Odeon Capital Group LLC - Customer Disclosure Brochure June 30, 2020

Page created by Jaime Dominguez
Odeon Capital Group LLC
              Customer Disclosure Brochure
              June 30, 2020

Odeon Capital Group LLC (“Odeon” or the “Firm”) is a registered broker-dealer with the United States
Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and a registered Introducing Broker with the Commodity
Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”). Odeon is also a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority (“FINRA”), the National Futures Association (“NFA”), the Securities Investor Protection
Corporation (“SIPC”), and a registrant of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (“MSRB”).

The purpose of this brochure is to provide you with detailed information about our
brokerage services and expand upon the important disclosures in the Odeon Customer
Relationship Summary or “Form CRS.” A copy of the Odeon Form CRS, along with
additional important disclosures, is available at odeoncap.com/legal.

1. Odeon and Your Financial Professional Act as       place your interests ahead of our own when
a Broker-Dealer and an Associated Person of a         recommending securities, investment strategies,
Broker-Dealer                                         and account types to you. Among other things,
                                                      we do this by evaluating the conflicts of interest
Odeon is a full-service broker-dealer that
                                                      that impact our relationship and eliminating
provides brokerage services to you and other
                                                      them to the extent we can. Because certain
retail customers as well as institutional
                                                      conflicts of interest cannot be eliminated, we
customers. Brokerage services include the
                                                      have procedures in place to mitigate and
purchase, sale, holding and exchange of
                                                      disclose them to you.
securities. In general, our brokerage services are
non-discretionary, which means that you make          Brokerage services are separate and distinct
the decision regarding whether or not to buy,         from advisory services and are governed by
sell, or otherwise transact in your account. As a     different laws and regulations. Odeon, and its
broker-dealer, we will provide execution              representatives, operate in the capacity of a
capabilities, and through our 3rd party clearing      broker-dealer and not an investment adviser.
firms, clearing and custody services to effect        Brokerage services and advisory services have
your instructions. In connection with providing       different costs, levels of service, and expenses.
these brokerage services to you, Odeon and its        They are designed to address different
financial       professionals     may        make     investment needs. Before opening a brokerage
recommendations to you that we believe to be          account, you should carefully consider and
in your best interest. These recommendations          discuss with your financial advisor, in light of
may include whether to open a certain type of         your particular circumstances, the services, risks,
brokerage account with Odeon and whether to           and expenses associated with brokerage services
buy, sell, exchange, or hold a security or a series   vs advisory services.
of securities (i.e. an “investment strategy”) in
                                                      2. Type and Scope of Services Offered to You
your brokerage account.
                                                      As discussed above, when we provide brokerage
When we make a recommendation to you as a
                                                      services to you, we may make recommendations
retail customer, we must have a reasonable basis
                                                      regarding (i) the type of brokerage account to
to believe that the recommendation is in your
                                                      open with Odeon; (ii) whether to buy, sell, hold
best interest. This means that we are required to
                                                      or exchange certain investments; and (iii)

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Odeon Capital Group                                                                       Customer Disclosure Brochure

         whether to implement certain investment            brokerage account, based on your eligibility and
         strategies available to you. Each of these types   selection. In a cash brokerage account, you must
         of recommendations are explained in more           pay for your purchases in full at the time of
         detail below.                                      purchase. In a margin brokerage account, you
                                                            must eventually pay for your purchases in full,
         Recommendations        Regarding     Brokerage
                                                            but you may borrow part of the purchase price
                                                            from our clearing firm. This is generally referred
         Odeon offers different types of brokerage          to as a “margin loan.” The portion of the
         accounts with different features and, in certain   purchase price that is loaned you is secured by
         cases, different costs. Certain brokerage          securities in your account, also referred to as
         accounts have tax-advantage features that can      “collateral.” You will incur interest costs as a
         help you reach specific financial goals such as    result of your margin activity. While many
         saving for education or health care while others   securities are eligible to be used as collateral for
         have features that permit specific types of        a margin loan, some assets are not available for
         investment activity (e.g. Options Accounts). The   margin collateral purposes.
         following table lists the various brokerage
                                                            Given that a margin-enabled brokerage account
         accounts offered by Odeon to retail investors:
                                                            has specific eligibility requirements, unique
                Coverdell Education Savings Accounts       costs, and governing regulatory requirements,
                Individual Taxable Accounts                our default brokerage option is our cash
                Margin Accounts                            brokerage account. You must execute a separate
                Option Accounts                            margin agreement before engaging in margin
                Retirement Plan Accounts                   brokerage activity. Included with your margin
                Roth IRAs                                  agreement is a copy of the Margin Disclosure
                                                            Statement. This statement contains important
                Traditional    Individual   Retirement
                                                            information you should understand and consider
                 Accounts (IRAs)
                                                            before establishing a margin brokerage
                Trust Accounts
                Uniform Gift to Minors Act (UGMA)
                 Accounts                                   Rollover and Transfers of External Accounts:
                Uniform Transfer to Minors Act (UTMA)
                                                            Your financial professional may recommend that
                                                            you sell assets held in an account away from
         Account Minimums: You are not required to          Odeon and rollover or transfer the proceeds
         hold a minimum level of assets in your brokerage   from that sale to one or more Odeon accounts.
         accounts with Odeon. However, if you either fail   For example, your financial professional may
         to fund your account or do not return account      recommend that you liquidate your employee
         opening documents as required, your account        retirement plan (e.g., a 401(k) plan) and roll over
         will be closed.                                    the cash proceeds into an Odeon account. When
                                                            we do so, we are required to have a reasonable
         Odeon opens brokerage accounts on your behalf
                                                            basis to believe that the rollover or transfer is in
         when you complete our Account Forms and
                                                            your best interest.
         Agreements which contain additional important
         information regarding the nature of each type of   Recommendations to Buy, Sell, Hold or Exchange
         brokerage account we offer.                        Securities:
         Cash Brokerage & Margin:                           When you establish a brokerage account with us,
                                                            you have the ability to buy, sell and hold
         Odeon provides brokerage services through
                                                            investments within your account. The primary
         either a cash brokerage account or margin
                                                            service we provide is our trading capability. We

