ERO Enterprise CMEP Practice Guide - NERC

ERO Enterprise CMEP Practice Guide - NERC
ERO Enterprise CMEP Practice Guide
Network Monitoring Sensors, Centralized Collectors, and Information
June 4, 2021

To support successful implementation and compliance with the North American Electric Reliability
Corporation (NERC) Reliability Standards, the Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) Enterprise 1 adopted
the Compliance Guidance Policy. 2 The Compliance Guidance Policy outlines the purpose, development,
use, and maintenance of guidance for implementing Reliability Standards. According to the Compliance
Guidance Policy, Compliance Guidance includes two types of guidance – (1) Implementation Guidance and
(2) Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program (CMEP) Practice Guides. 3 This document
summarizes some of the requirements in NERC Reliability Standards, but the language of the Reliability
Standards is enforceable and supersedes any description in this document.

On April 20, 2021, the Department of Energy (DOE) launched an initiative, referred to as the 100- day
plan, to enhance the cybersecurity of electric utilities’ industrial control systems (ICS) and secure the
energy sector supply chain. As part of the 100 day plan, DOE is seeking to advance technologies and
systems that will provide cyber visibility, detection, and response capabilities for ICS of electric utilities. As
stated in DOE’s press release, the initiative modernizes cybersecurity defenses and:
    •    Encourages owners and operators to implement measures or technology that enhance their
         detection, mitigation, and forensic capabilities;
    •    Includes concrete milestones over the next 100 days for owners and operators to identify and
         deploy technologies and systems that enable near real time situational awareness and response
         capabilities in critical ICS and operational technology (OT) networks;
    •    Reinforces and enhances the cybersecurity posture of critical infrastructure information
         technology networks; and
    •    Includes a voluntary industry effort to deploy technologies to increase visibility of threats in ICS
         and OT systems.

1 The ERO Enterprise consists of NERC and the six Regional Entities.
2 The ERO Enterprise Compliance Guidance Policy is located on the NERC website at:
3 Implementation Guidance provides a means for registered entities to develop examples or approaches to illustrate how registered entities

could comply with a standard that are vetted by industry and endorsed by the ERO Enterprise. CMEP Practice Guides differ from
Implementation Guidance in that they address how ERO Enterprise CMEP staff executes compliance monitoring and enforcement activities,
rather than examples of how to implement the standard.

                                                                      RELIABILITY | RESILIENCE | SECURITY
ERO Enterprise CMEP Practice Guide - NERC
As the ERO anticipates increased deployment of the technologies encouraged in the 100-day plan in
environments subject to the CIP standards, the ERO identified a need to provide additional clarity and
ensure a common approach to auditing compliance with the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
Reliability Standards when a registered entity deploys detection and monitoring technologies that include,
for instance, network monitoring sensors and centralized data collectors, and may involve the sharing of
collected data. The purpose of this CMEP Practice Guide is to provide guidance to ERO Enterprise CMEP
staff (CMEP staff) during the review and compliance assessment of a registered entity’s network
monitoring systems and information sharing practices.

During a compliance monitoring engagement, entity-specific facts and circumstances are to be considered
by CMEP staff when assessing risks and compliance determinations. Risk information can be used to
inform CMEP staff’s understanding of a registered entity (i.e., Compliance Oversight Plan, audit approach,
etc.). Compliance determinations are to be made in light of specific facts and circumstances of the
individual registered entities and the language of the requirements.

In assessing the application of the CIP Standards to many network monitoring solutions, there are two
central issues that CMEP staff shall consider:
    1. Protection of the Device (Sensor):
        a. Applicability question: Whether the deployment of the sensor in a registered entity’s
           environment triggers the application of certain CIP requirements.
        b. If yes, whether the Registered Entity identified which requirements apply and determined how
           it plans to protect that device consistent with those requirements.
    2. Protection of the Data
        a. Applicability question: Whether the type of data being collected by and transmitted to a third-
           party (e.g., managed service provider (MSP)) triggers the need to protect that data and the
           Cyber Assets that process/store that data under the CIP standards.
        b. If yes, whether the Registered Entity identified which requirements apply and how it plans to
           protect and securely handle the data and the Cyber Assets that process/store that data
           consistent with those requirements.

