Credit Decisioning Software Category - SPRING 2022 Customer Success Report - FeaturedCustomers

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Credit Decisioning Software Category - SPRING 2022 Customer Success Report - FeaturedCustomers
          Customer Success Report

Credit Decisioning
Software Category
Credit Decisioning Software
Credit decisioning software helps a company determine whether to
approve or decline a loan applicant. The software typically contains a
set of algorithms that automatically review information such as a
credit score, payment history, and other relevant data to make a
decision. The information that goes into the decision is usually
transparent, but can sometimes be proprietary to the company that
developed the decisioning software. The goal of credit decisioning
software is to save companies time and money, allowing them to
provide better service to their customers.

Additionally, it helps lenders predict the risk of approving a loan
application, and then automatically assesses the risk of denying a
loan. The software looks for signals in a borrower’s credit report, such
as the type and amount of credit history, and other factors, like
employment, income, and assets. The software can also take into
account information about the applicant, such as demographic data
and the type of loan application.

                                                                   SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                         Credit Decisioning Software Category            2
Award Levels
            Customer Success Report
            Ranking Methodology
The FeaturedCustomers Customer Success ranking is based on
data from our customer reference platform, market presence,
                                                                                         MARKET LEADER
web presence, & social presence as well as additional data
                                                                              Vendor on with
aggregated from online sources and media properties. Our
                                                                              substantial customer base & market
ranking engine applies an algorithm to all data collected to
                                                                              share. Leaders have the highest ratio of
calculate the final Customer Success Report rankings.
                                                                              customer success content, content
                                                                              quality score, and social media presence
The overall Customer Success ranking is a weighted average
                                                                              relative to company size.
based on 3 parts:


     Total # of vendor generated customer references (case studies,
     success stories, testimonials, and customer videos)
     Customer reference rating score
                                                                                         TOP PERFORMER
     Year-over-year change in amount of customer references on
                                                                              Vendor on with
     FeaturedCustomers platform
                                                                              significant market presence and
     Total # of profile views on FeaturedCustomers platform                   resources and enough customer
     Total # of customer reference views on FeaturedCustomers                 reference content to validate their vision.
                                                                              Top Performer's products are highly rated
                                                                              by its customers but have not achieved
MARKET PRESENCE SCORE                                                         the customer base and scale of a Market

     Social media followers including LinkedIn, Twitter, & Facebook
     Vendor momentum based on web traffic and search trends
     Organic SEO key term rankings
     Company presence including # of press mentions

                                                                                            RISING STAR
     Total # of employees (based on social media and public
                                                                              Vendor on that
                                                                              does not have the market presence of
     Year-over-year change in # of employees over past 12 months              Market Leaders or Top Performers, but
     Glassdoor ranking                                                        understands where the market is going
                                                                              and has disruptive technology. Rising
     Venture capital raised
                                                                              Stars have been around long enough to
                                                                              establish momentum and a minimum
                                                                              amount of customer reference content
                                                                              along with a growing social presence.

                                                                            SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                      Credit Decisioning Software Category                  3
2022 Customer Success Awards
Check out this list of the highest rated Credit Decisioning Software based on
            the FeaturedCustomers Customer Success Report.

                                                           * Companies listed in alphabetical order

                                                     SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                              Credit Decisioning Software Category               4

   SPRING 2022
Credit Decisioning
Software Category

                   SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
             Credit Decisioning Software Category        5
                                                                                                         VIEW ALL REFERENCES
                                       Total Customer References

                                       Featured Testimonials
                                       The part I like most about Abrigo Credit Analysis is the global cash flow analysis. By
                                       putting in the individual tax return and the business tax return, or even tax returns for
                                       multiple businesses, it does the analysis to combine all of those in a meaningful way.
                                               KEN BISHOFF
                                               EASTERN UTAH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION

