Australia catalogue 2018 - kate spade new york Australia
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customer service AU ST RALIA T E LE P HO N E : ( 02) 86 6 5 8 2 0 0 O R T O LL F RE E : 1300 852 0 2 2 F AX: ( 02) 9831 1 63 1 E M AIL: I NF O.A U ST@ F I SK A RS. CO M ADDRE SS 100 HOLBEC HE RO AD A RND ELL PA RK NSW 2 1 4 8 P O ST AL ADDRE SS PO BOX 8 8 8 BLA C KTOWN NSW 2 1 4 8 HO U RS M O N DAY - F RI D AY: 9.00A M - 5.00PM (ES T ) SAT U R D AY: 10.00A M - 4.00PM (ES T ) W E BSIT E K A TESPA D EHOMEGI F TS.C OM.AU
contents collections ALL THAT GLISTENS 4 ABOUT TOWN 5 BOUDOIR CHIC 6 BRIDAL PARTY 7 CHARLES LANE 8 DAISY PLACE 10 DARLING POINT 11 EVERDONE LANE 12 GARDEN DRIVE 14 GRACE AVENUE 15 HOLLY DRIVE 16 IN A WORD 16 LARABEE DOT 17 MELROSE AVENUE 18 OUT OF THE BOX 19 PEARL PLACE 20 ROSY GLOW 21 SIMPLY SPARKLING 22 SILVER STREET 24 SMALL WORLD 25 SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE 26 TAKE THE CAKE 27 TO MARKET 28 TWO OF A KIND 29 VIENNA LANE 30 WIT & WISDOM 31 WITH A TWIST 32 YORK AVENUE 33 general information CARE INSTRUCTIONS 35 ASSURANCE PROGRAM & PRIVACY POLICY 36 GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 37 all prices shown are recommended retail prices effective from 1st March 2018. country of origin is correct at time of printing & is subject to change. wwrd australia is the australian distributor of kate spade new york homewares.
the pop of a cork, the raising of a glass. a poolside cocktail served with a swizzle stick, dinner al fresco, a midnight snack. the kate spade new york collection of china, crystal and gifts brings elegance and a touch of whimsy to any occasion. colourful palettes mingle with delicately inlaid designs. may the pieces you select surprise and delight both you and your friends for years to come. cheers.
all that glistens FL A S K 14 5 ML C OA STERS S ET OF 4 10 C M ‘ I NEED A VAC AT IO N’ ‘ G O ING P L AC ES ’ ‘ DAY DREA M ’ 4 4 8 4 170 - $ 9 9.9 5 ‘ C HEERS ’, ‘ ES C A P E’ 4 4 8 4 17 2 - $ 14 9.0 0 C OMPAC T 8 C M C OV ERED B OX 9C M ‘ P ERF EC T LY P O L IS HED’ ‘ TO P S EC RET ’ 4 4 8 4 171 - $ 79.9 5 4 4 8 4 173 - $ 9 9.9 5 RI NG D I S H 10 C M H EA RT D I S H 10 C M ‘A L L T HAT G L IT T ERS ’ ‘XO XO’ 4 4 8 4 175 - $ 9 9.9 5 4 4 8 4 174 - $ 8 9.9 5 All That Glistens features new soft gold mixed with marshmallow phrases on elevated metal gifts that brighten your day. M A DE FR OM gold plated metal M A DE I N china I N TR ODUCE D 2018 PAC K AGI N G kate spade gift boxing A S S UR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement 4
about town H ORS D ’ OEU V RES TR AY 3 5 C M X 19. 5 C M 4 4 6 0 2 3 8 - $ 16 9.0 0 C A N I STER L A RG E 16 . 5 C M ( WID E) 4 4 6 0 2 3 5 - $ 19 9.0 0 About Town is a casual porcelain serveware and accessory collection, featuring whimsical illustrations that depict city scenes. MADE FR OM porcelain, acacia wood lid (canister) MADE I N china I N TR ODUCE D 2013 PACK AGI N G kate spade gift boxing ASSUR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement 5
boudoir chic When it comes to first impressions, the smallest details count. The new Boudoir Chic collection makes a bold statement every time. M A DE FR OM gold plated metal, porcelain PAC KAG I NG kate spade gift boxing M A DE I N china A S S U R A NC E 1 year breakage replacement I N TR ODUCE D 2018 POLISH COMPACT 7CM AN I MAL P RI NT COM PAC T 7 C M C H I C C OMPAC T 7 C M A N I MA L P RI NT MU G 3 55 M L 4484 178 - $79. 95 4484 179 - $79. 9 5 4 4 8 4 18 0 - $ 79.9 5 4 4 8 4 18 3 - $ 4 9.9 5 A N IMAL PR I N T CAR D CA SE 9CM HELLO CARD CASE 9 C M RI NG D I S H 9C M S QUA RE D I S H 15 C M 4484 181 - $79. 95 4484 182 - $79. 9 5 4 4 8 4 18 4 - $ 79.9 5 4 4 8 4 18 5 - $ 9 9.9 5 6
bridal party LOV E YOU MU G PA I R 3 55 ML MR & MRS MU G PA I R 355 M L 4 4 6 0 0 4 5 - $ 9 9.9 5 4 4 6 0 0 4 4 - $ 9 9.9 5 FLU TE PA I R 175 ML OB LONG D I S H 18 C M X 27 C M 4 4 81 012 - $ 14 9.0 0 ‘ JU ST M A RRIED ’ 4 4 6 0 0 4 6 - $ 9 9. 9 5 Designed with newlyweds in mind, Bridal Party includes trompe l’oeil-inspired illustrations and calligraphed phrases for an uplifting, whimsical look. Gold trims and accents provide pop in an otherwise classic black and white palette MADE FR OM porcelain, glass MADE I N china I N TR ODUCE D 2017 RI NG D I S H 9C M RI NG B OX 11 X 6C M PACK AGI N G kate spade gift boxing ‘ M IS S M RS ’ ‘ HA P P ILY EVER A F T E R ’ 4 4 6 0 0 47 - $ 59.9 5 4 4 6 0 0 5 8 - $ 9 9.9 5 ASSUR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement FR AME 4 " X 6" FR A ME 5 ” X 7” FR A ME 8 ” X 10” ‘ LOV E IS IN T HE A IR ’ 4 4 6 0 0 59 - $ 2 2 9.0 0 ‘ B ET T ER TO G ET HE R ’ 4460 048 - $19 9.0 0 4 4 6 0 0 6 0 - $ 26 9. 0 0 7
charles lane Hand-painted to add colour to any room, each piece of Charles Lane giftware is banded in gold to add a beautiful finishing touch. Each of these precious gifts are boxed beautifully. It is important to surround yourself with things you love, like the Charles Lane frames. With a variety of colours such as indigo, camel, mint, and blush, they are an elegant take on this colour story. M A DE FR OM porcelain, back painted glass PAC KAG I NG kate spade gift boxing M A DE I N china A S S U R A NC E 1 year breakage replacement I N TR ODUCE D 2018 8
