, 2331               Road, Schellsburg, PA 15559.
LXV 23              CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                              06/03/16

   Attorneys: Bradley D. Allison,                  The name under which the busi-
   Esquire, Allison & Rickards, At-            ness will be conducted is:
   torneys at Law, LLC, 102 W. Penn                         Ortho PA
   St., Ste. No. 1, Bedford, PA 15522.         and the principal place of business
                                               is: 3916 Trindle Road, Camp Hill,
Spahr, David E., dec’d.                       PA 17701.
                                                   The principal party included
  Late of Carlisle.
                                               in this registration is: Orthopedic
  Executor: Donald E. Spahr c/o
                                               Surgeons, Ltd., 3916 Trindle Road,
  John C. Oszustowicz, Esquire,                Camp Hill, PA 17701.
  104 South Hanover Street, Car-                   THOMAS S. SCHRACK
  lisle, PA 17013.                                McQuaide Blasko, Inc.
  Attorney: John C. Oszustowicz,                     811 University Drive
  Esquire, 104 South Hanover                         State College, PA 16801
  Street, Carlisle, PA 17013.                                               June 3
         NAME NOTICE
                                                  NOTICE is hereby given that
  In the Court of Common Pleas of              Articles of Incorporation were filed
 Cumberland County, Pennsylvania               with the Commonwealth of Penn-
                 ———                           sylvania, Department of State, Har-
        NO. 2016-2423 CIVIL                    risburg, Pennsylvania, on May 9,
                 ———                           2016, for the purpose of obtaining a
   NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that                 Certificate of Incorporation.
on April 29, 2016 the Petition of                 The name of the corporation, or-
Michael Scott Lamar was filed in the           ganized under the Commonwealth of
above-named court, requesting a                Pennsylvania Business Corporation
change of name from Michael Scott              Law of 1988 is:
Lamar to Joscelin Michael Lamar.                         Infinite VT, Inc.
   The Court has fixed Thursday,               with a registered office at: 5012
June 16, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. in                 Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg, Penn-
Courtroom No. 4, Cumberland Coun-              sylvania 17050.
ty Courthouse, One Courthouse                     The purpose or purposes for
Square, Carlisle, PA, as the time and          which the corporation has been or-
                                               ganized are to engage in and do any
place for the hearing on said Petition,
                                               lawful act concerning any and all law-
when and where all persons inter-              ful business for which corporations
ested may appear and show cause if             may be organized under the Business
any they have, why the prayer of the           Corporation Law.
said Petitioner should not be granted.            JOHNSON, DUFFIE, STEWART
                               June 3             & WEIDNER
                                                      301 Market Street
              NOTICE                                  P.O. Box 109
                                                      Lemoyne, PA 17043-0109
    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that                                              June 3
an Application for Registration of Fic-
titious Name was filed in the Office of                      NOTICE
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
Department of State, in accordance                NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of
with the Fictitious Names Act, 54 Pa.          the filing of Articles of Incorpora-
C.S. §301 et seq.                              tion in the Department of State of
LXV 23              CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                               06/03/16

the Commonwealth of Pennsylva-                       CLAIMING RIGHT, TITLE OR
nia on or about January 1, 2016,                     INTEREST FROM OR UNDER
for the purpose of incorporating a                 VIOLA R. LIMRIC, DECEASED,
proposed non-profit corporation to                                          Defendants
be organized under the Non-Profit                                ———
Corporation Law of 1988, 15 Pa.                           ORDER OF COURT
C.S.A. 5301 et seq. The name of the                              ———
corporation is:                                     AND NOW, this 31st day of May
 The Arc of Cumberland and                     2016, upon consideration of Plain-
 Perry Counties Foundation                     tiff ’s Motion to Reassess Damages, a
and the purpose for which it is to             RULE is issued upon Defendants to
be organized is to secure funding to           show cause as to why the requested
benefit individuals with intellectual          relief should not be granted. PLAIN-
disabilities and their families.
                                               TIFF shall effectuate service of this
   Christopher E. Rice,
                                               Order of Court upon Defendants and
   MARTSON LAW OFFICES                         shall file proof of service. Defendants
      Ten East High Street                     SHALL include a proposed Order with
      Carlisle, PA 17013                       any response. The Prothonotary is
      (717) 243-3341                           DIRECTED to deliver the file upon the
                                               filing of any response to this Order
                               June 3
                                               with the Court. A courtesy copy of the
                                               response shall be provided digitally to
                                                    RULE RETURNABLE fifteen (15)
  In the Court of Common Pleas of
                                               days from the date of service.
      the Ninth Judicial District
                                                    The follow on procedure shall fol-
                                               low Pa.R.C.P. No. 206.7.
     2014-01496 CIVIL ACTION
                ———                                 It is further ORDERED that the
IN RE: MOTION OF FULTON BANK,                  Sheriff ’s Sale of June 1, 2016 is post-
    N.A., FORMERLY KNOWN AS                    poned to the Sheriff ’s Sale of July 6,
          FULTON BANK TO                       2016, and that such postponement
        REASSESS DAMAGES                       shall be announced by the Cum-
                ———                            berland County Sheriff to those as-
 FULTON BANK, N.A., FORMERLY                   sembled at the Sheriff ’s Sale of June
     KNOWN AS FULTON BANK,                     1, 2016, and that no further notice of
                              Plaintiff        such postponement or re-advertising
                  v.                           shall be required.
 UNKNOWN HEIRS, SUCCESSORS,                                   By the Court
   ASSIGNS AND ALL PERSONS,                                   /s/Thomas A. Placey
     FIRMS OR ASSOCIATIONS                                    Thomas A. Placey C.P.J.
                                                                                June 3

LXV 23                 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                                        06/03/16

                           SEARCH UNCLAIMED PROPERTY
     Cumberland County has nearly $2.6 million in unclaimed property waiting to be claimed.

                    For information about the nature and value of the property,
                   or to check for additional names, visit

                      Pennsylvania Treasury Department, 1-800-222-2046.

  Notice of Names of Persons Appearing to be Owners of Abandoned and Unclaimed Property

                               Cumberland County
         Listed in Alphabetical Order by Last Known Reported Address

Boiling Springs Pa 17007                           Clauser Real Est Appraisals PO Box
Allenberry Inn Resort 1559 Boiling                 777
Spgs Rd                                            Comp Svcs PO Box 8862
Atm Repair Group Llc 409 Criswell Dr               Gardner Scott PO Box 181
Boiling Springs Wrestling Camp 211 W               Harmon Thelma P PO Box 810, Merrill
Springville Rd                                     Lynch Pierce
Brenner Matthew D, Erin 7 Pewter Ln                Harris Carol L PO Box 761
Castles Land Co, Lee H Castles 448                 Harsco Corp 350 Popular Church Rd
Criswell Dr                                        Health Resources Inc PO Box 472
Cramer Jason L 170 Red Tank Rd                     Mcdermitt Concrete PO Box 34
Farrior Esther H Est, Stephanie 660                Merchants Express Money Order Co In
Valyview Dr                                        Po Box 8863
Gardner Thomas R 710 Oak Hill Dr                   Mid Penn Basketball Coaches Assoc PO
Griffie Charles O 8 Joseph Dr                      Box 584
Hartle Michael James, Gary G 295                   Myers William H PO Box 212
Tanger Rd                                          Paige Dorothy M 242 S 15th
Hoffman Marie Est PO Box 67                        Sherwood Harsco PO Box 8316
Hutto Pamela R 334 C Old Stonehouse                Thomas Mary PO Box 1299
Rd                                                 Webb Elizabeth RR 1
Laskowski Alexis 307 Glenn Ave                     Wells Katherine M 510 S31st St PO Box
Ludt Brenda K PO Box 595                           8736
McKenzie Judy A 514 Park Dr                        Wiley Ins Agency Inc PO Box 900
Mcdaniel Andrew 1 White Oak Ct
Mcduffie Erika 53 S Pin Oak Dr                     Camp Hill Pa 17011
Rose Beverly L 1 Silver Maple Dr                   Aaa Travel Agency 3433 Trindle Rd
Silkett Byron A, Wayne A 28 N Pin Oak              Abraham James 907 W Foxcroft Dr
Dr                                                 Abrham Thomas 348 Regent St
Smith Rodney S 1109 Kuhn Rd                        Advanced Healthcare 3617 Simpson
Swartz Ashley 15 Raylen Dr                         Ferry Rd
Winton Mark 304 Shughart Ave                       Ahmad Muhammad 702 Lisburn Rd
                                                   Ste C
Bowmansdale Pa 17055                               Alleman Dan 49 S 22nd St
Mumma Robert M II PO Box E                         Allison Matthew 2100 Cedar Run Dr
Summa Health Care 401 East Winding                 Apt 202
Hill Rd                                            Amwins Program Underwriters Inc 214
Ua 01 01 1985 Adams Co Asphalt Co                  Senate Ave Ste 201
Retire P PO Box E                                  Annex Sports & Fitness, Sue Lentini
Wicks Linda Box 84                                 3608 Hartzdale Dr
                                                   Apollo William P MD 503 N 21st St
Camp Hill Pa 17001                                 Apple David P 3521 September Dr Apt 3
Bryant Melvin A Sr PO Box 1291 5                   Ascanio Bernardo 4615 N Clearview Dr
Richland Ln Apt                                    Askey Jeffrey M 1926 Carlisle Rd

LXV 23              CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                           06/03/16