Abrigo provides market-leading
compliance, credit risk, and lending
solutions to enable its customers      If you are looking for a true partnership to implement an automated allowance software,
                                       Abrigo is the way to go. With the complexity and high scrutiny that financial institutions face, it
to think bigger, allowing them to
                                       is imperative to have a team approach with experts on the allowance.
both manage risk and drive
                                               NATHAN KELLEY
growth. Our mission to “Make Big
                                               SVP CREDIT RISK & REPORTING, UNITED BANK
Things Happen” underscores our
commitment to helping
community financial institutions
succeed against “the perfect           It’s cloud-based, so it’s easy to make changes on the fly. Plus, the support we
storm” of ever-changing and            get from Abrigo is a huge factor. Abrigo is more like a partner to us than a
increasing regulatory                  vendor or software provider.
requirements, limited resources,
                                               DANIEL FOWLER
increasing and new competition,                CREDIT ADMINISTRATOR, CAPITAL CITY BANK
evolving technologies, and
changing customer expectations.
We provide product innovation,
                                       Abrigo’s global analysis ensures accuracy, and the narrative reports provide
world-class support, and
unparalleled expertise so that our
                                       time-savings and consistency. Our examiners have commented that they like
customers can make big things          the uniformity our software solution provides to our credit analysis.
happen.                                        KEVIN ATWOOD
                                               EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, BANK OF CADIZ AND TRUST COMPANY

                                                    TRUSTED BY

                                                                                     SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                          Credit Decisioning Software Category                               6
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                                     Total Customer References

                                     Featured Testimonials
                                     Alkami provides us with an innovative solution that our members enjoy and works
                                     with us for new features and implementations. Alkami’s platform is so easy to use, rich
                                     in features and flexible. Not just for our members, but for our employees as well.
                                              KAILEY FLUEGEL
                                              VICE PRESIDENT, VIBRANT CREDIT UNION
Alkami Technology enable financial
institutions to outsmart, not
outspend, the Megabanks by
                                     With Alkami’s SDK, we can quickly spin up third-party apps, integrate new apps and add new features
providing the nation’s most
                                     across multiple platforms and devices. It is pretty amazing and it doesn’t matter if you have an entire
successful cloud-based digital       software development department like we do at STCU, or you are just about to hire your first developer.
banking platform. The Alkami         With the SDK, you have the ability to rapidly add to and enhance Alkami’s platform to meet your member’s
Platform humanizes digital banking   needs.

so banks and credit unions can                SCOTT RABE
                                              VICE PRESIDENT OF DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT, STCU
confidently grow, adapt quickly,
and build a thriving digital
                                     The platform gives us the ability to customize communication well beyond
                                     promotional messages. The ability to extract raw data and integrate that into
                                     an existing analytics platform is powerful.
                                              MELISSA SCHENKEL
                                              VP, DIRECTOR OF MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS, STAR FINANCIAL BANK

                                     We needed a partner who could provide the ability to add new features and functions quickly
                                     with an open digital banking platform. Alkami’s deep expertise in retail and business banking
                                     translates into platform innovations like extensibility with APIs, an expansive software
                                     development kit, plus a modern UX with cybersecurity tools and world-class data centers.
                                              DAVID MITCHELL
                                              EVP, GM AND CHIEF DIGITAL OFFICER, LIBERTY BANK

                                                  TRUSTED BY

                                                                                     SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                         Credit Decisioning Software Category                                   7
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                                      Featured Testimonials
ABOUT EXPERIAN                        I couldn’t be happier with BusinessIQ. The application is extremely easy to use, and the layout of
                                      the reports is excellent. It’s so easy to get right to the key attributes and information I need. It
                                      has made us more efficient while allowing us to reduce our risk and exposure. BusinessIQ is the
                                      foundation of our credit department.
                                              CAROL ODOM
                                              WESTERN REGIONAL CREDIT MANAGER, WURTH
Experian are the leading global
information services company,
providing data and analytical tools   Experian’s program transformed our statisticians into credit risk managers. It gave the team the
to Experian's clients around the      market and risk-management insight needed to drive real growth in our business by making
world. Experian help businesses to    credit decisions quickly and confidently and offering our members the superior level of service
manage credit risk, prevent fraud,    they have come to expect from the Desjardins Group.
target marketing offers and                   PHILIPPE ST-AUBIN
                                              SENIOR MANAGER, CARD STRATEGIES, DESJARDINS
automate decision making. It also
help people to check their credit
report and credit score, and
protect against identity theft. In    Our customer service–focused culture means we need to know our customers well. Experian’s
2015, Experian were named by          BusinessIQ Premier Profile is one of the best reports in the market for giving us the total view of
Forbes magazine as one of the         a company. We are also pleased with the ongoing innovation from Experian, with BusinessIQ
                                      and the integrated capabilities it provides.
World’s Most Innovative
                                              RIC HANS
Companies. Experian employ
                                              MANAGER CREDIT AND COLLECTIONS, DAYLIGHT TRANSPORT
approximately 17,000 people in 38

