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CSC301 W INTER 2022 W EEK 4 - N O SQL GRAPH DB S . S OFTWARE A RCHITECTURE . P LANNING AND P RIORITIZING . Ilir Dema University of Toronto Feb 1-2, 2022
W HAT IS N O SQL? I NTRO TO N O SQL • The growth of Web raised the need for larger, more scalable storage solutions. • a variety of key-value storage solutions were designed for better availability, simple querying, and horizontal scaling. • This new kind of data store became more and more robust, offering many of the features of the relational databases. • Different storage design patterns emerged, including key-value storage, column storage, object storage, and the most popular one, document storage.
R ELATIONAL VS D OCUMENT- ORIENTED DB • In a common relational database, data is stored in different tables, often connected using a primary to foreign key relation. • A program will later reconstruct the model using various SQL statements to arrange the data in some kind of hierarchical object representation. • Document-oriented databases handle data differently. • Instead of using tables, they store hierarchical documents in standard formats, such as JSON and XML.
D OCUMENT- ORIENTED DB EXAMPLE • In a document-based database, the blog post will be stored completely as a single document that can later be queried. • For instance, in a database that stores documents in a JSON format, the blog post document would probably look like the following code snippet: This model will allow faster read operations since your application won’t have to rebuild the objects with every read.
W HAT IS N EO 4 J ? A GRAPH DATABASE • Uses graphs to store and process the data • Data is organized into nodes and relationships • Properties are stored in either nodes or relationships • Recently, Neo4j and Google Cloud have teamed up to deliver Neo4j for Google Cloud, the Neo4j graph database delivered as a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) native service. • Neo4j’s native data manipulation language is Cypher.
N EO 4 J IS FULLY ACID COMPLIANT ... ACID • ATOMIC: The whole transaction or nothing • CONSISTENT: Upon completion of a transaction, the db is structurally sound • ISOLATION: Transactions appear to apply in isolation from one another • DURABLE: Once a transaction is complete, it persists, even in case of various failures
W ELCOME TO C YPHER N OT JUST A QUERY LANGUAGE • Declarative, readable, expressive • Made for CRUD on graphs • Based on patterns • Interacts safely with the remote database using a binary protocol called Bolt
P ROPERTY G RAPHS A PROPERTY GRAPH HAS • Nodes (:PERSON) • have properties ({name: ”Donald”}) • Relationships [:WORKS_WITH] • also have properties ({company: ”Bluecat”}) A N EXAMPLE OF CREATE CREATE (: PERSON {name:"Donald"}) -[:WORKS_WITH {company: "Bluecat"}]-> (: PERSON {name: "Jasvir"})
S OFTWARE D ESIGN T ONY H OARE : There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.
L EVELS OF DESIGN • Architectural design (also: high-level design) • architecture - the overall structure: main modules and their connections • design that covers the main use-cases of the system • addresses the main non-functional requirements (e.g., throughput, reliability) • hard to change • Detailed design (also: low-level design) • the inner structure of the main modules • may take the target programming language into account • detailed enough to be implemented in the programming language
S OFTWARE A RCHITECTURE D EFINITION A software architecture is a description of the subsystems and components of a software system and the relationships between them. Subsystems and components are typically specified in different views to show the relevant functional and nonfunctional properties of a software system. The software architecture of a system is an artifact. It is the result of the software development activity. Buschmann et al., Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, A System of Patterns
T HE MVC PATTERN • Model: • Contains Data Objects • Encapsulates the application state • Responds to state queries/updates • Exposes application functionality • View: • Renders the model (i.e. the screen representation of the data). • Note: The user is not necessarily a human. For example, programs want to view the data using some text format (e.g. XML, or JSON) • Sends user input to the Controller • Controller: • Defines application behavior • Maps user actions to Model updates • Controls the flow of the application. • Defines the way the user interface reacts to the user input.
T HE MVC AS A RCHITECTURAL PATTERN MVC INTEGRATES A FEW D ESIGN PATTERNS • Model uses Observer to keep views and controllers updated on the latest state changes • View and Controller implement Strategy pattern. Controller is the behavior of the View and can be easily exchanged with another controller if you want different behaviour. • View uses Composite pattern to manage the components of the display.
T HE 3- TIERED ARCHITECTURE W HAT DOES THREE TIERED MEAN ? • The presentation tier is the front end layer in the 3-tier system and consists of the user interface. • The application tier contains the functional business logic which drives an application’s core capabilities. • The data tier comprises of the database/data storage system and data access layer.
T HE 3- TIERED ARCHITECTURE W HERE DOES IT DIFFER FROM MVC? • MVC and 3-tier architecture are topologically different. • Conceptually the three-tier architecture is linear. MVC architecture is triangular: the view sends updates to the controller, the controller updates the model, and the view gets updated directly from the model. • A fundamental rule in a three tier architecture is the client tier never communicates directly with the data tier.