Associated Cardiologists 101 Erford Rd    Conroy David J 1140 Oyster Mill Rd
Augustine Elizabeth R 13 Oak Av           Crego Meghan E 24 N 20th St
Augustine Inc, Method 3 17 S 19th St      Cressler Susan, Gene 4201 Gettysburg
Austin Paul W 2123 Wentworth Dr           Rd Lot 14
Auto Diagnostics 2401 Old Gettysburg      Croushore Suzannah D 12 Chelton Cir
Rd                                        Daggs Suzanne 205 Conodoguinet Ave
Bachert Thomas G 113 S 18th St            Apt 7
Bangs Elizabeth V 17 Tuscany Ct           Dancek Devona A 270 Reser Rd
Bangs Elizabeth V 429b S 18th St          Darcom Technologies Inc, David Scott
Barnhart Tracy 107 N 21st St              Dardick 3805 Bellows Dr
Bartholomew Aaron 214 Erford Rd           Davis Christena Bella 3 B Richland Ln
Barton F J MD 400 N 25th St               Apt 107
Bartron Darin 56 S 18th St                Davis Derek 2109 Cedar Run Dr Apt
Basnet Hari K 700 Lisburn Rd Apt 3        306
Basso H Richard III 102 Forest Dr         Dc Treasurer PO Box 8860
Batzler Karen A 300 S 22nd St             Decreny David Jr 205 Wood St
Beard Doris J 1612 Matthew Rd             Dell Raymond, Craig Keevauver 1045
Beaver Dale C Est 824 Lisburn Rd          Country Club Rd
Beers Marjorie W 419 Candlewyck Rd        Delone Elaine M 511 Brentwater Rd
Bell Alisa 104 Ridgewood Dr               Delone J Bret 320 N 25th St
Blackstock Paul 4409 Carlisle Pike        Di Giacomo Brandi L 420 N 21st St
Blissell Mary 3793 Vine St                Dialysis Corp Of Amer. 214 Senate Ave
Bloodsaw Tammy K 6 Walnut Ln              Ste 300
Bogar Susan E 3804 Candle Light Dr        Divel Patricia 209 Senate Ave
Boinske Donald 3810 Hearthstone Rd        Dixon Jason M 431meadow Dr
Borkhatariya Amit C 2b Richland Ln        Donato Antoinette 3411 Walnut St
106                                       Drawbaugh Richard B 828 Mandy Ln
Borzok Julia, Tony W Shore Country        Drosdak Denise A 214 Erford Rd
Club 32nd St                              E Z Mart 38 Erford Rd
Brennan Rita P 2916 Rathton Rd            Ebright Isabel 104 Forest Dr
Brooks Pharmacy Inc 30 Hunter Ln          Engdahl Braden 4 Dulles Dr W Apt 3g
Bruaw Lisa 8 Round Hill Rd                Enslin Elizabeth 30 Hunter Ln
Bruno Nova B 137 Fineview Rd              Ez Marts PO Box 7138
Bryant Christopher R 2116 Cedar Run       Fasick Gladys G, Hamlin J 824 Lisburn
Dr Apt 105                                Rd Apt 514
Bryson Scott A 42 Sussex Rd               Faulkner Body Works 16a Glenwood Dr
Bur Acct Mgm 3607 Rosemont Ave 502        Flanigan Clarence A 34 Oak Av
Burch Ernest S Jr 678 St Johns Dr         Foot Locker Inc 3543 Simpson Ferry Rd
Campbell Sean M 13 South 19th St          Funk Laurie 2801 Market St 1
Carlisle Pike Pre Owned 4601 Carlisle     Funston Crea E Est 208 Senate Ave
Pike                                      Apt 604
Carr Catherine V 20 Meadow Dr             Garrett Richard 4320 Allen Rd
Ceeb Investors Co Janice Etshied 54       Garrison Brenda 7 A Richland Ln
Westerly                                  Geistwite Mildred A 208 House Ave Apt
Chace Nicole A 2424 Dickinson Ave         1008
Charles P & Mary Patricia Mackin Liv      George Darryl E 39 S 36th St
Tr 02/14/2001 836 Mandy Ln C              George S Clnrs 4201 Gettysburg Rd
Christensen Sandra L 114 June Dr          Gibney J Robert Est 2717 Chestnut St,
Christophel Debra J 3521 March Dr         Carolyn G Craig Exec
Citizens Bank 1510 Cedar Cliff Dr         Glatzert Alphild Est 824 Lisburn Rd
Clifford Lois 3605 Kohler Place Apt 1     Room 208
Cnsltnts Pnnsylvn G 899 Poplar            Glenn Kathryne M 4341 Carlisle Pike
Church Rd                                 Apt C-7
Comp Svcs 100 Corporate Ctr Dr            Gmac Mortgage 348 Blacksmith Rd
Comp. Care Hospic 1513 Cedar Cliff Dr     Gramling Wade 400 Deerfield Rd
Ste 100                                   Grassly Clifton H 9a Hummel Ave
Compservices Inc 100 Corporate Ctr Dr     Greene Matthew 1604 Wyndham Rd

LXV 23              CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                             06/03/16

Greenlee William 768 Arlington Rd          Kanganis Charles T, Dean G, Thomas G
Gummala Raghavendra 314 April Apt          417 Poplar Church Rd
Hagerman Christopher 107 N 21st St         Kanganis Clara Kollas 417 Poplar
Hamill Margaret L Kevin Downs Rep          Church Rd
Payee 26 Cedar Cliff Dr                    Kapular Ivan 712 Manor Rd
Hampton Constr Ltd 3607 Hartzdale Dr       Kaufhold Kathryn M 115 May Dr
Harm Samuel M 824 Lisburn Rd Apt           Keebaugh Victoria A 2318 New York
504                                        Ave Apt A
Harper Gretchen L 16a Glenwood Dr          Kennedy Elizabeth C 410 Appletree Rd
Harris Max 413 Allendale Way               Kennedy Kathleen 824 Lepburn Rd 309
Harrison Mildred A 1441 Hillcrest Ct       Kesavan Senthil Prab 4271 Meadow Dr
Apt 209                                    Keystone Real Est 6 Marshall Dr J 17
Harsco Corp, Richard C Neuffer 350         Kim Yong Ki Kyong Soon Kim 3314
Poplar Church Rd                           Market St Ste 101
Haselhuhn Donald 492 N 25th St             Knittel Christopher G 700 Nailor Dr
Hatcher Edward S 6 S St Johns Rd           Apt 103
Headdings Betty C Est 1214 Yverdon         Konhaus Transamerica Printing 3544
Dr                                         Old Gettysburg Rd
Heck Shirley 52 Erford Rd                  Konidala Aparna 2001 Rupley Rd 201
Hershey Philbin Assocs Inc 2101 Or-        Lafaver Mark Jenkins 12 Hunter Ln
chard Rd                                   Layels Bistro 2138 Market St
Herson Jonathan 30 Hunter Ln               Lehigh Village Homes Lp 2214 Market
High Douglas W 112 S 36th St               St
High Josephine B, Douglas 112 S 36th       Leopold Brent 757 Erford Rd
St                                         Long Sarah R 113 S 18th St
Hoffman Joann 2 Marshall Dr Apt K16        Lovas Dorothy F 109 October Dr
Holland Mervin G Jr 102 Ridgewood Dr       Luc Huong Sau 45 Victoria Way
Hollifield Patrick Henry 2900 Sunset Dr    Lujanac Paul T 61 Burd Dr
Hospic Compassionate Care 1513 Ce-         Lumnitzer Caroline D 824 Lisburn Rd
dar Cliff Dr Ste 100                       Ly Dau Say, Quan S 45 Victoria Way
Howe David G 35 Windsor Way                Macdonald James Est 2708b Market St
Hronis Vacilios 1602 Matthew Rd            Mackin Charles P, Mary P, Patricia 836
Hueitt Chanel 2209 G Cedar Run Dr          Mandy
I B M, Kotresh C Ettagi 9b Richland Ln     Mann Bracken Llc 4660 Trindale Rd
No 108                                     Ste 300
Infotech Consulting Inc, Jill Wiesen       Mann Jorawer Singh 1102 Yverdon Dr
3461 Market St Ste 303                     Apt B8
Ins Alliance Of Central Pa 75 Utley Dr     Mardahl Sylvia Golden Living Ctr-W
Ste 108                                    Shor 770 Poplar Church Rd
Internet Gateway 1 Abbey Ln                Martin Theodore 640 St John S Dr
Ising David A 246 Cumberland Rd            Mattson Margarette R 2016 Milltown Rd
Jack Gaughen Realtor 3915 Market St        Mccamey Dickie 1200 Camp Hill By-
Jackson Martin F Jr 3 Spartan Cir          pass Ste 205
Jacksons Automotive 1112 Slate Hill Rd     Mcclellan Justin 85 W Lauer Ln
Jacksons Citgo 1112 Slate Hill Rd          Mcdonalds 8 Charisma Dr
Jaipaul Pradeep Anil 1 Graystone           Mcgovern Kelly M 1204 Yverdon Dr
Manor                                      Meaagy Pearl M 1 Colgate Dr
Jenkins Doris H 100 St Johns Dr            Mennig Earl F, Ruth C 1313 Mallard Rd
Johnson Sally 235 S 16th St                Merhar John T 14 Neponsit Ln
Jordan Susan 140 N 32nd St                 Messick Betty A Est 17 Hunter Ln
Joshi Anuradha 633 Devon Rd                Middle Dept. In 3901 Hartzdale Dr Ste
Jp Morgan 225 Grandview Ave                112
Junkins Walter F 1309 Strafford Rd         Milford Margaret M, Robert, James 210
Kandersteg Inc 4242 Carlisle Pike Ste      W Ctland Ave
250                                        Miller Elizabeth 18 Country Club Pl W
Kanev Investment Co Lp 2610 Water-         Miller Lipsitt Llc 356a N 21st St
ford Way                                   Mills Keith 3919 Rosemont Ave