                                      Two or three words to describe Experian - the first one to come to mind is stability. Proven -
                                      there's a track record and a level of comfort that we have with Experian. And lastly, being in the
                                      credit net world, the privacy associated with it - the security that Experian as an organization
                                      has is probably the third thing that we are very comfortable with.
                                              KAM NEWMAN
                                              SENIOR COLLECTION ANALYST, DIRECT ENERGY

                                                   TRUSTED BY

                                                                                    SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                         Credit Decisioning Software Category                                8
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                                        Featured Testimonials
                                        Working with FICO helps us make better credit decisions and automate a lot of
                                        our manual processes, therefore bringing a better customer experience.
                                                   RAVI SHAH
                                                   SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT FOR ENTERPRISE, ARCHITECTURE AND STRATEGY, VANTIV

FICO is a leading analytics software
company, helping businesses in
                                        FICO has the most widely used world-leading credit bueau scoring models and excellent professional service teams. Global
90+ countries make better               FICO Score brings immidiate by benefits to our business substantially improving efficiency of our credit decisioning process,
decisions that drive higher levels of   and managing risk to reduce losses effectively. All these help us maintain our leading position in a competitive market.

growth, profitability and customer                 LOLA CHUNG
                                                   SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER RISK MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT,
satisfaction. The company’s
                                                   CATHAY UNITED BANK
groundbreaking use of Big Data
and mathematical algorithms to
predict consumer behavior has
                                        FICO solutions are very important to our programs. The implementation is quick, and the
transformed entire industries.          systems are user-friendly. We know we are making good decisions every time we need to. And
                                        we have the agility to adjust our strategies when necessary, which is important when you are
                                        starting in a new market.
                                                   RICARDO TOLEDO
                                                   MARKETING DIRECTOR, ITAÚ-UNIBANCO

                                        Working with FICO, we're building a credit infrastructure that allows us
                                        to stay competitive and grow our business.
                                                   LOUISE NICHOLSON
                                                   AVP CREDIT INFRASTRUCTURE, TD CANADA TRUST

                                                        TRUSTED BY

                                                                                                  SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                                   Credit Decisioning Software Category                                                 9
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                                      Total Customer References

                                      Featured Testimonials
                                      We reduced the number of approval layers dramatically. The average to
                                      approve a credit limit dropped from nine to four, which is basically because
                                      we got rid of people that we didn't go into having the approval flow.
                                             SANTIAGO TOMMASI
HighRadius offers cloud-based
                                             SENIOR CREDIT MANAGER, THE MOSAIC COMPANY
Autonomous Software for the
Office of the CFO. More than 700 of
the world’s leading companies
have transformed their order to       The main reason behind automating credit was to focus our effort
cash, treasury and record to report   where it mattered most.
processes with HighRadius. Our
                                             PAUL WATTERS
customers include 3M, Unilever,              DIRECTOR WORLDWIDE CREDIT & TREASURY, MERCURY MARINE
Anheuser-Busch InBev, Sanofi,
Kellogg Company, Danone,
Hershey’s and many more.
Autonomous Software is                Before, we were starting to lose business to competitors because it was taking
data-driven software that             us generally two days to onboard a customer. Now we can onboard a
continuously morphs its behavior      customer in less than an hour. So HighRadius really helped with that.
to the ever-changing underlying              LAWRENCE CARROL
domain transactional data. It                AR SHARED SERVICES MANAGER, MARTIN MARIETTA

brings modern digital
transformation capabilities like
Artificial Intelligence, Robotic
                                      While working with parent-child companies, we are able to assign a credit limit to the
Process Automation, Natural
                                      parent and then distribute it by percentage between the child companies depending
Language Processing and
                                      on the amount of business we have to do/ expect to do with each one of them.
Connected Workspaces as
                                             PAUL HEARD
finance & accounting domain.                 MICRO FOCUS

Finance business stakeholders
have been led to believe that they
have only two choices: pick an
application software vendor that
digitizes a paper or …

                                                 TRUSTED BY

                                                                              SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                    Credit Decisioning Software Category                   10
                                                                                                            VIEW ALL REFERENCES
                                      Total Customer References

