Page created by Charlie Medina
Part 2
June to November 2019
Attendees in 2018 said:                                      North, West and South Wales venues
                                                             Tailored to the Welsh context
“Excellent!”                                                 Responsive to changes in Welsh
 Going out to tender 15/02/18                                Government legislation
                                                             Covers the RIBA core curriculum topics
“A very enjoyable, educational
 and inspirational day”
Conservation Coach 25/04/18

“This will give me inspiration
 for the next six months!”
 RSAW Spring School 11/05/18

 What more can I say?”
 Richard Murphy’s Inspiration Hour 30/11/18

The RSAW is the RIBA in Wales
Yr RIBA yng Nghymru yw’r RSAW
I weld y ffurflen yn Gymraeg ewch i wefan architecture.com/wales.
Welcome to the RSAW
   Wales Future Practice
   CPD programme

RSAW CPD sessions are tailored            During 2019 our events will cover the RIBA’s
to reflect the Welsh legislative and       ten core curriculum topics:
cultural context to help practices
of all sizes working in Wales to          1      Architecture for social purpose
develop and thrive. We aim to make        2      Health, safety and wellbeing
CPD interesting and relevant, from
focussed small practice updates to        3      Business, clients and services

national conferences addressing           4      Legal, regulatory and statutory
major policy issues. A new feature               compliance
for 2019 is the inclusion of CPD          5      Procurement and contracts
opportunities offered byꢀpartner
organisations - these can all be          6      Sustainable architecture
counted towards the ten core topics       7      Inclusive environments
of your RIBA CPD requirements.
                                          8      Places, planning and communities

                                          9      Building conservation and heritage

                                          10     Design, construction and technology


RSAW Annual Conference
Friday 29 November, Cornerstone, Cardiff
Sessions                                            WALES FUTURE PRACTICE
                                                     CPD PROGRAMME

                                                     The Interprofessional Great Debate
                                                     Wednesday 26 June 7.30am – 9.30am
                                                     Hugh James Solicitors, Two Central Square,
                                                     Cardiff CF10 1FS
Building Regulations: Fire Safety
Tuesday 18 June 2pm – 4.30pm                         Join colleagues from the RICS, RTPI Cymru,
Creative Quarter, Cardiff                             ICE, CIOB and CEW for a breakfast debate on
                                                     how the professions can help deliver the Well-
Post-Grenfell, the Independent Review of Building    being of Future Generations Act.
Regulations and fire safety made clear that the
                                                     – Core curriculum topic: 1, 8
regulatory framework and fire safety processes        – Free event; contact RSAW to reserve your place
are unfit for purpose. The construction industry        rsaw@riba.org or tel 029 2022 8987
must change its culture and this seminar will
question existing complacencies, offering a
                                                     RSAW Portmeirion Summer School
common-sense protocol to achieve this objective.
                                                     Friday 05 July
Speaker: Paul Bussey,
Allford Hall Monaghan Morris.                        In 2019 the traditional RSAW Spring School
                                                     moves to the summer! Join influential
– Core curriculum topics: 1, 2, 3
– Members £49 + VAT; non-members £65 + VAT.
                                                     practitioners from across Europe to celebrate
                                                     the power and pleasure of good design in
                                                     the unique setting of Portmeirion.
Architects and SuDS                                  Day conference and limited number of
Tuesday 25 June 2pm – 3.30pm                         residential packages available.
Creative Quarter Cardiff
                                                     – Core curriculum topics: 1, 2, 4, 10
With sustainable drainage systems mandatory          – From £115; See separate brochure for full details.