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         execute purchases and sales on your behalf, and        which may include recommendations to buy,
         as directed by you. In a brokerage services            sell, or hold assets. When we make a securities
         relationship we can trade with you for our own         recommendation,         investment     strategy
         account, for an affiliate, or for another client,      recommendation, or recommendation to
         and we can earn a profit on those trades. The          rollover assets from your Qualified Retirement
         capacity in which we act is disclosed on your          Plan (QRP) to an Individual Retirement Account
         trade confirmation. However, we are not                (IRA), the recommendation is made in our
         required to communicate it in advance, obtain          capacity as a broker-dealer unless otherwise
         your consent, or inform you of any profit earned       stated at the time of the recommendation. Any
         on trades.                                             such statement will be made orally to you.
                                                                Moreover, when we act in a brokerage capacity,
         In general, brokerage accounts are “non-
                                                                we do not agree to enter into a fiduciary
         discretionary,” which means that you make the
                                                                relationship with you.
         ultimate decision whether to buy, hold, sell, or
         exchange investments in your account. Even             Please also consider that from time to time we
         when we make recommendations regarding the             may provide you with additional information and
         securities in your account, we will not act until      resources to assist you with managing your
         you instruct us to do so. It is important for you to   brokerage account. This may include but is not
         understand      that     when       our    financial   limited to educational resources, sales and
         professionals       make          a      brokerage     marketing materials, performance reports, asset
         recommendation to you, we are obligated to             allocation guidance, and/or periodic brokerage
         ensure the recommendation is in your best              account reviews. When we offer these services
         interest, considering reasonably available             and information, we do so as a courtesy to you.
         alternatives, and       based on your stated           These activities are not designed to monitor
         investment objective, risk tolerance, liquidity        specific investment holdings in your brokerage
         needs, time horizon, financial needs, tax status,      account, they do not contain specific investment
         and other financial information you provide us.        recommendations about investment holdings,
         We rely on you to notify us when any of these          and you should not consider them a
         factors have changed. You may accept or reject         recommendation to trade or hold any particular
         any recommendation.                                    securities in your brokerage account. Upon your
                                                                request, we will review such information and
         Account Monitoring: In general, while your
                                                                reports with you and may provide you with
         financial professionals may voluntarily review
                                                                investment recommendations, but we are not
         your account holdings and provide you with an
                                                                under a specific obligation to do so.
         unsolicited recommendation, we will not
         monitor your account on a regular basis. It is         Agency vs. Principal Trades: When transactions
         your responsibility to monitor the investments in      occur in your account with us, we act as either
         your brokerage account, and we encourage you           an agent or as principal. The capacity in which we
         to do so regularly. We do not commit to provide        are acting will be reflected on your trade
         on-going monitoring of your brokerage account.         confirmation.
         If you prefer on-going monitoring of your
                                                                   When we engage in an agency trade, we act
         account or investments, you should speak with a
                                                                    as an intermediary between you and the
         financial advisor about whether an advisory
                                                                    buyer of a security when you sell the
         services relationship is more appropriate for
                                                                    security, and between you and a seller of the
                                                                    security when you buy a security. Odeon
         Incidental Brokerage Services: Within your                 does not own or have some other beneficial
         brokerage account, we may also provide other               interest in the securities involved in a sale,
         incidental services such as research reports,              purchase, or exchange transaction done on

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             an agency basis. In these circumstances,         believe could be in the best interest of retail
             Odeon acts as a broker.                          investors, given our Firm’s investment
            When we engage in a principal trade, Odeon       philosophy and capabilities.
             buys or sells for an account in which Odeon
                                                              In addition, certain investments, such as
             has a beneficial ownership interest, which in
                                                              municipal bonds and commodities, can only be
             most cases is a proprietary account. In other
                                                              recommended by financial professionals with
             words, Odeon sells to you a security that it
                                                              specific registration and licensing. Not all of our
             holds in its own account or purchases the
                                                              financial professionals have the appropriate
             security from you for purposes of holding
                                                              securities licenses from FINRA to make
             the security in its own account. In these
                                                              recommendations to buy, sell, or exchange
             circumstances, Odeon acts as a principal
                                                              securities or recommend strategies involving all
             (also called a dealer).
                                                              types of securities. Your financial professional
         Recommendations of Investment Strategies:            will discuss with you and provide you with
                                                              information about their ability to recommend
         Odeon and your financial professional may
                                                              certain types of investments.
         recommend to you one or more investment
         strategies. An investment strategy is a series of    Investment Risks:
         transactions in securities that are done for the
                                                              Even when we have a reasonable basis to believe
         purpose of accomplishing a specific investment
                                                              an investment is in your best interest, you can
         or economic outcomes such as “income-
                                                              still lose some or all of your money when
         generating” or “tax-advantaged” or “non-
                                                              investing. No investments are “guaranteed” and
         correlating.” A strategy would also include
                                                              you should only invest assets for which you are
         recommendations to you to use a bond
                                                              willing to accept some risk of loss. We cannot
         investment technique called “laddering,” or a
                                                              guarantee that you will meet your investment
         lending strategy called “margin.” Your financial
                                                              goals, or that our recommended investments or
         professional may also recommend the use of a
                                                              investment strategies will perform as
         3rd party investment manager as part of his or
                                                              anticipated. The risks attendant to any
         her investment strategy recommendation.
                                                              investment or investment strategy vary in both
         Bases for Our Recommendations and Limitations        nature and scope, and it is important that you
         on Our Recommendations:                              understand the risks of your investments before
                                                              making a decision. The following are some basis
         Before we recommend a transaction, investment
                                                              risks involved in a variety of investment types:
         strategy or type of brokerage account, we will
         ask you for certain information regarding you,          Risk of Principal Loss: The risk that you will
         your financial goals, and your investments. We           lose some or all of the money you invest.
         use this information to form a customer profile         Volatility: The risk that your investments will
         that we will rely on to form a reasonable basis to       fluctuate in value.
         believe our recommendations are in your best            Interest Rate Risk: The risk that the value of
         interest. We rely on you to promptly notify us           your investments may decrease with
         when any of this provided information has                fluctuations in interest rates.
         changed.                                                Liquidity: The risk that you may not be able
                                                                  to access your invested assets for a certain
         While we offer a broad range of investments in
                                                                  period of time, and that if you need those
         individual securities (such as common stocks and
                                                                  assets sooner, you may have to pay a
         bonds), we do not offer or recommend every
                                                                  substantial penalty.
         investment that could be available to you in the
                                                                 Issuer Credit Risk: The risk that the company
         global or U.S. marketplace. Rather, we only offer
                                                                  that created or issued your investment will
         investments that we have a reasonable basis to