                                      Featured Testimonials
ABOUT UPSTART                         We are excited to enter this partnership with Upstart. With an exceptional all-digital personal
                                      loan experience, it will make credit more accessible and aligns with our focus on reaching more
                                      people in our communities while helping grow our consumer lending business.
                                               NITIN MHATRE
                                               CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, BERKSHIRE BANK
Upstart is a leading AI lending
platform partnering with banks
and credit unions to expand access
to affordable credit. As they         We selected Upstart because of the dynamic nature of the AI underwriting model that allows us
                                      to approve credit-worthy applicants at competitive rates. Thanks to Upstart, we are able to
transitioned to being a public
                                      provide our customers a digital-first consumer lending product as yet another step in the Bank’s
company, they’re now poised to
                                      digital transformation.
leverage their domain expertise
                                               JIM MATERA
and revolutionize every aspect of              EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, APPLE BANK
lending and credit risk evaluation.
They’ve recently expanded their
offerings to include automobile
refinancing and they plan to take
                                      Upstart’s Credit Decision API will enable us to increase the speed of lending
on more verticals as the business     decisions, better price applicants and more accurately assess risk, ultimately
grows.                                to better serve our customers.
                                               GANESH KUMAR
                                               CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER, ORIENTAL BANK

                                      Telhio selected Upstart as our partner for AI lending based on the modern, member-centric experience of its
                                      online personal loan application process. With Upstart’s AI lending platform, we will be able to improve
                                      credit access based on true risk based on over 1,000 variables without the overreliance on the traditional
                                      credit score and debt-to-income ratio to determine a borrower’s creditworthiness.

                                               DERRICK BAILEY
                                               CHIEF SALES OFFICER, TELHIO CREDIT UNION

                                                    TRUSTED BY

                                                                                       SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                           Credit Decisioning Software Category                                 11

   SPRING 2022
Credit Decisioning
Software Category

                   SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
             Credit Decisioning Software Category        12
                                                                                                       VIEW ALL REFERENCES
                                       Total Customer References

                                       Featured Testimonials
                                       ACTICO provides the bank with an integrated system for all rating models that
                                       comprehensively supports our credit analysts during the rating workflow.
                                               STEFAN KROHNSNEST
                                               HEAD OF RISK CONTROLLING, DZ HYP

ACTICO is a leading international
provider of software for intelligent   We use the platform for our numerous applications in business rules, pricing, credit solutions,
automation and digital decisioning.    and dynamic forms. We have also succeeded in centralizing all the rules in ACTICO Platform
The company provides                   instead of maintaining them in different business applications. Additionally, we have set up a
best-in-class software and tools       collaborative way of working with business experts.
used across multiple industries                RATHSON IN
                                               HEAD OF SOFTWARE AND ENGINEERING SERVICES, ASSU 2000 GROUP
enhancing day-to-day
decision-making and end-to-end
                                       The implementation of the rating models in a robust technical environment has had a very
                                       positive impact on the way credit rating is done, both from a user perspective and also from a
                                       model development perspective. The system has also made it possible to meet our regulatory
                                       obligations extremely well.
                                               JUSTUS ORTLEPP
                                               BUSINESS ANALYST, RAND MERCHANT BANK

                                       As a fintech startup we need to react instantly to changing market requirements and
                                       strategies. Using ACTICO’s credit risk solution based on a graphical rules engine, we
                                       can flexibly and rapidly change our business rules whenever required.
                                               SABINO COSTANZA
                                               CO-FOUNDER, CREDIMI

                                                   TRUSTED BY

                                                                                    SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                         Credit Decisioning Software Category                            13
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                                       Featured Testimonials
ABOUT FINICITY                         At Emburse, everything we do is about humanizing work. Finicity’s data connections enable us
                                       to fulfill that mission by automating manual tasks and rapidly getting our clients the
                                       information they need. Together, we’re making work easier and making lives better.
                                                  TED POWER
                                                  CHIEF PRODUCT OFFICER, EMBURSE

