COVID-19 (Australia): Updated Guide to ACCC Authorisations

Page created by Nicole Parsons
COVID-19 (Australia): Updated Guide to ACCC Authorisations
October 2020

                                                                       COVID-19 (Australia): Updated
                                                                       Guide to ACCC Authorisations
                                                                       Ayman Guirguis | David Howarth | Mei Gong | Connor McNamara

This publication is for informational purposes and does not contain or convey legal advice.
The information herein should not be used or relied upon in regard to any particular facts or circumstances without first consulting a lawyer.
© Copyright 2020 by K&L Gates LLP. All rights reserved.
COVID-19 (Australia): Updated Guide to ACCC Authorisations
Welcome to our updated guide to industry collaborations approved by the Australian
Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) in response to the COVID-19
pandemic. You can find additional information in our previous Insight or previous guides
(August and May), or you can contact us directly with your query.

Ayman Guirguis               David Howarth                  Mei Gong               Connor McNamara
Partner                      Special Counsel                Lawyer                 Graduate
+61 2 9513 2308              +61 2 9513 2312                +61 2 9513 2580        +61 2 9513 2433

   Industry collaborations that involve restrictions on the               All authorisations are conditional and generally include
    supply of goods or services may breach the Competition                  reporting and disclosure requirements. However, the
    and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), either automatically (if they              ACCC has largely refused to authorise coordination in
    amount to cartel conduct) or if they result in a substantial            relation to price. Where such coordination is allowed, it
    lessening of competition.                                               cannot be used in a way to disadvantage consumers.

   Where businesses need to collaborate in response to the                The ACCC is monitoring authorisations to ensure that they
    COVID-19 pandemic, they can self-assess whether the                     are operating as intended and will revoke or modify them in
    proposed arrangement would be covered by the joint                      response to a material change in circumstances.
    venture exception to cartel conduct, or they can apply to               Therefore, even successful applicants need to continue to
    the ACCC for authorisation of the proposed collaborative                demonstrate the importance of industry collaboration.
    conduct. In urgent cases, businesses can apply for an
    interim authorisation to commence the collaborative activity           We have prepared a comprehensive overview of the
    while awaiting a final determination.                                   authorisations granted to date. We hope this information
                                                                            will assist you to identify whether any operational
   As at 1 October 2020, the ACCC has issued over 25 final                 challenges your business may face could be partly
    determinations authorising competitor collaboration across              addressed by collaborative activity under an authorisation.
    a broad range of sectors, including banking and insurance;
    shopping and retail; private and public healthcare;                    It is important to remember that any activity or discussions
    medicines and pharmaceuticals; energy and resources;                    cannot be authorised retrospectively.
    telecommunications; aviation; and food processing.

                                                                           K&L Gates has represented several businesses that have
   The authorisations cover an equally broad range of                      successfully applied for authorisation and joined interim
    collaborative conduct, including competitors cooperating to             authorisations and are available to assist at short notice.
    mitigate disruptions to supply chains; providing financial
    relief and support for affected businesses and individuals;
    and sharing information to support implementation of
    government initiatives.

Authorisation                 Key Participants             Conduct                      Conditions                   Duration
Suncorp Group Limited         Suncorp, Allianz and QBE     To discuss and               Can only implement relief    31 July 2020 –
on behalf of itself and                                    collectively agree on        measures offered prior to    31 December 2020
other providers of                                         minimum relief measures      1 July 2020 and may only
insurance                                                  for policyholders, mainly    honour such measures
                                                           SMEs                         until 31 December 2020
Financial Services            FSC and its members,         To cooperate so that         •   Providing information    7 August 2020 –
Council (FSC) on behalf       including AIA, Allianz and   healthcare workers are           requested by ACCC        31 July 2021
of its Member Life            HCF                          not denied life insurance,   •   Notifying ACCC of
Insurance Companies                                        will not be charged higher       parties opting into or
                                                           premiums, and will not           out of conduct
                                                           have benefits excluded,
                                                           purely due to exposure to
Australian Banking            ABA and its members,         To coordinate financial      •   Notifying ACCC if        5 September 2020 –
Association (ABA)             including ANZ, CBA,          relief and assistance to         conduct involves third   14 August 2021
(financial relief programs)   Westpac, NAB and             customer, including              party suppliers and/or
                              Macquarie                    supporting government            agents
                                                           initiatives and ensuring     •   Notifying ACCC of any
                                                           high levels of customer          arrangement prior to
                                                           service and access to            its implementation

