Culture in healing - Healing in culture - Intercultural conflicts in healthcare 6-8 March 2019 Budapest, Hungary - Arteveldehogeschool

Page created by Eleanor Terry
Culture in healing - Healing in culture - Intercultural conflicts in healthcare 6-8 March 2019 Budapest, Hungary - Arteveldehogeschool
Semmelweis University
                                                                                                                 Faculty of
                                                                                                               Health Sciences

                                             Culture in healing - Healing in culture
                                                       Intercultural conflicts in healthcare
                                                           6-8 March 2019               Budapest, Hungary

Keywords: intercultural competences, Margalit-Cohen Emerique, health care, education.
Culture in healing - Healing in culture - Intercultural conflicts in healthcare 6-8 March 2019 Budapest, Hungary - Arteveldehogeschool
Aims and rationale of the workshop               Practical information

                                                The quality of the relation connecting the        Participants will arrive on Tuesday 5th of March
                                                 health worker to the patient is an important      2019.
                                                 element of the healing process. The cultural      The workshop starts on Wednesday morning and
                                                 distance separating the two often creates an      will end on 8 March, Friday afternoon by 16.00.
Cohehre Academy                                  invisible bias producing unnecessary
The Cohehre Academy is one of the
activities within the Cohehre consorti-          tensions, compromising successful patient-        Location: Semmelweis University, Faculty of
um. The aim of the Academy is to en-             professional cooperation. Minorities and          Health Sciences. 17. Vas u. Budapest 1088
hance international, interdisciplinary,
interprofessional cooperation and ca-
                                                 migrants are often cited as obvious examples
pacity building within health education          of cultural otherness; it is less readily         Participants need to book their accommodation
among the members institutions.                  recognized that patients coming simply from
The Academy acts as a platform that
                                                                                                   by themselves. Suggestions will be given upon
initiates, supports and coordinates              different social contexts than that of the        request.
different activities. It offers opportuni-       majority population might also pose
ties to create, stimulate, found and                                                                   Costs:
intensify networking of partner institu-
                                                 problems to the medical system.
tions and to develop joint initiatives.
For further information on this Semi-           The aim of the seminar is: to introduce and           COHEHRE members:      250€
nar, please contact:                             discuss a method based on the work of                 Low Income Countries: 150€
Attila Dobos                                 French social psychologist Margalit Cohen-            Non-members:          450€
Diana Szántó:                                    Emeriqe to increase self-consciousness and                                                                        (Costs involve the seminar, 3 lunches, 6 coffee
                                                 self-reflection of health professionals. A        breaks, a joint welcome dinner)                                  conceptional framework and few keys will be
                                                 given to understand better cultural patterns      The workshop is based on keynote lectures,
                                                 different from theirs, in order to render their   various interactive & group based activities & site
                                                 work more efficient and less contentious.         visit.
                                                                                                   Detailed program will be available soon!
Culture in healing - Healing in culture - Intercultural conflicts in healthcare 6-8 March 2019 Budapest, Hungary - Arteveldehogeschool
Workshop facilitators:                                         Artemisszió Foundation                                 Semmelweis University
                                                                                                                      Semmelweis University is Hungary’s largest
Attila Dobos, MA,                                  is a private NGO established in 1998, aims to           higher education institution training physicians
Department of Social Sciences in                              encourage continuous dialogue between culturally        and health care professionals. At present there
Semmelweis University,                                        and socially diverse groups since 1998. We have         are over 11000 students at the university
Faculty of Health Sciences                                    three main sectors of work: integration of              founded in 1769.                                              marginalized groups, adult training and school          The Faculty of Health Sciences of Semmelweis
                                                              programs.                                               University, founded in 1975 as the Faculty of
By his background Attila is a cultural anthropologist
                                                                                                                      Health Care of Haynal Imre University, was the
and philosopher defending his PhD thesis in the               At the moment, 17 full time employees work at the       first higher education institution in Hungary
coming months on cultural hermeneutics. He has                Foundation. Our activities have an international        training nurses, physiotherapists, dieticians, and
been working in the field of healthcare for more than         scope: we have a wide network of social partners in     other health professionals at the highest level.
ten years now with a focus on different aspects of            Budapest, we are active in the impoverished regions     Then in 2000 the Faculty was integrated into the
sociocultural diversity and interculturality. Besides         of Hungary, collaborate with other NGOs from            prestigious and famous Semmelweis University.
lecturing on social scientific subjects and bioethics,        diverse European and non-European countries (e.g.       In 2017 there are 3545 students at the Faculty of
he is active in international research and educational        Brazil, Colombia, Sierra Leone). The Foundation is      Health Sciences of whom 402 are foreign ones.
programs. Attila represents COHEHRE Academy as a              member of the Hungarian Hub of the European             Still as the most popular and most prestigious
council member since 2015.                                    Migration Network, the Anna Lindh Foundation and        health care higher education institution in
                                                              the Global Education Working Groups of Hand (the        Hungary we run 10 BSc and 3 MSc programmes,
Diana Szántó, PhD                                             national NGDO platform).                                whereas we also offer the opportunity for PhD
Head of Artemisszió Foundation                                                                                        studies in our “Health Sciences Researches”                                   Since our establishment, we have offered adult          doctoral programme.
                              Diana is the president of       trainings to over 2000 people including social          Our BSc Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy,
                              Artemisszio Foundation, an      workers, teachers, employees of local                   Optometry, and Health Visitor, and also our MSc
                              organization actively           municipalities, health professionals, youth workers.    Nursing and Physiotherapy programmes are
                              promoting engaged               The core of our trainings is intercultural              available in English. Also, we have been running
                              anthropology in Hungary.        communication: we deem it of outmost importance         an off-campus BSc Physiotherapy training in
                              Her research interest is in     that participants start with a conscious self-
                              intercultural relations,                                                                English and Italian languages at University
                                                              reflection so that their hidden biases, stereotypes, in Switzerland.
international development, urbanity, civil society,
                                                              prejudices come to light. This aids them to create an   Our Faculty hosts the BSc Traditional Chinese
migration, West Africa and medical anthropology. Her
                                                              unbiased working relationship with their clients.       Medicine training of Heilongjiang University of
doctoral thesis investigates the role of the international
disability movement in the struggles of polio-disabled                                                                Chinese Medicine.
communities in Sierra Leone after the civil war. She is the                                                           Due to the high quality and variety of our
author of a dozen of articles published in journals and                                                               advanced training programmes we run several
collective books. Presently she leads the Hungarian team                                                              exchanges with universities and other
working on the European project “Health Diversity”                                                                    organizations in the USA and China as well.
Culture in healing - Healing in culture - Intercultural conflicts in healthcare 6-8 March 2019 Budapest, Hungary - Arteveldehogeschool Culture in healing - Healing in culture - Intercultural conflicts in healthcare 6-8 March 2019 Budapest, Hungary - Arteveldehogeschool Culture in healing - Healing in culture - Intercultural conflicts in healthcare 6-8 March 2019 Budapest, Hungary - Arteveldehogeschool Culture in healing - Healing in culture - Intercultural conflicts in healthcare 6-8 March 2019 Budapest, Hungary - Arteveldehogeschool
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