LXV 23              CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                            06/03/16

Minnich Graziella I, Russell D 425 E      Raezer Kathryn A 2304 Kent St
Crestwood                                 Raffel Maurice 308 Senate Ave
Miraglia Charles J, Martha R 64 Old       Raudales Benjamin 2206 Cedar Run Dr
Federal Rd                                Ext Apt G
Mitchell Alice, Carl 42 S 18th St         Reisser Erik Jon 220 E Lauer Ln
Moon Isaiah T Sr 770 Poplar Church Rd     Revtyak Sue 770 Poplar Church Rd
Moran Thomas M 1304 Kelton Rd             Revtyak Sue Est, Blue Ridge Haven W
Moser Rita C 109 May Dr Apt 3             770 Poplar Church Rd
Moten Carrie A 29 N 33rd St               Richardson Martin 12 Tall Tree Dr
Mukherjee Sukanya 2820 Fairview Rd        Richwine Nancy S 8 Shady Rd
Mulrooney Marialyce M 1304 Kelton Rd      Rivera Isabella V, Phaviny B 4380
Murray Alex 201 Norman Rd                 Carlisle Pike
Natarajan Karthick 1106 Yverdon Dr        Robinski Donald J, Holly H PO Box
Apt C-8                                   3545
Nation Robert F 1924 Market St Ste 1      Roswog Michelle M 7 Gale Rd
Nell John C, Anna H 824 Lisburn Rd        Sahi Bhupinder S, Priti 30 Farm House
Apt 233                                   Ln
Nelson Bonnie 359 Equus Dr                Salemmo Marguerite E 19 Gale Rd
Ngo Huong 205 Fineview Rd                 Sassy Limited 1101 Country Club Rd
Noga Dana 205 Pennsylvania Ave            Scheaffer Lillian A 5 Amherst Dr
Orthopedic Institute Of Ltd 875 Poplar    Schneider Helen M 112 Nov Dr Apt 1
Church                                    Schuster Louise 1807 Walnut St
Owen Sally 1091 Oyster Mill Rd            Schwenk David G Jr 113 W Main St
Pa Gstrntrlgy Cnsltnts 899 Poplar         Scott Margaret M 751 Arlington Rd
Church Rd                                 Seher Tanya L 1110 Yuerdon Dr Apt C7
Pagnucco Carolyn R 1603 Market St         Semuta Susan L Est 208 Senate Ave
Apt B                                     Apt
Pai Vinayak S 103 November Dr Apt 5       Senior Elmer R, Senior Alma B 1405
Paige Dorothy 237 S 15th St               Lowther
Paige Robert F, Dorothy 233 S 15th St     Setzer William S 30 N 26th St
Palache Joshua 242 Cumberland Rd          Shade Violet L 3518 Trindle Rd
Palovitz C D 348 Blacksmith Rd            Shaffner Eleanor B 131 N 15th St
Parikh Rina D, Shobhana 1712 Olmst-       Shakespeare Teresa K 1840 Holly Dr
ed Way E                                  Sharp Samuel David 4341 Carlisle Pike
Parkers Dining Svc, At Highmark 1800      Apt C7
Ctr St                                    Shearer Ed 204 S 19th St
Pastula E L 210 Senate Ave Apt 118        Sheffield Barbara 110 May Dr 4
Pearce Allen M 1917 Kent Dr               Sheva Joseph W 115 N 24th St
Peck Lillie M 770 Popular Church Rd       Shiley Mary E 1035 Oyster Mill Rd
Peppinos Italian Restaurant 3649          Shillingord Joyce 29 Central Blvd
Market St                                 Simmons Christina 201 St Johns
Pike Betty P 820 Lisburn Rd Apt 308       Church Rd
Pjax Frt Systm 1200 St Johns Rd           Six James 3906 Rosemont Ave
Plank Walter Jr, Hermina 3807 Candle      Slike Stephen M 8 Richland Ln
Light Dr                                  Smith Camille K, James S 1700 Market
Powers Brandon 383 N 26th St              St 256
Prasovic Amina 2004 Highland Cir          Smith Charles Est 1146 Oyster Mill Rd
Premier Closing Svcs 3800 Market St       Smith Richard C 2109 Cedar Run Dr
Premiere Vein Specialists 800 Poplar      107
Church Rd                                 Solution Infusion Llc, Mckonly &Asbury
Presbyterian Home Easton Home 1217        415 Fallow Field Rd
Slate Hill Rd                             Soni Virendra K 12 Marshall Dr Apt I
Priar Robert E 27 Meadow Dr               23
Prokop Alfreda, John L 119 W Clear-       Southern Hills PO Box 176
view Dr                                   Spangler Charles M Jr 124 S 18th St
Purcell Barbara A 527 Country Club Rd     Spiker Virginia C 29 St Johns Rd
Quantum Pet Lp PO Box 2342                Spirk Robert M Jr 3510 Hawthorne Dr

LXV 23              CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                             06/03/16

Spotts Kenneth 1101y Verdon Dr A6          Yadav Ashwani 445 Meadow Dr
Stdenis Dolores M 33 Tuscany Ct            Yost Catherine 209 Senate Ave
Steffen Jeffrey S 11 Oakwood Cir           Zbinden Christopher M 50 Burd Dr
Stetler Hannah W, Val, Madeline 4
Gale Rd                                    Camp Hill Pa 17089
Stoner Grace 1104 Laurel Ave               Gino A Francavilla Dept 1a Level I PO
Stough Michele 360 N 28th St               Box 890089
Strategic Sales Search, Doug Miller 225    Mutual Of Omaha PO Box 890385
S 19th                                     Novitas Solutions Cashier PO Box
Straw Deah F 110 Northgate Dr              890090
Stuckey Brandon S 728 Erford Rd            Sebastian Todd 1800 Ctr St Camp Hill
Susquehanna Bank 201 St Johns              Pa 17089
Church Rd
Sutliff Chevrolet 1807 Walnut St           Carlisle Pa 17013
Sweet Eveline 2 Lantern Ln                 A New Image Construction 1202 Pheas-
Syed Dawood, Dawood Syed 1105 Yver-        ant Dr
don Dr Apt C8                              Acker Nancy L, Galen R Waltz 28 S
Taliani Lawrence 541 Rupley Rd             Pitt St
Tallevast William D 2811 Marion Rd         Alexander Spring Rehab Inc 1 Tyler Ct
Teddy Tech Inc 646 St Johns Dr             200
Thomas David A, Adam J, Jacob 1908         All American Plazas Inc 1181 Harris-
Lincoln                                    burg Pike
Thompson Viola 3815 Lamp Post Ln           Alvarado Rafael C 170 W Pomfret St
Thylam Ramprasad 108 October Dr            An Seongjin 44 Kingswood Ter
Apt 5                                      Anderson Helen 825 N Hanover Stapt
Tiano Gennaro 205 Conodoguinet Ave         301
Apt 7                                      Anderson Ian A 94 Ctyard Dr
Tozzi Dino 2906 Dickinson Ave              Apple Enterps Inc 122 Beech St
Tripathi Vandana 9a Richland Ln Apt        Austin Steve C PO Box 1254
101                                        Auto Max Of Carlisle 1110 Harrisburg
Umana Aniefiok J 2213 Orchard Rd           Pike
Valentine Mitzi R 31 Walnut Ln             Baker Clarence W Est, Claremont
Voegele Lee A 226 N 36th St                Nrsng And Rehab Ctr 1000 Claremont
Wagman Philip 202 Erford Rd                Rd
Walsh Construction 1302 Slate Hill Rd      Baker Heather M, George W Jr 613
Ward Johnny 116 N 25th St                  Adams Rd
Waskiewicz Robert 101 May Dr Apt 5         Bankert Barbara L 20 Brian Dr
Weinschel Sonia 743 Erford Rd              Barnes Adolphis 56 W North St
Werner Russella A 770 Poplar Church        Barnett Curtis M 25 Shady Ln
Rd 1320-2                                  Barry Nafissatou 180 Virginia Ave
Wesley Susan L 824 Lisburn Rd Apt          Bazan Catherine L 238 W Pomfret St
504                                        Bedi Roberta W 770 S Hanover St
West Shore Path Assoc 503 N 21st St        Beebe Marian G 442 Walnut Bottom
Wilkinson Benjamin J 501 S 32nd St         Rd H6
Williamson Glenn S Est, June M 311         Belfallah Abdel 63 W Willow St Apt 9
Glendale                                   Bell Sandra H, Carl Jr 329 N Pitt
Wine Gaylord R 2123 Wentworth Dr           Belvedere Medical Corp Primary Care
Wineland Elizabeth H 820 Lisburn Rd        850 Walnut Bottom Rd Ste 101
Apt 305                                    Bernard Ruth Est, Lee Bernard 904
Wingard Maryann 33 S 27th St               Thornwood
Winning Minds 6 Marshall Dr Apt J17        Bernheimer Martin L Jr 1011 N West St
Wise Anthony Jr, Mary 208 Senate Ave       Bethea Mearen C 598 Sumner Rd
604                                        Bevilacqua Christina T 301 N Hanover
Wise Jeffrey Scott 1101 Yverdon Dr         St Apt 2
Apt C5                                     Bixler Merle C, Merle 116 Arch St
Witmer Joseph K, Doris M, Harry D 211      Black Jordan D 416 Croghan Dr
S 19th St

LXV 23              CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                             06/03/16