Authorisation          Key Participants            Conduct                      Conditions                   Duration
7-Eleven Stores Pty    Stores operated by 7-       To approach certain          •   Notifying ACCC of        20 August 2020 –
Limited                Eleven and its              franchisees and enter into       franchisees 7-Eleven     31 March 2021
                       franchisees and related     arrangements to provide          proposes to approach
                       entities                    for temporary closure or     •   Notifying ACCC of any
                                                   reduced trading hours            arrangements with
Australian Retailers   ARA and its members         To collectively bargain      •   Keeping records of all   28 August 2020 –
Association (ARA)      (mostly tenants in leased   and share information in         material meetings or     1 September 2021
                       stores within retail        relation to rent relief          communications
                       precincts)                  measures                     •   Providing ACCC with
                                                                                    any records kept and
                                                                                    other information

Authorisation              Key Participants           Conduct                       Conditions                   Duration
National Retail            Numerous associations,     •   To enable their tenant    •   Keeping records of all   28 August 2020 –
Association Limited on     including the Australian       members to discuss,           material meetings or     1 September 2021
behalf of itself and       Hotels Association,            share and information         communications
participating industry     Franchise Council of           and collectively          •   Providing ACCC with
organisations              Australia and Pharmacy         negotiate with                any records kept and
                           Guild of Australia             landlords regarding the       other information
                                                          support to be provided        requested
                                                          by tenants to landlords   •   Landlords notifying
                                                      •   To enable their               ACCC of relief
                                                          landlord members to           measures
                                                          discuss and share
                                                          information and agree
                                                          on the nature of the
                                                          relief to be offered to
                                                          certain tenants
Coles Group on behalf of   Coles, Woolworths, ALDI    To cooperate to ensure        •   Cooperation must be      25 September 2020 –
itself and participating   and Metcash                the supply and fair and           in conjunction with an   31 March 2021
supermarkets                                          equitable distribution of         Authorised Meeting
                                                      retail products to            •   ACCC must approve
                                                      consumers                         future participants

Authorisation               Key Participants           Conduct                      Conditions                  Duration
New South Wales private     Ministry of Health and     To share information and     •   Providing regular       4 September 2020 –
healthcare COVID-19         public and private         coordinate activities            updates to ACCC         30 September 2021
arrangements                healthcare operators       (including procurement)      •   Notifying ACCC of
                                                       to maximise healthcare           future participants
                                                       capacity and ensure
                                                       State-wide coordination of
                                                       healthcare services
Victorian private           Department of Health and   Substantially the same as    Substantially the same as   4 September 2020 –
healthcare COVID-19         Human Services and         above                        above.                      30 September 2021
arrangements                public and private
                            healthcare operators
Queensland private          Queensland Health and      Substantially the same as    Substantially the same as   4 September 2020 –
healthcare COVID-19         public and private         above                        above                       30 September 2021
arrangements                healthcare operators
Western Australia private   Department for Health      Substantially the same as    Substantially the same as   4 September 2020 –
healthcare COVID-19         and public and private     above                        above                       30 September 2021
arrangements                healthcare operators