charles lane BLUSH POSY VASE 11CM FLAX P OSY VASE 11 C M I ND I G O B U D VA S E 15 C M MI NT B U D VA S E 19C M 4460 061 - $99. 95 4460 062 - $9 9.9 5 4 4 6 0 0 6 3 - $ 12 9.0 0 4 4 6 0 0 6 4 - $ 12 9. 0 0 CAME L FR AME 4 ” X 6” I NDI GO FR AM E 4 ” X 6” MI NT FR A ME 4 ” X 6” P I NK FR A ME 4 ” X 6” 4484 161 - $129. 00 4484 163 - $12 9.0 0 4 4 8 4 16 5 - $ 12 9.0 0 4 4 8 4 167 - $ 12 9.0 0 CAME L FR AME 5 ” X 7” I NDI GO FR AME 5 ” X 7” MI NT FR A ME 5 ” X 7” P I NK FR A ME 5 ” X 7” 4484 162 - $169. 00 4484 16 4 - $16 9.0 0 4 4 8 4 16 6 - $ 16 9.0 0 4 4 8 4 16 8 - $ 16 9. 0 0 9
daisy place VA S E 2 3 C M ‘ C HINO IS ERIE’ 4 4 6 0 116 - $16 9. 0 0 VA S E 2 3 C M ‘ I’ D R AT HER B E...’ 4 4 6 0 117 - $16 9. 0 0 A collection of gifting items crafted from white porcelain embellished with graphic black and white illustrations and phrases, accented with gold. M A DE FR OM porcelain M A DE I N china TR AY 2 8 C M ‘ G L A S S ES & K EYS ’ I N TR ODUCE D 2014 4 4 6 0 119 - $14 9. 0 0 PAC K AGI N G kate spade gift boxing A S S UR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement RI NG D I S H 9. 5 C M 4 4 6 0 15 4 - $ 79.9 5 10
darling point FR A ME FR A ME 8 ” X 10 ” 5” X 7” 4 4 8 5 0 0 3 - $ 179.0 0 4 4 8 5 0 0 4 - $ 14 9.0 0 D OF PA I R 350ML C H A MPAG NE SAU C ER PA I R 4 474 6 3 5 - $ 12 9.0 0 4 474 0 0 2 - $ 2 2 9. 0 0 Simple in design, but the perfect sentiment for bridal couples, the Darling Point metal and crystal giftware items have MR. and MRS. etched into them. MADE FR OM silver plate, 18/10 stainless steel (dessert set) & glass MADE I N china I N TR ODUCE D 2008 PACK AGI N G kate spade gift boxing 2 P I EC E D ES S ERT S ET ASSUR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement 30CM 4 4 8 5 0 0 2 - $ 14 9.0 0 11
everdone lane kate spade new york’s quintessential stripe and dot motifs decorate this classic, chic giftware collection. Everdone Lane’s patterns – black & white stripes, enlarged gold deco dots, illustrated scribble and gold polka dots – are represented throughout the collection. M A DE FR OM porcelain, gold plated frames PAC KAG I NG kate spade gift boxing M A DE I N china A S S U R A NC E 1 year breakage replacement I N TR ODUCE D 2017 12
everdone lane MU G 355ML MU G 3 55 ML MU G 3 55 ML DO O DLE S M A L L DOT L A RG E D OT 4460 0 39 - $49. 95 4 4 6 0 0 37 - $ 4 9.9 5 4 4 6 0 0 3 6 - $ 4 9.9 5 MUG 355ML BL AC K ST RIP E TI D B I TS 15 C M S ET OF 4 4460 038 - $49. 95 4 4 6 0 0 4 0 - $ 14 9.0 0 BUD VASE 18CM L A RG E VA S E 27 C M REC TA NG U L A R TR AY 15 C M X 26C M 4460 043 - $149. 00 4 4 6 0 0 42 - $ 24 9.0 0 4 4 6 0 0 41 - $ 14 9.0 0 FR A ME 4 " X 6" FR A ME 5 " X 7" FR A ME 8 " X 10" 4484 111 - $119. 00 4 4 8 4 112 - $ 14 9.0 0 4 4 8 4 113 - $ 19 9.0 0 13
garden drive VA S E 22 C M VA S E 19C M P INK P INK 4 479 0 8 2 - $ 19 9.0 0 4 479 0 8 3 - $ 19 9.0 0 S QUA RE JEWEL L ERY B OX 10 C M S QUA RE JEWEL L ERY B OX 10C M P INK S P OT 4 4 8 4 12 0 - $ 9 9.9 5 4 4 8 4 121 - $ 9 9.9 5 S QUA RE JEWEL L ERY B OX 10 C M S QUA RE JEWEL L ERY B OX 10C M B L AC K T U RQ U O IS E 4 4 8 4 0 3 3 - $ 9 9.9 5 4 4 8 4 0 3 5 - $ 9 9.9 5 Garden Drive continues the brand's toast-worthy giftware tradition with elegant vases and jewellery boxes. Bouquet vases with thick gold banding and a pop of colour and lacquer jewellery boxes with gold plated closures in bold patterns and fresh colours complete the lineup. M A DE FR OM jewellery boxes: lacquer on MDF, flocked interior, gold coated clasp vases: glass M A DE I N china REC TA NG U L A R JEWEL L ERY B OX REC TA NG U L A R JEWEL L ERY B OX 27 C M X 11 C M 27 C M X 11 C M I N TR ODUCE D 2015 S P OT T U RQ U O IS E 4 4 8 4 124 - $ 19 9.0 0 4 4 8 4 126 - $ 19 9.0 0 PAC K AGI N G kate spade gift boxing A S S UR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement 14
grace avenue FR A ME FR A ME 8 ” X 10 ” 5” X 7” 4 4 8 4 0 5 3 - $ 179.0 0 4 4 8 4 0 52 - $ 14 9. 0 0 RI NG H OL D ER VA N I T Y B OX 9CM 20CM X 9CM 4 4 8 4 0 5 4 - $ 9 9.9 5 4 4 8 4 0 5 5 - $ 16 9. 0 0 It’s all in the detail with kate spade’s Grace Avenue collection. A sweet bow inspired by the tonal trim of grosgrain ribbon adds preppy feminine charm to this keepsake range. MADE FR OM silverplate MADE I N china 2 P I EC E D ES S ERT S ET TOA STI NG FLU TE PA I R I N TR ODUCE D 2010 30CM 26 C M 4 4 8 4 0 51 - $ 14 9.0 0 4 4 8 4 0 5 0 - $ 14 9. 0 0 PACK AGI N G kate spade gift boxing ASSUR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement 15
holly drive This Holly Drive compact mirror features coloured enamel, stamped with a quirky phrase. C OMPAC T TU RQU OI S E 6C M ‘ L ET YO U R HA IR D OWN’ M A DE FR OM enamel on gold coated stamped steel 4 4 8 4 0 3 9 - $ 79.9 5 M A DE I N china I N TR ODUCE D 2014 PAC K AGI N G kate spade gift boxing A S S UR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement in a word FR A ME 3 " X 3" FR A ME 4 " X 6" S WEET HA P P Y 4 4 8 4 0 9 5 - $ 9 9.9 5 4 4 8 4 0 9 6 - $ 119.0 0 In a Word features a series of frames with 3D iconic and uplifting kate spade words. M A DE FR OM silverplate M A DE I N china I N TR ODUCE D 2017 FR A ME 5 " X 7" PAC K AGI N G kate spade gift boxing HEL LO 4 4 8 4 0 97 - $ 14 9.0 0 A S S UR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement 16