Bob Baish Glass Body 1249 Mt Holly         Crowell Brenda 172 E Pomfret St No5
Pike                                       Crowther Glenn A, Marie E 17b Garri-
Bosler Timothy A 433 N Pitt St             son Ln
Bower John 1000 Claremont Rd               Cullen Pauline P 147 N College St
Bowman William F, Mary E RR 1              Daily Express 1072 Harrisburg Pike
Brehm Jean L, Roy E 252 W Willow St        Dalinsky Jessica A 43 Pleasant Hall Rd
Brenner Nissan 131 E Penn St               Dasher Angela M 123 W South St
Briner Richard R Est 261 Conway St         David Doody Scholarship Fund 320
Brough Summer 1606 Pine Rd                 Louther St
Brown Anne M 642 N Hanover St              Davidson Stephen B, Sylvia G 38
Brown Trudi 116 S West St Apt 2            Walnut St
Brubaker Nathanael D, Twila 1000           Davis Kathleen J 213 N College St
Meeting House Rd                           Deitch Marian 3051 Spring Rd
Bryant David Shaun 6 E Linden Dr           Denlinger Jeffrey 41 E Slate Hill Rd
Butterfly Inc 1202 Pheasant Dr             Dewberry, Lewisburg Peniten 101 Noble
Campbell David A 170 York Rd               Blvd
Campus Door Inc 1415 Ritner Hwy            Dingler Gerald 73 W North St
Caradine Yolanda Y 1420 Bradley Dr         Donaldson David C 158 Faith Cir
Apt F 312                                  Dove Margaret E 2560 Walnut Bottom
Carlisle Cardiology Assoc 850 Walnut       Rd
Bottom                                     Dozier Contracting Llc 1940 W Trindle
Carlisle Comm. Nursery School 528          Rd
Garland Dr                                 Duzs Elena 25 Walnut St
Carlisle Constr Materials Inc PO Box       Eckert Vera J 203 West Middlesex Dr
7000                                       Eckrich Stephen R, Harry C 503 N W St
Carlisle Fitness Health Inc 1225 Ritner    Edwards Bryan H 161 E Mulberry Ave
Hwy                                        Embarq 1201 Walnut Btm Rd
Carlisle Pediatric Assoc 804 Belvedere     Emeigh Emily F, Katherine 214 Todd
St                                         Cir
Carlisle Police Benevolent Assn 1225       Ewing Steven 220 Adams Rd
Hillside                                   Ewing William M 1218 Biddle Dr
Carlisle Rovegno S, Sandra Gefler 401      Fabert Anita 17 Wiltshire W
E Louther St                               Fahnestock Elaine, George RD 4
Carlisle Small Ani Vet Clin 25 Shady Ln    Fair Dennie 707 Hanover Mnr Apt 303
Carlisle Syntec Inc PO Box 7000            Family Ford Mercury 170 York Rd
Carothers Ruth RR 3                        Fanus Edwin T 214 Todd Cir
Cedeno Diana 39 W Pomfret St               Faulkner Harrisburg 2 Rdway Dr
Chadwick Stephen F, Sean P 5 Old           Fenicle Deborah S 252 W Willow St
Coach Ln                                   Fernbaugh Samuel 44 W South St
Chew Connie J 1319 Spring Rd               Ferrebee Andrea 110 N East St
Christopher Angela Dawn 8 Kingsbridge      Fisher Edward J 10011a Thomas Dr
Cir                                        Fisher Pete PO Box 525
Citi Financial Auto 312 Wildwood Rd        Fry Shaun 144 Spring Rd
Clair Pauline F R 9 Box 417                Fultz Randy J Chase Home Finance Llc
Clayburn Eric G 10002 B Chickamau-         1112 Shannon Ln
ga Dr                                      Gallagher Mary 317 N East St
Clemmons Anne W 616 Mooreland Ave          Gebhart Christina 700 Walnut Bottom
Comer Adolph 456 N West St                 Rd
Comerer Herman 131 Wagner St               Geib Christopher R 1091 Bellair Park
Conn Paul W 156 W North St                 Rd
Cook Richard Arthur PO Box132              Gilmore Lillian 1 W Penn St Apt 506
Cowles Marjorie D Est 770 S Hanover        Gish E Titus 842 W N St
St                                         Gittings Philip S III 20 Derbyshire Dr
Cox Matthew 344 W North St                 Glassmyer Edward Apt 202 1 W Penn
Coyle Tina 153 Valy Dr                     St
Crofcheck Sage 1422 Bradley Dr             Gonzalezosornio Juan P 331 C St
Crowder Consuelo 710 Stanwix Cir 3

LXV 23              CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                              06/03/16

Gottshall Jeanette M 7073 Carlisle Pike    K E Faircloth Man Trdrs Trust Trust 3
Trlr 226                                   S Hanover St
Graves Gordon I, Gloria J 36 Fairfield     Kallmann John D 701 W North St
St                                         Kauffman Maria 66 E St
Gray Alexandra, Lillian 156 W Pomfret      Kdeitch Paul 3051 Spring Rd
St                                         Keene Clyo E 330 Longs Gap Rd
Grigor Amanda B 126 W South St             Keller John 173 Penn St
Haayen Mary R 223 Conway St                Kelly Jeanne M 505 Mooreland Ave
Hairston Natasha A 329 Juniper St          Kennedy B 16 Garland Ct
Ham Brian Andrew 388 Limestone Rd          Kennedy William R 351 York Rd PO
Hanson Jacqueline, William 1107            Box 185
Sherwood Dr                                Kepner David S 75 Bonneybrook Rd
Haughney Edward W 110 Sunset Dr            L11
Heckman Raymond P 99 C St                  Kepner William RR 6
Heddleson Richard, Linda 711 Hillside      Khan Mukhtar Ahmed 823 Marshall Dr
Dr                                         Kiely Amy R 442a Bouquet Rd
Heeke Joseph A Jr 1315 Georgetown          Knaub Elsie J 120 W Willow St Apt B
Cir                                        Kneeream Ralph 45 Country Club Rd
Hench Carol 930 Gobin Dr                   Konestco Walter L 922 Harrisburg Pike
Henry Josephine J 34 Otto Ave              Koss Lorelei, Lorelei Koss Yarnell 251
Herd Charles E Sr, Lorraine C 424 N        S West
Hanover St Gra Upr 6l 04                   Krempasky Stephen, Mary S 126 Briar
Hinkle Lillian L, John A 9 Alliance Dr     Patch Dr
Apt Jar 202                                Kruger Mark R 405 N College St
Hinson Jonathan 1415 Ritnew Hwy            Kruse Patrick 220 Walnut Bottom Rd
Hodge Est 142 S Hanover St Apt 4           Kuhn Thelma, John 537 W Penn
Hodges Jan H 1315 Georgetown Cir           Kunc Michael C 620 Mill Race Ct
Holiday Hershel L 126 E Penn St            Kurowski Pauline, Robert 1045 S Pitt St
Hoover Elizabeth 770 S Hanover St          Kyeremateng Michael 712 Stanwix Cir
Hoover Ronald E 315 Wolf Bridge Rd         Apt 1
Hope Dorothy PO Box 1066                   Laib Dawn 205 Taunton Dr
Horn Ruby Trt 627 Highland Ave             Laire Eleanor J 6 Abbey Ct
Houseknecht Sarah D Claremont Nurs-        Lang Jeffery M 825 Marshall Dr
ing Rehab 1000 Claremont Rd                Lauck Charles 60 W Pomfret St
Hurson Arthur 65 W Louther St Apt 1a       Lawrence Chev. Inc 1424 Bradley Dr
Insulfoam Inc Carlisle Const Materials     Apt D114
PO Box 5000                                Leedy Connie 1141 Pheasant Dr N
Israeloff Theresa, Joshua 824 Hamilton     Lenker Vera M 26 Royal Dr
St                                         Leon Paul 371 Army Heritage Dr
Jackson Glenn T 1828 Heishman Gdns         Lesher Harold A 41 Kerrs Ave
Jackson Nancy PO Box 311                   Letort Property Solutions Llc 29 Prickly
James Timothy 19 Hillside Dr               Pear Dr
Jenkins Stephanie 78 W Louther St          Leyare Marcia R, Arlene G 442 Walnut
Apt C                                      Bottom
Jensen John P 154 W South St               Little Michael P 138 E Louther St
Jensen Kristina 1817 Basin Hill Blvd       Long Robert P, Dolores 132 W Pomfret
Jeremy Fish Brian 7043 Carlisle Pike       St
Lot 336                                    Longenecker Andrea 1670 Douglas Dr
Jessia Miller T 124 Tower Cir              Lopez Luis 515 Southwest St Apt C
Johnson Daniel N 1580 Ritner Hwy           Luna Maximino 155 E High St
Johnson Kimberly, Larry 131 E Penn St      Macmillen William A, Lisa L 66 Meade
Johnston James R III, Marion N 629         Dr
Belvedere                                  Macy Mallory Andrea 151 N Hanover
Jones Beatrice N 251 S Hanover St          St Apt 1
Jpmorgan Chase Bank Na PO Box 458          Madison Settlement 59 S Pott St
Jusic Senahid PO Box 575 Carlisle Pa       Madrzykowski Maryann 8 Hathaway Dr
17013                                      Manning Freddie 338 N College St

LXV 23              CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                            06/03/16

