CSIR The implementation of SharePoint online at

Page created by Gloria Moreno
Request for proposals (RFP) Bidder Questions and
                CSIR Response for:

The implementation of SharePoint online at the

                      RFP No 3451/10/05/2021

Date of Issue for CSIR Responses    Thursday, 6th May 2021
                                    16h30 CAT, Monday, 10th May 2021 (Late bids will not be
Closing Date and Time for the RFP

CSIR business hours                 08h00 – 16h30

                                                    Page 1 of 13
NOTE:      This is the formal response to all inquiries that have been
received by the CSIR on 05 May 2021 at 16:30pm

1   How to access the Briefing Session recording
Click on the link https://transfer.csir.co.za/index.php/s/kK4QBzRGGFjf57f
                  Password – DZ&)J4Xjr\

2   Bidder 1 Question 1

    Is the CSIR's Windows 365 Tenant already linked to the On-Premise Active Directory?

    No. We do not use the on-premise Active Directory for the Microsoft O365 E3 deployment.
    It is solely used to login to on-premise Microsoft servers including the on-premise Project
    Server 2019.

3   Bidder 1 Question 2

    Is the CSIR's on Premise Active Directory synchronised with the existing e-Directory?

    No, but the Azure Active Directory included with Microsoft’s O365 E3 subscription is
    synchronised with the Micro Focus e-directory and PeopleSoft using Micro Focus’ Identity
    Manager (MF IDM) with the MF IDM O365 driver.

4   Bidder 1 Question 3

    Can the CSIR confirm that Phase 1 does not include any existing Vibe migrations, and that
    only Phase 2 will deal with the Vibe Migration?


5   Bidder 1 Question 4

    The RFP mentions that Outlook must also be configured, does that mean that GroupWise
    will already have been migrated?

    The plan is to have cut-over to Outlook by the time we migrate to SharePoint. The CSIR
Exchange instance is however already running but not set-up to receive e-mail from outside
    of the O365 instance.
6   Bidder 1 Question 5

    Will Phase 2 only deal with Vibe data migrations, or must it also take a GroupWise migration
    into account?

    GroupWise migrations is not part of the scope of work. It will be done in parallel by CSIR

7   Bidder 1 Question 6

    Will the CSIR allow partnering with a Micro Focus partner to provide the relevant technology
    and consulting required for the Vibe migration?

    Yes, and the CSIR already has services contracted from Micro Focus consulting which can
    be made available for ad-hoc consultation within the limits of the available hours contracted
    with them.

8   Bidder 1 Question 7

    Where functionality exist in Vibe, but not in SharePoint, will it be in order to provide an
    alternative representation in SharePoint or must it be custom developed?

    The CSIR prefers that a native SharePoint representation be used that provides and
    acceptably same/similar outcome and want to restrict custom development to the minimum.

9   Bidder 1 Question 8

    How many documents exist in Vibe?

    The information is not available, but the successful bidder will not be required to migrate
    files/documents other than for files and document from section 3.15.2 GroupWise Document
    Management Archive.
10 Bidder 1 Question 9

   How many workspaces are in Vibe?

   The information is not available, but the successful bidder will only be required to create sites
   for level one and level two workspaces, see section 3.8.1, bullet 2, sub-bullet 7.

11 Bidder 1 Question 10

   The integration with ToDB, must it maintain referential integrity with the original GroupWise
   Document Number or Vibe Reference Number?

   TOdB use hyperlinks to the Vibe system for accessing the documents. Meta data related to
   TOdB records are stored in the Oracle database.

12 Bidder 1 Question 11

   It is stated that the ToDB worfklow exist in Oracle, must SharePoint only be used as a
   repository for the documents referenced by ToDB?

   Yes, but the successful bidder will be required to assist with integration between Oracle and
   SharePoint via a REST interface that will enable the Oracle Workflow to create the structure
   required for and save a file to SharePoint.

13 Bidder 1 Question 12

   How many staff at the CSIR must be trained, and on which aspects of Windows 365 must
   training be provided?

      •   A maximum of 50 Data Stewards and ICT staff must be trained in the use of the CSIR
          SharePoint site, and the functionality included. Basically, they need to know how to
          create the level 3 and level 4 sites, including the necessary access control, how to
migrate documents. It envisaged that group training on the basic use will be provided
          and then one on one training per level 2 representatives for any functionality specific
          to their site. The latter can also form part of supporting them with the migration.
      •   A maximum of 30 ICT staff will require training on how to administer and support the
          SharePoint instance.

14 Bidder 1 Question 13

   Must end-user guides also be developed?

   The CSIR will develop the end user guides but the successful service provider will be required
   to supply information and assist with the development.

