Student Career Opportunities - Sales Trainee Engagement Program & Cooperative Applied Skills Education

Page created by Tim Tran
Student Career Opportunities - Sales Trainee Engagement Program & Cooperative Applied Skills Education
Student Career Opportunities
Sales Trainee Engagement Program & Cooperative Applied Skills Education
Student Career Opportunities - Sales Trainee Engagement Program & Cooperative Applied Skills Education
What Does
       it Mean to
       Work at Balluff?

Casual &                         Great Location                            Have Fun While                          Strong Work
Collaborative                    Based in Northern Kentucky, Balluff
                                                                           Getting It Done                         Life Balance
Our open office layout and       is a short drive across the river to      We have a job that you are excited      Life is to be lived. We work hard in the
friendly culture help foster     Cincinnati. A big city with small         about and people you look forward to    office, but we all recognize that there
open communication and easy      town approachability, Cincinnati and      being with. Our award winning culture   needs to be time dedicated for self,
collaboration among all of our   Northern Kentucky both offer riverfront   supports year-round activities, such    family, friends and community.
employees.                       parks, museums, theatres, a thriving      as cookouts, fund raisers, holiday
                                 music scene, nightlife, the Flying Pig    celebrations, community races/walks,
                                 Marathon, Bengals football, Reds          and more.
                                 baseball and German local brewing
Student Career Opportunities - Sales Trainee Engagement Program & Cooperative Applied Skills Education

Exciting &
Fast Paced
Our customers continue to grow
                                    & Technology
                                                                           Invested in Your
                                                                           A strong mind and body are both key
                                                                                                                       a healthy

year over year across many
industries from lab automation      We support our manufacturing &
                                                                           to a successful career. Investing in a
                                                                           healthy working environment is a core
to automotive. We move quickly
to support their needs and you
                                    engineering community through
                                    educational programs around Science,
                                                                           value of Balluff. Regular yoga classes
                                                                           in our facility, Weight Watchers at work
can feel the positive energy when
discussing our value with others.
                                    Technology, Engineering & Math
                                    (STEM) and see this as an investment
                                                                           meetings and health focused lunch-
                                                                           and-learns are just a few of the ways
                                                                                                                        is a core value
                                    in our future leaders and thinkers.    we invest in our own well-being. Two
                                                                           fitness centers on our campus give
                                                                           easy access to equipment no matter
                                                                           where you work.
                                                                                                                        of Balluff.
Student Career Opportunities - Sales Trainee Engagement Program & Cooperative Applied Skills Education

The goal of the 18 month Sales
Trainee Engagement Program
                                     Do Real Work                           Training &                                 Regular Travel
(STEP) is to prepare you to be
                                     You will do real work. You will talk
                                                                            Development                                Opportunities
the most effective and successful
                                     to customers, help them with their     You will receive in depth training         You will easily gain sales experience
sales person in your assigned
                                     problems and feel really good          from technical product training            on the job as the STEP employee by
market. Working along with
                                     about it. You will see how products    to sales techniques. Courses are           supporting our mobile demonstration
your colleagues, you will collect
                                     are made, warehoused and               across a broad spectrum from               van, along with area sales managers.
an understanding of how each
                                     shipped and be amazed at what          sensor technologies and industrial         After the first year, you will begin
department succeeds. In the end
                                     our technology can do. You will        Ethernet to negotiation skills and sales   to travel into your assigned region
you will have a full understanding
                                     research our markets and you will      methodologies. In addition, a mentor,      with the goal of understanding the
of the organization, the products
                                     add real value to the organization     HR coordinator and direct supervisor       local markets and building initial
and be ready to hit your territory
                                     that will be of benefit for years.     will be assigned to help you form a        customer relationships. Also, after
                                                                            professional development plan and          one year, STEP employees are sent
                                                                            help you be successful.                    to Stuttgart Germany to visit Balluff
                                                                                                                       GmbH, our global headquarters, to
                                                                                                                       get exposure to our global culture.
Student Career Opportunities - Sales Trainee Engagement Program & Cooperative Applied Skills Education

Example 18 Month Schedule
Each STEP employee works for one quarter in key Balluff functions, performing the job of that function,
understanding the role and acquiring first-hand knowledge and hands-on education.
                                                                                                                     prepares you
Technical Support: Daily customer contact, customer applications work, service support, building product
                                                                                                                     to be the most
knowledge, email/phone support.                                                                                      effective and
Customer Service: Daily customer contact, order entry, email/phone support, stock and pricing requests.
Operations: Purchasing, material planning, production engineering, warehousing, testing and quality.
Marketing: Product data support, application marketing, technical displays construction, and market studies.         sales person
Inside Sales: Daily customer contact, lead generation, relationship building, and regular customer visits.
Area Sales Support: Daily customer contact, account planning, relationship building, and regular customer visits.
                                                                                                                     in your
Student Career Opportunities - Sales Trainee Engagement Program & Cooperative Applied Skills Education
Cooperative                                                                                        “In my coop I learned
                                                                                                           many real world skills

