COVID Protection Framework-Level Orange - HamiltonJet

Page created by Felix Patton
COVID Protection Framework– Level Orange
                        Protection from Increased Community Transmission

 1. Level Orange
    The governments’ new traffic light system aims to reduce restrictions for the majority of people,
    whilst managing the risks of contagion now we have COVID-19 in the community. The rules have
    been written in anticipation of increasing infection rates in the South Island.

     The new COVID-19 Protection Framework aims to allow businesses like ours to operate as close
     to normal for vaccinated people whilst minimising the spread of the virus. It also enables
     businesses to manage the risk of COVID-19, including protecting the vulnerable and
     unvaccinated, as well as ensuring effective response measures in the situation of positive COVID-
     19 cases.

     The key components of the framework are:
       • Vaccinations- the primary tool to protect people.
       • My Vaccine Pass- the official vaccination record, which allows businesses to manage risk
          and reduce the need to operate under strict restrictions.
       • Capacity limits (physical distancing)- nominated limits to reduce the level of COVID-19
       • Record keeping- the ability to contact trace following a positive COVID-19 case using the
          COVID Tracer App.
       • Localised protections and lockdowns- the use of additional measures to control high rates
          of transmission.
       • Assessment of risk- identifying the levels of COVID-19 risk whilst at work and implementing
          effective controls such as the use of face masks, physical distancing, and sanitising.

 2. Working from Home
    According to the framework, staff are permitted to return to their normal place of work (e.g.
    office) at the Orange level, however to reduce risk you’re encouraged to continue working from
    home where possible. Office staff employees who are unvaccinated must work from home if
    their work/role allows. Please consult with your line manager to agree on your working

 3. Travel to / from work
    Employees should continue to travel to work in their own vehicle and not share a vehicle with
    anyone outside of their bubble.

 4. Access to Site
    In general, employees will have access to all areas / bubbles without prior notice. Most
    employees will be primarily working in a single area, within one bubble, and observing physical
    distancing practices where possible. See Segregation of Bubbles for more details.
    Once on site, all employees are encouraged to wear a mask whilst moving around. At the
    entrance to your area you must: wear a mask; scan the QR code with the COVID Tracer App (or
    complete a manual tracking log when entering buildings); and use hand sanitiser.

COVID-19 Protection Framework- Level Orange, Rev 1, December 2021                                     1
Employees entering the workplace must be feeling well and free from COVID-19 symptoms,
     otherwise stay home. Employees should also declare at the earliest opportunity of any
     symptoms that occur throughout the working day/shift.

 5. Start / Finish and Break Times
    Start and finish times for all employees will operate as per normal, with break times staggered to
    ensure safe use of lunchroom amenities within bubbles. See Appendix 1- Break Times for further

 6. Segregation of Bubbles
    At level Orange we will continue to use bubbles to reduce the risk from widespread contact and
    maintain the benefits of contact tracing in the event of an outbreak.
      a) Each bubble will now have their own QR code. In the factory this means each cell will now
          have its own code.
      b) Employees (from any area/shift) will be able to enter another bubble by adhering to the
          following conditions:
              o QR Code must be scanned using the COVID Tracer App prior to enter. Otherwise,
                  attendance is tracked using the cross-bubble log form.
              o Sanitise hands before entering the bubble, and when leaving.
              o Wear a face mask at all times whilst visiting the bubble.
              o Maintain adequate physical distancing from bubble personnel (greater than 1m)
              o In instances where close proximity work with another person is required (less than
                  1m), both parties must wear a face mask for the duration of the close proximity
              o Clean any contacted tools/equipment/parts with Antibacterial wipes before leaving.
      c) Whilst movement between bubbles is permitted for all legitimate work purposes,
          employees should minimise their mixing with other bubbles where possible.