Mapp Rennie C 170 W Pomfret St            Ortlieb Selina 206 Meals Dr
March Margaret 1000 Clairmont Rd          Otten Lisa Sue, Duane 1501 Tr Ave
Marconi Eugene L Jr 240 A St              Palesky Donald C 301 N Hanover St
Martin Amanda Michelle 220 S Pitt St      Apt 2
Maxwell Katie J 156 S West St             Palmer Joshua 11 E Louther St
Mayfair Super Markets Inc, Legal Dept     Park Eliza R 330 Cranes Gap Rd
1149 Harrisburg Pike                      Peterson Beverly A 359 Maple Ln
Mccoy Fay 132 B St                        Phantom Entertainment 50 Clay Rd
Mccullough Kevin 406 Eisenhower Dr        Bldg 2
Mckeehan Edgar F 125 Kerrsville Rd        Pharmerica 1000 Claremont Rd
Mckillip Mary C 10 Brian Dr               Phillips Kaitlyn 1040 N College St
Mcnally James M 1016 Cranes Gap Rd        Picker Candace E 126 Willow View Dr
Mejasich Matthew J 518 Thornwood La       Plunkett Jessica L 21 W North St Apt 2
Melendez Luis 351north Hanover St         Poland Jeffrey A Bldg 400 Sumner Rd
Mentzer Floyd Donald, Floyd D 423 N       Polyclinic Prof Nurses Assoc 10 Burk-
Hanover                                   horn Dr
Merrick Robin H 89 Winchester Gdns        Porter Timmey J, T 519 Sw St Ave A
Meskic Amira 609 Hamilton St              Provazzo Lana K 10 Brian Dr
Metzger Shelby Chase Home Finance         Pynchon Andrew T 119 S Hanover St
Llc 1112 Shannon Ln                       Quigley Wilma RR 8
Mickelson Edith E 12 Peacock Dr           Quinn Rebecca Ann 140 Tower Cir
Miller Benjamin 736b Craig Rd             Raimondi Charolette 28 N College St
Miller Derrick R 550 W Penn St            Raisig Heather A 536 N West St
Miller Jessie Ruhl 670 W Louther St       Reedinger Helen R 231 York Rd Apt A
Miller Mary Jo Est 1202 Pheasant Dr       Reinhard Robert W, Candye R 700
Miller Wagner Gabriele E 98 Regency S     Walnut Bottom Rd
Minich Leroy W, Ann E 113 Pearl Dr        Rhoades William 11 Joseph Dr
Mishula Elena Hope PO Box 1066            Richardson Betty L 428 Fairground Ave
Moist Gabrielle M, Christine R PO Box     Richardson Sheritta A Deceased 121
844                                       Partridge Cir
Montgomery Jason 8 S Hanover St Apt       Ritter Arthur E 5 Thornhill Ct
217                                       River Rock Academy 898 Waggoners
Moore Glen, Pamela Perrault 1711          Gap Rd
Shearer Dr                                Robbins Michael L 12 Peacock Dr
Morrison Derek A 2156 Newville Rd         Robert Robert K 350 Graham St
Morrison Michael A 205 Parker St Apt 1    Roberts Gordon R 26 1 2 West Louther
Morrow Tabitha L 833 Pheasant Dr N        St
Msys Inc RD 8 PO Box 252                  Roberts Tricia P 65 E North St
Multicades & More 265 Webster St          Robertson Clarabelle, Cumberland Ct
Murphy Samuel W 1916 Spring Rd            Nur Home 375 Claremont Dr
Myers Jessica C 4130 S Pitt St            Robinson Viola, Thelm RD 2 Box 26
Natcher Viola P 2106 Newville Rd          Rogers Claude III 62 Magaw Ave
Nei The Sentinel PO Box 130               Rogowicz Andrew 93 B St
Neil Cherish 202 Marion Ave               Rohrer David A 239 Allen Rd
Nelms Latonia R 140 W North St            Ronzio Stephanie 158 B St
Nestor Lonnie D RR 9 Box 522              Ross David 330 Washington Ln
Nicoll Christopher 2107 Cir Rd            Roth George D 5 Todd Cir Apt E
Nolan Richard 533 Craig Rd                Roth Kurt E 125 Partridge Cir
Northwestern Human Ser 33 State Ave       Roth Laura, Kurt 98 Winchester Gdns
Ogola Rosemary Okoth 56 Media Rd          98
Okothogola Rosemary 56 Media Rd           Rovegno Properties 401 E Louther St
Old Neighborhoods League PO Box 294       Ruf Sherie A, James W 535 Craig Rd
Olsen Angie, Betty 104b Lincoln St        Rupp Lester P 444 N Hanover St Apt 2
Opul Inc, Superior Preowned & 2nd         Russell Donald, Mary 1113 Shannon Ln
1110 Harrisburg Pike                      Ryan Catherine 550 N Hanover St
Orrstown Bank Its Succ &Or As 9 Mark      Salzmann George B 4 Sebastian Way
Cir                                       Samuel Landis 6b Garrison Ln

LXV 23              CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                           06/03/16

Sarac Enes 1424 Bradley Dr Apt D114      Tucker Carol 562 W Penn St
Scafidi Rodney J 111 B St                Tyler Carol E 70 Fairview St
Schaeffer Margueritte 25 East            Unger Evelyn RD 2
Schmidt Ellen M 10 Gasoline Aly          Vanderweide Mary C 35 Eastgate Dr
Schreffler Deborah A 3085 Spring Rd      Apt 308
Sejmenovic Amir 236 Mcknight St          Vianey Maurice 710 Hanover Mn
Shafer John R 269 S Pitt St              Wagner Kayla M 45 Spring Rd Apt 2
Sheaffer John, Mae RR 6                  Wainwright Carolyn 832 Marshall Dr
Sherwood Caroline 4 Garrison Ln          Walke Kristian 19 Hillside Dr
Shiffler Brian J 69 Ctyard Dr            Walker Byron PO Box 458
Shirley William K 355 W Ridge St         Walmer Dawn Elaine 26 Royal Dr
Shrawder Carl L 209 Faith Cir            Walmer Peggy L, Galen R Waltz 28 S
Shugars John M 151 W High St 1           Pitt St
Simpson Jack 814 N West St               Walter Christa A 334 N Bedford St
Sims Robert L 210 N West St              Washington Bridger 503 W North St
Singh Ravinder 38 Sussex Dr              Wasson Patricia 1000 Claremont Rd
Smith Craig 46 E Pomfret St 48           Weiss Cameron M 214 Todd Cir
Smith Francis C Est, Law Office Of       Wendell Robert S Est, Holly J 25 Shady
Flower Flowe 26 W High St                Ln
Smith Geraldine W, Jackson M 278         Wentzel Emma K 242 W Pomfret St
Longs Gap                                West Penn Auto Sales 1526 Newville Rd
Smith William S 600 D St                 Whistler Lucinda E, Gary 9 Mark Cir
Snyder Sharon S 562 Park Dr              White Jami L, Jean R 148 E High St
Sowers Traci A 75 Bonnybrook Rd Lot      Whyte Emily, Linda 845 Creek Rd
20                                       Wilkinson Helen, Stan 223 Linoda
Springstead Jeanette 204 Sable Dr        Williams Christina 317 West Ridge St
Steiger Patrick 1817 Basin Hill Blvd     Winkleman Dorothy 250 6th St
Stephens Vernon E PO Box 506             Winkler Pauline H, Steve 124 Strayer
Stimeling Paul, Jane RD 1                Dr
Stotler Barbara L 117 B St               Winters Brandy 21 N Middleton Rd
Stouffer Emily J Pine Rd Apt 1524        Wise Kristen L, Tony D 312 Wildwood
Strock Marilyn J 511 Highland Ct         Rd
Stuart Lana Kay 1064 Harrisburg Pike     Woodall Robert Ii 620 N East St
Sughrue Timothy 116 Forbes Ave           Work Hardening Assoc, Gale Wenk
Apta-13                                  Dupont 1901 Esther Dr
Svirbly Elizabeth 640 N Bedford St       Wozniewicz Robert 80 Pine Creek Dr
Swidler Harold Z, Hailla 845 Hamilton    Wray Music House 381 Longs Gap Rd
Ext                                      Wright Laura J 36 E Penn St
Syphax Theodore 73 Partridge Cir         Zimmermam Martha, Laban 162 E Old
Taylor Robert H 503 W South St           York Rd
Tharp Betty M 134 W Willow St            Zorn Ralph B Jr 1150 Crains Gap Rd
Thoma Karl H 1130 Shannon Ln
Thomas Butler B, Magnolia 1930 Jody      Carlisle Pa 17015
Ln                                       Adams Kristen D, Michael 1 Pine Ln
Thornburgh Winifred R, Allan R 114 S     Americas Best Value Inn Chambers-
Orange                                   burg 1450 Harrisburg Pike
Throne Amy J 41 Pine St                  Amsbaugh Mae P 1038 Rockledge Dr
Thumma Dorothy M, Lawson L 101           Anderson Rodger 47 Waterside Dr
Susan Ln                                 Andino Kevin A, Rosita 12 Derbyshire
Tilzey Danny F 719-A Sumner Rd           Dr
Todorovac Hilmija 7 E South St           Arthur Delsi P 128 Meals Dr
Toth Emma W 242 W Pomfret St             Ausby Raymond 433 Petersburg Rd
Townsend Michael W 134 Sable Dr          Baker Barbara 208 Camprground Rd
Trent Trenise Y 240 Henderson St         Baker Randall K 37 Ashton St
Trevlyn Colin J 119 S Hanover St         Barrick Gregory 274 Stuart Rd
Tritt Stanley E 6 Ct Ln                  Basial Lisa 1009 Rockledge Dr
Truxal Fay 807 Hillside Dr

LXV 23              CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                             06/03/16