larabee dot TU MB L ERS 0 . 470 L (S ET OF 4 ) 4 4 5 0 6 3 5 - $129.00 FLU TES 0 .18 0 L (S ET OF 4 ) 4 4 5 0 619 - $129.00 An iconic kate spade new york pattern, the Larabee Dot crystal range features dots etched onto the surface of each piece. B OU QU ET VA S E 22 C M 4 470 3 0 2 - $ 19 9.0 0 MADE FR OM glass MADE I N china & eastern europe ( ) I N TR ODUCE D 2007 PACK AGI N G kate spade gift boxing ASSUR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement B OU QU ET VA S E 18 C M 4 470 3 0 3 - $ 19 9.0 0 17
melrose avenue C OC K TA I L PA I R 3 55 ML 4 4 81 014 - $ 9 9.9 5 C OC K TA I L S H A KER 5 3 0 ML 4 4 8 4 176 - $ 14 9.0 0 A sophisticated set of casual barware, the Melrose Avenue collection features everyday shapes with an elevated gold stripe design. M A DE FR OM porcelain M A DE I N china P I NEA P P L E B OT TL E STOP P ER 10 C M 4 4 8 4 17 7 - $ 79.9 5 I N T RODUCE D 2018 PAC K AGI N G kate spade gift boxing A S SUR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement 18
out of the box Out of the Box is a special collection of glass jewellery boxes offered in classic kate spade new york colourways and patterns. Turquoise, black and clear Larabee Dot, all with gold trim, and an added wink of ‘when in doubt add something sparkling’ etched on the lids. MADE FR OM glass PAC KAG I NG kate spade gift boxing MADE I N china A S S U R A NC E 1 year breakage replacement I N TR ODUCE D 2016 J E W E LLE RY BOX LAR ABEE DOT JEWEL L ERY B OX TU RQU OI S E JEWEL L ERY B OX B L AC K 20CM X 10CM X 5CM 2 0 C M X 10 C M X 5 C M 2 0 C M X 10 C M X 5 C M 4479 08 9 - $149. 00 4 479 0 87 - $ 14 9.0 0 4 479 0 8 8 - $ 14 9.0 0 19
pearl place G OL D VA S E 2 5 C M 4 479 0 3 8 - $ 19 9.0 0 G OL D ROS E B OWL 15 C M 4 479 0 3 9 - $ 19 9.0 0 Giftware with a splash of gold. Iconic kate spade dots on popular shapes. M A DE FR OM glass with 24ct gold M A DE I N china I N T RODUCE D 2015 PAC K AGI N G kate spade gift boxing A S SUR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement 20
rosy glow TOA STI NG FLU TE PA I R 26C M 4 4 8 4 0 2 9 - $ 19 9.0 0 2 P I EC E D ES S ERT S ET 3 0 C M 4 4 8 4 0 2 8 - $ 19 9.0 0 Rose gold on silverplate provides a soft accent to this simply elegant collection. MADE FR OM rose gold & silver plate MADE I N china I N TR ODUCE D 2015 PACK AGI N G kate spade gift boxing ASSUR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement FR A ME 5 ” X 7 ” 2 3 C M X 18 C M 4 4 8 4 0 3 2 - $ 179.0 0 21
simply sparkling Simply Sparkling is a series of glamorous giftables that shine with glitter and metallic accents. The collection includes frames, card holders, compacts and mugs decorated with witty sayings. M A DE FR OM silver plate and porcelain (mugs) PAC KAG I NG kate spade gift boxing M A DE I N china A S S U R A NC E 1 year breakage replacement I N TR ODUCE D 2016 22
simply sparkling FR AME 5” X 7” GOLD FR A ME 5 ” X 7 ” S I LV ER FR A ME 5 ” X 7 ” MU LTI 4484 152 - $149. 00 4 4 8 4 15 3 - $ 14 9.0 0 4 4 8 4 15 4 - $ 14 9.0 0 FR AME 4” X 6” GO LD FR A ME 4 ” X 6” S I LV ER FR A ME 4 ” X 6” MU LTI 4484 141 - $109. 00 4 4 8 4 142 - $ 10 9.0 0 4 4 8 4 14 3 - $ 10 9.0 0 COMPACT 7 CM GOLD CO MPACT 7CM S I LV ER C OMPAC T 7 C M MU LTI C A RD H OL D ER 9. 5 C M X 6C M M U LT I 4484 147 - $79. 95 4484 148 - $79.9 5 4 4 8 4 14 9 - $ 79.9 5 4 4 8 4 14 6 - $ 79.9 5 MUG 3 55M L MUG 355M L MU G 3 55 ML MU G 3 55 ML GOOD A S GO LD LO O K FO R T H E SILV E R L INING T HIS IS T HE L IF E G L IT T ER IS M Y FAVO U RIT E C OLOU R 4460 010 - $49. 95 4460 011 - $4 9.9 5 4 4 6 0 012 - $ 4 9.9 5 4 4 6 0 013 - $ 4 9.9 5 FLUTE PAI R G OLD FLUTE PAI R SI LV ER D ES S ERT S ET G OL D D ES S ERT S ET S I LV E R 4484 155 - $ 169. 00 4484 156 - $16 9.0 0 4 4 8 4 15 0 - $ 16 9.0 0 4 4 8 4 151 - $ 16 9. 0 0 23
silver street The Silver Street collection from kate spade new york is a range of silver plated gifts stamped with quirky phrases, unique to the kate spade brand. M A DE FR OM silverplate PAC KAG I NG kate spade gift boxing M A DE I N china A S S U R A NC E 1 year breakage replacement I N TR ODUCE D 2012 COVE RED BOX 7. 5CM C OMPAC T MI RROR 9C M B U S I NES S C A RD H OL D ER 9C M ‘STOWAWAYS’ ‘ HEL LO S U NS HINE’ ‘ L ET ’ S D O LU NC H’ 4484 3 04 - $79. 95 4 4 8 4 3 0 2 - $ 79.9 5 4 4 8 4 3 01 - $ 59.9 5 C OA STERS 9C M (S ET OF 4 ) ‘ BOT TO MS UP ’, ‘ O N T H E RO C KS ’, ‘ M A K E IT A DO U BL E’, ‘ WIT H A T WIST ’ 4 4 8 4 3 0 8 - $ 79.9 5 24
small world A charming collection for any family’s newest arrival, the Small World offering is crafted in silver-plated metal. Playful yet elevated, baby animal motifs and phrases evoke milestone moments. MADE FR OM silverplate PAC KAG I NG kate spade gift boxing MADE I N china A S S U R A NC E 1 year breakage replacement I N TR ODUCE D 2017 FR AM E 4 " X 6" FR A ME 5 " X 7" S P OON S ET ‘GOI NG P L AC ES’ ‘ HEY, BA BY ’ ‘ YU M . Y U M ’ 4484 002 - $119. 00 4 4 8 4 0 0 3 - $ 14 9.0 0 4 4 8 4 0 01 - $ 9 9.9 5 BANK OWL KEEP SA KE B OX P I G 10C M X 14C M 10 C M X 14 C M X 7 C M 4484 004 - $199. 00 4 4 8 4 0 0 5 - $ 9 9.9 5 25