     The department bubbles are as follows and are applied to all shifts:
         • Maintenance/Toolroom                 • QA
         • SJ Flowline                          • Machine shop and Programming
         • Control Cell                         • LJ Machining and Assembly
         • Fabrication                          • Impellers
         • Stores                               • Main Administration and Portacom’s
         • LJ Foundry                           • Marine

 7. Transfers to other bubbles
    Employees may be directed to transfer to another department bubble where their skills and
    experience can be utilised to meet the needs of the business. If these transfers are for an
    extended duration (weeks and months), the new department bubble will become their primary
    work location. The transferee will adopt all relevant controls implemented within the new
    department. Otherwise, the rules for visiting other bubbles must be followed.

 8. Use of Face Masks
    The use of face coverings remains as one of the primary controls in preventing the spread of the
    COVID virus, particularly to the vulnerable, and as such masks are encouraged to be worn whilst
    at work.

COVID-19 Protection Framework- Level Orange, Rev 1, December 2021                                      2
Additionally, face coverings must be worn if:
       • You are in communal areas shared by various department bubbles (e.g. walkways, locker
           rooms, toilets, café, shared areas).
       • You are visiting another department bubble.
       • You are unable to physically distance greater than 1m from another person.
       • You do not currently hold a My Vaccine Pass. Employees will have until 15 December to
           provide their My Vaccine Pass.
     In general, within your bubble you may remove your mask unless you are working within 1m of
     someone else or are unvaccinated after the 15 December.

 9. Physical Distancing
    All employees shall maintain a distance greater than 1m from other personnel, including work
    areas and walkways. Workstations and offices should be arranged to provide adherence to this

 10. Disinfecting Plant and Equipment
     Plant and equipment shared between people must be cleaned/disinfected before and after use.

 11. Meetings
     On-line meetings (Microsoft Teams) remain as the primary forum for collaboration and should be
     used where possible.
     Meeting rooms may be used, however access must comply with capacity restrictions and
     physical distancing measures. Meeting room equipment (keyboard/mouse/remote controls)
     must be wiped with sanitising wipes before and after use.

 12. Café/Lunchroom
     The Café will continue to serve limited food in a contactless format under level Orange. Order
     forms are available to pre-order your selection.
     Access to the cafeteria for seating, drink and food preparation will be strictly as per the allocated
     time (see Appendix 1- Break Times), and unavailable prior to shift commencement.
     To reduce risk, only double vaccinated employees are permitted to consume food and be seated
     inside the cafeteria. The maximum total capacity in the café is 24 seated persons, with no more
     than four at each table.
     Masks may only be removed in the cafeteria when seated and eating or drinking.
     Cleaning of used surfaces and shared facilities will occur between groups, with a full clean
     between each break service (morning, lunch, and afternoon).

 13. Company Cars and Work Vehicles
     Company vehicles are permitted to be used by other company personnel, including those
     allocated to another member of staff. All occupants must be double vaccinated, belong to a
     single bubble, and touch-surfaces in the vehicles must be wiped down with antibacterial wipes
     before after use.

 14. Visitors and Contractors
     In order to minimise unnecessary risks, all visitors and contractors must be double vaccinated
     and free of any symptoms. They are to report to the appropriate building/site reception area for
     the mandatory scanning of the site QR code, logging their attendance on site, and
     presentation/verification of their My Vaccine Pass with their host or receptionist.

COVID-19 Protection Framework- Level Orange, Rev 1, December 2021                                        3
Visitors and contractors will be required to adhere to the same controls as outlined in the
     Segregation of Bubbles including using the QR codes.

 15. Marine Boat Service
     Servicing and customer liaison work at Marine is permitted at level Orange, with preference for
     non-contact (email or phone) communication to be prioritised where possible. In the situation
     where visitors, including customers, are on site, the following controls are to be implemented:
      a. The maximum number of people allowed within the reception and offices area is 10. Visitors
         shall not be provided entry if this capacity is breached.
      b. Visitors are to report to site reception for the mandatory scanning of the QR code and
         logging their attendance and presentation/verification of their My Vaccine Pass.
      c. Visitors and customer facing staff are to wear a face covering at all times whilst the visitor is
         on site.
      d. Visitors are to maintain a 1 metre physical distance from site personnel.
      e. Visitors are to sanitise their hands upon entry and when leaving the site.
      f. Customers unable to provide a My Vaccine Pass shall be serviced via phone and with
         contactless methods.