15 Bidder 1 Question 14

   Must the Adobe Sign SharePoint Integration be configured as part of Phase 2, or will it already
   have been configured?

   It must be configured.

16 Bidder 2 Question 1

   First phase needs to be completed in 44 days. This is a basic configuration of Office365, i.e.
   Emails, Teams (they are already using teams) and SharePoint
      a. Has emails be configured already or should it still be migrated?
      b. Teams content to be migrated into new structure or cleaned up?

   Refer to Section 3.5 “The principal objective of Phase 1 is to provide the CSIR with a
   SharePoint Site that it can use to store and share documents from the launch onward.
      a. E-mail migration is not required.
      b. Refer to Section 3.8.1, second bullet, fourth sub bullet: “Re-configured the CSIR's
          Teams instance, including restructuring the various SharePoint sites created by
          Teams, to comply with the SharePoint design”.

17 Bidder 2 Question 2
Basic intranet to be configured
      a. Out of box configuration sufficient?

      a. Intranet configuration not part of project scope.

18 Bidder 2 Question 3

   Phase 1 to consist of level 1 & 2 Sites (20 Level 1, 30 level 2)
      a. Is there a basic site architecture documented already?
      b. Information management policies defined?

      a. No
      b. No

19 Bidder 2 Question 4

   External Access to be allowed on certain sites
      a. Has the sites been identified yet?

      a. No.

20 Bidder 2 Question 5

   High-level retention policies to be defined/configured
      a. Are these already documented or should the incumbent write these policies as well?
      b. Is this just for documents or emails or does it include content across M365 as well?

      a. Yes and No.
      b. Primarily for documents or emails but will include content across M365 as well?

21 Bidder 2 Question 6

   Procurement processes to be simplified
      a. For internal and external processes or internal only?
       a. Internal only.

22 Bidder 2 Question 7

   Email to SharePoint workflow configurations
       a. Any specific business cases identified?
       b. Are you running any workflows against the fileshare
       c. Are you running any approval routing workflows
       d. Are you using a workflow platform ie K2
       e. If so, are the workflows documented?

   The response assumes the questions relate to section 3.15.1
       a. Refer to section 3.15.
       b. No.
       c. No.
       d. Vibe document routing
       e. Some

23 Bidder 2 Question 8

   Data Stewards to be trained up in a train-the-trainer fashion
       a. How many Users identified already?

       a. Maximum 50.

24 Bidder 2 Question 9

   Old Intranet on Vibe, possible migration To new intranet
       a. How much content on Vibe currently and will all content need to be migrated to the
          new intranet?
       b. Existing information architecture replicated or can a new streamlined architecture be

       a. The CSIR Intranet is not hosted on Vibe.
       b. The CSIR Intranet is not hosted on Vibe.
25 Bidder 2 Question 10

   Customized security groups to be configured
       a. Are they configured currently in AD?
       b. Any security groups containing external users?
       c. Is there a well defined security model
       d. Is security managed in Active Directory
       e. Folder    permissions    (has   custom    permissions   been    applied   to   nested
            folders/permission heritance removed)
       f.   Do these files contain personal or financial information (POPI + GDPR compliant?)

       a. No
       b. Yes
       c. For Vibe not for SharePoint.
       d. No not currently
       e. In Vibe, yes.
       f.   May do so.

26 Bidder 2 Question 11

   Records Management policies to be configured in line with the national archives act
       a. Any systems in place currently that has been configured in accordance to the National
            Archives Act?
       b. How much content sitting in these repositories?
       c. Is the internal records management policy properly documented?

       a. Some
       b. Information not available or relevant
       c. Yes

27 Bidder 2 Question 12

   Train the trainer sessions to be conducted
       a. How many end-users?
       b. How many internal administrators?
      a. 2500
      b. 20

28 Bidder 2 Question 13

   How much content on Groupwise
      a. Is there an existing information architecture that needs to be replicated?
      b. Custom content types created?

      a. No GroupWise information replication not part of the scope of this project
      b. No custom content types in GroupWise

29 Bidder 2 Question 14

   Modernized Contract Lifecycle Management
      a. Is this purely for procurement department or does it include the rest of the business
          as well?
      b. Any automation currently?
      c. Any paper-based processes still in place currently?
      d. Any paper-based processes that cannot be digitized for whatever reason?

      a. The whole business will use it.
      b. None
      c. Yes
      d. Yes

30 Bidder 2 Question 15

   Adobe sign currently In use
      a. Any license restrictions?
      b. How many users assigned the license?

      a. Enterprise licenses for 10000 documents annually
b. 35

31 Bidder 2 Question 16

   Customizations to be rebuilt
       a. How many customizations are we talking about?
       b. What platform are they currently built on?
       c. Architectural diagrams and business cases for these customizations available?