Protection of the Cyber Asset(s)
The CIP standards require registered entities to protect Bulk Electric System (BES) Cyber Systems and
certain associated Cyber Assets. The initial step in understanding the manner in which the CIP standards
apply to network monitoring deployments is to determine whether the sensor to be deployed is a Cyber
Asset, BES Cyber Asset, and then a BES Cyber System or other type of Cyber Asset subject to requirements
of the CIP standards, such as a Protected Cyber Asset (PCA) or Electronic Access Control or Monitoring
System (EACMS). As explained below, whether and the extent to which the sensor is itself subject to CIP
requirements depends on which environments it will be deployed, the manner in which it is deployed in
those environments, and the function(s) it performs in those environments. For instances where the

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registered entity may not own the sensors and/or monitoring device(s), the registered entity is still
responsible to demonstrate compliance based on function, location, and manner it is deployed. CMEP
staff will consider these factors in assessing a registered entity’s application of the CIP standards.

Categorization of Sensor(s)
       •   Could the sensor be a BES Cyber Asset? CMEP staff shall assess the sensor to determine if it meets
           the BES Cyber Asset categorization. Typically, based on the function it is performing, the sensor is
           unlikely to meet the definition of a BES Cyber System. However, CMEP staff should assess the
           registered entity’s CIP-002 categorization process to ensure that the sensor would not meet the
           definition of BES Cyber System 4.
       •   Is the sensor another type of device subject to CIP requirements? This depends on the environment
           in which it is deployed, the manner in which it is deployed in those environments, and its function(s).
               The initial questions CMEP staff must consider is whether the sensor will be deployed in an
                environment that contains high, medium, or low impact BES Cyber Systems (as determined in
                accordance with Attachment 1 to CIP-002 for the impact level criteria).
               If the sensor is being deployed in High or Medium Impact Environments:
                o If the sensor is connected using a routable protocol within or on an Electronic Security
                  Perimeter (ESP), CMEP staff should assess whether it should be categorized as a Protected
                  Cyber Asset (PCA), as that term is defined in the NERC Glossary, and the requirements
                  associated with the particular impact level would apply.
                o If the sensor performs certain electronic access and/or access monitoring activity, CMEP
                  staff should assess it as possibly an Electronic Access Control or Monitoring System
                  (EACMS) and be subject to the requirements associated with the particular impact level.
                     - CMEP staff would need to better understand the functions performed by the sensor to
                       assess whether it would be an EACMS.
                     - If, for instance, the sensor is used to passively collect traffic from a configured SPAN or
                       Mirror port on a managed switch, within or on the ESP, and then transmit the collected
                       data to a centralized data collector for further analysis in order to comply with CIP-005-
                       6, CIP-007-6, or CIP-010-3, it may qualify as an EACMS. However, location within the
                       ESP would also require PCA classification and require all PCA protections as set forth in
                       the CIP Requirements.
                o If the sensor is being deployed in an environment with high or medium impact BES Cyber
                  Systems but would not be located within, or on, an ESP, CMEP staff should assess the
                  sensor for EACMS applicability.
                o Note that if the sensor is located outside an ESP but communicates with BES Cyber Systems
                  or other devices within an ESP, CMEP staff should assess the registered entity’s CIP


Network Monitoring Sensors, Centralized Collectors, and Information Sharing                                      3
applicability evaluation and whether the registered entity applied any required protections
                  applicable to that communication. If, however, the sensor management interface is outside
                  the ESP and the SPAN port is connected to a switch within the ESP, the Sensor is not
                  communicating with BES Cyber Systems or other devices within an ESP, possibly exempting
                  it from applying protections other than those required for designated storage locations for
            Low Impact Environments
             o If the sensor is deployed in an environment with only low impact BES Cyber Systems, the
               sensor may be performing the functions of an EACMS, or other category of device subject to
               the CIP standards; however, CMEP staff should assess whether these devices are subject to
               CIP-003. Those categories of devices are not categories of assets applicable to requirements
               for low impact assets. Under this scenario, registered entities would not have to apply
               protections to the device itself, although they may still be responsible for complying with the
               electronic access control requirements applicable to assets containing low impact BES Cyber
               Systems and data protection requirements, discussed below.

    If the sensor would be deployed in, or on, an ESP that contains high and medium impact BES Cyber
    Systems, the sensor would be a PCA or an EACMS, the remaining paragraphs are an initial identification
    of requirements that CMEP staff will assess. Reference Figure 1 provides several examples of how the
    sensors and/or data collectors may be deployed. There may be other deployment options, but these
    are the typical installations.