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             not have the ability to pay when your                    Size and value of transaction
             investment is due.                                       Frequency of trade activity
         There are other risks associated with investing in   In addition, your financial professional may have
         securities. You should consult the available         the ability to modify the amount of commissions
         offering documents for each security we              Odeon will charge for a securities transaction
         recommend for information on the specific risks      within certain parameters. Your financial
         associated with the recommendation. Offering         professional may charge different commissions
         documents include prospectuses, offering             for different clients for the same transactions
         memorandums,            private        placement     involving identical securities. You should discuss
         memorandums, and similar documents. We can           with your financial professional the commissions
         provide those documents to you upon request,         he or she charges. Commission rates are
         or help you find them. If offering documents or      negotiable.
         other written disclosures are not available with
         regard to a particular security, your financial      Mark-ups and Mark-downs:
         professional can help explain any potential          There are costs associated with transactions in
         investment risks to you.                             any financial product. When you purchase or sell
         3. Fees and Costs that Apply to Your                 investments in a principal transaction, the cost of
         Transactions, Holdings, and Accounts                 purchasing the investment may include a charge
                                                              called a “mark-up.” This means that when Odeon
         The following describes the material fees and        sells you a security from its inventory, Odeon will
         costs that you directly or indirectly will pay for   sell the security to you at a price that is higher
         brokerage services. These fees and costs are paid    than the market price of the security. The
         to Odeon. In turn, a portion of these fees and       difference between the sales price and the
         costs are paid to your financial professional,       market price (or “spread”) is the “mark-up” and
         which we explain under “Compensation of Your         is a form of compensation paid to Odeon. It’s
         Financial Professional.”                             important for you to understand that the higher
                                                              the price for your particular investment —
                                                              including the mark-up — the lower your yield, or
         When Odeon acts as your agent, Odeon charges         return on investment.
         you a commission when Odeon executes a
                                                              On the other hand, if Odeon buys a security from
         purchase, sale, or exchange transaction of
                                                              you for purposes of taking that security into its
         certain types of securities. A commission is
                                                              own inventory, Odeon often will buy the security
         either a flat dollar amount per trade, or a
                                                              from you at a price that is lower than the market
         percentage of the total price of the securities
                                                              price. The spread between the purchase price
         involved in the trade. The commission amount
                                                              paid to you and the market price is called a
         is deducted from your account. While facts
                                                              “mark-down.” The “mark-down” is not direct
         dependent and negotiable, typical commission
                                                              compensation. However, Odeon may then sell
         rates are $0.03 to $0.05 per share for equity
                                                              that security to another customer or a third
         transactions and 1% to 5% for fixed income
                                                              party. If the sales price is higher than the price
                                                              that Odeon purchased the security from you, the
         Commission amounts can vary depending upon           difference or spread is compensation paid to
         certain factors such as:                             Odeon.

                 Underlying product selection                Odeon and your financial professional are
                 Brokerage service level and account         responsible for determining the mark-up for the
                  type                                        security Odeon will sell or buy from you. In the
                                                              case of a sale of a security to you, the mark-up

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         and commission, though facts dependent and           4. Conflicts of Interest
         negotiable, generally will not be more than 5%.
                                                              A “conflict of interest” is an incentive or interest
         However, the spread may vary depending on the
                                                              that might influence Odeon or your financial
         security. Your financial professional may quote a
                                                              professional, consciously or unconsciously, to
         different price for different clients for the same
                                                              make a recommendation that is not
         transactions. You should discuss with your
                                                              disinterested. At Odeon, we have procedures in
         financial professional the price quoted and
                                                              place to identify, eliminate, and where
         whether the price is negotiable.
                                                              elimination is not possible, mitigate and disclose
         Distribution Fees and Credit Interest:               all material conflicts of interest associated with
                                                              the securities we offer and those conflicts that
         When you open an account, our financial
                                                              create an incentive for your financial
         professionals may recommend you “sweep”
                                                              professional to place his or her interest ahead of
         funds that are not invested into cash products or
                                                              yours. In this section, we discuss certain material
         money market funds. Certain money market
                                                              conflicts that apply to our relationship.
         funds may pay us a distribution fee that
         increases when more of our clients’ funds are        Commissions and Other Transaction-Based
         invested in the money market fund. As a result,      Compensation:
         we have an incentive to recommend only those
                                                              Odeon and your financial professional have an
         money market funds that pay us distribution
                                                              incentive to recommend that you sell, buy, or
         fees over those that do not, although our
                                                              exchange securities more frequently because
         financial professionals do not share in those
                                                              doing so increases the transaction-based
         fees. In addition, when you select a cash sweep
                                                              compensation Odeon receives. Additionally,
         option instead of a money market fund, we are
                                                              Odeon has an incentive to recommend that you
         eligible to receive credit interest on that cash
                                                              engage in transactions involving securities for
                                                              which it may charge higher commissions (e.g.,
         Other Fees and Costs:                                options) than what may be charged for other
                                                              securities (e.g., domestic stocks).
         Clients may incur certain charges imposed by
         third parties such as custodial fees, deferred       Agency Cross Transactions:
         sales charges, odd-lot differentials, transfer
                                                              Odeon and your financial professional may
         taxes, wire transfer and electronic fund fees, and
                                                              engage in agency cross transactions. In these
         other fees and taxes on brokerage accounts and
                                                              circumstances, Odeon and your financial
         securities transactions. These other fees can be
                                                              professional may match customers who want to
         found described in our Clearing Firm Customer
                                                              sell a security with another customer who wants
         Brochure at odeoncap.com/legal. This document
                                                              to buy that same security (or vice versa). As a
         is provided for your reference by our Clearing
                                                              result, Odeon will enter into the purchase/sale
         Firm and is subject to change without notice.
                                                              transaction between the two clients rather than
         Compensation of Your Financial Professional:         purchasing or selling the security through an
                                                              exchange or otherwise engaging in the
         Odeon pays compensation to your financial
                                                              transaction with a party who does not have an
         professional. The amount of that compensation
                                                              account with Odeon.
         is a percentage of revenue that he or she
         generates for Odeon. The revenue includes the        Principal Transactions, Mark-ups and Mark-
         above-discussed commissions and spreads.             downs:

                                                              When we act as principal, Odeon and your
                                                              financial professional sell you securities that we
                                                              hold in a firm account or buy securities from you

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         for our own account. As described earlier in this       Limitations on Your Financial Professional’s
         Brochure, Odeon’s compensation is a mark-up             Ability to Make Certain Recommendations:
         when it sells you a security in a principal trade.
                                                                 Your financial professional can only recommend
         When Odeon sells you a security, it has an
                                                                 services and products for which the financial
         incentive to recommend that you buy the
                                                                 professional is properly licensed. For example,
         security at a price higher than what Odeon might
                                                                 our financial professionals are licensed to
         receive from a person who is not a client of the
                                                                 provide brokerage services but not investment
         firm or who may have more investment
                                                                 advisory services. Additionally, if your financial
         experience. Additionally, when Odeon holds a
                                                                 professional is not licensed to recommend
         security in its own account, it bears the risk of
                                                                 certain types of investments for which additional
         owning that security. Therefore, it has an
                                                                 licensing is required (such as municipal bonds,
         incentive to recommend that you buy the
                                                                 commodities futures, or off-exchange foreign
         security, even though buying it may not be in
                                                                 exchange transactions), he or she cannot
         your interest. When Odeon purchases a security
                                                                 recommend those securities or related
         from you, it has an incentive to recommend that
                                                                 strategies even if purchasing such securities or
         you sell the security at a price lower than what
                                                                 taking advantage of such strategies is in your
         Odeon might receive from a person who is not a
                                                                 best interest. Accordingly, you should discuss
         client of the firm or who may have more
                                                                 with your financial professional whether he or
         investment experience. Additionally, Odeon may
                                                                 she is licensed to provide you with the
         recommend that you purchase the security
                                                                 investment advice that is appropriate for your
         because it believes that it may sell the security at
                                                                 financial needs.
         a higher price to you rather than another
         customer or a person who is not a customer of           Rollovers, Account     Transfers    and   Similar
         the firm.                                               Transactions:
         Underwriting of “New Issues”:                           Generally, Odeon does not permit your financial
                                                                 professional to make recommendations
         Odeon and your financial professional may
                                                                 regarding the purchase, sale, or exchange of
         recommend that you invest in securities issued
                                                                 securities or recommendations regarding
         in an initial public and/or secondary offerings
                                                                 investment strategies with regard to securities
         (“new issues”) for which Odeon and/or its
                                                                 not held at Odeon. Such accounts are called
         affiliate acts as a manager, underwriter, and/or
                                                                 “held away” accounts. In order for Odeon and
         a member of the selling group. Odeon has a
                                                                 your financial professional to provide brokerage
         conflict of interest in recommending these
                                                                 services including such recommendations,
         securities. Odeon receives all or a portion of the
                                                                 Odeon and your financial professional have an
         “gross spread,” which represents the difference
                                                                 interest in recommending that you open one or
         between the price that you pay for the security
                                                                 more accounts with Odeon, liquidate your
         and the price for which Odeon and/or its affiliate
                                                                 holdings at another firm, and move your assets
         purchases the security. This gross spread may be
                                                                 to the Odeon account. Odeon and your financial
         higher or lower in connection with certain
                                                                 professional are incentivized to make such a
         offerings. In addition, Odeon has a substantial
                                                                 recommendation even if doing so is contrary to
         interest in assuring that the offering is successful
                                                                 your interest because we only receive
         because Odeon and/or its affiliate bears the
                                                                 compensation for providing brokerage services if
         financial and reputational risk of not selling all or
                                                                 the assets are held by Odeon. For example, if you
         most of the securities. Therefore, Odeon has
                                                                 have an account in your employer’s retirement
         incentives to recommend that you purchase
                                                                 plan, Odeon and your financial professional have
         these new issues for these reasons, rather than
                                                                 an interest in recommending that you take a
         based on your needs.
                                                                 distribution from your retirement plan account

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         and rollover the proceeds to an IRA held at        Customer Identification Program
         Odeon. Odeon and your financial professional
                                                            Important Information about Procedures for
         also have an incentive to recommend that you
                                                            Opening a New Retail Account:
         liquidate your brokerage account at another
         broker-dealer and transfer the proceeds to one     To help the government fight the funding of
         or more accounts held at Odeon.                    terrorism and money laundering activities,
                                                            federal law requires all financial institutions to
         5. Additional Disclosures
                                                            obtain, verify, and record information that
         Privacy Statement                                  identifies each person and entity that seeks to
                                                            open an account. What this means for you:
         We collect nonpublic personal information
                                                            When you open an account, we will ask for your
         about you from the following sources:
                                                            name, address, SSN, date of birth, identifying
         information from your application or other
                                                            documents, and other information that will
         forms; information about your transactions; and,
                                                            allow us to identify you.
         information we may receive from consumer
         reporting agencies. We do not disclose any         Important Information about Procedures for
         nonpublic personal information about our           Opening a New Institutional Account, including
         customers or former customers to anyone,           DVP/RVP Accounts:
         except as permitted or required by law or upon
                                                            For our Institutional Accounts we may request
         request of a regulatory body. We restrict access
                                                            the following: For a corporation, partnership,
         to your personal and account information to
                                                            trust, limited liability company, or other legal
         those staff members who need to know that
                                                            entity we will need to know the principal place of
         information to provide products and services to
                                                            business address, tax identification number,
         you. We maintain physical, electronic, and
                                                            articles of formation, operating agreement,
         procedural safeguards to guard your nonpublic
                                                            formation documents, partnership or trust
         personal information. When disposing of paper
                                                            agreement and any other information that will
         documents that contain nonpublic information
                                                            allow our firm to identify the organization. U.S.
         on our customer our staff members are trained
                                                            Department of the Treasury, Securities and
         to physically shred them or dispose of them
                                                            Exchange Commission and FINRA Rules require
         though a contracted disposal company. The full
                                                            this information to be provided. Additional
         content of our privacy policy on our website at
                                                            requirements post May 11, 2018, per FinCEN’s
                                                            Customer Due Diligence (“CDD”) Rule, will
         Business Continuity                                require additional documentation around the
                                                            beneficial ownership of legal entity customers,
         During times of local or national emergencies,
                                                            as well as the controlling individuals of legal
         the office may be closed and every attempt to
                                                            entity customers. These individuals will require a
         return to normal business operation will be
                                                            level of documentation sufficiently similar to
         made. Our Business Continuity Plan addresses
                                                            those of retail account individuals as described
         varying degrees of business disruption and is
         reviewed and tested annually. To access your
         account funds or positions, please dial 212-257-   FINRA BrokerCheck
         6980 or check our website for alternative access
                                                            FINRA BrokerCheck allows investors to learn
         information. Our Business Continuity Plan is
                                                            about the professional background, business
         subject to modification, a summary is posted on
                                                            practices, and conduct of FINRA member firms or
         our website. If a customer would like to receive
                                                            their registrants. The telephone number of the
         a copy of our plan please send a written request
                                                            BrokerCheck is 800-289-9999, the website
         to Odeon Capital Group, Information Technology
                                                            address is http://www.brokercheck.finra.org. An
         Dept., 750 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10022.