 16. Deliveries
     Deliveries to stores and inward goods areas are accepted. Drivers are to wear a face covering
     when in close proximity to site personnel (less than 1m), and/or when entering buildings.
     Unvaccinated delivery drivers must ensure their delivery is contactless.
     Mail deliveries will be accepted at reception, with the bag sanitised before accessing, and mail
     distributed to recipients in a contactless method.
     Refer to the COVID- Level Orange Delivery and Pick-ups plan for additional details.

 17. New Employees
     All potential or new employees will be required to show their My Vaccine Pass. We will only be
     employing people from here on who are fully up to date with their vaccinations.

 18. Procedure if a case is discovered or suspected on site
     If an employee, customer, or visitor becomes a confirmed or probable COVID-19 case, and has
     been in our workplace while potentially infectious, there are standard processes that will be
     followed. We may be told by an employee directly or notified by the local public health unit
     (PHU). In this case you should:
      • Inform your supervisor and the Health and Safety Manager who will contact the PHU.
     The organisation will:
      • Isolate spaces that the person may have spent significant time in and ensure cleaning is
          undertaken before they are able to be used again. Specific or additional advice will be given
          by public health officials of any cleaning requirements based on the extent of exposure.
      • Assist as required with the PHU's contact tracing process and support any employee
          identified as a contact of a confirmed case who needs to self-isolate or stay at home.
      • Follow PHU advice on communication with employees and customers.
      • Consider area or site closure – this decision will likely be made on the advice of a public
          health official based on information on the extent of the exposure.
      • Follow PHU advice on any additional requirements that are specific to your type of business.

COVID-19 Protection Framework- Level Orange, Rev 1, December 2021                                        4
19. Compliance
     All employees are required to comply with the instructions and procedures outlined in this plan,
     to allow HamiltonJet to comply with the relevant Safety and Health Acts and Regulations. Any
     non-compliance should be reported and discussed with line management for investigation.
     Repeated non-compliance could result in disciplinary procedures, up to and including
     termination of employment.

  Appendix 1 - Break Times
   1. Main Factory
  Access to Café is limited to 10 minutes for each break, at which employees shall return to an alternative
  location for the remainder of the break time (e.g. department / car / outside for break).

   Dayshift:                          Morning Break        Lunch               Afternoon Break
   Impeller Cell (Group1)             07:20                10:10               12:50
   Maintenance, Tool Room             09:00                11:30               13:40
   QA & Stores                        09:10                11:40               13:50
   SJ Flow Line                       09:20                12:00               14:00
   Control Cell                       09:30                12:10               14:10
   Machine Shop                       09:40                12:20               14:20
   Fabrication                        09:50                12:30               14:30
   LJ Machine & Assembly              10:00                12:40               14:40
   Impeller Cell (Group2)             10:10                12:50               14:50
   Office/ Non-Factory Staff          10:20                13:00               15:00

   Afternoon Shift:                   First Break          Lunch               Second Break
   SJ Flow Line                       17:00                19:00               21:00
   Machine Shop                       17:10                19:10               21:10
   Control Cell                       17:20                19:20               21:20
   Fabrication                        17:30                19:30               21:30
   LJ Machine & Assembly              17:40                19:40               21:40
   Impeller Cell                      17:50                19:50               21:50
   Stores                             18:00                20:00               22:00

    Nightshift: to maintain normal break schedule.

   2. Marine                          Morning Break        Lunch               Afternoon Break
   Group 1                            09:45                11:45               14:00
   Group 2                            10:00                12:15               14:10

   3. LJ Foundry                      First Break          Lunch               Second Break
   Dayshift group 1                   08:30               10:45                13:40
   Dayshift group 2                   08:50               11:15                14:00
   Afternoon Shift group 1            16:40               19:10                21:40
   Afternoon Shift group 2            17:00               19:45                22:00
   Nightshift                         to maintain normal break schedule.

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