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Managed Service Provider Sample Diagram: Combination with Management outside ESP

                                                                                            Sensor Data Collector (Assess for EACMS)

                                              Managed Service Provider

                                                                         Sensor Data Collector
                                                                           (Assess for BCSI
                                                                         Repository or EACMS)

            Sensor Data Collector (Assess for PCA)

              Sensor Data Collector (Assess for PCA)                        Sensor Data Collector

Application of Electronic Access Control R equirem ents
    •   If the sensor is a low impact BES Cyber Asset, CMEP staff should assess whether CIP-003 electronic
        access control requirements have been applied if there is routable protocol entering or leaving the
        asset containing the low impact BES Cyber System(s).

    •   For high and medium BES Cyber Systems and their associated PCAs and EACMS, CMEP staff should
        assess the CIP-004 access controls, which require an access management program that includes
        authorizations, training, and background checks. In addition, CMEP staff should assess the CIP-004
        authorization requirements for BCSI designated storage locations.

    •   In instances where the registered entity is deploying the sensor to an asset that contains high or
        medium impact rating BES Cyber Systems, CMEP staff should assess whether the registered entity
        identified those individuals/organizations that will have access to the sensor and the manner in
        which the registered entity will incorporate them into their access control processes.

    •   If the registered entity uses a MSP or other type of vendor for its deployment, CMEP staff should
        confirm whether any of those third-party personnel have electronic access to the on premise
        equipment associated with the deployment. If third-party personnel do not have electronic access

Network Monitoring Sensors, Centralized Collectors, and Information Sharing                                                            5
to the on premise equipment, CMEP staff should verify the existing CIP-003 and CIP-004 policies
        and procedures to the equipment for which the registered entity personnel have access. If third-
        party personnel do have electronic access, CMEP staff should verify if those personnel were
        included in the registered entity’s existing access management and revocation policies and

Application of Electronic Security Perimeter R equirements
    •   For instances where the registered entity deploys the sensor within an environment that is subject
        to CIP-005, CMEP staff should determine if the registered entity implemented controls to
        demonstrate compliance related to ESPs and Interactive Remote Access (IRA). The evaluation must
        be done for the sensor and its placement within, or on, the ESP.

    •   To understand the application of these requirements, CMEP staff should assess whether the
        registered entity identified and documented the inbound and outbound access permissions and
        reason for granting access.

    •   If the sensor is classified as a high or medium impact BES Cyber System, or associated PCA, CMEP
        staff should assess if the registered entity identified who will have IRA to the sensor, within the ESP,
        and security controls around that access. CIP-005 requires all IRA to be routed through an
        Intermediate System. CMEP staff should assess the vendor remote access session data flow
        (including IRA and system- to-system remote access), including associated ports and services.

    •   If the registered entity uses an MSP or other type of vendor for its deployment, CMEP staff should
        confirm whether any of those third-party personnel, or vendors, have remote access (IRA or
        system-to-system) to the on-premises equipment associated with the deployment.

Application of System Security M anagem ent R equirements
    •   CMEP staff should determine how the registered entity complies with CIP-007, which includes
        system security management requirements applicable to high and medium impact BES Cyber
        Systems, and their associated PCAs and EACMS (e.g., disabling ports; applying security patches;
        malicious code prevention; security event monitoring; and system access controls).
    •   CMEP staff should assess whether the registered entity included the network monitoring solution in
        its current security patch management program. In addition, CMEP staff would need to understand
        the patch source for the sensor, plans for implementing patches, and the registered entity’s process
        for implementing mitigating activities for instances where patches cannot be installed.

Change M anagem ent and Vulnerability Assessments
    •   CMEP staff should assess the registered entity’s CIP-010 controls. CIP-010 requires registered
        entities to conduct vulnerability assessments and have a change management process for high and
        medium impact BES Cyber Systems and associated PCAs and EACMS. This includes establishing a
        baseline, verifying the baseline, documenting changes to the baseline and monitoring for changes

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to the baseline. CMEP staff should determine how the network monitoring systems are compliant
        with those requirements, if applicable.
    •   CMEP staff is responsible for assessing compliance and the registered entity is expected to
        demonstrate how it complies with these requirements for the deployment within their specific
        environments. Specifically, CMEP staff should understand how the registered entity would maintain
        the baseline and verify that cyber security controls were not adversely affected following changes.
        In most cases, registered entities could apply their existing controls to the deployed technology,
        ensuring that they maintain the baseline and that CIP-005 and CIP-007 controls are not adversely