spirit of adventure C OA STER S ET OF 4 9C M MU G PA I R 410 ML 4 4 6 0 0 6 5 - $ 9 9.9 5 4 4 6 0 0 6 6 - $ 9 9.9 5 P OT 14 C M RI NG D I S H 11 C M 4 4 6 0 0 67 - $ 14 9.0 0 4 4 6 0 0 6 8 - $ 79.9 5 Bring out a Spirit of Adventure with these new giftware items that feature iconic images from across the United States of America. Each piece is adorned with black and white photography that depict a desert road or palm trees blowing in the wind, a city skyline and more. M A DE FR OM porcelain M A DE I N china TR AY S ET OF 2 S MA L L - 15 C M L A RG E 2 0 C M I N TR ODUCE D 2018 4 4 6 0 0 6 9 - $ 14 9.0 0 PAC K AGI N G kate spade gift boxing A S S UR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement H ORS D ’ OU EV RES TR AY 2 5 C M 4 4 6 0 070 - $ 14 9.0 0 26
take the cake TOA STI NG FLU TE PA I R 26C M ‘ TO HAVE… TO HO L D ’ 4 4 8 4 0 94 - $ 14 9.0 0 D ES S ERT 2 P I EC E S ET 3 0 C M ‘ HOW S WEET IT IS ’ 4 4 8 4 0 9 3 - $ 14 9.0 0 The Take the Cake bridal collection from kate spade new york is the perfect “something blue” for any bride. Featuring silver plated items with enamel accents, all Take the Cake gifts include blue accents and a cheeky bridal sentiment. MADE FR OM silverplate MADE I N china I N TR ODUCE D 2015 FR A ME 8 ” X 10 ” PACK AGI N G kate spade gift boxing ‘ HA P P ILY EVER A F T ER ’ ASSUR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement 4 4 8 4 0 91 - $ 179.0 0 27
to market Playful and bright, To Market features detailed illustrated city market views in seasonal colours. M A DE FR OM porcelain PAC KAG I NG kate spade gift boxing M A DE I N china A S S U R A NC E 1 year breakage replacement I N TR ODUCE D 2017 OB LONG P L AT TER TI DBI T 15CM P LATES SET OF 4 27 C M X 4 0 C M 4460 022 - $129. 00 4 4 6 0 0 2 3 - $ 24 9.0 0 BOWL 13CM PAI R 4460 025 - $79. 95 28
two of a kind ‘ MI NE/ YOU RS ’ WI NE PA I R ‘ H I S / H ERS ’ D OF PA I R 500ML 350ML 4 4 81 0 9 9 - $ 12 9.0 0 4 4 81 10 0 - $ 12 9. 0 0 G OL D D OT S H A KER FLASK WITH FACETED 23CM GOLD LI D 130ML 4 4 8 4 107 - $ 14 9.0 0 ‘ JU ST B ET WEEN U S ’ 4 4 8 4 10 8 - $ 10 9. 0 0 The Two of a Kind collection includes sophisticated barware and bridal gifts that sparkle with signature kate spade new york wit. V I NTAG E REC ORD BA R TR AY S ET OF 4 C OA STERS 9 C M MADE FR OM glass, gold plate, silverplate, 34CM 4 4 8 4 10 9 - $ 79.9 5 wine pair - crystalline 4 4 8 4 10 3 - $ 2 2 9.0 0 MADE I N china & eastern europe ( ) I N TR ODUCE D 2011 PACK AGI N G kate spade gift boxing ASSUR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement 29
vienna lane TU RQU OI S E KEEP SA KE B OX 8CM X 8CM 4 4 8 4 0 6 4 - $ 9 9.9 5 TU RQU OI S E RI NG H OL D ER 9 C M ( DIA M ET ER) 4 4 8 4 0 61 - $ 9 9.9 5 Inspired by the kate spade new york jewellery collection, these silver plated gifts are embellished with the signature kate spade bow and accented with coloured enamel. M A DE FR OM silverplate M A DE I N china I N TR ODUCE D 2014 PAC K AGI N G kate spade gift boxing A S S UR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement 30
wit & wisdom PA RTNER I N C RI ME MU G ONE I N A MI L L I ON M U G 295ML 295ML 4 4 6 0 0 4 9 - $ 4 9.9 5 4 4 6 0 0 5 0 - $ 4 9.9 5 SWEET TA L KER MU G TH E B EES KNEES MU G 295ML 295ML 4 4 6 0 0 51 - $ 4 9.9 5 4 4 6 0 0 52 - $ 4 9.9 5 Bright colours and witty phrases give the Wit & Wisdom collection a fun, individual feel. MADE FR OM porcelain WI S E G U Y MU G L I FE OF TH E PA RT Y M U G 295ML 295ML MADE I N china 4 4 6 0 0 5 3 - $ 4 9.9 5 4 4 6 0 0 5 4 - $ 4 9.9 5 I N TR ODUCE D 2017 PACK AGI N G kate spade gift boxing ASSUR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement ONE S MA RT C OOKI E MU G B EST FRI END EV ER M U G 295ML 295ML 4 4 6 0 0 5 5 - $ 4 9.9 5 4 4 6 0 0 5 6 - $ 4 9.9 5 L A DY OF TH E H OU R MU G 295ML 4 4 6 0 0 57 - $ 4 9.9 5 31
with a twist TI D B I T P L ATES 15 C M (S ET OF 4 ) 4 4 6 0 0 31 - $ 12 9.0 0 B OWL PA I R ROU ND P L AT TER 3 8 C M 13 C M X 4 C M 4 4 6 0 0 2 8 - $ 16 9.0 0 4 4 6 0 0 3 2 - $ 79.9 5 C OV ERED B OWL SA LT & P EP P ER 14 C M X 9 C M X 4 C M 8CM X 4CM 4 4 6 0 0 3 4 - $ 12 9.0 0 4 4 6 0 0 3 3 - $ 9 9.9 5 With a Twist marries bright yellow stripes with lemon wedge, slice, and whole fruit motifs for a fresh, contemporary look. M A DE FR OM porcelain M A DE I N indonesia & china (salt & pepper, covered bowl) I N TR ODUCE D 2017 PAC K AGI N G kate spade gift boxing A S S UR AN CE 1 year breakage replacement 3 PA RT S ERV ER 13 C M X 12 C M X 3 C M ( EAC H S EG M ENT ) 4 4 6 0 0 3 5 - $ 19 9.0 0 32
york avenue A subtle beauty, the York Avenue collection is characterised by the embossed grosgrain detailing around the edge of each piece. Bold black trim provides contrast to the crisp white body. Accent pieces include a rectangular tray and set of 4 tidbit plates, with catchphrases such as bon appetit! and salut! MADE FR OM porcelain PAC KAG I NG kate spade gift boxing MADE I N china A S S U R A NC E 1 year breakage replacement I N TR ODUCE D 2017 HORS D’ OEUV RES TR AY 36CM TI B I T P L ATES 15 C M S ET OF 4 ‘ BO N AP P E T IT ’ ‘ BO N A P P ET IT ’, ‘ S A LU T ! ’ 4460 026 - $199. 00 4 4 6 0 0 2 7 - $ 12 9.0 0 33