Betts Landscape Contracting 388 Burnt     Hurtson Kyle 106 Carriage Ln
House                                     Icsa Inc C O Meg Vavrick 1200 Walnut
Blessing Michael, Julia 2 Rdway Dr        Bottom
Bollinger Wilbert B 338 Mcallister        Jakomas John H 224 Meals Dr
Church Rd                                 Johns Mobil Repair 1511 E Commerce
Bonner Theresa, Charles 136 Burnt-        Ave
house Rd                                  Kemberling Timothy W 35 Ponderosa
Brownawell Richard, Semone 230 Mt         Rd
Zion Rd                                   Killinger Cloy 7 Stallion Rd
Burick Adam Dr 19 Sprint Dr               Klekman Jeffrey L, Lucy 138 Appala-
Carey Philip D 360 Alexander Spring Rd    chian Dr
Carpenter Joanne 1217 Redwood Hills       Knerr Ruth H 601 S Middlesex Rd
Cir                                       Kough Lyrian I 47 Waterside Dr
Caverly Dennis C 11 Hawthorne Rd          Kraybill Patricia L, Robert H 430 Barn-
Cemetery Mgmt Group 950 Walnut            stable Rd
Bottom Rd Ste 15 236                      Krempasky Stephen F 126 Briar Patch
Central Pa Swing Dance 14 E North St      Dr
Charlton Steven G 43 Chelsea Ln           Kuhn Deborah K 48 Brian Dr
Christopher Sara, Matthew J 422           Lang Jonathan G 27 Evandale Ct
Crossrd School                            Larry Vanessa A 259 Redwood Ln
Clarks Auto Body Inc 1308 Pine Rd         Laskoski Nicole 15 Mel Ron Ct
Cleaver Patricia A 3 Wiltshire W          Lawson Pamela 620 Lindsey Rd
Danley Shelby 16 Hathaway Dr              Leidy Vivian 49 Bullock Cir
Delli James F 98 Vasilios Dr              Lewis Lawrence 193 Birch Ln
Depasquale Pam 19 Wiltshire E             Mackey Peg 45 Summerfield Dr
Dickson Owen N 71 Kelly Dr                Manduchi Joseph R 44 Marsh Dr
Diehl Nathan 330 Greason Rd C             Manganello John P 21 Derbyshire Dr
Diehl Robin L 39 Mccoy Ln                 March Julie A 31 Liberty Ct
Dietz Berniece B, D S 70 Magaw Ave        Marin Mark Norman 158 Grahams
Eckard Walter E II 236 Stonehouse Rd      Woods Rd
Exel 597 Alexander Spring Rd              Marsland Careth E 136 Burnt House
Fahnestock Chad M 7535 Wertzville Rd      Rd
Faulkner Collision Center Of Carlisle     Mcadoo John H 1538 Holly Pike
2 Rdway                                   Mighty Donuts Inc 105 Coventry Dr
Faulkner Nissan Inc Faulkner Coll Ctr     Miles Wayne E 35 Waterloo Rd
Of Carlisle 315 E Old York Rd             Minnichsadler Denise 45 Summerfield
Faulkner Nissan Inc Faulkner Coll Ctr     Dr
Of Carlisle 45 Oak Park Ave A             Murray Denny E 170 Bloserville Rd
Fortuna Lucy Florence 33 Greenfield Dr    Naugle Paul 2368 Walnut Bottom Rd
Freier Nathan P 209 Barley Field Cir      Nesbit Emily 311 Stonehedge Dr
Frey Fred 45 Summerfield Dr               Noel Egan Thomas, Timothy G, Liam
Gellman Robin, Trisha Frohm 1532          Bryan 334 Fairway St
Commerce                                  Ousley Julie A 1201 Walnut Bottom Rd
George Glennys 15 Arlington Dr            Pacheco Doris J 1750 W Trindle Rd
Groff Bruce D 34 Key Largo Dr             Paisley Jeremy 11 Fox Hollow Ln
Groome Dermot M 210 Overfield Dr          Parker Jan W 70 Malibu Bl
Guistwite Darryl 56 Ashton St             Pediatric Gastroenterology Assoc 11
Havice J A 11 S Thrush Dr                 Sprint Dr Ste B
Heaster Dianne 1466 Pine Rd               Pennabaker Timothy 251 Walnut
Hendricks Malcom R 440 Burgners Rd        Bottom Rd
Henry Taylor A, Anita R 1679 Newville     Prophet Kathleen 186 Goodyear Rd
Rd                                        Provazzo Vincent C 10 Brian Dr
Hoffman Caroline P 225 Mt Zion Rd         Purdy Charlene M 10 Whitetail Dr
Hoskins Eric J 12 Teaberry Dr             Ramp Esther, Gail Louise Bouder 2267
Hoskins Rebecca, Eric J 12 Teaberry Dr    Ritner Hwy
Hsu Hui Chun Unit 8 Wiltshire East St     Reading Berks Physical Therapy Llc
Hughes Contracting Inc 14 Cardinal Dr     390 Alexander Spring Rd

LXV 23              CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                            06/03/16

Reed Marie Louise 10 Betty Nelson Ct      Enola Pa 17025
10                                        A G Patil Assocs Inc 58785 Aspen Ln
Ritter Rebecca 5 Thornhill Ct             About Bugs Inc 7 Annette Dr
Roberts Mary E 45 Summerfield Dr          Ali Muhammad S 65 Johns Dr
Rodgers Jeffrey 2113 Newville Rd          Argento Rosalia, John 26 Willow Way
Rodriquez Ricardo 950 Walnut Bottom       Dr
Rd Ste                                    Asgard Waffles Llc 765 Lancaster Ave
Rogers Claude 62 Magaw Ave                Barrick D 41 Lee Ann Ct
Schwab Kurt 49 Run Rd                     Beers Beth 199 Fairmont Ave
Shank Jenna 640 Barnstanle Rd             Bendigo Brian L 926 Wertzville Rd
Sharar Zachariah W 256 Mcallister         Berry Coppley Hilda L 601 3rd St
Church Rd                                 Biddle Edwin 18 Altoona Ave
Shenck Dorothea W, Raymond P 39           Borrero Felicia R 6961 Wertzville Rd 1
Cold Spgs                                 Bosworth Maryellen 121 Chester Rd
Sheriff Gordan E, Lee R 115 Kerrs Rd      Bower Gwen 4131 Darius Dr
Shetron Welding & Fabrication 420         Bower Joseph R 25 N Enola Dr
Rouser Rd Fl 3                            Brooks Cheryl 4440 Valy Rd
Sisson Margaret T 31 Liberty Ct           Brouse Jennifer 83 Beard Rd
Smith Christian M 440 Bernheisel          Brown Alice 112 N Enola Dr
Bridge Rd                                 Brown Kathleen M, Kathleen M Spong
Soulliard Joshua A 315 E Old York Rd      210 Brian Dr
Spahr William T 18 Hendel Loop            Brudowsky Nicholas 3 Kelly Ct
Spooner Robert B 31 Choate Way            Bryner Paul Est,Helen 121 Salt Rd
Springstead Daniel Keigh 165 Cedar Ln     Buchy Peter 258 Enola Dr Apt 1
Statler James 6 Buttonwood Ln             Buddy George J 134 2nd St
Stenger Barbara H 15 Morrison Way         Christensen Barbara J 73 Sharon Rd
Stryker Geoffrey N 70 Marsh Dr            Coffey Michael 237 Susquehanna Ave
Sweeney Heather N 210 Frytown Rd          Comer Crystal 215 Wyoming Ave
T Q Property Svcs Llc 4 Rapuano Way       Commonwealth Recovery Grp Inc PO
Taylor Daniel J 121 Coventry Dr           Box 650
Taylor Martha P Est, Daniel J 121         Dawood Yasmin PO Box 246
Coventry Dr                               Deckman Theresa M 204 Susquehanna
Teter M K 833 Forge Rd                    Ave
Thomas Timothy L 8 Oak Ridge Rd           Dellingers Auto Body 2251 Brigade Rd
Thompson John P 724 Allen Rd              Diehl Robert 500 Redco Dr
Tosten Verna E 107 Limekiln Rd            Duty Helen M 777 S Humer St
Uhler Cheryl 40 Meadowbrook Rd            Farrell Mildred T 511 State St
Wallace Daniel R 212 Brighton Dr          Fegal Raymond J Jr, Jamie P 6210 Run
Weibley Robert J Jr, Nicole A 49 Mcal-    Cross Ln
lister Church Rd                          Fiaschetti Nicholas 5027 Pellingham Cir
Wells Fargo Bank Na 37 Ashton St          Forbes Craig D 242 Susquehanna Ave
Wenzel Carrie 37 Shag Bark Ln             Gajewski Marie C 99 Lee Ann Ct
Whyte E D 845 Creek Rd                    Geiger Mortimer 86 Beard Rd
Whyte Linda E 845 Creek Rd                Gelwicks Kelli 611 Gates Ln
Wright William Dr 366 Alexander           Gilligans Bar & Grill 76 Millers Gap Rd
Spring Rd Ste 3                           Gummo Thomas A, Margaret 760
Wurtz Charles 132 Mooredale Rd Apt A      Sterling Ct
Yang Chia C Unit 8 Wiltshire East St      Guttie Albert F 40 S Enola Dr
Yetter Barry J 2 Oak Ln Dr                Hand Theodore D, Herman H 1521
Zizzamia Gregory 2247 Ritner Hwy          Ctr St
Apt C                                     Harber Duane J 35 Annette Dr
                                          Hardy Luke W 6210 Blue Mountain Trl
Carlisle Pa 17241                         Harrisburg Uro Care Group Pc 523
Morrison Grant D 2156 Newville Rd         Halyard Way
Thumma Joesphine, Robert RD 4             Heistand Bruce 96 Front St
                                          Henry Jimmy Hamilton, Kathryn 408
                                          Huntington Ave