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Odeon Capital Group                                                                        Customer Disclosure Brochure

         investor brochure is also available upon request.   exemption from Rule 605 (then known as Rule
         Per FINRA Rule 2210 a hyperlink to BrokerCheck      11 Ac1-5) for small market centers that do not
         is on the first page of our website.                focus their business on the most actively traded
                                                             securities. This exemption exempts any market
         Tax & Legal Advice
                                                             center that reported fewer than 200
         No one associated with Odeon is authorized to       transactions per trading day on average over the
         render tax or legal advice and customer may not     preceding six month period in securities that are
         and should not rely upon such advice, if given.     covered by the Rule (that is, national market
                                                             system securities that do not qualify for the
         Complaints                                          inactively traded security exemption), but only if
         Complaints regarding your account may be            more than 90% of such transactions were in
         directed to the Odeon Capital Group at 750          securities that are not included in the Nasdaq-
         Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10022. Attention:      100 Index or the S&P 500 Composite Stock Price
         Compliance Department. The telephone number         Index. Odeon Capital Group, effects sufficiently
         is 212-257-6980.                                    few transactions to fit within this exemption.
                                                             Accordingly, the firm is not required to report
         Inaccuracies and/or Discrepancies – Questions       pursuant to Rule 605.
         about Your Account Statement
                                                             SEC Rule 606 Disclosure
         Your account statement contains important
         information about your securities account,          In accordance with SEC Rule 606, Odeon is
         including recent transactions. All account          making available a quarterly report which
         statements sent to you shall be deemed              identifies the significant market cents to which
         complete and accurate if not objected to in         customer orders were routed for execution. This
         writing within 10 days of receipt. Please report    Rule requires Odeon to disclose the top 10
         any inaccuracy or discrepancy in your account to    market centers in terms of total number of
         Odeon’s Operations Department. Odeon                orders routed for execution and any other
         encourages you to review the details in your        market centers to which the firm routes 5% or
         statement.                                          more of its customers’ orders. The report is
                                                             divided into four sections as mandated by the
         Changes of Address                                  SEC: (1) equity securities listed on the NYSE, (2)
         Please promptly notify your representative of       equity securities listed on the NASDAQ Stock
         any changes in your residential address or          Market, Inc., (3) equity securities listed on the
         contact information. Failure to notify the firm     AMEX or any other national securities exchange,
         may result in Odeon’s inability to send you         and (4) exchange-listed options The report will
         important notifications which could result in       disclose the material aspects of Odeon’s
         restrictions or other issues in your account.       relationship with those top market centers
                                                             should it receive a significant amount of order
         Changes in Your Account Information                 flow and what percentage of customer orders
                                                             are routed to each of the top market centers.
         Please promptly notify your representative of
                                                             Additionally, this information is also available to
         any changes in your investment experience,
                                                             customers upon written request as to the venues
         investment objectives, or financial information.
                                                             to which their individual orders were routed.
         SEC Rule 605 Disclosure                             Rule 606 report links are provided at
         By letter dated June 22, 2001, the Securities and
         Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) notified
         Richard Romano, Chair of the Small Firms
         Advisory Board, of the SEC’s decision to grant an

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Odeon Capital Group                                                                          Customer Disclosure Brochure