M ICROSERVICES ARCHITECTURE W HAT DOES MICROSERVICES MEAN ? • Develop a single application as a suite of small services • Each running separately and communicating via HTTP. • These services are independently and automatically deployable. • They may use different programming languages and use different data storage technologies.
R ELEASE P LANNING • During the release planning meeting the following things are established: • Major release goals • Release plan • Potential sprint goals • Completion date • As each sprint progresses the burndown of story points measure the velocity of work, which can be used to determine progress and adapt the plan as we go
S PRINT P LANNING • The team decides (reviews) velocity - how many story points will they do in this sprint. • Most priority stories from the product backlog are selected, filling up the velocity. • team never overcommits! • The tasks from each selected story is broken down to build the sprint backlog • Meeting may include additional domain experts (not part of the team) to help answer any questions and aid in time estimations. • Implementation details are discussed • Product owner must be present to answer any questions related to the design
TASK P LANNING • Tasks are estimated in hours • Estimation is an ideal time (without interruptions / problems) • After all tasks have been estimated the hours are totaled up and compared against the remaining hours in the sprint backlog • If there is room, the team picks more stuff from product backlog and updates the velocity. • All planning decisions are recorded on the tracker.
T RACKING P ROGRESS • Information about progress, impediments and sprint backlog of tasks needs to be readily available • How close a team is to achieving their goals is also important • Scrum employs a number of practices for tracking this information: • Task cards • Burndown charts • Task boards • War rooms
B URNDOWN C HART Source: Wikipedia
DAILY S CRUM M EETINGS • 15 minute meeting that everyone must attend • No sitting down, team stands in a circle and answers the following questions: What have I done since the last meeting? • What am I going to accomplish between now and the next meeting? • What are the problems or impediments that are slowing me down? • It is NOT for solving problems - the Scrum Master must ensure that all side conversations are kept to a minimum • Solving problems happens throughout the rest of the day • Can be evolved to meet a specific team’s requirements, but the purpose must remain the same (status, commitment, improvement)
S PRINT R EVIEWS • Occur on the last day of the sprint • Team and stakeholders come together to play the game and discuss the work accomplished • Product owner accepts or declines the results of the sprint • If a feature is declined, the owner will decide if it is returned to the backlog or simply dropped • Honesty is crucial • Cannot discourage criticism simply because a lot of work was put in
W HAT I S D EPENDENCY I NJECTION ? D EFINITION The definition of dependency injection was first given by Martin Fowler in the blog post Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern. The dependency injection is an Enterprise Design Pattern, which aim is to separate the responsibility of resolving object dependency from its behaviour. N OTE : An Enterprise Design Pattern is a Design Pattern used in enterprise applications.
E XERCISE • Try to write (on paper) a constructor for MovieLister. • Identify the broken design principles ...
T HE M O V I E L I S T E R C ONSTRUCTOR public class MovieLister { private MovieFinder finder; public MovieLister() { // This statement tightly coupled (1) // the two classes because the class has a // direct reference to a particular // implementation of MovieFinder interface (2) this.finder = new MovieFinderImpl(); } // ...
H OW DID WE GET IN TROUBLE ? • Clearly, in the previous slide we used a long venerated design principle: • Favor composition over inheritance • However letting a class to explicitly create an instance of another class tightly coupled the two implementations, increasing the dependency between them. F RED B ROOKS : N O S ILVER B ULLET There is no single development, in either technology or management technique, which by itself promises even one order-of-magnitude improvement within a decade in productivity, in reliability, in simplicity.
L ET ’ S LOOK FOR HELP ! • Well we know a design pattern used to make objects. • The factory pattern! • Its intent is: • creates objects without exposing the instantiation logic to the client. • refers to the newly created object through a common interface
L ET ’ S APPLY IT... Notice the dependency graph is directed acyclic (DAG).
H OUSTON , WE HAVE A PROBLEM ! • Now MovieLister has a dependency with the implementation of MovieFinderFactory. • Notice factory is implemented as a Singleton ... • Moreover, we certainly have more than a single dependency in a class, which leads to a plethora of factories rising. • And dependencies can have dependencies, and so on. • We get a chain of growing dependencies. • There are two possibilities: • The chain blows up in finite time. • The chain stabilizes (i.e. the nightmare comes to a limit).
M ARTIN F OWLER ’ S SOLUTION Take the factory idea to the limit and we create a module that is responsible to resolve dependency among classes.
D EPENDENCY I NJECTOR • The Injector module is called dependency injector and it is to all effects a container. • Applying the Inversion of Control pattern, the injector owns the life cycle of all objects defined under its scope. • The only things we still miss are the following: • A way to signal to the injector that a class has a certain dependency • A way to instruct (or configure) the injector to resolve dependencies
I NTERLUDE : JAVA B EANS • Since the definition of the Java programming language, the aim of the Sun Microsystem was standardization. • The Java Bean Specification stated that a java bean must have: • a default constructor • a couple of getter and setter methods for each attribute it owns. • Having defined a standard way of creating objects, the Sun built a plethora of standards and interfaces on it, that are the basis of the JEE specification.