Finicity enables a financial
data-sharing ecosystem that is
                                       We can let our customers share their data seamlessly. Finicity’s open banking platform takes
secure, inclusive and innovative.      care of bank connections and allows us to focus on our mission of building the credit card of
Through its real-time financial data   tomorrow.” So far, the system is working – TomoCredit has a default rate of less than .1%
aggregation and insights platform,     compared to the industry average of around 3%.
Finicity provides solutions for                   KRISTY KIM
financial management, payments                    FOUNDER, TOMOCREDIT

and credit decisioning. It is also
leading the development and
promotion of industry standards.       Finicity has also helped us refine our image with our customers and partners. PHM, in one form or another, has been in
                                       business for over 30 years and, as a realtor affiliate lender, might have been perceived as an old-fashioned lender. While we
The company has developed more
                                       have worked hard to position ourselves as a technology-first company, we're not trying to build a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution
than 16,000 bank integrations, with    designed to force customers into an online-only transaction. I can happily say that with the solutions we’ve architected with
the vast majority through              partners like Finicity, we can now complement our brick-and-mortar services with a premium digital experience all while
                                       remaining true to our brand.
connections that provide access to
                                                  JUSTIN MESSER
formatted bank data, improving
                                                  PROSPERITY HOME MORTGAGE, LLC
information access and accuracy.

                                       Finicity provided a consistent, reliable platform to build on. More importantly, they altered their
                                       internal processes to better deliver a quality experience to homebuyers applying for a mortgage.
                                       Their entire mindset is based on flexibility, and on offering the best technology to their financial
                                                  STEVE MAJERUS
                                                  SYNERGY ONE LENDING

                                                       TRUSTED BY

                                                                                                 SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                                   Credit Decisioning Software Category                                            14
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                                      Total Customer References

                                      Featured Testimonials
ABOUT OCROLUS                         This is where Ocrolus really shines. eCommerce entrepreneurs don’t want to spend time recreating
                                      statements on other platforms if they can’t make the aggregator connection. With Ocrolus, they can easily
                                      upload bank statements, and in under two hours we have the data digitized and (more importantly)
                                      analyzed against the risk analytics, from a cash flow perspective.

                                               DENNIS CHIN
                                               HEAD OF STRATEGIC INITIATIVES, YARDLINE
Ocrolus is a fintech infrastructure
company that transforms
documents into actionable data
with over 99% accuracy. Powered       We're enhancing the Blend platform with Ocrolus' automated, accurate
by Artificial Intelligence and a      document classification and data extraction capabilities. Our partnership with
unique, human-in-the-loop data
                                      Ocrolus enables us to swiftly deliver time-saving innovations to our customers.
validation process, Ocrolus plugs
                                               JEFF BRADDOCK
directly into customer workflows
                                               BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, BLEND
via API, eliminating the need for
manual data work. The solution
includes built-in fraud detection
                                      Ocrolus unlocks data trapped on documents, addressing one of our core issues in operations:
and analytics, enabling customers
                                      We need quality, consistency and accountability in data; this was tough to achieve with manual
to make smarter and faster
                                      data entry. Ocrolus solves that problem by pulling data operationally at scale and consistently
business decisions with               delivering quality data.
unprecedented precision.
                                               SRI KAZA
                                               CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, FORWARDLINE FINANCIAL

                                      Ocrolus serves as a synergistic plugin for RPA, combining artificial intelligence and
                                      crowdsourced validation to analyze financial documents. We’re pleased to partner
                                      with Ocrolus on a common mission to drive automation and reduce manual
                                               GRIFFIN PICKARD
                                               DIRECTOR, AUTOMATION ANYWHERE

                                                    TRUSTED BY

                                                                                       SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                           Credit Decisioning Software Category                                   15
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                                        Total Customer References

                                        Featured Testimonials
                                        With its best-in-class technology for global financial companies, Provenir will
                                        be one of our strategic partners helping us operationalize risk models and
                                        provide real-time solutions to the market.
Provenir helps fintechs and                     TITO GUTIÉRREZ
financial services providers make               COUNTRY MANAGER, FLEXIPLAN

smarter decisions faster with our
AI-Powered Risk Decisioning
Platform. Provenir brings together      Provenir has delivered a solution that increases our agility and responsiveness
the three essential components
                                        to clients. The implementation of Provenir’s software will contribute towards
needed – data, AI and decisioning –
                                        Klarna’s global market goals.
into one unified risk decisioning
solution to help organizations                  BRIAN BILLINGSLEY
                                                CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, KLARNA
provide world-class consumer
experiences. This unique offering
gives organizations the ability to
power decisioning innovation            We have deep insight into every application and contract as we can
across the full customer lifecycle,
                                        instantly get real-time information whenever we need it.
driving improvements in the
                                                JEFF LIVELY
customer experience, access to
                                                SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT DEALER SERVICES, GM FINANCIAL
financial services, business agility,
and more. Provenir works with
disruptive financial services
organizations in more than 50           We found that Provenir outperformed their competitors in the areas where we sought excellence
                                        time to market, functionality, flexibility and technology. With the Provenir solution we will be
countries and processes more than
                                        able to consolidate the systems supporting credit decisions across our whole group onto one
3 billion transactions annually.        platform.
                                                FREDRIK RIDAEUS
                                                NORDIC CREDIT MANAGER, RESURS BANK

