Aurora Analyst Graduate Programme Berlin

Page created by Lorraine Walton
Aurora Analyst Graduate Programme Berlin
Aurora Analyst
Graduate Programme
Berlin @AuroraER_Berlin
Aurora Analyst Graduate Programme Berlin
Graduate Programme

                                                        Aurora Analyst
                                                        Graduate Programme
                                                        At Aurora Energy Research, we develop                Opportunities at Aurora
                                                        intelligent and influential research, publications   Have an impact on the global transition to a
                                                        and consulting services that are vital to            cleaner, cheaper energy system
                                                        supporting the global energy transition.             In countries around the world, the energy
                                                                                                             system is decarbonising, decentralising, and
                                                        Through analysis and insights based on leading       digitalising. At Aurora, you will help companies
                                                        modelling of energy markets, we support              and governments make better decisions
                                                        strategy, policy, and investment decisions for       to navigate this transition by providing
                                                        a spectrum of energy market participants.            independent analysis and insights. Your thinking
                                                        We have developed trusting relationships             will contribute to tackling some of the biggest
                                                        with hundreds of clients, including energy           energy challenges, including climate change,
                                                        companies, investment funds, banks, network          access to electricity, and the cost and security
                                                        operators and governments.                           of energy supplies.

                                                        Our success is built on a supportive team            Apply and develop your problem-solving,
                                                        culture that helps talented people to develop        communications and analytical skills
                                                        their skills and expertise, excel in their work,     At Aurora, you will apply the skills you have
                                                        and make a difference to the world.                  developed through your studies to solving some
                                                                                                             of our clients’ most interesting and intricate
                                                        From our offices in Berlin, Oxford, and Sydney       problems. Through a mix of structured training
                                                        we cover the energy markets of a growing list        programmes and on-the-job learning, we will
                                                        of countries across Europe, the US and               help you raise your abilities to the next level,
                                                        Asia Pacific.                                        preparing you to gain deep insights into the
                                                                                                             energy sector, build trusting relationships with
                                                                                                             clients, develop new business opportunities,

                                                                                                             nurture teams, and communicate complex ideas
     Aurora is growing incredibly quickly; both in                                                           with crystal clarity
     terms of size and ambition. Aurora’s given me
     real responsibilities and opportunities to shape

     our work since the start

     Grzegorz Walkowski @AuroraER_Berlin                                                                                       @AuroraER_Berlin
Aurora Analyst Graduate Programme Berlin
Graduate Programme

Join a diverse, ambitious, friendly and             Influence the public debate and inform the
supportive team                                     strategy of high-profile clients
We are committed to building a company where        Our clients include government agencies from
everyone can achieve their potential in an          across Europe and beyond, as well as investors,
inclusive and welcoming environment. Aurora         international energy companies, and generators
brings together people from over 20 countries       responsible for most of Europe’s electricity. At
around the world and with a broad range of          Aurora, you will contribute to reports for our
professional and life experiences in order to co-   clients, engage with them through consulting
operate to find smarter ways to solve problems.     projects and subscriber meetings, and help us
The interdisciplinary and diverse nature of         run conferences that regularly attract hundreds
the team is enriching, both for the content         of delegates from across the energy sector.
of the work and one’s personal development.         Aurora’s work is covered extensively in the
Through initiatives like our Women at Aurora        media and has been influential in changing the
network, we seek to provide further support         course of policy decisions in our key markets.
and opportunities for groups under-represented
in the energy sector.                               Work with some of Europe’s most advanced
                                                    energy system modelling
Help build a rapidly growing and innovative         Our modelling team produces sophisticated
company                                             and flexible forecasting of the energy market
Founded in 2013, Aurora has grown rapidly to        that sets us apart from other companies. As an
over 160 people but retains the entrepreneurial     analyst at Aurora, you will be able to use the

atmosphere of a start-up. Growing in both,          models developed by our in-house modelling
size, and ambition, we continue to seek             team to understand energy systems more                 One of the best things about working at Aurora is being
opportunities from new markets, modelling
approaches and ways of thinking. At Aurora, you
                                                    clearly, in more depth, and with more impact.          surrounded by an extremely talented and ambitious
will learn from leading experts on the energy                                                              team. Despite lockdown I have found the team to
markets, develop your own ideas and help map
out the future course for our business.                                                                    be very supportive and welcoming. I have found the
                                                                                                           interdisciplinary and diverse nature of the team to be
                                                                                                           very enriching, both for the work we do and for my

                                                                                                           personal development

                                                                                                           Joke Steinwart @AuroraER_Berlin                              @AuroraER_Berlin
Aurora Analyst Graduate Programme Berlin
Graduate Programme