on new developments since January, members
are concerned about the practicalities of the new    CDM 2015: your essential guide to
SAB requirements, while welcoming the wider          designer duties
advantages for the environment. Join us for a        Thursday 26 September 2pm–4.30pm
round table discussion to share your experiences     Creative Quarter Cardiff
and feed into RSAW’s information-gathering
process to give feedback to Welsh Government.        This seminar will demystify the regulations
City of Cardiff Council will also give us an          and help you understand how to apply health
update on the impact of the changes for Wales’s      and safety design risk management on
largest authority. ꢀAs part of the ‘surgery-style’   your projects. CDM should be utilised as a
approach, members are encouraged to submit           collaborative tool, developing the design and
questions before the event.                          construction process to enhance health and
                                                     safety in the built environment, by considering
Speaker: David Brain, Team Leader
                                                     design implications through reductive steps.
(Flood and Coastal Risk Management),
City of Cardiff Council.                              Speaker: Justin Williams, SQE.
– Core curriculum topics: 4, 8                       – Core curriculum topics: 1, 2, 3
– Members free; non-members £25 + VAT.               – Members £49 + VAT; non-members £65 + VAT.
A new architecture archives advisory                                  based on current policies and guidance and
panel for Wales                                                       will reflect practitioners’ priorities and concerns.
Wednesday 02 October, 1pm – 2pm                                       The format will be facilitated through group
Drwm, The National Library of Wales,                                  discussions, with an emphasis on working
Aberystwyth, Ceredigion SY23 3BU                                      jointly to achieve positive resolutions.
                                                                      – Core curriculum topics: 4, 8
RSAW has formed a new advisory panel to                               – Free to RTPI/RSAW/RIBA members; £25 +VAT non-members;
help deal with architectural records of archival                        reservation required
interest. Dr Peter Wakelin, author, curator and
RSAW Honorary Member, explores the role of
                                                                      Appointing Documents Update
the new panel, which will advise repositories
                                                                      Thursday 24 October, 2pm–4.30pm
on the merits of proposed architectural
                                                                      Creative Quarter, Cardiff
acquisitions or donations.
– Core curriculum topics: 1, 8, 9                                     This seminar will focus on the importance of
– Part of The National Library of Wales lunchtime talk series;        using the appropriate form of appointment
  free entry but ticket required via: https://www.library.wales/nc/   document and the content of the new
                                                                      suite of RIBA PSCs. We will cover the
                                                                      various procurement methods, along with
Ethics                                                                the legislation affecting procurement and
Tuesday 08 October 2pm–4.30pm                                         contracts, and the implications on the role of
Creative Quarter, Cardiff                                              the architect/consultant, including areas of risk.
                                                                      The first 20 bookings will receive a free set of
This seminar will explore the daily ethical
                                                                      RIBA PSCs.
dilemmas faced by architects, from
employment decisions to selecting projects                            Speaker: Professor Sarah Lupton, Partner,
and specifying materials. You will have the                           Lupton Stellakis.
opportunity to reflect on these ethical issues,                        – Core curriculum topic: 5
                                                                      – Members £49 + VAT; non-members £65 + VAT
discuss them with fellow professionals and
decide how and why to take an ethical stance
in today’s world.                                                     Lecture by Steve Tompkins,
Speaker: Alasdair Ben Dixon, Collective Works                         Haworth Tompkins
and Carys Rowlands, Royal Institute of British                        Tuesday 19 November, 7pm
Architects.                                                           WISE building, Centre for Alternative
– Core curriculum topics: 1, 2, 3                                     Technology, Machynlleth SY20 9AZ
– Members £49 + VAT; non-members £65 + VAT
                                                                      Part of CAT’s MArch Sustainable Architecture
                                                                      series of evening lectures, open to the
North Wales Forum for Architects and                                  profession. With an international reputation
Planners                                                              for intelligent, purposeful design, the work of
Wednesday 23 October 09.45am – 12.45pm                                award-winning architectural studio Haworth
Oriel Mostyn, Llandudno                                               Tompkins includes the Old Vic Bristol and the
                                                                      Liverpool Everyman theatre.
RTPI Cymru and RSAW are launching a regular
                                                                      – Core curriculum topics: 6, 9, 10
discussion and information-sharing forum
                                                                      – Free entry; contact John Carter john.carter@cat.org.uk
for architects and planners across the North
Wales area. The programme content will be

Session                                                                            Delegate name (s)
       Building Regulations Fire Safety
       Members £49 + VAT; non-members £65 + VAT
       Architects and SuDS
       Members free; non-members £25 + VAT
       The Interprofessional Great Debate
       Free but reservation required
       CDM 2015: your essential guide to Designer duties
       Members £49 + VAT; non-members £65 + VAT
       Members £49 + VAT; non-members £65 + VAT
       North Wales Forum for Architects and Planners
       Free to RTPI/RSAW/RIBA members;
       £25 + VAT non-members; reservation required
       Appointing Documents Update
       Members £49 + VAT; non-members £65 + VAT

Organisation details
Name of practice/organisation:


Tel:                                               Email:

Cheque enclosed for:                      Please invoice against order no:
To pay by credit card please ring RSAW on 029 2022 8987.

Signed                                                                        Date
Email bookings to rsaw@riba.org
By post: RSAW, Studio 111, The Creative Quarter, Morgan Arcade, Cardiff CF10 1AF
Terms and conditions: Invoices payable within 30 days. Cancellations cannot be refunded within 2 weeks of event.
Replacement delegates accepted. If you reserve a place for a free event but do not attend on the day, a £25 +VAT admin
fee will be charged. If you have any dietary or access requirements please let us know in advance.

Sesiwn                                                                                      Enw(au) y rhai sy’n dod
        Rheoliadau Adeiladu, Diogelwch Tân
        Aelodau £49 + TAW; pobl eraill £65 + TAW
        Penseiri a SDCau (SuDS)
        Aelodau am ddim; pobl eraill £25 + TAW
        Y Drafodaeth Fawr Ryngbroffesiynol
        Am ddim ond mae angen cadw lle
        CDM 2015: eich canllaw hanfodol i ddyletswyddau Dylunydd
        Aelodau £49 + TAW; pobl eraill £65 + TAW
        Aelodau £49 + TAW; pobl eraill £65 + TAW
        Fforwm Gogledd Cymru ar gyfer Penseiri a Chynllunwyr
        Am ddim i aelodau RTPI/RSAW/RIBA; £25 +TAW i bobl eraill;
        angen cadw lle
        Newyddion Diweddaraf am y Dogfennau Penodi
        Aelodau £49 + TAW; pobl eraill £65 + TAW

Manylion y sefydliad


Ffôn:                                                    Ebost:

Amgaeir siec am:                      Hoffwn anfoneb gyda’r rhif archeb:
Os hoffech dalu â cherdyn credyd, ffoniwch RSAW ar 029 2022 8987.

Llofnod                                                                               Dyddiad
Os hoffech gadw lle trwy’r ebost – rsaw@riba.org
Trwy’r post: RSAW, Studio 111, The Creative Quarter, Arcêd Morgan, Caerdydd CF10 1AF
Telerau ac amodau: Anfonebau i’w talu o fewn 30 diwrnod. Os byddwch yn canslo o fewn pythefnos i’r digwyddiad, ni allwn roi ad-daliad.
Gallwch drefnu i rywun ddod yn eich lle. Os byddwch yn cadw lle mewn digwyddiad di-dâl ond na fyddwch yn dod ar y diwrnod codir tâl
gweinyddu o £25 + TAW. Rhowch wybod i ni ymlaen llaw os oes gennych anghenion o ran deiet neu symud o gwmpas.
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