C ONSTRUCTOR INJECTION VERSUS S ETTER INJECTION • Since dependencies are nothing more then objects attributes (more or less), the injector has to be instructed to know how to fulfill these attributes. • In Java there are three ways to set attributes of an object, which are: • Using the proper constructor • Using setters after the object was build using the default constructor • Using Reflection mechanisms • Once you have selected your preferred way, you will annotate the corresponding statement with the @Inject annotation. • The annotation and its behaviour are defined inside a JSR. Dependency injection is so important in the Java ecosystem that there are two dedicated Java Specification Requests (JSRs), i.e. JSR-330 and JSR-299.
C ONSTRUCTOR DEPENDENCY INJECTION • If you want the injector to use the constructor to inject the dependency of a class, annotate the constructor with @Inject. • Every time you will ask the injector an instance of a MovieLister, it will know that it has to use the constructor annotated with the @Inject annotation to build the object. • So, the dependency are identified as the annotated constructor parameters. public class MovieLister { private MovieFinder finder; @Inject public MovieLister(MovieFinder finder) { this.finder = finder; }
S ETTER DEPENDENCY INJECTION • To instruct the injector to use setter methods to create an object, annotate the setter methods with the @Inject annotation. public class MovieLister { private MovieFinder finder; // The injector first uses the default // constructor to build an empty object public MovieLister() {} // Then, the injector uses annotated setter // methods to resolve dependencies @Inject public void setFinder(MovieFinder finder) { this.finder = finder; } }
T HE INJECTOR • There are many implementations in the Java ecosystem of dependency injectors. Each implementation differs from each others essentially for these features: • How the injector is configured to find the beans it has to manage • How it resolves the dependencies DAG • How it maintains the instances of managed beans.
T HE INJECTOR • Some injectors used in practice are the following: • Google Guice: Guice is a lightweight dependency injection framework that uses Java configuration, implements both types of injection (constructor and setter injection) and maintains managed instances with a Map
W HAT IS DAGGER -2? • Dagger-2 is a fast and lightweight dependency injection framework. • It is implemented through an external component which provides instances of objects (or dependencies) needed by other objects. • In particular, the injection happens at run-time or at compile-time. • Run-time DI is usually based on reflection which is simpler to use but slower at run-time. An example of a run-time DI framework is Spring. • Compile-time DI, on the other hand, is based on code generation. This means that all the heavy-weight operations are performed during compilation. Compile-time DI adds complexity but generally performs faster. • Dagger 2 falls into this category.
E XAMPLE In order to use Dagger in a project, we’ll need to add the dagger dependency to our pom.xml: M AVEN C ONFIGURATION dagger 2.16 Note: Eclipse needs be configured as follows: • Install m2e-apt • Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> Annotation Processing: Select "Automatically configure JDT APT"
E XAMPLE Also need to include the Dagger compiler used to convert our annotated classes into the code used for the injections: M AVEN C ONFIGURATION org.apache.maven.plugins maven-compiler-plugin 3.6.1 dagger-compiler 2.16
T HE C AR EXAMPLE • Dagger uses the standard JSR-330 annotations in many places, one being @Inject. • Since Dagger doesn’t support injection on private fields, we’ll go for constructor injection. B UILD A CAR BY INJECTING ITS COMPONENTS public class Car { private Engine engine; private Brand brand; @Inject public Car(Engine engine, Brand brand) { this.engine = engine; this.brand = brand; } // getters and setters }
C ODE N EEDED T O P ERFORM THE I NJECTION • Next, we’ll implement the code to perform the injection. More specifically, we’ll create: • a module, which is a class that provides or builds the objects’ dependencies, and • a component, which is an interface used to generate the injector • Complex projects may contain multiple modules and components but since we’re dealing with a very basic program, one of each is enough.
C REATING A M ODULE A Module class is annotaed with the @Module annotation, indicating that it can make dependencies available to the container. Then, we need to add the @Provides annotation on methods that construct our dependencies: A M ODULE EXAMPLE @Module public class VehiclesModule { @Provides public Engine provideEngine() { return new Engine(); } @Provides @Singleton public Brand provideBrand() { return new Brand("CSCC01"); } }
C OMPONENTS • Components are essentially the glue that holds everything together. • They are a way of telling Dagger what dependencies should be bundled together and made available to a given instance so they can be used. • They provide a way for a class to request dependencies being injected through their @Inject annotation.
C OMPONENT EXAMPLE Moving on, we’re going to create our component interface. This is the class that will generate Car instances, injecting dependencies provided by VehiclesModule. Simply put, we need a method signature that returns a Car and we need to mark the class with the @Component annotation. Notice how we pas our module class as an argument to the @Component annotation. If we didn’t do that, Dagger wouldn’t know how to build the car’s dependencies. A COMPONENT EXAMPLE @Singleton @Component(modules = VehiclesModule.class) public interface VehiclesComponent { Car buildCar(); }
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