general information
care instructions caring for china using • pieces must not be dropped or struck against hard or sharp surfaces, or struck with hard or sharp objects. • pieces must not be subjected to extreme changes in temperature. • plates and serving dishes can be warmed before use in an oven at a temperature of no more than 100ºc. • pieces must not be placed directly on a hot stove element or flame. • tableware with a gold or platinum trim must not be used in a microwave. • fine bone china should not be used for cooking purposes. washing • when washing by hand avoid the use of scouring pads or abrasive cleansers. clean with a soft cloth. most stains can be removed by soaking the item in warm water before washing. very stubborn stains can be removed by soaking in a mild bleach solution for up to one hour. • metal marks, caused by minute deposits of metal from cutlery, can be removed with a silverware cleaner. storing • when storing plates, try not to slide them over one another as this may cause scratches on the glaze. the surface of tableware is hard, however, the front of one plate can be scratched by the back of another so care should be taken when stacking and we recommend a paper napkin is placed between each plate. • cups should not be stacked when stored as this may weaken the handles. caring for crystal • care should be taken to avoid bumping glasses together when carrying or washing up. • it is best to keep crystal out of the dishwasher or it may become cloudy. wash by hand in a warm soapy water, avoiding the use of scouring pads or abrasive washing agents. dry with a clean, soft cloth. never twist the bowl against the stem. • no glass should be immersed suddenly in very hot water or very cold water or have very hot or cold liquids poured into them. • store your crystal carefully, standing the right way up and not on the rims of the glasses. caring for your metal giftware • for general cleaning, silver plated items should be wiped gently with a clean soft cloth without detergent or chemicals. • solvents such as enamel remover or thinner, abrasives, harsh scourers, wire wool or hard scrubbing brushes should not be used on silver plated products at any time as they will damage the surface. • silver plated product may get discoloured over time, in which case, please polish with a silver cleaner or a polish specially formulated for cleaning silver. 35
assurance program assurance wwrd australia pty ltd will replace, through our authorised retailers, at no cost to the consumer, any registered item of any current kate spade new york product which chips, breaks or is faulty within one year from the date of purchase. we will also notify any consumers, who have registered, when their tableware, stemware or cutlery pattern is being retired. assurance guidelines and procedures 1. distribution of leaflet to customer when the consumer purchases eligible kate spade new york product, the retailer gives them an assurance leaflet. leaflets and claim forms are available from wwrd sales representatives or customer service. 2. registration by consumer within three months, the consumer fills out the assurance registration form, tears it off the leaflet and posts it back to kate spade new york assurance, wwrd australia, po box 888 blacktown nsw 2148. registration is required for each and every purchase. the consumer should keep the assurance leaflet with their proof of purchase (receipt or closed wedding list) 3. activating the replacement in the event of the product chipping or accidental breakages, the consumer should take the item and their assurance leaflet and proof of purchase (receipt or closed wedding list) to the retailer where they purchased the item. 4. checking validity of warranty claim the retailer should check the date of purchase to ensure the warranty period is valid. if the consumer has no proof of purchase or warranty leaflet use your judgment to determine if the piece is within the warranty period. the retailer could also check with customer service for assurance registration validity. if the retailer is satisfied that the item falls within the conditions of the warranty then the replacement is arranged. 5. arranging replacement retail shops • if the product was purchased less than 1 year ago and the retail value is less than $500: – if the product is in stock: • wwrd consultant to scan replacement item as a sale and the broken item should be scanned as a return. docket value to show $0.00. • record item in stock adjustment book with reason code 55 and in comments write ‘assurance claim and proof of purchase sighted’. – if you do not have the stock of the product please contact customer service to order. when you receive stock follow steps above. • if the product is older or has a retail value of over $500 please contact customer service. the product may need to be returned to customer service via your retail account executive. wholesale accounts • store to complete an assurance claim form, attach a copy of proof of purchase and fax to (02) 9831 1631 or mail to wwrd customer service, po box 888 blacktown nsw 2148. • a replacement order will placed and delivered to the wholesale account. privacy policy for details on our privacy policy please refer to the privacy policy section of our website: 36