Our culture
Work and wellbeing                                 Making a difference
We believe that we make better contributions       We are passionate about the role we can play
in the long term if we keep a balance between      in contributing to the global energy transition.
work and the rest of our lives, even though        As we serve our clients and develop Aurora as
our projects can be demanding at times. Our        a company, we know that we are also helping
managers carefully track teams’ wellbeing to       to make a bigger difference to the future by
stay aware of how this balance stands. You         supporting smarter, better-informed decisions
would join our office in Berlin, which offers a    throughout the sector.
combination of historic architecture, vibrant
culture, and a diverse art scene, with natural     Community
parks being easily accessible to contribute to a   We have a warm and supportive office
high standard of living.                           environment, and people at Aurora often co-
                                                   operate to organise activities together outside
Development                                        of work. These have included bicycle tours,
New joiners are the potential future leaders of    mushroom picking in autumn, board games and
our business, and we provide a broad suite of      sports. There is also a programme of regular
development opportunities, including regular       social events run by the company to help teams
content talks from our experts, sessions with      connect and get to know each other better.
external speakers, and a programme of skills-
focussed training. Our rapid expansion into
new countries and products provides exciting
opportunities for growth and development.
Once you have reached a certain stage in your
career, you will have the option to apply for
a temporary transfer to our Oxford or Sydney

office (or other future locations) for
several months.                                                                                           The program is an opportunity for individual
                                                                                                          development tailored to the specific profile of
                                                                                                          each graduate. Being in three different teams
                                                                                                          allows one to discover professional strengths
                                                                                                          and weaknesses, to work on them, and to

                                                                                                          choose your permanent team accordingly

                                                                                                          Max Willems
Aurora Analyst Graduate Programme Berlin
Graduate Programme

Our analyst graduate                                                                                  Our application
programme                                                                                             process
For recent graduates joining Aurora’s Berlin        The teams included in the programme are:          If you are a final year university student or        You will have a chance to meet more people
office, we offer an 18-month programme                                                                recent graduate interested in joining Aurora’s       from our teams and see what it would be like
of experience and development designed              •   Commissioned Projects: supporting             Berlin office as part of our analyst graduate        to work at Aurora. As in the first round, the
to provide:                                             clients in their decision-making, including   program beginning in September 2021, please          interviews will include a mixture of questions
                                                        strategic, policy or investment decisions     visit,                about how you have shown your abilities in
•    Accelerated training in how energy                                                               graduate-programmes/berlin/ Applications will        your past experiences, and case study exercises
                                                    •   Research & Publications: developing           open on the 1st of February and will close on        where you can demonstrate how you think
     markets work
                                                        market forecast reports and original in-      the 21st of February 2021.                           through and solve problems.
•    Involvement in live client projects                depth research on the future of energy
•    An opportunity to contribute to some of        •   Commercial: bringing our subscription         When you apply to join the Aurora analyst            We take the health of our team and our
     the most influential reports in the industry       services to market                            graduate programme, your application will go         applicants seriously, and we may adjust the
                                                                                                      through the following stages:                        format of the final round interviews in March
•    A chance to build up your toolkit of           Placements will be assigned collaboratively,                                                           based on the latest government guidelines
     analytical, teamwork and communications        based on both your interests and the needs of                                                          on COVID-19.
                                                                                                      CV screening
     skills                                         the business at the time, and you may complete
                                                                                                      Our screening team will review your CV and
                                                    different numbers of placements in different
•    An understanding of how Aurora fits                                                              cover letter and agree whether to invite you to      Offers
                                                    teams. At the end of the last placement, you
     together and of the opportunities in the                                                         an interview.                                        If you are successful in our final round
                                                    will move into a permanent position with one of
     company                                                                                                                                               interview, we will make you an offer of a
                                                    our teams.
                                                                                                      First round interview                                position at Aurora, to begin work in our Berlin
Over the 18 months, you will take part in three                                                                                                            office in September 2021.
                                                                                                      We will arrange to speak with you by telephone
6-month long placements in teams across our
                                                                                                      for just under an hour. We will want to learn
Berlin office.
                                                                                                      more about your motivations and experiences,         For enquiries, please email
                                                                                                      and we will ask some “case study”-style    
                                                                                                      questions to give you a chance to show your
                                                                                                      problem-solving and quantitative skills.

                                                                                                      Final round interviews
                                                                                                      If you are successful in the first-round
                                                                                                      interviews, we will invite you to visit our Berlin
                                                                                                      office. During the visit, you will have two face-
                                                                                                      to-face interviews, each lasting about an hour.
                                                                                                      You will also be asked to complete a written
                                                                                                      exercise lasting about 40 minutes. @AuroraER_Berlin                                                                                                                                     @AuroraER_Berlin
Aurora Analyst Graduate Programme Berlin
For more information about our services and
insights, please get in touch:
 Berlin Office                  Oxford Office               Sydney Office
 Dresdener Strasse 15           2-3 Cambridge Terrace       Suite 502, 282-290
 10999                          Oxford                      Oxford Street
 Berlin                         OX1 1TP                     Bondi Junction, Sydney
 Germany                        United Kingdom              Australia

 +49 (0) 30 1208 4969           +44 (0) 1865 952 700        +61 (0) 499 885 375 @AuroraER_Berlin
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