LXV 23               CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                            06/03/16

Hersh Edna B 232 S Enola Dr                Sailon John 5205 Wertzville Rd
Hershey Christine 656 Mountain Rd          Sanderson John 760 Trail Ln
Hertzler Mary H Est, James H 920 S         Schmehl Regina 158 Cumberland Rd
Humer St                                   Shipe Nancy 446 3rd St
Hilbert Angela 214 S Enola Dr              Snell Sheldon R 4066 Rufus King Ct
Hoffman Benjamin 1622 Holtz Rd             Stec Walter 115 3rd St
Hoffman David 2130 Cedar Ln                Susquehanna Industrial Svc 401 High
Howanstine Lula B 222 S Enola Dr           St
Hrabosky Henry M 913 Magnolia Dr           Thompson Justin T, Denise N 422 N
Hutchison Calvin E, Emily P 329 Pitt St    Enola Apt B
Jackson Mechanicals Inc 29 Radam St        Thompson Ashley M 19 W Beale Ave
Kalar Kristin M, Timothy M 141 E           Tomberlain Steve T 412 State St
Shady Ln                                   Troutman Alice 25 Cove Rd
Kirk Lisa 2216 Gleim Ct                    Tyrrell Matthew P, Timothy N 2170
Kocher Jamie K 36 Wetherborn Rd            Banbury Dr
Krebs Zachary P 103 Mountain View Dr       Uni Mart 94204 711 Wertzville Rd
Kunkle Marda L 2251 Brigade Rd             Vincent Jacquelyn C 93 2nd St 1st Fl
Lankford Mary Lee 6 Rexford Rd             Wambold Scott R 238 W Dauphin St
Lee Joseph R, Garret P 414 W Shady         White Thomas S 17 Crkside Dr
Ln 2                                       Winters Karena J 212 2nd St
Lenharts Holdings Llc 502 Leeward Ln       Woodruff Scott 64 Sherwood Cir
Longenberger Michael 415 Fairview Ave      Zimmerman Leroy H Jr 36 Altoona Ave
Luckenbaugh Evelyn 4000 Valy St
Magaro Andrea S, Ronald D 586 Maga-        Grantham Pa 17027
ro Rd                                      Davis Anne V PO Box 49
Magco Inc 4520 Valy St Ste B               Gayman Grace PO Box 43
Marshall Carla Powers 219 Enola St         Oh Ye PO Box 5883 1 College Ave
Martin Andy G 203 Edenderry Way            Shaeffer Ashley B 1 College Ave Box
Maurer Darcy J 712 Shaffer St              4083
May Elizabeth 145 Susquehanna Ave          Slother Rodney PO Box 174
Mayes Bobby L 94 Arnold Rd
Mcclernon Thomas 129 Enola Dr              Lemoyne Pa 17043
Mckenney Brent 55 Greemont Dr              Achey Miriam M 20 N 12th St Apt 219
Meridith Felicia 4066 Rufus King Ct        Albert Stanley B 700 N Front St
Metz Sharon E 316 Spring Ln                Atchason Jack 717 Market St 393
Mishra Sanat 124 Summer Ln                 Ayala Alejandro 322 Hummel Ave
Mitchell Veta 132 E Shady Ln               Bachert Clyde C Jr 50 Market St
Montgomery Sonya M 1622 Holtz Rd           Beasley Christopher S 409 Herman Ave
Morrow Benson Jenifer A 100 Susque-        Birkett Morgan K 943 Bosler Ave Apt B
hanna Ave                                  Bourzgui Loubna 601 Bosler Ave Apt B
Mowers Linda 123 Mountain View Dr          Bowie Dennis W, Wendy PO Box 138
Neely Tilita Y 122 Tory Cir                Brazinskas Stanley 523 Herman Ave
Nicks Bodyshop 5205 Wertzville Rd          Brown Patricia M 619 N 2nd St
Orner Ada F 33 Columbia Rd                 Bucks Carl W 20 N 12th St Apt 309
Osman Alvina 114 Brick Church Rd           Campbell Penelope D, Red Robin 6560
Ostman Henry Central Pa Pulmonary          Carlisle Pike Ste 450
Assoc 2250 Millenium Way Ste 400           Carl Daniel 676 State St
Park Andrew C 323 Spring Ln                Conley Harold E, Essex House 20 N
Peffer Paul W 204 Four Seasons Ln          12th St Apt 224
Powley Danna L 108 S Enola Dr              Crum John E 682 Market St
Prudencio Jose N 523 Halyard Way           Cummings Michelle 701 Hummel Ave
Quigley Megan E PO Box 93                  D P Enterp 1200 Market St Unit 17
Rajchel Jeffrey L 6330 Run Cross Ln        Davis Anne S 380 N 5th St
Rovnyansky German A Est 38 Johns Dr        Delisle Muriel B 809 Michigan Ave
Rownyansky German A Est 313 P W            Dickson Dorothy L 121 N 8th St
Shady Ln                                   Diflavis Gerard F 347 Herman Ave Apt
Rush Daniel D 320 Shady Ln Apt 1           3e

LXV 23               CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                            06/03/16

Driver Louise D 204 S 7th St               Mechanicsburg Pa 17050
Dugan Gerald L Jr 612 Hummel Ave           116 Broad St Partners 528 Brom Ct
Earl Douglas 822 Hummel Ave                6108 Carlisle Pike Rest, Jullianas 6108
First Choice Rehab Specialists Pc 550 N    Carlisle Pike
12th St Ste 120                            Acri Justin 6391 Creekbend Dr
Geist William G 258 Lowther St             Adams Ruth W 1220 Cross Creek Dr
Grossman James A, Gail W 100 Walnut        Agarwal Tarun 3233 Louisa Ln
St                                         Alagla Abdullah 430 Independent Ct
Hafer Steven 1200 Market St                Alba Mary Kathryn 1575 Williamsburg
Hdh Byerly Inc 525 N 12th St PO Box        Way
52                                         Albert Joshua Z 4175 Nantucket Dr
Hdh Group Inc 525 N 12th St                Alster Howard 8 Sand Pine Ct
Hinton Stephen 30 Miller St Apt C8         Appalachian Rehab 2100 Bent Creek
Hutchings Heidi L 314 N Front St A         Blvd
Hymes William M Est 89 Hummel Ave          Arble James R II 6 Clairburn Dr
Keystone Medical Systems 1 Lemoyne         Arona Mario 6016 Mockingbird Dr
Dr                                         Auto Max Of Mechan 5270 E Trindle Rd
L B Smith Ford Inc 30 Miller St Apt C8     Bailey Donna J 14 Northwatch Ln
Lambert Barry W 1117 Columbus Ave          Ball Shirley J 302 Hogestown Rd
Apt 3                                      Barbaro Donald 4440 Sears Run Dr
Lb Smith Ford L M Inc PO Box 138           Barr John L 1233 Timber View Dr
Leach Elizabeth S 527 Walnut St            Bartlett Brenda 6128 Wallingford Way
Lehmer Robert F 807 Bosler Ave             Bassett Gallagher 1 Sterling Place
Lonkart Carl A 227 Walton St               Bassett Gallagher 4 Flowers Dr
Lott James O 237a Hummel Ave               Bassett Gallagher 8 Flowers Dr Ste 3
Lynch Mechanicals Llc 312 Hummel           Bates David 212 Constitutional Ct
Ave                                        Bernard V Kelly Jr Memorial 7 Stone
Magnus Caput Prod 802 Michigan Ave         Run Dr
Matherly Dale E 410 Herman Ave             Bixler Vivian B 2 Creek Bank Dr
Menear Edgar S 385 Walton St               Blile Jeffrey 502 Louisa Ln
Miller Norford Incorporated 700 Ayers      Blue Ridge Software Llc 3123 Louisa Ln
Ave                                        Boltz William, Walter 7 Hazelwood Ct
Moments Stolen 316 Front St N Unt          Borek Eleanore 4905 E Trindle Rd Ste
Hbb                                        36
Nickels Allergy & Asthma Pc 717 Mar-       Bosco Giuseppe Mazzella D 1462 Tim-
ket St Ste 105                             ber Brook Dr
Pannebaker Evelyn A 500 Walnut St          Bowers Stephen Christophe 2 Surrey
Apt C3                                     Ln
Pinnacle Health Cardio Instit 1000 N       Brickner Jennifer 4166 Nantucket Dr
Front St                                   Brookover Brandon 423 Wren Ct
Pmi Garden Dr Apts PO Box 622 1300         Brooks Bryan C 213 Hempt Rd
Market St Ste 201                          Brunner Douglas II 410 Kunkle Ln
Poventud Mason 426 Market St Apt D         Bryan W Mcintyre, Awl Angles Constr
Schweitzer Raymond A PO Box 132            11 Cicada Dr
Shue Thomas 640 Walton St                  Cad Designs Inc 11 Summer Ln
Summit Marketing 875 Market St Ste         Cairo Warren 2501 Warren Way
50                                         Cameron John William Jr 3806 Pamay
Weiss Eleanor 843 Hummel Ave               Dr
Whidbee Willie 20 N 12th St 321            Carmany Anna M 4905 E Trindle Rd
Wood Harry 424 Herman Ave                  Apt 36
Young Tina M 231 Walton St                 Casey Melanie L 4710 Brian Rd
Yeboah Augustine 717 Market St             Casey Singiser 5265 E Trindle Rd
Ste111                                     Cassel Robert I 5180 E Trindle Rd
Zeigler Helen S 1129 Columbus Ave-         Chang Chong W 5012 Seneca Dr
Apt 1                                      Chestnut Richard G 298 Charles Rd
                                           Clark Timothy A 9 Sand Pine Ct