general commercial terms & conditions of trade to the fullest extent legally possible, all dealings between wwrd australia pty ltd abn 59 000 078 562 and each of its subsidiaries, divisions, affiliates, associated companies and related entities and any successors and assigns [“wwrd”] and any customer relating to any “products” or transactions are subject to the following terms and conditions of trade (“these terms”) unless otherwise agreed in writing. 1. p ayment a) credit account customers are to pay within 30 days from end of month of invoice without prejudice to any other rights and without being liable to any party b) the customer without deduction b) all other sales are to be paid c.o.d. without deduction. agrees not to commence or continue or permit to be commenced or continued through it 2. p roperty a) property in products shall not pass until payment in full of all monies owed any suit or action against wwrd whilst the customer is in default. on any basis by the customer to wwrd (“full payment”) b) wwrd reserves the right to take 18. jurisdiction all contracts and dealings with wwrd shall be deemed to be made in the state/ possession and dispose of products at any time until full payment and the customer grants territory nominated by wwrd and the customer agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the permission to wwrd to enter any property where any product is in order to do so, with such appropriate courts in or nearest the capital of that state/territory. force as necessary c) immediately upon delivery the customer accepts liability for safe custody 19. description wwrd will have fulfilled its obligations upon having available for delivery of products d) upon sale or disposition of any products prior to full payment, the customer products (plus or minus 5%) which comply with the generic description of what was ordered. agrees to deposit all proceeds in a separate bank account, agrees not to mix proceeds with any other monies and agrees to hold all proceeds in trust for wwrd and forthwith pay the 20. c redit limit if wwrd grants any credit facility or nominates any credit limit, this is an proceeds to wwrd even if wwrd may have granted any credit facility and/or time to pay e) until indication only of its intention at the time. wwrd can vary or withdraw any credit facility payment in full the customer agrees (i) to keep all products as fiduciary for wwrd and store at its unfettered discretion, without liability to the customer or any other party. them in a manner which shows wwrd as owner (ii) only to sell products in the usual course 21. waiver if wwrd elects not to exercise any rights as a result of any default, it shall not be or of business (iii) sale on terms, at cost or for less than cost shall not be “in the usual course” be deemed to be a waiver of any rights relating to any subsequent or other breach. f) this clause shall be read down to avoid it creating a charge g) a certificate purporting to be signed by an officer of wwrd, identifying products shall be conclusive evidence of wwrd’s 22. notice the customer will be deemed to have notice of any change to these terms immediately title thereto. they are adopted by wwrd whether or not the customer has actual notice. the customer shall be bound by any terms and conditions adopted by wwrd immediately they are so adopted, 3. limitation of liability a) the customer agrees to limit any claim on wwrd to the cost of despite any other purported, pre-existing or conflicting terms or conditions. re-supply of equivalent products b) wwrd shall not be liable for any claim loss or expense arising which is made after 28 days from date of delivery (or at all once products have been 23. indemnity a) the customer indemnifies wwrd against any claim or loss arising from or unpacked, on-sold or otherwise used or applied) after which there shall be deemed to have been related to any dealing with wwrd or anything arising therefrom, including any liability unqualified acceptance c) wwrd will not be liable for any contingent consequential direct arising under the trade practices act any other law or as a result of any default or otherwise indirect special or punitive damage arising from any dealing with the customer, whether due b) nothing in these terms will derogate from wwrd’s right to sue the customer for any monies to negligence or otherwise and the customer acknowledges this limit of liability and agrees to owed, for any damage, loss, liability or any other cause of action. limit any claim accordingly d) no other term, condition, agreement, warranty, representation 24. s ecurity for payment (a) the customer will upon written request, charge in favour of wwrd or understanding whether express or implied other than these terms, is made or given. (i) by way of fixed charge all its fixed plant and equipment, books of account, financial 4. e xclusions