         SEC Rule 607                                          of the customer limit order, without first
                                                               executing the customer limit order.
         In accordance with SEC Rule 607 of Regulation
         NMS, Odeon is required to disclose upon               FINRA Rule 5320 – Order Handling Practices
         account opening and on an annual basis
                                                               Under rule 5320, if a firm is in possession of a
         thereafter (1) its policies regarding payment for
                                                               customer order that is eligible for protection, the
         order flow, including a statement as to whether
                                                               firm may not receive executions for its own
         any payment for order flow is received for
                                                               account at prices that would satisfy the
         routing customer orders and a detailed
                                                               customer order without providing the
         description of the nature of the compensation
                                                               executions to the customer order. Rule 5320
         received, and (2) their polices for determining, in
                                                               permits firms to accept orders from institutional
         the absence of specific customer instructions,
                                                               accounts and to trade along or exclusive of such
         where to route customer orders that are the
                                                               orders without providing them protection as
         subject of payment for order flow, including a
                                                               long as the firms have provided disclosure of
         description of the extent to which orders can be
                                                               their order handling practices. Odeon takes this
         executed at prices superior to the NBBO. Odeon
                                                               opportunity to explain which institutional
         does not pay for order flow nor does it receive
                                                               customer orders will receive protection under
         payment for order flow. However, Odeon
                                                               Rule 5320. Orders received from institutional
         potentially may profit by trading as principal with
                                                               customers that are below 10,000 shares, under
         its customers’ orders. Additionally, orders
                                                               $100,000 in notional value and entered on a held
         routed to public exchanges may be eligible for
                                                               basis will be protected by Odeon. Therefore, the
         “rebates” under the relevant exchange rules. If
                                                               trade desk at Odeon with knowledge of such an
         Odeon were to receive a rebate net of fees
                                                               order will be required to provide the order with
         assessed by such an exchange, such could be
                                                               protection. Additionally, an institutional
         considered “payment for order flow”. For any
                                                               customer may opt into order protection on
         execution, customers of Odeon are entitled to
                                                               orders over 10,000 shares, under $100,000 in
         know the venue of execution, and whether
                                                               notional value, provided that these orders are
         Odeon netted a rebate from such venue during
                                                               entered on a “held” basis. Odeon will consider
         the relevant time period.
                                                               such requests on a case by case basis and will
         Market Orders                                         inform the customer whether it is willing to
                                                               accept such a protected order. Because “not
         The firm will make all reasonable efforts to
                                                               held” orders (including best-efforts, VWAP
         obtain the best possible price available at the
                                                               orders, “anticipate” orders, percentage of
         time the order is received. In the event that a
                                                               volume orders, stopped orders, “work” orders
         customer market order is placed at the same
                                                               and “over-the-day” orders) require that the firm
         time as a firm order, the customer order will be
                                                               exercise discretion as to the time and price of
         completed first.
                                                               execution, Odeon does not believe that it is
         Limit Orders                                          feasible for these orders to be eligible for
                                                               protection. Additionally, orders executed subject
         The firm will handle any customer limit orders,       to guarantee (including guaranteed close,
         whether received from its own customers, or           market-on-close,       limit-on-close       orders,
         from another broker-dealer with all due care so       guaranteed open orders, market –on-open and
         as not to “trade ahead” of limit orders.              guaranteed VWAP orders) are ineligible for
         Therefore, the firm will not trade on buy orders      protection. Lastly, complex orders (basket or
         at prices equal to or less than that of the limit     program orders, risk arbitrage pairs orders,
         order, or conversely the firm will not trade on       spread orders, convertible swaps orders and
         sell orders at prices equal to or greater than that   multi-leg orders) from customers will not be

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         eligible for protection because of the difficulties   behavior) -- the available sweep money market
         in assessing which firm executions are applicable     funds typically pay higher 12b-1 fees than other
         to a particular complex customer order. Risk          money market funds. The Firm may receive up to
         orders (including Total Touch Risk orders, Beat-      1.00% annually of client assets in the sweep
         the-VWAP orders and Hedging Outperformance            money market funds from the money market
         Orders) with price improvement will not be            fund sponsor in connection with 12b-1 fees.”
         eligible for Rule 5320 protection. Rather such
                                                               FINRA Rule 2266
         customer orders will be priced according to the
         price-improvement formula agreed upon                 You may obtain more information about the
         between Odeon and the customer. If any                Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC)
         customer should have any questions, please            coverage on your brokerage account by
         contact your sales trader.                            contacting the firm or requesting a SIPC
                                                               brochure. SIPC’s website is www.sipc.org and
         Net Basis Orders
                                                               the telephone number is 202-371-8300.
         At the time an order is placed with Odeon, our
         firm may trade the order on a “net” basis, unless
         the client affirmatively raises an objection. A net   In the case of a transaction in a reported
         transaction is a principal transaction in which       security, or an equity security quoted on
         Odeon may perform either of the following             NASDAQ or traded on a national exchange and
         actions: (1) after having received an order to buy    that is subject to last sale reporting, the name of
         an equity security, Odeon then purchases that         the party from or to whom the securities were
         equity security at one price from another broker-     purchased or sold to you, the time the
         dealer (or another customer) and then sells it to     transaction took place, the difference between
         you at a different price; or (2) after having         the price to the customer and the dealer's
         received an order to sell an equity security          purchase price, and the source and amount of
         Odeon then sells that equity security at one price    any other remuneration received or to be
         to another broker-dealer (or another customer)        received by the firm in connection with the
         and then buys it from you at a different price. In    transaction will be furnished upon request.
         either case Odeon will not charge you a
         commission and will instead be compensated for        Payment for Securities
         the transaction by retaining the difference           In the event that you wish to pay for securities
         between the purchase and sale transaction. Net        purchased through Odeon Capital Group please
         trades must comply with the Order Protection          make checks payable to Hilltop Securities our
         Rule included in Regulation NMS. The net price,       clearing firm for securities transactions. Also
         which is reported to the Consolidated Tape, is        please note your account number and write
         the price of the trade with respect to the Order      Odeon Capital Group in the memo section of the
         Protection Rule and is the price used when            check.
         determining whether or not a trade-through has
         occurred and whether the firm has availed itself      VWAP Orders
         of the ISO exception.                                 Before accepting a VWAP order from a customer
         Money Market Funds in Brokerage Accounts              the firm discloses to its customers in writing that
                                                               the firm may engage in hedging or other
         Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)-         positioning activity that could affect the market
         Insured Bank Deposits are not protected by            for a security that is involved with any VWAP
         Securities Investor Protection Corporation            transaction received. This notice must be sent
         (SIPC). For accounts that are set up for cash to      prior to executing a VWAP transaction and no
         sweep to a money market fund (default                 less than annually to the customer. Under no