LXV 23              CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                            06/03/16

Clifford Anthony L Sr 619 Good Hope       Gallagher Bassett Svcs 8 Flowers Dr
Rd                                        Geiger Kenneth 6322 Creekbend Dr
Colwell Darrell F 5031 E Trindle Rd       Ghuge Rupali 400 Brook Meadow Dr
Crews Dorothy H 5257 Tr Rd                Gill Patricia A 404 Brookview Ct
Crites Robert 505 Skyport Rd              Golden Theron 3610 Golfview Dr
Cuff James F III, James F 720 Carriage    Gonzalez Isaiah R, Laura, Josiah J 15
Ln                                        Clover Ln
Cumberland Co Ta 21 Waterford Dr          Gouw Francisca, Linardi 401 Kunkle
Ste 201                                   Ln
Cumberland Valley Motors 6714 Carl-       Graby Larry K 1747 Roxianna Rd
isle Pike                                 Gragham Jones Dorothy B 1159 Cross
Cummings Kevin D 4 Creek Rd               Creek Dr
Dachinger Sunita 1947 Monterey Dr         Grassly Clifton H 1100 Grandon Way
Dagen Melody 4168 Kittatinny Dr           Ste 430
Daniel Gomez 403 Mercury Dr               Haas Michael R 303 Hickory Cir
Davidson Florence K, Florence Keating     Haines John P 1113 Tiverton Rd
54 Longwood Dr                            Hartman Greg V 809 Pamelas Ln
Deraclea Margaret, Frank 4905 E Trin-     Haunstein Scott 424 Boxwood Ct
dle Rd 3079                               Haverstick Dennis J, Susan 52 Kerry Ct
Dettinger David PO Box 34                 Health Resources Mgmt Svcs 1970
Devitt Daniel C, Sean P 4 Turmeric Dr     Tech. Pkwy
Devore Elizabeth M 199 Ridge Hill Rd      Healthcare Data Company Llc 600 Bent
Diesposti Glenn D 1404 Concord Rd         Creek Blvd Ste 160
Dimemmo J 1108 Gunstock Ln                Herr Maureen 16 Briarwood Ct Of
Donagher Donald C Jr 3 Penns Way Rd       Herrold Adam P, Bailey Scott 6 Houston
Dougherty William R 4833 E Trindle Rd     Dr
Ste 577                                   Hertz Erwin 6337 Stephens Xing
Downs Dolores 910 Willcliff Dr            Hertz Nancy 302 St Marks Rd
Dykes Davis Anne V 6217 Charing           Hi Life Diner Llc 4890 Carlisle Pike
Cross                                     Hile Allen E, Casey L B Smith Ford Inc
East Gate Inds 273 Mulberry Dr Unit 3     4768 Brian Rd
Ebert Olive Haas 6 Houston Dr             Hiltz Brian D 4905 Sugar Shack Ln
Ebert Olive J 6 Houston Dr                Himmad Hassan 613 Thrush Ct
Ehrig Scott D 7 Stone Run Dr              Hoffman Robert 82 Linda Dr Lot 12
Ellermeyer Colleen 521 Bedford Ct         Hopkins Justin M 4832 Charles Rd Apt
Elmzandi Anouar 5022 E Trindle Rd         A Apt
Apt A6                                    Howe Ronald C Jr, Carol A 409 W Main
Erdman Anthony Assocs 3 Crossgate         St 1fl
Dr Ste 100                                Hren Katherine M 2100 Bent Creek
Essintial Enterpr Solutions Hp Taps       Blvd Ste 247
Reimbursement Prgm 100 Sterling           Hsbc Mortgage Svcs Its Suc 3610
Pkwy                                      Golfview Dr
Exel Inc 260 Salem Church Rd              Hugi Dawnetti 1409 Louisa Ln
Exel Logistics 350 Salem Church Rd        Hull Corey A 2 Bayberry Dr
Jack Meadows                              Johns Nicole A 330 Charles Rd
Feagin James R 1447 Newtown Cir           Johnson Cedric T 5440 Joshua Rd
Feldman Leon 4833 E Trindle Rd            Johnson William 403 Louisa Ln
Fisher Joe H, Nancy 4810 Brian Rd         Jones Jordan 3610 Alberta Ave
Flaccus Jeanne E 4833 E Trindle Rd        Kann Eric P 2706 Warren Way
Ste 553                                   Keck Hilda R 2108 Bent Creek Blvd
Foster David 4 Stone Run Dr               Rm 137
Frank Helen M 23 Skyline Dr               Keller George W 84 Detroit Ave
Fred Tiday Builders Inc 5105 S Deer-      Kelly Frank, Helen 1100 Grandon Way
field Ave                                 Kelly Michele 7 Stone Run Dr
Frey Teri L 17 Irongate Ct                Kennedy John J 4132 Nantucket Dr
Fritz Selanda Rd 1                        Keyscripts Llc 1970 Technology Pkwy
Gallagher Bassett Svcs 4 Flowers Dr       King William E 6027 William Dr

LXV 23               CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                             06/03/16

Kinney Brian 222 Fox Dr                     Myers Julie 5 North Baltmore St
Kirkessner Nicholas D 4251 Nantucket        Nace Kevin 1810 Louisa Ln
Dr                                          Naganathan Sivakumar 4173 Grouse
Koblish Heather 6302 Carlisle Pike          Ct Apt 106
Konkle Edna E 4905 E Trindle Rd Ste         Nagle Eric 10 Bayberry Dr
36                                          Najem Elie 50 High Ridge Trl
Krafsig Helen K 1213 E Powderhorn Rd        National Custom Car 1121 Sandpiper
Krance Christine 6005 Sommerton Dr          Ct
Kress William R Jr, Helen C 88 Green-       Naval Supply Systems Command,
spring Dr                                   Jamey Halke 5450 Carlisle Pike
Krug Heidi 6324 Stephens Xing               Neilson James D 139 Stanford Ct
Kuchibhotla Ravi 6435 Creekbend Dr          Nicks Body Shop, David Dettinger PO
Kulbova Valeria 100 Willow Mill Park        Box 34
Rd                                          Noonan Kelly L 4178 Nantucket Dr
Kutz Scott 2905 Warren Way                  Opon Sfi, Patrick Deya 1115 Jerusalem
Lackawanna Mobile X Ray Inc 5275 E          Rd
Trindle                                     Orner Donald P 1119 Dry Powder Cir
Latin Shirley K Est 49 Ashburg Dr Ste       Otto Peter S 25 Sycamore Dr
45                                          Pa Net 5170 E Trindle Rd
Lawrence Chevrolet 6445 Carlisle Pike       Penwright Lindsay 44 Cumberland Dr
Le Hue 155 Salem Church Rd                  Apt C
Lewis Karine 4440 Sears Run Dr              Perfect Order Man. 1300 Bent Creek
Lg J 7 Lismore Pl Ofc                       Blvd
Lippi Kathy A 5224 Mdw Brook Dr             Petschke Avery M, Heidi, Donald 1460
Lovely David P 442 Brook Cir                Armitage Way
Macris Elena N 1104 Kent Dr                 Pivovarnik Kathleen M, Joseph W 1218
Marquiss Jason Christophe 11 Dewalt         Gross
Dr                                          Potter Hope C 1166 Heron Ct
Martens Robert S, Maria C 3608              Puppy Dawgs 6560 Carlisle Pike Ste
Dwayne Ave                                  250
Mcafferty Collision Center 6302 Carlisle    Ra Scholl Enterp 17 Turmeric Dr
Pike                                        Ragusa Romayne Country Meadows W
Mccaleb Susan 6226 Westover Dr              4905 E Trindle Rd
Mcguire Justin C 1018 Chippenham Rd         Rehman Sons Llc 3716 Falkstone Dr
Mclaughlin Michael C 6135 Westover          Renaci Group 5231 Simpson Ferry Rd
Dr                                          Reynolds Thomas L Jr, Dillian R, Thom-
Mechanicsburg Karns Food Store 675          as D 155 Salem Church Rd Lot 11
Silver Spring Rd                            Rice Michael 37 Stone Run Dr
Medicare 2020 Technology Pkwy Ste           Rinehart Rena E 53 Bayberry Dr
100                                         Roads Frances P 4020 Mountain View
Memphis B Barbecue 5202 Simp. Ferry         Rd
Rd 105                                      Rodrigues Andrea C 3920 Brookridge
Menapace Leon Michael, Kathryn M            Dr
1575 Williamsburg Way                       Rodriguez Gonzalez Radames J 346
Mengle Phyliss C 92 Skyline Dr              Liberty Ct
Mesaros Jeffrey J 306 Georgetown Rd         Romanishyn Danie 426 Brook Cir
Miller Russell P, Pauline E 263 Texaco      Rudy John Nathan 955 Orrs Bridge Rd
Rd                                          Rule Jamala 1400 Bent Creek Blvd Apt
Miller Jennifer L 4168 Kittatinny Dr        124
Miller Rachael L 1217 Scenery Dr            Sahi Phupinder S, Priti 1740 Eliza Way
Miller Tracy 1305 Windsor Rd                Saturn Of Carlisle Pike 6643 Carlisle
Misislyan Misak D 518 Breezewood Ct         Pike
Moore Kevin D 155 Salem Church Rd           Schlager John L 1217 Scenery Dr
Box 36                                      Seay Ryal 6035 Eberly Dr
Morris Brian 4181 Elk Ct 101                Seiders Rabihan H 100 Willow Mill
Moul Dylan T, Jake M, Lily G, Lola R 14     Park Rd
Northwatch Ln                               Shahriar Sal 11 Ginger Dr

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