                                                    TRUSTED BY

                                                                                    SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                         Credit Decisioning Software Category                         16
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                                    Total Customer References

                                    Featured Testimonials
                                    The product has the vast majority of the functionality right out of the box, was
                                    easily integrated with a credit agency to pull FICO scores and the support
                                    team did an outstanding job making our requested customizations.
                                               CHRISTOPHER REED
                                               PRINCIPAL, SHEPARD CAPITAL PARTNERS

TurnKey Lender is a provider of
intelligent lending, decision
management, and risk mitigation     The TurnKey Lender team provided Zilingo with an end-to-end lending solution that helps us automate
solutions and services. The         origination, approval, servicing, repayment, and more. Thanks to its cloud-based nature, our employees
company’s main product is an        and clients around the globe can access the system at any time. In TurnKey Lender, we’ve found a reliable
                                    partner. We know that whenever there’s a challenge, we can work out the optimal solution together.
award-winning all-in-one modular
                                               WANGWEI ZHENG
platform that can automate both
                                               CREDIT MANAGER, ZILINGO
certain parts and the entirety of
the lending process. TurnKey
Lender is the only company on the
                                    We base our credit decisions on your ability to pay rather than looking just at your credit score. TurnKey Lender was able to
market to offer bank-grade          accommodate their solution to our requirements and together we keep on improving the product we offer. The solution is
automation powered by AI and        very flexible and the team always tries their best to help us. Work with TurnKey Lender is a win-win for us. Because we have
                                    a really good product and the team gets our feedback to better adapt to the needs of our vertical in the process.
deep neural networks to lending
operations of any size.                        ELIESER GONZALEZ
                                               GENERAL MANAGER, OWN IT 4 LESS

                                    With TurnKey Lender, I was able to apply all my theoretical and practical knowledge of crediting
                                    exactly the way I want. Backed by this tech, Capitex Finance has a competitive edge and greater
                                    flexibility in terms of whom we can approve and lending criteria that are easier to meet. When
                                    banks don’t approve a lender, Capitex Finance is there to help.
                                               OZAN CANGUREL
                                               CAPITEX FINANCE

                                                    TRUSTED BY

                                                                                              SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                               Credit Decisioning Software Category                                            17
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                                     Featured Testimonials
                                     Zest really focused on the things that matter most to us: compliance,
                                     documentation, and rigorous monitoring of ML underwriting models.
                                             MIHAELA KOBERJEROWSKI
                                             CHIEF CONSUMER CREDIT RISK OFFICER, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA

Zest AI makes the power of
machine learning safe to use in
credit underwriting. Lenders using   Speed is essential to improving the borrower journey. With Zest's help, most of our members
Zest Automated Machine Learning      can get an immediate decision. We are able to make faster, smarter decisions using Zest,
make better decisions and better     leaving more time for our staff to engage our members and deliver top-notch service.
loans -- increasing revenue,                 TODD PEEPLES ‍
reducing risk, and automating                SVP SALES & LENDING ADMINISTRATION, ALL IN CREDIT UNION

compliance. Zest AI was founded in
2009 with the mission of making
fair and transparent credit          What really excites us is the opportunity to offer instant decisions, better
available to everyone and is now
                                     pricing, and personalized service to our members through our partnership
one of the fastest-growing fintech
                                     with Zest.
software companies.
                                             JENNY VIPPERMAN
                                             CHIEF LENDING OFFICER, VYSTAR CREDIT UNION

                                     Financial inclusion is a core principle for Coastal, which is why we felt it was
                                     important to partner with Zest AI, whose industry-leading fair lending tools will
                                     help us create credit opportunities for more members.
                                             DAVID JACOBS
                                             VP CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT, COASTAL FEDERAL CREDIT UNION

                                                 TRUSTED BY

                                                                                SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                      Credit Decisioning Software Category                         18

   SPRING 2022
Credit Decisioning
Software Category

                   SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
             Credit Decisioning Software Category        19
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                                        Total Customer References