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Odeon Capital Group                                                                          Customer Disclosure Brochure

         circumstances may the firm trade for its              contact Odeon Capital Group, Compliance
         proprietary account when in receipt of a              Department, 750 Lexington Ave., New York, NY
         customer VWAP order. All orders for VWAP short        10022, and a copy will be provided to you. The
         orders are to be properly marked and executed         telephone number is 212-257-6970.
         in accordance with applicable short sell rules and
                                                               FINRA Rule 2265 Extended Trading Hours
         regulations. The terms of compensation from
                                                               Trading Risk Disclosure
         the order are provided in writing to the
         customer.                                             Odeon offers its customers the opportunity to
                                                               trade securities when the major U.S. securities
         Rule 144A Securities
                                                               markets are not open. The hours for trading
         In order to transact 144A securities, you attest to   outside of customary market hours are 8AM-
         be a Qualified Intuitional Buyer and will obtain      9:30AM and 4PM-8PM EST. There are risks to
         access to the issuer’s Rule 144A(d)(4) either         trading securities when the major trading
         directly from the issuer or from the issuer’s         markets are closed. To make sure you are aware
         designated informational website and that you         of these risks, the FINRA has developed the
         will comply with all conditions for obtaining         following model disclosure or risks of extended
         access to the issuer’s or borrower’s information      hours trading.
         including if applicable any non-disclosure
                                                               Risk of Lower Liquidity: Liquidity refers to the
         agreement and any agreement that such
                                                               ability of market participants to buy and sell
         information is being obtained solely for the
                                                               securities. Generally, the more orders that are
         purpose of considering a purchase of the
                                                               available in a market, the greater the liquidity.
         securities. If you are unable to agree to any of
                                                               Liquidity is important because with greater
         the foregoing, you will not purchase the
                                                               liquidity it is easier for investors to buy or sell
         securities from Odeon.
                                                               securities, and as a result, investors are more
         Indications of Interest                               likely to pay or receive a competitive price for
                                                               securities purchased or sold. There may be lower
         If you provide Odeon with an order to “work” the
                                                               liquidity in extended hours trading as compared
         firm may handle the order by issuing an
                                                               to regular market hours. As a result, your order
         Indication of Interest (“IOI”) to another market
                                                               may only be partially executed, or not at all.
         participant or trading venue. An IOI is an
         expression of trading interest that contains one      Risk of Higher Volatility: Volatility refers to the
         or more but not all of the following elements:        changes in price that securities undergo when
         security name, size, side, capacity and price. The    trading. Generally, the higher the volatility of a
         use of an IOI is intended to solicit contra-side      security, the greater its price swings. There may
         interest in an attempt to minimize market             be greater volatility in extended hours trading
         impact. IOUs may be disseminated over                 than in regular market hours. As a result, your
         electronic trading systems, through direct            order may only be partially executed, or not at
         connections to client order management                all, or you may receive an inferior price in
         systems. An IOI disseminate on your behalf            extended hours trading than you would during
         cannot exceed the size of the order you have          regular market hours.
         submitted unless you indicate that the size of
                                                               Risk of Changing Prices: The prices of securities
         your interest may grow.
                                                               traded in extended hours trading may not reflect
         FINRA Rule 2261                                       the prices either at the end of regular market
                                                               hours, or upon the opening the next morning. As
         The Statement of Financial Condition is available
                                                               result, you may receive an inferior price in
         to the firm’s customers. If you would like to
                                                               extended hours trading than you would during
         request a copy please do so in writing and
                                                               regular market hours.

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Odeon Capital Group                                                                         Customer Disclosure Brochure

                                                              margin account. Before trading stocks in a
                                                              margin account, you should carefully review the
         Risk of Unlinked Markets: Depending on the
                                                              margin agreement provided by your firm.
         extended hours trading system or the time of
                                                              Consult your firm regarding any questions or
         day, the prices displayed on a particular
                                                              concerns you may have with your margin
         extended hours trading system may not reflect
         the prices in other concurrently operating
         extended hours trading systems dealing in the        When you purchase securities, you may pay for
         same securities. Accordingly, you may receive an     the securities in full or you may borrow part of
         inferior price in one extended hours trading         the purchase price from your brokerage firm. If
         system than you would in another extended            you choose to borrow funds from your firm, you
         hours trading system.                                will open a margin account with the firm. The
                                                              securities purchased are the firm's collateral for
         Risk of News Announcements: Normally, issuers
                                                              the loan to you. If the securities in your account
         make news announcements that may affect the
                                                              decline in value, so does the value of the
         price of their securities after regular market
                                                              collateral supporting your loan, and, as a result,
         hours. Similarly, important financial information
                                                              the firm can take action, such as issue a margin
         is frequently announced outside of regular
                                                              call and/or sell securities or other assets in any
         market hours. In extended hours trading, these
                                                              of your accounts held with the member, in order
         announcements may occur during trading, and if
                                                              to maintain the required equity in the account.
         combined with lower liquidity and higher
         volatility, may cause an exaggerated and             It is important that you fully understand the risks
         unsustainable effect on the price of a security.     involved in trading securities on margin.

         Risk of Wider Spreads: The spread refers to the      These risks include the following (a):
         difference in price between what you can buy a
                                                              You can lose more funds than you deposit in the
         security for and what you can sell it for. Lower
                                                              margin account. A decline in the value of
         liquidity and higher volatility in extended hours
                                                              securities that are purchased on margin may
         trading may result in wider than normal spreads
                                                              require you to provide additional funds to the
         for a particular security.
                                                              firm that has made the loan to avoid the forced
         Risk of Lack of Calculation or Dissemination of      sale of those securities or other securities or
         Underlying Index Value or Intraday Indicative        assets in your account(s).
         Value (IIV): If trading in certain derivative
                                                              The firm can force the sale of securities or other
         securities products, an updated underlying index
                                                              assets in your account(s). If the equity in your
         value or IIV may not be calculated or publicly
                                                              account falls below the maintenance margin
         disseminated in extended trading hours. Since
                                                              requirements, or the firm's higher "house"
         the underlying IIV is not calculated or widely
                                                              requirements, the firm can sell the securities or
         disseminated during pre-market and post-
                                                              other assets in any of your account held at the
         market sessions, an investor who is unable to
                                                              firm to cover the margin deficiency. You also will
         calculate implied values for certain derivative
                                                              be responsible for any short fall in the account
         securities products in those sessions be placed at
                                                              after such a sale.
         a disadvantage to other market professionals.
                                                              The firm can sell your securities or other assets
         Margin Disclosure Statement
                                                              without contacting you. Some investors
         Your brokerage firm is furnishing this document      mistakenly believe that a firm must contact them
         to you to provide some basic facts about             for a margin call to be valid, and that the firm
         purchasing securities on margin, and to alert you    cannot liquidate securities or other assets in
         to the risks involved with trading securities in a   their accounts to meet the call unless the firm