Authorisation                Key Participants           Conduct                     Conditions                  Duration
South Australia private      Department for Health      Substantially the same as   Substantially the same as   4 September 2020 –
healthcare COVID-19          and Wellbeing and public   above                       above                       30 September 2021
arrangements                 and private healthcare
Tasmania private             Department of Health and   Substantially the same as   Substantially the same as   4 September 2020 –
healthcare COVID-19          public and private         above                       above                       30 September 2021
arrangements                 healthcare operators
Australian Capital           Health Directorate and     Substantially the same as   Substantially the same as   4 September 2020 –
Territory private            public and private         above                       above                       30 September 2021
healthcare COVID-19          healthcare operators
Northern Territory private   Department of Health and   Substantially the same as   Substantially the same as   4 September 2020 –
healthcare COVID-19          public and private         above                       above                       30 September 2021
arrangements                 healthcare operators

Authorisation              Key Participants         Conduct                        Conditions                    Duration
Australian Medical         AMA and participating    To collectively negotiate      •   Notifying ACCC of         17 September 2020 –
Association (NSW)          VMOs                     with private hospital              additional private        30 September 2021
Limited (AMA) – Visiting                            operators regarding the            hospitals or healthcare
Medical Officer (VMO)                               terms and conditions for           operators with which
collective bargaining in                            VMOs engaged to                    AMA intends to
response to COVID-19                                provide medical services           negotiate
                                                    to public patients in the      •   Providing regular
                                                    NSW private hospital               updates to ACCC
Private Healthcare         PHA and its members      To make arrangements           •   Notifying ACCC of         9 October 2020 –
Australia Limited (PHA)    and the Members Health   and discuss and share              proposed measures         31 March 2021
                           Fund Alliance and its    information with each          •   Providing fortnightly
                           members                  other in relation to private       reports to ACCC
                                                    health insurance               •   Providing information
                                                    coverage                           requested by ACCC
                                                                                   •   No coordination to
                                                                                       increase health
                                                                                       insurance premiums
                                                                                   •   Arrangements must
                                                                                       provide for termination
                                                                                       if conduct no longer

Authorisation              Key Participants          Conduct                     Conditions                   Duration
Medical Technology         MTAA and its members      To coordinate the supply    •   Providing fortnightly    2 October 2020 –
Association of Australia                             of medical equipment and        updates to ACCC          30 September 2021
Limited (MTAA)                                       related supplies in         •   Providing information
                                                     response to the COVID-          requested by ACCC
                                                     19 pandemic
National Pharmaceutical    NPSA and its members      To coordinate activities    •   Providing fortnightly    9 October 2020 –
Services Association       and Community Service     for the purpose of              updates to ACCC          30 September 2021
(NPSA)                     Obligation Distributors   promoting continual, fair   •   Providing information
                                                     and equitable access to         requested by ACCC
                                                     medicines and pharmacy
                                                     products during the
                                                     COVID-19 pandemic
Medicines Australia (MA)   MA and its members and    To implement a              •   Providing fortnightly    16 October 2020 –
                           the Generic and           coordinated strategy for        updates to ACCC          24 September 2021
                           Biosimilar Medicines      the supply of essential     •   Advising government
                           Association and its       medicines and related           health agencies if
                           members                   supplies during the             participants intend to
                                                     COVID-19 pandemic               coordinate in relation
                                                                                     to public tenders

Authorisation                Key Participants           Conduct                     Conditions                   Duration
Australia New Zealand        ANZIGA and its             To exchange information     •   Notifying ACCC prior     23 October 2020 –
Industrial Gas Association   members, including Air     and make arrangements           to engaging in conduct   30 September 2021
(ANZIGA)                     Liquide, BOC Limited and   required to ensure          •   Providing regular
                             Coregas                    security of supply of           updates to ACCC
                                                        medical oxygen to           •   Providing information
                                                        hospitals and similar           requested by ACCC
                                                        medical facilities in the
                                                        event of significant
                                                        demand increases or
                                                        supply constraints during
                                                        the COVID-19 pandemic