                                        Featured Testimonials
ABOUT GDS LINK                          Corserv wraps GDS Link’s data aggregation and decisioning within our internal workflow
                                        processes, handling applications, local branding, prospect/relationship filters, promotions,
                                        products, prequalifications, documentation, options for manual review, disclosures, eConsent,
                                        letters (including ECOA),and reporting while maintaining a complete data model for analysis.
                                                JERRY CRAFT
GDS Link is a global leader in credit
                                                PRESIDENT, CORSERV
risk management, providing
technology solutions, analytical
and consulting services. Their
tailored, customer-centric risk         Working with GDS allows us to automate very complex decisioning algorithms
management and process                  and incorporate new models that could not be accomplished in our old
automation platforms are                system. It is the key to success.
designed for the modern lender in
                                                HEAD OF CREDIT INFRASTRUCTURE, SPECIALTY FINANCE
their pursuit to capitalize on the              REPUBLIC FINANCE
entire credit lifecycle.

                                        Our long-term success will rely on accessing data sources that are currently
                                        available and will rely on GDS Link’s ability to access additional data sources
                                        in the future. We will add four new data sources next year and four the
                                                DIETMAR BOHMER
                                                CHIEF DATA SCIENTIST, TYMEBANK

                                        Recently, goeasy developed a new adjudication and lending limit strategy that utilized a large
                                        number of statistical models at the same time (7-8). The current process would’ve extended the
                                        project delivery timeliness and by delaying the delivery, reduce the projected results. After doing
                                        some research, we decided to proceed with Predictive Model Markup Language PMML.
                                                ZAUR AKHMEDOV
                                                DIRECTOR, ACQUISITION, RISK & ANALYTICS, GOEASY

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                                                                                      SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                           Credit Decisioning Software Category                          20
                                                                                                                   VIEW ALL REFERENCES
                                      Total Customer References

                                      Featured Testimonials
ABOUT SOFT4                           Good experience, comprehensive information provided, fast responses despite different time
                                      zones. The SOFT4Leasing product offers all of the features we need to grow and scale the
                                      business. It also incorporates many features that may otherwise normally be separate systems,
                                      for example, accounting, document signing, etc.
                                                JAMES SCURR
                                                FOUNDER AND MANAGING DIRECTOR, CASHFLOW IT GROUP

SOFT4 is an international brand for
industry-specific ("vertical"​)
software solutions built on the       At the end of the day I liked what SOFT4 were offering in terms of software functionality, I also
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business       liked the fact that Soft4Leasing consultant was very measured in giving an answer to our
Central (Dynamics NAV) platform.      questions about the capabilities. The other point is that they have been prompt and
We have helped 200+ customers         professional.
and 70+ BC partners grow and                    BOB BURDEN
                                                CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, SELFCO
improve their business globally. ὞
( Dynamics
365 Business Central add-on for       From the very start I was impressed by the level of service provided by the Soft4 specialists and
asset finance and leasing             how smoothly and efficiently the system implementation took place. The Soft4 Development
                                      Team is flexible and has tailored the software to meet my needs. It is reassuring to know that
companies. ὞ SOFT4Lessee
                                      the system is capable of meeting any demands as my business continues to grow.
( Dynamics
                                                OFFICE MANAGER
365 Business Central add-on for
                                                CITADELE BANK
lessees, in need to manage lease
accounting according to IFRS 16
changes. Can be integrated into
                                      EFTA has worked with SOFT4 for four years and found them to be flexible and accommodating to our needs. EFTA operates
any accounting software. ὞            in SME leasing in Africa, a complicated and unpredictable sector which requires a system that can respond accordingly.
Soft4REALESTATE                       SOFT4 provided creative solutions to help adapt SOFT4Leasing to our needs, as well as patient support once the system
                                      had been in put in place. Furthermore, SOFT4’s staff are noteworthy for their friendliness and emphasis on customer
                                      service. EFTA would happily recommend SOFT4 to anyone looking for a value for money solution to their complex business
Dynamics 365 Business Central         needs.
add-on for property management                  TIM ELLIS
companies and property                          CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER, EFTA

operators. ὞ SOFT4Factoring
Dynamics 365 Business Central
add-on for factoring companies.

                                                     TRUSTED BY

                                                                                            SPRING 2022 CUSTOMER SUCCESS REPORT
                                                                               Credit Decisioning Software Category                                       21
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