Supply Chain R isk M anagement
    •   CMEP staff should assess CIP-013 and the required registered entities’ controls to mitigate cyber
        security risks to the reliable operation of the BES by implementing security controls for supply chain
        risk management of BES Cyber Systems. This includes initial procurement and continuing support
        contracts that address the processes used in procuring, installing, and supporting the Cyber Assets
        deployed within a registered entity’s specific environments.
    •   CMEP staff should assess how the registered entity complies with these requirements and how the
        registered entity implemented its supply chain cyber security risk management plan specified in CIP-
        013. In most cases, registered entities could apply their existing controls showing correspondence,
        policy documents, or working documents that demonstrate inclusion of the vendor into the CIP-013

Protection of Data
Under the CIP standards, registered entities must apply controls to protect BES Cyber System Information
(BCSI), which is defined as:

        Information about the BES Cyber System that could be used to gain unauthorized access or
        pose a security threat to the BES Cyber System. BES Cyber System Information does not
        include individual pieces of information that by themselves do not pose a threat or could not
        be used to allow unauthorized access to BES Cyber Systems, such as, but not limited to, device
        names, individual IP addresses without context, ESP names, or policy statements. Examples
        of BES Cyber System Information may include, but are not limited to, security procedures or
        security information about BES Cyber Systems, Physical Access Control Systems, and
        Electronic Access Control or Monitoring Systems that is not publicly available and could be

Network Monitoring Sensors, Centralized Collectors, and Information Sharing                                 7
used to allow unauthorized access or unauthorized distribution; collections of network
         addresses; and network topology of the BES Cyber System.

CMEP staff should assess how the registered entity determined whether the data collected by the sensors
and/or the centralized data collector includes BCSI, and whether the data would be transmitted to third

If the sensor captures BCSI, CMEP staff would need to assess the following standards applicable to BCSI:
    •    CIP-004 Requirement R4 Part 4.1 – requires registered entities to have a process in place to
         authorize, based on need, access to designated storage locations, whether physical or electronic,
         for BES Cyber System Information.5
    •    CIP-011 Requirement R1 Part 1.2 – requires registered entities to have a process for identifying BCSI,
         protecting, and securely handling BCSI, including storage, transit, and use. The process should
         include how the registered entity addresses providing BCSI to third party vendors or other
         recipients. Depending on the implementation, CMEP staff should verify that the third-party vendor
         has also applied the necessary protections to the devices that contain BCSI.

In some implementations, the registered entity may anonymize data to send to third-party vendors. For
instance, some of network monitoring solutions strip the data of all identifying information and potentially
sensitive information such as host IP addresses, MAC addresses, and hostnames. In those instances, CMEP
staff should obtain reasonable assurance that the BCSI requirements may not apply to the transmission of
data to the third party. CMEP staff should ask the registered entity to provide documented processes,
demonstrating how the data is anonymized and specify what data is actually transmitted to the third party.

In assessing a registered entity’s network monitoring deployment, CMEP staff should consider the specific
facts and circumstances for each aspect of the deployment. For example, CMEP staff should assess the
registered entity’s deployment of the network monitoring sensors, the centralized data collector, and
data protection to include how, or when, data is shared with third parties. During a review, CMEP staff
should assess the protection of the devices as well as the protection of the data.

The NERC Reliability Standards covered in this Practice Guide establish a set of controls for protecting
network monitoring deployments and BCSI information. During compliance monitoring engagements,
CMEP staff must understand how each of the registered entity’s various CIP programs are applied such as
policies, procedures, access controls, training and periodic reviews with the ultimate goal of preventing
unauthorized access to these Cyber Assets as well as any associated BCSI.

5The ERO Enterprise released a Practice Guide to assess a registered entity’s access controls specifically to the data, not necessarily the
storage locations. NERC compliance monitoring staff will assess the facts and circumstances of who has the ability to both obtain and use the
BCSI to uphold the principles of confidentiality and integrity, which may be accomplished by controlling access to the data.

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Revision History

  Revision # Revision Date Revision Details
  V0.1       June 4, 2021  Initial Draft

Network Monitoring Sensors, Centralized Collectors, and Information Sharing   9
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