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Odeon Capital Group                                                                            Customer Disclosure Brochure

         has contacted them first. This is not the case.        You can lose more funds than you deposit in the
         Most firms will attempt to notify their customers      margin account.
         of margin calls, but they are not required to do
                                                                The firm can force the sale of securities or other
         so. However, even if a firm has contacted a
                                                                assets in your account(s).
         customer and provided a specific date by which
         the customer can meet a margin call, the firm          The firm can sell your securities or other assets
         can still take necessary steps to protect its          without contacting you.
         financial interests, including immediately selling
         the securities without notice to the customer.         You are not entitled to choose which securities
                                                                or other assets in your account(s) are liquidated
         You are not entitled to choose which securities        or sold to meet a margin call.
         or other assets in your account(s) are liquidated
         or sold to meet a margin call. Because the             The firm can increase its "house" maintenance
         securities are collateral for the margin loan, the     margin requirements at any time and is not
         firm has the right to decide which security to sell    required to provide you advance written notice.
         in order to protect its interests.                     You are not entitled to an extension of time on a
         The firm can increase its "house" maintenance          margin call.
         margin requirements at any time and is not             The annual disclosure statement required
         required to provide you advance written notice.        pursuant to this paragraph (b) may be delivered
         These changes in firm policy often take effect         within or as part of other account
         immediately and may result in the issuance of a        documentation, and is not required to be
         maintenance margin call. Your failure to satisfy       provided in a separate document.
         the call may cause the member to liquidate or
         sell securities in your account(s).                    (c) In lieu of providing the disclosures specified in
                                                                paragraphs (a) and (b), a member may provide to
         You are not entitled to an extension of time on a      the customer and, to the extent required under
         margin call. While an extension of time to meet        paragraph (a) post on its Web site, an alternative
         margin requirements may be available to                disclosure statement, provided that the
         customers under certain conditions, a customer         alternative disclosures shall be substantially
         does not have a right to the extension.                similar to the disclosures specified in paragraphs
         (b) Members shall, with a frequency of not less        (a) and (b).
         than once a calendar year, deliver individually, in    (d) For purposes of this Rule, the term "non-
         writing or electronically, the disclosure              institutional customer" means a customer that
         statement described in paragraph (a) or the            does not qualify as an "institutional account"
         following bolded disclosures to all non-               under Rule 3110(c)(4).
         institutional customers with margin accounts:
                                                                Special Statement for Uncovered Options Writers
         Securities purchased on margin are the firm's
         collateral for the loan to you. If the securities in   There are special risks associated with
         your account decline in value, so does the value       uncovered option writing which expose the
         of the collateral supporting your loan, and, as a      investor to potentially significant loss. Therefore,
         result, the firm can take action, such as issue a      this type of strategy may not be suitable for all
         margin call and/or sell securities or other assets     customers approved for options transactions.
         in any of your accounts held with the member, in       Special Risks:
         order to maintain the required equity in the
         account. It is important that you fully understand     The potential loss of uncovered call writing is
         the risks involved in trading securities on margin.    unlimited. The writer of an uncovered call is in an
         These risks include the following:                     extremely risky position, and may incur large

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Odeon Capital Group                                                                          Customer Disclosure Brochure

         losses if the value of the underlying instrument       the chapter entitled Risks of Buying and Writing
         increases above the exercise price.                    Options. This statement is not intended to
                                                                enumerate all of the risks entailed in writing
         As with writing uncovered calls, the risk of
                                                                uncovered options.
         writing uncovered put options is substantial.
         The writer of an uncovered put option bears a          Please review the Options Clearing Corporation
         risk of loss if the value of the underlying            (OCC) Characteristics and Risks of Standardized
         instrument declines below the exercise price.          Options documents:
         Such loss could be substantial if there is a
                                                                         https://www.theocc.com/components/
         significant decline in the value of the underlying
                                                                         https://www.theocc.com/components/
         Uncovered option writing is thus suitable only                   docs/about/publications/november_20
         for the knowledgeable investor who                               12_supplement.pdf
         understands the risks, has the financial capacity               https://www.theocc.com/components/
         and willingness to incur potentially substantial                 docs/about/publications/october_2018
         losses, and has sufficient liquid assets to meet                 _supplement.pdf
         applicable margin requirements. In this regard, if
         the value of the underlying instrument moves           Municipal Securities Transactions
         against an uncovered writer's options position,        Odeon is registered with the Municipal
         the investor's broker may request significant          Securities Rulemaking Board (“MSRB”) and the
         additional margin payments. If an investor does        SEC as a municipal securities dealer. Odeon is not
         not make such margin payments, the broker may          a municipal advisor. Information about the rules
         liquidate stock or options positions in the            governing MSRB transactions can be found
         investor's account, with little or no prior notice     online at msrb.org which provides Information
         in accordance with the investor's margin               for Municipal Securities Investors describing the
         agreement.                                             protections that may be provided by the MSRB’s
         For combination writing, where the investor            rules and how to file a complaint with an
         writes both a put and a call on the same               appropriate regulatory authority.
         underlying instrument, the potential for risk is       Futures
                                                                Transactions in securities futures, commodity
         If a secondary market in options were to become        and index futures and options on futures carry a
         unavailable, investors could not engage in             high degree of risk. The amount of initial margin
         closing transactions, and an option writer would       is small relative to the value of the futures
         remain obligated until expiration or assignment.       contract, meaning that transactions are heavily
         The writer of an American-style option is subject      "leveraged" A relatively small market movement
         to being assigned an exercise at any time after        will have a proportionately larger impact on the
         he has written the option until the option             funds you have deposited or will have to deposit:
         expires. By contrast, the writer of a European-        this may work against you as well as for you. You
         style option is subject to exercise assignment         may sustain a total loss of initial margin funds
         only during the exercise period.                       and any additional funds deposited with the
                                                                clearing firm to maintain your position. If the
         IMPORTANT NOTE: It is expected that you will           market moves against your position or margin
         read the booklet entitled Characteristics and          levels are increased, you may be called upon to
         Risks of Standardized Options (including the           pay substantial additional funds on short notice
         most recent supplements) available from your           to maintain your position. If you fail to comply
         broker. In particular, your attention is directed to   with a request for additional funds within the

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You can also read