                                                                                                           that I can apply to
                                                                                                           future experiences. My
                                                                                                           supervisor provided a

        Skills                                                                                             list of projects, we met
                                                                                                           to discuss each project

                                                                                                           and prioritize the work.
                                                                                                           In addition, anyone is
                                                                                                           willing to help and teach
                                                                                                           and they provide a
                                                                                                           great place to work and
                                                                                                           provide you a fantastic
                                                                                                           opportunity for your
                                                                                                           ~ David Rinck 2014

                                                                                                           “Something I really
                                                                                                           learned here with my
                                                                                                           time at Balluff was
                                                                                                           professionalism. My
                                                                                                           coop helped me learn
                                                                                                           how to perform in a
                                                                                                           work environment and
The goal of our Cooperative
Applied Skills Education (CASE)
                                         Typical Programs & Positions                                      how to stay organized
program is to work with active           n Marketing Technical           n Technical Customer              with many tasks to do.”
students during their college              Displays – Demo design,         Support – Email, phone, and
education to gain real world work                                                                          ~Timmy Kramb 2013
                                           demo construction, market       application support. Build in
experience in a practical and              studies, technical product      depth product knowledge.
applied environment. In addition,          support.
the CASE program is designed to                                          n Quality Management –
                                         n Information Services –          Incoming inspection, quality
ready the students to take on full
                                           IT, computer science,           reports, and testing.
                                                                                                           “Everyone was
time roles in the Balluff organization
or across the automation industry.         databases, data analysis,                                       consistently courteous,
                                           Ethernet infrastructure, PC
In joining this program, the student
                                                                                                           respectful, honest and
learns how to become a team
player, about the manufacturing                                                                            authentic. At no time did
industry, and becomes a                                                                                    I ever feel like a burden.
contributing member in a fun and
relaxed corporate environment.                                                                             Balluff gave me a taste
                                                                                                           of what a professional
                                                                                                           environment should
                                                                                                           mimic. The positive
                                                                                                           attitudes of the
                                                                                                           employees is a
                                                                                                           testament to the
                                                                                                           exceptional team
                                                                                                           oriented atmosphere.”
                                                                                                           ~ Ryan Mulle 2014
Student Career Opportunities - Sales Trainee Engagement Program & Cooperative Applied Skills Education
What is Balluff
       Looking For?


Balluff is looking for:
n Self Starters and Drivers
  At Balluff we rely on all
                                    n Strong Communication Skills
                                      Presentation skills, phone skills
                                                                            n Engineering or Technology
                                                                              4-Year Diploma in: Electro-
                                                                                                                   “Become    a
  employees to drive the
  company to success,
                                      and solid business email etiquette
                                      are all skills we teach and require
                                                                              Mechanical, Mechatronics,
                                                                              Manufacturing, Automation,
                                                                                                                    member in a
  including you. The ability to
  pick up new topics and handle
                                      of our employees.                       Robotics, Controls, Electrical,
                                                                              Mechanical, Industrial,
                                                                                                                    fun and
                                    n High Paced Multi-tasker
  tasks with minimal direction is
  a key to success.
                                      Growth in automation is fast and
                                                                              Industrial Distribution or similar
                                      moves quickly so we must be able
n Electrical Aptitude                 to keep up. Balancing multiple        n Entry level applicants with           corporate

  Much of what we do requires         priorities successfully with hard       less than 2 years post-degree
  some basic understanding or
  aptitude toward electrical work
                                      deadlines is a normal business
                                                                              experience.                           environment.
  and terminology.
Student Career Opportunities - Sales Trainee Engagement Program & Cooperative Applied Skills Education
Rugged Control Components from Network to Sensor
Balluff specializes in delivering dependable, rugged and precision        Our products include a complete line of sensors, transducers,
products for industrial sensing, networking, and identification to help   ID systems, and connectivity products. Our sensor lines include
prevent downtime and eliminate errors. We are a complete system and       photoelectric, inductive, capacitive and magnetic, as well as other more
component supplier, offering industrial network and I/O products for      specialized sensor products to fit virtually any sensing application.
use outside of the control cabinet. We add value to automated systems
by providing a wide range of enabling technologies that unlock hidden
productivity potential.

Connect with us online!                                                   Visit us online!

Scan the QR Code to visit our social media page at:

                                                                          To see our full product offering, or to learn more about
                                                                          our award-winning culture, visit us online.
Balluff Inc.
8125 Holton Drive
Florence, KY 41042
Phone: (859) 727-2200
Toll-free: 1-800-543-8390
Fax: (859) 727-4823

Doc. no. 921417/Mat. no. 245572 EN C15
Student Career Opportunities - Sales Trainee Engagement Program & Cooperative Applied Skills Education Student Career Opportunities - Sales Trainee Engagement Program & Cooperative Applied Skills Education
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