Authorisation               Key Participants          Conduct                        Conditions                    Duration
Minerals Council of         MCA and other State and   To coordinate and              •   Notifying ACCC of any     18 September 2020 –
Australia (MCA)             Territory minerals and    collaborate in response to         material arrangements     30 June 2021
                            resources councils        disruptions in the supply      •   Providing information
                                                      of certain critical services       requested by ACCC
                                                      and supplies caused by         •   Providing regular
                                                      the COVID-19 pandemic              updates to ACCC
Australian Energy Council   AEC and its members,      To share information,          •   Notifying ACCC of         23 September 2020 –
Limited (AEC)               including AGL, Aurora,    discuss and enter into             future participants       30 June 2021
                            EnergyAustralia, Origin   arrangements to provide        •   Notifying ACCC of any
                            and Snowy Hydro           financial and/or other             meetings
                                                      relief to retail energy        •   Providing monthly
                                                      customers facing financial         updates to ACCC
                                                      difficulty                     •   Arrangements must
                                                                                         provide for termination
                                                                                         if conduct no longer

Authorisation              Key Participants        Conduct                        Conditions                    Duration
Australian Institute of    AIP and its members,    To cooperate to improve        •   Reporting relevant        2 October 2020 –
Petroleum (AIP)            including BP, Caltex,   the security of supply of          meetings to ACCC          31 March 2021
                           Mobil and Viva Energy   fuel products and              •   Providing information
                                                   facilitate the efficient use       requested by ACCC
                                                   of refining and fuel           •   ACCC must approve
                                                   storage capacity                   future participants
Australian Energy Market   AEMO and gas and        To ensure the ongoing          •   Complying with            9 October 2020 –
Operator (AEMO)            electricity industry    safety, security, or               Reporting and             31 May 2021
                           participants            reliability of energy              Communications
                                                   systems, including by              Protocol
                                                   sharing information,           •   QLD, WA and NT LNG
                                                   coordinating repairs and           producers to comply
                                                   maintenance and sharing            with additional
                                                   essential inputs and               protocols
                                                   personnel                      •   Arrangements must
                                                                                      provide for termination
                                                                                      if conduct no longer
                                                                                  •   ACCC must approve
                                                                                      future participants

Authorisation              Key Participants         Conduct                       Conditions                     Duration
NBN Co Limited (NBN)       NBN, Telstra, Optus,     To discuss, agree, and        •   Complying with             2 October 2020 –
and others                 TPG, Vocus and Aussie    implement capacity                Reporting and              31 March 2021
                           Broadband                optimization strategies for       Communications
                                                    the National Broadband            Protocol
                                                    Network, solely for the       •   NBN providing retail
                                                    purpose for responding to         services providers who
                                                    changes in demand on              are not participating
                                                    the Network resulting             with any pertinent
                                                    from the COVID-19                 information about
                                                    pandemic                          measures which might
                                                                                      affect their business
Regional Express Pty Ltd   Rex, Qantas and Virgin   To coordinate flight          •   Must not set fares for     3 October 2020 –
(REX)                                               schedules to efficiently          coordinated flights that   30 June 2021
                                                    manage capacity and               are higher than
                                                    share revenue on ten              equivalent fares as at
                                                    regional air routes               1 February 2020
                                                                                  •   Providing monthly
                                                                                      updates to ACCC and
                                                                                      other reporting

Authorisation              Key Participants          Conduct*                    Conditions*                 Duration*
Ingham’s Group Ltd,        Ingham’s, Turosi,         To coordinate to minimize   •   Providing weekly        Until 31 December 2020
other chicken processors   Hazeldene’s and the       the disruption that would       reports to ACCC
and the Australian         Australian Chicken Meat   otherwise be caused to      •   Providing information
Chicken Meat Federation    Federation                chicken meat processing         requested by ACCC
                                                     and supply by the
Draft Determination –                                restrictions imposed by
Interim Authorisation                                the Victorian Government
currently in place                                   in response to the
                                                     COVID-19 pandemic


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