a) no dealing between wwrd and the customer shall be or be deemed to be a records, goodwill, documents of title and current and later acquired real and intellectual sale by sample b) if wwrd publishes material concerning its business or prices, anything so property (ii) by way of floating charge, the whole of the customer’s other undertaking, published which is incompatible with these terms is excluded c) the customer will rely on its property and assets, with payment of all monies owed to wwrd (b) any charge will be in own knowledge and expertise in selecting any product for any purpose. d) any advice or addition to and will not derogate from nor effect any security given to or otherwise assistance given for or on behalf of wwrd shall be accepted at the customer’s risk in all obtained by wwrd. things and shall not be or be deemed to be given as expert or adviser nor to have been relied 25. partial delivery/forward orders the customer agrees that if any forward order is placed a) upon by the customer or anyone claiming through the customer. to pay for so much of any order as is from time to time invoiced by wwrd b) no delay or failure 5. placement of orders a) if any dispute arises over any order (including any question of to fulfil any part of any order or any alleged delay in or incomplete delivery shall entitle the identity, authority or telephone, facsimile, computer or e-mail order etc) the internal records customer to cancel or vary any order or delay or reduce any payment. of wwrd will be conclusive evidence of what was ordered b) each order placed shall be and be 26. f orce majeure wwrd will not be in default or in breach of any dealing with the customer deemed a representation made by the customer at the time, that it is solvent and able to pay all as a result of force majeure. force majeure means any thing or event beyond the reasonable of its debts as and when they fall due c) failure to pay in accordance with these terms shall control of wwrd and includes any strike or lock-out. be and be deemed to be conclusive evidence that the customer had no reasonable grounds for making the representations and that the representations were unconscionable, misleading 27. insolvency a) if the customer commits or is involved in any act of insolvency, it agrees it shall and deceptive d) when an order is placed, the customer shall inform wwrd of any material be deemed in default under these terms b) an act of insolvency is deemed to include bankruptcy, facts which would or might reasonably influence any decision by or on behalf of wwrd to liquidation, receivership, administration or the like. accept the order and/or grant credit in relation to it e) failure to do so shall create and be 28. c are of products a) wwrd disclaims any responsibility or liability relating to any products deemed to create an inequality of bargaining position, to constitute and be deemed the taking utilised, stored, handled or cleaned incorrectly or inappropriately b) customers must familiarise of an unfair advantage of wwrd and be and be deemed to be unconscionable misleading and themselves with any published information about care of products, by wwrd (including the website deceptive. (f) if wwrd gives the customer a quotation this does not mean wwrd is obliged to noted below at 30.) and must establish that they have observe such published information before accept an order from the customer. an order for the products whether written, oral, or making any claim for returns, c) wwrd shall not be liable for any claim, loss or expense on transmitted by electronic or other means (including via the internet) will only be binding on any basis, which may be sustained or incurred by any person by reason of any alleged variation wwrd once wwrd has accepted it and it will be subject to the t&cs. between products delivered and products ordered. 6. p urchase price a) all sales are made by wwrd at its ruling price at time of delivery b) government 29. r eturns a) wwrd will accept returns of products for credit which are accepted by it in imposts, gst etc (“imposts”) will be paid by the customer c) any wwrd price list, estimate or quote writing as faulty due to workmanship, faulty materials or negligence of wwrd b) credit will excludes imposts unless expressly noted thereon. be for the full invoice value less any costs of return c) products sold as other than first 7. a bility to supply the customer agrees that wwrd will not be liable for any delay in supply or quality (e.g., seconds and run-out stock) may not be returned. availability of any products and wwrd may allocate products to customers at its unfettered 30. website customers are directed to the website: and should discretion: e.g., if demand exceeds available supply. note that these terms replace any terms and conditions of sale (the “conditions”) which are 8. d elivery the customer acknowledges and agrees a) wwrd accepts no responsibility for superseded by these terms. delivery but may elect to arrange delivery at its discretion without any liability and at 31. intellectual property the customer agrees to use every effort to safeguard all