       a. Refer to section 3.15 for known customisation.
       b. Vibe and Oracle Workflow
       c. No

32 Bidder 2 Question 17

   Oracle Integration
       a. What version of Oracle?
       b. Which modules?
       c. EPM/Project online Integration to Oracle also required?

       a. Oracle DB: EE, Oracle Workflow standalone 2.6.2, Oracle Apex: 18.1 moving
          to 20.2 in the coming months
       b. Oracle Workflow, Oracle Apex and oracle DB
       c. Maybe

33 Bidder 2 Question 18

   Project Online Configuration
       a. Is there project server on premise currently installed?
               i.   If so, which version?
       b. How many users of Project is envisaged?
               i.   How many users in each role, I.e. Programme Manager, Project Manager,
                    Resource Planners
ii.   Any particular plan envisaged for Project Online, i.e. Plan 3 or Plan 5?
             iii.   Any migrations of existing projects to project online envisaged?
                          1.   Integration required to any other systems for these/if any?

       a. Yes
              i.    Project 2019
       b. Currently
              i.    Programme Manager = 5, Project Managers = 15, Resource Planners = 10
              ii.   Mix of Plan 3 and Plan 5
             iii.   Refer to section 3.15.5
                          1. Refer to section 3.15.5

34 Bidder 2 Question 19

   File Share Content
       a. How much content on file shares?
       b. How much can be deleted and how much should be archived?
       c. Existing structure (by Directorate? By Division? FY parent/child folders etc)
       d. Existing structures: How many directorates / business units / divisions / departments
            / sub units
       e. What file types do you work with ie MS Office files, pdf, any proprietary file types …
            CAD etc …
       f.   How many (approx) document types are in use ie proposals, policies, invoices,
            contracts, credit note etc …
       g. Has a well formed Taxonomy been implemented
       h. Are all documents tagged with consistent metadata or will we need to implement a
            best practice metadata model
       i.   Is there a document classification model in place
       j.   Is this largely a 1:1 mapping of folder structures ie a Lift and Shift or do you anticipate
            a lot of transformation
       k. Is the current folder structure working for you or do you anticipate a lot of folder
            consolidation; collapsing and transformation
       l.   What is the total number of files
       m. What the total storage requirement
       n. Do you require version control
       o. Are all your files targeted for this migration stored in this file share or also in Personal
            Folders and / or other Cloud Storage ie Dropbox, Egnyte etc …
p. Do you have paper documents that you need to onramp into SharePoint Online
  q. Do you have large folders with more than 5000 items
  r.   What percentages of your total files (roughly) fall into the following categories: Lift and
       Shift / Archive / Delete / Active Working Docs
  s. When did you last run a data cleanup "house keeping" exercise
  t.   File types to be stored (as some file types are not allowed in SharePoint eg. .exe,
       .bat, .iso, .cab)
  u. Total storage these items consume currently (they unfortunately don't indicate
       used/free space in table above)
  v. Max file size largest file in scope
  w. Max nested folder length (as there is a max length for a new path to items in
  x. Are any of these files/folder shared with external parties currently (custom access,
       SFTP or via VPN?)
  y. Do you have any spreadsheets with embedded links or references to external
       spreadsheets or files
  z. Do you have any word documents that have embedded links or references to external
  aa. Are there any image files in scope for the migration (what image files types and what
       is the largest image file size)
  bb. Do you have well defined file naming conventions

  a. 88 TB
  b. 15% deleted, 50% archived
  c. Refer to section 3.4.3
  d. Refer to section 3.8.1, bullet 2, sub-bullet 7
  e. The list of file times are too many to list and includes proprietary file types The majority
       of the file types are document related.
  f.   Information is not available.
  g. No
  h. No
  i.   No
  j.   Unknown.
  k. Some work some will be transformed.
  l.   Information is not available.
  m. The CSIR needs to live within the storage restrictions included in its Microsoft O365
       E3 subscription.
n. Yes
       o. Vibe
       p. No
       q. Maybe
       r.    Unknown
       s. It is done on a monthly basis
       t.    File types not allowed on SharePoint will be stored elsewhere.
       u. Vibe = 5.7 TB
       v. Unknown
       w. Unknown
       x. Yes, via registered Vibe external users and ad-hoc shares.
       y. Yes
       z. Yes
       aa. Yes, and unknown
       cc. Not for files

35 Bidder 2 Question 20

   Content Migration Path
       a. Assistance provided by incumbent but the internal staff will do the migration. Should
             we quote for a tool to assist with the migration process?
       b. How many paper-based documents should be archived/migrated?

       a. No, we will use the native SharePoint migration tool
       b. None
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