intellectual the customer’s costs and responsibility in all things b) wwrd may elect to charge for any property/trade marks and names of wwrd and wwrd holdings group (“intellectual property”) delivery c) it shall be deemed to have accepted delivery and liability for products immediately and to fully inform wwrd of any suspected improper or wrongful use thereof. wwrd notifies the customer that any products are ready for collection or they are placed 32. continuity of lines wwrd makes no representation that any line of products will continue with a carrier or delivered to the customer’s business premises, whether attended or not d) forever and reserves the right to discontinue any line of products upon reasonable public a certificate purporting to be signed by an officer of wwrd confirming delivery shall be notice (including notice on its website referred to in 30.). conclusive evidence of delivery as shall any signed delivery docket e) wwrd will not be liable for delay failure or inability to deliver any products f) once notified that products are ready 33. p lace of manufacture a) wwrd manufactures or has manufactured products where these for collection or delivery the customer agrees to pay all costs of wwrd in holding products can best be sourced and place of manufacture will be noted on products b) as products g) to pay all costs and expenses arising from frustrated or delays in delivery h) wwrd may delay, lines may be made from time to time in different places, some products may vary slightly in cancel or suspend any delivery for any period or cancel any part of any agreement for sale characteristics (e.g., colour, shade, glaze, size, design prominence, finish etc) or may not without liability to anyone. exactly match existing products if you are purchasing replacement items for a set or suite you already have c) customers are expected to check matching before purchase as wwrd makes 9. variation or cancellation of these terms or any order must first be agreed in writing. no warranty that products will match customer expectations arising from any published 10. p allets the customer will return all pallets provided with products and indemnifies wwrd material, earlier or other product runs or existing sets or suites. for the full replacement cost of any pallet not returned to promptly and in good order. 34. glazing and fired items glazed and fired products are made from natural substances (clays, 11. severability any part of these terms may be severed without affecting any other part. minerals etc) so expect natural variations to occur including in colour, shade, glaze, size, 12. other terms and conditions (a) no terms and conditions sought to be imposed upon wwrd design prominence, finish etc b) customers should check matching as noted in clause 33. shall apply, unless agreed in writing (b) wwrd terms and conditions of purchase will apply to 35. m inimum orders a surcharge will apply to orders that are deemed to be small orders. it is the any purchases from the customer, to the exclusion of any customer terms. customer’s responsibility to enquire whether a surcharge will apply at time of ordering. if 13. interest will be charged on overdue accounts at the rate prescribed under the penalty interest your account has not achieved a $10,000 turnover in the preceding 12 months, following rates act 1983 (vic) rate, plus an additional 3%. the acceptance of any future order for products, wwrd will issue the customer with a letter stating 30 day account will be closed. all payments must be made in the currency 14. recovery costs the customer will pay all the costs and expenses (on a full indemnity basis) stated in the invoice immediately. on receipt of payment the products will be despatched to the incurred by wwrd or its legal advisers, mercantile agents and/or other parties acting on customer. if payment is not received and the products are despatched the provisions within wwrd’s behalf in respect of anything instituted or being considered against the customer the t&cs will apply. whether for debt, loss, damages, possession of any products or otherwise. 36. c ustomer restructure the customer give wwrd at least 7 days advance notice in writing of 15. attornment to give effect to the customer’s obligation arising under these terms, the any change in its structure or management including any change in director, shareholder customer irrevocably appoints any solicitor of wwrd as its attorney in all things. or management or change in partnership or trusteeship and/or of the sale of any part of its 16. r etail prices retail price books will be available to resellers from wwrd, which will list all business. current products available and recommended retail prices. 17. default a) upon any default or breach by the customer of these terms or of any other dealing or arrangement with wwrd (“default”) wwrd may at its discretion, retain all monies paid, call-up any monies unpaid, cease further deliveries, recover from the customer all loss of profits arising and/or take immediate possession of any product held by the customer,
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